Talk about a case of the Mondays. I think the Big Brother 14 Live Feeds had a nice case. The day couldn’t have been more boring. The nominations remained the same. Joe and Wil aren’t working very hard to stay and these house guests talk so much about production and sing that we’ve all got our own names for the Big Brother fish this season. Read on to find out what happened.
You can rewatch all of these events with Big Brother Live Feed Flashback
Big Brother 14 Live Feed Highlights โ Monday, August 13, 2012:
10:00 AM BBT – Frank and Boogie talking about Frank’s talk with Ian last night about blindsiding Dan. Boogie isn’t super happy with Frank. He thinks Ian would tell Britney. And he did.
10:16 AM BBT โ Boogie is working to convince Frank to not put Dan on the block. <<PHOTO>>
ย 1o:50 AM BBT โ Shane tells Dan that Wil threw him under the bus last night, trying to convince him to put blindside Dan.
11:19 AM BBT โ Feeds cut for POV ceremony.
12:05 PM BBT โ Feeds return. Nominations remain the same. Joe or Wil is toast this week.
12:17 PM BBT โ Britney and Danielle say they have to tell Dan that Ian told them Frank was considering blindsiding Dan.
12:30 PM BBT โ Britney and Ian talking about how close that was to Dan being put up and Britney thinks Dan needs to know.
12:33 PM BBT โ Britney tells Dan about what almost happened and he says he’s aware. There’s some cryptic exchanges going on after, like Dan isn’t really throwing competitions … If you can figure out more, please let us know.
1:14 PM BBT โ Ian is filling Dan in on all the details of his conversation with Frank last night about blindsiding Dan. Ian is really getting into the gameplay now.
1:40 PM BBT โ Joe and Frank talking. Frank says people are saying they feel like the can trust Joe now that Janelle is gone. Frank makes Joe feel like Wil is probably the one going home.
4:13 PM BBT โ Frank and Dan talking about how Dan could have been blindsided. Dan thanks him for not doing so. They discuss trust and talk about going as far as they can along with Danielle and Boogie. Britney and Shane are not a part of that scenario.
7:22 PM BBT โ Britney and Ian talking about getting out floaters next instead of big targets.
1o:31 PM BBT โ Joe is working Britney and Danielle for a vote in the backyard. Not because of Joe’s campaigning, but they agree that Wil has to go. Joe leaves and Ian and Frank stop by.
10:44 PM BBT โ Boogie has gotten some ear drops. He’s been battling an ear infection all day. Yes, this is how exciting the day has been.
11:04 PM BBT โ Danielle trying to spread more crazy lies to Dan. Since Janelle has gone, Danielle is now imagining things Britney says.
It sounds like Wil’s fate has been sealed, but a lot can happen in a couple of days. Joe has been known to say and do the wrong things, so can Wil turn things around? Probably not. He hasn’t done anything else this season. But someone might be able to turn them around for him.
You can catch all of these Big Brother 14 events using Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!
I do have to say I am really liking Britney this season. Her last season didn’t like how she tormented Rachel behind her back but now she seems to be playing good…And Danielle needs to stop telling Dan about her imaginary things that Brit had said
I like her as well and thanks for confirming that what Danielle told Dan last night was imaginary.ย Thought I had missed something and it sure didn’t sound like something Brit would do,ย Do you think Dan believes her or has her figured out?
Hey Jacee we def seem to have alot of the same opinions lol! And I don’t think Dan believes Danielle and has figured her out a bit even if he’s not saying it he is smart w hiding his thoughts… And think he knows Brit better than that but who knows in that house! Would like to see all the floaters that do nothing get out and the best in the house battle it out till the end
Did you hear when she told Dan about wedding, and then change her mind and instead saidย live-in boyfriend?ย I think she making that up as well.ย I think she is a sweet girl who has been used by men.
Britney is doing the exact same thing as bb12 again. She will get screwed near the end. Plus she has been tormenting Janelle all season. Definately the same thing as last time
Thx for the info was not aware she was really tormenting Janelle I know she felt bad for not telling her she was leaving… BB 12 I didn’t like the Rachel attacks … And she prob will get burned towards the end again unless she plays the game as hard as she can
Rachel deserved to be tormented. She was as mean and annoying as Boogie but at least she wasn’t a crook and a pervert.
