Big Brother 14: Final HoH Round 1 Endurance Competition Results

Big Brother 14 - Final HoH endurance competition

Here we go! It’s time for the final Head of Household endurance competition on Big Brother 14! Following the shocking, blindside eviction we’ve got only three HGs left in the game and the winner of this comp will face off against round 2’s winner in the third and final round. There is a lot of pressure on this one so let’s get to it.

So here’s the deal: if you want to watch this competition live as it happens then you have to have your Big Brother Feeds up and running. If you don’t have the feeds then this is exactly when you need to sign-up with the free trial and see how they work. You’ll be able to watch everything live and uncut as it happens!

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Big Brother 14 Final HoH competition

Big Brother 14 Final HoH Endurance Comp Results:

  • Note: Feeds came on well in to the competition. Dan indicated they may have been playing for 30+ mins when we finally joined in.
  • 8:35 PM BBT – Live Feeds finally come on. All HGs remain.
  • 8:40 PM BBT – HGs being dunked in water between wall slams.
  • 8:45 PM BBT – Lots of talking from Dan. Danielle is silent.
  • 8:47 PM BBT – Ian chokes on water & nearly falls off.
  • 8:48 PM BBT – Ian falls off. Dan & Danielle remain.

Big Brother 14 HoH competition

  • 8:50 PM BBT – Dani & Dan remain silent.
  • 8:53 PM BBT – They finally start talking to each other.
  • 8:55 PM BBT – Ian warming up on the sidelines with a towel.
  • 9:00 PM BBT – Both HGs look steady.
  • 9:07 PM BBT – Wind & water blowing away at Dan & Danielle.
  • 9:10 PM BBT – Ian went inside to dry off.
  • 9:15 PM BBT – Dan asks for a few mins alone. Ian goes inside.
  • 9:18 PM BBT – Dan mumbling, but can’t hear what he’s saying.
  • 9:20 PM BBT – Dan asking Danielle to drop, but she’s resistant.
  • 9:24 PM BBT – Danielle gets off in the water. Dan wins!
  • Grab your Live Feeds Free Trial right now to watch what happens next.

Big Brother 14 Dan and Danielle hug

Congratulations to Dan, the winner of Round 1. Danielle will now face off against Ian in Round 2. That winner will battle it out with Dan in Round 3 for the title of Final HoH.

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After tonight’s competition is over you can watch as the final remaining HGs prepare for the rest of the battles ahead of them.



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  1. I think this is one comp Dan would never throw. He wins…he chooses who to take to F2. And it would be Danielle. Gag!

    • Hey Girl! I think Dan’s gonna take Ian. Look what he did to Dumbielle tonight – he got rid of Shame! YAY!!

      • LOL…did you see the face on that girl when Shane was evicted?….ROFL. I hope Dan dumps her into the fish tank and takes Ian to F2

      • Just the pic above. I just got home a bit ago and the show is just now starting here. I expect it’ll be good! I just don’t know how she can survive going so long without looking at her reflection. That’ll be her demise in this part of the comp.

      • She probably is. I’m so addicted at this point I’m switching between the show and the feeds…how sad it is…

      • LOL…i can definitely relate. Have to go cold turkey after the finale….damn that’s going to hurt.


    • Dude, the caps..enough already. This is only phase one so chill. The next is likely physical and then a mental comp of sorts to determine the HOH…lots of time left…

      • theres nothing different this time around. Its the same thing over again from when he was in his season. The only main difference is that this season he played half the season as a coach, and in the other season he played half the season as Americas player.

        Other than that his game play was the same

    • Dan has made it plain that he will do anything it takes to
      win the $500,000. Since he already won it once, I would hate to see him win it again. Yes, he has played everyone
      for a fool and that is his way of playing the game. He en-
      joys it so much when someone is hurt from his lies. He is
      the most egotistical player in BB history. He makes Boogie
      look like a Christmas elf in comparison. I will give him
      kudos for getting as far as he has and will say he has
      probably already won again, but I don’t have to like him
      in the process or admire the way he has played the game.

    • I liked Dan in his last season, but not this time around. He has become such a money hungry, arrogant, back stabbing jerk, Just saying, my opinion!!!

  3. If Dan doesn’t win HOH I think he’s done. He’s lied to Dani SO many times and she’s really hurt about Shane leaving. AWESOME SEASON!!!

    • If Danielle evicts Dan, she’s even more stupid than I thought. She should be able to look past him evicting her showmance and realize she has absolutely no chance against Ian when it comes time for the jury to vote. Now, I doubt she will beat Dan either but the odds are certainly better.

  4. I have a feeling if Dan wins HOH he will take Danielle to the finale just like he said he would. He knows he can’t beat Ian.

  5. Hahaha, Dan will win hands down. No matter who brings him, which they both will bring him. What a great player, in my opinion. He deserves every penny.

  6. Imma be super excited is dan wins this woot woot go dan i think hes a great player dont care what anyone else thinks (:

  7. OMG, I just finally watched the jury and you have to be kidding me. Frank talking about being a God Loving Person when he laughed and egged Boogie on about going to sexually assault dan’s wife and called Jenn dirty brown water trash. Frank must be borderline psychotic if he truly believes what he is saying or just totally insane!! God Loving people do not egg someone on to go rape another man’s wife or laugh about it. Then for him to say he played an honest and loyal game bahahahaha unless he meant staying up Boogie’s as*!!!!!!!! Then to bring Brit’s husband into talking about a game. He is totally disgusting!!! Lord he makes me sick and so proud of Britney!!! I love her and did not like her at the beginning.

    • I’m not a Brit fan but i do think she has a firm grip on reality as far as the game is concerned.

    • Surprise, surprise ! You didn’t like Brit in the beginning but now u do because she told off Frank, plain & simple. He was giving Brit a scenario, he didn’t say anything bad about her husband. You just pick out certain lines to make it into something that it is not, for your advantage. Your bashing of Frank, Boogie is really making ur comments unbearable to read. What does anything of this matter pertaining too who the better player is, seriously. Your constant bashing of Danielle zits and being fat just show how insecure u really must be, and then u tell other ppl to grow up ??

      • Sorry but you must not be able to read because I have never said anything negative about Danielle because I like her so once again you need to grow up and apparently learn to read. I love Brit because she realizes it is a game unlike some people and because she told off Frank because he lied once again!!! If you do not like the truth then stop reading the comments!! No one is forcing you!

      • Britney realizes it is a game because she has been through this before. This is not her first time in the house, and she did not have some awesome revelation as to the fact that it is just a game. She has been in this LOSER position before.
        Britney’s first time around, she didn’t just say, “It’s a game.” when the Brigade screwed her. She was crying and pissed so she should know what it feels like. Like I said before, HYPOCRITE. However, this is Frank’s first time on the show, with his eviction being a couple of days prior, so of course he is still going to feel emotional. There is no way someone fights since day one for their safety in the house and then gets evicted, and is like, “OOP oh well. It’s just a game.” In Frank’s mind, he put his trust into Dan, and got screwed. I do hope Frank gets over it as time goes on, because Dan does deserve to win, but I do understand the way he feels. And what exactly did Frank lie about? Delusions.

      • He lied about everything and had final 2 deals with everyone. Franks a sore loser and needs to grow up.

      • Dan had final 2 deals with everyone as well. What exactly is your point? I’m saying the hypocrisy that Britney exhibits and that her fans do as well is annoying. Brit was pissed when she was blindsided about the Brigade, and she cried and was pissed but Frank can’t be? That’s absolute bullshit.

      • If you’re stance is that Frank was some honest angel then you have tunnel vision. It seems you’re take is seriously one sided. He was a shady player like everyone else. Oops, did I say player? I meant puppet! if he had any game play to him he would have played his own game and had the cajones to put up Dan and get him out like he knew he should have. If he had then he would’ve played the better game and still likely had been in. But he was Boogie’s little puppet and couldn’t think for himself. He has no one else to blame and needs to man up. If we are comparing emotional reactions from Britney to Frank it would do you good to remind yourself that he is supposed to be a man, not a girl.

      • Frank was not shady to me at all. He was more honest than anything, and in some ways, that was his downfall. I wouldn’t call Frank a puppet either. If you’re in an alliance with someone, especially someone who has played and WON this game before, chances are you will take their advice about the game play. If you want to use that logic, then Shane was Britney’s puppet as well. & Frank didn’t cry about it. He was upset about it. A man can’t have feelings? WTF. If you just lost your shot at half a milllion dollars you would be upset too. I really don’t understand the logic that some people use.

      • He was a puppet point blank. The man knew he should get Dan out, he didn’t because he did what he was told. When you play like that you end up in the jury house. Just like Shane. Lashing out at others for your bad game play cuz you’re pouting is childish. Britney lost the same $500,000…twice. Did she come in sniping at everyone no. Class vs. trash sorry.

      • anyone would be mad if 500,000$ was ripped rigth from under them lol. lets be realistic. idc about whats good for tv & the “classy” way. all of that is pure crap. realistically, we all would be pissed.

