The latest Big Brother 15 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the spoiler results for you. After an exciting afternoon of drama following the MVP nom reveal the HGs were ready for the competition to begin. The Feeds are back and we have results.
Be sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter for mini-updates through the day.
Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.
Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results:
- Jessie won the Power of Veto
Spencer won a trip to the Bahamas. Judd won $5K. Candice “won” a clown suit that she has to wear for the week. Amanda won a whole lot of stress and is actively upset.
Update: Amanda won 50 spray tans, once an hour for 50 hours. GinaMarie won a dog cone to wear around her neck for a day.
Playing in today’s comp were Candice & Jessie as HoH’s noms, GinaMarie as HoH, and Amanda as the MVP nom. Also playing were Judd & Spencer who were picked from the box. Aaryn hosted the competition.
What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be held on Monday afternoon. We’ll post spoilers when they happen.
Jump on the live feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.
This is good! Hope to see Spencer go up in her place.
Indeed he will! Hopefully either Spencer or Candice will go this week!!
Yes, Spencer is the anticipated renom.
Hello Hello…Is this comment gonna be flagged ?? I AM HAVING ISSUES GETTING MY POST ACCEPTED. Why do I constantly need to verify who I am??
Keep trying FLY!
No McC needs to go up so him and Amanda are up there together and people have to choose between them. Now that is a game changer.. These people need balls and just do it.
Its ironic you said “these people need balls”. GM is always going around saying she has them and no one else does.
Yes, she says that a lot. Plus, she talks about scubs?
Scrubs. Think TLC song. At least I think that’s what she is saying. She needs subtitles sometimes :)
Ha ha I know. I think the song was by TLC in the 90’s :P
I don’t see why they wouldn’t take advantage of this opportunity to break up the last couple, but then I don’t understand how these people think.
GM promised those who were HoH and kept her safe would be given the same grace. I don’t see her going back on this deal, which would include McCrae, nor making a power play this early.
Earliest, IMO, we will see anyone make a big move is double eviction or last eviction before Jury.
I agree
OMG that would be great!
Vote Candice out!!! She got to know when to step up!!!!! She is as sure as gone!!!
Meh, this week is a joke unless someone meaningful goes.
it is a double eviction week, stranger things have happened, that being said the entire season is bad as far as cast
So most likely, it will be Candice, Spencer and Amanda on the block come Thursday night after Jessie (POV winner) takes herself off the block on Monday.
Ugh, they may have to pre-tape this Thursday night’s show, as well. If they were worried about the reaction to Aaryn being HOH when Howard was evicted, then they’ll probably be worried again when it’s Candice leaving the house and GinaMarie in the HOH seat.
Though I DO think it’s great Jessie won her first competition. Good for her.
It would really be tragic and an injustice of gargantuan proportion if Candice leave, right after Howard, and those racist mean girls are still in the house.
I hope CBS is smart enough to throw a bit more money in their enveloppe for compensation for the hell they were put thru.
There is no racism. Stop jumping on the bandwagon. So what should they keep all the black people now? What are we gunna call it Big Brother affirmative action?? Get a life
LOL yea im Aaryns PR person. And you must work for the Black Panthers.
LOL Even the PR is racist…Goodluck eating that disgusting money…
There is no racism?? Only a racist wouldn’t see the blatant, obvious racism spewing out of Aaryn, GM and Amanda.
ESPECIALLY Amanda. I couldn’t believe what I saw when I watched the montage clip of all she said. She is so disgusting and vile – even more so than GM and Aaryn.
what montage? link please!
Hey Captain-have you noticed all the inappropriate comments today? Yikes!
Don’t answer them. Just flag them as inappropriate and Matthew will aply his policies when needed.
Thank goodness! I’m getting a bit tired of all the ‘Troll’ people on here. At first some of them seem genuine (and maybe just opinionated) so I’ll respond, but then they just turn out to be teens (or misguided adults) who’re looking for attention…
Stop being a pussy and trying to deny people their 1st amendment right. awww u hurt my feeelings soooo bad by hitting your little report button. Everytime you do that, it just makes me write 10 more new one’s. So keep doing it. Im sorry you dont believe in the constitution. Your a race baiter, just own up to it.
Stop being a pussy and trying to deny people their 1st amendment right. awww u hurt my feeelings soooo bad by hitting your little report button. Everytime you do that, it just makes me write 10 more new one’s. So keep doing it. Im sorry you dont believe in the constitution. Your a race baiter, just own up to it, Al Sharpton Jr.
yes there should be an all black big brother, and a big brother of all the first people voted out of the game, if they are still interested
Yeah – you’d NEVER get to see an all white big brother though – that would be racist?!
