Big Brother 15 Diary Room Leak Reveals MVP Week 2 & A Daring Nomination Plan

Big Brother 15 MVP

Last night on the Big Brother Live Feeds a Diary Room leak revealed this week’s MVP player receiving the news of viewer’s votes. The insight lasted only a moment and was without audio, but the results were unmistakable. We have the official confirmation of the latest round of Big Brother 15 spoilers for your enjoyment.

Read on for the MVP spoilers for BB15 this week.

Big Brother 15 Week 2 MVP:

Big Brother 15 Diary Room leak of MVP

  • Elissa is the MVP for the week.

Use the Feeds’ Flashback feature (get the Free Trial now) and watch it happen at 9:29PM 7/6 on Camera 3.

This news shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone at all. Our MVP poll closed with over twelve thousand votes and Elissa had an incredible 53% of that vote with the next place being Nick with 10% and McCrae in third at 9%. Not even close.

Now here’s where things get interesting. The obvious choice would be to target Jeremy, but I think that’s a very difficult task to tackle and here’s why.

Jeremy is part of the Moving Company alliance featuring Howard, Nick, Spencer, and McCrae. Jeremy is also part of an alliance with the HoH-crew girls Aaryn, GinaMarie, and Kaitlin plus Jessie, though those girls have pretty much ostracized Jessie to pariah status. Aaryn doesn’t get to vote, but the rest combined give Jeremy 7 votes to stay. This week a nominee will require 6 out of the possible 11 votes to stay in the game. Evicting Jeremy would be next to impossible.

The next best option would be Kaitlin as it would directly impact Jeremy and undercut his support in the house. This would still be a really difficult move as Kaitlin would likely be able to pull most of Jeremy’s support by extension.

So what’s Elissa’s plan? Nominate Jeremy and use Nick as a back-up option should Jeremy win or be saved by the Veto. It’s a long shot, but developments last night on the Live Feeds could make it possible.

Flashback to 12:35AM BBT on Cams 3/4 to listen in as Aaryn and Jessie (yes, Aaryn will still use her as needed, but she doesn’t like her) discuss Jeremy and his sneakiness. Jessie tells Aaryn that Judd and Andy were instructed by Jeremy to vote out David. Aaryn also notes Jeremy offered her a F2 deal which she knows is a lie.

If Jeremy’s support crumbles with Aaryn then she could press the other girls, outside of Kaitlin, to vote against Jeremy. In that case they could possibly drum up 6 votes to evict vs his 5 to stay.

It’s going to be an interesting week on the Feeds! Veto will be held later today so let’s hope for some fireworks when the MVP nom (Jeremy most likely) is revealed and we know who won the PoV.

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    • I agree and she should never have been brought in because of her huge following based on her sister’s popularity. The stupid MVP thing was tailor made for her. How was bringing her in fair to any of these HGs? If I was in the house I would want her out. Not because I hate her because I don’t. Strictly for strategy purposes.

      • I agree Jacee2. Whether Elissa goes or stays, i hope next weeks MVP is someone that actually IS an MVP. I don’t dislike Elissa but she actually has no game or strategy at this point. And if she stays she certainly won’t get my vote again unless she makes a move that proves she’s worthy of actually being there. Being Rachels sister is NOT a game strategy. It’s an advantage for locked in votes from Rachels fans.

      • Thanks Curiosity and I agree with your post as well. If she is voted each and every week because she is Rachel’s sister and that alone it will end up being a very boring game imo.

      • Because she can’t play her game of how everyone is treating her. being put on the block everyone week.

      • What planet are you and Jacee on, putting Nick on the block was a bold move…stop hating on Elissa already

      • I don’t dislike Elissa. I think shes actually a nice person. But i don’t think she has the best game of all of them. And putting Nick on the block wasn’t bold. Smart but not bold. Candace talked her into that. She didn’t come up with it on her own. But i’m sure she is smart enough to make a few moves down the line that will let her make her own mark and get out of Rachels shadow.

