The latest Big Brother 15 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the spoiler results for you.
With just five HGs left in the game everyone was playing for the Veto today blocking any plans to Backdoor an opponent. Really there’s just one “opponent” left in the game at this point when four of the five players are in an alliance. It’s even worse when the one odd man out doesn’t even realize it.
Be sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter for mini-updates through the day.
Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.
Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 11 Veto Competition Results:
- McCrae won the Power of Veto
Wow. Once again McCrae comes through with the clutch win. It was 4-1 and the Exterminators still couldn’t manage to secure the win. One of them will go to Jury next, but who will it be? We’ll have to watch and see.
Privately Andy is pushing Judd to go when talking with McCrae. When Spencer talks with Judd we hear Spencer saying he wants to see GM go. We’ve still got some time before Monday’s Veto Ceremony to work it out.
Ian Terry was the surprise past winner visitor. The comp was the swinging one where the had to assemble a puzzle and keep going back to reset the timer or their pieces would drop.
Jump on the live feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.
What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be held on Monday afternoon. We’ll post spoilers when they happen.
Haha yes
good to see mcgay win
Good Bye GM!
Ain’t gonna happen. Judd will be the renom…and out the door.
How do you know?
Just by the talk on the feeds Judd is going.
Yes, so the only good person left on the show will be leaving. Without Judd, who is very likeable, CBS has a mess on their hands.
Yeah, I think testosterone is going to play an important role in this decision.
Not even. J – u double -d party has ended. they want to blindside him.
Not gonna happen as Spencer will use the head between his legs instead of the one on his shoulders…
Wow getting rid of Amanda was the best thing for McRae. He’s finally playing which has me actually cheering for him now. I think the rest of the house will use this as an opportunity to get Judd out.
What about a world all stars bb next summer?
Actually the best thing would have been get rid of Andy instead of Aaryn
Fatal move also when MCrea got rid if Elissa but glad he’s still in it
Isaid the same thing but if McCrae wins HOH next and makes it to final 3, then it looks like it wasn’t a bad move at all. But we don;t know how Elissa would have done in the competitions that were held since she left. I do believe if McCrae did not put her up she would have been loyal to him.
Totally agree w ya Prince
yes it would have he is a snake
I’ll bet Amanda is kicking herself now that she knows Andy is a snake and Aaryn had her back. She could of still been in the game. Even though I hated her at least the feeds weren’t boring. I haven’t even been watching the feeds.
Hate such a strong word Amanda added a lot of spice to the game and at least played I really do not like spencer and GM for all the disgusting remarks they have been making the way Spence talks about women is horrible he needs to go and GM what can I say that hasn’t already been said YUK
Hate is a strong word and that’s how I feel about how disgusting Amanda, Spencer and GM has acted. Especially Spencer. He’s a disgusting, perverted “Pig”.
Why such strong name calling?? Just call him a free loader…him and Andy didnt do wAnything all summer, ride coat tails and LIE !!
I guess you don’t watch the feeds do you? Spencer deserves to be called a lot worse then the few words I’ve called him. Spencer is a filthy, disgusting pig and yes I HATE him. Google him and see the filthy disgusting things that come out of his mouth everyday. It got so bad that every time he was on the feeds I either switched to a different camera or would mute him.
What game did Amanda play? Bossy pants, crybaby, laid in that dirty bed all day every day…,,never took a chance at anything. Rude, insensitive dirtball , lazy…..ok I did not say hate…
Oh he k yeah!!! And instead of elissa again!!
Why bring back old worn out boring players with 300 million potential players in the U.S. I’m soooooo sick of returning players getting a second chance when millions of awesome people sit at home and dream of a chance to play.
Yeah like me, I’ve been wanting to go on bb since it first came on the air.
This cast was a “fresh” cast of bb players and they just plain sucked.
Not everyone has watched the international bb’s and I have to admit bb Canada was a hell of a lot more interesting then this bunch…. Even with the goof ending I was way more entertained then I have been for bb 15.
I think Mcrea sat back & let Amanda run things that way he knew he would be safe. Now that she is gone he has to work to stay in the house. I would like to see him win and then dump Amanda.
MC has always been playing.. He has always won when it needed to be done..
Nah, I think BB needs to bring back players from other seasons who got voted out before they got a chance to play. Nobody that made jury.
YAY!!!!!! GO MCRAE!!!!!!
They need to get rid of Andys floating flip floping self
sadly wont happen everyone is blind to it
As much as I despise Andy he has really played them
I would say he has outplayed them because that implies he actually played and made moves. Andy deceived them more than anything, but I think a large part of that is that they just don;t see Andy as a player. They see him as a floater. Why no one ever realized there is a floater amongst them is odd.
If you don’t think that his deception and manipulation weren’t game moves, you are crazy. I can’t stand him, but he hasn’t played a bad game. He has been able to backstab everyone in the house without anyone being the wiser. If he makes it to the final 2, he’s going to win the money.
Manipulation is a strong term to describe what he did.
The only reason I think his tactic worked this year is because the people in this year have been exceptionally brain-dead. It’s not like equally charismatic people haven’t tried Andy’s tactic before.
With everyone always talking why is it knowone ever talked about what Andy said. He could tell one side of the house one thing and run to the other side and tell them something different and nobody ever caught on. Go figure.
If one of the Exterminators realizes that McCrae is now the one to beat, they will turn on Andy and let McCrae know that Andy evicted Amanda. This way, if McCrae wins HOH next, that person would be safe and Andy would be toast.
Judd should talk to McCrae and tell him Andy is the rat now and make a final 2 deal with him. If McCrae was smart, which he isn’t, he would take the deal and put up Spencer and Andy next with Judd voting out Andy. A final 3 of Judd, Spencer and McCrae would almost guarantee McCrae makes final 2.