      • Hey, believe it or not I actually liked Frank part of the time. You can say what you’d like but lashing out at others because they lost a game is childish. As I said, Britney lost the same money but she’s not low blowing people. She didn’t run into the house pot shotting Ashley. Frank messed up and lost the game. Time to suck it up and be a man not a child. He can be pissed all he wants but i know five year olds who handle losing better than that. That’s what children do, take their loss out on others.

      • sharon would this be funny if ian won the final hoh and danielle went to talk to ian for a minute and throw dan under the bus and told ian that to get out britney she had to act mad at dan and to tell ian it was dan who got out britney so ian evits dan

      • I can read and if a mistook that statement about Danielle for yours, my mistake,I’ll admit too that. You consistently tell ppl on her time and time again to get over Dan, but the thing is you can’t over the fact that some ppl on here liked Frank. Give it up. I did state on here early I was a Frank fan, but I do not REPEAT on here time and time again when they bash Dan. Everyone single person in that house lied but you only comment on ppl who agree with your luv for Dan or dislike of Frank. Whatever Sharon, ur too exhausting for me. Someone on here will stick in the knife and u luv to turn it. Enough said… Kudos to Dan if he wins !!! Enjoy the rest of BB

      • I think it is great if you are a Frank fan but be honest about what he did and said. He was not the sweet little honest player. He did and said some horrendous things. It just seems as if the Frank fans want to make him out to be a choir boy and sorry but that is not the case. I also was a Frank fan at the beginning but think Frank teaming up with Boogie is what made Frank so despicable to me. Frank left his morals at the door just like the rest of the house guests.

      • I don’t see why Frank’s comparison of Dan’s dirty play in BB vs Britney hypothetically cheating on her husband is so wrong, outside of the fact that he said it in front of a TV audience. BUT, the analogy was very poor. Playing dirty in a game that rewards you for playing dirty isn’t morally wrong. Frank knew what he was signing up for. Cheating on your husband/wife, however, is a betrayal on a completely different level. A husband/wife devotes their entire life to their significant other, not just part of a summer. And most importantly, the husband/wife that is cheated on doesn’t know they will be cheated on before they get married. When you enter into the BB house, you can be sure you’re either gonna leave very quickly, or be backstabbed at one point.

    • I loved Frank’s game but tonight clip of him with Britt was uncalled for on his part. It’s time for an apology and to bury the hacket. They both lost.

      • Britney could have went about it differently, I feel like. What she said in terms of it just being a game was true, however, she has a way of saying things that are extremely harsh and rude, especially for someone that JUST got evicted. I wonder how she would’ve felt had someone did that to her when the Brigade screwed her over. She was crying and pissed, etc. when it happened to her but when it happens to someone else, they need to get over it because “it’s just a game”? Come on now. Hypocrisy.

      • You want to know the difference? Britney cried yes, both times…but by the time she was out by Julie she said hey, it’s a game. Dan played me and played a better game. Frank on the other hand cried to Julie and was still boohooing at the house like a little girl. He’s a hypocritical crybaby sore loser.

      • You are absolutely missing the point. I said the FIRST time she was on BB, she was an absolute mess about being blindsided by the Brigade, so why can’t she understand it when Frank, or anyone for that matter is upset about being blindsided as well? I stated, how would she feel if someone had told her to get over it, it’s just a game? That’s the point I am trying to make. I already said that she was more composed this go round because she had been through this once before.

      • No I think everyone gets your point. She was a mess in the house. She wasn’t crying moaning and crabbing in the jury house. She got over it like a big girl. Frank needs to pull his skirt down because I can see his panties from here. You get played, you get mad, you GET OVER IT because it was a game. Give me a break already. If Frank had any game play and played his own game and got Dan out when he had the chance I’d be voting for him. THAT would have been good game play. You have managed to blame everyone from Janelle to the Easter Bunny when Frank only has Frank to blame.

      • Well what did she have to cry about? She wasn’t fighting for her safety since week one. I feel as though if anyone has a reason to be mad, it’s him. For someone that was against the house from week one, he made it pretty far. Every viewer wants this ideal game; with no mistakes, and that’s simply not possible. He missed his opportunities to take Dan out, of course. But if you have no one as a solid alliance in the house, you will more than likely jump at the first person that offers you something especially if they’re religious and swearing on their family and the bible. JS. Dumb to trust Dan & dumb to trust Britney. Screwed either way is how I see it. & BTW. I call it like I see it with every house guest. Put yourself in the players’ shoes and view it realistically not idealistically.

      • Whatever…yes we get it, no one but Frank deserves to be upset ***rolls eyes***. If I thought the jury house had Internet I’d think you were Frank. You’re excuses for why no one went through anything like poor Frank are sad. If you actually went from anyone else’s point of view like you claim a real discussion could be had instead of the poor Frank show.

      • I dont think DDBS/the quack pack had any true hardships because they were the perfect alliance, i’ll give them that. they all trusted one another no matter what, and always had the power. joe floated. jenn was non existant. ashley had no clue where she was.

      • NOW, there’s a comment I can get behind! I am in total agreement. How annoying was Jenn, I’m sorry. She is told to take Dan off the block and she talked about that being her amazing game play for the rest of the season. Floaters annoy me. The best thing about Joe is his family. I loved their video. And poor Ashley lol. “He is so skinny he is emancipated” Good lord! I think she thought she was at a friend’s house for a sleepover and ended up in the Big Brother house. At least for her being evicted probably didn’t sting too much…she might actually think she’s still playing, who knows!

      • lmao. jenn is going to hang onto that move FOREVER. she didnt do anything all season, so when she finally did, she stuck to it & wouldnt let it go. & joe is pretty funny to me. his DR’s are probably the only ones that have made me laugh; maybe its his screaming. His family was adorable though. & Ashley, I have no words. That girl is as lost as ever.

      • Wow… Definitely a little frank obsessed! Easy to talk big as you obviously can’t put yourself in someone else’s shoes. So what if he’s upset and being honest about the way he feels. My guess is you would be crying your eyes out if it was you…

      • Frank was 100% confident that he was safe. He had a final 4 deal with 3 of the 4 voters and only Jenn voted for him. And that video with Britney was the day after the eviction. I think we would all be lying if we said we wouldn’t still be mad if we were in franks shoes. Does that make franks words okay? Not at all. Should frank have gotten rid of Dan when he could have? Absolutely! He should have got rid of Danielle week 2 and Dan would have left with her. I’m just jumping in this to say everybody needs time to process and says stupid things when they are still upset about failing at something they were invested in. Also, each Brit said just a game on the couch with Julie but that’s cause she knew after veto she was going home. She spent days bad mouthing Dan and getting drunk before getting evicted and was over it by the time it Happened. I wouldn’t be surprised if frank is over it by now and if he votes for Dan. To win.

      • She was one of the mean girls in high school! She’s funny at times but it’s almost always at the expense of others!

      • EXACTLY !! Who is she to tell Frank to get over it when she herself said she hated Dan for doing it to HER. She’s just glad all the rest fell for Dan’s BS and only sticking up for Dan now cause she dislikes Frank more cause he told her to pop a squat !! Brit is hypocrite and can’t over she got played both times. She’s as spoiled as they come, bosses ppl around, and when they try to defend themselves on exactly the same thing she did, then her response is OMG and leaves the room

      • Britt’s a big girl and she’s definitely no angel. They don’t like each other and that’s ok. Personally I don’t feel frank needs to apologize to anybody. She was always out to get him, so I can understand his dislike for her…

    • LMFAO at how a rumor gets made and people run with it. Did Boogie say he was going to rape Dan’s wife? LMAO everyone hates B/F so they look for the worst. The comment was rude but no where did he state anything about sexual assault. You people honestly take things to the next level. Even Dan’s wife didn’t look at it like that. Frank HAS played an honest game. Name one person that he has screwed over in the game. He was aligned with Boogie, stuck with him. After that, he was essentially on his own. He had to put his trust into someone and that happened to be Dan. Dan screwed him. Danielle screwed him. Britney was planning on screwing him over, and Shane would have followed suit. Ian screwed him earlier on as well. He only acted upon something once he knew people’s position on him (whether they were coming after him or not), which is why he chose to go after Britney. Britney is nothing more than a hypocrite. She was already planning Frank’s eviction and then she gets upset when he makes a move and takes her out…. Simply stupid.

      • What do you call threatening to have sex with someone without their consent because there is no way Dan’s wife would consent to having sex with Boogers? Just curious because in my world its called rape but maybe you have another word for it?

      • You truly are thinking too deep into the comment. It’s like people fish or reasons to dislike them to the point where it gets to be pathetic.

        Unless Boogie uttered the words rape or implied it in some obvious way, i’m not about to prosecute the guy. He made a rude comment but he said ‘have sex’ never rape. So just stop it.

      • Someone is getting angry smfh people on these boards take comments made by others way to seriously, its not like your talking face to face so everyone chill. The comment was inappropriate rape was not said but people can infer it how they will…. and making it sould like what he said was ok is not cool either but oh well its done.

