Big Brother’s Brenchel Takes On The Amazing Race… Again [PHOTOS]

Big Brother Brenchel

CBS loves them some Brenchel. The former Big Brother HGs were back on CBS for a new season of The Amazing Race starting with last night’s premiere.

Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas took off in a new race around the world as part of the TAR All-Stars season which will probably have to do for fans hoping to see a Big Brother 16 All-Stars. Luckily for their fans it looks like we’ll be seeing even more from the powerhouse duo this season as they not only survived the first sudden elimination, but actually came in second during last night’s premiere episode.

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So how far do Brenchel make it on The Amazing Race All-Stars? We’ll keep an eye out for more spoilers, but we’ve seen them in leaked pics awhile back showing more adventures for the pair. Maybe they’ll win the season and retire from reality TV with all their winnings to live happily ever after? Or would you rather seem even more of them?



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  1. I would like to see the whiney brenchel duo eliminated from all CBS shows permanently. I have had enough.

  2. I don’t understand why any network would ever want to cast them on anything. they do nothing but make every show they’re on absolutely appalling. shes but ugly and he’s got the mind of a two year old, she does nothing but whine and complain and they both fight like cats and dogs.I refuse to support any show (or any thing for that matter) that their evolved in or with.

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