The latest Big Brother 15 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the spoiler results for you. It was a slow afternoon in the house as the HGs awaited the competition. There were a few conversations centering around targeting both of the house leaders: Amanda and Helen. The Feeds are back and we have results.
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Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.
Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results:
- Andy won the Power of Veto
From discussions we can tell this was the comp where players had to guess the quantity of the items and then hold/fold. It was a monster movie theme.
The HGs playing in today’s comp were Jessie & Spencer as HoH’s noms, Andy as HoH. Amanda, Elissa, & Helen were picked from the box. McCrae hosted the competition.
What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be held on Monday afternoon. We’ll post spoilers when they happen.
Jump on the live feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.
Andy with all the power. Ok, so this week will really get boring like hell.
Dude needs to go home. If he makes it to the end, I’ll lose it.
Me too! The little snake ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe this will be the Zingbot week, or the annual return of Jessy the bodybuilding tool. Other than that, it’s gonna be slow.
And please tell Elissa this is not Survivor. She is allowed to shave her armpits.
She’s getting ready for the winter up in Canada, where she lives now!
Please no mr pecktacular. That will make a bad show even worse!
This whole season is boring!!!! Just a bunch of spineless peeps playing follow the leaders (Helen and Amanda) !!!!!
it’s the elf !!!
Worse thing that could happen. Murphy’s Laws.
For sure!
Well its gonna be another boring ass week.
I’m officially over this cast and this show. This cast is an epic #FAIL. Devoting my time to something more productive. Like watching lightning bugs mate.
Sounds electric.
Boogie woogie woogie
This is so exciting!!!!!!!!…….said no one ever
This is terrible. Look’s like Jessie going home :(
Andy doesn’t have the courage to make any “big moves”, so nothing will change and Jessie will be the main target for some unfathomable reason! She is among the most harmless houseguests left! Andy is a complete moron, if nothing else, Spencer ought to be the target and not Jessie, preferably Amanda and Aaryn should be on the block!
I dislike the remaining houseguests as much as the next guy and Andy is no exeption but it would be stupid for him to make a “big move”, he’s in a perfect place in the house, both Helen/Elissa and Amanda/McCrae think he’s in a final three with both of them and theres really no one gunning for him at the moment, as the previous mentioned duos are far bigger targets and so he has no reasons to get rid of them, he’s really in the best sport right now and unless arryn or spencer win next week i dont really see him in any kind of trouble after his hoh reign is done. People can hate on floating all they want but it still works, it is a strategy and its his best option right now.
Yep I agree. He’s getting through this HOH with no blood on his hands. He’s been playing the middle between McManda and Helen/Elissa the entire season. But in the next week or two he will have to pick a side and then he might be a bigger target.
We can only hope!!!!!!!!!!!
He’s a tool and has no game. Reminds me of Pee Wee Herman.
Exactly— Pee Wee Herman… LOL
He looks like the guy from those MAD sketch comedy magazines.
Andy does not have the balls to make a huge move. If Helen wins HOH next week, I say get rid of Andy and put Amanda and Andy and let’s see if the fun begins.
Its not a question of balls. Andy is playing a smart game by not picking a side yet. Why should he make himself a target. The point of the game is to survive to the end.
ITA! He is playing a conniving and smart game, Helen and Elissa Re getting an inkling of his sneaky tactics. I hope the strike when it’s ready to do so.
So True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the Stay/Fold comp. I guess there’s no point in tuning in until thursday. Of course Amanda and McCrae had come up with a strategy beforehand if this comp came up.
Andy could really make a big move. But he won’t. Here a few example of how the conversation go this week:
Too early
Not this week.
Next week.
That was with Helen. Amanda is more ruthless and does not waffle like Helen and Judd!
Andy will chicken out.
No. Amanda will tell him to do it and he will! They have the 4 votes to evict Helen. McCrae, Amanda, Aaryn and Gina Marie will all vote to evict Helen!
Amanda will not waste this opportunity like Judd and Helen!
From your word to God’s eyes.
Aaryn might not though. She told Andy she would never nominate Helen. But as far as voting her out who knows.
Yup…but we can hope that maybe SOMETHING exciting will happen this week. The odds are getting better with every week that passes…lol?
It’s always nice to dream. lol
Personally, I`d rather watch paint dry!!
Its always the week to make a big move in the BB house, so bottom line these hg are just punks
Looks like someone is getting off the block and Helen is going to get backdoored! Helen will be like Judd and the expression on her face would be priceless! She deserved to be evicted because she turned down two chances to get Amanda out when she had it!