      • I didn’t. The comment was beyond rude but don’t just misconstrue what someone said; especially into rape. That’s crazy.

      • It was a joke and although it wasn’t a good thing to say, it was boogie who said it. Give it a rest… And you are not Dan’s wife so please don’t speak for her or claim you know what she thinks or would say! I suspect she was laughing as not everyone is so ridiculous and takes every comment literally! But if you feel you must, at least get the story straight and blame the person that said it.

      • You think Dan’s wife laughed at the idea of Boogie going and having sex with her?! I don’t know what reality you live in, but rape or not normal people with eyes would not want to have sex with that. Boogie may not have used the word rape, but that was the only way he ever had a shot of sex with Dan’s wife and everyone knows that. Personally, this is all a minor point, but it does illustrate that Frank/Boogie were no angels and the idea that they played an “honest” game is laughable at best.

      • What show have you been watching? In the beginning when they made the silent 6 alliance and Frank was HOH he wanted to backdoor Dan and Boogie talked him out of it. Dan found out about it and knew he couldn’t trust Frank. Frank lied first so don’t talk about how honest he played.

      • He did not act upon it. In comparison to the other players, with the exception of Shane, Frank’s game is squeaky clean. And don’t feed me that bull. None of them trusted Frank from day one; why? Because of Janelle’s Anti Boogie/Frank campaign. “You can’t trust Boogie. He’s dangerous. You cant trust Frank, he’s dangerous.” She put it in their heads, and they’ve been after him ever since then. Frank was not trusted because he was aligned with Boogie; it had nothing to do with any action that he thought about but didnt do.

      • Yeah no…the ONLY reason he didn’t act on it was because he wasn’t a big boy enough to make his own decision. The only difference between Dan and Frank is that Dan was a better liar. He deserved to lose, need proof? He’s in the jury house! Haters suck, holier than thou hypocritical haters are just plain annoying.

      • He didn’t act on it because he decided to trust them & they what? OH YEA. SCREWED HIM OVER. What I’m saying is, he didn’t screw people over; they screwed him over. | The difference between frank and dan is that frank isn’t willing to give up his first-born child for 500,000$ | & LOL What am I hating on? I’m rooting for Dan at this point…WTF. Pay attention please.

      • Everyone paying attention can see you are slightly obsessed with Dan. He didn’t act on it because he didn’t make his own decisions. Boogie was his puppet master and told his puppet NO. Such dramatic exaggeration! What episode did he give up his first born lol? It’s just words, get a grip. It’s how the game is played. Perhaps if Frank played his own game Dan would’ve already been gone. He dug his own grave. Stop crying and boo hooing…but Dan said this and wah Dan said that and is was soooo much meaner and worse than Frank. Frank did nothing wrong ever! If you think he played a squeaky clean game (NOT btw) then perhaps that is the kind of game that doesn’t allow you to win, oh well! That one boxer was a big ole meanie and didn’t play fair cuz he upper cut the other guy who didn’t see it coming. The other guy was boxing sooo much nicer so he should’ve won! Give me a break!

      • How am I obsessed with Dan & I’m rooting for the guy? Try again. | Dan has done some pretty shady and low down things in the house is all i’m saying. I don’t agree with the way he does things, but at the end of the day, he gets the job done & I applaud him for that & is the reason why he deserves the win. | What I’m saying is, if you want to go by that logic, then none of the newbies played their own game. | I never said Dan was wrong for getting Frank out. I thought it was smart. I was looking forward to them playing together, but unlike some Frank haters, I give credit where credit is due.

      • OMG so now your blaming Janelle. LMAO. Franks social game sucked and that’s why he was the 3rd member of the jury.

      • If you honestly can’t see that Janelle had a HUGE part in the house’s separation from Frank, then you my friend, are delusional. She ALWAYS talked about getting Boogie & Frank out. Even people that hate Boogie and Frank have admitted that. She constantly talked about Boogie and his gameplay during her season and how dangerous he was. THAT is why people didn’t trust him. The majority of the newbies in the house have never watched a season of BB, so to get information like that from someone who was there in the house with him, was enough for them to jump on board and believe. It was anti-boogie, and since Frank (like the rest of the star-players) joined forces with his coach, it was anti-frank. AND PLEASE explain to me how one can have a legitimate social game when people are plotting against you since day one. JANELLE had people believing Frank was a threat and he hadn’t even won ONE competition yet. Explain that to me.

      • He was a target from week 1, true, but that doesn’t mean he had to stay that way. He was a moron for nominating Shane in week 2. If he was smart, once he won HoH, he would have went to Willie and Shane and tried to make an alliance. Instead he goes after the OTHER big target (Shane) and misses, and makes an enemy out of Shane. If Janelle was truly such a threat to him, why the hell did he nominate two of BRITNEY’S players? Won’t that only help Janelle’s argument?

        No the truth is Frank’s social game was the worst of the season with the possible exception of Mike Boogie (who I was sorely disappointed in as a Chilltown fan).

      • That’s what you all don’t realize. Everyone was focused on working with their OWN team. Shane did NOTHING without telling Britney, as Danielle did nothing without telling Dan. Willie and Britney were closer than ever as well. Shane’s strategy was piss poor, and he NEEDED Britney, because she was his direction and his social game. By the time the coaches became players, DDBS was a lock & I could tell that from the moment they became an alliance. They had all types of alliances, but at the root was ALWAYS DDBS. And didn’t Frank go to Shane and attempt to make an alliance with him? I believe he did.

      • Nothing you’ve said has helped your argument that Frank’s poor social situation wasn’t his fault (except the last 2 lines which I believe are wrong). In week 2, Shane had not yet made any serious move against Frank. Frank then inexplicably put Shane up pre-veto. If Frank was smart, he goes to Shane after he wins HoH and says, “Everyone wants you out, but I think we can work together. I won’t put you up.” Shane would have certainly allied with Frank in that case, at least for a week or so.

      • Mike and Frank went to Shane to try to become an alliance. Brit asked Shane what they came up to talk about; he lied and said nothing. That’s how I remember it at least.

      • I do remember that happening. I believe that was week 3. At that point, Frank had already nominated Shane for eviction. As I’ve said before, that nomination was idiotic and was the main reason Frank remained the biggest target.

      • guys, how do you remember pin point details lol. i wouldnt say idiotic. i think he was trying to eliminate britney’s players seeing as though willie had attempted to come after him. what we see is britney distancing her players from willie, what frank sees is willie is on their team, willie came after me, so their coming after me. (pointless in my mind, but at the same time, shane was also a competitor so it makes sense if you look at it like that).

      • I remember everything because I love this game! (Well…I might also do some fact-checking with Wikipedia haha) When I was a kid, I made up a ratings system for players and everything. I’ve seen every episode since 2001.

        Back on track…Frank might have been targeting Britney’s team (maybe even Willie, with a backdoor), which wasn’t the worst thing he could have done, but he made a mistake by nominating Shane. Nominate Willie and JoJo if you have to (I’d have put up Wil and Ashley) but do NOT make an enemy out of the only HouseGuest who can outcompete you! Especially not with so many players left. That HoH was a powerful bargaining chip and he completely wasted it. Shane dodged the bullet.

      • Haha, oops, you’re right, I confusedly remembered Willie’s expulsion saving Frank in week 3, when it was the coach’s return to players that did it. That actually makes Frank’s decision a little worse, since if he is playing the “team” game, Janelle’s team is the most obvious next choice.

      • everyone was working for their own team. if there was a strong player on another team, chances are you would try to eliminate them. thats what he tried to do & failed. i dont think that any body from any team was trying to mingle and create alliances with another team. everyone wanted all of their players on their team to stay, so that they wouldnt be a target. | im not saying his decisions were great, but by putting myself in his shoes, i can see why he made them. bad decisions in hindsight but i can understand. just like i can understand why shane worked for brit, or why dani trusts dan.

      • I understand his logic too, and it’s exactly as you’ve outlined- but the problem is utilizing that sort of logic is counter-productive to winning Big Brother. That’s why I say Frank was not a very good player. In fairness, he was one of the best of the season, but that reflects more on the weak players like Jenn, Joe, Ashley, etc. Britney (except for her handling of Willie) played a better game!

      • ugh. britney’s game as a player was on point, but as a coach? no. i cant stand people tht dont take responsibility for what theyve done & she knew she caused willie’s paranoia & demise; then when jojo got evicted, she trashed jojo in the DR. I’m like, what kind of coach are you!? ugh. However, her game as a player was perfect. she had shane doing all the dirty work, but she always manages to push the blame onto someone else (grr). good for her gameplay, but she screwed others over in the process.

      • I agree that Britney was by far the worst coach. She was a major reason for Willie’s implosion. If not for Britney’s decisions JoJo would probably not have been evicted in Week 2, although it would have mostly likely been Willie who left anyway. JoJo would probably have stuck with Shane and Britney for a little bit and they wouldn’t have been forced to trust Dan and Danielle as much. I’ve got to go now Hello, nice talking with you.

