Another week of Big Brother 14 is in the history books, or at least on Wikipedia as Ian would like to say. Frank spent the week as HoH, but it was Dan who was in control. Jenn woke up from her summer slumber and Britney walked out the door Thursday night.
But who played the best and worst games this week is not so cut and dry. Just because a HG held the power or was booted from the house doesn’t automatically put them at the top or bottom of the list this week. So let’s take a look at how the players stacked up this week.
Best Players of The Week
1. Dan. I mean who else would it have been this week? After Dan’s epic move that got him off the block and had Entertainment Magazines and bloggers raving, there was no other choice. He talked Frank into a final two deal (that he’s already going back on by the way) and that lead to Jenn using her Veto on Dan and Frank renominating Britney.
2. Ian. This kid continues to play a good game even if he gets sloppy at times. He stood up for himself and Britney this week and did most of her campaigning. Of course it was a fruitless effort, but an effort none the less. And he’s made a vow to avenge Britney, which is more dedication than any of the others have shown this week.
Worst Players of The Week
1. Frank. Is this a controversial choice? I’m sure some readers will think so, but it’s obviously Frank’s spot this week. Think about it. He gave up the chance to play in the next HoH contest AFTER the one he was already not eligible for. And he took the carrot costume. And the chum bath. He did all that because he really wanted to win the veto to get Dan out of the house. Then he gets disqualified and loses the chance anyway. So when Jenn wins, he knows he can still get Dan out. But what does he do? He talks Jenn into using the veto on Dan. What a terrible move on his part. He’s probably going home in the next week or two because of those decisions.
2. Jenn. For the same reasons Frank was No. 1, Jenn was No. 2. Just because she won a veto for agreeing to go on slop all summer and burning a tank top does not make a great player. It at least put her on the map, but then she uses the veto on a player who has already won Big Brother before and helps send  home a player who only came in fourth the last time she played. Genius moves, people!
Complete Rankings List
- 1. Dan
- 2. Ian
- 3. Shane, Daniele, Joe ( it’s a tie because they all did nothing this week but allow Dan to beat them at this game)
- 4. Britney (for waiting too long to campaign)
- 5. Jenn
- 6. Frank
Ian needs to put up Frank and Jenn then backdoor Dan.
I’m hoping he figured out Dan is the enemy.
Dan made a huge move and I’ll give him #1, however, Frank does not deserve to be ranked so low. His back was up against the wall and he did what he thought he needed to in order to stay in the game. It is not enough to just save yourself one time but rather think a head and see how you can STAY in the game. What did he have to lose? Without this ‘alliance’ (and I am not 100% convinced that Dan is still not working with him) he was going home eventually. The real idiots are Shane and Ian for thinking Dan is really on their side.
I reallty hope you are right!!!!!!!!!!
I think Frank’s best move last week was to tell the quack pack about his convo with Dan. That would have saved him for a couple of weeks.
I agree. I see what you mean about Frank being up against the wall. Everyone, except for Jenn, is against him. I do hope that Dan and Danielle are just leading Ian along.
Again, I agree Judy and hope you are right that Dan is still working with Frank. As Frank even said on the live show to Julie it will depend on Dan and how he shows himself whether he is loyal or not. What he said to Dani last night sure sounded like he was not keeping his deal with Frank, but time will tell. Dan did make a huge move, but without Frank and Jenn doing their part that huge move would have had Dan walking out that door instead of Brit. I disagree with the rankings completely of putting Frank as the worst player of the week. Frank was basically alone and had no other choice, but to trust Dan. Even during the comp everyone in Frank’s new alliance certainly did not help him one bit. It was definitely tailor made for Ian. It’s easy to say Frank is the worst player as far as rankings (even though I disagree), but what choice did Frank have – absolutely no choice and I would like to hear what anyone else would have come up with as a better plan.