I agree with you that all of the exterminators should be thinking about outing Andy to McCrae before the next hoh comp to put a target on Andy’s back instead of theirs
I think if McCrae were to take Judd to the final two with him (assuming he makes it that far..) Judd would win hands down, I think. Judd was well liked by everyone in the house, where as McCrae didn’t socialize that much-he was to busy being stuck up amanda’s butt.
But Andy and Spencer want Judd gone so he will be going. McCrae’s one vote won’t help. Spencer will send Judd to jury. I sure wish someone would expose Andy. Elissa is stupid that she didn’t insist to McCrae that Andy is the one that voted Amanda out. She should of said I swear on my kids life. She also should of yelled at Andy calling him a liar and fake.
Good for McRae bad for Gm
Not quite! Spencer & Andy said they want Judd to go next!
GM needs to go, but first she needs to rat out Andy to McCrae. Then if he wins HOH next, he can get rid of Andy.
Those dummies should evict andy because they can’t win against him in a final two. However, I suspect they will evict GM. That’s been the trend in BB for the last five or six seasons.
Mccrae is the only one who can beat him in final two. maybe Judd too, I think Andy has just pissed everyone off so much they won’t vote for him.
You maybe right. However, andy played a great social game although he’s a sneaky liar. Unlike, amanda, aaryn and jessie he did not have many emotional breakdowns or outbursts.
So popping up in every room saying hi guys and then going to the next room saying what are you guys up to that’s a good social game? Not in my eyes. He just went with the power like a floating “Rat”.
correction! he is a floating rat!
what i meant was some houseguest really disliked amanda, aaryn and jessie. most were just indifferent about andy because he came off as less offensive than the other girls.
Dumb butts will put up Judd!
Judd is going home next.
Bye GM the guys will stick together
No they won’t! Spencer & Andy are worried that Judd will turn on them, so they’ll likely put him up & vote him out!
They are going back and forth between Judd and GM as to who they will vote out. So Judd is going up. Judd is pissed at himself for not winning.
I agree about Judd the Dudd going up!! Just hope McCrae wakes up about Andy before it’s too late, tick tock.
I hope the judd leaves instead of gm
Or Andy
Me too, Judd the Dudd is worthless!
I dont want Judd to leave, even though I dont really care for him if he wins I will be happy about it because he does seem to be the least vile of the others
Right lesser of 5 evils. LOL
I saw judd picking his nose, that’s disgusting.
Well Spencer scratches his balls…what’s worse?
He’s pretty darn nasty too…..have you heard him on the live feeds….
I know, the last coupe of weeks Judd went from the guy who tried not to say anything bad and he helped other guests do the same to the guy who can’t wait to say something nasty about someone. What happened to him?
He’s been really, really mad at production from DR sessions. Don’t know why but it has changed him.
and I think we have a right to know why!
Yes what’s up with Judd? Sounds like he’s really acting up in the house. Sure wish McCrae would catch on to Andy before it’s too late.
Wine and Xanax.
GM needs to go first The End.
I hope GM’s pushy loud mouthed self leaves. At least Judd is pleasant and likable.
Bye bye Gina Marie. I’m surprised you didn’t see this coming
Sorry, but GinaMarie is likely staying this week because Spencer & Andy will likely put Judd up & vote him out!
Big brother I want to be on big brother please pick me for. Next season please lol
Long 3 days till eviction. They are going back and forth. Which one might win HOH. They think because so many women on jury GM would beat them. They are forgetting next might not be physical so GM might win. Then they are doomed. She would keep Spencer over Andy. She knows everybody likes him. If eviction was tomorrow Judd would go because GM got hurt again today so she is beat up physically.
The one to watch is McCrae and if I was them I would be thinking about McCrae and not GM. Obviously, McCrae is playing hard now and he is winning comps. Who can they beat in comps? Judd!
GM should go this week, but if McCrae win HOH next, he should go after Andy. Andy is the only one who can really challenge McCrae at this point.
GM is definitely going home then. They will not vote out Judd because Spencer thinks Judd will be easy to beat in the F3. I think so too. McCrae can win the next HOH too because with GM gone there is no one else to really challenge him for HOH.
If he wins this week, they will target Judd. Then Andy, Spencer and McCrae will be final 3. Again, McCrae would be the favorite to win the last HOH but the question is, will he evict Andy or Spencer? The problem for Andy is Spencer and Judd know Andy actually did vote out Amanda. My guess, is one of them will let McCrae know so that he takes out Andy instead of them. GM may even let him know this week since she will be the target of Andy and Spencer.
Andy and Spencer want Judd out.
Mccray for the WIN!!!!!
NOOOO! Then demanda would get her meat hooks into they prize money!
I agree with Mike 100%. She probably even had him sign a “pre-nup” before their “weddings!” Seriously though, that’s the only reason I don’t want McCray to win. Because he would probably give her half of it.
Seriously doubt it, after last nites bbad, gm and company told McCrae some things about Amanda that McCrae did not know, and it got him to rethinking about him and Amanda outside of the house.
OMG yes yes yes. McCrea rocks !!!!!!
This is the best outcome but the question is will he be smart going forward or continue be stupid?
At least for this week, he’s safe and an Exterminator is going to jury.
He’ll probably continue to be stupid. Even after telling Amanda that he doesn’t think Andy is 100% with them what does he do but continue to trust him. SMH
What does SMH mean? Lol
Shaking my head – LOL
Okay thanks. :-)
You’re welcome :)
Hey, GM. Maybe you can get Elissa to do your hair again in the jury house! LOL
Ha!!!! You reap what you sow….Judd’s next….
Remember when Elissa wanted an all female finals? And now there’s gonna be an all male finals…
Stupid cast this year. People have been saying for weeks that Andy and Spencer can’t be trusted yet no one made a move to get rid of them. Since the first week I felt like anything that come out of Spencer’s mouth was a lie. The house guests were saying the same thing. Yet no one moved on him because they felt he wasn’t a threat to win comps. Same thing with Andy.