      • Well I don’t need to write a book to tell you Janelle wanted a coaches alliance and wanted to work with Boogie. Did you forget that? And only a couple newbies didn’t watch BB. And Frank is nothing but a sore loser. He needs to grow up. You didn’t see Jenn exit like that, you didn’t see Joe exict like that. Get some class Frank and quit living off Grandma!

      • For all your Frank-hate and Dan-loving, I have to tell you this: Frank is twice the man Dan will ever hope to be. Deal with it.

      • but is almost same. is just like telling ur employee i was thinking of
        firing u of course the will start looking for a new job and if possible
        quite the jobs

      • Frank’s game is FAR from “squeaky clean”…in almost all the competitions he competed in, he cheated in some way or another & even HE ADMITTED IT, so get a clue! Frank was STUPID for trusting Dan & so was Jenn City (especially after taking on the punishment of wearing a carrot top suit for a week just to get Dan out & eating slop for the rest of the summer to get Dan out…only to backtrack & then save him!)!! He should have pulled the trigger on Dan when he had the chance to & he didn’t, so yeah…his social game SUCKED!! Even I knew Dan was lying when he swore on his wife & the bible (trying oh so hard to convince Frank of his LIE) & he should have known that as well! Dan didn’t tell him any truth…Dan only told Frank what Frank should have known himself (especially after Ian got Boogie out of the house) had he been paying attention to the game!

      • squeaky clean? why would brittany tell frank that he lied to her? i must be watching the wrong show.

      • In fact, RIGHT after the silent six was made and a few minutes after frank won HoH after Janelle left, the DDBS huddled together talking about how the need to get Frank out during the next HoH. That was before Frank contemplated putting ANY silent six members up. So quit.

      • I’m saying everyone lies so quit making Frank out to be this honorable person. Learn how to read a comment before you reply to one. LMFAO

  8. Wow! Porky Danielle pulls Dan off the block can anybody really be that stupid? Looks like this years winner will be a stupid loser!

  9. I do not care for Dan’s game… BUT… He has out smarted everyone…. You have to admit that… I hope he wins… Highly unlikely tho..

    • I agree it is unlikely but the man has been phenomenal and if you remember it is a game about lying and not be a cry baby then he is the ULTIMATE BB PLAYER!! All the greats lied like ED and DR. WILL even sweet little Jordan lied some. It is a requirement if you want to win.

    • That is true… But all those newbies… Are crying over spilled milk… It reminds me of the middle school kids after a football game they just lost..

  10. Dan don’t you have any dignity? Why do you keep lying to Danielle? Now you tell her its for her benefit to get her to top 2. You’ve been saying all along “I am looking out for #”- meaning YOU! I hope Ian wins! He has played a fair and dignified game! Go Ian!

  11. I am kind of sick of seeing veteran players come back and beat out the newbies. Why doesn’t BB just have another All Stars edition. These newbies just do not know how to play, all of the moves this year have been done by veterans like Boogie, Brittany, and Dan. Ian did one by forming his own alliance separate from Boogie and Frank but I don’t think he can beat Dan uuggghhh, so annoying. I would like for Ian to win but I really think Dan will. After Rachel winning last year I am just over the veterans coming in and winning again. Come on BB, have another All Stars, if Dan loses for some crazy reason he can be on the BB All Stars 2!!!

  12. I don’t understand the hate with Dan. He’s a great player, lies, backstabbs understands the game. THAT IS what BB is about. Not a social club like many viewers think. Heck AG said that showmances is what the viewers like the most, thats why they have given so much work into the Dani Shane thing

    What he doesn’t do like idiots like Dick, Boogie, etc is that he is nice to the people at least.. doesn’t make their experience a living hell and doesn’t say ugly things about them. Yeah they get pissed when evicted, but its a game.

    I watch BIG BROTHER, not the bachelor for gods sake.

    • It depends on the season. Jordan only won because she did nothing bad to the people in the jury. Natalie had blood on her hands and people hated her so she lost, it just depends. Some season favors the villian and some seasons don’t. Like that BB season that had that black woman in the final 2 , I think her name was Danielle? anyway… she was just like Dan a villian but she lost to someone who did nothing all season because she was the “nice” one. It all just depends, I prefer a villian to a goody goody but not everyone does. Therefore Dan or Ian deserves the win in my oppinion (I’m going for Ian though) but Danielle could win, she has no blood on her hands so it just depends….. but I do agree with your statement but not everyone has to like a villans gameplay, despite my love of villians I hated Dick.

      • Danielle Reyes lost because she bad mouthed people in the DR and they got to see that, Dan wouldn’t have.

        Natalie lost because 2 people voted against her from her alliance because of personal reasons ( Lydia i dont remember but Jesse was led on a fake showmance ) . Dan would never play personnal.

        But yeah it depends on the season, the Jury is ALWAYS unpredictable… but i think Dan is playing a good game, its not a sure 100% win but he a previous winner. I’m just annoyed on people hating him so much. Even if i hate Boogie and Frank i still found some good things they do lol

      • Sorry I can find nothing good about Boogie or Frank this season, but I did like Boogie when he was with Dr. Will. This season he was just vile and nasty to watch.

      • Boogie was vile but Dan wasn’t? The Dan who practically whored out Danielle to Shane, getting her drunk constantly, etc? Come tf on now.

      • I’m with Sharon on this one. Danielle-annoying and obnoxious as she is-pretended to be drunker than she was 80% of the time which still wasn’t even that often AND Dan was never ‘vile’ he was cut throat and always focused on the game. Boogie had some good moves this season but he would sit around with Frank and complain about how much he hated it there and cut people up with insults that made no sense to the people he was trying beat up. It was actually quite sad and degrading.

      • Dan is playing the game how it should be played. At least he gets to know people and doesn’t trash talk them and that’s what Boogie does and that’s why he’s vile. Even when Boogie won his season when Janelle evicted his boyfriend Dr. Will he was pissed and was in the DR calling Erica a whore. That’s real classy.

      • Are you serious. Dan did not have to as you say it whore out danielle. Danielle was all over Shane from Day 1 almost and please do not blame someone else because Danielle got drunk. All it takes is one little word not to drink and that is say No!! That really is an asinine comment.

      • I LOVED DICK and NATALIE lost because she was just a disgusting person and her relationship with Jessie who everyone also hated doomed her. Point is even Jordan lied on her season! They all lie!

      • Bringing Evil Dick back for BB13 just shows the low caliber of Allison Grodin and CBS. Grodin is sure to bring classless Frank to BB15.

      • Danielle (BB3) is the best player to ever get 2nd place. Strangely, the 2nd best to get 2nd is Daniele (BB8) and 3rd seems like it might be Danielle (BB14), although Erika (BB7) probably deserves that spot. I think Danielle from BB3 lost from a combination of sexism, racism, and bitterness.

    • Boooooooooooo!!!
      These women on BB just follow the men, I don’t remember a lot of women on BB being very strong. Who throws a comp during the most important one, Dani is a idiot.

  13. I can’t believe Danielle is negotiating a deal to drop. If she still trust him in anyway and drops she will put in concrete her legacy of dumbest MF’er ever to play this game. Dan has lied to her over and over and she still wants to make deals with him and trust him. Weird. Yep, she just dropped. Congrats Danielle you just came in 3rd place.

  14. Dani drops on purpose and Dan wins 1st HOH competition. I really think that maybe Dan does want Dani to win!

  15. Sure hope Ian is in the final 2..Dan has used and abused everon,even went as far as to Use the Bible to lie.. Gods Word is to be respected,which he didn’t do.. Guess it was how his parents raised him or maybe he is just a bullyfrom off the streets..I would be ashamed of him,if he were my son..I understand BB is a game..But no game should sishonor out God..

    • So much hate from the people that claim to read the bible. Yet for some reason you all cant get over the bible being used. Makes me wonder if you all are really do read it or just talk like you know whats in it.

      • You know the funny thing about all of this? The book in the house is really Tim Gunns “Fashion Bible”. Every one’s getting their panties bunched up about something they don’t even realize! Ha!

    • I want him in the final two because he deserves to be there whether he wins or not. I love Ian but I would love for Dani and Dan to be in final 2!

  16. I don’t understand the Dan hate. He’s played a pretty awesome game. I think people need to be reminded that in week one he was down two players and now has managed to make it top 3. Sure he’s lied and broke alliances to ensure HE remains in the game and win, but isn’t that what BB is all about. We all bitch and complain about floaters so why are we hating on a person who has played the game at all angles and has so far succeded!

    • Who cares? It doesn’t mean that everyone has to like him. I haven’t liked him from day one and I am not going to start now just because now everyone wants to turn into a Dan lover. If he wins good for him if he doesn’t that’s even better. I am sticking with the guy I liked from day one
      GO IAN!!!!

