Before I start this week’s preview – please everyone take a moment to remember the victims of the 9/11 attacks. Never take for granted the freedoms that we have and know there are people in this world that hate us for it. When you put things in perspective, for 3 months in the summer, we root for & against people playing a game – so if you have any hate in your body – direct it at the people who want to take that freedom away from us.

OK, now on to this new, err, old week of Big Brother 16. Julie surprised the house (kind of) when she announced that the week would be played all over again & no one was going home last night. Victoria was convinced she was walking the plank for her date with Julie. But that has been put on hold for a week, and she has the ability to do things a little differently with 2 more chances to save herself in the game.
The fake hate between Victoria & Derrick now has to last 5 more days. Victoria has been good at making the other 3 guys think she is really hurt & betrayed by Derrick, but all it will take is Cody, Caleb, or Frankie to catch them having one of their conversations and that could blow up both of their games. For someone who has been so careful with every move he has made all summer, this could spell danger for Derrick.
The Big Brother Houseguests (minus Derrick – outgoing HoH again) – went outside at the end of the live show to replay the Seed Saw competition. Last week Frankie & Caleb were neck & neck for most of the challenge. This week Caleb eeked out a win & that is his 4th HoH of the summer.
Everyone thinks Frankie is a competition beast – but Caleb is right behind him. If you look at it like this – Frankie has been HoH 5 times but only got out 2 people. Caleb as HoH will get rid of his 4th HG this week. He has the most blood on his hands, and if he can bring that argument up to the jury – he may be able to secure some votes and possibly win this game. There is still a lot (well, a little) game left to play. Now more than ever – Caleb has to be very careful how he plays this week out since he will not be able to play for HoH next week & has a 66% chance of being on the block come next Wednesday.
Caleb is faced with 3 options on who to put up this week. Obviously as the loyal member of the Bomb Squad, his initial target this week is Victoria. But who does he put up next to her? Does he keep things the same and put Cody back up? Does he do what no one else has done this season and put up Derrick? Or does he take the first shot at Frankie?
After Cody was on the block all week – I do not think Caleb will put him back up. So that brings us down to 2 options. Well, in the season of safe moves, I think he will put Derrick up & give Frankie a false sense of security. His logic will be, if Frankie is nominated, that will fire him up and make him fight for the Veto that much harder. Since Frankie already won the Veto last week – he’s the odds on favorite to win again. No need for Caleb to have Frankie upset at him again this late in the game, so if he does does not have to, he wont. BUT…. if anyone else wins Veto – I think Frankie will be the renom & will be sent packing on Tuesday (the actual live eviction will probably be taped on Monday night, so they can play the next HoH & Veto before the live Wednesday night episode).
Now, if Derrick is finally on the block he should be completely safe, but Cody & Derrick look at this as a sign of betrayal by Caleb. I do not think it is, but they have been locked up for 80+ days and even the sharpest tool in the toolbox Derrick is showing signs of wear & tear. They have been pushing Caleb since he won to put up Frankie. Since the next 2 Vetos are actually more important than HoH – because you have safety & a vote – they should worry more about trying to win the Veto than who the initial nominees are. Plus Caleb does have a vote if it is a tie, so no need to get upset at him when they may need hisvote in case anything strange happens.
All of those scenarios aside, this week will probably play out like last week was supposed to – Frankie will win the Veto again, and Victoria will go to jury. Derrick, I think, has overplayed his hand finally with the whole Victoria betrayal. As we saw last night the Jury has figured out that Derrick is the head of the snake, but they are impressed on how he’s played all of them. If they catch wind that him & Vic came up with a plan to dupe the rest of the house, I am not sure they will see that as a good move – and could turn their votes another way.
The longest summer ever, I mean, the most twisted summer ever is coming to an end soon – and we will be left for 9 months waiting & complaining how much we miss Big Brother. Remember, Bad Big Brother is still better than No Big Brother. While I do not think this season has been bad – it has been predictable. But thanks to the men & women of the US Military, we are able to enjoy this and many other freedoms.
I will be in Arkansas for the Bacon Bowl with Spencer from BB15 – come join us 9/13 in Bentonville –
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Do you think it’s even possible that if Derrick goes up and Frankie wins veto that they could send Derrick home over Victoria? I know he pretty much controls everyone but I heard Cody was annoyed that Derrick hadn’t been nominated yet. Maybe they will get annoyed about something he does within the coming days?