But if not winning comps makes for a better BB game, then everyone should throw comps and play the floater game – Boy, with that be exciting to watch. Endurance comps would be over in like 2 seconds as everyone would race to fall and be out of the comp!
I think is someone put Andy up on the block early and and told the rest of the house he is a rat and pops in on everyone’s conversations and relays that info to everyone else, Andy would have been evicted. No one saw how Andy’s popping in hurt everyone’s game.
I think Andy is being kept around because they would all beat him,in F2, If only for a vote AGAINST him than FOR the other person,
I disagree. I hate Andy but I think he’s played a great game. He’s been very strategic with when and who he betrays. I mean give the kid an oscar that shocked outcome to Amanda’s eviction is what saved him. I think he would win over anyone still left. People in the house still like him and have kept he around even though he clearly can’t be trusted. The only one who even suspected him was Elissa and Helen. However I think Helen will see him as a good game player and convince all to vote for him. Someone needs to out him as the one who voted Amanda’s out. I’m hoping they do and McRae wins hoh and gets rid of him. Not because I like McRae just because I can’t stand Andy. Ill give him props for playing a good game though.
Oh no. He will win. Can you imagine if he pull this off all the way to the end. He basically “misted” everybody. He has the best story to tell the Jury. Don’t get me wrong. I hate the Rat, I hate his game play, and I would never be a fan of Andy, but if I’m one of the Jury, I will give it to him.
I really don’t understand everyone’s acrimony against Andy. He’s played an almost perfect social game with so little enmity among his fellow players. He hasn’t had to make any major physical effort because his social game is so good. It’s Big Brother! It’s all about the subterfuge and skill, and Andy’s got both locked up this season. Of all the players Andy’s consistence has won the day.
We don’t like Andy because of all of the nasty comments he makes about people behind their backs. He is a complete coward to their faces, then says stuff about them when they can’t hear him. The way he constantly bashes Elissa and even her family, despite the fact she is out of the game has nothing to do with making game moves or playing the game. It is about a sick obsession with another player.
Dan deceived people too. He flat out lied and stabbed people in the back in the worst possible way. But Dan did not talk nasty about people. He just played the game and left the personal out of it. Perhaps if Andy did not get personal with Elissa, we would not despise him so much.
Since you are an Andy fan, maybe you cam explain to us why he hates Elissa so much? What did she do to him that he would hate her as much as he does?
That is exactly why people can’t stand the rat.
Iktr……you can play the game without being nasty & personal.
Well said.
Thank you. Hate is a very very strong word, and Andy used it too many times against Elissa, while she was there and since shes been gone.
3 words……He’s a jerk!!!!!!
Look at last year’s Final vote. Dan had those guys wrapped around his finger and Ian won because he wasn’t Dan. They were all pissed at Dan for playing them for idiots and Ian happened to be the one next to him. Only thing Ian did was get Boogie out. McCrae should win easy if he gets there. I think he has a better game than Andy. If not, its anyone;s guess, I would say Judd has fewest enemies in Jury though.He would be my target.
Dan should have won that. Bunch of bitter house guests last year. He outplayed them all and he never attacked them personally.
His social game sucks!!!
In what alternative universe are you residing? General consensus among all the BB Blogs is that Andy has played a nearly perfect social game. Methinks one doth protest too much.
You need new glasses because the general consensus is nobody can stand the weasel. Why do you think 90% of the posts about him call him the “Rat”? Look at his fan page on facebook. Everyone hates him.
You don’t need to explain why Andy is playing a good game, and can possibly win this game. My question to you is, Why do you think his likability is so low?
I’m so glad mcCrae won veto.PLEASE PLEASE put ANDY up.
I am starting to think Andy’s number will be up Thursday night. I think McCrae will win the HOH again and then the exterminators will rat out Andy to save themselves. That’s when Andy goes up against Spencer and Judd votes out Andy. Maybe there is more wishful thinking in that on my part but I do think Andy is going to be ratted out if McCrae wins HOH.
GM has to go and must go now
Definitely not trying to be mean but GM & Judd are about to get what they both deserved…..should’ve aligned with Elissa……
Totally agree. But Elissa made a mistake in trying to save Amanda and trusting Andy.
Yep!!! But she was kinda in a Catch 22…..Either way she was doomed especially if McCrae was still going to side with Andy….just a mess.
I agree.
Judd is talking with McCrae now. McCrae wants GM out because she sent Amanda home. Boo hoo. Judd is getting no where with discussing at Andy to McCrae. IMO GM and Judd need to go up to Spencer, make a deal. Put up Andy, this will insure your safety. Cut Andy loose, we all win… McCrae will still be on his own. Andy is guilty be association with being tight with McCrae and Amanda the whole game. Andy went were the numbers were that was with us “the Exterminators.” Andy was part of 3a.m. too. Let’s blind side Andy. Keep Judd off the block, he saves GM, McCrae will save Andy…Spencer you get a huge blindside move to evict Andy. The jury will respect that.
If McCrae doesn’t listen to Judd then he is an idiot and should go home too. Judd needs to get GM to rat out Andy now as well.
What infuriates me with these cheese eating HGS, they all have said no will vote Andy out. Listen to yourselves! This stupid last minute guys alliance is lame. Are you kidding me! Spencer what a dummy, selling out GM….oh, I think the jury will vote her to win. Uh, no dumbass. Amanda , Candice, Helen, Jessie, Aaryn and Elissa all have had a fight with GM. Hello, girls tend to keep grudges. Unlike, a guys who can fist fight, then laugh the next minute…and compare wounds.
I’m with you on this one, lets put our head together and send our telepathic power to Spencer.