I know these freakin people are such hypocrits. Lets have an all black big brother. Guess what would happen, they would sit around all day and bash Mr. Whitey for holdin them down. And for making them slaves hundreds of years ago. They would be calling whites crackers all the time, etc. But guess what, I bet 90% of the people on here calling Aaryn a racist, wouldnt step up and say the same thing if a black person did it. If they want an all black big brother, let them have it. Just make sure it goes on BET so I dont have to see it.
This is not true…..I am a child of the late 50s…never do I recall racist family conversations….both parents worked…2 cars…owned a house..went to church every Sunday…prays at meals and bed…survived being bused cross town…MLK assassination …Malcolm X…Boston school riots…Black Panther movement…police discrimination……..and we lived in a functional all black community. There was so much productive things to talk…laugh…cry about. But we were informed of the realities of the world….outside of our communities..
“tragic” and “injustice” are words you throw out the window in Big Brother. All is fair game. Evel Dick did far worse things than any of these “mean girls” have done, and the dude is praised by many.
Big Brother is a game. If Candice leaves, then she isn’t good at this game. It has nothing to do with “injustices”.
Check your morals at the door.
They may have weakened her by beating her confidence down as they basically called her the N word…injustice.
Thursday’s show was not pre-taped. We got the endurance comp live after the show so they were back to back.
I think they meant this coming Thursday with the double eviction.
From the Twitter account@MissCleo_BB15 (Miss Cleo has been a popular source of Big Brother news for the last couple seasons):
“INSIDER EXCLUSIVE: Yesterday’s “LIVE” taping WAS NOT LIVE AT ALL- it was taped at NOON.
Audience was CBS employees ONLY. HGs were informed at 10:55 am about early taping but not given specific reason why. Noon was when most CBS employees were available. This is why the feeds were cut at 11:15 am and blocked until the HoH competition started, which was when things went back to being “live”. The eviction was taped early cause production was worried about negative audience reaction to Howard’s eviction at the hands of Aaryn. This is the most likely reason the feeds cut to fish so much last night, to make sure any mention of what happened didn’t get leaked. Anyone who had tickets to the taping was turned away at the parking structure and offered tickets for a future live taping. The HoH competition WAS live. But we don’t know what happened between 1PM (when taping finished) and 6:50PM (when HoH started).
It’s safe to assume that Aaryn’s eviction will probably be pre-taped as well with only CBS employees in the audience.”
And it seemed to be verified by CBS employee the Zingbot_3000 who tweeted: “didn’t you read my tweets? The HoH competition WAS LIVE. Everything else was pre-taped.”
So the HOH comp WAS live, but up until then, the show appears to have been pre-taped.
Wow, This is great info. Explain a lot.
So that’s why there was trivia all day. Thanks
Thanks for the info…much appreciated!
Wow. Thanks for posting and sharing, much appreciated.
If BB is going to be rigged every year (and it is) the show should be canceled.
Just quit watchin’ it.
Doesn’t Julie do The Talk right around this time? How would she have done that?
The Talk, when they don’t do live episodes, tape as much as 2-3 episodes a day in advance.
What a rip!!!!
did I miss something? thy pre-tapped last Thursday “live” show?
Yup. Big thanks to Miss Cleo for getting the inside scoop on that.
As we all know, costumes for the week usually don’t end well for people on the block. Hopefully history doesn’t prove itself right. Amanda or Spencer to go home!!
Good going Jessie. I won’t speculate yet who goes on the block in her place.
GM immediately told Judd that Spencer would go up.
Could change. Veto meeting is Monday. Right ? Plenty of time.
What a waste. Spencer is no threat at all and
Amanda will wipe this whole gang out when she
can. Dumb play by GM if she picks Spencer.
Yes, Jessie. I am rooting for you! Play hard and try to stay as long as you can! I will vote you for America’s Favorite Player—-you atleast, deserve that!
I hope they get some brains this week and vote Amanda out and with the double eviction coming up I hope Helen follows Amanda right out the door!
That would be so sweet if both Helen and Amanda get evicted!
Usually when that happens BB will be shown late at night. Like usually after Midnight. Check your guide.
Me too
i was thinking and hoping aaryn would go after amanda and if not arryn mcrae
Amanda is crying again. Apparently candice told Judd that Amanda has been saying he is MVP.
I really hope these houseguests geta clue and toe her out. Judd should be nervous.
Judd should wise up and evict Amanda! If not, he will got first. His choice.
Aaryn, Amanda and GM..three horrible excuses for human beings…Double eviction…hope two of them go..doesn’t matter which two…all Mean Girls..
mean girls rule, didnt you see the movie?
Yes lets get Amanda out. Don’t let someone who is actually playing the game stay in the game. Lets leave the duds in the game.
Yes, let’s reward the racists and bigots by helping their game. I would much rather a dud like Jessie win than a racist like Amanda/Aaryn/GM.
I missed the racist comments. All I heard was the poor taste in jokes she used.