      • she isn’t being voted mvp because she’s rachel’s sister. she’s being voted because she’s being TARGETED because she’s rachel’s sister. which isn’t fair to her. and because others that are hate-mongers like Aaryn don’t deserve to win.

      • that’s not true in the slightest. people were saying “TEAM ELISSA!!” before the show even premiered.

      • @Gellie. a minority perhaps. the majority of people didn’t even know she was a contestant. nut it is true. because i actually liked Aaryn before i saw her true colors.. first hating Elissa for no reason, then her comments. her *nemesis* in her own puny mind is Elissa… this also throws even more people behind Elissa. Truth.

      • If the house would treat her as just another player then it would be different but them trying to get her out becuz shes rachels sister is the reason why she will keep getting MVP..

      • Elissa is just about the only houseguest worth watching this season for, yes a large part of it is because of her being Rachel’s sister…many of us just want to see if she plays the game in any similar way as Rachel did. I don’t think it’s any less fair Elissa getting MVP mostly because of who her sister is as it is her being targeted ONLY because of who her sister is, she needs the Rachel fan-base as a way of trying to overcome the huge odds stacked against her simply because of who her sister is. Who else would be a good choice for MVP, most all of the other houseguest are either utterly forgettable or they are rather dislikeable Elissa should be judged by the other houseguests simply based on how SHE IS playing the game, she is Rachel’s sister, but she might very well be nothing like her. Can you imagine watching this season only for The Moving Company, an alliance about as lame as boring as The Brigade several seasons ago.

    • Eh… She’s alright. I think she’s kind of better than Rachel. She doesn’t get TOO upset very often.

    • She can go…right after Aaryn, Jeremy, Spencer, Amanda, Jessie, Kaitlin….Elissa may be annoying because she shares DNA with Rachel Reilly but there are far more objectionable people in that house.

    • If Elissa goes, so goes much of the ratings for this season…if the producers were smart, they would ensure Elissa’s safety, at least to the point where she has a fighting chance and doesn’t have some psycho case like Aaryn going after her.

  1. The feeds are interesting this morning as everyone gets ready for the POV. Aaryn is watching the monitors and marking anyone that dares speak to Elissa as “sketchy”. She’s rapidly sinking into a pit of paranoid delusion.

    • What can we expect of the little two-faced bigot known as Aaryn…she clearly has psychological issues.

  2. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, AMERICA!!! Give the other Houseguests a chance, will ya???

    • I agree and the other HGs will never get a chance while Elissa is in the game. I think Production made a huge mistake. The way it is going now they will make sure Elissa wins this game imo because they think she is so popular with everyone. How boring will that be?

      • The other houseguests should be realistic and accept that Elissa might tend to be voted MVP much of the time…they should bring her into their various alliances and try to use her special power to their advantage, they certainly have the intimidation factor they could try to use to bring her in. I think an important reason that Elissa has gotten MVP twice is because, so far, no one else really stands out! Who else would deserve to get it at this point?

      • Somewhat agree with you Matthew, but again it’s all context. If Elissa continues to be the champion that can stop Aaryn & Crew, then I don’t see why people would stop her as the MVP. If Elissa herself becomes the villain and there is somebody who rises to the ‘good guy/girl’ role, then yes we should see Elissa come down a notch.

      • its still an unfair advantage (or disadvantage, if you think about it) to have it every week. Its like half a HOH.

  3. I so agree about aaryn. can’t wait til she finds out she has been dropped by her modeling agency. because the way she has conducted herself on BB. they don’t want anyone in their agency with that kind of morals.

    • Everyone is so happy because Aaryn and GM lost their jobs because of their actions, but I rarely see anyone complain about the other HGs that are just as guilty. Spencer for one. I am amazed that more women are not appalled at what he has said against women.

      • I AGREE jacee, he has no regard for women at all, like he is all that. I just cancelled the Live Feeds because of all the bigotry and meanness,might regret it if Jeremy goes home, but oh, well. America is voting for Elissa because of the way she is being treated by the others. Aaryn and Kaitlin and GM are catty HS girls.