It’s like Helen is waiting for a hint from Amanda that it is time to start eliminating each other. Helen could’ve made a huge move by agreeing with Elissa, Jessie, Spencer last week and voting out Amanda. Amanda will put the whammy down on Helen very soon and she will be totaled blindsided.
It won’t happen, because that would be too much of a good and this crew tend to run away from good move.
Amanda will take Helen out because it will bring her closer to that $500,000. Helen had two chances and she blew it both times! She will enjoy Judd’s company as they talk about the two chances they had and passed on evicting Amanda! LOL
Are you serious? Didn’t think Andy could make a big move…
He won’t.
Amanda and McCrae has been planning it and Aaryn and Gina Marie are all on board! Andy will put Helen up more likely and send Helen to the vacation house! You only need 4 votes this week and all in Amanda’s side! The look on Helen’s face would be priceless!
6 HGs are voting, 3 is enough for a tie and Andy can break it.
Yeah, but, they have 4 votes to evict Helen which is even better! Helen will not know it until Andy puts her up!
Andy is not going to evict Helen. No way. On BBAD tonight he made it very clear he want to keep her longer. Amanda wants Jessie out. McCrae seems to want Elissa out.
Andy will do whatever Amanda tells him to.
No no no, have you not been watching this season? This is “jury BB” where the ENTIRE HOUSE has to vote the same way, otherwise they can’t follow through with it. These people have proven that simply having enough votes to evict someone is not good enough.
If Helen is evicted she won’t be jumping up and down like a wannabee cheerleader.
No, but Helen and Judd can think about the 2 chances they had to evict Amanda which they turned down! They will say, boy were we stupid to do that! Too late Jacks—-you just blew your chances at that $500,000!
Would love, love, love to see Helen eliminated-100%.. BATSH:Tcrazy:) She totally deserves it for her back stab of JUDD.
Helen definitely deserves it if she goes this week but she is not going. Andy has made it quite clear he does not want Helen to go yet. Andy is wisely playing both sides still and will wait to see who of the two powers wins before he chooses a side.
The entire house is playing into Amanda’s hands. If they don’t realize that Amanda is using all of them to get her threats out of the house then they deserve to get the boot. Spencer, Aaryn, GM, Elissa and Helen have got to realize Amanda can’t take all of them to the final 3 or 4. Jessie seems to be the only one who realizes this.
That may be true, but I have a feeling Andy will keep it like it is.
Dear CBS,
This Season Of BB SUCKS!!!!
This season is the most boring ever and doesn’t look like it will improve any time soon. Whatever happened to plotting bold moves that shake up the house? I don’t think that happenthis season. Looks like pushy Amanda will brow beat her way to the money…
I think the most exciting part will come when the entire season is over and Aaryn & Gm find out they have been fired from their jobs! it makes me all giddy inside thinking of the looks on their faces & when they watch the season back and realise all of the horrible things they said!
They started out the right way by eliminating the guys… but somewhere along the way something went terribly wrong… getting David out may have been a mistake as I don’t think he was a big threat to anyone… all he did was annoy…and he may have been a good one to take to the end… after that it was going good till they all had to vote with the rest of the house…. spineless!!!
So they have all day tomorrow for the campaigning to begin. I’m wondering if Amanda will get in Opie’s ear to use the veto and backdoor Helen. This is the only time all season that I’m pulling for Amanda. Do your talking girl.
Amanda will tell him to keep the nominees the same, and he will do what she says, What a bunch of cowards. Everyone afraid of the bully.
Helen has been the one badgering everyone into getting out “her choices” have you watched her in the DR she takes the credit for getting everyone one out that has went home so far ! her ego is huge!!!!!!
She’s in politics. What exactly do you expect? humility?
Well said.
Thank you.
You’re welcome :D
No. Amanda will tell Judd to put Helen up after Andy takes down either Jessie or Spencer. Helen is for a huge surprise like Judd the last time!
I hope so, but I am watching BBAD and he was talking to Aaryn saying he is going to keep the nominees the same. We can hope he changes his mind.
That is Andy talking but, this is Amanda’s plan and not Andy’s and Amanda pretty much gets what she wants from her minions!
Actually it would be funny if they back door Helen, thats what she gets for not getting Amanda out.
I know I’m gonna get bashed for this, but… I kinda feel bad for Andy. Winning that POV puts him in a VERY bad position right now. Helen and Amanda have both expressed interest in backdooring each other, meaning they are both going to be in his ear non-stop until Monday.
