‘Big Brother 15’ House Meeting: Candice Blows Up At Spencer and Amanda Digs In

Candice Stewart - Big Brother 15

As if today wasn’t crazy enough on the ‘Big Brother 15’ Feeds with potential cheating by GinaMarie we have another story to tell. Candice kicked off a big house meeting that quickly blew up in to a fight as she was followed by Howard then Amanda as Spencer peppered the argument with his rebuttalsas well. What a fantastic day for Feeds!

If you’re not watching the Live Feed yet then now is definitely the time to find out why they make the game so much more than just what CBS can edit in to 45 mins a few times a week. Sign-up now for the live feeds free trial and watch along with the rest of us!

Flashback to 2:59PM BBT to watch it all get going. Candice starts off by calling out Spencer. Wait, let me back up. Spencer has been saying he wants Candice gone over Howard. He has also been campaigning for Amanda to be evicted. He even got in to a very heated argument earlier today with Amanda as they made it clear they were each going after the other.

So back to the house meeting. Candice calls out Spencer and tells him she knows he said he wanted her gone and to “keep her GD name out of his mouth!” She adds on that Spencer said he wanted Amanda to choke and die. This goes on for a few mins. Spencer argues back and tries to say he didn’t say all the things she’s saying.

Let’s pause here. This is horrible strategy for Candice. If she wants to keep Howard this week then who is the real enemy for the next two days? Not Spencer. It’s Amanda. This could easily galvanize Amanda’s support. If Candice needed to yell at Spencer, then that’s fine, but she should have done it in private. How does she not see the way this will hurt her cause this week?

Howard takes over and says he doesn’t want to play the game like this and to vote him out if this is how things are going to go. Howard, without naming names, calls out that the house is being run by four or five HGs. He won’t specify, but later others suspect he meant McCrae, Amanda, Helen, and Elissa.

Just when Amanda is looking really good she decides she needs the last word and starts up. Jump to 3:05PM BBT for Amanda calling Howard a liar and says he called Candice “a cancer on his game.” He starts to defend but she jumps back in that he is lying about this and lying about that. Amanda brings up their attempt to flip the house and get her evicted. That gives Howard the chance to call out and try to persuade those interested to join with the flip-attempt.

Candice comes back for one more jab at Spencer. She tells Amanda that yes, Spencer told her she should go talk to Helen and see if they could flip the house to vote out Amanda. Candice, “ya big dummy,” do you not see how that would help your game? You’re calling out someone trying to help you and instead are supporting your house rival! Aarrrgggh! Candice is awful at this game. Awful.

It’s an ugly mess and when it ends the house scatters in groups. We’ll have to keep an eye on the HGs as they react and discuss what to do for Thursday’s upcoming eviction.

What do you think of all this? Who did it help and who did it hurt the most? Keep watching and reading with us. Big Brother 15 is just getting started!

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  1. Love all the drama and if amanda leaves thursday this house will go completley crazy

      • Yeah it think for a minute. He still has a lot of ppl supporting him. Jessie and Andy will ride his coat tails, in a hot second. Jessie playing pool with Amanda said she and Andy would protect McCrea.

    • It looks like now we will see a 4-4 vote with Aaryn having to break the tie. It will be 4 votes for Howard to go home and 4 for Candice. It looks like Candice made herself the biggest target in the house for her rampage today.

      • Aaryn, Gina Marie, Jessie and Andy I believe are now discussing voting out Candice. I think they have 4 votes which means Aaryn casts the deciding vote to evict. Candice with her outburst managed to save Howard I guess. Unless, it changes again which could happen. Helen and Amanda want Howard out though.
        Given a choice, I probably would prefer Candice to stay because she would go after Aaryn and Gina Marie in the Big Brother House with her new attitude. Howard has played just as bad with his weak alliances and no game play at all! Spencer has played a way better game than Howard or Candice. That is a huge surprise there!

  2. I think Howard should stay.. and send amanda out the door.I can’t believe Amanda was walking through the back yard with a towel wrapped around her topless what’s wrong with her doesn’t she realize she’s on television and her family is seeing all this…she’s the one that needs to go.she’s the one that’s tearing everything up and mc Cray hide behind her.