I would rather Jessie win rather than the racists or their enablers like Amanda, Helen or Judd for that matter! They make me sick!
I;m sick of you all saying spencer needs to go he is the only one who has any balls and brains in that house he goes this week they are all screwed no one will stand up for any of them and amanda and helen will go all the way to the end with no one to stop them
U r right bigbrotherpanda!!
I think a lot of people want Spencer to go for his behavior and crude comments, not his game play.
I want Spencer gone because he is a racist pig. Not because of game play. He has said some very vile, sick things and needs to go. He is 1 million times worse then Amanda, GM or Aaryn.
I am for Spencer to remain for now as a counter balance to Helen, Amanda and Judd who are all coddling Aaryn! I am hoping Amanda still gets evicted somehow this week! Better still, put Helen on the block with Amanda. That is the smart play and evict one of them. You strip them of two votes easily! Once, Jessie goes off, she can help evict one of those two!
did you see BBAD last night when he was scracthing his nuts talking to GinaMarie, classy
He’s gross, was putting his hand down his pants all day rubbing himself. Cameras seem to zoom in on that crap.
GM is too dumb to put up a nominee that might help her game.
Candice going home in a clown suit just as Kristin went home in a leotard 2 years ago. Kristin wore it better.
Did Frank leave when he was wearing the tutu? I can’t remember if he survived the curse or not.
No Frank did not leave in the suit…he did a whole cheer in the backyard when he got to take it off!
Candice deserves to walk out in a clown suit. All she does it re tell the stupid bed flipping story over and over. Get over it. She acts like Aaryn strung up her family in the BB backyard. Now that would be racist
LOL LOOK at this PR PERSON… U think we won’t notice… we’re not stupid! Just Shut UP!
Bye bye Candice
i don’t know why everyone wants spencer out i really haven’t seen him do something bad i rather have amanda or arryn but we know she wont go up
He’s a vile pig.
Wow you need to go back and watch the tons of video footage of his racist rants, his homophobic slurs, his vile comments about Jessie, his condoning rape…etc (This could keep going)! :)
i want both of them out (arryn and amanda) out thusday
Amanda thinks she’s so smart and most of the rest in house do also, Can Big Brother give them a hint that they could be America’s Vote! after All, ( like Julie says:) Do they know we’re watching them….???
Spencer and Judd already have the sure bet that we are voting on the 3 nominee since nobody talked about it.
After Alissa was on the bench, Howard was the first to think that there was something fishy with that. Then Amanda got there… and got there again.
Judd had been defending that it was America that was choosing the 3 person. Andy, Helen, Aaryn and Amanda don´t think so.
Spencer says the same on the backyard… Amanda goes to talk with Mcrae “It must be the Spencer fat cat to be the MVP. He is the one that wants me out”.
(like always, Mcrae nods and says that she is right…)
She’ll put up Spencer. If she was smart and brave, she’d put up McCrae. Break that duo up. She won’t do it though.
If GM is smart she’ll put McCrae up. She needs to play strategic wise not personal.
Exactly but she’d never do it. She’s playing 100% personal.
I have shoes that are “brighter” than Gina Marie!
LOL. Yeah, some of the thing she says, I can not help myself and laugh.
Even if she puts up McCrae, that doesn’t mean that he or Amanda will go home. Candice will be voted out & then they will immediately have HOH competition, immediate nomination & vote again. So, Candice & depending on who is on the block the 2nd time, the 2nd eviction.
GM’s all ready said that she’s putting up Spencer. And Candice is likely to go home anyway because of the Curse of the Big Brother Costume.
YEP Evict one of the 2 people that had guts enough to tell Amanda to her face what a real piece of trash she is…Jessee and Spencer should win the whole shebang ..
Superfloaters need to go which would be Spencer who is just as racist as Amanda and Jessie…Neither of them have done anything won anything and serve NO purpose
Bye bye amanda
Bye Bye Amanda
UGH! Aaryn said something along the lines of: “Candice gets to go out in her clown costume, that’s what happens to mean girls.” While ironically using the name we’ve been using for certain women in the house, CANDICE has never been one of them!
Another wise observation Saturn!
Welp, there goes any chance of Aaryn getting out this HoH/MVP.
And the sound of thousands of hearts breaking rang out across the nation. I just wanted to see her face as she was put up under her friend’s HoH. It would have been fantastic. :(
Amanda after veto comp: Amanda: “It sucks not knowing who this person is that wants to get you out. They’re too p**** to come out.”
Hey Amanda i put you you so screw you
Me too ya nasty thing
Me three…
ME 4
Me four and I used all ten votes on you two weeks in a row. How do you like me now, Amanda? lol
I voted for Amanda all ten times two weeks in a row also BUT THAT PIG CAN COME KNOCK ON MY DOOR SO I CAN TELL HER TO HER FACE WHAT A SCUMBAG SHE REALLY IS
Just a question?? Does anyone understand one word that Judd is saying. I don’t know where he stands
because I dont know a word he says. How could they have put him on this show, when conversations are
such a large part of the viewers understanding what is happening.