He made the bed, let him sleep in it.
Andy has been playing his kind of game for a while. I will respect him more if he’s capable of making a big move.
Andy is going to make a big move but, at Amanda’s direction! Amanda is the Queen Bee and her reign still is supreme! Helen is cannon fodder although, she does not know it yet! When Andy takes off Jessie or Spencer from the block—-Helen would be in huge disbelief like Judd the last time! And when Helen sits down on the couch—-she will know that her goose is cooked!
Gamewise,I think he should backdoor McCrae
Andy is a close ally of McCrae and Amanda with a Final 3 deal with them. I do not see him turning his back on Amanda. He refused to go along with evicting Amanda the two times they had a chance. That tells you something! He turned down Helen’s overtures to evict Amanda. So, chances are good that Helen will get backdoored tomorrow at the veto ceremony!
I guess you’re not aware that Andy is catering with both McCranda and Helen. You’re not aware too that he has F2 deal with Aaryn. He just finished talking to Aaryn right now, and it looks like Spencer is going. Andy wants Helen and Amanda to go after each other and he doesnt want blood on his hands. He just said that tonight.
He’s also been saying from the beginning of his reign as HOH that he doesn’t want any drama this week, so it would make sense to keep noms the same and not rock the boat if that’s his overall goal for the week.
yes!!, and he’s really trying hard to be loyal to both with no blood on his hands.’s hard
Andy is only pretending to cater to Helen but, he is not loyal to Helen at all!
That fact has already been proven when they had two chances to evict Amanda and Andy kept saying now is not a good time, then, now is not a good time! Aaryn and Gina Marie are also on Amanda’s side right now. Of course, things could change and Aaryn and Gina Marie can flip to Helen’s side if they do not evict Helen this week!
why all the sudden they having these weak ass competitions for weak players to win at this point in the game.
It’s not the comps, it’s the players. That’s all that’s left!
The only good thing about this is that Jessie and Spencer will not be the nominees for the 3rd straight week.
Goodness does this season SUCK.
I think I’ll go do something more exciting than BB stuff…like watching my house plants grow. Yikes! I’m gonna go and pout now…
I have some paint I need to watch dry.
Ok Captain…I’ll chat with ya tomorrow. I’m turning in…ouch, it’s only 9:15! Oh well…later then
Got too myself, the pills are kicking in, it’s midnight here.
Go and start watching BBAU now!
If you have Netflix or maybe available too on cable, look for White Collar. This an awesome series! There are 3 seasons and 16 episodes per season available on Netflix for free! I won’t spoil it by telling you what it is about—-just watch the first episode, Season 1 and you will get hooked! I love all the main characters in it!
Thanks! I’ll check it out :-)
Matt Bomer is hot hot hot and the character Mozzie is wonderful. Worth watching!
Take Jessie down n put up Amanda she’s not your friend Andy…
Actually Andy should save Jessie and put himself on the block.
I can agree with that tooo
Aaryn. GM, and Amanda have to leave the show.. If those people win I think America with revolt.. As for Andy He tells everyone everything.Playing all sides. Better watch out or Andy will win.. This group of people are the worst ever. BB better revamp their interview procedure to weed out the racist
Wish he would back door amanada. She’s the only house guest left who hadn’t won anything.
Andy is a close ally of Amanda. It is Helen who will get backdoored! Amanda has the 4 votes to evict Helen. She just needs Andy to take Jessie or Spencer off the block and put Helen as renom and Helen will get evicted this week! I think tomorrow is POV ceremony so, should be definite by then!
Andy doesn’t have the guts to do it.
We will see tomorrow for sure! It is not his plan anyway but, Amanda’s. Andy will do whatever Amanda tells him to do because he is part of their Final 3 deal with McCrae! And Amanda has Aaryn and Gina Marie on her side too so, Helen will not know what hit her when she gets put on the block!
I agree with you Richie. Andy will do Amanda’s bidding and Helen will be backdoored. Jesse or Spencer will be spared and Helen will go up as a renom. Amanda won’t let that opportunity slip by like Helen did with her chance at Amanda. I would like to see them both gone, and this might be enough to start the house gets voting their own minds and not those of those thinking they are running the house.
Are you guys watching BBAD? Andy told Amanda and McCrae he will not put Helen up and he wants her in the game a little longer. Amanda agreed. She’s not stupid. She knows if they take Helen out then her and McCrae become the biggest targets in the house.