    • I think she is showing off her ample bosom in the hopes that a men`s magazine might court her.

      • See why I said a grain of salt. The girl is walking around topples. All season she has been talking about her fake boobs. to me that is creepy.

    • Creepy. maybe she was considering going in to the pool to see if her fake floater/boobs would keep her from drowning.

  3. Stick a fork in him, Howard’s done.
    Amanda’s tactics of threatening everyone are working, and this drama will mean people will be too scared to turn on her.
    The only way I see this turning is if someone tells Judd that Amanda/Mccrae kicked him out of their F4 and replaced him with Aaryn.

    • Yes, thanks to Candice too. Howard is cooked. Would be nice if Judd would be clued in. Guess we shall see who spills the beans. This year the HGS can’t keep secrets.

  4. Please let them vote out Amanda. Otherwise we will see her in F2. Tragic.

      • Somehow, someway, she would try to bully the entire jury to vote her way. Only they could tell her to stick it where the sun don’t shine since they would no longer have to make deals with her.

      • I would like to believe that, ppl in the jury would tell her off. But it is Demanda! She will dictate the jury house, just like she takes over the HOH room.

  5. Wow, I turn my attention away from Big Brother for 12 hours and all hell breaks loose!

  6. Finally… Somebody stood up to Amanda and let her have it with both barrels. For as many times as she has threatened the other HG’s this one time with Spencer giving it back to her is awesome.

    • Get her Spenser! Amanda can not take what she dishes out. I am super happy he went guns a blazing with the curse words. Cause every other word out of her mouth is a curse word. Spenser didn’t use the threaten and intimidation tactics to get his point across. I respect Spenser for keeping real game play. Amanda doesn’t know how to deal with a “real man”, who she hasn’t castrated.

      • Spencer is a pig. I don’t know if you have live feeds or not but he is the biggest racist pig. His comments I would not even repeat they are so disgusting. He is in no way shape or form a man.

      • Yeah, I do have the live fees and yes he is no angel. He comes off as a creep. He is a racist pig…and I think even worse things about him. The only point I am making is Amanda should be able to go toe to toe with him. She is a BIG threating personality.

      • Oh I totally agree with you. Amanda thinks she runs the house. And she’s been bullying even more because of being on the block.

      • Yep…the only problem is I know who I’d like to go but I still don’t know who I want to win. LOL.

      • You crack me up! You can see who I want out this week, but to win I am clueless too. Sigh.

      • For a second I thought you were talking about “feeds” for pigs. You know like “Purina swine feeds” lol seriously!

      • Finally my laugh for today. Maybe they need to get some of that feed for the house. LOL

      • Lol…maybe we could suggest that for the next Have Not comp. And hope that Spencer is a Have Not!

      • He also has no respect for women. Referring to them as c**** is revolting. I’m horrified that he hasn’t been evicted as of yet.

      • That’s why I hate him so much. And hate is such a strong word but that’s how I feel about him. He says the filthiest things. I’ll bet Marilyn is long gone when he gets out. And if she’s not then she’s a fool.

      • You said it! I’m also tired of seeing Spencer scratch/adjust his junk…even with his hand down his pants in front of the other peeps. Totally gross!

      • I really Hope that Bully Bitch Amanda Goes home because she is a bully and she is a bitch like Erin Gina Katlin are bitch lost respect for that Bully Bitch Amanda Candis isnt a bitch like Amanda is

  7. Wow, the party has finally started in the house! Oh, Candice bad move with Spenser. You now have someone who was your potential ally to help campaign and flip the house plus, keep you and Howard both, dang you couldn’t see the picture. You have sealed “Howie’s” fate. He is now going cause the house wants Howard and Spenser broken up. You should be gone this week for that huge mistake.
    Now, Amanda can be her mean hateful threatening, and do her power mongering and say what ever she wants, and the house is lapping up her nasty behavior. Looks like next week she can go back to hoarding who gets the HOH, and sloth in their room. Ugh. I can see the idea of wanting to break up Howard and Spenser, but no one is clued in to the fact that Amanda and McCrea are sitting back in your face power showmance you should attack first. You all would go farther in the game. Oh. and let’s not overlook the Helen and Elissa power duo. Well, am fired up.