      • Haven’t turned into a Dan lover. Watching him in BB 10 convinced me he was the best player in history. It is now clear in 10, like a lethal ice berg we only saw the tip of what he could do because its all he needed to show. This year he showed us, and his endless succession of victims more. No more will overrated Boogie, who thought he could run Dan and signed his own death warrant getting dummy Frank to spare him till later, or the terrific Dr. Will be known as the best ever. In the two seasons he played, Dan ran things so totally it defies belief. That guy was born to play BB. He uses a million ways to get what he wants, weeks in advance. And the others NEVER know what hit em or what’s really happening.

        Dan is the wolf who cuts a sheep off one at a time, kills it, eats it, leaves its bones in the woods, all along making the other sheep thing he is the protecting Shepherd leading each to the final two.
        The lesson Frank and Boogie didn’t understand was you take Dan out pronto, or you end up road kill.

        Right Frank, right Boogie? Now you know with the rest of the rest of the victims in the jury house.

        And love him or hate him, now everyone knows who the best player in BB history is

      • If Dr. Will had used Dan’s strategy, Dr. Will would have been even more dominant than he already was. As it is now, Dan is the best ever IMO.

        Dr. Will’s strategy was to avoid eviction, but not worry so much about being nominated or outnumbered. Also, he’d lose everything intentionally just to make himself less of a threat. Dan’s strategy has him avoid nomination entirely, not just eviction, and it also has him jump ship when the waters get choppy. Dan wins the final comps and the comps he feels are necessary to keep himself or a close ally in the game.

        I’d love to see Dan, Dr. Will, and Evel Dick in the same season.

      • The thing is, as great as Will was, he couldn’t replicate Dans game to be even more dominant. He just couldn’t reach the amazing heights Dan does in reading peoples fears, desires and weaknesses and using that amazing intuitive power to crawl into peoples heads and make them do things to themselves and others that helps Dan, all the while thinking they are advancing themselves as they cut their own throats. Great as Will was, he was a piker compared to Dan in just moving everyone one around in an unknowing stupor.

        The other separator was Will COULDN’T win comps. It became obvious after a while Will wasn’t throwing comps, like Dan has. He just wasn’t capable of winning any. That was Wills big flaw as a player. And if you can’t manipulate as well as Dan, and that was Wills metier, and you can’t win comps, but Dan can, and does, Will, as great as he was, is just not as good as Dan.

        But there is no shame in running second to Dan. He makes the game almost boringly one sided, but I’m going to enjoy this tour de force . This will probably be his last time on the show. Even if he comes back, every house guest will gang up to evict him pronto. Thats why I think Will never comes back. He knows they know, lol, so he will be gone fast. I mean after watching his brilliance twice now, who wouldn’t? This is like watching a great athlete ending a legendary career.

      • I really disagree about Will’s not being able to win. In Season 2, I’m very certain that he did not try until the Final 4. Remember, too, that in S2 there was no veto. So that means he only lost 2 competitions, although he did break his thumb in one of those (doh!).

        In Season 7, I think he expected to leave well before jury and so was just trying to help Boogie (who he had agreed to split the money with) and make himself look good for the TV audience. I think he was so proud of his character, and his strategy, that he didn’t want to win AT ALL in S7.

        The other thing to remember is the quality of players in Season 7, and even Season 2, was far higher than this season. Danielle, Shane, and Frank were pathetically gullible, and Joe, Jenn, Ashley, Wil, and JoJo couldn’t win anything. Janelle seemed like she wanted to go home and Boogie tried to muscle his way to a win. Ian and Britney are the only ones who even deserve to be called “good players”. Poor Kara- she seemed like might have had a decent game if she had more time to prove herself.

        In the All-Stars season, Will came into the house as the biggest target. Not only did he fade into the darkness immediately, an amazing feat considering his pallor, but he ran the house until Erika convinced Janelle to evict Will (which was a stupid idea on Janelle’s part…Will would have thrown the competition since he wins $250k regardless of the final HoH).

      • Randy, great words and analysis–you should be a writer, you have a gift for the word with human insight!

      • Dan-dislike is fine by me…everyone has their favorites and their dislikes. But the people who say they hate Dan because he’s a “cheater” or a “dirty player” make me shake my head. I think they’re who Daryl Q. is referring to.

      • Big Brother is a reality game show. It is not real life. You have no idea how he acts when he is at home, or at his school, or in his church.

        Anyway, as far as I’m aware, “thou shalt play Big Brother honestly” is not a Commandment.

      • Thou shalt not lie is, and the last time I checked, there wasn’t an asterisk next to it stating, “except in reality TV shows”.

      • So are you saying then that actors who LIE for a living are also doomed according to you. BB is no different that actors in a movie and wouldn’t be a bit surprised if some of it is scripted because there is enough interference by production sometimes. Give us all a break about the lying crap because everyone of them have lied. Frank has lied with the best of them and yet last night he said he was a God Loving Person bahahaha!!! Everyone lies so get honest about it especially if you are going to call yourself THE TRUTH!!

      • You’re delusional, Sharon. These are not “actors” playing a role. If they are, then this turned from being a fun reality show to being a stupid drama/comedy.

        I don’t care if “everyone” lies or not. When someone is going to selectively choose which commandments are important and then calls himself a “Christian”, I have the right to call him out on it.

      • You don’t know much about reality tv production. These people all are actors to a degree. They are all playing a character because no one wants to watch 12 boring joes and janes sitting around waiting for half a million. Reality tv casting is all about finding the right characters for your show.

      • Delusional is one, many more fall into her category. She bites off every ones head if u say something mean about Dan and something nice about Frank. She can’t rationalize someone else’s opinion except hers.

      • Are you advocating having a Big Brother season with absolutely no lying? That would be worse than bringing Brenchel back! Or are you saying that self-professed religious people shouldn’t lie on BB? Doesn’t seem fair.

      • He’s playing BB not going to church. It’s not real life. I think some people have trouble seperating this show from real life. It’s a show and an overly produced one at that. If your that offended by Dan you probably should watch a different show since he embodies everything the show stands for. BB is not about honor and integrity. That’s why Frank and Shane are on the outside looking in right now.

      • Dan did not cheat or did anyone else on BB except for Frank. If you are going to blame someone for cheating then BLAME the right person.

      • Did you even read my post? Before you start tossing CAPS at me, take a second look. I asked Margie how Dan cheated. Not because I think he did, but because Margie thinks he.did. I don’t think Dan cheated at all. Do you understand now?

      • if you can tell me a way to play bb and win $500,000 for your family without lying even once i will eat my computer.

    • Dan is the best player to play the real game of big brother. BB is supposed to be played with lying, cheating, back-stabbing, and blindsiding. Dan has done all of this and succeeded. At this point he just wants to make it to final 2 he doesn’t really care if he’s wins it or not as he has already won it once. He will still go down as one of the best if not the best player in BB history.
      PS its kinda like Russell from survivor. He cheated, lied, and back stabbed his way to the end twice.

      • he Except Russell was entertaining to watch and he didn’t hold the bible in one hand and a knife in the other. people knew he was a scumbag and he still managed to get them to believe him both times around, all Dan did was lay around half the season bossing Danielle around, not entertaining. I’m sure for ratings sake bb would rather have a player who brings the drama and manages to make it to the end.

      • Bossing her around? Sorry but last time I checked she was her own person. SHE, as well as anyone else for that matter, could have make THEIR OWN decisions. Say what you want, but this is a @($*&% game. If you don’t like the way it’s played (Dan is NOT the first person to do some of these things) then perhaps you should watch something else?

      • Definitely need to disagree with you dude. While Dan is not one of the good guys, he’s not the villain. He knows he’s playing for second place. He’s also not bossing anybody around. The lemmings in the house drank the kool-aid when the feeds were off, and they listen to Dan. This game isn’t won by the honest player. Just ask Frank about it. What sucks is the fact that the two biggest lemmings in the house are left, and one of them is gonna win.

      • Frank’s initial social game appeared to be good but it wasn’t long before he started to come off as complete jerk. Aside from being able to win the physical challenges, if Boogie hadn’t latched on to Frank and helped him with his strategy, he wouldn’t have lasted nearly as long as he did. His actual game play sucked. It wasn’t entirely honest (not that I care about that) but FRANK keeps arguing that was, which show how much of a jerk he really is.

      • Exactly; it’s fine to lie in the BB house (almost everyone has to at some point), but to act like one is the pinnacle of honesty and righteousness when in reality one is just as bad as everyone else (if not one way, then in several others) is hypocritical. He lied to Britney about not putting her up, and that’s okay to him because he didn’t trust her; but when Britney suggests to Shane that he should put Frank up because she doesn’t trust him, suddenly lying’s terrible. Wtf? Where is the honesty and integrity in that?

      • I don’t think you understand the lemmings metaphor, the one’s still in the house are not the lemmings. the lemmings are the ones who allowed themselves to be sacrifice so the others could stay.

      • How could you not find last night episode entertaining like any BB fan would tell you that was one of the best episodes on the history f the game.

      • Rating this year are low from previous. Repeats of Big Bang Theory had more viewers and It looks more turned to Wipeout afterwards on Wed.

      • What do you mean he doesn’t care if he wins? You don’t swear to God, on your marriage & on the Bible if you don’t want to win!He wants it BAD!