Who do you guys think is going to go thursday?? Thx Lexi
Right now, I think Wil is going home. That would only change if Joe does something really stupid or Wil does something really smart. Or these bipolar houseguests change their minds like they always do. Haha.
Haha thx for your input Taylor made me lol! Literally I feel the same way
Wil should be it. He is arrogant like Boogie but, does not have the brains for it! His dumb moves sealed his fate!
Wil – Agree with TaylorN.ย Gonna be interesting to see who the new HoH will be.ย Would they be advertising if Thurs was going to be a Double Elim or not yet?
I seem to remember Julie telling us on Thursday if the next Thursday will be a double eviction.
I am wondering that as well if there will be a double elimination and who the next HOH will be !!!!!
Ian should tread carefully, it does not take a genius to figure out that what Frank told you and now Dan has told Frank about the blindside that there is a rat! When alliances are newly formed and there are a number of house guests still in the house, the last thing you want is a target on your back! By betraying Frank,
Ian has also exposed himself in the process!
ย that is the problem with autistic people, always snitching and swinging, the guy cant even snap his fingers correctly or get laid
wow Bree, you don’t seem like a very nice person.ย
One other thing. Now, Frank knows that Ian told Dan about his plan and he also knows that Ian is in an alliance with Dan because why would Ian tell Dan in the first place? Dan threw Ian under the bus and Ian does not have a clue!
That’s the problem with autistic people? Way to be snotty as hell.
ย xcuse me?ย Are you saying that Ian is autistic ~ first that is rude ~ second your as bad as Willie with being mouthy
Wow Bree. That’s really mean to say.
First off, nobody knows if he is autistic or has any diagnosis for his actions.
Second, he could putting on a show for everyone and be a completely different person that what he is portraying.ย
Third, I think he’s a cool guy and I would be happy to be his friend.
Now I wish that everyone would get off this Autistic/Asperger’s/Savant syndrome kick. Leave Ian’s quirks alone. He is human just like the rest of us.
ย Yes! Why is Ian all eager to tell Dan/Brittney what Frank was “thinking” about doing? He’s causing unnecessary drama. If he keeps running around playing the he said/she said game, his alliance might just get sick of him and turn on him.
I’m glad he’s actually playing the game, but sometimes you need to know when to keep quiet.
ย They all cause unnecessary drama. It’s just part of the game.
Garnering trust with others by informing them of a plan helps him in many ways. First, it makes people like Britney and Dan know that he is trustworthy regarding the alliance. Also, it puts Frank on notice (as Boogie is trying to explain to Frank) that you have to work to get certain people out. And, it makes people think twice before they decide to try and get Ian out, because now you don’t know exactly who you have in your pocket and who would side with him.
Ian is showing them that Frank can not be trustworthy, and it is time for him to go.
If Danielle had put up Boogie with Frank when she had the chance, and voted out Boogie ,,We would have a good game here,,,As it stands right now ,,,Boogie, Frank, and Dan will be the last 3,,,,,,
I hope so!!!
That remains to be seen. There are 11 players left and only Janelle has left after the reset. Lots of things can happen in the coming week for instance.
Frank, Boogie and Dan to a lesser extent all have big targets on their backs for the simple reason that they are the best players in the Big Brother House right now! Any of these players could be gone the coming week and the week after that including Shane and Brittney, of course!
With the exception of Brittney, nobody else deserves to make it that far. Everybody else kinda sucks. Lol
I am also getting sick of these people who do nothing not the whole house but the floaters get them ou so we can see a real game w the best in the house compete
I hope not!!!!
