Typically viewers get to watch the Big Brother HoH competitions on either the live shows or the Live Feeds. Every once in awhile those competitions are held off live cameras as was the case this week when the Double Eviction episode ended without a new HoH.
Several hours after both Candice and Judd left the house and the live show ended the HGs were gathered in the backyard and competed for a chance to set this week’s nominations and be free from the threat of eviction. Read the spoilers for who won!
Once the competition was over we heard lots of discussions from the HGs, but until now we weren’t able to see just what they were doing in the comp. HGs described a knock-out style comp using balance boards like we saw the practice earlier in the week. Here’s our first look at just what they were competing on.
From the pictures pulled from the next episode’s preview we can see two HGs went at the same time in a tournament style bracket elimination. In the overhead view we can see Helen and Jessie facing off. There were three total rounds before the new HoH was crowned (spoilers) and we even heard McCrae knocked out Amanda.
Now we know why HGs were complaining about how much they dislike banana splits!
For a second I thought it was a typo, I thought it would reveal the veto winner. (Hope & pray Jessie wins)
Jessie OR Spencer, just so GinaMarie goes up. Andy and McCrae have both expressed interest in getting her out this week.
But Amanda has been talking about backdooring Helen. Since McR already had discussion with Helen about bd Amanda, wonder who he will go with. Bad for Andy as he is working with both of them.
But Helen has been talking about backdooring Amanda. Since McR already had discussion with Amanda about bd Helen, wonder who he will go with. Bad for Andy as he is working with both of them.
I thought that Amanda’s plan would be to get Jesse out. So if Spenser pulls himself off, then GM goes up then who’ll they vote out?
Either one winning would work if they are planning another Back door eviction.
I think Andy won
Andy won HOH, they haven’t played POV yet. Still waiting for confirmation on the players.
Andy won veto also
Can’t wait to see McRae knockout Amanda. She was really whinny about it. Her usual self in other words.
Now if somebody would really knock her out lol
Off the game or physically?
You choose lol
I am ready for Amanda to go home. But I don;t think Andy would have the guts to put her up and deal with her abusive behavior for the next 5 days.
These people have no balls! No one will make a big move.
Spencer makes BMs after every meal.
Now that’s a BIG move.
Amanda was saying that everyone signed something that said that they have not had a relationship with anyone who works for this production company then Amanda got called to DR…
Oooooops !
Does being a friend include being in a relationship? I think of the latter as that person being the significant other…but I just don’t what that entails.
It must. A friendship is a type of relationship. She also said her ex-boyfriend was in production of some kind though.
It’s usually relative/significant other. I don’t know, but a friend in the Production ? Wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest too? …I’m curious, what started that conversation? Was she tipped off about the rumor ?…hhmm.interesting
Andy was talking about having to sign something that said they could have no relationship with anyone who works for the show and then Amanda says that says “we have not had a relationship with anyone who works for this production company”.
And a week ago Amanda said that her ex-boyfriend was an editor of the scripted reality show she was on but she left out the part that it was a part of CBS.
When did she say this because I want to flash back. I didn’t catch anything about that on the feeds.
The part where she was talking about signing stuff was 2:30am on Saturday with Andy and McCrae and I’m not sure when she was talking about the reality show but I have a link where I watched a clip of it but I can’t send links…
Ok Thanks.
No problem :)
Reporters went after her and saw things on the web indicating she was a friend with someone in production…you know the name
Um. Everything is coming to the surface. That makes me happy. Somebody cover maybe getting pulled :)
And I couldn’t be any more excited about it…lol
Mawhawhawhaw. Me too.
Well, well, well the plot thickens.
What would happen if someone who was called into the DR refused to go?
Thats a clear insubordination. I’m sure you can be kicked out. That’s got to be a violation of BB rules.
Agreed. I believe Amanda should be prosecuted for fraud. Amanda is to me getting away with murder. She had tantrums says she can’t win anything. Um, BS if Andy and GM can she can. I have always noted she doesn’t try. The drama that Amanda creates is for show and ratings. Yes, she is a sociopath, and full of hate. When you threaten HGS life’s, you should be shown the door. period.
I’d think just a penalty nomination unless they continued to not listen for more than a day or so but I have no idea!
Remember Chima???
Wasn’t she the HG who threw her mic into the hot tub and was removed from the house?
She also refused to wear a mic and she obstructed the cameras as well as not listening to production to go to the DR.
Oh? really. Good.
She obviously does know people in production though as she was a host on a CBS show.
I knew it. Especially, when I posted the IMDb page, the writing was on the wall. What do you think will happen now? I do hope when the HGS find this out, something happens since we can figure Amanda will win. So, I hope CBS is smart takes the winnings and call this season a wash. Give the winnings charities, to all groups of race creed and color offended. Women’s/ children shelters, and other victims of violence shelters. Amanda gets proceeded for fraud.
I was hoping, it’ll most likely never happen, but if Amanda wins and the HGS find out about the fraud I hope they rally against CBS and then CBS takes the money and gives it to charity, like you said!
The HGS were so fast to judge Elissa being related to a contestant but wait ’til they find out Amanda was a part of CBS, they’d know for sure it was rigged for her. Sad.
Aha I’d love to see Amanda prosecuted as well as the people who put her in the show and are rigging it for her.