      • I also agree with you Jacee, but be reminded that consequences (like opportunities) are sadly never ”fair” and they are usually based on context. One reason why people are focusing on Aaryn & GinaMarie is because of their high profile appearance and standing in life. They are (to put it mildly) the typical spoiled, self-entitled, wealthy barbies that we like to see brought down a notch. Spencer who already has a blue-collar job is not focused upon simply because we don’t really care as much when blue-collar Americans come across as racist or sexist or homophobic. Sadly this works the other way also. Does anyone really think that Aaryn and GinaMarie will be unemployed for long? Do we really think they won’t be able to just bat an eye, flick their hair, give a smile and a half-hearted ”Oh I’m so sorry to the people I’ve hurt” and somehow end up with even more money and opportunity than they had before? Will Spencer be given this leeway? Of course not. People will be less likely to care about him after the show, just like they are less likely to judge him on the show… Context – consequence & opportunity – it’s all about context…sad but true.

      • Well, it’s now been announced by Spencer’s employer, Union Pacific, that he'[s been put on unpaid leave because of the hateful language he’s been using in the house. So, another one bites the dust!

      • He was already on unpaid leave in order to be on the show. The Union that he is employed by is looking into their options on terminating his employment. Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) a Union job you cant just be fired one day, There are procedures that must be followed.

    • It wasn’t necessary to bring that up in this post where there was nothing said of that. You can go back to the old posts where that’s the actual topic. Yes, she shouldn’t have said it, but it’s old news now. Let’s move on with the game. She’ll get what she deserves once she leaves.

  4. This is how stupid the brenchel fans are. Every week they keep putting this huge target on Elissa and she is going to get screwed over because of her sister fame. You’ve got to appreciate the irony.

    • Elissa had a target on her before she got MVP, because they think because Rachel was good at the game, she wasn’t, that Elissa will be. Rachel only became such a huge star due to the idiocy of the other HGs messing with her constantly and not being very good themselves. I’m not saying Rachel is a bad competitor, but she also not some great uberplayer that she is made out to be nor was she a crybaby. People who think she was a crybaby ignore that she was ostracized, made fun of, and attacked in game play constantly for 3 straight months. She may have been emotional to start with but that would break just about anyone down to an emotional wreck and not many people in BB have ever actually gone through that.

      If the other HGs would have tried other strategies, they’d have faired much better against her. Likewise, if the HGs in this season would ignore that she is Rachel’s sister they’d be a lot friendlier and they’d play a lot better game and more than likely Elissa wouldn’t win MVP every week. It likely would go to Amanda, McCrae, Nick, or Howard.

      Speaking of Howard… he’d flying under everyone’s radar and even though he is clearly smart and athletic which makes him the biggest threat in the house noone has even considered getting Howard out. That along with his alliances put him in a very good position and since the MVP vote should go to the best game player Howard should be getting it, but other people have likely done what I did and voted for Elissa simply because she needs to have a power counter balance to her being overwhelmingly targeted for no reason

      • No. they started to target her because the house knew she would get MVP every week because of her relationship with rachel. The minute she doesnt get MVP, the target regresses. Brenchel fans rooting her on are actually screwing her.

      • I don’t know why you say Brenchel… Noone liked Brendon… save for Rachel lol.
        And no, they didn’t target her because of the MVP. They targeted her because she is Rachel’s sister and they did it right from the start before the MVP vote even in.

      • I ended up being a Rachel fan, she was a good player but she did have a lot of luck, and help from Brendan.

        I give Brendan the most credit for her win, he took her off the block instead of himself that week, she would have been gone if he hadn’t, so without him she would never have won. I guess he was trying to prove how much he really loved her.

      • I think Brendan honestly thought that Rachel would be able to play a better game w/o him in the house than he would have been able to do w/o her in the house. I also think he just had that old-fashioned sense of chivalry and he wanted to protect her, even at the expense of his own self-interest.

    • Elissa need not have a target on her, she just needs to NOT LET ANYONE KNOW that she is MVP, by doing so she is putting the target on herself.

      If she tells everyone that she is MVP this week I won’t be voting for her again. If she tells this week then the other houseguests will assume she will have it next week, whether she does or not.