Hope spencer goes up
I think Elissa should go up. She close to Candice so let’s see the drama begin.
What is this ? You’re all over the place. What happen to your vote Amanda campaign ?
I think Elissa going up as the renom would be good, just so she can be checked. But I still like Spencer for the renom (as I said before). But now…I don’t know. Amanda is acting way too bizarre. I didn’t think I’d be saying this just yet, but damn! She’s gotta go. I don’t know when, but it’s gotta happen. I would really like to see Aryan go too! #Ihavenotfogotten
I’m all over the place now as well…
Of course the best for the HG, would be for Amanda to get voted out. But nobody will have the cahunas to vote for her.
I just don’t understand. If you lived in the house with her one would think, I want Amanda gone. I would not able to sleep since I am a girl, she may eat me or be homicidal towards me like she is to Jessie and Candice
Emma, you’re still thinking like a fan, not a player inside the house… Why would anyone in that alliance, want to rock the boat right now? They made their ”power moves” early in the game (by dismantling the Moving Company) now it’s the calming period where they pluck the non-allied players (Candice, Jessie, Spencer, maaaybe GM & Aaryn)… When that process finishes, then you’ll see the alliance re-align itself and they’ll start feeding on each other, but why do it before that time and jeopardize your place in a top 6 spot?
Point, well made Matt.
Now don’t get me wrong, like ANY fan I want drama, but unless the fans are willing to pay me the 500k I wouldn’t do a dang thing to jeopardize my top 6 standing!
I am just blindsided this season. With all the negativity and no game play. I want to cut out the hate cancer that is ravishing the BB house.
Oh we are in TOTAL agreement there Emma! I am saddened that the only reason Aaryn has been replaced as the ‘bad apple’ is because the live feeds (and video montage) has now turned it’s exposing eyes on Amanda. The casting director REALLY messed up this year. Boo on you Allison & BB Casting, you went too far in seeking non-applied contestants (which is already insulting to us as fans), PLUS finding personalities that shouldn’t be given a media outlet!
Casting is done by Robyn Kass, Kassting Inc.
Booooo Robyn!
i say arryn and amanda r going thursday
Sorry Cuda it’s just not going to happen at this point in time…
Ah, a girl can dream…lol
LOL. I told you I change my mind everyday. That’s what happens when there is no one to root for. But I did vote for Amanda and she is running around acting like a bully today. Aaryn got it right when she said to GM “do as I say, but not as I do” about Amanda. I don’t think Amanda will go though. So I thought since Candice seems like the one who’s going why not add more drama by putting Elissa up.
I don’t see any drama coming from that, Elissa knows she going nowhere.
But Elissa wants Candice to stay. That’s what I mean about drama being up against Amanda and Candice.
How does it help ? Don’t you want Amanda out ? Elissa is one that could be convince to vote to evict Amanda. I don’t think it’s going to happen. But I really don’t understand your train of tought.
Yep I want Amanda out but I know that’s very unlikely so just to stir things up I already think Elissa is crazy and her up will make her even more crazy. No thought to it really. LOL
lol… that’s our Lavendargirl! But I’m actually on board with that idea of getting Elissa up there and booting her out! This makes more sense than the people who keep saying ”Its time to get McCrae up there!” (Which first of all makes NO sense to anyone who’s in an alliance with them, which is 3/4 of the house, and Elissa has proven to be way too obnoxious and devious).
Come on guys…LOL
Elissa is a pussycat, send her to jury.
A pussy cat with way too much surgery, attitude & entitlement! If you let her get far she’s going to get more powerful…just like Aaryn.
Elissa not a threat to anyone. Voting her out would be on personal reasons only.
Aaryn is “suggesting” that to GM. Of course she says she would never push it but all it takes is a seed to be planted with this group. She’s thinking that would be one less vote for Candice (as if it matters at this point).
Amanda has to be evicted, rumors are everywhere that she will be the winner (supposedly she is friends with someone on the big brother staff and it was decided before the show even started). If this is true, I will never watch again. We all know that the show is controlled by the producers but this year it isn’t fun, it’s amok with racist remarks and love making of the showmances. and what about GM is she crazy or what. If I were Nick I would be out of town when she comes out of the house. She’s scary and who knows what she’ll do if he has a girl friend.
#1 Whoever is talking game and Andy is in the room or if he comes in kick his ass out. I am totally sick of his untouchable attitude and his 2 faced game.
