‘Big Brother 15’ Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Power of Veto

Houseguests have wrapped up the Veto Ceremony for this week on Big Brother 15.” You can sign-up for the live feeds now and watch the houseguests plot and plan for Thursday now that they have the final nominations.

Read on to find out the latest spoilers and discover who is on the block.

Big Brother 15 - GinaMarie & Spencer

Just as we expected and discussed earlier, GinaMare renom’d Spencer after Jessie, the winner of this week’s PoV, used the Veto to save herself.

Immediately after the Feeds returned GinaMarie was explaining to Spencer that her other choices were Judd & Andy, but she had to go with him. GM tells him that down the road, if he needs her to go against an ally she will do that to return the favor.

The final nominations for BB15 Week 6 are Spencer, Candice, and Amanda. Spencer is in no real danger unless things get really wacky. The drama is currently between whether or not the “Evict Amanda” can gain one more vote and become a reality and not just a paranoia-inducing scare for Amanda. If not, say goodbye to Candice the Clown.

Do you think GinaMarie made the right choice for her renom? Which of the three HGs would you vote to evict?

Jump on your Live Feeds now to watch the house react. Don’t have the Feeds yet? Get your Free Trial right now and see what other fans are watching right now.



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    • I hope he votes out amanda. Would be smart and he would be able to justify it to Aaryn, as he was trying to keep jessie believing he is with her and not Aaryn.

  1. Its no surprise Spencer went up and Matt is right that Spencer is save unless things get weird.

    That said, I don’t believe the house has enough votes to evict Amanda simply because most of them don’t have the guts to vote to evict her. It shouldn’t be the house, its should be HG’s, but it isn’t. So Candice will be evicted in the first of two evictions come Thursday night.

    One note, I wouldn’t want Amanda on the jury, I would rather have Candice and its getting to be that time.

      • There are currently 11 HGs one evicted this thursday leaves 10. We would need another person to go home before we get jurors. With the season dwindling down im thinking double eviction this thursday, then start with jurors next week. Unless im not thinking of something.

      • Oh ok, didn’t know that for sure. what i was thinking. Thanks for letting me know. do the HG’s know? I havent been able to get to my DVR yet to catch up. I apologize for commenting without being up to date. Ill be sure to catch up tonight!

      • That’s ok and no the HGs don’t know. But they expect a double soon, I don’t think they will be that terribly surprise.

      • Did you not watch last Thursday’s show? Julie said that it is a double eviction this week

      • Curt pay attention please.Dude they’ve already said it would be a double eviction on Thursday.

    • Except, there are quite a few people in the house that would never get Candice’s vote if they made it to the final 2, one of them being the current HoH.

      • If that is the case then everyone of them should be thinking on bringing her to the end if they really want to win

  2. I hope Amanda freaked out and doing something nasty and put a target on her back

    • I don’t think it’s even possible for her to be any nastier, yet these houseguests insist on keeping her. I hope she wins because they are all idiots and deserve to lose because of it.

      • It’s hard to execute that plan or any plan when the sniffer dog/Andy knows about it. I’ve noticed he would tell but not revealing everything in a way that protects his relationship to both parties involved. He gets paranoid and squash the idea immediately. I have to say, he is influential in the house. How long will he play this game? I don’t know…I loathe him !

      • I’m not saying that kind of freaked out, I mean the freaked out of threatening to target whoever try to vote her out thing!

  3. Helen and Elissa are still talking about wanting to get Amanda but they just do not have the numbers.

  4. Amanda has an in with either the producers or someone important at CBS! Read about it on utube… She has been on shows so they no her. So I don’t think she will be going any where, so sad… There are other people who deserve to be there. I like Helen’s game. She has a good heart, she is really playing the game. I don’t no why they don’t get Andy out, he is a little snake. But he is also playing a good game. I wish Amanda would go but from what I read she won’t.

  5. I just hope that Amanda and Aaron get out before and they’re on the jury that would be bad

  6. Right now they are just feeding a bunch of lines of BS to Jessie outside on the couch. Jessie is seeing right through it. It is pretty funny.

