Big Brother 14: Week 5 Popularity Poll

Big Brother 14 Houseguests

The latest popularity poll numbers are in for the Big Brother 14 houseguests based on last week’s poll. The trend continues for Coaches dominating the charts as four of the top five spots went to returning players. Meanwhile the bottom four HGs collectively earned less than 4% of the entire vote. Ouch.

Shane’s numbers came back down to earth but he held a considerable lead in first place with 18% of the vote. Janelle left the game in third place with 12% while Britney was the most popular Big Brother Coach-turned-HG at 14%.

At the other end of the poll’s spectrum you’ll find Jenn who has yet to land even 1% of any poll this entire season. It’s quite possible that most readers skip over her after not even recognizing that name. I suspect this is all part of her master plan to avoid eviction since no HG will remember her name when it’s time to vote on the live shows.

You can check out the archive of past polls to see how everyone is doing over the season. I’ve also got a graph charting everyone’s rise and fall for Big Brother 14.

Vote below for your favorite Big Brother 14 HG this week and share your thoughts.

Click graph to see last week’s results in full-size

Big Brother 14 - Week 4 Popularity Poll results



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    • ย book smart does not equal real life smarts, a life long virgin the guy is obviously suffering from aspergers/autism, the rocking and swinging is a tell to this disorder

      • When I said this on BB FB I got blasted on. ย For some reason people really like this guy. ย I’m glad to see it’s not just me.

    • He doesn’t have the numbers to back door anyone in the silent 6 alliance. He needs 4 to force a tie. He donesn’t have them. Trying back door someone at this time would just split the alliance and have the whole house after him and Boogie.

      • IMO Boogie has played the game excellent so far.ย ย  And i say that even though i dislike him intensely.ย ย  But he DOES keep the game interesting.ย ย  He seems to be a bullsh*ter but i suppose you have to be in order to play the game.ย ย  If he makes it to F2 he would deserve it.ย ย  It’s not his fault that others fall for his crap.ย ย  Even if he’s using Frank…and he is…at least he’s smart enough to do it.ย ย  He has his own agenda…and he’s sticking to it.ย ย ย  I hope the others wake up soon and see him for what he is….a minipulater and an egomaniac.ย  I would hate for him to win but you have to give the devil his due.

      • I agree he keeps the drama without him this season would bomb even worse! i like Ian too he’s funny and he is playing a good game.

    • Boogie is the best player in the game and is running the house kind of like Evil Dick started doing last year before he walked. If I were voting for hotness, Britney would be number one… maybe if she remained in her bikini 24/7.

      • Britney hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1ย  lol what part of us you live in?! LOL she is like 2 out of 10 man you need to get out more often. lol

    • Boogie is crown on your head, he is better than BB who……..r silicone face nip slip slut Janelle, happy that googie took the trash out early, no need to see her ugliness who…..r ing. fake fake fake

    • No, 11 percent of people can appreciate Boogie’s game, he’s good so there’s no denying it.ย 

    • LOL, show you how idiotic some viewers are, I loved all star season when DR. Will make her his sex toy.

    • What is it about Jenn’s sexual orientation that makes her so uninteresting that she can’t even garner 1% of the vote after 5 weeks? Answer: Nothing.

      I do not buy your argument that HGs’ sexual orientation is the driving factor in their popularity.

      • @4b7feea15e88bdb63a3119cee016fca9:disqusย : Um, okay. What about my comment makes you feel like throwing up? It was only posted 2 mins before you responded. How many times could you have seen it?

      • Sexual orientation has nothing to do with a HG’s popularity. Bunky, Marcellas and Ragan are among the most memorable players. The show has had at least 1 gay or lesbian HG almost every year. Production definitely wants them included. Jenn’s simply camouflaged herself well this year.ย 

      • @4b7feea15e88bdb63a3119cee016fca9:disqusย : Ahh, my ugly face makes you sick now too. What are you nine years old?

        I think you’ve put in enough time here. Try trolling another site.

      • @gtprods:disqusย I just want to say how muchย I enjoy what you are doing to keep us updated with all that is going on in the BB house.ย  This is my second season with this siteย  or for that matter any BB site even though I have watched BB since it started. I also want to apologize for some people and their rudeness. Jeneet being perfect example.