#2 Elissa needs to stay out of conversations and mind her business… just as she has been doing for the last 2 weeks…Never get to feeling safe in the game of BB.. Rachel should have told her that…
#3 Amanda needs to get upright for the rest of the week and fight to stay in the game and stop expecting the other HGs to save her. That is ignorant ..I would not go on the block as a replacement nom to save her ass.
#4 Helen needs to get the wheels turning to get Amanda out. If she don’t she deserves to be backdoored Thursday and evicted. All she needs is 4 votes and they are in the palm of her hand…
This should be a now brainer I would put McCrea up, break up those two. Candice is zero threat, putting up Spenser is a waste of a nom. If both Spenser and Candice stay, that is plus two GM’s pocket. Spencer up on the block is a dumb move, cause we have seen he will be loyal and campaign to help you. Win win for everyone in the house. Then it’s is game on. Unfortunately, GM won’t take America’s hint. So, she has NY balls, no Nick would be happy with putting Spenser up instead of the big McCranda target. So, GM is just a scrub.
GM and Aaryn put together, that’s still only about half a brain. Can’t expect them to come up with something logical.
If McCrea and Amanda were both on the block, no body would want to vote one out since the other would be gunning for you.
So, what if one or the other would be gunning for me. I have a better chance against one instead of too. That being said one of them was sent packing and Candice stayed.
I think everybody will want to stay on their good side, hoping for protection.
Yeah, they can hope, doesn’t make it so. Again, they are drinking whatever kool aide Amanda and McCrea are mixing.
Frank relied on the goodwill of his alliance last season and got evicted because of it! No one should be trusted especially if you are at the bottom of the totem pole! Gina Marie is asking to be evicted by trusting Amanda and Helen! They are only using her for her HOH to evict the others!
Aaryn’s loyalties is questionable. She is beholden to Amanda, Helen and Judd who have deals with her! She will sell out Gina Marie
in a heartbeat. Gina Marie should be smart and use this opportunity to get rid of either Helen or Amanda! Put Helen up to strip the alliance of 2 votes right off the bat. Get Spencer, Jessie, Judd (tell him about Helen and Amanda’s plan to take him out) and Elissa and get her to vote out Amanda! You only need 4 votes this week!
I really like that plan! Why couldn’t I think of that? That would split up the votes.
Yep. And you only need 4 votes this week. Perfect time to send Amanda home if only Gina Marie will use her head! Gina Marie will be expendable because Aaryn has her deal with Amanda, Helen and Judd!
I still can’t understand why no one wants to make a power move! This thing about going with the house vote, with 3 noms someone could trick a few HG and split the votes. This season is too racially driven I so stick of them all but Ellissa
This season so far Idon’t see anyone taking any chances. Nobody seems brave enough to shake it up. This Big Brothers needs some shake ups. come on guys.
Again, why would 3/4 of the house want to do that when they’re all in a fairly tight alliance together? They will simply wait until there’s no more non-allied players and then they’ll start picking each other off.
Either that or one of strong players makes a move on the other and it will be too late for the one evicted! That has happened on Survivor and Big Brother. If you wait long enough to make your move—-you are the one evicted because someone else will decide to evict you before you evict them! Once, you are evicted, you are done and that chance at $500,000 is gone for good!
True. But the BIG power moves came early (very early) this season. The Moving Company being dismantled was a HUGE victory for Helen, Candice, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae, Andy & Judd. If the MC wasn’t dealt with early, then it would’ve been only them and the mean girls left… For now, it’s calm which suits the interests of ALL the allied players. They want Spencer, Jessie & Candice (maaybe GM & Aaryn) gone. So why let all 5 of those people have time to build alliances when you can get rid of them now? Maybe when they’re left with 2 or 3 then the paranoia will start within the allied players…
In Survivor 24, Kim Spradlin evicted all the men and dominated Survivor the last couple of weeks winning 4 immunity challenges. One good reason to evict the stronger players like Helen and Amanda is because it increases the chances that you will be at the very end. If you are good in competitions, that is a huge bonus to boot! I am rooting for Jessie and hopes she has the competitive spirit to be a beast in competitions. Then, anything is possible!
Again, that ONLY makes sense if you’re NOT in the final 6 alliance. I stand a better chance of beating you when I’m left vs. 5 people, than creating drama, possibly being outed by my former alliance, then having to face 9 other house guests! Survivor is similar but it is a different dynamic.
What happened to Spencer? Based from last week, I thought he would start scheming. Every time I see him, he’s slouching in the sofa like a thickheaded “show pig”…”I’m just happy to be here today”…Shut Up !
Don’t worry Cyril, once the refining process starts where ONLY tight alliances stick together he’ll be gone (along with GM,Jessie & Candice I’m afraid)…
As a viewer, the MVP twist made me feel more frustrated of the game. Just when you think you have some kind of control that would affect the game, but you end up feeling hopeless. lol
That why you need to vote 3rd nominee in a strategic manner, not for drama.