      • here will go. a lot of people marry in the church and make vows and promises in front of God and after the marriage have affairs, commit adultery, lie to their spouse etc. a lot of people go to church every sunday but for the rest of the week they lie at work, at home etc. Question: if you are faced with saving your children or lying with bible which one will you choose?. please answer if you have children. if $500,000 will save your family will you lie on the bible?. dont forget that dan is a catholic, he can always go to confession. let those who have not sinned throw the first stone.

      • because people are bitter. they were alright with him as long as he was taking them along and then became bitter whe he eliminated them. its almost like if i steal and share no problem but if i decide later that i only have enough for myself and dont give to others any more they will not call the police for me. russell deserved to win.

      • Of course they’ll be bitter. It’s a game, but at some point you just have to trust someone. It is during these moments that people like Dan your boyfriend prey on them..Your boyfriend Dan is nothing but a predator, that only thing he is good at and yes they should be bitter at someone who has shown no drop of concern towards other people’s feeling…Don’t tell me it’s just a game, that’s BS

      • no ,what’s bs is you coming on here when you are living in sin in your private life. tell me how you will win bb without ever lying to one person. the only way is that you win all the hoh comp and know that you will win ahead of time. tell me how you can win bb without lying and i will eat this computer. hypocrite

      • Well, just because you live in sin, doesn’t give you the right to blindly think everyone is like you. Here is a clear example, your immoral brain supports Dan the predatory sociopath, I don’t…this is clear example that not everyone lives in sin like you…better quit you hypocritical generalizations

      • I had respect for DAN but, last night was the last straw he has lied and use the Bible his dead grandfatger his wife and marrige but, to come out with lies to get Shane out,i do not call that game play it is called greed hurting people feeling in everyway he has used Danni and IAN this whole gamme not to count all the others so as Boggie stated Dan is not to be trusted also what is he teaching his students to lie steal and treat people anyway you want to get what you want just waiting for this season to be over hope it a better one next time

      • I am so with you Nannie. If Dan got to the top three without using his BIBLE then IMO he deserves to be there, but when you swear on everything that is HOLY and everyone ‘KNOWS’ that you are a Child of GOD, people tend to believe you. Yes lying and cheating and sneaking around, being on one or more allaince is all part of the game, however when you bring GOD into it, it’s another ball game. Especially when you KNOW that is their profession(CHRISTIAN SChOOL). All the t-shirts…ect! And then you have a RACHAEL and Brenden. If she brings out the BIBLE and you know about her VEGAS NITES and all the men and the buying of very EXPENSIVE BOTTLES of alcohol and room upgrades ect, ect, ect… Can you see the difference? Her swearing and Dan swearing on the BIBLE…..VERY DIFFERENT?!?!……………. AGREED!!!

      • Can’t wait to see how St. Mary’s parents feel about Dan being a role model teaching their children!!

      • jenny how do you know? you first want to be sorry for what you did and ask for god’s forgiveness and not do the same thing again and again. obviously dan does not want to be forgiven.

      • you have never lied?. if you were in the game will you not lie? who has never lied in the bb house? why not write cbs to end bb and survivor so that people will stop lying?, let those who have not sinned throw the first stone? please stop the cr*p this is a game that requires lying and if you were there you will also lie. do you think they will just hand over half a million dollars to you. please send me your address so that i can have a private detective check you out to see if you have ever done anything wrong that the bible will frown upon. bunch of hypocrites.

      • @ed6e41cf35addee429d245213cb49d0b:disqus: All you are doing here is revealing your bias for Dan. Yes ever one lies, but we all draw the line somewhere…I will never use the names of the people I love to lie, nor will I use the bible (i’m not even religious). The point is, you have to draw a line, it a damn shame you support someone who lies with every word out of his mouth. Now lying once in a while might be excusable, but a serial lair deserve no respect whatsoever.

      • i have no bias for dan. i have a problem with hypocrites that are worse than the devil but clothe themselves in intergrity because we cant check on them. i also liked rachael because she was good at the game. i liked russel from survivor for the same reasons. if you are so holy why are you are even watching. you should be watching TBN and pat robinson’s 700 club. its like someone saying that nudity is bad, prostituion is bad but in private they are watching porn on their computer. please take your fake holier than thou rubbish and stick it. okay look at what you said that lying once in a while is excusable, what a bunch of bulls…, please tell me where in the bible it says that and could you also tell me how many lies are considered too much. please send your own bible so that i can read. is it 1,2,3,4,,5 or one million lies that are excusable please i need to know so that i wont go over my quota.

      • Speak for yourself, but not everyone is a cut throat lying sociopath like you and your new boyfriend Dan…Please don’t tell me you call yourself @ed6e41cf35addee429d245213cb49d0b:disqus, because of your blind and immoral support for Dan…now that will make you a real hypocrite

      • please you dont need to answer these hypocrites. they will do the same or worse than dan if they are in the house. in their own lives they are lying at work, cheating on their partners, lying to their kids etc. they come to the computer to be holier than thou because they know we cant check their private sin filled lives. dan is brilliant and is playing the game well. i hope than wins.

      • Are you for real?? This is a GAME!! He is there to win it. He did what he had to do in order to win. It’s how BB is played!! It’s not real life and I doubt he teaches his students to lie, steal and treat others bad.

      • kifferslady are you for real? agree 100% with nannie. others have played the game the so called big brother way but did not stoop to the level how dan is playing. he crossed the line by so many levels with no guilt. just cowardiness. dan is just a greedy evil sociopath. It is real life alright. its not as if BB houseguest come to play in a acting role. the true characteristics of the houseguests come out one way or another it is a REALITY SHOW. duh

      • I agree, with you 100% too. One has to draw a line. Dan isn’t a great player if you ask me, he his sociopath and a predatory, with no moral fiber whatsoever

      • you have never lied?. if you were in the game will you not lie? who has never lied in the bb house? why not write cbs to end bb and survivor so that people will stop lying?, let those who have not sinned throw the first stone? please stop the cr*p this is a game that requires lying and if you were there you will also lie. do you think they will just hand over half a million dollars to you. please list someone who has won and did not lie and i will eat my computer. or are you saying some lies are acceptable to God and others are not or that there is a limit to lying show me where that is written in the bible. and saying that you agree with nannie doesnt put you in a clique of cool. i agree with kifferslady. please wake up and smell the realistic coffee.

      • Oh shut up with this “This is a Game” talk, that is complete BS. It’s a game, but you have to draw a line somewhere. So by your judgement it’s OK to kick an opponent in the groin during the NBA finals, after all, it’s just a game and one must win at all cost, throwing all caution, consideration and decency out the window

      • well this is on national tv.. he will forever be known as a money hunger, backstabbing, liar.. I just hope he dont go to hell for the sin that man has done for a game.. sad really.

      • I can not blame Dan for the way he has played the game. If the other players were better at playing and more savvy about HOW to play the game, then Dan’s game play would be altered.

        He has played the game to the best of his ability with the house guests he was given. He really has come a long way and managed to pull of some miracle stunts.

        Do I like him? No not really. But, that doesn’t mean he should not win.

        It is not Dan’s fault that Dani, Ian and Shane listen(ed) to everything he says as if it were carved in stone.

        They are all going to feel like such fools when this season is over…well, all except the winner, who will be 1/2 a mil richer!

      • OK –I agree it is sneaky—but that is BB–all rules are out the window—an if you notice when Dan does the evil crap he takes his cross off–first–excpt when he swore to Frank–he than –said he was sorry to his wife & God–than said all this to himself –that its a game –not real life—-so I am all for Dan afterall he can;t get away with anything unless someone lts him—if they are to stupid to see an listen to themseleves bitich on how he is a liar then WHY IN THE HECK DO YA KEEP 00NODDING YOUR HEAD AN KEEP SAYING—YES DAN–YES DAN—NO MATTER WHAT YA DO TO ME —DAN I STILL LOVE YA—–UGH—EEKK–GIVE ME A BREAK—-I THINK SHE IS IN LOVE WITH DAN –NOT SHANE—she does to much –yes sir–to him like she has blinders on—-come-on–people she is a nurse –she has to have brains—-but when your googoo eyes for a guy –you trust just like she is——an how she plays around with him the very next day shane left –not even 24hrs,,she’s all giggles an side smiling to Dan—–you tell me who she has the hots for–>>>>

      • you have never lied?. if you were in the game will you not lie? who has never lied in the bb house? why not write cbs to end bb and survivor so that people will stop lying?, let those who have not sinned throw the first stone? please stop the cr*p this is a game that requires lying and if you were there you will also lie. do you think they will just hand over half a million dollars to you.

    • There’s always gonna be haters. Usually, the players that they were rooting for were evicted. Over all his popularity is very high in Big Brother.

    • Bravo…very well said. I’m so glad there are some people that get it’s just a game and rainbows and cookies are not going to get you to the final 2.

      • Oh really? Danielle’s not gonna make the final two? And she’s the ultimate rainbow cookie. No way Dan takes Ian with him. Ian’s only shot is for 2 consecutive wins to be final HoH.

