It was a slightly quieter day in the Big Brother 14 house and on the Live Feeds. The shock from Danielle’s bold move has died down a bit but Danielle’s delusions have not. She continued to imagine and exaggerate things and a lot of it dominated the Live Feeds throughout the day. There was basically 8 hours straight of nothing but people lying to Janelle about having her votes. There were a couple other moments worth checking out. Read on to find out what we saw and heard yesterday on the Big Brother Live Feeds.
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Big Brother 14 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, August 7, 2012:
8:23 AM BBT — Boogie is up doing arrogant shout outs to Janelle’s husband and mom about sending her out of the house.
11:14 AM BBT — Ashley, Britney and Wil talking about when (or if ) they’re going to tell Janelle they’re voting her out. They’re debating it.
11:46 AM BBT — Janelle asking Ashley if Wil is voting for her to stay. She says yes. The blindsiding continues.
11:55 AM BBT — Britney asks Ashley how her talk with Janelle went. Ashley said “awkward.” WHAT is wrong with these people and their pointless lies?
12:00 PM BBT — Britney starting to feel bad lying to Janelle. She should take some lessons from Danielle. She seems to have no problem lying.
12:12 PM BBT — Joe and Danielle have some weird talk about Wil not being trustworthy and Joe will protect Danielle at all costs. It kind of comes out of no where and is yet another weird moment with this cast.
12:23 PM BBT — Britney tells Danielle she does not trust Wil. Danielle wants to confront Wil about whether or not he will be coming after her.
12:32 PM BBT — Janelle and Shane talking privately. Janelle trying to wrap her head around all this, asking Shane if he thought she was coming after Danielle. He said no. She asks how he is voting and he says he will go with the house/Danielle. So he tells her to work Danielle.
12:55 PM BBT — HOH camera time!
1:45 PM BBT — Janelle and Dan go off to talk votes. He says he’ll vote with the house. She says she wants to keep coaches together, appealing to Dan’s original plan. But she’s getting no where, which is the case with everyone.
2:40 PM BBT — Wil and Danielle talking in the HOH room. Wil fuels Danielle’s fire by telling her Janelle is a two-faced liar.
3:52 PM BBT — The Janelle bashing stops long enough for a Brazilan Butt Workout in the living room.
4:03 PM BBT — Ashley and Wil starting to talk about stuff that make sense. They talk about being suspicious of Dan/Danielle and Boogie/Frank and Shane. Not really Britney. They kind of have the alliance figured out but they take a nap instead of going any further.
4:53 PM BBT — Danielle and Boogie talking. Danielle wonders how she will be perceived for putting Janelle up. She apparently did not watch Big Brother 6.
5:08 PM BBT — Janelle finally doing what she has to do and that’s actually have a conversation with Jenn. She’s got to try to get any vote she can.
5:22 PM BBT — There’s been talk all day of whether or not Wil is responsible for Janelle’s nomination and Janelle now believes that to be the case.
6:10 PM BBT — Britney talking about how bad getting rid of Janelle is for her game. Danielle overreacts and thinks Janelle is getting to Britney. She tells Shane Janelle HAS to go.
6:43 PM BBT — “Family Dinner” time. Guess they cowarded out and didn’t tell Joe they were over the family dinners. Shocker.
7:58 PM BBT — Britney and Ian talking in hammock. Talking about how well they get along and then start talking about ways to cheat the HOH competition if it’s a majority rules competition.
10:15 PM BBT — Danielle tells Boogie Janelle was bragging about have the votes to stay. When actually Janelle was being  optimistic and hopeful. There was no bragging. Danielle has lost it (if she ever had it).
10:30 PM BBT — HGs gather for a poker tournament.
12:33 AM BBT — Shane telling Danielle they should distance themselves so the target on their backs don’t get bigger. She gets angry. Translate that any way you’d like.
So one more day of Janelle fighting the good fight and people lying about how they’re going to vote. Unless they decide to take the high road and let her know she’s leaving. I’m crossing my fingers for that so we can at least get some drama — some real drama, not the kind Danielle has been making up.