I have to agree with you. But Shane should not be tied with Danielle or Joe. Shane, I think threw away 500 grand just because he evicted Britney who I think was his shield from even getting evicted. If Ian doesnt leave next week Shane is the next target. Atleast with Britney, Shane has a few weeks of safety. Britney was just a mess. She had the votes to stay in the game but she just sat there cried an ocean and didnt campaign. I like her but she doesnt need to blame Dan for getting evicted she needs to blame herself when she could have stayed in the game.
Just saw your post after posting mine. 100% agree.
Dan has single-handedly made this season work for me. he is arguably the best Big Brother player ever. ‘already’. he doesn’t need to win this season to prove that. cannot argue that he is one of the best players. ever, Mike is gone and Frank’s future in the house is looking bleak, got to love this game.
I don’t agree that Ian is playing a good game, in fact I am more and more concerned about him and his behaviour. The rocking motion, the hammock swinging, the hand jitters all make me think the boy has behavioural/anxiety issues, and I wonder at BB’s reasoning for allowing someone so immature and emotionally unstable into the game. At the very least he has a hyperactive disorder. I am also getting weary of his constant efforts to come up with THE BIG LINE for the cameras, followed by his hoping that that makes the show/BB gold. Somehow the boy doesn’t seem to know how he comes across on television.
He looks like the stress of the house could cause him to have a breakdown. He is definately in trouble and I hope that the producers are keeping and eye on him.
He seems to have a mild form of autism…
Yes I think so, but knowing someone with autism, stress isn’t a good thing for them. Can’t handle it. And Ian isn’t at all.
I agree shar. I know someone whose son has autism and I’m no doctor, so not sure what Ian has, but you are correct about stress. My friend’s son has ended up having total meltdowns and hope that the Producer’s are keeping an eye on him as well.
It’s like he forgets cameras are on him at all times. Does everyone remember the beginning of the show? Him crawling around the house, being weird.
wow someone else who is as smart as me.kash way to go.
I’m pulling for Ian to win. If he can’t get Frank out this week, he better go for Dan.
Britney’s contribution this week was incredibly disappointing. She had the perfect opportunity to stay and she didn’t take it. All she had to do was tell Shane to vote for her and to stay in his ear – that would have guaranteed Shane AND Joe’s vote. But she just…gave up. She can’t fault anyone but herself on this one.
I definitely don’t think Frank should be at the bottom of the heap. Yes he made some bad choices but desperate people do desperate things. Knowing full well that he couldn’t play for HOH for two weeks, and that this opened the door to his eviction, he made the only choice he could make. Align with a strong player or wait for floaters to evict your ass.
I do not know why people do not like a nice guy. At this point the odds are that Frank will not make it to the end. If he doesn’t, I hope that America at least gives him the favorite player money. He has been upfront, honest and a good sport not to mention a power house in competitions. This whole coach thing ruined his game. I wonder how different things would be if the HG had come in and played their own game from the start. I bet alliances would have looked a lot different. I know floaters are needed to move things along (votes) but the thought of Dani, Joe or even Jenn (and I like Jenn) making it to the end is a horrible thought.
I Do like Frank as a player. He’s managed to fight his way through so far. But i don’t agree about his honesty. He has made F2 deals with several people. He can’t possibly keep them all, so somewhere along the line he wasn’t honest. Nor do i believe he has been a good sport. His convos with Boogie tell otherwise. But he does deserve to be in F2 at least. And you’re right….it would have been a whole different ballgame if coaches had not been involved.
When it comes to Frank, I believe he would have kept the alliances, however when you get back stabbed, all bets are off. I taped the BB after dark last night and have been watching it this morning. Heard Dan tell Dani, ‘we have to get Frank out this week’. I know it is a game and getting to the end is what the ultimate goal is. But this is what Frank is up against. No one in this house save for Boogie and Frank has had a real alliance. He is a good sport. He doesn’t throw tantrums when nominated, he sits around with his enemies and acts like a normal human being and except for blowing up at Ian (which he had good reason) he has been a decent person.
