Will Big Brother 16 Be An All-Stars Season?

Will Big Brother 16 be an All-Stars season? We’re hearing that question and discussion a lot from readers this year just like we do every off-season, so let’s discuss.

Big Brother All-Stars
Big Brother All-Stars – Source: CBS

This rumor exists every year whether or not there’s any reason for it to be out there. It starts up in late September and fizzles with the announcement of the new Big Brother cast. There’s never a source but hardly anyone passing it along seems to mind. So is that what’s going on again?

Way back in October we saw the first signs of Big Brother 16 applications opening up. Big Brother casting director Robyn Kass said then that Kassting Inc would be announcing casting call events in the Spring of 2014.

Recently she’s renewed that commitment with promises of mid-March audition events announcements and even released a “Top Tips for applying to Big Brother.” If there was going to be an All-Stars season for BB16 then this would be an awful lot of smoke screening just to keep us surprised. Now Robyn is saying they’re ready to start casting!

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Getting ready to start our search for this summers #BB16 houseguests! Apply on line bigbrothercasting.tv #noregrets

— Robyn Kass (@Kassting) February 10, 2014

So could this year be another All-Stars? Sure, it’s possible, but no, I don’t think it will be. From what I’ve heard in the past things remain uncertain for a long ways in to the preseason as production considers all their options. They’ll review ideas and potential cast options, twists, themes, etc. in search of the very best path to take which means nothing is likely decided at this point.

With that in mind, I do not believe BB16 has already been set in stone as the second All-Stars as the rumor suggests it to be. Now we just have to hope for an awesome bunch of applicants to keep up our chances of an all-new cast!

If you’re thinking of applying then DO IT! This could be your season. If this guy could win Big Brother and a half-million dollars then you could too! Best of luck!

Now if Big Brother 16 did turn out to be an All-Stars then who should be a HG? Here are a few great options, considering only HGs since the original All-Stars season.

click images to see full-size

Here’s another reason I doubt we’ll see another Big Brother All-Stars season anytime soon: nearly half of these great players have already returned to the game since their first appearance! Production emptied the well over the past few seasons with all the retreads and I don’t think anyone really wants re-retreads, do they?

Now share your list of who should be the cast of Big Brother All-Stars 2!

Update: Robyn Kass is reminding folks not to believe everything they read from the rumor mill, again supporting our “no BB16 All-Stars” stance.

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Ok people…. calm down… step away from the #BB16 rumor mill…. slowly back up. Nothing to see here….. deep breaths…. ;)

— Robyn Kass (@Kassting) February 12, 2014



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  1. Number 1 Britney would never do it due to her daughters health problems, Number 2 Dan said he is done with BB

  2. How about a cast made up of all Asian, Hispanic, and African-American former houseguests, and Aaryn from last year? But seriously, the only person from last year I wouldn’t mind seeing again would be Judd. Everybody else was awful.

    • Judd got a 2nd chance in the same season…couldn’t win with 2 chances…not like Gary in BBCAN…he came back and should’ve won if it were not for good ole Topaz…

  3. I would like to see a Big Brother group of all ages, not just young people. Have 3 people in their twenty’s, 3 people in their thirty’s, 3 people in their forty’s, 3 people in their fifty’s and 3 people in their sixty’s. they could teach each other a thing or two.

    • they tried that and the 20 somethings quickly banded together to get rid of what they determined were not the “beautiful people”

  4. Evel Dick said he will never do BB unless Dr. Will will play in the same season. Also, he refuses to have Daniele on the same season.

  5. Based on who deserves another shot and who is definitely returning for another shot, my list is:

      • If you pay close attention, you will notice that Eric is actually good at getting people to do things his way. The only reason he lost is because America voted him to keep Dick and Daniele in the house. Otherwise, he would have easily taken them down. We never got to know the “real Eric” after all. Still don’t like it, this is my opinion.

    • From bb8
      sheila (redmsion)

      april was a great compador,
      Michelle was strong women
      renny fun and smart
      kesha is same for aprill
      dan case soo smart
      kevin nedded another chance and michelle case she a great liar and jorden and jeff very good good popular people
      annie case she was to emosinal she needs another chance enzo case his social skills lane case he lost by 1 vote

      All 4 them fearce compatior and there all just needs another chance
      they all made same mistake they all trusted to many people
      aaryn case she derserves another chance same with gm and candice the house was hard on her.
      elissa just see how she play with her sister helen case she smart player amanda she smart player like helen

  6. I’d like to see a cast of all 1st evicted HG’s! They never had a chance to play! Or maybe all backdoored HG’s!

  7. No returning houseguests that have been on two or more seasons and no previous winners. There are plenty of other entertaining past houseguests to choose from.

  8. Please make this an ALL NEW group of HG’s, I am sick to death of every year seeing the same people like Rachael / Brendon, Janelle and Howie, Mike Boogie and Dr. Will and for the love of all that is holy if I never see Mcranda again it will be too soon, I could never be a HG as I would go to jail for bitch slapping someone like Amanda, Aaryn or Gina-Marie, and I do not care if they get their collective panties in a twist, I would like to see just one season with no fire alarm setting gays or effeminate little pansies or steroid freaks like Jessie Goddard, don’t have to worry about him as he is part of TNA wrestling now ( and that show is in the toilet)

  9. Good vs Evil (Season 8-15) would be a fantastic Allstars. Also Jeff WITHOUT Jordon. I’d like to see him play without her. Jeff, Frank, Hayden, Ragan, Meow-Meow, Memphis, Ian. Vs Boogie/Will, Amanda, Janelle, Dick, Natalie, Rachael. But if you said only one timers…Frank, Hayden, Ragan, Meow-Meow, Memphis, Ian, Shane, Porsche vs Dick, Natalie, Amanda, Jen, Ronnie, Russell, Shelly. But your could do a FANTASTIC season out of all time Good vs Evil. Good: Roddy, Jeff, Frank, Howie, Ragan, Hayden, Dan, Ian. Vs Evil: Will/Boogie, Danielle, Dick, Janelle, Allison, Rachael, Natalie, Jessie

    • This is the funniest post I have read, you think that janelle and jessie are evil and regan and frank are good, hahaha, thanks for the laugh.

  10. My All Stars List (BB8-15)

    Eric (BB8)
    Jen (BB8)
    James (BB9) <–We need somebody from S9
    Libra (BB10) <–Underrated
    Keesha (BB10)
    Kevin (BB11)
    Michele (BB11)
    Russell (BB11)
    Matt (BB12)
    Hayden (BB12)
    Kalia (BB13)
    Frank (BB14)
    Ian (BB14)
    Amanda (BB15)
    Helen (BB15)
    Elissa (BB15)

  11. Essentially, i will probably be completely alone, but i would love to see McCrae and Amanda, especially Amanda!

  12. As long as they don’t bring back anyone from BB15. If I ever see Andy, McCrae, Helen, Elissa and Amanda again it will really piss me off.

  13. They should make a Big Brother Winners/Champions where all 15 or after this season 16 previous winners return for a grand champion season. Just a thought.

  14. If any house guest got robbed it was Danielle in Season 3 because the jury got to see all the diary room entries and they hated Danielle’s cockyness. Danielle should’ve won that year, that is why BB changed that rule going forward…

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  3. Nilsen Report | Big Brother 16 – Season Premiere (Teaser Video Preview)
  4. Is CBS Preparing Us For Big Brother All-Stars 2? | Big Brother 16

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