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I really do hope Janelle stays in the game. Joe, Wil, Jenn and Ashley should go first before Janelle. I just don’t like watching boring people. Doesn’t Britney and Danielle know that voting out Janelle will be bad for their own game? Once Janelle is gone, the guys will slowly pluck the girls out. Janelle is the comp queen and she could help the women in the house stay in the game. Oh btw….. Danielle voice gets get annoying everyday!!!Â
My comments exactly….bad move on Danielle’s part.
but an excellent move on Boogie’s part. This really just shows what an amazing player Boogie is, despite the ego.
@google-35bf8dc912eb7a30da99c929f259e5fd:disqus Not really.  Boogie is ok, but he had this opportunity because Danielle already hated Janelle due to insecurity, Britney was still mad Janelle dumped her week 2,  and because Dan (who really engineered the thing) really really wanted to work with Boogie.
If Boogie manages to turn on the 4 without getting evicted himself for it right after, THEN you can call him great.
This. I can’t get over how DANIELLE is the one making Janelle look like a monster when Janelle has been the calmest I’ve ever seen her.
So ridiculous.
First, Janelle INVENTED going after the other girls in the house for no reason. Â In all stars, she was head of household 4 times. She nominated 6 girls and 2 guys. She did nominate guys in 2 of 3 replacement nominations, but that was because THERE WERE NO MORE GIRLS TO NOMINATE.
In her first season she was hoh twice and never nominated a guy.
So for her or her fans to get all girl power now is preposterous.
And the guys aren’t going to be picking off the girls, because they aren’t threatened by them. Â Every guy in the house has at least 3 guy targets before they want a girl out (post Janelle)
danielle is such a frickin liar!!!!!!!!!
I love this. Can’t wait to see Janelle go (masterminded by Boogie). Danielle is a total psycho chick though.Â
How the house guests say they will vote and their actual votes are two different things. While, things look bad on the surface for Janelle, there is the real possibility that Janelle can survive this and Frank gets booted out! Boogie, Shane, Ian, Jenn will probably vote to evict Janelle. Joe and Ashley will vote to evict Frank. That leaves three votes hanging. Dan, Brittney and Wil. One more vote evicts Janelle however, why do I feel these three might vote to evict Frank?
If that happens, expect all out war next week!Â
Danielle is determined that Janelle go. Her crazy move to take Wil off and Janelle, not tell her, and lying to her alliance about what Janelle says is all proof. The more I watch Danielle, the more I see a very insecure person who is jealous and playing vindictively, not strategic. Trusting to keep Boogie and Frank in the game together was dumb. As if a girl should trust the strong guys will keep her in the house. Jen? Yes, she is not a threat as Danielle has now made herself.she will come to regret it. Right now she is upset w/Shane telling her they need to not be together so much…..she is in lala land and hasn’t played smart w/putting up Janelle.
I agree that leaving Boogie and Frank in the game together is stupid. But Janelle would be sooo hard to get out later in the game with her title of “comp queen”. Saying that, Danielle did an awesome game move.
Brit should know better than to leave any guys in, especially guys who are strong players. Doesn’t she remember what happened to her last time? If the gals leave Frank in the house they deserve to get picked off one by one.
You are deluding yourself.
if Dan wanted Frank out he wouldn’t have had Danielle switch it. Â Britney will feel bad but do it. Â Any remorse she is showing now is production pushing her for B roll to make the Thursday episode look dramatic. Â
its more likely to be 9-0 than her staying
Cant wait for danielle to see all the ugly comments about her. What a lying jealous mean girl. But the real villian is Dan. He knows boogie refused his alliance without keeping frank but he still bought into boogies lies. I thought dan was a better player. he caved to the mastermind.
I would not trust Dan and Brittney both because they could easily flip and vote to evict Frank! That said, Boogie if that were to happen should do his darnest to win HOH and put Dan and Brittney as nominees and if one gets off, put Janelle as the replacement nominee! Of course, when all out war happens, none of these coaches will win that $500,000!
I got a feeling Dan will vote Frank out,along with Joe,Ashley & Will..Now perhaps Britt.. Dan wants Frank out Baddd and now is his chance..
I couldn’t see Dan wanting Frank left in, so if have seen Dan showing anything different than sending Janelle home I’ll be shocked. It would be an awesome move, but I don’t see that conspiracy on BBAD. So I guess we will see. Even Ashley, Wil, Jen don’t seem to have Janelle’s back, though, for now, it would be in their best interest. My puzzlement was Dan seemingly jumping on the dump Janelle train…..bravo to Fan if Janelle stays. That would be a big move, Danielle’s isn’t….unless you call it her BIG DUMB move.
