Big Brother 15: Aaryn & Judd Share An Intimate Final Night

Judd and Aaryn kiss

There’s no doubt that Aaryn will be evicted during tonight’s Big Brother live eviction show so she might as well make the most of her last night in the house. In this case that plan seemed to be doing some heavy flirting and kissing with Judd.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Aaryn go after Judd. Earlier in the season before he was blindside evicted she made moves on him and teased that if he wasn’t a Have-Not that week she’d want him sleeping upstairs with her. Then another time she was busy running her hands all over his chest and laying on him.

While the previous events were just hands-on this time things escalated to some kissing. Flashback to 6:19PM BBT 8/28 on Cams 1/2 to find Aaryn visiting a napping Judd. She tells him she wants to stay in touch outside the house and then hugs him followed by a quick kiss. After that she shares some advice for his game going forward.

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Despite her hopes of getting alcohol to fuel the flames there was none to be had, but that didn’t stop things from escalating just a little more later that night. Flashback to 3AM BBT 8/29 and you’ll find Judd climbing in to bed with Aaryn for a little cuddling and spooning. At 3:10AM BBT Aaryn rolls over for a little make-out action.

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Soon after Judd leaves and heads to his bed in the back bedroom. The other HGs in Aaryn’s room, McCranda & Spencer, tease Aaryn. Nothing that bad is said, but Judd keeps his ear to the door to hear what they’re saying.

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After the initial kiss we saw Aaryn’s previous in-house boyfriend, David Girton, express on Twitter that he was done with Aaryn. So apparently all the horrible verbal behavior wasn’t a deal breaker, but her kissing another boy is. Well, at least he finally came to his senses. I imagine once Judd gets out & hears more then he will too.



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  1. I don’t blame him. He doesn’t know what she’s said, so as far as he knows, she’s the hottest girl he’s ever going to kiss. Why not take advantage?

    • How does he not knownwhat she said? He’s in the house when she said those racisist remarks. Its not like their going to get married, he might as well get some while he’s in the house

  2. I wonder how much was game play on Aaryn’s part? A poly to get Judd’s vote, or was she really meaning what she said?

  3. She disgusts me! Clearly this is a attempt to get his vote I mean come on….it’s pretty pathetic and Judd who was making out with Jessie earlier this season is a even more of a joke.

    • I don’t know if I would call Judd the pathetic one in this situation. Both Jessie and Aaryn have both gone in for the kiss. He is a straight, single man and he went for it.

  4. Those pictures look incredibly awkward. That is definitely gameplay on her part, and well for Judd… I think it’s obvious enough.

    • I thought the same thing. He looks uncomfortable. They both look strange and awkward.

  5. She last last night on BBAD that she was just flirting with David and has no intention of seeing him after the show. She also made fun of him saying he wouldn’t know what a “stipend” is.

    I think she is just “flirting” with Judd. Why try to get his vote when it won’t make a difference. Is she going to be making out with Spencer today?

    • She was done with David the moment he said he was happy being a beach bum (life guard) for the rest of his life and he doesn’t do anything but collect unemployment during the off season.

      • To be fair, if some guy told me he wants to try and live off welfare and surf for the rest of his life, I’d likely dump him too.

      • Exactly. Takes a special kind of person to want to purposefully fit welfare/unemployment money in his life plan.

      • Agreed. The same goes for the pizza boy! If he said one day hoped to own his own pizza chain, okay but happy just delivering pizza. Nope.

        Yep like Melbourne_Housewife said below, lack of motivation. That gets old, real quick.

  6. Wait….who’s David? (the idea behind this joke being that David is not even a footnote in Big Brother history)

  7. Most of the women in this year BB are skanks and hoes with the exception of Helen, Elissa and Candice, the other ones act like they have never been laid before. What a joke, Aaryn and Judd now, these girls make me want to puke.

    • Elissa is not a hero either, she is worse than both Kaitlin and Jessie combined. Jessie is a hero and Kaitlin was just with the wrong girls and admitted it.

      • “All these girls hate my snotty attitude cause I’m prettier than they are” Jesse is a hero? How do you figure?

      • none of these people are heroes. They’re people competing for half a million dollars.

  8. She is gross Mcranda us gross spencer is gross GM Iis gross and so is Elissa. ONE BIG GROSS MESS really so sick of this show this is the first year I can say this I can’t wait until its over ! I was in a a coma for 3 months 6 years woke up wanting to know who won now I could care less

    • Not to mention the high point of the AD show was Aaryn and Judd kissed WOW sorry I missed it

    • I don;t think Elissa is gross. She is weird, I’ll give you that. But the other day she mentioned to GM she thinks she takes about 11 showers a day. So at least she is clean, unlike some of the other house guests.

      Then again, the houseguests may have to take 11 showers a day to wash MCranda’s filth off.

      • I just mean how every one back stabs and throw each other under the bus. Although Elissa has played the cleanest game so far

  9. I personally think that Amanda and ayran are sleezzy raunchy stinky females who think they are better than anyone yuk yuk

  10. I have a very sincere question and this isn’t a dig at anybody. I really want to understand the fan’s reactions. If the things going on in that house give you such a visceral feeling, why do you continue to watch? During pre-season it seems most people look forward to the drama, fights and showmances. Well, this season has provided all three.

    You put a group of strangers in a controlled environment where there is no way to rely on the people in your life that you love whether it’s a parent, sibling or best friend. Since they are cut off from those things many of them react in ways that even surprise them especially once they’re back in the real world. Being fans of BB, we know things happen in there that probably wouldn’t happen out here. If those things really upset you, why do you continue to watch? I appreciate your response. Thanks. :)

    • In my case, I’m not watching; I only read blogs these days, because the idea of giving the show another viewer of this crap makes my skin crawl.

