Tonight on Big Brother 14 we’ll be treated to another mega episode jam packed with a Power of Veto, a surprise eviction, and even another HoH competition. Of course none of this will come as a surprise to our readers who have been following along on our Big Brother spoilers coverage. All the same, I’ll be running through live coverage of tonight’s episode to confirm everything we’ve already reported.
Big Brother 14 Week 9 Power of Veto competition – ‘Time Flies’:
- Shane wins the Veto + a Luxury Prize
For the Luxury Prize, Shane gets to pick another HG to leave the house, watch Kellogg’s Tour of Gymnastics Champions, and meet the “Fierce Five.” He picks Danielle.
Big Brother 14 Week 9 Power of Veto ceremony:
- Shane uses the Veto. Danielle is the renom.
Big Brother 14 Week 9 Surprise Eviction voting:
- Shane: evict Jenn
- Dan: evict Jenn
By a vote of 2-0, Jenn Arroyo has been evicted from Big Brother 14.
Big Brother 14 Week 9.5 HoH competition – ‘Photographic Memory’:
- Round 1: All get it right.
- Round 2: All get it right.
- Round 3: Shane & Danielle get it right.
- Round 4: Shane & Dan get it right.
- Round 5: Dan & Danielle get it right.
- Round 6: Dan & Danielle get it right.
- Round 7: All get it right.
- Tie-breaker: Dan goes over. Danielle wins.
Danielle is the new Head of Household. She’ll be making nominations soon and has guaranteed herself a spot in the Final 3.
It’s that time again. You can vote at CBS’ website for your favorite HG to win a $25,000 prize on finale night. All HGs but Willie are eligible. Aww, now how’s he supposed to pay for all those pork rinds he’s already ordered??
After tonight’s show broadcasts on both coasts the Live Feeds will return and we’ll be able to find out who was nominated and who has won the next Power of Veto. The next Veto will control who is on the block tomorrow night and who is the sole vote. Read all my theories on the most likely Final 3 scenarios. Fun times ahead on Big Brother!
You know what would of have been funny…… While they were in the limo ride… Some random person would run up with signs telling them about the house.
Oh really? Did they tell them to take Dan off too?
lol production would be so mad
Awesome, I am elated!
Is it me or does dan look like a weasel?
I hope Ian win the best player! Dan? No way!
Willie isn’t even eligible. LOL.
What about Shane or Dani win the next comps, and Dan leave empty-handed?
dan won’t be leaving empty handed. the judges all got a $20,000 stipend when they agreed to return to the game.. they were talking about that at the beginning of the season on the feeds.
Good, then! I don`t want to be harsh on him. He still needs sth to hang on before he can pick up the pieces.
that will work
Then that he deserves
Dan looks like he has lost weight. I know they eat all the time but he must be worrying too much about the half a mil.
Many of the guys have lost a lot of weight in the house.
I think it’s because of all the walking they do between rooms. It’s a lot of walking!! And they don’t eat fast food.
Never thought of that. Dan looks like one that does a lot of pacing…in AND out of the house. Boredom would make me do the same.
not Dani.
Its different with men and woman, when they worry. Men will exercise,when under stress, but woman will stuff their mouths with food, Iguess it explains Danielle,s constant eating.
he proably is
Yea he,s worried. Have you seen his gorgeous wife?
Oh please don’t give the poor weasel a bad time,the weasel is better looking and more loyal. lol
Only thing Dan looks good is the straw hat.
OK… what happened to Dan and Danielle’s hands?
They cut them in the veto comp.
knuckle shuffle
How come we didn’t get to see the last HOH?
The one they showed on Sunday? There hasn’t been another one between then and what they’re showing now.
My little sister wants Shane to win “because he has nice hair”! (She’s 12)
I’m sorry. Having to get glasses (especially at that age) must be a pain in the butt.
What a nasty crack. Shame on you.
What are you talking about? lol Shane’s hair is a total mess.
That was rude, are you a Dan fan?
Shane has awful hair.
What is that hair anyway….never saw such a mess,,,,
He’s really not a bad looking guy but his hair is the worst part about him. If he would just stop the comb over he would look much nicer. JMO
Shane is a cutie. He looks a lot like Tom Cruise and Donald trump had a love child.
Didn’t America’s Player used to get $100,000? Now, $25,000. Times are bad.
No. It’s been $25K for as long as I can remember.
Oh, my bad. Maybe thinking of another show?
Probably Survivor.
I think $100,000 America’s choice is Survivor. C
ould be wrong.
Yes, Survivor, thanks!
No they didn’t!
Even times are bad, shouldn’t stiff the player!
I thought who ever came in second got 100k. and Americas choice has always been 25k
2nd place gets $50K. Not bad, but not a whopping amount either.
