Are you ready to meet the Big Brother 16 cast of HouseGuests? I am! CBS has awesomely offered me the chance to head to Los Angeles and sit down with this season’s cast days before they’re revealed to the public for a series of cast interviews that I’ll soon be able to deliver to you.

In just a few short weeks you’ll be meeting all the new season’s HouseGuests and making your early picks and predictions for who will do well and who could be your “love to hate” villain of the season! But in the meantime I could use your help getting ready.
This season I’m aiming for more concise, to the point interviews with the really important questions you want to hear answered. To make that happen I want to know what you want to hear the Big Brother cast discuss. Tell me what you would ask the HGs if you were sitting across from them.
Update: Awesome suggestion. What would be on your “list of demands” for this season’s HGs?
I’ll compile the very best submissions, mix them together, and get the answers to the topics you want addressed. But to get there is the next step where I really need your help.
Flying across the country, getting a car and hotel room in LA, and then racing back home to crank these videos out in 48-hours ain’t cheap. I have never asked for donations and I do not plan to do so. Instead you can directly support our site and our Big Brother coverage efforts at no cost to you by signing up for the Big Brother Live Feeds free trial through our links and banners. CBS gives us a referral commission for every subscriber that joins through our site. That helps the “little guy”!
It costs absolutely nothing for you to use our links, all sign-ups either here or at CBS’s site cost the exact same amount. By using our links to get your Early Bird or in-season subscription started you fuel my work and all our efforts here on the site. Thank you for doing that. It really does help and I truly appreciate it.
So let’s do this! Step 1) Share your question ideas & Step 2) Sign-up for the Live Feed Free Trial.
Thanks again and I can’t wait to share the new Big Brother 16 cast with you!
As a reminder of my past Big Brother interviews, here’s a compilation video from last season featuring a behind-the-scenes look at a day in my life meeting all of the HouseGuests:
What do you think you’ll miss most going into the house, and why?
What will be the first thing you do when you get out?
What will be the first thing you buy with the money if you win?
All very revealing questions that can tell you alot about a houseguest :)
Great suggestions. Thank you for sharing. Keep them coming!
What kind of people you are NOT looking forward to meet?
Will you be seen as a threat when you enter the house?
If so, how will you reduce this perception?
Did you watch BB Canada this year?
Are you going to play your OWN game? Will you vote with the house? When things don’t add up will you remember that America is playing the game?
What kinds of people are threats to you?
How will you play the first week?
Will you try for the first HoH?
What twist are you most afraid of?
I have another idea! We all constantly struggle to figure out exactly this and that when finding out who has POV, who’s on Slop, etc. Ask someone to promise to tell the cams all the little details!
I was definitely thinking of asking them that. Trouble might be whether or not the HGs know when the Feeds are back on. Ian usually did a very good job of summarizing things for Feedsters, so maybe they do have a way of knowing when the Feeds return.
I think this is a great question! Another variation on this would be to ask/tell them to not be afraid to talk to the cameras and tell us their strategy/what they are really thinking in those rare moments when they are alone (like if they are up early or late, etc.) I know players have done this in the past (Dan BB14 comes to mind right away and I’m sure others as well) It is always interesting to hear this sort of stuff.
There’s a secret alliance ready to run you out of the house…what are you gonna do about it?
How will take being nominated for the first time?
Would you be willing to backdoor your close ally to get ahead in the game?
Are you a good liar?
What would make you uncomfortable in the house?
Are you really ready for the “unexpected” in the Big Brother house?
Will you throw a comp.or win everything you can?
show-mance or bro-mance? examples jeff./Jordan or Dan/Memphis
You’re a have-not and on slop because another player blew the comp..
Jump into an alliance as soon as you can or wait awhile?
You win HOH,do you nominate weak players or strong players?
The feeds show everything from your open mouth smacking to you picking your nose. It isnt closed circut, we see IT ALL, hear IT ALL… Last year, HG were misguided in this fact, are you fully aware that your every move, every snore, every picking your underwear outta your butt is on camera and the feedsters DO see it and DO screencap it?
If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be?
Would you try to ally yourself with any returning players, or would you want to get them out immediately?
Will you base your strategy on what has worked for past HGs or try something new?
Would you have a showmance with someone of the same sex to further your game?
Or, if the person is gay….would you have a showmance with someone of the opposite sex to further your game?
What are you going to bring to the house that you feel no one else will?
Great question!
Which former BB player’s strategy would you say is closest to yours?
How long have you been a BB fan?
Are you willing to get blood on your hands or would you rather stay under the radar?
Would you stab one of your alliance members in the back?
Would you play both sides of the house assuming that the house divides?
Will you throw the first HOH competition?
Ask them if they know what being backdoored means (as it pertains to BB of course) and if they don’t, fill them in on the correct definition. I know it drives feed watchers nuts (myself included) to hear HG’s misuse that term repeatedly/to think this happened to them when it really didn’t.
Will you make alliance’s or wait for offers?
Will you be America’s favorite or a villian
Which competions do you think you will be best at?
Would you be willing to work with someone who has been your worst enemy the entire season? (Sort of like an Aaryn/Elissa situation, knew a lot of people I discussed BB with wanted that)
Give them certain situations that could happen in the house, and make them answer what they would do in that situation. (Ex. “You’re in a 3-person tight alliance and you are all being targeted. 2 of you are intially put on the block, but one wins POV. What do you do/say to the HOH to convince them not to put up your third ally?”)
Don’t straight up ask them if they’ll be a villian or a hero, because most of the time they lie. Try to find a way for them to reveal that through all their answers without them realizing it.
how far would you go to win?
would you try an make a girls alliance? (for girls obviously)
are you afraid to make big moves?
Favorite bb hg & who do you want to play like?
Are you willing to stay awake during the day and not stay in bed during daylight hours? Are you willing to sneak around and try and listen in on other hg’s convos to see what they are saying behind others backs? Are you willing to stir the pot and make up lies in order to create chaos in the house? Are you willing to be the type of houseguest who is not afraid to get their hands dirty and just create drama instead of being a wall flower? Are you willing to go into the BB house and complete in competitions and try to win instead of throwing them.
Are you willing to call out people who you don’t like or do you think it’s best to stay away from fighting?
That’s a good one. Might help us see if they expect being an abrasive HG as advantageous (“take me to F2, no one will vote for me”).
“As I’m sure you know, the viewers will vote for their favorite houseguest towards the end of the season to win a cash prize of $25,000. Will you keep this in mind and actively compete for the hearts of America throughout the season?”