      As for the comment about being cut off from stuff, yes, most HGs do things in the house that they wouldn’t do in the real world. But this goes beyond “I taught my students never to lie and here I am lying” or trying to seduce someone for an alliance, etc. This kind of hatred/ugly behavior runs deep; only people who already have this ugly side to them will have it come out in the first place.

      That’s why it’s worse than what anyone in any season has done, with a handful of exceptions. Most of these HGs aren’t just having trouble with their morality/being cranky/etc; they’re just unable to hide how depraved they are now.

      • Thank you for your response. I wasn’t excusing their behavior, I was just making an observation about what we’ve experienced in the past. Granted this season is much worse than any we’ve previously experienced because it involves several hg’s. All we can hope is they will do better in the future, IF there is a future.

      • I didn’t think you were excusing it per se; I was just trying to make the distinction between how normal people change when they’re stuck in a house with strangers for a few months, and how depraved HGs like these have been acting. No one can blame the house experience on acting racist, homophobic, threatening family, saying someone’s mom never loved her, talking about killing and raping someone, etc. There’s just no comparison.

      • Boy, isn’t that the truth. This year they’ve gone beyond the pale in their actions.

    • When I was young (no laughing please), I lived in a town that didn’t have an NFL team. The team I like back then were the Dolphins, the Steelers and the Raiders. They were the winning team of the 70s. I became a real Raiders fan because of John Madden, Kenny “the snake” Stabler, Cliff Branch and Fred B. That went on in the 80s with Plunkett and 2 more Super Bowl. I became a fan for life.
      It’s been hard for the last 10 years, but I keep hoping.
      Same thing with BB. Hopefully we have a better year next season.

      • I appreciate your analogy since I’m a huge sports fan and understand the dedication to something you love. I’ve been a BB fan since season one. I choose to stay impartial to all the hg’s so I can have a more unbiased view of the things I see and hear on the live feeds. That’s my thing and know it’s different than most who watch the show. lol Call me a nerd but the psychological angle of BB is what fascinates me. :) (BTW back in the 70’s I was also a huge Dolphins fan.) Thanks for responding.

    • I like the concept of the game. Where else can people lie, deceive, back stab and get people out of their lives! Seriously, I like the concept of the game and every now and then, even with this group, we some of that. Unfortunately, it is also peppered with all sorts of bad behavior that is not necessary.

      I don’t even mind Amanda making noises and stuff like that to get under Elissa’s skin. But I think bringing Elissa’s family into it, hanging condoms on the picture of Elissa on the memory wall and stuff like that is disrespectful to the game and honestly, it is degrading to the person who does it – and those who laugh at it.

      What all that does is makes me root against Amanda. I watch because I like teh concept of the show and I watch hoping to see Amanda sent packing.

      • Thank you. I also enjoy the concept of the game. I do agree the level of morality this year is much lower than we’ve seen in the past. It does make you wonder if they even realize how extreme they’ve been.

    • Great observations and feedback Agr8… So here’s what I’d say I’ve noticed:

      Big Brother is a funny phenomenon that satisfies our urge to peek in on the lives of others in a voyeuristic fashion. There’s so much we can’t openly discuss or do in our public lives, so why not watch a show where a bunch of ”lab rats” are forced to reveal their private lives on national tv?

      We cast our judgements of good or evil based on the carefully edited shows (and live feeds). Some people end up loving the villains because they are manipulative, some love the good guys because we feel they ”deserve” the win. What’s funny is how ALL fans tend to cast judgement and talk about how we’d be so much better, or smarter, or more manipulative & cunning…yada, yada, yada as if the contestants in these shows weren’t saying and thinking the same things before they went in the house. In essence, we are almost the same.

      The cast of this season have created a slightly different scenario however. Many have collectively agreed that the search for entertainment has gone ”too far” this time round. People have rejected most of the cast this season because they crossed into areas of racism, elitism, sexism, homophobia, and even pedophilia. So what do people do when there’s no ”good guys” or ”loveable villains” to cheer for? Well.. we complain, we gripe, we talk about how we’d be so much better at the game…yada, yada, yada. This isn’t to criticize what we do, but rather it is a natural by-product of how people feel when they’re disappointed with a source of entertainment. Some people will just gripe. Some will make the best of the situation. Others will say that they won’t come back. It’s all par for the course.

      • Good post, Matt. Thanks. I do agree with everyone’s post on this topic. It does give me a better understanding. Sometimes I wonder since so many of the reality shows are becoming rather extreme in the behaviors shown if that somehow has caused a reflection to the hg’s. Not sure how many of them watch a lot of reality shows but makes me wonder if they think since things have become so out of control on other shows it gives them permission to do the same.

  11. I find it funny that David not only didn’t realize Aaryn had already told him he can’t be her boyfriend, but that he’s gone on to become a hypocrite by saying he’s flabbergasted with Aaryn’s racist remarks when HE TOO made them in an attempt to be funny in front of her.

    David’s a straight up punk. If you’re jealous, just admit it. Don’t use the racist stuff as the reasoning when we all know that’s NOT why you’re mad at her.

  12. Andy is not a floater, he is simply a piece of $hit that has been stuck up McCranda’s a$$ all season. Also, when Aaryn gets to jury who’s gonna listen to her? Candace……NO, Jessie…..NO, Helen….maybe. It’s gonna be a long week for Aaryn in there

    • Aaryn will probably confirm Helen’s suspicions on 3AM, all the more tainting the jury to not let Amanda, McCrae or even Andy give the win if they all make it to final 2/3

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