I totally agree with your assessments. IF danielle could think for herself at all, that would have been the right thing too do. And yes I think they will be the last 3 men standing…At least they do some game playing, unlike the other floaters like Ashley (totally looks and talks drunk) Jenn (who) ?? lol,,, Wil (he or she) Joe (loud talker). BORING season
I knew that Daniell was gonna turn on Britney..A couple of days ago she & Shane were talking and she asked him “Do I know uย (personalย stuff) better than Britney???ย Even tho Shane told her yes it was obivious that Daniell is jealous of the Shane/ Britney friendship. Does Daniell need a man sooo bad that she would risk losing $500,000.???ย Shane has made it plain in his DR sessions that he is in it for the money and a showmance could complicate his game..Daniell will get ratted out if production can put a bug in Britney’s ear….Just keep watching….lol
Thanks for the info.ย I heard Danielle on BBAD last nigt with Dan and was wondering if I missed something and that Shane really had feelings for Danielle as she said he was really sweet to her and toldย her if they were not in the house he could see himself falling for her and thenย the next day was mean to her.ย Telling Dan that Brit was negative and let things slip and that she had to shut her down and made her snap out of it.ย Even bringing up the factย that she thinks there was more to the Lane thing and Brit dd not want to talk on camera, but thought there wasย more to the story. Seems she is jealous of the Shane/Brit relationship, but started off by saying she felt so alone because Dan was spending so much time with Ian.ย Do you think Dan believes her and if so could she end up hurting Dan’s game?ย ย ย
Right – And that Shane was jealous of her relationship with Dan…And that he was trying to make her jealous talking about other *hot* women.ย Shaking my head.ย One night she just would not shut upย trying to wring advice and sympathy out of Britney about Shane.ย I kinda felt bad for Britney because, after enduring all that nonstop “Why won’t Shane kiss me in public? Why is he nice, then mean to me? Why do I always have to initiate a kiss – why won’t he?” type stuff, then in walks Dan and she rewinds and goes on a loop, recounting it all to Dan – while Brit has to sit through it all again, though she looked bored out of her gourd the first time; then, in walks someone else, and Danielle was on “Replay” yet again….That’s when I thought “Poor Britney” – not because I’m a Brit fan but because that was almost inhumane.ย ha ha
dan is an asshole if he believes dumbielle
Thank you Jacee and BBAD influence for all that info and really enjoyed reading your posts always helps to put more into perspective thx Lexi
ย I heard the coversation shane never said he could fall in love with outside the house thats a lie on her wishful thinking part…ย she s a delutional girl….and i cant wait til shane sees all these feeds after this show is over he will get a restraining order on her ass.
Well, since Zingbot made that comment about Shane wanting a restraining order on danielle–I think Danielle should wake up and realise he’s playing her. Wake up girl! He doesn’t kiss you in private bc he doesn’t actually like you. He was going to be done with the showmance until she won HOH and messed things up.
OmG Danielle shut up already! Even when subject changes & nobody is paying attention to you, you’re still trying to tell folks your stupid work story….and then there are the lies/exaggerations to Dan…Delusional Danielle.
ย replace Danielle with Ian in this sentence and it makes sense
with you, I agree
I love Britney and all, but I miss her funny DR moments.
I agree!! Where are the finger guns and hangings and all the funny crap she pulled two years ago???
ย Britney grew up and now she is a married lady. That is the difference.
LOL………………….LOL………………………..LOL what a joke
I don’t like Brit, she’s two faced pathetic insecure by her own admission, can’t listen to her talking with that nose voice of her. she looked Janelle in te face and so cool told her she was safe, and after she sart crying,so she can get America sympathy. I have to change channel every time she is on.
Ok. So Brit lying to Janelle about her vote is not Ok? But every other season every other time it happens it is ok?
they were real tears
ย Most all diid the same..If Janelle,would have gotten the votes she was told ,she would still be in the BBhouse..All lied to her,Britt was the only one that felt bad about lying..
I only do that when Booger is on.
This season, production is telling them they can’t tell the person they are going home. They’ve mentioned it multiple times.
I totally agree with you.ย Brittany is the biggest two faced person on bb, sucking up to whoever is the HOH.ย I hope she gets evicted soon.
I’ve never seen this website so against one person (danielle.)ย Frank has to do some damage control with Dan. Although Dan isn’t likely to win a competition its still advantageous to have the silent 6 trust Frank.
lMAO..Evidently u were not here season 13 and the saga of Shelly Moore and her lies….The dislike for Daniell is mild compared to the hate for Shelly Moore….
How about…Rachel…Evel Dick…Chima…Jen…Amber….the list goes on and on.ย ย There’s always SOMEBODY that posters love to rag on.ย ย Most times with good reason.