I know what happen, last Sunday the game went into 60 min time and 60 min into big brother. Where can we watch full episodes at?
Check CBS’ website for full episodes.
Got to say, I was honestly expecting jenn to pull something, but she went out like a champ.
Aside from that I wonder what the hell is going on in the jury house…. What dose production have up there sleeve.
she could of won but Ian helped Shane win why didn’t big brother give Ian a penalty
i saw the preview of the jury today, Brittany and Frank had it out.
Jenn’s interview with Julie was very gracious – unlike Frank who was a surly sore loser. Good luck, Jenn.
Jenn should be! Plus, she’s not the one being lied to over a Bible, that any judge would be pissed off!
Oh please give the bible crap a rest. It has been explained a thousand times that he did not lie on the bible. Agree, hate the sore losers that go out of the house like FRANK even Boogie who I can’t stand had more grace than Frank.
heard Chelsea and her GGCB organization is feeling major controversy including booking cancellations thanks to Dan and his antics
First, what is GGCB?
Next, anyone who puts blame on her, her organization or even Dan for moves made in a game is an idiot.
oh well sh$# happens. maybe if chelsea did not defend his wicked antics this would not happen to her organization.
I really doubt that. People like to start all kinds of rumors. Chelsea’s organization, designed to help people, is completely separate from Dan playing a game.
Dan admitted to swearing on the bible to take Frank to final two. Case closed. For those of you that insist he didn’t, have you been drinking the Kool-Aid as well?
yeah sharon, like quest said you been drinking the kool-aid. you give the NOT lying on the bible crap a rest. even dan said he sworn on the bible, yet you defend him and say he didn’t. and if you were frank with all the house guest trying to get you out the house since day one, fighting every week to stay, you be a little pissed too. he was not a sore loser. boogie was nonchalant about it then, wait til he sees all the taping of BB to see what really happened behind his back. plus he won before and did not hit the reset button did not have a interest to play again.
so much agree,
Shane won veto Dan is po at Danielle
I feel as if Dan may end up like russell, the mastermind who screwed everyone over than lost in the finale of survivor.
Here’s hoping.
Dan has already won once, so it shouldn’t really matter if that were to happen here in this season. But there is a good chance that something like it can happen..
Thing is, if dan makes it to F2, most of the people that are on the jury are going to vote for favorites ( namely Frank, Britney, Joe, ). Boogie is the only one that would vote for dan, and im not sure how jenn would vote, but it looks like favorite also. So those chances of dan not winning are very high.
Boogie doesnt get a vote.
My bad, I meant to say Ashley ( kinda hard to remember who is jury when we dont see jury house) But even Ashley is a complete ???? vote. Who knows where that girls head is at
I think she will vote however Frank votes. Unless of course she has forgotten who he is…which is entirely possible.
no way… his chances are so high if he makes it to the end.. watch the past seasons … the jury votes on the game play who played the best game.. if Dan makes it to final 2 I say he wins and wins Americas vote too!!
sure hope dan dont get it
I kind of agree…I’d personally like to see him win, but he has literally screwed over every single juror…he may very well go out 2nd. This game is about lying, but one has to be loyal at some point to get those votes!
I have to give Jenn credit with going out with class and grace and love how she admitted that DAN IS PLAYING THE BEST GAME IN THE HOUSE AND DESERVES TO WIN!!!!! What is it with Julie Chen saying Dan is looking out for himself in the game! If I was playing for $500,000 I would only be looking out for myself too. I mean they can’t share the money so that was a stupid comment to make.
I wonder the same thing she’s always saying that……whats behind it all!……LOL
I can sense from Julie she’s a little bias to Dan.
Biased against him for sure.
The producers have edited the tapes to make Dan look like a monster, just as they did when they made Frank into the house favorite.
Peter, I agree with you. I watch the live feeds and can see the editing and it’s horrible. I wish they were a little less biased. Why would they show Dan saying he would rip Ian’s face off if he voted out Dani, but never showed Ian said it first to Dan about Brittney. Sure he wants 500 grand, they all do and they all say some pretty nasty things but you’d never know it if you only watch the show. Ugh, wish they’d show how Frank and Boogie really were, how they treated Jenn and Ian, the ugly names they called the others. But somehow, Frank became the golden haired boy. Double ugh.
I totally agree…if I were playing for $500,000 I would do everything I could to win. Even swear on the bible. LOL. After all that’s not chump change.
Lol..not only would i look out for myself but i would eat Joes cooking if necessary, share meds with Ashley and Brit, wash Dans stinky red shorts, and do Shanes comb over for him every morning. The ONLY thing i wouldn’t do is listen to Danielles mountain of me stories. Some things just aren’t worth it.
With that HOH win, Danielle has just won the game. Congrats Dani, maybe now Shane will love you? Nah, probably not. :P
How do you come to that conclusion?
