Big Brother 15 Week One is officially behind us so it’s time to look back on that seemingly long, long week and decide who stepped up and who fell flat in the game.
I’ll pull out the Top 5 players and then rank the rest in order from best to last. And this is only from Week One. Anything that happened after Wednesday night’s live show will be considered for next week’s rankings. So let’s get to it.
Big Brother 15 Week One Player Rankings
1. McCrae. He wasn’t exactly the mastermind behind all the moves in the first week, but he was the guy living in the Head of Household room and and also snagged the first Power of Veto win of the season. He may have played too early too fast for some seasons, but I think this season it’s OK. There are bigger fish to fry in this game. On top of his competition stats, McCrae also played a fantastic social game and scored the respect of almost all the houseguests.
2. Nick. This guy has completely flipped on me from his pre-show interview to now. He’s not as annoying as I imagined and he played really hard this week. He is basically the person responsible for getting David out and for also realizing his alliance could use Elissa’s future MVP status as a tool for their own game. He’s not doing the best job at social game, though, as half the HGs suspect he’s some sort of plant or special player.
3. Amanda. Not only is she the most entertaining in the Diary Room, she’s playing the game hard. She orchestrated most of McCrae’s moves and was fully on board and helped execute Project Keep Elissa so they can use her as their weapon.
4. Spencer. This dude might be a disgusting pig with the things he says about women and if this was personality rankings, he’d be near the bottom. But since it’s all about game, he comes in at #4. He is playing a pretty good game all around. His Moving Company commitment is impressive and his social game is surprisingly good (I don’t see why, but it’s working with this cast).
5. Elissa. She barely sneaks into the list for being the person to actually nominate David, which lead to his eviction. She should probably be lower on the list though because she failed miserably at keeping any of her secrets for the week. But in her defense, everyone was figuring it all out anyway. She does look pretty much just like her sister Rachel.
The rest
- 6. Judd. Good social game and a few smart moves.
- 7. Howard. Good social game and part of the Moving Comapy.
- 8. Jeremy. His social game is awful, but he’s playing the game.
- 9. Helen. Good social game. Not much else.
- 10. Candice. She’s figuring out a lot of things in the game and was able to come off the block.
- 11. Andy. He’s kind of floating around but he’s not really pissing anyone off.
- 12. Jessie. She’s just kind of there but she’s not making too many waves. Yet.
- 13. Kaitlin. Of her crew, she’s probably the one with the most compassion.
- 14. GinaMarie. She’s basically an idiot and following everything Aaryn does.
- 15. Aaryn. Horrible, horrible, horrible social game.
- 16. David. He went home. He has to come in last place.
Keep in mind, these rankings are based on my opinions and thoughts. Feel free do disagree respectfully and share your thoughts and own rankings in our comments section below!
The problem with ranking these people is that they are such horrible people the things that should cause them to be out automatically may end up saving them.
Remember in season 11 when Braden was well liked and then used a racial slur, the whole house unanimously dropped all their other plans and drop kicked him out the door? It’s amazing that hasn’t happened this year and really it reflects badly on the US that in 4 years there is such a difference in reaction.
They are so stupid if they don’t realize those comments WILL come back and bite them in the ass! I can’t believe that people are willing to go on national tv and out themselves as such bigots! Paula Deen said something semi-privately many years ago and look what’s happened to her life.
Definitely. Sometimes racism, biggotry & homophobia (whether real or inferred) hurts…. but sadly sometimes it helps – it’s all about the people who surround you.
#2. Nick…… I too thought he would be nails on a chalkboard from day 1. I wonder if “interview Nick” will appear if he wins HOH. I hope not.
Remember Dustin? He was so likable…..then he won HOH and emerged as a monster.
I kept wondering what happened to “interview Nick.” This guy is completely calmed down in comparison. I guess it was just an act at the time. This seems more reasonable.
Are you kidding? He’s still “interview Nick” during his 9 or 10 DR sessions every day. His persona in the house is the act.
He’s a total wannabe. Like some sort of Boogie/Dan mashup.
Drop Elissa to 7, move Howard up to 5th, Judd to 6th and flip GM to 15th and Aaryn to14th . Then we match!
I agree with a few of these rankings. But all McCrae did was hide in the HOH room with Amanda all week. I don’t call that social.
Seems like that’s the general consensus…
I like McCrae but i wouldn’t put him as #1. Winning HOH and POV proves he’s good at comps. He’s yet to be tested on game strategy and social game, which is just as important. Amanda and Nick basically ran his HOH. I’d rank him #2. I’d move Nick into the #1 position. He was second in the popcicle comp…and may have won if he hadn’t made a deal with McCrae. Which was probably good strategy on Nicks part. His social game is a bit lacking but maybe that will improve. I would keep Amanda at #3 but as for the rest of them it’s a complete toss up.
Lawon would rank ahead of David. David had maybe 10% of a brain
I’d go with that, but I would flip Amanda and McCrae. I see Amanda has pulling the string behind McCrae
Sounds about right.
I like McCrae and I’m impressed the socially awkward pizza boy has REALLY come out of his shell to play this game…but…I don’t know if I’d say he’s in the top 3 just because he’s ‘adapted’ the best. Sadly I’d also say Aaryn is deserving of a higher rank (definitely a top 5 placement), and definitely NOT because of her stunning personality. She’s like the ‘hot girl’ in the sorority who knows how to gather together all the others who want to be like her. Look at GinaMarie, David & Dufuss (sorry Jeremy) – they really follow this girl and want to carry her books everywhere! She might be pretty, she might be brainless, she might even be a homophobe or a racist….but she is popular and is fully aware of her powers of manipulation. Mark my words and watch Jeremy and/or Spencer to drop their MC alliance and join her instead because…well…she said so.
The houseguests are so awful and boring that it’s hard to get really interested this season. Very disappointing cast.
What I don’t understand is why people think Elissa will have an advantage if she gets the MVP each week. The MVP only allows you to put another person on the block. The bad thing about having the MVP is that it does not protect you from eviction. Also, if you get the MVP and tell the other hgs, you might be popular with American but you definitely will not be popular with the hgs…..and that is the only popularity that matters. The MVP will be very valuable later in the game, but right now, it is basically useless. A hidden immunity idol (lol) would have been much more valuable.
Also, Elissa being Rachel sister is what killed Elissa’s game. Even having the support of Rachel’s fans isn’t really beneficial to Elissa.
Amanda is playing a good game by having MC wrapped around her finger but her odd jealous behavior is going to be her downfall.
What these people forget is their words speak about the kind of person they are . I watch Big Brother ,and I thank gos I live inthe real world. They have no same because they truly believe that people in the world are out here agreeing with the and it makes them cute. Jeremy is a bully, self absorbed jerk, Aryn is so impressed with herself she doesn’t realize that thereis a real world out here other thanthe person looking back at her in the morrow and she and her alliance are small minded and have no compassion ,intellect