Andy ….. Andy …. Andy …. Andy
May the force be with us all. Spencer is such a wuss..he doesn’t want a tie breaker!
It’s working already.
They don’t realize that Andy in F2, Andy wins. I don’t like Andy but of the ones left he is the only one who has played the game. Jury votes
Candace – Andy
Aaryn – Andy
Helen – Andy
GM – Andy
Elissa – whoever is up against him
Amanda – Same as Elissa
McRae – Andy
All changes if McRae is up. I think McRae or Judd only ones that could beat Andy.
I really think they should get Andy and GM out since those two are definitely going to get more votes than the rest of them. However, Now that McCrae has won another POV, and if he adds another HOH to that, he will become the favorite to win.
But if I was in that house I would worry that everyone likes Andy and will vote for him.
You left out Jessie!
Judd has to go to McCrae now and spill the beans about Andy, about how he voted to evict Amanda. I still don’t think Spencer will put him up, but if McCrae wins HOH, he can put up Andy.
That is my thought too. Judd has to know, especially if he goes on the block with GM, that he is next. I thought McCrae tried to tell GM that Andy and Spencer were working together last night. If Spencer puts up Judd, that would be a sign to McCrae that he was right about that. So he needs to make a move now and Judd has come to him so Judd is his move.
Andy and Spencer already talking they think Judd will do that to save himself. So Judd better be quick before Spencer tells him.
Get rid of Andy!!!!!
andy needs to go please
Yay McCrae! No wonder you are my fave! Between GM and Judd I’d rather see GM hit the curb. Sick of her!
And soooo glad they now have to break up the exterminaters. lol
About time he started winning comps again. Now that he finally got rid of Amanda
So McCrusty finally drags his sorry butt out of bed and starts playing the game 70+ days into the game. He does not deserve to win. Sorry to say the only person left who played and strategized from day 1 is Andy (little vomit rises in my throat!) What a sorry excuse for a BB season! Thanks for letting me vent!
Spencer and GM are talking..Spencer wants to save GM. Both are fearing the Judd will tell about the Exterminators. Blah, blah Judd second chance. Andy is on Spencer’s radar hopefully. Come on people. Spencer is saying to GM we can’t beat Andy over and over. Duh? So, put up ANDY! Spencer get with the friggin program!
Andy and Judd just shook on F2 deal. Dumb Judd, Andy has F2 with everybody.
SOUNDS LIKE ANDY MAY GO UP…Spencer is telling GM that they can’t beat him in jury not making sense cause now they talking Judd.
Consider the sources. Do you think anything they could say would actually make sense?
This is a pretty sad season when all you can so is root for people to leave because there is nobody worth cheering for to win.
Please let the final decision be Andy goes up & out. The jurors would love to see that weasel walk in the door…
Spencer everybody loves Andy. Andy is the front runner. Andy will win the game… ok the wheels are turning in Spencer head…come on Mr. train conductor and choo choo over Andy’s game. Dumbass.
ANDY IS #1 TOPIC again keep that thought Spencer
McCrae is giving them a run for the MONEY now!!
Amanda was weighting him down.
Yes! Was hoping the past winner was Hayden, though.
Sorry, but he’s getting ready for Survivor! He’s a contestant onthe show this season!
The taping of the show is already done.
McCrae has a chance of winning BB. I’m actually starting to root for him. The only thing I didn’t like about him was letting Amanda ruin his game… but not completely!
I want to request a penalty nom. Andy in solitary confinement until the veto ceremony. That seems to be the only chance in hell that Andy will be the replacement nom. Please, BB read my post. Thank you.
Did you see the pool I posted in the ranking thread ?
Yup. At least you found a sliver lining for me, too read. I need to get to voting for Elissa. I do not want anyone but her to get the America’s favorite. Cause if she doesn’t it will be a crime. I also want Andy to follow through with doing yoga/ and throat slitting his promise to America. Spenser said he would poop on the stage and off himself.
That’s primetime TV for you.
Amanda is gone so Andy will be running McCraes game.
Ah huh…yeah…Ah huh….yeah.
Side note McCrae has showered too days in a row! He just did all by himself. Yesterday, I thought being chained to GM she told him too. Whoa.
Judd keeps refusing to put his costume back on. Hmm wonder how that is going to wok out for him.
What costume ? Penalty ?
Was just leotards and a cape just worn for the game only.
Judd is refusing to put his superhero custom back on. He is cleaning a wound he got, says it’s hot..he is mad at production. No penalty…Judd is just grumpy..
For what reason would the make him a penalty tenon? Being a big fat liar is not against the game rules. I don’t like Andy but that’s not a violation of the rules
You don’t think she’s joking?
Honestly wasn’t sure
Can someone explain what happened in the Veto Competition?
McCrae won the veto..yeeeesssss
haha thanks! I mean like what they did and such. The actual competition.
Not shown but some type puzzle but don’t understand myself how they got hurt. GM had to have stitches.
I’m with everyone else put up Andy I hope he doesn’t
win this
Spencer you think your being smart blowing smoke up Judd’s a**. You both have said the name Andy, he will win. IMO obivious choice is back door Andy. Spencer is going off of the rails on the crazy train. Sorry Ozzy… don’t mean to offend an awesome song. But, every time I hear Spencer talk/ plot, that songs plays in my head.
“If” Andy does not go up, he has to be aware that either Judd or GM will tell McCrea that Andy was the deciding vote in sending Amanda home. Since he also knows that his “buddy”, Spencer, will not be able to play in the next HOH comp, he will be a sitting duck if McCrea wins HOH. Either way, I think we will be seeing quite a bit of crying, pacing, and BS talk this week from Andy!
That’s the best weapon they have is to expose Andy. It should be done.
Remember how Andy cried when he thought Elissa was going to put him up on the block? She hadn’t even done it yet and he was whining and crying like a child. He is such a weasel.