We need to put up 3 nominees each time for maximum damage if we get all three on the nomination block! At some point, the house guests will move to evict our nominees!
I really don’t think it matters at the end of the day – the power rests in the alliances and votes…
That’s my point. You need to try to understand those alliance and try to put the right 3rd nominee.
But what I’m saying is, the alliances ultimately decide who they want gone (regardless of the 3rd nom). I haven’t kept track, but it seems like the 3rd nom hasn’t been the one going home much of this season…
We’re saying the same thing.
For the record: Elissa 2-1 America 0-2 (0-3 next thursday).
Oh fair enough… I think you, Cyril & I are all agreeing that the 3rd nom is all about deceiving the fans into believing we have more power than we actually do…
It’s already decided who’s going, even before the 3rd nominee. No element of surprise with these players. Everybody knows about it. Even the evictee. lol
Sad but true.
I really think people have this false sense of knowing/controlling more of the game than we do to begin with. First we don’t really see ”All” of what happening (even with live feeds), even though we’re made to feel that way. Then on top of that, the MVP really doesn’t do much either. It allows us to put up a nom, but it’s the houseguests who decide at the end of the day and they are not us – they have MORE information about some things than we do (and less about other things)…
Right, and you know what bugs me with the players this season Matt? What’s up with the “town hall meeting” deciding who would go next…I’ve never seen anything like that in BB…I mean, everybody knows who’s going.
Yeah I’m with you there. It’s been kinda ‘above the table’ on what’s going to happen. We’re used to seeing a lot more deception each week. Mind you the first 3 evictions were backdoors, so I guess we got most of the action early this season (whereas we’re used to seeing it develop later on)…
Must make Production crazy.
Yeah… well at least they’ve got their pick of which house guest to sink because of their racist, homophobic, elitist or sexist rants… That must make the editing & producers happy. ;)
Give him some feed.
I’m already out.
Bummer :)
I hope he does all they need is 4 votes…and Amanda is out the door..
I’m hopping Judd too, but he seemed too nervous. He just talked to GM to get assurance he wont go up. Helen is not gonna do it unless it’s a slam dunk…and you can just forget Andy/the dog sniffer..he makes me angry
Okay idea for Thursday. If we vote again for MVP during double eviction (still don’t know how that will work, text only I guess) then I say we put Andy up. The look on his face. SHOCKER
I am still sticking with Aaryn, Amanda, Helen this time out. I like to mix it up because we just need to find one house guest to flip the house. Maybe, Judd might decide the time is right! Someone is going to make a move—-the only question is when? I want that person to have the opportunity to do so!
I really don’t think Judd is strong enough to flip the house.
That is his choice. Helen and Amanda are already planning on evicting him! He is dumb if he does not catch on and evict them first!
You should see the shock on my face.
Jessie- the girl who only wins when she has to
But shes really strting to get better at competitions
I hope she becomes a beast in competitions and takes out Amanda, Helen and Judd then, anything is possible! Kim Spradlin of Survivor 24 won like 4 immunity challenges in the last weeks of Survivor. Go Jessie! I hope she fights hard and wins HOH and POV week after week and dominates it! We need a hero now, Jessie could be it! I am voting you America’s Favorite Player at the very least! Go get them Jessie!
With the DE this may be the end of mvp twist
I hope not. We need the MVP to continue to create paranoia in the Big Brother House. That is all we have!
These house guests are too scared to make a big move! Only way to encourage them is keep putting people up! We just need to get the ball rolling then, anything is possible!
The MVP twist was the dumbest gimmick in BB history.
NOPE America’s player was dumber than the MVP…..With the pointless crap like try to hug someone, put mustard in someones clothes while they are sleeping…
Oh I thought that made for some good tv! :)
I expected America’s player to reveal false rumors about people. That would of been awesome.
This week: Evict Spencsweat and McCrazy.
A flip will never happen. These hgs talk too much. None can be trusted. If you talk game with any of them, they will run back and tell. Why should anyone risk ruining their game, if they are not on the block? If I were in that house with those idiots, I wouldn’t say a darn thing to anyone and I would do what the house wants done. That’s the only and best choice. House full of idiots.
Exactly Lee. Until they are left with only alliance members left, why be the first person to risk being a traitor?
Right. I think Candice will leave on Thursday, which is a good and bad thing, in my opinion.
I wish it wasn’t so, but yes, if you’re in the alliance, why wouldn’t you vote her out?
I would prefer Amanda to get evicted but, Candice would be my 2nd choice. I would rather keep Spencer as he will be a threat against Amanda, Helen and Judd if he happens to win HOH or one vote against that group atleast! Nobody is standing up to Helen or Amanda. Or Jessie, maybe she can win HOH and put Amanda and Helen on the block! Both of them have nothing to lose and are already being targeted! If they take out one or two of the stronger players like Helen or Amanda—-that would be very good!