I just wish him and Dan would stick together. One good at comps…one good at strategy. Together they have the whole package.
Thank you Judy I agree with you completely. I don’t know if this will even be posted but I completely disagree with the rankings. Frank was going all out to win this veto contest and because of being all alone he had just made a F2 deal with Brit offering it to him. He got a DQ for saying the answer which was helping Brit and yet when the rules were read Ian said no talking was allowed. Dan may not have given the answer, but if anyone goes back to watch that veto again you will see Dan talking. Why did he not get a DQ? One of the things he said was Jenn you are safe. Dan was the one who ratted out Ian telling Frank everything and made this offer to Frank for F2. Dan gets the credit for his plan, which would not have taken place unless Frank and then Jenn accepted it. I thought finally Dan and Frank would work together until I heard the same conversation as you did and realized that Dan is not different than a Joe who runs to the power. The Quack Pack was only successful because they had their mole Ian who gave them all the info from Frank and Boogie. So now Frank is the worst player for the week? Because Frank is the only honest player in this whole bunch. He is the only one who has showed loyalty. Yes, I was hoping that Dan would finally be truthful and as Curiosity Counts has stated – one good at comps and the other at strategy. I am disappointed in Dan, but also disappointed in these rankings. Seems like nobody will give Frank a break ever.
The ratings are correct. Frank made the worst mistake so far rhis season by taking Dan down. Dan will go after him. He knows he can’t win against him. Frank should have put Dan up a while back, but boogie talked him out of it.
I do agree that Frank should have taken Dan out when he had that chance and wished he has never listened to Boogie. Since Frank really had no choice because Brit was lying to him about her F2 deal. Dan came to him with giving up Ian and the Quack Pack. Either way he was alone and someone would have come after him. If he didn’t go with Dan he would have had Brit, Ian, Dani, Joe and Shane after him. So we know he went with Dan. Neither move would have helped his game. Since Dan’s famous plan would have been nothing without Frank and Jenn agreeing why would that make Dan #1 and Frank and Jenn the worst? If you are a fan of Dan then you should be thanking Frank and Jenn. Otherwise Dan would have walked out instead of Brit. You are entitled to your opinion and that is fine, but in my book no way does Frank end up being a worse player than Joe or Shane for the week. If Ian had not won HOH I would include him in that group as well and I am not counting Brit, but might as well since she walked out the door.
frank just tried to make ANOTHER f2 deal with ian. how is he going to take everyone to f2 when he’s probably going to get voted out before that?
You are so right!!!!!
How is Danielle a Floater? She has stuck by every alliance she’s in! She had NO choice being up against Britney. Britney screwed her own game with her drunken rage!
Also, Danielle is NO slouch when it comes to competitions, HoH Twice…
THANK YOU – Frank is an awesome guy, never lies to anyone. Everyone has been against him since Day 1, and he’s still here! What a guy!
I have a gut feeling that all the major players in this game (Dan, Frank, Ian, & Shane) are going to knock each other out and we will be left with Jenn and/or Joe in the final 3 or 4 which would SUCK! Dan, Frank, Ian, and Shane should form an alliance for final 4 like the brigade (bb12) and evict Joe, Jenn, and Danielle. Then let the best man win after that.
Lane, Enzo, and Hayden were truly loyal to each other and there was no bad blood and they were happy for each other.
Everybody has lied and gone back on their word so much this season, a final 4 alliance will probably never happen.
Boy do I agree. These major players have done all the work and these others are just hanging off them to the end.
Although I favor Frank, I must agree with Brandon that Frank did not make a smart move trusting Dan. At least that is the way it looks now. I keep hoping that Dan has something else up his sleeve. I can’t believe that Dan wants to team up with Ian knowing everything about Ian’s true behavior as a spy. If Frank can pull it off and stay through these next two HoHs that guy should surely win.