Dan is on ego trip. Â Boogie has been referred to as one of the best players to ever play the game. Â Dan just wants to beat Boogie so that people will refer to Dan as the best ever to play the game and not in Boogie’s shadow! Â I respected Dan’s game last time but I do not like it at all this season. Â I hope Janelle stays and gets rid of Dan!
Boogie gets Dan out next. Then theirs no one in his way.
You are assuming that Dan now fully trusts Boogie. Â he’ll watch him closely and mend fences on the surface, and he’ll try to get Frank gone in a week without blood on his own hands, leaving Boogie searching for a partner.
Sure, Dan could have stuck to his guns, but janelle can’t be trusted either, and Danielle/Shane/Britney aren’t the type you roll to the end with.
This scenario is so bizarre! The idea of keeping Boogie and Frank in the game over Janelle is so ridiculous! I will be floored if in fact Janelle is evicted. Come on Dan and Britney (everyone) – wake up this will be the end of your chance to win the game. Also it is unbelievable listening to Boogie and Frank talk down about every player and smile in everyone’s faces. Just a shame!!! Danielle is a complete bitch and pscho to match – she needs to be called out for lies!!!
 Danielle is looking for a man..Wrong show!! She should be on Bachlor,bet she would be the 1st sent home..
 Get ready to be floored!!!! Boogie has played with Janelle before and has planted the seed that she is the biggest threat. He is one of the best for a reason, and you witnessed it tonight!! Don’t hate the player….hate the game!!
SICK of Danielle’s constant whining!! They all lie, but she’s delusional and has a large opinion of herself. I hope Janelle turns this around somehow & stays. Tired of Frank & Boogie too, although i gotta give props to Boogie for putting this into motion.
This is the Season of Lies!! They blame Janelle but everyone is lying. They are all stupid to keep stinky Frank and boogie instead of janelle. boogie will start his revenge next week. Cant wait to see Danielle back in the fetal position. Hope she is 1st to go and misses the jury house.
And she can watch Ashley and Shane hookup from home, lol.
Love it!!!
Each season I hope that the women will get a clue and work together, instead of trying to hitch a ride on a guy’s coattails. But here we go again…voting out Janelle instead of Frank, Shane, or Boogie? Where is the logic in this stupid move? Worst cast ever. And Danielle obviously needs to go home, as she is suffering from multiple voices, personalities and severe delusions.
Women r too bitchy to work together. Danielle is proving that girls are always jealous and vindictive. Janelle is confident so they cant stand her. Brittany is a floater big time
Women can work together if they are secure in themselves. Danielle isn’t, so she is hurting herself and not even realizing it. If the women wise up and Janelle stays, they need to pick off a guy every eviction….that is their best shot. Even a coaches alliance /Boogie in it will hurt the women. Ladies……THINK!!!
If you missed the last season of Survivor, you should go to CBS and watch it. The winner was Kim who is a combination of Janelle (good at competitions) and Mike Boogie (master manipulator). She played a very good social game and although, she lied to win Survivor, the other players still liked her. In Survivor, the women too over the game and voted all the men off leaving it an all women affair at the end!
Bingo……or checkmate…….ladies use your brains!!
Brittney tried to tell Danielle, if a guy & gal are final 2,never has female won. But all she can see is Shane….If Janelle stays,she and Britt or Ashley will team as final 2..
I think being a woman on a show like BB can be a good or bad thing. One just needs to find a good balance and play smart.
Rachel Reilly was emotional last season because of Brendon being evicted. Jordan calmed her down and Rachel won competitions when she had to and carried Jordan as far as she could. Of course, Rachel won because she never gave up despite all the evil machinations of Danielle Donato and all
efforts to evict her at every turn! She never gave up and fought hard till the very end. Each newbie this season should be doing that, fighting hard to stay in the game. That is the only way you win that $500,000!
@122cab1d2ab7f66d6c9b3a8624c181a7:disqus  Rachel Reilly won last season because every time she was in trouble, production stepped in to save the day.