  8. now I have to get the live feed to see whats really going on.please some body shake the house up.We need it

    • You really should. Lot’s of drama today…my favorite part. Lol And the drama is still not over after Howards comment to Amanda. She went to production.

      • Really? Again Amanda can not take what she dishes out on a daily bases. She can’t handle a real man. If anything Howard should have gone to production, but he is not a wuss.

      • Did you hear what Howard said to Amanda. I’m not talking about the fight I’m talking about him saying to her in the kitchen being a smart ass when we get out I want to eff you. You are so effing hot. She was creeped out and went to production. That’s sick. I want Amanda gone also and think she’s a bully but there are some things people take to a new level and I find it disgusting.

      • Yes, that is disguising. I take what he said with a grain of salt. He is has his walking papers, and he is finally letting loose. That kind of talk is rampant in the house. Just my opinion. Not excusing the behavior.

      • Actually it was not Howard… Amanda has told everyone and production that it was Spencer. No one even knows if it was actually said.

      • No it was Howard. Flash back on the feeds. Spencer said he wanted to have sex with Jessie in the jury house. There both pigs.

      • I get that you think they are pigs. Do not dismissed the fact we have piggy women too. Turn about is fair play in this house. Everyone reaps what they sow.

      • Oh yeah just look at Amanda. That night she put band aides over her boobs I wanted to vomit. Now when she dressed up for McCrae’s birthday I thought that was funny. They were all having a good time until Elissa ruined it.

      • Nah, I don’t think Elissa ruined it/ I would have made the comment, plus Elissa was woman enough to say what she thought to her face. Props to her. I wanted to barf.

      • Exactly! Amanda has been absolutely horrific in what she talks about as well. She’s up there with Spencer.

      • I actually did not hear/see it happen and neither did anyone else so it leads me to believe that Amanda made it up. Go around the time of 5:30pm onwards. Amanda was telling people about it.

      • Has Howard gone crazy, as well? I don’t know, but I think I’m getting closer and closer to evicting myself from this season. I have decided not to stay up (midnight until 2:00 a.m.) to watch BBAD, if I have to work the next day. These hgs are not worth my time.

      • Howard Candis are the top two favorite houseguest of mine this season Hope that Amanda goes home so that Howard Candis Can really stay in the house if i was in at big brother house i will start a friendship with Howard Candis

    • Yes, so now you can see how wise of a choice it would be to take out Amanda before, Howard and Spenser. Plus, you will see that Amanda, Helen, Elissa, and McCrea are calling the shots. I would be a power play.

  9. Candice must not understand the concept of Big Brother. You’re assessment that she is awful at this game is spot on. What a duntz.

    • And she partly blames Howard for her bad gameplay. When actually SHE deserves full credit for sucking at it.

    • What was Candice trying to achieve by calling out Spencer? Spencer isn’t on the block, so what she did was pointless. Amanda is the person that she needed to call out. I’m sure they already knew Spencer was campaigning against her. I think this game has gotten to Candice.

      • I think she’s just wailing on Spencer out of jealously since she found out that Howie’s true alliance was with him not her . Just my opinion. Her game play absolutely sucks!!!!

      • Candice just fell for Amanda trap.
        It was Amanda that told Candice that Spencer was talking with Andy-Helen-Elissa to vote Candice out.
        That was a lie… since Amanda knew that Spencer was trying to organize a blind to kick her out. So she just let go that she eared Spencer telling Andy-Helen-Elissa that he would like to get Candice out instead of Howard.
        Strangely, Spencer only talked with Andy about that… and it was not Candice… it was Amanda. Then he talked with Judd. Judd talked with Andy to compare what Spencer say… and Andy had told Amanda.

        Candice fell for that Trap. It was a great lie made by Amanda, if Candice didn´t made this mess, i think that Spencer would got the 5 votes to send Amanda packing… but with that show made by Candice, people will vote out Howard or Candice. Only Spencer will vote for Amanda…
        Great play by Amanda… very very bad play by Candice.