I predicted this would happen after Amanda left. Raring to go and he actually speaks!
Tweet from BB Dish: ” And because I love you, I’m not tweeting a Perv Cam Pic of Spencer in the HoH Shower ”
Everybody is thanking the poster.
I cant’ wait till Wednesday. I hope McCrae wins hoh because then he can put up Andy and spencer!!!
I’m really not a fan of this season. I really don’t care who wins I just thought Amanda and Aaryn deserved it the least. As much as I dislike Andy he is playin a good game n I think he will win if he makes it to the end. The only two who I’m ok with winning is Gm or Mcrae. I didn’t really think Elissa needed the money but I was hoping her an GM would team up to the end and Gm take the win. Oh well can’t wait for Survivor to start. I’m over BB for this season.
For some reason, Judd is pissed at BB again:
twitpic dot com/dcfmdt
Of course he will be pissed with DR..Most common question they ask is “Why is that move good on your game?”..all of his decision are BAD for his game ! lol
Anything to do with that penalty suit Emma was talking about.
He said he was pissed at production because he had to do exercises all night and was sore and tired today for the POV. And he’s pissed that Ian was cheering McCrae on.
That explains it. Thanks.
Even Shelley Moore is making fun of Andy:
twitter dot com/ShellyMooreBB13/status/376466810603708416/photo/1
Takes A JOKE TO KNOW A JOKE…all I am gonna say
Thay’s basically what tought.
Andy and Judd are telling Judd not to freak out. Judd know those two are plotting to evitct him. Ju double d is not so dumb. Seriously, you wan the guy to pretend la dee duh it’s all good in am on the block safe. Andy is I want happy Judd this week…please. Please punch ANDY and Spencer in their mugs.
Does Judd even know what’s going on? Why is he not strategizing, like exposing Andy to McCrae? Or working on Spencer that he has no chance with Andy on F2. I mean just do something. play the game. No one is even attempting to destroy Andy?….OMG then they deserve to be evicted.
I wish Andy’s tongue would glue itself to the top of his mouth. Its unbearable to listen to his BS.
I have commented in the beginning that Amanda bedding McCrae was for a reason. We all thought conspiracy that Amanda will win, because of “so called friends.” Here is my side note thought…BB squashed the rumor and America got what we wanted..Amanda evicted. OK. With the kid glove interview, Amanda obviously, knows something. She knows McCrae will win…nice guy, relationship is real, moving to Florida…sugar momma. The sugar momma was the cover. Amanda was McCrae succubus in the game, he wins, Amanda still wins and get his 500k.
It is also suspicious…yes, GM made a comment to McCrae about him game play. Miracle happens and McCrae is HOH, the veto. Something stinks…just a thought. Please, do not for a minute, think I want Andy or Spencer to win. Also, Judd seems to know something, this is why he is angry with BB and production…watch Judd when he leaves DR. GM winning something, if she is left,has played the game, at times by herself. Socially…I am going on a limb, when she finds out loss of job, she will go and rehab her image. GM America dislikes you, the girl will be crushed. The boys could care less. Just a thought.
Not sure if you’re trolling or for real. I mean no one can possibly be this dumb, can they?
Part of you post brings up an interesting question. On Survivor the are two no tolerance rules that must end in removal from the game.
1. Violence against another player outside of the rules of a challenge.
2. Collusion to share the prize.
I do not know if BB has the same 2nd rule but if it does wouldn’t “engagement to be married” be defacto collusion?
I know Hantz was kicked off the show for violating the violence rule and Chima was kicked off for destruction of production property, has anyone else been kicked out?
Nope because Boston Rob propose to Amber on Survivor All-stars at finale Which basically gave him the million dollars either way. Because she said yes.
But the votes had already been cast at that time so it got around that
Gee, ANDY OR GM…who cares any more…not me thats fer sure….Once the idiots kicked Elissa out I was done…So lets make sure that Elissa gets the public vote for the win of the $1000.00…
PLEASE put Andy up & get his pathetic butt out of that house!!! I am so SICK of hearing Andy say such CRUEL things about other house guests….including calling both Amanda & Elissa a C*#T & other inappropriate, mean words. I feel so badly for Elissa b/c she actually believes Andy is her friend!!! How hurt is she going to be when she sees him talking so cruelly about her. Andy is just a Mean Hearted, CRUEL, Floater!!! His time is up!!! PLEASE do us ALL a Favour & get him OUT!!!
Kayden–I totally agree with everything you said.
I have feeds but I’m not watching it. Can you guys post an update if any of them are talking about how shady f**k Andy is. Any chance of him being back doored, I’ll resume watching feeds.
Last thing posted on the twitter feeds is that they are drinking. Seems pretty quiet.
Cyril I will try to keep you updated, As, it stands Spencer commented to Andy and McCrae about Judd drinking on Xanax. (the house receive one bottle of wine and four beers, after veto) Andy and Spencer pretend that they are concerne,… the truth is they are worried Judd will be drunk and out the exterminators alliance. Andy is in full mode to basically blow McCrae and say no alliance, it’s a lie. GM is commenting about the Grasshopper alliance that Judd supposedly made.
thanks Emma
I am falling on the sward for you. The feeds are torcher. The rat and pig are making me nuts!
You’re a regular Mata Hari.
Hey you… spy yes… I am no exotic dancer/courtesan!
It’s an expression. Falling on the sword. Give her life for her country.
No worries. I was teasing you. Not all posters would understand that is was a compliment.
I bought two candles this morning from a store where they sell Voodoo stuff. Andy is supposed to have a major diarrhea on Thursday during HOH Comp……I hope this works.
LMAO. I think I will go the store too. Great idea. Maybe Judd gets wise and puts visine in Andy’s drink. It’s old school and cheap, and works…umm not that I would know. shhhh
Ask about the candle that will make him vomit…that way he’s covered on both ends..hahaha
Cyril, you’re evil. I love your idea. (: !!!!