CuriosityCounts also forgot Natalie, Ronnie, and in a mild case, Ragan.
Also, SCREW THE SHELLY HATERS. ย Yes, she wasn’t honest in the DR about her two-faced gameplay, but her strategy was great, and the only reason she lost is because of that convenient twist that saved both Rachel and Jordan. ย Shelly was the most interesting player last season and unlike a lot of other players, I wouldn’t mind seeing her play again because of how she was screwed over by Grodhog.
Oh my God, SHELLY! Yuck, she was as God awful as Porche, and Kalia.
Cubsrulejaf- You are an idiot. Shelly had the worst gameplay of all. Her gameplay sent her right to the jury house-not to win the game. Were you even watching that season at all?
Funny – in a sad way – Danielle got so taken with her own lies/delusions while talking with Dan last night, that she slipped during one especially self-righteous rant, she said something like, “…that almost broke up my marriage!”ย Dan was like, “Marriage???”ย She backtracked and said she meant her engagement…that they weren’t married but engaged and living together, etc… And he done her wrong, etc. Kinda scary…in a hilarious way. Dan can’t possibly believe everything she says.ย lol
ย kinda weird that Dan is on a god talk edict lately, spending too much time on religion and not enough on game, he will be evicted at the double whammy
recently danielle said her Mother said not to wear scimpy shorts in the house, and show your privates”..when she got hoh she read the letter from her mother……explained to the hg’s that no one knew she was going on bb14…said they would try to talk her out of it………, YES she does lie alot……..some of it may be game, but i dont understand all the other lying???????????ย it is kinds sad to me… seems like a pattern for her and not just game……….what you you think?
Comes a little too easy/frequent for her.ย Like you said, some of it isn’t gameplay.ย Justย a vacation from reality maybe.ย J/K. I know she is young and maybe just not as mature as some 23-yr olds. I just think of Jr. High sometimes when she keeps herself as the topic of conversation and solicits feedback on how she’s perceived, etc. Some is human nature but looks like she is her own favorite topic.ย lolย What is it about her & pageants – Was she supposed to have won one/some?ย She seems so chatty that I’d think if sheย had, that she’d be happy to share…because sheย does like to share alot of herย experiences (jobs growing up, etc). I’m just not sure why she shys away from talking more in-depth about her pageant history?ย ย
@BBAD Influence thanks so much.ย I do have the live feeds, but could not find any of the stuff she was talking about but thought I could have missed it.ย I don’t know how she keeps all this stuff straight.ย Well, I guess she doesn’t as she messed up a couple of times lol.ย Not trying to be mean, but I can’t figure her out at times.ย If it is game play then fine, if not I feel sad for her.
Yes Danielle is a compulsive liar… she doesnt need to lie about… little things … like engagements or trey… supposedly some one wrote that trey never dated her and has a gf… so shes lying again…. shes unstable…
I am glad you brought this up.ย as I asked this late last night while watching BBAD..ย I did not know if I missed something because of what she was saying to Dan.ย All the things about Shane really being sweet the night before and then acting all mean the next day.ย Shane telling her that if they were outside the house he would see himself falling for her and then she started putting Shane down.ย Stuff about things Brit had said and how Brit is always negative and lets things slip and Danielle has to put her in her place and then theย marriageย slip.ย Indicating that she andย Tray lived together.ย I just wanted to know if any of the things she was saying really happened?ย Shane being really sweetย and the Brit thing.ย Then how she had to get rid of Janelle because she had been so hateful and mean to her and she would not put up with it any longer.ย Asked Dan how he thought she was perceived outside and he said Danielle Donato, Rachel or even Janelle if Janelle was not in the game this year.
Not trying to say mean things about Danielle as it may be game play, but did anyone see all the things she was telling Dan really take place regarding Shane and Brit?ย I don’t know if I missed it.ย Does anyone think Dan believes all this stuff and that it may affect his own game play?ย She started this conversationย with telling Dan she felt leftย out with Dan since he is spending so much time with Ian and that she felt a bit jealous.ย ย Thanks.ย
Cracked me up with the emotional reasoning behind “her” taking out Janelle – Dan knows better because he was helping enforce that. I don’t know how much of any of that is true because I don’t get the live feeds (just BBAD) but sometimes I shake my head, wondering when did all THAT happen?ย lol
@4c0cd6cf58ad7a7751617e583d654b32:disqusย Sorry I put my reply to you in the wrong spot. lol
she is sick i swear she needs an exorcist, there will be things flying around in the air before long
i am beginning to think brit does not believe her either
The most annoying player ever is Danielle! I will start loving the show a tad more when she is voted out. Sadly I cant see that happening anytime soon. I even like ashley better than I like danielle!