K when did Dan agree working with Ian. He told the feeders that he is sticking with Frank. You ever think he is just giving Ian what he wants to hear????? All that has to happen this week is for Dan and Dani to throw the pov comp to Frank or Jenn then Joe’s nominated they have the votes he done. Then double eviction Ian cant play and its them 4 against Shane. Where most likely Ian will go home, I dont think Dan is going to stick with the people who were fine with voting him out, and Ian is going to get played this week.
I haven’t seen anything yet today, but Dan did go to Dani last night on BBAD and tell her that Frank needed to go and that he was going to have a conversation with Ian to get back into the Quack Pack. I haven’t watched since that took place.
Why wasn’t it a smart move? It was his only move as he was basically all alone. I favor Frank as well and it would be nice to see something happen that gets him back in the game. He has been on the block more than anyone and still doesn’t sit around and mope about it as other’s have done. He is the only one who has had to save himself. It is pretty easy to have alliances that back you all the time and know that you can depend on them for some help. Something that Frank has not had the luxery of. It would be nice to see that Dan really comes through for Frank. We will see.
At this point in Franks game, he doesn’t have any options. Taking a chance on trusting Dan was his best when you consider his only alliance is with Jenn. Even if he got Dan out of the house, he still goes up next week unless Jenn won HOH. The fact he won POV, HOH, and is still in the house after only voting one time all season should keep him off the worst player of any week.
HOH is locked down. Could it be Pandora’s box?
It’s pretty clear Branden is a Britney fan. Nothing wrong with that, just saying. I’m surprised and disappointed that even he is looking at the whole ‘Dan already won this thing’ angle. To me that aspect means very little other than that players should have an idea of who they’re dealing with, his tendencies, etc. But to make the argument of Dan being saved when he’s won, over Britney who’s come in 4th? Really not seeing the relevance there.
Whoever’s playing the better game should advance, forget who’s won in the past, this isn’t the past, and forget labels like ‘vets’, ‘coaches’ and ‘newbies’. Players make excuses for themselves that it’s ‘not fair’, and fans make excuses for them, when they’re new at the game as opposed to the four ‘coaches’ this season, but in reality most of them have watched the game, understand how it works, what usually does and doesn’t work, and can play alongside anybody. Who’s been the most dominant at competitions, for example? Two ‘newbies’, Shane and Frank. Instead of making excuses, try rising to the challenge if you feel the veterans have an unfair advantage.
How does this make me a Britney fan? I’ve ranked Britney as the worst player of the week before this season. Just as I’ve ranked Frank as the best before.
*earlier this season. Not before this season
Seems to be favouritism in your writing at times towards her. As mentioned, you’re looking at her 4th place finish as a reason to keep her over Dan’s previous win, but in terms of this season and this season alone, she not only isn’t playing as well as Dan, but it actually made sense for Jenn to make this move. I’m not a fan of hers at all, but keeping a big target in the game, who isn’t covered at all angles, was a decent idea for her, yet you implied it was a terrible idea due to Dan’s and Britney’s previous successes, in seasons past.
In a past article I saw signs of favouritism too (forgive me for not recalling an exact quote, maybe if I went digging for it). Just seemed to me you were a fan, if not, then my mistake for the assumption, but that’s why I didn’t make it a glaring point in my post, just got it out of the way early.
I agree MJ and thanks for saying what I was thinking. What I am not understanding is why is it showing up that Dusty is responding to you when you were talking about Branden? A comment made by Dusty is showing as he is not agreeing with the writer of the article either. Is this a site problem? Or am I not seeing what other’s are? Yesterday I made comments that were there at one time and are gone now. Guess I should be directing this to the Mod, but just wondering what you are seeing MJ. Thanks.
I guess it was a site problem as all the comments are gone.