Andy also told Aaryn he wants to continue playing both sides for a while longer. You guys are dreaming if you think Andy is going to put himself in a position where he has to choose a side.
You’re right. He is too scared to put any target on himself. He was even scared to put GM up if Jessie or Spencer were to win Veto because she would have started gunning for him…
He’s a weasel. All he does is go around to everyone telling them he’s loyal. I don’t know why Helen trusts him so much since he’s been so vocal in wanting to keep Amanda when he’s supposed to be in an alliance with Helen and Elissa…
Andy was never loyal to Helen. He turned down two times the opportunity to evict Amanda which shows where his loyalty is! Whoever Andy evicts is going to be unhappy and be in the jury house! You have to backstab and backdoor people in this game to win it!
Leaving the strong players in the game is just plain stupid! Amanda, Helen and Aaryn all know that!
I think the plan right now is to get Spencer out, but with this bunch of dummies, who knows! This has been one of the most predictable seasons in BB history..and the most boring! I wish Helen and Amanda would shut their mouths and let the HG’s think for themselves..just for once!
He was talking to Spencer, I think, and he said he is more loyal to Helen than Amanda which was probably a lie but it’s weird that Helen doesn’t realize…
But the strong players are Amanda, Helen and Aaryn!
I still say Amanda will get what she wants which is to backdoor Helen. If they fail to evict Helen this week—-all bets are off. The pendulum can swing the other way as Aaryn and Gina Marie can go back to Helen if she wishes! That in turn will set up another try to evict Amanda! There are not that many major threats left and there are only so many options left for the powers that be!
I do not have live feeds so, do not see what is shown there! Even that, they edit some of the stuff and I am sure we do not see all of it! What only matters is what Andy does with the POV during the ceremony. I think it is today so, if there is lobbying for anyone—-it will happen today and lots of time left till the POV ceremony! Judd was evicted at lightning speed considering the limited time they had with the double eviction. Now, they have more time to strategize and lobby on who to evict!
It just gets suckier and suckier. Why can’t Elissa or even Spencer win something?!?!
Elissa and Spencer both won a veto…
I’m speaking of something where it shakes things up like HOH. Thanks
But they still won something unlike Amanda and winning a Veto can shake things up.
Yeah OK thanks.
Of course Andy won… *rolls my eyes*
people in the house cant think for themselves.they do whats best for the house and not whats good for their own game.
they really need to stop lesoning to helen
they really need to stop listening to Andy…lmmao
cant wait to see them turn on each other and its gonna happen really soon
At this point it would suck for any of them to win. I really am not rooting for any of them unless Judd gets to come back. I know I don’t want Amanda or McCrae to win for sure!
There is still Jessie assuming she does not get evicted this week so, anything is still possible!
That’s true I would love Jessie to win.
Who Is Up For Eviction???
currently Jesse and Spencer
Andy wins POV and having all of the power of who is on the block. But the question is, who is the real target? The talk seems to be putting GinaMarie up and evicting her instead of Jessie. But everyone is on board. I will be interested to see who Andy finally puts up on the block come Monday afternoon.
That said, I just wish this season wasn’t all the house wants this, the house wants that. Make a move and put a real power player on the block and watch them walk out the door come Thursday.
Sooner rather than later, the hamsters are going to have no choice but to evict each other – for real! Then we’ll see who has the guts and backbone to really make a move in this pitiful excuse of a season! Or not!
Judd already saw the consequences of leaving your fate to the other side! If you do not move on the big threats—-they will move against you! The object of the game is to last till the end and you do that by taking out the big threats in the game and not by laying low and hoping someone takes out that big threats for you! There is always going to be risks when you try to take out someone but, better to evict them than you obviously! When you are out of the game, you just lost your chance at that $500,000!
I’ve heard them say several times that so and so had a ‘ bigger target so I don’t have to worry”. And I’ve seen Helen/Amanda/Aaryn/Andy make up stories to get a target on someone they want out. Judd is the most obvious, but they’ve done it to others as well. And I know is all in the game. But you all have to admit…this year…..the damn bar is so low, it’s on the ground!
Obviously, when they want to take someone out, they move heaven and earth to do so! When they don’t they come out with all sorts of excuses! They did not have any problems evicting Nick, Jeremy and even Judd lately so, if they want someone out—-he or she will be evicted!
Helen’s moves are to vote with the house…WTH? When she is up on the block, she will say let’s vote with the house and that means evicting her! LOL
She made sure after winning HOH that she won’t end up on the block again in the week’s ahead. That’s why she took the time to build up her alliance that can serves as human shields to protect her.