      The ability to keep it secret when you are MVP was a huge advantage BB provided the players, to not use that advantage is just stupid.

      Has she spilled the beans this week? If she does then she is not like her sister and is sadly too stupid to win BB.

      I was rooting for her but she will have to use the advantage we provide her to it’s maximum and not throw it away.

      • I don’t think it would even matter whether or not Elissa told any of the others, I think they would always assume that she was MVP whether or not she really was. I think what Elissa ought to do is just be honest and admit that she’s MVP and offer to whatever the “power alliance” might be the ability to sway her nomination to a houseguest of their choice.

  5. I really hope that Elissa nominates Jeremy, then wins POV and the other nominee is someone from the moving company and someone from the moving company gets evicted (preferably Jeremy).

  6. I really pray to the Big Brother gods that Jeremy gets evicted come Thursday. I CANNOT stand this guy. I have a strong fiery dislike towards him and I would love to see him get evicted.

    • I totally agree with you. Jeremy makes me sick!! what a jerk!! I will be so happy after this coming week is over and Aaryn is no longer HOH and hopefully Jeremy is gone!

  7. CBS u are stacking the deck against the other players…I do not dislike Elissa…but I am tired of the Racheal effect…and I do not believe for 1 min…53% of the people voting voted for Elissa…it is like a fixed fight

    • I agree, nothing against the girl, but she needs to go to give other people chance at MVP.

    • All she has to do is be more likable than the rest of the house and it’s not all that hard to do this season. When you have 4 or 5 people who are targeting her and those people are massively disliked it drives the percentage she gets up.
      Like wise hanging under the radar or having not much focus on you like Judd, Howard, and Candice lowers their percentage and raises whoever else there is that is likable. If you equalized and divided the score up by these 2 things it’s not all that surprising she’d win even if noone really likes her.

  8. This is the first season of BB that I’m actually rooting for the player I want to see on the block. Eventually, the Moving Co. will start downsizing, and will help me figure out who’s playing the best.

  9. The funny thing is…Jeremy is such a douche that just about any houseguest, accept the MC could have chosen Jeremy if they were MVP. And if the MC finds out he voted for David to stay, hopefully they’ll boot him out.

    • they found out, Nick Is happy becuase if he didnt vote for david then nick would have got screwed.
      5 votes kept david
      and Aaryn believes those five were
      In Order
      Jermey (he Hated Elissa)
      Gina Marie

  10. I’m not sure if it’s the editting (I don’t have the live feed)…but I like Amanda. I thought that she was pushy at first but now I think that she’s playing a pretty good game.

  11. This twist can only work if every house guest is 1.) new, 2.) has no past media influences, and 3.) isn’t tied to past house guests (especially fan favourites). The twist fell flat on its face.

  12. The only reason why candice believes theres an all boys alliance is becuase she dosent have an alliance. the moving company needs to put candice in an alliance before she figures them out.

    Helen dosent really believe it becuase andy reassured her that spencer and them are in their group

    so the fake groups look like

    Aryn, Kaitlyn,Nick.Gm, Jeremy

    Everyone else besides Candice And Jessie

  13. I really thought the contestants were being dumb when they were worried that Elissa would win MVP every week. This is crazy. She hasn’t done anything.

  14. Giving elissa MVP is just painting a big target on her back. maybe it is a good thing.

  15. I would have voted for someone else for MVP but, I am disgusted by all the racist players in the game who are in effect bullying Elissa. It does not matter she is Rachel’s sister. Nobody has the right to bully someone else and the fact that it is the racist players who should be booted out which are Aaryn, Gina Marie and Jeremy at the top of the list. They may succeed in booting out Elissa but, I will vote each week to get an MVP that can evict these chumps one by one till the end.
    As long as none of these guys win or even come in 2nd—-that is a huge win!

    • Oh, I forgot one more. Spencer but, I will vote for someone else as MVP who is likely to nominate this guys. These guys have to go sooner rather than later.
      Then, we will have players who play the game as it should be played without the racist BS we are subjected to by these chumps. Time to clean house.

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