Dan Gheesling betrayed his alliances last season and he almost won it! He made a very bad mistake of taking Ian to Final 2. He decided against evicting Ian when he had a chance to do so! Ian is the only other player who played good last season. If he took Danielle to Final 2, Dan would have won easily! Playing safe is the surest way to get backdoored or evicted because someone else will take the opportunity when given it! This game is about lies, manipulation and betraying people to evict them! If you are not playing the game—-you will be the one played!
It is impossible to play a good game if you can’t talk game with anyone. As stated, these house guests talk too much.
Ian won the last MVP and took Dan to final 2.
Yeah, but, Dan had more than one chance to evict Ian earlier in the game and he passed on it! If he did not, Dan would have easily won it!
Actually Dan would have been exposed if it weren’t for Ian. So again, I’d argue that you’re missing Dan’s best weapon…his timing of backdoors.
Ian wasn’t on the block until Day ~62 and it was a double eviction night, put up by Dan (his 1st HoH that season).Ian won Veto. Dan never would have taken Ian F2 because that particular Jury would not award Dan the money twice over Ian. Ian wanted to win against the best. And he did.
Ian played the best game and deserved to win it!
Last season was a totally different dynamic than this season Richie. And if Dan had tried to betray his alliance in week 5 of last season (with it being exposed like it would this season) he wouldn’t have even come close to being in the final two. You missed one important piece of strategy in your summary…. TIMING is everything!
Dan commented about this group. He said he would be evicted right away using the same strategy he used last year. It’s a unique group, He would use a different strategy. He does want Spencer to make some plans though.
Dan knew how to get people to trust him and the people that trusted him really trusted him. This group of people don’t even trust the people that they are in an alliance with.
Horrible players !!
Message to NY, NJ & CT viewers: There will be an important golf tournament on CBS Sunday afternoon. If you are going to record BB set the DVR to record at 8 & 9 PM as the tourny will probably go overtime.
The forecast is for rain. Might be postponed to Monday
Poor Time Warner Cable customers no longer have CBS. They’ll miss the rest of the season.
CBS wanted more monies is what I heard. If you have an antenna, you probably can get the local channels for free right? Cable is over priced as it is! I bought a Blu Ray DVD player and now enjoy immensely Netflix, Amazon Prime
instant videos plus Redbox at $1.40 rental for new releases! You do not really need cable!
Time to switch to Directv.
I think it would be great if cbs made all the hgs die their hair rainbow colored for the live eviction due to all the racial and homophobic comments by so many of them. And they should tell them WHY during the show. With 2 exceptions-Andy (for obvious reasons), and Spencer because he has no hair and should die his beard. It’s a fun way to put the hgs on notice for their behavior.
A cute idea, but I don’t think rainbow colour promoting is the way to cure homophobia…
LMAO…too true!
wow the racists still in the game and all minority voted out no wonder bullying is so prominent when you reward the behaviour.
You have the coddlers, Helen, Amanda and Judd to thank for that! They could have evicted Aaryn but, chose Kaitlyn.
I think everyone that uses the words racist and bully in reference to big brother are inappropriate. If people actually compared truly racist or bullying acts to what is happening in BB, they would stop using those buzz words. Kids that get tormented everyday and beat up in school, and then hang themselves rather than deal with another day of that, are victims of bullying. Rodney King who was beat by white police officers to the point of near death was a victim of racism. To use those words in reference to the stuff that has happened on a reality show, is a slap in the face to every person who has truly been a victim of bullying or racism. Yes some of their comments in BB have been uneducated, or mean spirited. But everyone just jumps on the BS bandwagon using those 2 buzz words. You want an example of bullying look at what the ATF and FBI did to the Branch Davidians and their children on April 19th, 1993. Their is no bigger bully in this country then our own government.
I hope Helen goes. She is annoying.
Candice should use these 4 days to campaign against Amanda. She will get evicted but, it is in her interest to lie and try and manipulate both Helen and Judd to turn against Amanda! Invent a believable lie like Amanda is planning to evict Helen next! Say the same thing to Judd! Sow the seeds of doubt and let them think about it! If it works, you survive another week. If not, no harm done. You will be evicted as planned by the alliance!
Most of them sat in the living room waiting for Candice to come out in the clown suit. She was smiles and handled it well. Only ones not there was GM (she has her own thing to wear) and Amanda (wearing a robe) still complaining about being on the block. She jumped Candice after POV and McRae gave her hell about it. Telling her she was going to turn the house against her. More crying. Maybe McRae is wising up. He and Judd talked about being loyal (because Judd was getting nervous). Will be interesting with double eviction this week.
“Maybe McRae is wising up.”