She is very ruthless, which I kinda love and hate about her hehehe. Although she’s the more passive villain compared to La Emperatriz Amanda whose paranoia over her two-time MVP nomination got her over the edge and became twice as aggresive as a bully.
Totally agree with you, but I hope for her sake, she won’t be delaying her tactics as she may have to face her downfall. Ms Cruella is waiting to oust her. LOL
Aaryn and Jessie were talking and Aaryn was telling Jessie what kind of deal she should make to save herself. She told Jessie that we’re always going to be pawns so we need a strategy that is going to benefit the pawns… I don’t know if Aaryn’s being sincere but if she is and she saves Jessie this week. I will applaud her strictly because of game play.
That conversation was after she had a long talk with Andy. In their conversation it sounds like Andy is considering keeping Jessie and evicting Spencer. I think she’s posturing herself to Jessie in case she gets saved. Of course there’s still 4 days to go, and plan can change..
I’m hoping the plan changes to save Jessie. Especially because Amanda wants Jessie gone so badly! It would be an “in your face” moment if Jessie stayed.
@Latifah….you have to hope AMANDA’S plan changes. If Jessie doesn’t leave it’s cause Amanda changed her mind. Every single week…..Amanda has picked the target. She had a problem with Howard cause Elyssa would not put him up (when MVP). And Jessie once cause Jessie won the POV. Oh yeah, and last week….when she changed her mind and wanted Judd out.
Again, I would backdoor McCrae. Just being such a wimp would be enough for me, but also it would DECIMATE Amanda…she’d have no one. Ah me. Most people would do just about anything for 1/2 mill…this crew sits around and plays follow the leader.
Yeah, true! Except her target on Jessie was because McCrae sat beside her lol.
I don’t think anyone would vote out McCrae over anyone though. Their best bet would be to backdoor Amanda, she’d go an some crazy rants, threaten a few people, and hopefully be out the door.
I wish these house guests would grow a pair and start playing their own game. Where’s Evil Dick when you need him? So boring this year :(
It’s official…Jessie has definitely gained a lot of weight. Someone told me to go look at her pics from the beginning of the season and her 1st interview. There is a big difference! Her clothes don’t even fit anymore…
What does Jessie’s weight have to do with anything? She’s allowed to gain weight. There’s no problem here.
I’m saying that there is a very noticeable difference. Huge change. I don’t need to go into all her whining, desperate need for attention, and lack of game…
A noticeable difference that didn’t need to be pointed out. I don’t care for Jessie much, except that I prefer her over Aaryn, Amanda, GM, and Spencer, but pointing out her gaining weight is unnecessary.
Well, obviously she is on TV. By being so, she opens herself up to scrutiny, just like the others.
Scrutiny yes, but her weight has nothing to do with the game. Scrutinize how bad she is at Big Brother not how much she’s gained.
I know, but it’s easier to point things out when you don’t like someone. I don’t like Aryan, Gm, Spencer, and Amanda either. But I gave up on them getting the boot. This is the ‘year of the jerk’ on BB. Didn’t mean to offend…sorry about that.
I understand! I dislike basically everyone as well. It’s alright, I didn’t mean to come across rude by the way, just weight issues hurt people the most.
Well, I can attest to that personally. I was on some medication, 2 different kinds, that caused me to gain. The dr took me off of them, but I haven’t been able to rectify the situation. It isn’t fun, that’s for sure! LOL
I feel you! I used to be really skinny but I started gaining weight, not too much, but it’s just hard only because it’s like I used to be so small, ahaha
Andy is not going to put Helen up. If he puts Helen up, that only leaves on power in the house and he knows that is bad for his game. Once Helen is gone her alliance will dissolve and everyone except Amanda and McCrae will become pawns.
Amanda and Helen both know if one of them goes the one remaining becomes the biggest target in the house. Right now you have several people looking for the protection of either Amanda or Helen or both. But once one of them goes, all of these people automatically become threats to Amanda and therefore they will be force to align against her.
Amanda and Helen may want to take each other out at some point, but not until all of the floaters and dead woods is gone. At the end of the day, Amanda really only has McCrae and that’s not as certain as it was a few weeks ago and Helen only has Elissa.