Annoying…yes.ย ย But entertaining.ย ย You have to be a race car driver to keep up with her fibs.
She could be related to Casey Anthony as much as she lies and makes up conversations that never happened but I still want Frank and/or Boogie to go first
I feel the same about Brit, I hope she goes home with her fakeness
hey bb. u need to send in an exorcist please, dumbiellย needs one hurry hurry
Dan is getting on my nerve, I go to church sundays don’t a preacher.
need a preacher
Ian, you are the dummy. You turned into a rat and trusted the wrong people. You’ll be gone within 3 weeks because of your stupidity.
He should have been feeling out his alliances and striking out other alliances. Always have a Plan B, Plan C and even Plan D if need be!
Instead, he puts his entire trust in the only alliance he is in and gets thrown under the bus by Dan!ย
Dan,is the floater that should go out the door,,He would toss his wife under the bus..
I REALLY want to see Ian become the Head of Household. ย We would get to see where his loyalties really lie, what he does when placed in a prime position to play the game he so loves, and whether or not he will become Ronnie 2.0
ย I’m all for Ian,winning HOH..The kid is not only very Smart,he is also very wise….You are blind or You must be watchin a differant BB than I..Dan could have been in final 2 with Ian,but Dan has a loose tongue…Out with Dan & Boogie and watch the best exciting results happen..
Am I the only one that has to hold back my vomit watching Britney? She is the new Natalie! Take a shower! Do your hair. Last night on BBAD is was like fright night. Geez…you know you’re on tv 24/7 right? And stop picking your face every five seconds. Gross.
I’m not gonna say that Danielle is crazy but, she’s cray cray..and if shes the reason why Britney goesโฆโฆI’ll be so disappointedโฆ.
I’m really getting tired of Ian talking about getting out floaters, so what exactly has Ian done? NOTHING, big fat Zero, Zilch ,Nada. the kid hasn’t even been involved in anything game related. hasn’t won any comps
Hell Ashley is less of a floater than Ian, at least she was involved in the plan to blindside Frank before the twist and was instrumental in convincing Shane to attempt it.
Yet all we hear from Ian in “Get the floaters out” well i say Ian better grab a life vest
Me too
While I don’t necessarily disagree with you, I would have to say that at leastย Ian has volunteered himself for ridiculous things (slop on several occasions, ‘house dog’) in order to curry favor from the powers that be in the house.
I see Jenn, Ashley, Wil, Joe and Britney being more-so useless.
However,ย again, Iย do see what you’re saying; Ian is definitelyย the pot calling the kettle black here. I do believe, though,ย he’s at least attempted SOME strategy in the above-mentioned ways.
Okay, on second glance at my above comment, maybe not Britney SO much as the others — however, even SHE admits she’s useless in challenges, but boy can she talk, talk, talk strategy. In addition to challenges, though,ย her weakness seems to be not following her gut-instinct and getting sucked into others’ schemes where it does nothing to really propel her further into the game.
While I am not disagreeing with you, I am more inclined to believe that
the being the dog and volunteering for slop two weeks in a row was more
a play for attention. He loved every second of the attention he got from
doing these two things. He seems to need a great deal of attention from
the other HGs. I think his lack of maturity will be his downfall. He isn’t
able to read people as well as needed to go to the end, but never say
never in this game.
ย artist1 It’s possible he does it to act like he doesn’t have any plans in motion and is just doing all this for the BB experience (which is what a lot of the HGs think). Plus, he’s never won a competition, but he’s come close in at least a couple, so it’s not like he’s as completely useless as Ashley, Jenn, and Joe.
It’d be interesting to see what he actually does once he wins power.