As long as he getting sex, he not going anywhere. Read on Jokers, they did it again last night.
What did they do?
Had sex
Are you serious, hahahaha.
I know but he gave her hell all afternoon after live feeds came back about how she is losing it. I think he is starting to get worried. She said wait till you’re on the block. I think she is staring to make a lot of people nervous. I know Judd is.
Well she is starting to realize her once might empire will soon be crumbling around her. How of course we know it’s us who put her up there, but from her perspective she is up there because somebody in the house has started to rally the troops against her (which ironically isn’t the case at all, but it might be because of her paranoia)!
Capt, if you are with a person 24/7, even that will get old.
To a 24 year old ?
Even a 24 year old. McCrazy is beginning to see Amanda for who she truly is. So, apparently his eyes are now open a bit.
Well it does tend to hold true that if you start off hot and heavy, there’s a point where you eventually get confronted with the reality of whether you actually are good for each other (which these two are clearly not). I suppose the question is whether he will go through this stage WHILE they are in the house together (it might not happen until they are out of the house).
To me McCrea has proven, to not being thinking with his thinking head. I know terrible pun.
Ewww. So, happy did not see that go down. I get TVGN after dark, I feel asleep. Whew. So, the live feed you see that?
So, who will America as MVP have voted to be next in line to take Jessie’s place on the block. I hope that it’s Spencer or Aaryn !
The MVP nominee is still on the block so GM as HOH gets to decide who goes up.
With it being double eviction week. How are they going to determine the third nom? will we get to vote between now and then? It will be kind of hard to give one of the HG MVP when they don’t even know about it?
Are you saying this week is a double eviction? Are you sure?
yes. Julie said it at the end of last weeks episode on Thursday.
I’m sorry, but I have to say this. People in bb house need learn to chew with mouth closed. I can’t watch it when people are eating.
Oh how I wish America could choose the houseguest who goes home this week. Bye Amanda.
I think the issue is that there are too many houseguests in the house this season…No one wants to make a big move this *early* in the game so we’re just seeing floaters go week after week. In most other BB games, jury member evictions would have already started by now, but unfortunately that hasn’t happened yet :/
I think the producers prolonged the game, which is fine with me but these heartless players are boring me to death.
U don’t have to have the live feed or blogs to pretty much know who goes home from week to week. Between Gm’s illiteracy and thuggish ways, Aaryn, GM, Spencer and Amanda bigot slander, and lastly the mean girls and followers in the bbh, this season has been a major FAIL!! Where are the players with the game changing moves, gotta respect Spencer and Jessie for trying at least. Candice or Andy for the winners of BB15
Yes, I give credit to Spencer and Jessie for atleast, trying to shake up the house! They also have nothing to lose as both of them are on the target list of Helen and Amanda! I hope Jessie lasts long enough to reach Final 2! She deserves it more than the other house guests!
If they don’t get Amanda out, she will walk away with the whole game and win.
These folks are not playing the game. If they were they would send Amanda home as she is the biggest threat. Or back door Helen and send her home as again a big threat. They are playing on personalities so it will be Candice. Dumb!
I miss not having a player like Shelly from BB13 who goes from HG to HG snitching and twisting each others words and really stirring things up!
I tought that what Andy is doing.
That is Andy doing that now. Pretty much the male Shelley! She wasn’t really twisting things but, more reporting to both sides what the other side said! Eventually, she got exposed for it!
Amanda and McCre need to go all they do is sleep
Amanda is so annoying! I can’t wait to see her go.
Am I the only one who is tired of Aaryn’s whinny voice? On BBAD she constantly goes on about how Candice is such an awful person. Aaryn must have no self awareness and selective memory.
Here’s a thought for double eviction.
Maybe the person in 2 place on the poll will automatically ho up on Thurs.
What do you think of that?
If they use the list from last week, it should be Helen or Aaryn.
I think that last week Howard left,and if Candice leaves this week it is racist. The whole house is racist.
No one in this house is smart enough to make a big move like getting rid of Amanda. This has to be the dumbest group to play since this started. I hope Jessie wins HOH next and puts up Helen and Amanda.
with the double eviction this week, does jury start with the 2nd eviction? i’m thinking it does, so we must be careful of who we get out before jury starts. i want spencer out before jury starts. i doon’t think candice deserves to be in jury either. they will be still be so getting their per diem in the jury house so we need to think of who we want to get no money and who we want to get money. they are always talking about their $13 thousand if they stay long enough to get to jury. who would u want to be in jury?
I was thinking after double eviction, meaning next Thursday is the first person in jury house.
How about Amanda and Helen ???? Double Evictees .. :)
Send amanda home go spencer call them hogs brother
lets just hope Amanda goes and if not this week I will keep voting her to go up on the block , can not stand her ,
so america voted for amanda as the 3rd nom over the racist,wow.