        In regards to Jenn I find her almost non existent on the show and until she started the work outs that Shane gives them I have not seen much of her. I just recently started hearing her talk game and she almost has acted like she is on summer vacation. She has not one anything and by luck has never been a HN. That would be my only reason for not thinking about her.

  1. None of the newbies have given a stand out performance so far.ย ย  Most of the newbies get comments on their quirks instead of gameplay.ย ย  Must be intimidating to be up against someone that has played the game before and knows what to expect.ย ย  Maybe there shouldย ย be aย separate poll for coaches.ย ย  Doubt if any of the newbies could beat a coach in the polls as it stands. Maybe Ian but it wouldnt be for his gameplay. It’s more for his likeability than anything else.

    • Shane led the popularity poll for the past 3 weeks. That means a newbie beat out all four coaches for the top spot so there’s no reason to doubt that’s possible. It’s already happened for most of the season.

      I combined the newbies w/ the coaches in the poll from the very start because I always suspected they’d eventually play together.

      • oops…sorry Matt.ย ย  Didn’t see Shanes numbers.ย ย  I guess i overlooked him because he’s not my favorite.ย ย  I don’t dislike him but it seems others have better game.ย ย  Maybe he will win HOH this week.ย ย  I would be curious as to see where exactly his alliances lay.ย ย  He seems to get along well with Frank and i wonder if that would affect his decision whether to put him up or not.

      • Thank You Matt for all of your hard work on this site. Keeps me up to date with whatever I miss greatly appreciated !!!! Thx Lexi

  2. Did anyone notes, Brit is spending so much time in DR, makes wonder if they are preparing her to win next HOH. that what I think so, mark my words. Brit next HOH by BBP help.

  3. Well, I have said it Brit is next HOH, that what BB wants and that what they are doing with her in DR all the time wait and see. to bad BBP don’t let the player to play their game as they wish.

  4. So I guess BB is just gonna let Ashley float on by since she can’t perform in any physical comps…….well I mean get a free ride ….she’s already been floating

    • I agree about Ashley floating.ย  Just doesn’t seem right if you can’t compete.ย  I also wonder about her and her meds as she seems as times like she is not part of the world at all.ย  Her eyes change and she just sits and stares.ย  Then all at once she is fine.

  5. Ian’s still my favorite to win with Shane second. The only coach I would want to see win is Britney. Jenn seems to be positioning herself to make it to the end by hiding, which could work. Even if she makes it to the final two the jury would have to deeply despise the other person in order for Jenn to win. ย 

    • I am all for Shane & Ian in final 2..Shane is in much need for $$ to pay off his colleage loans..and Ian is still a student too..Just like to see the $$ go to the one that needs it the most,,So,, Go for it Shane & Ian..

  6. Even though Jen may not be a fan favorite, I kind of like her. She seems like a sincere person who’s played a pretty good game so far. Who cares if she’s a “floater”. Not everyone can win competitions. She’s staying out of harms way and isn’t causing drama in the house.

    Nobody is going to waste an HOH to evict her till they absolutely have to. IMO the Silent 6 will turn on each other before Jen gets evicted. I think that’s almost a guarantee. Jen is sitting pretty right now. Everyone likes her and she could ultimately be a crucial swing vote somewhere down the line. As long as she keeps laying low, who knows, maybe she could pull out an HOH which would significantly help her chances of winning.

    I see Jen having to make some big time decisions in a few weeks.


    • If Jenn actually does get second place that’s $50,000 she didn’t have before so good for her. Runner ups may not get the fame or title but they do get paid.

      • I also give her credit for her efforts in working out this week-meaning she’s not throwing comps

      • Maybe if she wins some cash she can buy herself a new top besides that black gothic tank she wears every single night!! Barf!!

    • Jenn was a very nice, friendly person when I sat down w/ her. But just like I feared, she hasn’t been a very memorable HG, at least not yet. She didn’t know the game and didn’t even audition but was recruited based on a comment she left on a friend’s Facebook page. I’m not kidding. Seems like she was a casting mistake so far. Hopefully she turns that around soon.