Brandon gets voted out, lets let “america vote” for who can come back. Â Looks like he’d have to compete against Rachel, lets mess with Kahlia and Lawon in the DR until they believe the twist is the evicted person just stays and maybe gets a power.
Get closer to the end and Porsche is about to send one of america’s favourites out, lets have a pandora’s box twist so that they are competing against weaklings and veto will save them both.
There is a reason last season was the worst.
I think Janelle is gone short of a Pandora box. Hope I’m wrong!
If they do kick Janelle off I am done with BB
Bye Bye !
 bye bye b*tches!!
That is what the rest of the females will here as each one walks out the door…..Janelle being evicted is a dumb move for the ladies. Go ahead Danielle, trust Boogie and Frank….and don’t be too hurt when Dan blindsides you.
That is what they all say! Danielle Donato’s fans were whining last season and said they were leaving but, continued to stay and post because they wanted Rachel to lose at the end! Danielle Donato was nasty and vicious last season because her showmance with Dominic cut short when Dominic was evicted. Just pretty much like Danielle Murphree’s obssession with Shane! I am sure Janelle fans will still be on these boards and I bet that you would be cheering for Danielle to be evicted, right?Â
 Wow, really??? Sore loser!!
 I would like for final 2 to be Ian & Brittney..Final 3 to be Ian,Brittney & Shane.. Want Ian to win the Half
I hope Ian wins. Brittany has turned out to b a two-faced mean girl. She lost my support siding with Psycho Dani!
how come every danille is psyco..
Turned out to be?? Did you see BBAD in season 12?? She was crude, vulgar about Rachel. Britney could write a book on 101Ways To Use The Word Vagina In A Sentence…..there’s just no need for the convos she has in BB. She enjoys tearing another female down and thus makes a bad companion for Danielle. They both should realize they will have too many guys to beat out and they will finish 4th or 5th at best.
note: calling someone a mean girl, but then proceeding to call someone names in the next sentence. Take notes, people, this is called “hypocrisy”. Â
Britney is awesome. Â Fun to watch, has fun in the house, does funny DRs.
And she didn’t side with Danielle (who is insecure, but who people need to lay off of. Â We get it, you people like Janelle) Â for no reason.
She did it because Janelle pretended to be her best friend (and Brit worshipped her as her favourite player coming in), started talking down to her, abandoned her as soon as her players were safe for the week, and didn’t talk to her again until Shane won HoH.
Britney throws comments around, but they are in good fun and not malicious. Â All the stuff she said about Rachel but those 2 get along fine now.
 Wow, you are judging her already??? In the words of the mastermind Boogie….”This is the Big Brother House…..You can Bounce Checks!!!”
Have faith that your fav can make the right call whoever it is……they have played the game/or are playing it….we have and are not! You only see what CBS wants you to see!
for a moment there i was like “who’s Jenn?” then i remembered…she is in the house! lol… she would have to, at this point, do something amazing–like participate in something, for me to remember who the h she is .. danielle really seems to be losing it this week..this will catch up to her in a very big way — then boom!! iam guessing it will be real sooner then even a little later!! love the comments–this group is civil and on point!!Â
 Jen might be “floating”, but if you look at her rationally, she’s actually in a pretty comfortable spot in the game. For the next 3 to 4 weeks, who’s going to waste an HOH to get her evicted? You think any of the “silent 6” will waste their time trying to get rid of Jen? Do you think Joe, Ashley, or Wil are going to waste their HOH on getting rid of Jen? Ha! No chance in heck.
Everyone complains about floaters, but someone has to do it. Not everyone can win competitions, so instead of causing drama, lay low as long as you can. IMO Jen is sitting pretty for the next few weeks if not longer.
I’m starting to think Janelle put the BB production up to getting her out of the house this week, before jury, so she can get back to her baby, because none of this makes sense. Janelle is a married woman with a new baby… how can be perceived as flirting with Shane? And, how does any of this make sense for Wil, Brit, or Dan? Removing Janelle hurts their games, Badly. They’ve been trying to get rid of Frank for three weeks; watch him win next week and put Shane and Danielle up for nominating him.