I’m seeing basically the same thing as you. So don’t worry, you’re not alone lol. I think Dusty was just disagreeing with the article, not with me.
I strongly disagree with you. I don’t think Frank or Jenn should be there. Yeah Frank giving up hoh is stupid. Dan told the live feeders he sticking with Frank and apparently Frank told Dan to throw this week hoh so he can compete in double eviction which is so smart because if one wins veto they have the votes. And what Frank doesn’t go with Dan he continue. To work with the the quack pack that put him up 5 times already! Jenn by making that move if her or Frank win veto this week she making final 3. The worse players should be Brit all she did was whine maybe take a lesson from Dan and get yourself out of it. And joe should be the other does nothing and there’s a good chance he going home his week
Britney was not going to get Shane’s vote. Poor sport Danielle played up the poor me Britney would have looked like such a witch and Shane told Danielle he knew he was going to keep Danielle pretty much from after the replacement nomination. Dan was not going to change his vote. Brit did good on Wednesday, she was treated shabbily by Dan and Danielle after being nominated. Also Shane and Joe, they didn’t have the guts to let her know the truth.
Enzo reminded me last night why I never liked him. He had a douple dip into the pool of hypocritical and/or head-shaking comments. Did he seriously suggest Dan shave his forearms? Who does that? Most men don’t, it’s weird. More importantly (as in game-related) he claims that Britney should stop dwelling and ‘woman up’ and ‘go to battle’. You mean the way you did, Enzo? I remember you doing absolutely nothing all season long, other than allegedly create the Brigade, then sit back and watch things happen. Seeing him again was pretty annoying to begin with, without these inane comments.
The other head-shaker of a comment was from Jenn, claiming this Veto decision (which wasn’t even fully hers) was the ‘most brutal decision she’s had to make’. It’s the only decision you’ve made, genius. You were practically unknown a couple of weeks ago, nice of you to finally wake up and join the game, but you’re far from a player yet, let alone a good one. So don’t sit in the DR and tell us we “underestimated your girl”. Nobody has as of yet.
How can Jenn and Frank think that keeping Dan was a good idea?? A player who has won in the past – is known for his game play and the person Frank had been targeting all summer. Oh this one will come back to bit his orange ass.
How is it not a good idea?????????? what he trusts Britney, Ian and Shane who has put him up 5 times this season!!!!!!!!!! Him and Dan are in such a good position its not even funny just watch it play out they just need few comp wins and it will work out. Theirs a good chance Joe will be evicted this week just watch.
I don’t think Jenn or Frank had much of a choice in aligning with Dan. Frank didn’t have anyone this week (and couldn’t play for HoH next week)–he needed something, anything, and it’s about time Jenn made a move. The real order should be: Dan, Danielle, Jenn, Frank, Ian, Joe, and Shane at the bottom. Danielle gets #2 because she was smart and helped solidify Dan’s plan by keeping her mouth shut; I honestly didn’t expect her to because she’s a psycho. Ian lost his cool more than once this week, and he deserves a lower spot. Shane gets last because he voted out Brit to keep useless Danielle. If I included Britney, she’d get second-to-last for not campaigning enough. I hate seeing players just give up.
I agree completely and I guess it’s a toss up if Frank comes before or after Jenn. If you listen to Dani now she said Brit did plenty of campaigning. lol
Furthermore, the different between fourth place and winner is minimal because the usual HoH comp when there are 4 players is usually luck-based
Frank killed himself. He wasted the change of an HOH to just them save Dan who just made a made up scene. Frank should know that Dan is an actor. How is he to trust him? What about Shane? How do you vote to save Danielle when he know that she would pick Dan before him! what a mess.
Being a liar doesn’t make you a good player. But I guess we know what this country seems to value.
a liar doesn’t make you a good player, but a good player is often a liar. Thats the name of the game.
Ever watch those movies like Hunger Games where people kill themselves to survive? Those movies are tame as to how it would look in real life if that was the game.