Andy is major diarrhea…
He already got back doored last night by Spencer. Now the new couple goes by Spandy.
lol..Spencer could be “the Gimp” in Pulp Fiction, the heavy masked guy in the basement
I really want him to nominate andy…but he will probably nom judd.
GM in the jury house would be a whole new show! Can you imagine?!
Then get Andy out, and finally McCrae, and you’ll have the first ever all women jury! Not a ball among them…well, maybe Amanda…
Judd should go because he was already voted out once, but that should be the reason to take him to final 2. Other person can say they never were voted out and Judd doesn’t deserve to win. Now that amandas gone I’m pulling for McCrae all the way.
I want to see GM limp out the door. So many fake injuries as a ploy to get sympathy. And she blamed her “foot” for all her nasty comments? Maybe she should have removed the foot from her mouth.
Damn I love McCrae…he rises from the ashes EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!
I have seen a few comment on penalty re-nominations is this a real thing?
Also has anyone besides Hantz (violence to a house guest) and Chima (destruction of production property) been kick of the game by production and if so what for?
BB2 or BB3 not sure, can’t remember the name of the guy, but he put a knife to a girl’s neck, for fun I’m assuming. But BB didn’t find it funny.
I rember that and googled it he was Justin Sebik
Also Scott Weintrub was evicted for a “violent out burst and threats”
Jen Marie Johnson appearantly broke house rules but was not removed but received one extra “penalty vote” in the next eviction according too Wikiapedia. That one I did not see
That’s it, you got 4 Chima, Hantz, Scott and Justin. I think they will try their best not to expel you and give you a chance.
They can always substitute a relative of Rachel’s. LOL
I remember the BB2 guy getting evicted from the game. He and some girl can’t remember her name were drunk in the kitchen, They started messing around with a knife. He pointed the knife at the girl in joking manner and said something to effect. Maybe I should cut you. Next thing we know he is being evicted from the game.
I found it. The girl name was Krista and that was on day 10.
Yeah it was also the last time. they actually had knives in the BB house until this season. When I saw the Amanda berating on Elissa when she was cutting her apple on tv. First thing that popped in my head. I hope we don’t have a repeat performance of Season 2.
However there have been times where people pushed, shoved, or chest pumped into people and didn’t get evicted. It seems an arbitrary line. If it’s grabbing positive attraction from fans who like the blood lust, then they keep the person, but if it has generated negative press and blogs, then poof the person is removed.
Yeah if i remember right Jordon got physically with a guy and never got evicted. Part of me thinks the guy was Jesse Godderz but I dont think it was. I just remember them arguing and she basically ran up into him all pissed off and like chest bumped him.
Good ol’ Russel! :)
In the episode previous to that one, Russel and Jeff also chest bumped each other… Again, it’s not harmful contact, but shouldn’t ANY contact be against the rules (even grabbing somebody’s hand in frustration)?
judd has made a so many mistakes, the biggest was getting rid of elli. she is loyal could they not see that, andy the ginger bitch is nobody he does not deserve anything, he could not even make any moves at all , just a coward who hid in the corner after making trouble saying I did not do it. I hope judds family reads these colums and when he gets home he will see how stupid people think he is and to backstab someone who was on his side and who helped him survive and to side with the ginger who got him gone the first time. then look at spencer another no load who cannot think for himself and is going to listen to that ginger , when he knows ginger is a liar and cheat and sneak, I hope mc wins it all and it hime and gm the final two. they both deserve it, the others are worthless.
Have to back door McRae ASAP
Not going to happen. He knows the house is gunning for him. He noticed how p.o.’d the house was upon him winning veto
Since everyone plays in POVs now, that doesn’t make any sense.
My fervent hope is McCrea wins HOH and puts up the rat Andy and the foul mouth knuckle dragging neanderthal Spen. One of them may get off the block, but not both. I dislike Spen more than Andy. Either one would be ok with me.
I agree, I hope that happens, though I personally don’t like Andy more than Spencer.
The visiting past winner was Ian, last years winner over Dan. He moderated the POV game, that all. Was hoping for someone to come in at set these clowns straight.
Here’s my prediction for the rest of the season…
This is how I think that the Jury votes will fall…
Elissa – GinaMarie > Judd > Spencer > McCrea > Andy
Amanda – McCrea > Andy > Spencer > Judd > GinaMarie
Aaryn – GinaMarie > Judd > Spencer > Andy > McCrea
Helen – GinaMarie > Judd > Spencer > Andy > McCrea
Jessie – GinaMarie > Judd > Spencer > Andy > McCrea
Candice – Judd > Spencer > Andy > McCrea > GinaMarie
Judd is likely up and GM will likely be evicted this week…
GM’s vote likely goes… Judd > McCrea > Andy > Spencer
If McCrea wins HoH Andy or Judd will likely be evicted
if Judd wins McCrea or Andy will likely be evicted
If Andy wins HoH Judd or McCrea will likely be evicted
They likely view the threat as such…
McCrea > Judd > Andy
This means final 3 is likely to be Judd (or McCrea), Andy, and Spencer…
Spencer will lose the first of 3 comp. Judd will win
2nd of 3 comp is a toss up.
Judd will likely win the final and Andy will be evicted.
Judd (or McCrea) wins first Spencer 2nd.
Elissa wins America’s Favorite
In the off chance that Andy wins the final he’s also select Spencer as 2nd, but enough about his shenanigans is known in the Jury that Spencer wins and And comes in 2nd which is his best result.