      • Unfortunately it’s a popularity poll which means they could like Danielle because they think she’s cute or because she’s from the south. Maybe they find neurotics appealing. Danielle’s a little too Fatal Attraction for my taste.

    • I didnt vote for her, but I am kinda rooting for her simply for her being a Bama girl.ย  All she is managing to do in the house so far is looking like a love sick nut job which is a little bit entertaining.ย  She is even managing to make Rachel look somewhat sane.ย  GO DANIELLE! ;)

  7. so many awful things about Danielle….it’sย ridiculous! ย i know it’s just fugly jealous losers…so it’s funny!

    Team Danielle!! ย She could play a real life Wonder Woman!!!ย 

    • I WONDER if this WOMAN will get a clue that her lies and fantasys are hurting her game.ย ย  She’s intelligent enough to become a nurse….and should have good people skills in that sort of job….but she’s not focusing on the things she should be.ย ย  I’m sure BB checks out each persons stories before they select them to be a hg.ย ย ย Maybe thats WHY they chose her.ย ย  Her delusions of grandeur make for good tv.ย ย  But then again, Willie slipped through the cracks also.

      • I have to agree about Danielle.ย  I have nothing against her and at first thought I would really like her, but her lies don’t make sense to me.ย  If they are game moves she is hiding them from me.ย  She may turn out to be very different and has her reasons, but right many of her lies just confuse me.

    • Hey I might be fugly, but I’m definitely not jealous of Princess Delusionielle…I am from the south and I can’t stand her – not that that has much to do with the price of eggs in China.

      • April….google “Danielle Murphree’s Ex BFF Tells All”.ย ย ย  You will see that she is exactly what we see on tv and the feeds….delusional.ย  ย  There’s a reason this girl is her EX bff.ย  And check out some of the tweets her sorority sisters have tweeted .ย ย  It’s hard to watch someone get caught in their own web of lies.ย ย  I almost feel sorry for her but she is her own worst enemy.

      • I read the ex bff story & some of the comments. I tend to believe alot of what she says is at least greatly exaggerated and some lies. I just can’t understand why someone would lie about stuff like that knowing it’ll be seen on nat’l tv & she will have to answer for that. However, she is certainly lying & exaggerating about things said in the house – that is fact & I hope it comes back to bite her. Sure it’s BB & everyone lies, but there is a difference in lying to scheme in the game and lying all the while believing your own lies aka Delusional. IMO Princess Delusionielle has got to go STAT!

  8. I think that putting Wil and Joe on the block and keeping it the same was the right move. Joe with his big mouth, and Wil more or less telling Frank and Boogie that he could not secure them the following week if he got H.O.H.ย  I guess Wil really wants to go home this week….dumb move..

  9. I sad Wil is leaving he was such a great character. This is the worst season ever. I wish the coaches were still coaching then Janelle would still be there. This show is going down fast and they need to change things fast if they still want me as a BB fan!!!

  10. What the hell, man? I can’t even get my mind around the numbers that Shane and Brit are pulling. I think people just equate hottest with most popular.

    • Shane is a good competitor, so that’s understandable. But why Britney is getting so many votes is beyond me.

  11. Gave my vote to Mike Boogie, he is still playing smart in contrast to other house guests in the house. Frank continued to talk backdooring Dan despite, Boogie telling him to leave it alone! Ian being a rat and betraying Frank and being thrown under the bus by Dan. Dan telling Frank about the backdoor plan of Frank exposing Ian and Dan’s alliance with Ian! All 3 played badly this week and I would grade Frank a C, Dan a D and Ian an Fand Wil an F minus for being too dumb to even save himself!

  12. @gtprods:disqusย ย I just want to say how much I enjoy what you are doing to keep us updated with all that is going on in the BB house.ย  This is my second season with this siteย  or for that matter any BB site even though I have watched BB since it started.ย  I also want to apologize for some people and their rudeness.ย  Jeneet being perfect example.
    In regards to Jenn I find her almost non existent on the show and until she started the work outs that Shane gives them I have not seen much of her.ย  I just recently started hearing her talk game and she almost has acted like she is on summer vacation.ย  She has not one anything and by luck has never been a HN.ย  That would be my only reason for not thinking about her.