I see no possible way that Cody flips and votes out Derrick. Frankie possibly could, but I don’t see Cody doing it. If it came down to Caleb to make the tie-breaker, I think he sends Victoria packing. Caleb is one of the most loyal players in this show’s history. He’s so set on getting “the alliance he created” to the Final 4. And, I think he’s a lot closer with Derrick and Cody than he is with Frankie.
Derrick would have to royally screw up to get evicted this week.
Nothing will be any different! They are all so dumb except Derrick. If Cab was smart he would put up Cody and Derrick and hope that Frankie wins Power of Veto that would grantee him a spot in the finale two! But Nothing different will happen he will put up Victoria and Cody or Frankie BORING!!!!!!!!!
Derrick and Victoria will most likely fake make-up now.
Last night on BBAD she said “I finally got my period, this will be easy now”.
So, does this mean now that officially The Beast Mode Cowboy has 6 Comp wins and Frankie is now back to 7 Comp wins ??? Ha !!!
It would be funny if Caleb nominated both Derrick and Frankie and see which one survives … It would be fitting as they both were within 23 seconds of the POV ….
It would also ensure that we see Derrick really truly fighting for his BB Life, and see how much of a strong competitor that he really is …
So, also interesting to watch the Jury House last night, and them giving credit to Derrick as the mastermind to alot of their BB evictions, even though he was not the one in power … Hmm …
As for Victoria, now that she knows what to expect in the POV comp, I suspect that she would be the one to show the greatest improvement … can’t really do any worse than the last time .. Ha !!!
I was very pleased that they all realized Derrick was pulling the strings. I thought for sure they would be too dumb to see it and that would be the reason Derrick took 2nd place. I’m confident now if Derrick is in the Final 2, he’s winning.
Good post. But I think Derrick has a good chance of winning the Veto over Frankie. Keep in mind that as a cop he studies mug shots and composite drawings of crooks each and every day, so he is likely a natural at winning this upcoming comp based on facial recognition. He came close to winning last time it was played, don’t remember if this is the one he threw or not.
I agree but Frankie could actually pull this off if it is the same pictures. Then again, Derrick was only 23 seconds behind Frankie and this twist has obviously has had an affect on Frankie.
He claims so often that he throws comps that it’s hard to tell whether he actually throws half of them or not.
I don’t think mug shots are going to give him an advantage here; different set of skills.
He actually claimed that he was out to win this last POV, however … though, glad that he had not, as a result of the Rewind Twist, in the end …
I agree I think he can win it. He was only 23 seconds behind Frankie. And he’s been looking at every angle and feature of the house guests on the wall.
Worse case scenario for Derrick on Tuesday would be if he was on the Block with Victoria …
Imagine, Victoria, in her final shot of staying alive in BB16, by throwing Derrick under the bus, with this whole fake fight thing and exposing all of Derrick’s game …
Now, that would be fun to watch …. afterall, he has been the Robin to her Batman … Ha !!!
He said Caleb can’t play in the HOH next week… Wouldn’t that be final 4? I thought all HGs got to play in the final 4 HOH regardless?
Nope, just F3 ..
Which is kinda why this scenar would favour Frankie more with the Twist .. lose HOH but win POV, then win either HOH/POV in F4 … All the power goes to winner of POV in F4 as, he/she is the only HG left not on the block … HOH in F4 just secures safety from eviction …
Nice opening paragraph, Adam. Thanks for putting it in perspective.
That said, let’s hope for a Veto win by Derrick or Cody.
It would be so fun, yet shocking to see Victoria winning the POV …. Ha !!! That way, only blood on the hands would be that of Caleb .. Ha !!!!
The real perspective, if you are not brainwashed by the mainstream media, is that 911 was an inside job committed and endorsed by your own government. Check out building seven that fell at freefall speed and wasn’t even hit by a plane. You americans and blind and stupid to the facts around you. Therefore I direct my hate at your government.
And you’re an effing idiot!
Go away you moron troll.
For Derrick and Cody’s game, if Frankie is not on the block and he wins veto he can take down Victoria and Derrick would go home. If he is on the block he can only save himself. Caleb says he’ll put up Frankie, but he’s having second thoughts… the noms are going on right now and I am hoping it’s Frankie on the block as he needs to go as he has worn out his welcome.