Danielles theme song:
Wanna talk about me, wanna talk about I
Wanna talk about number one, oh my, me my
What i think, what i like, what i know, what i want, ย what i see
I like talking about you, you, you , you, usually
But occasionally,ย ย I want to talk about meeeeeeeee!!!!!
Toby Keith should sue.
you are sick
Sorry to say but Danielle is a narcissist.ย ย She has to be the center of attention at all times.ย ย If she wasn’t talking about herself…..she would be talking about..herself.ย ย She thinks its the Danielle show.ย I think shes forgotten that there are other people in the house……until she needs a sounding board.ย ย It’s not that she’s young and immature.ย ย She’s old enough to know not to be self-centered.
oh damniell always fishing for compiments
what do you mean by “compiments” ?
you are worse then her
Wow…touchy.ย ย I’m not the one on national tv talking about myself 24/7.ย ย I don’t know if you watch the feeds or not but she always brings the conversation around to herself.ย ย Even when the others want to talk gameplay.ย ย Just an observation that many others….on this site and other sites as well have noticed.ย ย I don’t dislike the girl but her head is not in the game.ย ย
Hahaha @ CuriousityCounts, that is a great theme song for her. The girl just cannot stop making everything about herself. She kept talking about Shane being a “Summers Eve”, but everything she came up with just sounded so juvenile & high schoolish. And who the crap refers to their engagement as being in a marriage! Ready for her to go!!!
Did anyone notes, Brit is spending so much time in DR, makes wonder if they are preparing her to win next HOH. that what I think so, mark my words. Brit next HOH by BBP help.
You have not presented any evidence to support your claims. Is it possible that Britney could be spending a lot of time in the DR without receiving any help from production? Yes? Then you’ve demonstrated absolutely nothing. Even if she does win HOH, that doesn’t prove that your conspiracy theory is correct.
heheheheeh ” to support my clamis”” your honor….. I have said it Brit is next
HOH, that what BB wants and that what they are doing with her in DR all the time
wait and see. to bad BBP don’t let the player to play their game as they wish.
wait and see just remember this ok.
Can you look for updates on Shane and Danielle, please? <3 :)
I think Dan is beginning to realize that Danielle is more of a liability than an
asset. She talks too much, he has caught her in numerous lies, and he is be-
gining to think (I believe) that she is emotionally unstable. Her jealousy about
Ian was a real eye-opener for him. She does not know how to play this game.
She loves to brag about pageants, her job as a nurse (to a few), and her
intelligence. If you are all that smart, you don’t have to say a word about it.
It will be apparent in your actions. She seems to have some real insecurities,
but then I have been amazed about how insecure the majority of the HGs are.
Most of them have some real personality issues.
I, also, think Dan is over playing his hand this season. He doesn’t know when
to be silent. Going to Frank and telling him about finding out about the
Dan blindside was stupid on his part. Now Ian is in the hot seat and was a
good ally for the four squad. People can see how much Ian is spending time
with Britney and Dan. It won’t take a genius to figure out where the leak is.
I have to admit I have gotten a new outlook about Jen. She is a great deal
smarter and more physically competent than I had thought. She is vastly more
mature at 37 than the majority in the house. I think her tattooed body and
lack of competence at the comps have kept her from getting in a good alliance.
It is too late to change her predicament, but who knows with the many
changes and twists of the game.
One thing is for sure. I think many of the HGs are going to be very shocked
when they find out how they have been perceived during their stay in the
BB house!
Very well said.
good out put, what you think about what I think “”Did anyone notes, Brit is spending so much time in DR, makes wonder if they are preparing her to win next HOH. that what I think so, mark my words. Brit next HOH by BBP help.””
I disagree on Dan overplaying his hand. By going to Frank, he pretty much confirmed Boogie’s suspicion that Ian can’t be trusted. This creates a conflict between between Frank/Boogie and Ian that Dan can exploit. A bigger target on someone else’s back makes your own target look smaller.
ย I completely agree with your analysis. Dan intentionally created a friction between Frank/Boogie and Ian. Not only he made his own target smaller butย Ian wont have a hard time putting one or both of them on the block this time around. If he wins HOH..and it might just solidify his relationship with Dan.
ย All I can say..The only ones who are really playing the game..Are Britt,Ian & Shane, regardless what they say or do to acomplish what they are playing for, $$$..