    • I think the interns at CBS should have done the casting. The powers that be are bone heads.

    • They should require an IQ test. If you do not atleast, get a 150 which I believe is average intelligence—you do not even get on the show. Then, have Dr. Will Kirby interview the aspiring house guests. He probably can judge who will make a good house guest or not! That is probably enough to weed out the undesirables. Chances are, a number of these house guests would not have passed the IQ test let alone an interview with Dr. Will Kirby who was one of the best players on Big Brother! Then, we would have had better house guests!

      • Oh, I do not know about that. Last year’s winner Ian was a geek and Survivor Season 26 winner was a returning player who was also a geek.
        And Kim Spradlin who played a near perfect game in Survivor 24 being very good in competitions and having very good social skills I am sure has a very high IQ. It still takes some brain power to scheme, manipulate, lie and fool the other players. Having atleast, average intelligence cannot hurt one’s game.
        Of course, we would not have a lot of the nut jobs this season of Big Brother if they had to take an IQ test!

      • I think another requirement should be that you have to have at least watch the show at some point. It’s absolutely ridiculous how many HG’s this season had never even watched the show – David, Jeremy, Kaitlin. Smh

  10. Psht. I was hoping to migrate my main support to Candice after Amanda got tired, but now… I don’t know. Amanda is tired, Candice is going nuts, Elissa has been nuts, Helen’s become boring, and Nick is gone… I don’t know. I don’t know…

    • Sigh. we are all in the same boat.
      Side note: The cast of characters posting here are a lot of fun

    • This is exactly why I have (horrifyingly) come to realize that Aaryn has become my new favourite – NOT because I like her as a person, she’s obviously despicable, but so are the rest of them! So really, it comes down to game play, and Aaryn is playing a VERY smart game now. She managed to go from being the most ostracized person in the house (and for good reason), to putting bigger targets on other people’s backs. She’s clearly an awful person, but at least she’s playing the damn game! I’m also sick of Helen and the nerd herd – they’re so boring/annoying every time they talk on the feeds.

      • Mag, they may all be ‘despicable’ to some degree, but Aaryn’s, I would say, trumps them all, with Amanda & GinaMarie at her heels. Has nothing to do with her gameplay, though, I agree… she is the manipulator-in-chief, but never will I say she is my favorite…ever.

  11. Candice would have been my hero, if she used that same energy to curse out a couple of the females in the house. I would have paid for the feeds, popped a bag of popcorn, and enjoyed the whole fiasco!

    • I have the feeds. I am waiting for that to go down. That would be epic. Instead she went off on her potential ally Spenser. Ding dong.

  12. Okay, here is my take on things. I read a little on Jokers. I read where Howard told Candice that he was glad that she was being herself. I believe this was after the house meeting. I think Candice decided to show them that she is no push over and she is not scared to confront people. I think Candice changed “her true” self to please Howard. I think the house meeting might have been good for Candice’s game, especially since Howard participated. If Candice stays and if she wants to survive, she has to be willing to go toe to toe with the hgs (especially the females)…….nothing physically, though.

  13. What a nutty bunch this year with horrible game play. Now don’t get me wrong I love me some drama, but seriously? Candice has zero game play. In the beginning she was smart, figuring out things and aligning herself with people who played the game, but now she has gone all crazy in the house for no apparent reason. So what if Spencer is campaigning against you, Howard is his friend, and Amanda shouldn’t be mad at all if he’s doing the same against her. This is such a ridiculous group of people. Their strategy is horrible, can’t keep secrets, and when you want the most crucial secrets to be revealed not one person speaks, they all play dumb as if they don’t know how to play the game. I still say Amanda should go, but the house seems hell bent on keeping her and Howard is out. Amanda thinks she can bully herself out of this nomination, but she probably won’t be so lucky next time. I do hope some serious flip flopping begins because seeing Helen and Amanda run this crap is boring. The house would probably be better if they left. You won’t have Helen there to play puppies and rainbow BB, because apparently no one is allowed to vote against her and have alliances, and you have Amanda going around using the bully technique of “how dare I be on the block and you better not vote against me” attitude. One thing is for sure BB should keep letting America vote MVP because at least we keep it interesting with our nominations and it makes the HG think someone in the house did it, so they are so paranoid about it, lmao. Poor Judd, they think he’s the MVP and he nominated Amanda and made it seem as if Howard did it.