I hope Danielle goes next..Getting rid of Jani is a boogie Mastermind that stupid Dan fell for. I dont think she wants to go. Having Joe and Wil on her team – hurt her too!
if you watched live feeds, you;d know why “Stupid” dan fell for it. janelle cracked. And Dan is actually really smart, and i think getting rid of janelle benefits him more. Boogie and Frank want to keep dan for a long time, till the end. And dan will have the numbers on his side when he wants to get rid of boogie and frank.
 LOL so Janelle gets blindsided, and you think its because she (Janelle) WANTED to leave the game? Come on… How does it not make sense to get rid of Janelle, one of the toughest competitors in BB History? She’s hands down a stronger player than Frank. Makes sense to me.
I agree, Janelle is the toughest competitor this year and she plays dirty so why should Dani trust her.
She not a stronger player than Frank w/Boogie…..that’s the problem. Those two are tight, and Janelle has no one to stand up for her. So that’s a joke to say that. Some need to realize Danielle is insecure…if you watch her, what she says, you can see it. But whatever….Janelle got stung by a insecure luvbug…..and Danielle will see the errors of her ” big” move soon. She is seeing some real feelings in Shane right now. Will she continue to be delusional? Probably.
Removing Janelle hurts no ones game. Â She is in it for herself only, and would gladly have turned on any of the above named if she had had ANY power so far. Boogie may be her target #1, but after that, she is loyal to none of the people she claimed loyalty to.
Danielle is a psycho………………can’t wait til she gets exactly what she deserves, as well as Ashley for being 2-faced, Wil for not being grateful for she did for him, and Britney for being a scumbag lier to her face. And Dan for being a liar and a coward when Janelle is no threat to him. Hope Boogie screws them all! How rediculous that noone got evicted last week. That changed the WHOLE game.
Dan isn’t lying. He is voting with the house.
settle down. its big brother. Janelle didnt play well enough to almost win this time around. Since when was getting quite possibly the best competitor in bb history out of the house a bad game move? Dont try and tell me Janelle and Danielle are super close buddies… Go watch all-stars and s6, and tell me she plays a straight laced game.Â
I just hope if Janelle gets evicted, the next HOH opens a Pandora Box and there is Janelle, especially after what probably will be telling goodbyes! I just hope Joe votes for her.
Well, production does like to rig the show for its ratings magnets, so if you enjoy that I can see why you watch. You must have loved last year and season 11.
But they may have backed themselves into a corner. They bring Janelle back and they’ll need 4 double evictions to get on schedule.
Let America vote one eviction!! How about this week?
If Jani goes, I think they will bring her back in a twist
These players don’t have a clue. If they ever watched boogie play they should know what a lying backstabbing arrogant sack of s*** he is. Why would anyone in their right mind listen to a thing he says I thought at least Dan was at least smarter than that Guess not. They will see when they wake up with that knife in the back. Stupid stupid players!!!!!!!!
Joe, Jenn and Ashley might vote to evict Frank
Boogie, Ian, Wil will most likely vote to evict Janelle
This leaves us with Shane, Brit and Dan…………….
Shane might get annoyed of Danielle and evict Frank (who knows?)
and maybe Britney will evict Frank
and Dan, well who knows what he’s going to do?
Ashley is voting Jani out. She drank the cool-aid
Omfg, Janielle HAS to stay.Â
Brit is so dumb didn’t expect her to figure anything out but I really thought dan was smart. I really hate boogie have every time he’s been in the house. What a disgusting human being. I have never figured out why ppl trust him do much.
well said!
because he’s frigging smart coming up with backdooring janelle duh
so the author of this post is obviously a janelle lover. Janelle has played a bad game… she’s lied so much and made things up just to cause trouble. Joe, wil and ashley are like that too and they are a reflection of her. I liked Janelle in the past but am glad to see her on her way out this season. She’s so fake this time. Danielle is a bit annoying now too, I’m sure she’ll have her time on the block again. Everyone lies in this game, seems more so this season. A coach had to leave at some point… time for janelle to leave
no one else lied, huh? Name someone who hasnt this season.Â
I wrote “everyone lies in this game, seems more so this season” …
clopez, everyone lies, but most do it better than Janelle and Joe.
Janelle doesn’t just lie, she does so transparently. Â And she lies about other non allies and to other non allies, which is guaranteed to get around and cause trouble. And she gets caught.
