Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 2 MVP Nomination

Big Brother 15 MVP

The Live Feeds are back from the latest MVP nomination ceremony and we have the spoilers for you. This twist will come in to play every week with the MVP’s secret nomination being revealed to the house just before the Veto competition is held when the PoV players are picked.

Read on for the MVP nomination spoilers.

Big Brother 15 Week 2 MVP Nominations:

  • Jeremy was nominated by the MVP

Elissa, this week’s MVP, secretly nominated Jeremy for eviction.

Playing in today’s comp will be Aaryn, Elissa, Helen, Jeremy, Amanda, & Nick. GinaMarie will host. She was actually host but the guest-host snagged her role. Poor Judd. He really wanted that job this week.

The Veto competition is coming up soon and we’ll share the results as soon as we have them. Watch along on the Live Feeds with us to see the house react.

What do you think of Elissa’s MVP nomination?



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  1. I really really hope Elissa wins and the replacement nominee is someone from the moving company (NOT Howard).

    Please let Jeremy go home this week, BB Gods!

  2. Hope Elissa goes home ……Jeremy wins veto or Aaryn win all the wayyyyyy

      • I think this person supports Aaryn and Jeremy and they know whats going on if they are reading BBN, even without the feeds.

      • I watch the live feeds and everyone in that house has been disgusting not just Jeremy and Aaryn. That’s why one reason I haven’t voted for MVP…don’t think any of them deserve it. I at this time don’t care who stays and who goes. Wait I take that back I think Elissa should go and then the biggest pig in the house Spencer. Hopefully after another week or two I’ll have a favorite to cheer for but as of now they all suck.

      • True…they ALL have said things that show their ignorance (except maybe Helen..don’t know for sure). Maybe as a reward for being on the show Julie could present them with lifetime tickets to sensitivity and sexual harrassment seminars.

      • Good idea. Lol. This is the first season that I can remember where I don’t have a favorite. And I have watched since season 1. Hopefully that will change because it’s more fun if you have someone to cheer on.

      • Love the idea! Again, wouldn’t say that ALL have the same ‘wrong doing’ on their hands…

      • You’re right…not all of them are bad seeds. As i said, Helen is a good egg and probably Howard and Candace. It’s hard to weed out the good ones when there are so many squeaky wheels making noise.

      • I’ve been watching, and I’m not sure I’d agree ALL are equally disgusting (that’s quite a bit overstated)… But I do agree removing 5 people would drastically change the overall tone of the house: Spencer, Aaryn, GinaMarie, Elissa & Jeremy. Take out those 5 and you’re left with very different social dynamics. The problem is though, that if you take out too many intolerant & self-absorbed people, you end up with the same thing Big Brother Canada had where the personalities are diverse, but they are overly accepting and lacking in conflict… Pretty boring except one or two characters who were actually viewed as ‘heroes’ for their willingness to be rude and outspoken. It’s always a hard balance between entertainment and acceptance.

      • I agree not everyone…but you also forgot Amanda and Elissa. I really think the only ones that have not said something disgusting is Candace, Helen and Howard. Even Judd said a few remarks but in a joking way. Sure is a different group of people this year. Very young and immature.

      • lol.. Elissa’s on my list – but yes Amanda should also be there. The rest I simply see people trying to not create waves. Like I said a very different tone if you removed those 5 (plus Amanda)… But really we shouldn’t be all THAT surprised that racism, homophobia, and sexism is alive and well in the world.

    • How can you like Jeremy or Aaryn with all the bullying and racist things they’ve said and done?

      • Everyone in that house has said something rude or racist except for maybe Helen and Candice. Spencer is the biggest pig of everyone in that house. I sure hope he goes next after Elissa. And it really is not fair to bring someone in the house that has ties to BB then have an MVP that was geared towards her. How fair is that for all the new players?

      • I believe you. MVP is geared towards her for rating. Dan G. had mentioned it…anyway, there’s a code in CCU..they need you. lol

    • you must be related to one of them if you want those poor excuses for humans to win

  3. If the MVP’s choice gets taken off the block does the HOH pick a new nominee or does the MVP?

    • We had a discussions on this in another post.
      Most people seem to think the MVP renominates someone. It seems like the house guests believe this too, so it’s probably correct.
      No one has been able to provide proof/word from CBS though. Still it was probably explained better to the house guests, so they’d know.
      It’s assumed that when the MVP makes nominations, they in fact pick two people (a first and second choice), in case the veto is used.
      Elissa was talking “plan b” with people so I think it’s safe to assume it’s how it works.

    • @DrunkTaterSalad:disqus , Julie said it to the houseguests in one of the episodes. The person that nominated the one coming off picks the new nominee

  4. Elissa better work her butt off for that Veto. Moving Company better get smart and get Jeremy out, he’s a liability.

  5. Dear CBS, There’s some people that believe Big Brother is rigged. Jeremy is on the block, and in this case, it needs some tweaking to make sure he’s evicted. To see his face walk out the door is good TV and would have the highest rating this season….guaranteed!

  6. It’s been an hour now since the feeds went down. Wonder how it’s going.

  7. Let’s be clear about one thing. The Moving Company is NOT a solid alliance. The members only use it in order to get information from both sides of the house. If Jeremy does stay on the block I see him being evicted by a count of 6-5 due to several conversations I’ve heard over the past week. If they (the moving company) know Jeremy switched his vote that would give them even more reason to get him out now.

    • You are not clear about one thing. Jeremy is part of David’s eviction. The Moving Co. knew about his vote, so the girls can continue to trust him. It was planned that way. He is the mole.

  8. I will officially like Elissa if she wins the veto. Maybe, hopefully, the moving company will decide to cut Jeremy.

  9. Jeremy does think he has everything under control and that is usually when things fall apart. Elissa leaving needs to happen also or else no one else will ever get MVP. Will be interesting to see which side prevails….

  10. The better one is waiting to see Aaryn & Ginamarie’s faces when they are told they no longer have jobs because of their racial slurs. This is the only BB that seems to have all bullies, vicious, uneducated, no filter, self serving idiots. They seem to think because there are cameras, this is their time to show their sense of entitlement and ignorance. good Luck and GO ELISSA!

    • Oh goodness, no. This is far from the only season we’ve had obnoxious people! Just having such a large amount in an alliance together is what’s making it hard to accept… And yes it will be satisfying that consequence is just around the bend for Aaryn, GM (and the rest), but again we would be foolish to think a week of acting classes, a practiced apology, and a cute smile won’t land them even more opportunity and money than they originally started with… For better or worse, we are a society that quickly pulls down the wealthy, powerful and attractive….but we’re just as happy to let them manipulate their way back up the ladder again. Spencer will receive less criticism, but will also receive less opportunity.

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