  7. So close yet, so far. One solitary vote is all that stands between Amanda or Candice leaving. I hope Jessie can flip Judd to see their way and vote to evict Amanda as far fetched it seems right now! If she knows Amanda’s plan to evict Judd, she should tell him now, even if she doesn’t she should lie and tell him that! It may be all that is needed for Judd to flip! Come on Jessie, you your charm and make it believable and make Judd flip his vote!

  8. Please kick the @ss of the biatch amanda out! And then helen on the next one. Boom!!!

  9. Time for sweaty SPENCER to go bye-bye!! Candice can walk out with him & they can comfort each other!!!

  10. I am starting to hate Helen and Amanda because they run the house and deny it. Ginamarie would have made a smarter move by putting them two up and keeping two of the weakest players that wouldnt do anything.


    • Since she went along with Helen and Amandas wishes last week, she’s sitting in a pretty good position. Of course they are using her and i’m pretty sure they both think they can beat her in the end. She’s rebuilding alliances though and right now is seen as a non-threat. Kind of sickening isn’t it?

      • Aaryn deserves to be played like a violin and have her strings cut. It might be disgusting for us to watch, but keeping Aaryn in submission, voting with you and watching your back is a great strategy for anyone in the house.

        She is loathed and will never win the game. Why not use her to your advantage? The HGs have seen some of her abhorrent behavior and comments. But Helen, for example, is unaware of the disgusting comments Aaryn has made about her. Aaryn remains in the house to be used until she no longer serves her purpose. Call it sadism but I am quite happy to watch Aaryn think she has a chance of winning, watch her be used by the HGs, watch her mouth dig her own grave further and then be kicked out in to the real world. Far as game is concerned, I don’t think less of “the coddlers” when it is strictly a game play strategy.

        It would be twisted to see her sitting in F2 and getting runner up money though.

      • I agree. I dislike her being there but it IS smart to use her to preserve your game.

  12. i think gm should have put up andy.he is the one that opens his big moth and tells everybodies bussness

  13. It will be too late if they dont evict Amanda. After the dbl eviction she will be expecting it at some point and will be prepared to go to war by bullying those that are left in the house minus Spencer. It is funny that she has been up 2wice and no one has taken it serious enough to really rally to evict her. The first time should have been a red flag the second time should have wheels turning for someones strategy in the game. What happened to the days when nominees went down fighting on their way out the door. This seasons guest take it laying down. They hatch theories and plans that no one hears but America and themselves. Then when they do pitch it to see how it sits they pitch to the wrong people and or the pitch is WEAK. BB15 needs a DIRT CAM/MESSY CAM and have either evicted hg or random people reenact gossip/schemes and have it to show when all remaining guest are present or just randomly walking by and if everyone is doing different this put it on a loud speaker. Maybe this will get the guest seriously plotting to be a final 2 and winner of this game. Honestly they are about to serve Mcranda the game.

  14. No I don’t think GM made the right. choice…this would be very risky but I think that if GM put McCrea up that target would go on either Amanda or mccrae…only 7 vote: Helen, Spencer elissa and Jessie vote to evict either McCrea or Amanda….the game would completely change and GM would have made a major major move that could possibly win her the game if she got to the end….

  15. They pull Judd aside and tell him its time to pick a side. Tell him three of you are going to vote for Amanda & you three, have made a pact to put him up against Amanda if he doesn’t’ vote to get her out(if one of your allies win HOH) Tell him not to say anything because if you hear any rumors about your conversation then you will put him up anyway. Pull Andy on the side and tell him the same thing. Do this about 10 minutes before the meeting before the vote. They are riding high now. Let’s see how they feel about going home next week if one of you three win the HOH. I wonder what their chances would be against Amanda. Let’s see how that little weasel feels about possibly having a target on his back by helping (ratting to) Amanda.

  16. im still tripping over america picking amanda over aaryn as the 3rd nom.dont get it……SOMEONE EXPLAIN IT TO ME. thank you lol

  17. PLEASE Big Brother, Give Amercia back the mvp vote….Amercia hates Amanda….and we want to watch her everyday just flipping out, with who put her up…PLEASE!!!!

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