Big Brother 15 Nomination Anticipation In Week 2

Aaryn upset

Later today in the Big Brother house this week’s new Head of Household will set the first two nominations. If you missed the endurance competition results for HoH then check our BB15 spoilers board

We’ve been watching the Live Feeds and have a pretty good idea of who will be next on the chopping block. Read on for those spoilers.

Since late Wednesday night when Aaryn took power of the game for a week she was suggesting she would nominate Helen and Elissa. While she was immediately fighting with Candice over suspicions of her voting out David, it seems like Candice will get a pass this week

Aaryn believes Helen and Elissa are working together, but why she’s targeting Helen over the other few people she thinks are with Elissa is unclear to me. It’s possible someone else will be paired with Elissa on the block, but time and time again Aaryn has been going back to Helen. I believe that’s what we’ll see happen tonight when the Feeds return from the Nomination Ceremony.

As for the upcoming MVP nomination, we still have to wait and see who wins that power this week. I am fully confident Elissa will take that prize based on our polling results where she has more than half the votes with over ten thousand votes.

If Elissa does get MVP again then she’ll have an easy set of choices to pick from. I think going for Jeremy is a mistake because he won’t be sent home with his connections in the Moving Company alliance and the support of the girls in the HoH-crew. Going after Kaitlin would be a better shot of undercutting both Jeremy and Aaryn but with increased odds of success. I’m not confident Kaitlin could be evicted though as she could draw from the same support pools as Jeremy has available. I’m not sure the MC alliance would be willing to go against one of their members and vote out his in-house gf even though they would know it’d force him to be loyal only to them, well if he isn’t too angry at them in the first place.

Who do you think Aaryn will nominate tonight? Have you heard different discussions taking place on the Live Feeds? Grab your free trial and see what other fans are watching on the in-house cameras.



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  1. I’m really hoping that Elissa get MPV and Veto. I think that she needs to talk with the ‘MC’ members by talking to McCrae. At this point it should be clear to her that the house has one big Alliance, because David got evicted instead of her.. Let’s see what happens.. I really, REALLY wanna see Jeremy out ASAP, but I don’t think that this is possible this week either.

      • But it’s time to create a little caos.. If she can convince McCrae and the others to evict Jeremy, or at least Kaitlin, this should make some damage on their gameplay.. I’m looking forward to see Aaryn freaking out.

  2. I really wish everyone would see Aaryn and Jeremy’s true colors and vote Jeremy out this week if he gets put up by the mvp and then get Aaryn out next week. Those two really make me furious!!!! I want Elissa to get HOH next week and put up Aaryn!!!

    • What about seeing Spencer and Amanda and GM and half of the others true colors? Spencer is the biggest racist/pig in the entire house!!!

  3. don’t like aaryn. she shouldn’t go after elissa. if elissa gets mvp again, or wins veto- she could easily take herself off the block. aaryn should try to go after somebody else instead.

  4. I dont care who else is up on the block as long as Elissa’s up because I can’t stand her i gave her two weeks and it was like deja vu all over again she’s a fake, full of plastic, horse faced, big lipped on her face cunt and she needs to go that’s the only way this season can be saved

  5. Of COURSE she will put up Elissa. They are sworn enemies. And if Elissa were HOH she would return in kind. Even though Aaryns reasons for putting Elissa up are rather childish, getting an enemy out of the house is the name of the game. Aaryn is DEFINATELY not someone i would associate with outside the house….or inside either for that matter. But how can you knock someone for using their HOH to get rid of a threat? Not sure about her reasoning for putting Helen up but Helen is smart and likeable. Which are 2 things that Aaryn knows and obviously feels threatened by. If Elissa gets MVP then i think she should nom Jeremy. At least it would send a message to him that he’s not immune from having his butt firmly planted on the nomination couch. He seems to think he’s untouchable at this point.

    • There is the possibility of racism in Helen being put up… We know Helen made an effort to bond with Aaryn, but in the end, Helen simply isn’t part of the sorority that only accepts certain ‘types’ of people.

  6. Elissa should tell that airhead blonde just who wanted David to go and talked her into putting him on the block! After all, it was PizzaBoy that is responsible. Maybe he should feel the heat!

  7. I think she will put up Elissa and Helen. Although I have to give Helen credit for calmly trying to smooth things over with Aaryn. Who is going up in that 3rd chair is the nailbiter. Elissa could escape eviction or completely destroy her chances by who she puts up. Better to make a wise MVP decision rather than depend on being saved by the veto.

  8. If Elissa gets MVP and puts up one of Aaryns alliance and they go then I’m sure the MC alliance will be found out. They can only get away with saying they will vote one way and then vote another for so long before everyone else figures it out.

    • these guys are a bunch of tards, the one chick ( cant remember her name ) already knows something is up with the guys so by the next voting she will or should have conformation of that suspicion.

      The need to be splitting votes so its not obvious they are working together

  9. I agree about boring cast of BB I would vote Jeremy out I dont trust him in either allaince.

  10. I PRAY that Elissa survives this week and wins HOH (or Amanda) and they nominate Aaryn and Jeremy and use MVP to nominate GinaMarie.

    I don’t even really like Elissa that much, she’s like a slower version of Rachel, but Aaryn is so disgusting I want to see her gone! I wish that Julie would tell Aaryn and GinaMarie they got fired on the liveshow to watch them meltdown!!

    *next HOH comp*

    Julie: True or false. After learning of their actions in the Big Brother House, both Aaryn and GinaMarie were fired from their jobs.

    Aaryn / GinaMarie: False.

    Julie: The correct answer is true, congratulations Amanda/Elissa, you are the new HOH!


    • You literally just made me laugh out loud. That was good stuff….

  11. what Elissa should do is nominate GinaMarie and throw her under the bus for her racist comments. then GM becomes a bigger target and Elissa can stay at least another week. If Elissa wins Veto then it doesn’t matter anyway, but nominating GM could save her friend Helen.

  12. I’m totally hoping for Elissa to win MPV. Everyone is bashing on her and judging her while making up fake stories and I haven’t heard anything bad come out of Elissa’s mouth.

    The story of Kaitlyn saying that Elissa was in the back door of the storage room where production brings in the food… what is that about? Production must hate the houseguests for continuously saying that the game is rigged for Elissa.

  13. What has Elissa done that’s been so bad? I haven’t seen or heard pretty much anything whatsoever.

  14. Since the live eviction show moved from Wednsday to Thursday, does this mean Arryn (ugh) as hoh gets a extra day in the Hoh room?

  15. does the MC know jeremy voted to get elissa out that he really isn’t with them i think hes making up stuff about elissa to so the mc turn against her can’t remember but he was telling nick and mcrae stuff another thing is anyone else having trouble hearing bb after dark this year ?

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