    I think I tried posting this is the wrong spot originally – sorry.

    • I am on the same page as you for where I stand. My second year on this site but have also watched from the beginning of BB .. And also so agreed w some of the rude unnecessary comments… They get me annoyed lol!!! Always like reading your posts

  13. I still don’t have a clear favorite but do like both Brit and Shane.ย  I do see where Jenn may slide in but don’t feel like I have seen enough of her.ย  I would much rather see someone who has played the game either by winning comps, game moves and personality.ย  I don’t have anything against either Frank or Boogie and they have provided me with things that define BB to me.ย  As of now I would have to say that Brit, Shane, Frank and Mike Boogie are my top 4.ย  That could change, but for now still no clear favorite.ย 

  14. Hey Matthew I posted a comment a few hours back this what I postedย 
    So I guess BB is just gonna let Ashley float on by since she can’t perform in any physical comps…….well I mean get a free ride ….she’s already been floatingthen a few minutes ago it said I was blocked from posting and now I think I can post I’ll know when I click post………….anyways whats up with that…that was the only thing I said all day ย  thx ย Sean

  15. Voted for Danielle because she keeps the crazy coming. I don’t like her so much, but that craziness, I can appreciate that.ย 

  16. I would like Boogie if it wasn’t for the completely stupid comments he makes in the DR. He sounds like my grandpa. He really thinks he’s funny, doesn’t he? Definition of trying too hard.ย 

  17. cant wait for Ian and his autism to kick in full gear when he is nominated, i swear he will start to lick the mirrors

    • Yes, he is on the weird side.ย  I think he’s a hoot though!ย  He probably would lick the mirrors if he gets the idea.ย  He’s being weird on purpose- trying to establish beingย the biggest have not- and probably goofiest player in BB history.ย  I like him, he got my vote hands down.ย 

  18. Wonders of medicine. Did anyone notice after the have not and pov comp , how amazing Ashley was feeling? I could not believe I watch Sundays show where the guys were carrying her around because she could not walk. Later when I watched a BBAD, she is playing charades curling up like a ball and jumping around. Then have the nerve to talk about drinking the wine and beer. I need some of those meds.

  19. loved seeing autism spaz almost cry when the tramp went on the date with the HOH

  20. I can’t believe Britney is tops in the popularity contest.ย  She isย  floater and just tosses herself in with whoever is in control at the moment.ย  She is a lousy player, in my opinion.ย  I think Mike Boogie is a super smart player.ย  You may not like him but he is real smart, in my opinion. ย  Also, Frank is a great player, in my opinion.ย ย  I can’t wait until the group starts seeing that Britney is a floater and goes after her.ย  She is also a liar by telling different people one thing and other people what they want to hear.ย  Look at her big act with Janelle.ย  Come on–Britney, popular?ย  She is so annoying.

  21. ย Anybody noticed that on this season every woman but Jenn was “doable”.ย  That’s gotta be the highest percentage ever for a season.ย  Random thought of the day.

  22. I just don’t see Shane’s hotness.ย  and I’m a chick who can appreciate the eye candy… Within two seconds he looked like the real life version of Tom Cruise’s ‘special’ brother.ย  His features are weird and distorted, so it’s confusing.ย  the evidence of being handsome is there..but he has that not much going on up in thar expression all the time.ย  And it’s true.ย  He’s the most boring guest.

  23. I honestly can’t stand ANY of the HG’S this season ..I already quit watching BB this season… So I gave Joe my vote …I don’t like him either…but I’m sure as hell not giving votes to any of the others….

  24. I think Ian is very smart he put a bug up frank butt to keep dan around
    I think Ian is a smart guy just playing it quiet now
    Please let Joe go home i cant stomach him

  25. Y??????? Y???????? britney the most popular? i questioned her being on this season she is not the same class as dan boogie and janelle.

  26. How can Joe have zero? Insane. Completely changed my opinion of him. Loyal, feeds those lazy, spoiled brats.

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