Judd has been back and forth on his showmance/fauxmance with Jessie for weeks now and last night it finally went somewhere, but was it just all part of his BB15 game? Considering Judd was getting lots of hands-on attention from Aaryn on Sunday this has been quite a good time for him! Judd the Big Brother Stud indeed.
Earlier on Sunday Judd spoke with Aaryn and decided that he needed to start flirting with Jessie again to make sure they could keep tabs on her plans. They’re worried about her involvement in the “Evict Amanda” scenario that bubbled up on Sunday.
Later that night Jessie spoke with Elissa and it was suggested she (Jessie) get to flirting with Judd so she could try to sway him over to their plan for evicting Amanda. Hah!
These plans came to a head late last night when Judd and Jessie found themselves alone in the backyard on the couches. Jessie asked Judd to come snuggle in bed with her, but he wanted to stay up. Spencer got a clue and bolted so they could be alone.
Flashback to 2:59AM BBT 8/5 Cams 3/4 so find Judd and Jessie start having a little makeout session. After a series of kisses Jessie sits back with a very satisfied smile as though finally getting a guy to kiss her in the house was the real Big Brother prize.
She tells Judd that she can’t stop kissing him now that they’ve started and says this could be trouble. Jessie also starts telling him things she heard in private so if this was all part of his plan then it worked well and it worked quickly!
So what do you think of Judd and all this attention he’s getting from the ladies?
Ju-double-D is a Mack Daddy. Pimp dem ho’s
Judd playin one helluva game right now
Oh he’s definitely playing something – and I’m sure he likes it very very much! ;)
Who is going to bring whom to which side ?
Kind of mad at Judd, behind her back Judd calls Jesse stupid and wants her out of house, also with the aaryn flirting, really getting sick of this cast…
dude they all take smack behind everyone back lol
As someone who liked Judd, now I can officially say he is gross.
Sorry Judd, WRONG! What would yo mama think boy!?
When all is said and done you will have been played by a player. Dont go home a loser kid. You poor dummy. SAD
Apparently this was all spurred on by each other trying to play each other:
Amanda to Judd: You should snuggle up to Jesse for info
Ellisa to Jesse: you should snuggle with Judd for his vote.
It’s hard to get a read on Judd. He gets information on both sides and I think he’s playing his own game. Unlike Andy, he’s the Shelley Moore of this season and I dislike him intensely.
Unfortunately, I think Judd is still solidly behind Amanda. He still does not know that Amanda is about ready to evict him!
Wait you say something negative and say it is UNLIKE Andy? What?! Andy is the most terrible and annoying player of the season! All he does is rat people out and get scared by birds!
lol..Judd, playing playing on both sides,(smart) meaning they’re being played and playing his own game, those are all POSITIVE.
Andy, Shelley Moore of the season is NEGATIVE…and I dislike him intensely, NEGATIVE again….READ !..also read the respond from Richie, he understood what I’m saying…what’s wrong with you?
‘Unlike Andy, he’s the Shelley Moore of this season and I dislike him intensely” I believe that comma needs to be upgraded to a semicolon.
Oh..Jesus Christ !!! get a life !
Now now, no need to be insulting.
Now now, that wasn’t an insult. I was asking a favor.
I see, you wish to live vicariously through me. Not to worry though, as I do in fact have a life.
I totally agree he’s a little biotch
This is worse than High School Musical or any of those teeny boopers movies.
They really should pay attention to Elissa when it comes to deciding who goes home….Elissa told them not to vote out Katlin …Aaryn became HOH…Elissa did not want to vote out Howard…Gina Marie won HOH.. Elissa does not want to vote out Candice…The worst (as if things could get any worse with GM being HOH) may be yet to happen. I got a feeling that Helen is going to be kicking herself in ass when she finds that this is DE week and she let her chance at Amanda slip by…If only Jessee could get the HOH…Would that not cause panic among the natives??
Without MVP the only power Elissa has is the safety net of Helen and her numbers.
Spencer’s non-alliance vote is not equal to Elissa not voting with her alliance. Helen has the veil of “the house” vote. If Elissa went against Helen aka “the house”, who is already wishy-washy with how much longer Elissa should stay in the house, Elissa would be ousted faster than she could think possible.
Elissa needs an HoH and a deal with McCrae to stay alive. Voting Amanda out would probably ruin her temporary peace with Aaryn (GM by proxy) and burn McCrae’s bridge. Helen would probably throw Elissa under the bus and say it was her plan. Helen would be able to get Elissa out without the blood on her hands.
The chaos of double eviction would be a better way to get rid of Amanda.
He is crazy if he wants to protect Amanda, the piranha! Or Aaryn or GM or Helen.
Andy is a weasel and runs from group to group listening and agreeing with anything they say then runs to Amanda or McC. I got news for you Andy, you Mole, you need to go and take you bucky beaver teeth with you and the food you pick out of your teeth, look at it and then eat it again and picking your nose. A lot goes on after Dark show. Why has no one figured out what a snitch he is???
SOOOOOOOOO good to see somebody else see this!!!! Can’t wait til they kick his howdy doody butt out..
Howdy Doody that is who he reminds me of. lmao I could not figure out who he reminded me of.
He reminds me of PeeWee Hermen. Andy is one of those people that just pops up. It doesn’t matter what room they show on after dark, he comes in that room. Sometimes I think there is more than one of him.
Judd & Andy need to be on the block. They have floated way to long. They had chances to be a player in the game. But let themselves get played.
Part of being a good floater is to lie low and only rise to the occassion when needed, especially once they’re down to final 9, it’s every one to themselves. A bad floater is when he/she continues to cling on to people in power on their coattails without having done literally nothing to help their game, not even a strategy.
Aaryn did tell Judd (not a quote) that Andy is working both sides of the house.. So he knows that for sure now…He will be more careful of what he tells Andy (hopefully)…Judd may act dense but hes a listener..
Judd is up against a pizza boy, railroad conductor, and gay boy. You could find more potential under a bridge.
don’t forget the other earlier competition: The surfer dude, the closet gay, the douchebag sailor, and the metaphorical bible lover
nick is gay also he had three girls on him and he was scared
Nick isn’t gay…
duh, i was playing! just like everyone in house talking smack it’s playing a game
Elissa talks rude to everyone and Helen sneaks around everyone’s back, Andy is a mole and rat, Amanda a bully, it’s great and all you all see is Aaryon being rude or GM lmao you all idiots. they all talk smack it;s a game lmao
At this point I really don’t want to root for anyone to win. I have a reason to want everyone to lose though. I guess if I had to choose, I would like to see Elissa and Andy in the final two if for no other reason than the way they mock each other is amusing at times.
They both think they’re playing each other… funny!
I think you are abusing the term “ladies” …
I wish there was more people in the house that wants Aaryn out. Because if Elissa or Jessie or Candace won the second HOH on Thursday they could evict her with no repercussion. I can not wait for her to be gone. When Amanda talks and rants, she is 95% of the time around other people or tells them to their face. Aaryn on the other hand is still being mean. She is just sneaky. Last nights BBAD her and GM were talking about blond on top of blond. In other words, the two of them winning back to back to back. Question, does Gm know about Aaryns alliance with MC/AM/J/A? Who is GM aligned with?
Lucky Aaryn and jessie