      • Danielle is just a whiny, self absorbed, me, me, me i wouldn’t call that rainbows and cookies. She might of ate all the cookies though.

    • I can’t stand Dan!! But yeah I can’t hate, he deserves to win! It’s like he’s playing this game by himself, he calls all the shots! Every move he makes and everything he does, covers every angle!!

    • I love Dan! He is the best player ever! Hate the game not the player!!! Not his fault the other HG are so stupid!!!!

    • I don’t hate Dan I hate the other players for being complete morons. Dan deserves to win at this point because of how stupid the rest of the houseguests are

      • So true, this season of houseguests were so lame, I don’t think they knew what game they were playing, the only ones that had a clue were Brit n Wil.

      • But the blindsides have made it the best season in a long long time. The only thing wrongs with this season has been the return of Rachel and Jessie. (puke).

      • why is the return of rachel puke? what has she done to you except that you are following the bandwagon. she is a great competitor, she is loyal , has always had a target on her back and still is in the hall of fame of bb winners. i dont like people like you that is not realistic and a followers. rachel deserved to win and thank goodness she did.

      • I agree ,,Dan is slick –but Danelle does have her own mind??(or does she ??) all the asking Dan is doing she could be smart an say –NO– then for her to be so SHELL SHOCK on Dan getting Shane out–if he really was MY BOYFRIEND—-I’D BE SO PISSED AT DAN—NO-WAY IN HELL WITH I LISTEN TO HIM AT ALL—I’D TELL HIM WHERE TO SHOVE IT AN JUST FOR SPITE –TAKE IAN AN SNUB DAN TO THE HILLS—that would take the power away from DAN ,but as long as she is —yes Dan this –boo-hoo-you lied to me –an she counts how many—than says –OK Dan I’ll give up the most powerful medal of the game —because you told me to—the one who lied in my face–boo-hoo-you took Shane out–boo-hoo—than the dumb ass drops —an lets Dan win the HOH—-SO YES DAN DESERVES IT,,,,,if her mind went dumb dumb—she is a disgrace for us gals—

      • Dan will take Dani to the final two, Dan will win 7 nothing again, and become the best player in BB history, and for those who think will is a better player, I did not see BB 2, but he had a chance to win 2 times, and only wone once and it was not 7 to 0

      • Agreed..Agreed .. but that happens every year. People are afraid to get rid of the best players and biggest threats early on because for some strange reason they think they are going to the end with them.

    • I just can’t stand to hear him talk and all his “Coach” references he just annoys me, there is just something about him I don’t like and didn’t like him the season he won. He has definitely played the game and played it well. I was soooo happy when Jenn was finally voted out, I really dislike the floaters. I’m more annoyed by the HG’s who are sucked in by him and what he did to Danielle was wrong. Why do people get in that house and start to trust the other players.

    • I just like seeing how people respond to criticism. Also like to point out what people has missed. The night before Shane got evicted Ian was explaining to Dan why is was not in Danielle’s best interest to go to a final two with Shane and reaffirmed that he would take Dan to F2. Dan could have left well enough alone and got Ian out but turn his attention back to Shane.

      As for whether Dan should win, he is no more deserving than any of the other players just because he has no limits. He is no more deserving than Russell Hantz, who played at the same level (twice) but never won the title Sole Survivor.

    • I agree. I don’t care that he’s already won the prize for another season. He’s deserves this season. He’s played the players individually over and over, he’s played the whole house at once. I’m beginning to think he’s the greatest to ever play this game. Two different tactics and still going. Look out Boogie, you’re self-proclaimed title of “greatest player” is gone as far as I’m concerned, but I never believe that one in the first place.

    • Dan has played an OUTSTANDING game but to use the bible in the way he has, considering he’s so religious (or so he’s made it out to be), swearing on his grandfather’s chain or whatever, is just plain wrong….

      • how many people have gone to church , made promises to God and vows when getting married and later had affairs or murdered their spouse for insurance money. also one question if you are presented with an opporutinity to lie or cheat to save you children would you do it? there shouldnt be things that lying is good for according to the bible a lie is a lie and are all bad. think about that.

  17. I cant watch no more of this crap! Not worth losing my sleep over. Going to bed and not watching until Sunday. Dan makes me sick!!!! Frank should have voted him out when he had the chance!! This game would have been much different than it is now with Dan being a puppet master. Kind of disgusting.

  18. I’m sorry, but can someone please explain to me how this works again? The whole finale HOH and POV competitions, because I forgot!!

    • There is no Veto competition anymore Its just 3 HoH comps. The winner of the first round moves to round 3. The 2 that lost in the first round go on to round 2. In round 2 the winner from that moves on to round 3

      Who ever wins round 3 is the HoH and gets to vote out one of the other 2

  19. Ooh my God!! I felt Dan was going to do this, but I still couldn’t believe it until I seen it. I know there’s a lot of dan haters, but look at it this ~~ being a house guest on Big Brother, you have to know every detail about every houseguest from every episode from every season that’s ever been played. And that being said ~ Dan can’t play the same game as he did last time, cuz everybody knows how he played. So he has to back stab, manipulate, people just seem to be hating cuz he’s still so damn good at it! And he’s hot!! Lol

  20. If Dan is sincere, he is taking the heat to have Danielle win. He is my favorite, but I did feel bad for Shane. Not sure it was the smartest move to leave Ian in. Round two and three won’t be physical more than likely. Ian is very smart in the game. Hopefully Dan isn’t lying to Danielle anymore.

      • I dunno, it’s tough. I feel like it could be anyone’s game. It really depends on who the F2 end up and and how the jury decides they feel about Dan. Most exciting F3 in a while!! :) (I’m ready for Danielle to go..)

  21. It doesn’t sound like mumbling Ian is too thrilled with Dan. If he wins HOH, I wonder if he’ll switch and take Danielle instead? He seems to feel very sorry for her loss (of Shane). However, he’s drinking again…who knows about him.

  22. WoW unbelieveable. Dan has played a good game that has gone overboard and turned into a dirty game. I hope Shane goes to the jury house and convinces everyone that Dan has been a lying dick head to all and doesn’t deserve to win any money.
    Danielle made a stupid move. She wanted her, Dan and Shane to make final 3. All she had to do was tell Shane to vote Ian out.
    Stupid.Stupid..Stupid…girl. Worst move in BB history. But it sounds like she still listening to this fool.

    • Ugh seriously? Why do people take this so personally? He doesn’t deserve it because he lied? Who hasn’t lied??!! My 15 year old wandered into the room while Frank was boo hooing about why Dan lied and his response was “Um cuz it’s Big Brother? It’s a game geez!”. My kid even gets it. EVERYONE LIED! Dam was just the best liar. If those players weren’t smart enough to get rid of him aaaalllll the times they had the opportunity then they deserved to lose and he deserved to win…period. Frank’s holier than thou bs was ridiculous. He lied and “went against the Bible” with his actions and the things he said alone, hypocrite! It’s a game

  23. Just when I thought that porky little broad couldn’t get any more stupid she drops off for that little weasel, how many people does this worm have to backstab for this chick to get the picture?

  24. So, he mumbles something to her, and he asks her to throw the comp for him, and she Does It?.. Seriously? What is going on here? Total Manipulation or What? This is Stupid.

  25. If Dan wins the final HOH showdown then, it is over! I am
    sure Dan will take Danielle over Ian in Final 2 because
    he would be stupid to take Ian and take a chance of even
    losing that $500,000.

      • Dan ain’t winning it. He’s done too many people dirty. That whole swearing on his wife thing isn’t gonna sit well with the jury. If he gets to the finale, he’s gonna get ripped a new one on live TV. He boxed himself in, he’s gotta take Dani to the final 2 so Ian is a vote for him. If he wins the big one, then I’ll say he’s the greatest ever.

  26. Oh…Dan is a school teacher and coach of kids…What a role model for our society and the community he works for. Especially since he works in what–a “catholic” school. Those religious people–got to love how they live God’s way. God told us that evil would walk among us. We just witnessed it.

    • Absolutely ridiculous! This game isn’t designed to show religious role models for society. This isn’t The Righteous Big Brother. If you’re looking to show your children role models then you’re failing your children by letting them watch Big Brother for that purpose smh. I don’t see the same indignation towards Frank’s Bible thumping and his clear lack of morals. At least Dan isn’t yucking it up over raping a houseguest’s wife speaking of role models for children and society. What part of its a game are some failing to see? It’s based on social manipulation and lying! That would be like calling one boxer a big ole meanie because he hit harder and knocked the other guy out for the win. It’s all part of the game.

      • I agree but one thing, the guy teaches at a Catholic school. If that weren’t the case then it really wouldn’t be a big deal. But he swore on his wife, bible, dead relative and backstabbed for money, kinda goes against the moral code of his job. I hope he sells a lot of books cuz he’s losing his job when he gets back.

      • HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SHELLY AND DAN!! Shelly was just a nasty human being and everyone got really made because of what she did to Jordan, America’s Sweetheart!! Dan has been very nice to everyone this season and just did what he had to do to stay in the game.