Anyone care to discuss the other houseguests that are justย ridiculous! Ashley.. she is always messed up on the pills she takes. She always talks about her Soma meds she takes and OMG she is always messed up….Jen ย YOU NEVER SEE HER on after dark or the shows..SHE IS WORTHLESS
It’s obvious that Danielle hates all the girls in the house. First Dan said that Kara and Danielle got jealous when he would talk to one over the other. Then Danielle got jealous of Jojo when Shane and her used to flirt. After that there were rumours flying around that Janelle was flirting with Shane. And now she’s imagining things Britney is saying (probably because Shane is close with Britney; the whole former coach thing and all).
That is what stokes her fire for sure, Char. I noticed that Danielle was starting off “sweet” but when Dan had to lose one, she instantly but “sweetly” mentioned to him that she thought Jodi was one who liked drama.ย (Now that – I give her as “gameplay” so ok.)ย Then she was quiet again til – like you said – she got wind of the JoJo-Shane flirtation and went to work with her BB SoRo Sistahs and got JoJo evicted.ย You wanna fire her up?ย Tell her JoJo/Janelle called her fat and/or dumb and/or incapable of winning.ย Cheer for Britney & not her.ย Girl was out for blood.ย She said in her bio her fave players were Jordan/Jeff (can you imagine if they were her coaches?) and that she hates Rachel.ย lol
I love it when Brit and Will act like Joe when Joe tells his crazy stories.Makes me laugh.
I guess Joe is this year’s Rachel to Britney.ย Brit isn’t as cruel to him as she was to Rachel and not quite as obsessed but she likes to talk about him.ย She told an inappropriate story on him to Danielle, then to Dan & then to Boogie.ย From when they were in the HaveNots room.ย I think she enjoyed telling it.ย She seems comfortable with the role of comedienne.
I believe that Dan and Danielle need to go, I was hoping they would have blindslided Dan oh well.ย I surely hope that the two D’s go up soon and HOME…
Im glad Britney told Dan about Franks idea of backdooring him but watch out for the newbie..IAN…he is really getting into the game now. Wil or Joe it doesn’t matter but I would prefer Joe alittle..not much to go. Wil can be a liar but who hasn’t lied on this show this season. I think, so far, Danielle has played a better game regarding Janielle but she is strong and there has been too much said about the romance…who cares anyway..they have one every year. Jenn is playing very smart….I want Ashley OUT so bad. She has faked her back problem and has everyone convinced…THAT IS HER GAME PLAN…and so far, it worked. Love my Brit~
Frank is the most evil person ever for even considering the idea of backdooring the best player in the game…but of course when Dan and friends were gonna backdoor Frank, well then it’s part of the game right?
My prediction for the season:
11th: Wil
10th: Joe
9th: Ashley
8th: Jenn
7th: Ian
6th: Shane
5th: Britney
4th: Danielle
Final 3 or Dan, Boogie, and Frank. Unless if Dan wins the last HOH, he’s either going to be winning the $500,000, or placing 3rd.
stupid idiot danielle is going to get poor brittney evicted just so stupid Danielle can go on with her delutional self and compulsive lying… she just wants to look better than brittney… Danielle is just jelous one again of another female in the house….but haha danielle brittneys americas fav player so far.. so at least brittney can win 25k again…
@Alexa just now saw your comment and you could be right about Dan.ย I hope so.ย Watching BBAD and she is on her Tray talk again.ย Talking how mean Shane is.ย She seems very down again after talking with Will and then Ian.ย Don’t know if you watch it, but for some reason it keeps cutting out on me.ย Just came backย on and guess Frankย and Ashley are having a date.ย Can’t figure her out either as she goes from looking out of it to perfectly okay.ย They are drinking away so she will probably get her out of it look very quick.ย He is giving out lots of info about how he and Boogie were the reason Jannele left.ย ย ย They may be our new showmance since Danielle and Shane aren’t working out. ย lolย Each of them telling each other they shouldย be going far.ย Boogie is not going to be to happy with Frank.ย Good to know someone else shares some of my opinions. lolย Have now found out that almost no one really tried out for this show, but were found.ย I wonder why this is and almost none of them have watched this show.ย Just strange.