Face it, when shes not playing in the veto, Janelle is just not a good player.
texas just executed man with 61 IQ. Look out Danielle!
Hope Janelle stays. She is the only real challenge to the disgusting Boogie. Would love to see them go a few more rounds before Boogie leaves for good. Don’t even like to watch his putrid arrogance.
Janelle is no challenge to Boogie. Boogie himself isn’t much of a challenge. The best player in this game in Dan.
I cannot understand how these dummies trust Boogie. Of course, Janelle is a threat because she is a great player. On one hand I understand but all the lies and unnecessary bashing is ugly. I wish Willie could come back just to deck Boogie. Godspeed, Janelle. Now, I really don’t care who wins.
As a former fan of Janelles, i wish she didn’t have to go but it looks inevitable. She’s not quite up to par in this season as in her earlier seasons.  I have to give it to Boogie though.  He’s doing unto others as they tried to do unto him. He has managed to flip them like a pancake.  BUT…i think his bromance with Frank is equal on the disgusting scale as Shane and Danielle.  Danielle may be flirting with disaster but Boogie is delusional if he thinks that he and Frank are a pair of untouchables. Well they ARE a pair!…..but what they are a pair of i can’t repeat. Â
Boogie is relying on frank to keep him in the game. Boogie doesnt want to exert the energy to win challenges, he wants his boy to do it.. He said if he is put on slop, he will ring bell and leave. Talk about spoiled, hes used to steak and lobster at his resturants
Boogie has probably relied on other people carrying him throughout his life.  Starting with his mamma and ending with Dr Will.  I’m not saying that IS the way things are…..i’m just saying thats the perception.  He’s probably an excellent example of “Its not WHAT you know, but WHO you know”.  He assumes Frank can win comps…..and maybe he can.  And this will help HIM in the long run.  But you know what they say about a**suming things.Â
Apparently, you did not see Big Brother All Stars where Mike Boogie won over Janelle for the HOH which is why he won! It is ridiculous to assert that Mike Boogie cannot win competitions. He threw this first HOH like Dan and also Danielle. The only one who hang on till the end was Brittney. Any one of the three could probably have won it but, let Danielle win HOH! And we are only thru 1 HOH with 12 house guests still left and lots of HOH and POVs to come. For Mike Boogie to win this, he needs to win HOH. Frank has won just 1 HOH and it was not even an endurance type competition.
To say Frank will carry Mike Boogie is a joke and before this season is over, Mike Boogie will win HOH and POVs because he cannot rely on anyone else to win the game for him! He probably has the biggest target on his back right now and losing HOH and POV will get him evicted!
Erratum….He threw this first HOH like Dan and also Janelle. The only one who hang on till the end was Brittney. Any one of the three could probably have won it but, let Danielle win HOH!
I agree, she isn’t up to par….someone came down on me when I suggested her day to day being w/out her baby has to keep her not so focused. I’m a mother, I know, that would be hard. She does seem off, I would say just having a baby would be difficult and keep you off focus. She’s not a robot, as some would like to have you believe….that she is cold, etc. until you say that about Boogie, spare me. Their is nothing as cold as he is.
cant stand Danielle she is totally sexually harrassing shane.. she asks him for a good kiss if she wins poker…wow how desperate can she be… she is really unstable…. one can clearly see he doesnt like her that way…Â
JMO, but if a newbie has a shot of winning they want a coach to go and to remove Janelle is doing just that getting rid of one coach. Everyone lies in this game, but I think Janelle’s lies in the beginning are what did her in. This started when Willie was still in the game and Joe started his stuff against Willie with Janelle’s blessing. She hated Willie and wanted him gone. She also dumped Brit and her team and went to the next power. She then and now still hates Frank and continued her lies. I know she wanted the coaches to ban together and take down the newbies. The coaches were never fully going to ever ban together because Boggie flat out told her he did not want to work with her. I know Dan wanted to work with Boogie and finally realized that would not happen because of Boogie not wanting to work with Janelle. Everyone knows that Janelle has a reputation of being a beast in veto comps. so from that standpoint it is good to get out a strong player.  Whether you are a newbie or a coach at this point I think they all realize that for their own game and whatever side alliances they have getting rid of Janelle is their best move. I also think that there is always the possibility that she may return at some point. I think someone already mentioned at one point just like they did with Brendon last year.Â
As a side not I find it surprising that Janelle considered coming back into this game with a new baby. Her baby is 4 months old and at an age where each and every day her little girl will be doing a lot of firsts that she is going to miss and you never get that chance to see those things happen. All for the game of BB. She certainly does not seem to need the money. I know I wouldn’t want to miss out on these things.