There are only a few players left who are the real power in the house. That is Amanda, Helen and Aaryn! Of the three, Aaryn has best opportunity to take over the game! Amanda has won nothing, Helen has won 1 HOH and Andy 1 HOH. However, Andy, Jessie and Spencer, Gina Marie are mere followers. I do not see them going against the wishes of the real powers which are Amanda, Helen or Aaryn who is playing low key but, could suddenly take over the game! Amanda is going to push for the backdoor of Helen because it is right there before them! Aaryn also benefits from the eviction of Helen because her power in the game grows because of it! Andy will be reluctant because he does not want to alienate anyone but, at some point you have to backstab or backdoor someone in the game! I say Helen gets backdoored because it is too good of an opportunity to pass by!
I think if Andy would had just told Helen he would go along with her when she talked about getting Amanda out he would have faired a lot better with the jury and America. Now he just looks like a weasel. I stopped watching it and was only looking at the blogs to see if Jessie got the veto. I think BB will lose a lot of viewers if Amanda wins. I think she was being told some insider information in the DR room. There is no way I will be watching it with these despicable players in it. I just hope that Helen goes home next. It would show her that all that lying and scheming did her no good and that somebody like Jessie was a whole lot smarter than her. I guess Judd found that out the hard way. I was hoping for Amanda to have to go to the jury room with Candace all by herself for a week or that Jessie would have won the veto and they could have sent That piece of garbage GM to the jury house with Candace. I guess GM thought this was the 2nd best thing in her life was to get on BB. I guess instead of using all her money on surgeries she should have used it on therapy. To you 3 pieces of human garbage left in the house, BEAUTY FADES DUMB IS FOREVER
I think Andy is having a hard time grasping the concept of collecting jury votes. He keeps mentioning how he wants to “blindside” Jessie by telling her all week that she’s safe and then at the last minute voting her out. Why would you EVER plan on doing this to a jury member who you don’t have any issues with thus far and who could potentially give you a vote in the end? What HOH *purposely* pisses off jury members when they don’t have to? I don’t understand the people in this season…
What happened to the democratic Big Brother where there was uncertainty who an individual house guest would cast their vote for, and eviction votes were close or tied. Now we have totalitarian Big Brother where dictators Helen and Amanda tell there minions who to nominate and who to evict.
Yay!!! No!!! Another wasted week. Oh well,I will keeping reading (only) until I read where Julie said “We would like to hear from you again, America. Here’s a chance to bring back an evicted player back”.
Well this is what we wanted , new faces on the show, well this is what we get. the worst season of BB EVER!
plus we have gm who need to go into a mental hospital
there something really wrong with her. I had cancer & let me tell you she better get to a GL md right away
because she sound really sick
& not just mental which she is bit health is mess up
then let go on the amanda what a sick puppy she is
& mccrea her pet dog do I heard woof woof he a poor excuse he does nothing but lay in bed with that bitch
then there spencer the kid porn talking nice guy NOT!!!!!!!
Arryn I use to dislike her but she had turned her self around to bad she is cheating by using adderall
Andy well well well Mister floater woke up from his nap
Helen snake in the ground
Jessie if she does not stop eating she will leave gaining about 50 lbs! boy did she get fat(she needed to shut her mouth & not fight with ananda & others
Elissa is she there? Not sure? but i do like her !
she got class
but she need to start playing this game! before its over!
I think I got all of them
Can we do a do over ?
Spencer: Get back on the train and choo-choo your way to the jury house.
He will Bach door whoever Amanda wants to
Andy holding the guns & the ammo sucks!!!!!
I really like Amanda and am sick of Helen and elissa
You guys are ridiculous…How the hell do you think people win this game? Not by being on top all the time, and winning every competition, and throwing themselves under the bus…Floaters win more because they stay under the radar and do not rock the boat until they have to. All these people who play hard, and win all the time…they get sent home, first few weeks. If you make yourself out to be strong, you will lose. This game is about getting people to like you, plain and simple, Right now, Andy is in the best position of the entire house. He is so good at this game its scary.Amanda wont win, because, imo, she is starting to let the house get the best of her, and that will be her downfall.
Andy is just a spineless floater with Hobbitt ears, and he also looks like Opie from Mayberry! He needs to get a backbone and put up Helen or Amanda! They are the ones controlling the game!
this season is the worst ever and very lame!!! time to shake it up and bring in somebody from one of the past shows to whip these people in to shape
These hg’s are really bad in so many ways. Almost unwatchable. It will honestly be a tragedy if McC doesn’t win. Spencer for 2 place would be super cool too. Shame on BB for picking hg’s that want to be here to hook up more than win. I hope Kaitlyn and Jeremy have crabs. And I hope Julie skewers GM and Aaryn when they exit