Dan’s overrated – all he basically did was tell Frank about Ian. He just made it dramatic, that’s all.
He got his biggest enemy to trust him…if only for long enough to avoid certain eviction. PLUS he helped oust Britney…someone not quite on Franks radar or anyone elses. Outing Ian helped of course but to say thats all he did is not giving him enough credit. No matter how he did it…he did it!
If he doesn’t make it dramatic and drop that bomb on Danielle, and just plain goes up and talks to Frank in the HoH room for over an hour, then the entire house will know he’s throwing people under the bus to save himself. This way, people were distracted with consoling Danielle and wondering what the hell just happened, and aren’t as focused on how long Dan’s been talking to Frank. Plus his ‘funeral speech’ talking about wanting to apologize to Frank helped people not think automatically that he’s outing the Quack Pack.
There was a reason for the dramatics. A big reason.
For somebody that didn’t take up any acting class, and to emotionalize the HG’s effectively, I thought it was impressive. Some real actors can’t even do that. He was so believable, and that was the key factor. It’s a talent and a great tool for this game. Boogie and Janelle tried acting and they can’t even cry, It was comical. Good acting and lying, they go hand in hand. BB players should take lessons from Dan.
Ugh…ian :-( makes me sad!!!
jacee2 and Judy I too agree with you no one has wanted to play with Frank this whole game he has been done dirty by everyone that is left in the house except Jenn he was willing to trust Dan but, that may be his down fall for the whole Quack pack are bullies in their own way also he dose not deserve to be rated last for being a good person ,I still think should keep his word but guess he dose not know the bible like he wants people to think he dose using it for self gain MY HEART IS BREAKING OUT FOR FRANK HE IS A GOOD PERSON
I agree it was wrong of dan to use the bible and swear on it and his wife and his life that he would be with Frank it would be funny if he lost everything he swore on its not right to swear on the bible that you are being honest then we find out later he dont read the bible remember he told Dani he never read Revelations he has picked out parts to say that makes people think he is all about good when people like that is pure Evil and he does not deserve the good life he has and perhaps the one he swore to just may take it away
@216a0466bff564b735c8e624dc65481b:disqus Thank you or should I say “preesh”.
I wonder what the school that he works for thinks about that if he goes back on his word. That doesn’t look like a very good role model. I understand him lying in this game and being a different person in real life, but bringing the bible into it is wrong and offensive, it also makes me wonder how honest of a person he is in real life.
dan stole from evil dick
I would be afraid to be in the same house with Ian he is a time bomb and it cant be good for a person like that to drink too and the comment he made about what he was gonna do in the hoh room made me sick what would happen if he did go off the deep end and hurt someone his rocking and other things he is doing reminds me of the killer in a horror movie lol
I completely disagree!! Frank took the “benching” for HOH because he wanted Dan out. He wanted Dan out because he thought Dan was responsible for Boogie going home, when really it was IAN. Frank found all of that out AFTER the veto comp when Dan ratted Ian out. In this game, things change all the time. I think Frank made a good move. Britney is basically controlling Shane and Ian’s game so she has 3 votes. Plus Britney is a psycho bitch. I am so glad she is gone! GO FRANK ALL THE WAY!
From what I have seen, Shane’s relationship with Dani seemed serious, and he has already won comps and put hgs on the block. Shane has been trying to lay low, and it seems that he has done a good job to stay under the radar. So, even he is not good at mental games, I believe, Shane has a better shot than everyone in winning the game.
That list is totally correct. Dan is a great player, and his master plan showed that. but I’m still team Ian
People frank wasn’t put last because he’s a nice person but because he made some stupid moves which benefited everyone but him
Ian is really doing good but he needs to make sure he has the votes to stay if he gets nominated next week, if its him and a qp member on the block then he’s a gonner. he needs to bond more with Dan and Shane. if he does that then he would have dani and Joe votes as well