McCrea wins finale over Spencer simply because even though the jury members dislike McCranda, they have nothing against McCrea and he has won quite a few things and there is the sympathy factor…which increases with Amanda in jury if she continues with the bad personality.
it’s such a joke that we see these idiots play it out now that the good players are gone… taking GM now is a back stabbing play… put up rat face cry baby Andy… he is the one turd i so NOT want to see win.. in second place is child perv ,joker… spinster …
The only two players in the house to have balls were Elissa and GM… the rest gutless followers and some even worse rat face cry baby Andy and the Breaded Spinster .
If McCrae really wants to stick it to the exterminators, no matter who Spencer puts as renom, force a tie breaker. Let Spencer decide who goes to jury. Ha, ha, ha
I wish spencer would put andy up
Update Spencer, Andy and McCrae are thinking they are smart…going back to the (“no mam” alliance) Ugh. They want GM out now…because it is an all girl jury. Then they flip to keeping an injured GM. GM just got nine stitches…She cut herself really bad, playing veto.
The talking is keeping Andy…Ugh! IMO The problem would be solved if you blindsided Andy. Spencer will not get any respect from the jury… just sign the check to Andy/McCranda Ugh!
When is production going to put a bug in gm’s ear about ratting Andy out,should happen soon they need fireworks or this will be a really boring week.
GM will think she is being loyal by not saying anything – and then she will walk out the door.
I predict that CBS should air the Live two-hour Big Brother Season Finale during the third Sunday of September of each and every year from now on after 60 Minutes
I predict that Judd should win Big Brother one week from tomorrow night
Kind of hard to win from the Jury house.
Hey Lavendargirl… How are you dealing with the pig in charge Ugh! I thought I could hear you scream when that happened. LOL hope you are okay ;)
I had to control myself. I turned the feeds off I was so pissed. LOL I’m going to have a nice large cocktail before I watch it tomorrow so I don’t throw something at the TV.
I’m almost glad to hear Judd might be the one heading out this week. He played a craptacular game the first time and is still playing a craptacular game now. If Spencer isn’t an option, Judd’s the next best thing, in terms of godawful gameplay.
well of course he won, don’t ya’ll watch TMZ
Really Matt
I’m glad McCrae won now on to the next HOH. Last night Andy and Spencer were talking about how good GM is at comps and they should get her out if McCrae won the veto. I think Spencer feels he can win against Judd so it’ll be interesting to see which one gets evicted.
I bet Andy is going to push hard for Judd because he is worried Judd is going to expose him to McCrae. But Spencer is right, he can beat Judd in jury – maybe. Spencer cannot be GM in jury.
But Spencer is not playing smart. He is used to others making decisions and he picks which side to play with. Now that it is his decision he will not do anything big like put up Andy.
Another conversation between Andy and Spencer; Andy told Spencer he knows GM will take him to final two over Spencer and that’s why he wants to keep her. Both of them are worried about being able to beat Judd if he’s still around for final two. Listening to Spencer is rather comical because he says whatever he thinks that person wants to hear. I think he’s coming to the realization he doesn’t really have anybody on his side. Poor Spencer. rofl
Has Judd considered telling McCrae the truth about everything??? Is Spencer still trying to throw Andy under the bus??
Please tell me what did I miss, when did Spencer start throwing Andy under the bus?
Earlier today after the comp He was telling GM that Andy would win it all if he made it to the final 2…So he has a plan just has not made it known yet.
Actually, I saw 5 or 6 instance on the twitter feed, where he’s telling just that (Andy can’t be beat at F2), to either Judd or GM. He got it in his head.
If he puts up Andy I will subject myself to the drill sergeant treatment Judd went through!
Start training, just in case.
I have to remember what a jumping jack is. Its been about 40 years since I have done one of those. I don’t think they hurt, do they?
If Spencer puts Andy and he gets voted out……ahhhhh ahhhhh let me think…ahhhh
I hope his plan is to put Andy up and have McCrae and Judd vote him out.
Ok got it. Thanks
These HGs have some serious issues. They are still sitting around bashing Elissa. So pathetic.
just mute the feeds,,
They really have an obsession. Joker’s update on twitter:
Andy, GM and Spencer talking about covering up Elissa’s picture on the wall. Andy “I can put a joint in her mouth or blacken out her teeth”, Spencer “She would take that as a direct attack”
That’s a couple hundred more votes for Elissa as AFP.
Let them. We just need to cast as many votes as possible for Elissa as AFP.
But I hope at the After party Elissa’s husband goes up to Andy and says in a very angry tone, I did not like what you said about my wife who never did anything to you. I think Andy would pee his pants, cry and faint, in that order.
I got a feeling that production is setting up punishment games/comps cause of all the HG bashing especially towards Elissa. Just a guess ..
They all all pretty scared and bruised after the POV comp! Lol
If Janelle or Rachel were in the house, Andy the floater would be kicked out long time ago!!!! He made that far because this year’s casts are terribly naive… Can’t believe Elissa kept trusting him over and over again!!!!
She never trusted him completely. She expressed her concerns to Amanda and McCrae over and over, but they wouldn’t listen.
Is it judy me or did anyone else hear Andy teasing GM about being a fan of Candice when she was miss Louisiana?
I heard it. He was joking and I think Judd clarified Candice never won, she came in second I think.
Did you hear GM say in reference to Candice, “I’m just half a (beep).” I am certain she used the “N” word. You would think that she would spend her time learning to read and write English.
Of course Spenser wants GM to go; from week one Spenser has been a textbook example of misogyny. This guy should win nothing.
As for ‘andy’ who is still scrambling for his identity; at least he is playing the game.
Judd and McCrae could do some damage if they would only open their eyes/ears and talk to GM.
This season has been, and still is, soooo disappointing.
In any other BB, people would see Andy popping in on every conversation and immediately distrust him. They would see him lie and backstab one ally after another and distrust him. But for some reason all of the people in this house think Andy lies to everyone else, but he is loyal to them. None of them even try to compare notes about Andy to catch his lies. Helen was the dumbest of all but Amanda and Elissa were not far behind.