At least the police went after Spencer for(jokeing) about jerking off to kiddie porn. I’ve given up on BB for no . Not my kind of crowd.
McCrae, Amanda, Aaryn and Andy have an alliance named the 3AM. They are all so confident they will be the final four. If the others don’t make any big moves I am afraid McCrae and Amanda will be final two. Just makes me sick to think Amanda could win this!
Yea someone needs to split them up.
Amanda is already talking to McCrae about getting rid of Aaryn after Spencer, GM and Helen. So much for an alliance. They’ve all had 50 alliances with each other. Such a joke.
Who won the veto?
Yes. Does anyone know if they have played the POV? I am dying to find out who won it! So, if anyone has live feeds and it is over, can you let us know? Thanks in advance.
They haven’t played the Veto yet! It’s a late one, it’s almost 7pm in Cali but McCrae got called into DR recently so it’s soon :)
Thanks to you as well. Very much appreciated.
Woah. I wrote that comment then deleted it…
Oh, the veto competition is in progress now!
Thank you. Appreciate it.
No problem!
They’re playing right now. It’s been trivia for awhile now.
Another BORING day in the BB nut house.
POV comp………….Jessie, Jessie, Jessie…….win, win, win. This is what I am hoping.
I hope so too! Go Jessie!
Could someone please tell me if Judd actually did most of the things the house guest are saying? I really thought that he was true to McCranda and Andy. The other night when McCre was upset about Judd leaving, there was Amanda talking to him like a child (while slobbering all over him). The worst part of Judd leaving is he thinks Elissa was part of the plan to evict him. Because he told EL not to hug him. I have a feeling she was left in the dark. To see how emotional Elissa was in the DR, then Helen as someone said was in her cheerleader mode. If Judd comes back, McCrenda will deny and say it was all Helen and Elissa rallying for the eviction. I just hope Judd will have will have bigger fish to fry before El.
Judd didn’t do any of those things. That is why he was evicted, he sat back and didn’t do anything.
I felt bad for Elissa when Judd told her not to hug him. It was quite rude as the reason Judd was evicted was because people thought things that were untrue and Judd did the same to Elissa by assuming she was a part of it when Elissa has no power in the house. I hope he figures out it was all Amanda poisoning everyone in the house to believe he wasn’t loyal.
Judd went home cause Amanda thought…WAS CONVINCED he was the MPV. Her original target was Jessie (that’s why Jessie was up), but she spun around and campaigned like crazy for Judd to go. Helen was instrumental in his going and she repeated lots of things Judd ‘supposedly’ said and did….which were lies. Last night she told Jessie all the b.s. and why Helen and the house wanted him out. Jessie (the poor schlump) said well maybe whoever goes to Jury can tell him the whys. You damn dope…Helen is telling you cause you’re the one going!!! Helen even said, oh he’ll just deny everything. OMG
What happened to the POV? Have they started playing it at all? This is ridiculous. Seems like forever and no end in sight :(
They have started playing it. The live feeds have been on trivia for about an hour and forty minutes so far! It shouldn’t be too long now!
I am praying Jessie wins the Veto. That way GM is the replacement and she goes home. That would be ideal! Though, I’d feel bad for Candice in jury. GM NEEDS TO GO.
Don’t feel bad for Candice. Now, you probably should feel bad for GM, though. I’m for sure GM does not want to be in the jury house with Candice. I am sure she will plead to no end to not send her to the jury house with Candice. I sure hope GM is evicted.
That’s true. She’d probably leave the Jury house and then not be eligible to come back into the game. That would be awesome, aha!
OMG !!!….I’m tired of this music !!!
The Elf won again !!!!!
You never know, he may be on a streak. Hey, if he starts winning comps, I could back him! At least he isn’t racist, etc…
that’s true….but whhhhhhhhhhaaaaayyyyy??? lol
Then again, who would he have to share info with if he wins? I guess with that much money he could hire 2 different teams of people so he can carry on…LMAO!
We’ll see Debbie.I’m really not rooting for anybody, you know.. This season is hard. I’ll just wait for the F3..lol
I can’t really find someone to back, either. Bottom of the barrel with these hgs…
Andy won pov
The weasel won the POV.
Good night…….i don’t have anything else to add or say.
Hard to argue about strategy in this case.
Ugh Andy won. So, I guess it’s bye, bye Jessie!
What!? the bleep! Ugh! Yep, Jessie is out, unless Amanda dictates the back door. Andy being the little soldier would follow. Could be Helen’s neck on the line.
Naw, no balls.
I do hope Andy’s are lost with McCrae’s LOL
McCrae had to borrow them. Amanda swallowed his.
ROFL What about McCrae’s lobotomy?
That’s gone for good.
Sadly, Andy doesn’t want any blood on his hands but at this point in the game it’s what you gotta do. Too bad he’s too scared!
I cannot believe he hasn’t figured out that Amanda is extremely selfish when it comes to the game. She was in an alliance with Judd yet went against him without any solid evidence…
If he doesn’t use the pov on Jessie, won’t she get suspicious? I mean, if she’s just a pawn and all…she’s already suspicious by all the questions she was TRYING to ask Spencer last night. It was so funny because Spencer was acting like he was doing something, etc, just to get out of answering her.
What was more painful to watch was when she got excited about something while talking to Judd, and when he leaned down to give her a hug, she tried to kiss him. Ouch! I winced when I saw that…
Andy won veto.