Amen to all that. Especially the baby part. That has really bothered me, that she would leave her little baby. She needs to go home and be a mom. Stop playing games. She is so concerned on how she looks, showing her boobs, constantly playing with her hair, looking at herself in the mirrors. Makes me sick.
@a mom I totally agree. I didn’t even hear her talk about her baby girl as much as Boogie did and I think Boogie’s little boy Brady lives with the mom. Janelle is obsessed with her looks and the showing her boobs, etc. make me sick as well.
I would like to see Jennelle stay in the game. she seems to be the only normal one in the place. Danielle is going nuts with her lies and soon she will be caught because she loves the limelight. she will over due these lies soon. I sure hope that some thing would change to keep Jennelle. maybe a miracle.  wishful thinking on my part.
Don’t know how ANYONE can say Janelle is normal!!!! She is a robot.
I am soooo tired of Danielle and her “hurt feelings”, what is she, 12 years old? And her bugs bunny teeth and hurting my eyes!
lmfao!! thanks for the laugh
go ahead and call everyone in the house two faced and catty again, you hypocrite.Â
Putting Janelle up made good entertainment. Janelle staying in the house would make fantastic entertainment. I am still trying to wrap my head around Production actually going to let Janelle leave so early.
And Danielle needs to stop with Shane. She’s a lunatic.
production kinda backed themselves into a corner leaving 12 in the house with this few weeks. Â But they got a month out of Janelle, and have plenty of star power leftÂ
Wil is one ungrateful biatch after Janelle kept her safe!
my aunts a nurse practitonerand she said it takes up to eightt years to become one,and you have to also be a RN… it just does not seem like Danielle is a nurse practitioner..
i find it so funny how Danielle was complaining that frank called her sweet cheeks…she probably felt real uncomfortable… doesnt she realize she is doing the same thing to shane… she told him that he is going to give her a kiss if she wins a hand of demanding him…im sure she puts him in an uncomfortable position too… shane may have a relationship with someone outside the house… why is she so desperate…shane doesnt want her….
Takes two to tango. Â Shane could have nipped this in the bud a long time ago, but he’s so afraid of the impact on him in the game, that he keeps her fires burning.
He kissed her after she won HoH. Â He told the TV world her kiss was a 10.5. Â And he still goes up and cuddles with her. Â Its really not that hard to tell someone you’re not into them.
Does anyone know who won the poker tournament last night
I don’t like Danielle,I hope Janelle stays,Why is it when they get HOH it always goes to their head.They don’t think about next week when they can’t compete.Danielle needs to go……
I wonder who’ll win the next HOH. Â
seems we have a Janelle fan writing the entries. I mean, there throwing in some slight nods towards a Janelle favouritism, but then there is this article. Complete bias spew towards everyone else in the house. you had no issue with Janelle lying to people earlier in the game, but now its a major problem. Its big brother, bro, lying happens, and had janelle played a better game, this wouldnt have happened. Â
They said they would tell Joe about “Family Dinners” after the person is voted out this week.  For those who think they are boring… watch After Dark or late night camera feeds… They are all goofy, you are just used to Janelle and if the show would stop bringing back old guests… the new people would have a chance to be all-stars as they get to be known. How can we get to know anyone if the show is constantly showing Boogie, Dan, Brit, and Janelle clips on primetime. Brit is going to flip sides as she gets along with Jenn, Wil, Ian, and Ashley more, if one of them wins HOH or Joe, Brit flips to take Boogie, Dan or Frank out.
I think people here are really getting carried away about Danielle.
Yes, she’s insecure, and that can get annoying. Â Yes, she is an enemy of the saintly Janelle (who has been a passive aggressive b*tch this year btw).
But she isn’t a psycho, and if she wasn’t so neurotic she’d actually be a good game player.
Janelle better go I don’t like her nor Boggie. I want a new person to win New People Please