They can go ahead and sign the giant novelty check now. That’s two l’s – Danielle – correct.
Anyone know where I can watch tonight’s episode I just missed online looking for another site?
Did you find a site? Just type in “Big Brother 14 online viewing” ….this should bring up a few places to go.
Can Dan Go Home Now!!!!
tonights episode shows that dan knows danielle is crazy, but he just cant tell her
Would YOU tell a nut that they are a nut? I sure wouldnt!
Only over the phone.
or by text
I certainly wish Dan no bad luck in his marriage, but if I was his wife and seeing how easy and good he can lie, hug someone and say he missed her and then walk away going no I didn’t, I’m not sure I would ever quite look at him the same way again. Yes I know this is just a game but dang he is a good liar.
He is playing a game for goodness sakes. I don’t like it either but the boy got game. I’m sure he is a fine person outside of the house. He is doing what he has to win!
My only problem with BBN Matt Boyer is that he is so dang objective in his blogs that I cant tell who he is really rooting for.
Now, on to more important business…..GO IAN!!!!!!
I agree…the mark of a good blogger…state all sides.
I am going to miss reading your comments, CC! I dont always agree with them, but they make me think. I can tell that you are a true BB fan!
I agree one of the few on here that gets it.
Thanks Becky and H&S…right back at ya!
Julie….its fa-HE-ta’s……not fa-GEE-ta’s……
As long as that idiot Ian goes out next and realises his stupid mistake+ he ain’t a good player he marks himself out to be, I will be officially satisfied with this season and will not give a fk about who wins lol
At least his grammer does’t suck
Ian has made some mistakes and lately his head has been a little inflated. BUT..i think he has played a decent game. Imagine you were a superfan…know all the facts and figures associated with each season. How would you feel to actually be playing the game?….Totally incredulous!…It would seem almost surreal. THIS is where i cut him some slack. He’s young and doing something that most people wouldn’t even dream of….putting theirself out there for the public to criticize every move you make. Has to be hard. Has to be hard for all of them. So i’m sure his excitement at being on BB has affected his game just a bit. The only difference i can see between them is 3 of them lie for game play…1 of them lies for sport :) …
How can you say Ian is an idiot? The idiots are all evicted.
Ian is an idiot because he is evicting all the idiots like Ashley and Jenn instead of a threat like Dan.
I blame Dan in a way, for confusing an trying to undermind Ian. Dan being a teacher, and coach knows exactly what he,s doing. He,s playing mind games with everyone in the house. Wonder if his wife is like him?
Why do you have to bring up his wife? You’re only exposing yourself on the kind of person you are.
You are aware that comments left on all Caps will be deleted. There’s an edit feature that you can use. You can still correct it.
Might I be so bold as to suggest that you enroll in a remedial English class? Perhaps your comments would be taken more seriously if you gave the illusion that you are smarter than a fifth grader.
Gee I completely understood every word.
Based on Jenn’s exit interview, she will be a fair juror and would vote for who is the best player in the game.
F2 Predictions:
-Ian would win no matter who he’s against
-Shane would win unless he took Ian (which he wouldnt anyway)
-Dan will only win if he takes Danielle (seems like the most likely scenario as they would both take each other if either of them won the final HOH)
-Danielle won’t win the half mil, but is most likely to be taken to the F2 and win 50,000
ian should win.
Jenn’s exit tonight allowed me to respect her more as a player. She made a gracious leave. I wish she could have one HOH one time. It would of been interesting to see her with some power. She was pretty close at the last POV too. Although, Ian helped Shane (that’s not considered cheating?). It appeared that Shane had a good chance of winning anyways because he had more correct pieces in place then Jenn did.
Have any of you seen the preview, thats been airring of the jury house? Looks like some exposives have already hit the fan. It showed a clip of Britany and Frank arguring up a storm.
Where did you see this clip?
i brought up about the wife, because,he apparently wants a open book, I mean whose the joke.He follows her, and she follows him, all over the house. Anyone would be curious to wonder, the aftermath of that.
What the HELL are you talking about?
Look if you need to pick a argument tonight, take it up with willie.
I’m not arguing with you. I just wanna know, What the HELL are you talking about?
Sorry Cyril, tirdsome night for me, after watching this mess on bb14 It irritates me,to knew someone more deserving, like Ian will not get the finale win. Dan, Daniel and that handsome dummy are plotting something terrible on Ian. I just feel that his disavantage, should be a advantage. It really makes my blood boil tp see someone like Dan,useing mind games with Ian, but wouldn it be funny, if Ian was playing with their heads?
It’s ok, but you need to read some updates. The handsome dummy could be going out, not Ian. If you have read some of my posts, you will see that I’m for Ian and Dan in F2.