    • How ironic that last season won by Ian, a huge number of viewers were complaining when the veterans in the game, Mike Boogie, Dan, Brittney and Janelle were allowed into the game after starting out as coaches. It is so unfair they said! I personally, felt it was a good decision by CBS because the players cannot play the game if their lives depended on it! And yet, inspite of all that ruckus, Ian the geek ended up outfoxing Dan Gheesling who was a very good Big Brother veteran whose specialty is manipulating people and winning that $500,000. The point being, you have to light a fire under some people to get them going sometimes. While, it looks pretty bad right now, maybe, the eviction of Amanda and Helen from the game is all it takes for someone like Jessie or even Andy to come out and show us that they in fact can play! Others have said it will be boring if Amanda and Helen get evicted from the Big Brother House. We don’t really know if the other house guests are up to it but, anything is possible as Ian showed in the season he won! For that reason, getting the stronger players out might just encourage more game play from the other players who have floated until now!

      • returning players just sucks, the problem here is that casting did a piss poor job. these people are all too young, too stupid and useless at keeping secrets… all pointing to immaturity. Last seasons “coaches” was just a huge scam by production to allow thier favorite players from the past to get a bye on the first four weeks of the game as well as obtaining insider info on the newbies…. don’t ever mix returnees with newbies… that game just sucked bad…. did anyone else realized that the 100,000 dollar prize for “winning” coach, just disappeared…..

      • i noticed that too. the prize for the coach probably never existed because they knew the game wouldn’t have coaches after four weeks. I found it odd that the coaches were talking about entering the game after only a couple of days in the house. I’m sure they were told up front about the big picture to get them into the game. BB USA seems to run the game without any rules. Note : jeremy and arynn cheating in the BBQ sauce comp.

  14. I’ve got a question. Plz, respond if you know the answer. I just upgraded from a samsung galaxy s2 to a galaxy s4. My carrier said that I cannot get the live feeds because this particular phone, along with the newer iphones, use a better system than adobe flash player. I can’t watch a lot of videos on the cbs site as well. If you have an s4 or a newer iphone, plz let me know if you have the same problem. Thanks a bunch!

      • This is a brand new phone. The problem is that adobe flash player is now old school. None of the new phones use it. I’m gonna email cbs about it, but I was wondering about others who have a newer iphone or galaxy s4…if they have they found a way around it. I’m really disappointed that you need an older phone to watch the live feeds.

    • load adobe flashplayer into your new S4, view the instructions on youtube

      • I tried that already. It will download, but not install. I saw the instructions and followed them, just to find out that Jelly Bean OS is not compatible with flash. If there is anything else, throw your ideas this way. Thanks for responding!

    • Get the Adobe Flashplayer or some browser that can work with flash. Dolphin works great.

    • It has nothing to do with your phone, it’ the operating system. The problem is with Android 4.2 (Jelly Beans). Actually since Android 4.1, there is no Flash Player support. Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) was supporting Flash Player.
      More than likely it stem from a battle between Google and Adobe.

      • Thank ya kindly Captain. You hit the nail on the head. I thought Jelly Bean was going to be a good OS. But as it turns out, Ice Cream Sandwich was more compatible. Sometimes it doesn’t pay to go with the newest tech. I can’t even download flash player. Oh well.

  15. anyone notice that even helen uses the word LIKE way too much? this season that word is used by the entire house constantly. makes me want to puke

    • At least it’s not “flabbergasted” because of all the abuse the word suffered under Jeremy’s watch. :))

    • It’s like, you know, um like, like, you know, um…makes me wanna scream. It’s nauseating…yikes!

      • I don’t know if it’s a Falls Church, VA thing (since I’m from the same town as Helen, at least for a good amount of time). I have come across people there who talk like that, inserting “like” in every sentence. Subject-Verb Agreement getting abused? :D

      • I think it’s because she’s trying to figure out the right word(s) to say; so in essence it’s just buying time to make her convo seem better or smarter. We know better than that.