However, McCrae has a chance to beat all of them in being stupid about Andy.
Elissa was evicted Thursday. It is Saturday night and Andy continues to talk about her.
He is, and all the other HGs are, are low lifes.
What a trashy group!
so Andy is saying Aryan HoH wins are weak? He only won one HoH and one veto, she won a lot more when it was needed for her to win. Andy your are a weak play. The award for biggest floater in BB history goes to you. I cant wait till you get booted out of the house.
He’s campaigning. That what he always does. Its another reason not to like him.
” It’s even worse when the one odd man out doesn’t even realize it.”
LOL – McCrae is lost in space.
He needs Amanda there to tell him what to do.
OMG Andy saying how easy the HOH comps. were easy no skill why didnt he win them then?
If Elissa said that, the house would have something else to talk about for the next month.
The ones Aaryn won
Just vote for Elissa for America’s Favorite Player so Andy, Spencer and McCrae can watch her get a check for $25,000 from Big Brother!
The only skill Andy has is.lying and running his.mouth
Besides Elissa, Andy’s favorite topic of discussion is Andy.
I sure hope spencer puts up Andy and tells him they are voting oit GM then they vote out Andy. he will have to hang with elissa
There is little to no game talk on BBAD anymore. Its pretty boring. But it sounds like Judd or GM and not Andy will leave Wednesday night.
If Andy does not go home Wednesday, he will make final 3. Then I think he needs to win the last HOH to make it to the final two.
His face will be priceless if hes evicted
I think GinaMarie could very well be the next person to be evicted from the Big Brother Compound this Tuesday night
I hate to say it ,but the best players this season are in the jury house. Helen was irritating, and Amanda was disgusting but they were the best players. I hope that little floater rat Andy goes soon!
Spencer called Aaryn a racist bitch tonight! These people have no idea of how they are perceived by America. Someone will win the $500k and not care what people think. Someone will win $50k and not care too much what people think. But 3 of them will win nothing and will find out America thinks they are the worst final 5 in BB history. I think that is going to bother them a lot.
I want mccrae to win. I love how he was laying low when he needed to and winning competitions when he needed to. Now that amanda’s gone, he feels like he HAS to fight for himself. I can’t wait to see him crush everyone in the competitions. I don’t think spencer, andy, gm nor judd deserve to win big brother.
Did I read somewhere that he would share the money with Amanda if he won?
that is right he has the nasty mouth would not want my child of any age in his class ITHINK BIG BROTHER NEEDS TO MAKE THEM CLEAN THE HOUSE IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NASTY NEVER SEEN IT THIS WAY IN THE PAST GET THE RAT OUT
I had a feeling it was Ian…
Judd’s the only decent one left. If he goes, I don’t care who wins cause none of the rest deserve it, IMHO.
PRINCE I sure hope you are right.I want that snake to be evicted.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes!!!!! I am so ready to watch McCrae kick some ass in this house.
Have no intension of watching anymore.. can’t stand this group.. The only thing I will watch is the finale.. to see who wins america’s choice and what Julie will say to this group of scuzz buckets!! Just was curious who won POV..
I would like to see Judd and GM in the final two
why people are so inot mccrea is beyond me the pussy whip little pizza boy should go and join his love match in jury
no opinion on Spenser but Andy…what an asshole he is
What r they doing to Elissa’s picture
i cant believe how horribly they were talking about McCrae living arrangements … can ppl be so cruel???now im rooting for McCrae to win….show them uppity mean ppl…that u shouldn’t judge ppl!!!
Maybe to make things not so horrible next year CBS could list penalties in the contract if they go over the line verbally, like they have for physical contact. Lying, backstabbing and even cussing have always been part of BB. These people however were way over the line. You would miss entire conversations for all the bleeping of the f word.
I think I’d related watch the jury house now. McRae is an idiot who voted nominated the on person that would work with him. Andy is a weasel, spencer is just dumb and Judd I have no words. I hope someone pulls a good one and they nominate Andy. Probably wont… They are floaters and don’t know how to play the game alone.
Time for Andy to get to steppin.
Matthew thanks again for the updates. I now tape BBAD and don’t watch unless you say something happened. I only randomly check live feeds unless you say something happened. These people are unreal. I hate their disgusting attitudes. In my neighborhood we would call them “white trash”, and they deserve that including several who have been voted out.
That Andy is a slime ball, send his ass home.
Andy needs to go!! Andy needs to go!! Andy needs to go!!
Can somebody please : A) Tell me what Spencer said that was so disgusting and/or perverted or B) Tell me where to flash back to on the live feeds to see it myself? I’d like to see if he was kidding. I’m sure (based on how bad you guys all say it was) that it was never a good or funny joke, but I still want to know how it was said. I find it very hard to believe that he would just say something about child pornography when he knows he’s being videotaped 24/7, or that his girlfriend Marilyn would be all “Oh well!” about it if that were true.
P.S. Where’s all the “rig” talk now…Amanda the “pre-selected winner” went on the same night as Elissa the “back-up plan/pre-selected distraction”…maybe it’s rigged for Andy now right…
Oh this is so distressing! I wanted the nail biter OUT of the house. Now my girl GM is in danger. Damn Damn DAMN!
Gosh, i wish they would have listened to elissa about andy…i cannot even watch him talk….ugh! When he speeds up in his sentences, always asking other hg’s if they re ok…he is so fake and i cannot stand him!! Free rider!
If they were smart they would blindside Andy
Andy needs to go…Gina Marie might not be the brightest bulb but she sure as heck had enough balls to send Amanda packing. I think I disliked Amanda and Andy the most. Amanda and her bully a$$ would of gotten knocked out had she harassed me like she did Elissa and Andy is just a 2 faced little snake in the grass! I’m so happy Amanda is gone and praying that Andy is NEXT!!!