      • That’d be hard for her if that’s the case: Coming up with what to say mid-sentence. HG’s could figure out she’s just telling them what she thinks is what they want to hear.

        If English was a second language to her, she could let them believe she’s code-switching but then again, she grew up in the US so she doesn’t have that advantage.

      • I realize this, but you can pause during a conversation without falling back on those overused terms. To me, it makes the user seem less intelligent even though they may not be. It’s so overused by many hgs.

      • It’s been used in every state that I’ve lived in, so I don’t think it has to do with logistics. Elissa is much worse. She couldn’t finish a sentence to save her life.

    • when either helen , elissa , candice or jessie are talking, I want to FF to the next scene. these HG’s come across as uneducated, air heads.

  16. I’m having trouble trying to find someone to root for……any suggestions?

    I’ve watched since the beginning and always had someone to root for. This is crazy that I don’t like anyone.

    • Blame the poor casting. BB Canada, which for a first season was fantastic, imo, has blown this season out of the water… BBUSA is aFAIL. Hg’s – fail, new house – fail, production not controlling racism – fail, production allowing cheating during comps – fail, Elissa as MVP 3X’s in a row – fail, BB15 – Total Fail

  17. These people are ridiculously crazy… And now they’re playing “I’m a bigger victim than you!” with Amanda playing bully while saying “You’re the bully!”

  18. Amanda needs to go home. I am hoping the HG ell flip and vote her out. What will it take to get them to open their eyes?

    • It doesn’t look like Amanda is going home this week. No matter, we will continue to target them next week! Someone is going to make a move and it is going to be those on the block obviously so, we have an opportunity to offer for eviction, some of the house guests we hate. I am putting up Aaryn, Helen and Judd next week. Let us see if Amanda will return the favor and keep all of them safe! It only makes sense to flip the nominations so that, we can get people out of the house! Putting up Amanda again does not make sense this coming week because they will keep her again!
      Of course, I will wait for HOH because Helen might win HOH this week. I think if endurance, it favors Helen and Andy and maybe, Judd. I can always adjust my MVP nominations when I know who is HOH.

  19. This seasons HG’s are idiots. The targets should always be “cut off the head of the snake” which in this case is going to be Helen and Amanda (in either order). Its getting hard to watch when spineless players (Candice), cry and whine constantly… someone take her out to the pool and drown her.

    • In Survivor, the strongest players are targeted first! Even if your team loses repeatedly, the strongest players are still booted out after a loss in the challenges. The reason being that if the person is out of the game—-that person cannot win! In Big Brother, they pick off the floaters not in their alliance.

      • have you not been watching ? in BB they’ve been picking off the strong players… floaters usually make it a long way… that’s why the MVP was introduced this year… except it turned into a flop when elissa kept getting it.

  20. Candace why the heck would you start arguing with someone who has the power to vote you out? Doesn’t matter if everyone’s telling you he’s campaigning against you; you don’t attack the person in front of everyone, take the spotlight off Amanda, and now cement it on either yourself or your ally.


    • She may be the one evicted now. I think Aaryn, Gina Marie, Jessie, Andy looking to evict her! Aaryn has the tie breaker so, not looking good for her! Worst for her, she goes off on Spencer who was trying to evict Amanda? Is Candice totally out of the loop considering everyone is practically blabbing their alliances and plans all over the house? Does she not even have a tiny clue on is in an alliance with whom? Personally, I hope she stays and wins HOH next. Then, we can see what happens. I think she will go after Aaryn at the very least!

  21. I’m actually hoping Candice is evicted now. Don’t get me wrong–she’s one of my favorites. It’s just that she has become so painful to watch, what with all she has had to endure on there. If I were Candice, I would have already self-evicted. No amount of money is worth that.

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  1. Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 5 Tuesday Daytime Highlights | Big Brother Network
  2. Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: Week 5 Tuesday Night Highlights | Big Brother Network
  3. Big Brother 15: Week 5 – Time To Count The Votes | Big Brother Network
  4. Big Brother 15 Episode 16: Week 5 Live Eviction and HoH Results | Big Brother Network

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