      • People need to separate the character Dan from the real one. It’s a tv show and you aren’t playing yourself because face it most people are boring and we don’t want to watch them.

      • I want him to win but i just dont know.
        I think people are delusion like “righteous” frank if they think they can play this game without lying and backstabbing. It a freaking GAME. There are no villains in monopoly.

  27. LMAO all the people hating on Dan are just mad that he’s ALWAYS one step ahead of everyone. Dan beat Shane to the punch. Period.

    It takes balls to do what Dan has done this season. Good for him.

  28. Normally on these kind of shows I’m always on the bad guy’s side, but for some reason Dan is not getting to me! Maybe because he played a different game from his first season. Kick some ass Ian dammit!

  29. love how danielle believes dan every time he says i swear…. whomever is going to be her husband one day will be able to cheat and then just smile and get out of trouble

  30. Ugh, great job, Dan. Next up is most likely going to be the Memory Wall Mash-Up that they do every year. With that photographic memory of his, I would place the full half a million first place prize that Ian’s going to rock it. Dani doesn’t have a prayer.

    And because it’s impossible to tell over the internet, yes, the “great job, Dan” was meant to be sarcastic and negative to Dan. After the crap he pulled tonight, I do not want him anywhere near the Final 2 – no matter how much he deserves it for having the best game in the house.

    • Dan is playing the game. Outside of the game he is a nice, intelligent, and honest person as you could tell from reading his 3 books. He is just playing the game (as he has said many times: for his family).

  31. Seriously?! Seriously? Seriously. How dumb are these people?? There is NO EXCUSE for trusting Dan at this point. I’m totally team Dan but I can’t get over how dumb these people are!! How many people does he need to screw over? Danielle DROPPED!! He screws her all the time!! I *almost* feel sorry for her!!

  32. These morons actually think they will be asked back for a new BB Allstars? HA HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHA
    Dan- enough of this geek already!(and this guy teaches-Yikes!)
    Ian- if he would have taken Dan out last week when he had a chance, or at least tried.
    Danielle(Porky)- No game,No Brain!
    Can’t wait to never see these people again

    • Dan will be on all stars and that’s a fact even Julie is saying things like: IF THE POWER OF VETO IS USED ON DAN WILL THERE BE ANOTHER BLINDSIDE….. the proof is in the pudding

      • Truly-did you see she even had a tweet from her show up after Shane got evicted about Dan doing it again! Keep it coming JC I’m lovin it!!

  33. Dumbelle your stupid for trusting Dan..Hes a liar..but hes also smart he knew he would lose the HOH comps to Shane Shane would of won…and then taken Dumbelle to final 2

  34. You don’t have to be a total scumbag to win this game, which makes Dan a scumbag plain and simple!

  35. Danielle why are you letting Dan destroy your future. I liked Dan a lot in the beginning. But greed will get you nowhere in life and you are a greedy deceitful man Dan Chelsea I thought you were very fortunate to have such a caring husband but I do not think so. The only think I can figure out is they must be twins why would she do this to Shane

    • Because Shame is an idiot for allowing her to put him on the block & then he didn’t even campaign to stay in the house. Now Dumbielle should understand the true meaning of backdoor.

  36. In MY Book, only the player who played a “clean game” should win the Grand Prize,not a “Dirty Player” like Dan…the game is NOT ALL about LYING & DECEIVING everybody…that’s BULL!! Now before you TRY to tell me that the game is about Lies,Trickery Or Deceit…Granted, some of the players make deals,breaks & back Stab,but not a liars & deceivers who lie consistently throughout the game. Dan has NOT been the BEST competitor in the game…THAT’S about winning HOH’S & POV comps and playing a so called ‘social game” (which should NEVER include lying.) Frank fought off 5 nominations and won at least 3 or 4 HOH’S and 3 or 4 POV’s and HAS played an “honest” game, so technically he should’ve been in the F2 or F3. The ONLY way that Dan could ever win was through Lies and Deceit! He straight BOLD FACE LIED to Danielle and said he would evict Ian and then blindsided Shane..,Danielle was gullible enough to actually believe that Dan would NOT evict Shane, so you deserve that part Dani…T o sum it ALL up, Dan if you’re a liar in the game, you must be that way in real life. Shane was ARE a “dirty player” and don’t deserve to WIN.

    • Lane and Enzo couldn’t win a thing to save their lives. Enzo was an all-around joke and only got by because he made people laugh somehow (no idea how).

  37. The people in this house acted like they never saw this game before. Dan just snowed everyone and the dumb asses fell for it. All of the coaches should’ve been the first to go period!

    • Maybe now she will truly understand the term “backdoor”. I found it hilarious she was constantly complaining about this person backdooring her and that person backdooring her, when in reality she went up as a replace pawn nom. She didn’t get evicted but she still cries about being backdoored how ever many times. Now she is the one who truly backdoored Shame and she has to deal it. You make your bed & you lay in it you stupid girl.

    • No he’s not classless. That’s ridiculous. He didn’t say anything negative to anybody, he hugged Danielle and Ian and half-hugged Dan and was on his way. You can’t expect him to be jovial after a blindside like that, he’s only human.

  38. OH NO!!! It’s the end of the world…..Dumbielle’s sobbing like a frickin’ moron….at least she’d hiding under the blanket so we don’t have to witness it. What an idiot. She should be crying for the fact that she was so dumb to listen to Dan’s plan. That’s the reason Shame left you dumb B…get over it!! It’s your fault, you did it!

    • I can’t believe these morons trust him after what happened to Britt. I thought Shane was playing possum and to a certain extent, I think he was, his downfall was his trusting of Dani and Dani’s trust in Dan.

    • I truly can’t believe she fell for it. LOL. If Ian was the intended target either way, what was the point of using the veto? That’s the question that should have been running through her mind. However, the mist took over and her brain therefore, had no chance.

      • I don’t feel one ounce of sorry for her tonight. She did this all to herself! She needs to suck it up and put on her big girl panties and play the damn game!

  39. OMG Danielle is having a melt down. Under the covers talking to Shane. Someone get this girl a bottle of wine or a xanax. She was crying at the kitchen table telling Ian she hasn’t lied to anyone except Frank. Well that was another lie Danielle because you have been lying to everyone this entire game. And wait until you see Shane telling Britney how he doesn’t like you that way and Kara is more his type.

  40. This season is full of dumb people. first frank, then ian, now dumbielle and shame (possibly 2 of the dumbest houseguests ever). Just hand Dan the win already o_O He truly deserves to win. Dumbielle is in for a rude awakening next week when she discovers how much America despises her.

  41. Think of this as a positive Dumbelle at least your abusive alcoholic parents won’t steal your money and drink it all away


  43. Felt so sorry for Ian, sitting at the table with the bawln’ dumbbell. Was so comical, gave me a chuckle. Now she’s all wrapped up in her blankies. She’ll feel fine once Dan gets her misted again,…Don’t know what she is so sad about, they were going to dump Shane anyway. To bad all those haters, that dumped the game (show) weeks ago because it was to boring, Don’t know what they’re missing. I’m going out on a limb here, and say this is one of the best big brothers EVER!!! But just HAVE to get rid of the crybaby. That being said–Go Dan,–Go Ian!!! Very welled played, and very well deserved

  44. Cry me a river, Shane. He did not deserve to win. He won a few vetoes, but he did nothing to play the game. He hid behind Danielle’s dress the entire time. Why even be on this show if you’re going to do that? Glad he’s gone.

  45. I want to feel sorry for Danielle, but at the same time… how could she be so gullible?! Dan was talking about getting rid of Shane at the last double eviciton, so why did she not consider the possiblity that he would take this chance to finally do it? And why was Shane ok with going up on the block? Why is EVERYONE blindly trusting Dan? After seeing what he did to Britney and Frank, they should realize how dangerous he is by now.

    And now I find out that Danielle THREW the first part of the HOH to Dan. After that big old blindside, she STILL threw the HOH to him. Where does the insanity stop? Where does the mist end? When will someone break free from Dan’s mist?!?!

    I can’t believe the gulliblity of these houseguests this season. It’s unbelievable.

    With that being said, congrats to Dan for shaking up the house YET AGAIN, and for making another successful power move.

  46. Danielle is STUPID!!! She does NOT. deserve to win ANY MONEY!! She is just a puppet on a string!! Smdh…….. Dans game has been AWESOME but jope to c Ian win!!

  47. DAN is gonna get Ian to throw the Comp to dumbelle and then have dumbelle throw the last one to him OMG he’s a genius

  48. I’m a little disappointed in this site right now. Why are spoilers visible on the main page? I know I’m going to get told I shouldn’t visit a spoiler site like BBN if I don’t want spoilers, but I’ve been on vacation for about 10 days, have just caught up on the episodes (as of 09/13, tonight’s show) and wanted to come here to read articles/comments about shows and events that have already taken place. I can’t complain too much, I realize that, as this is a spoiler site. So I blame myself as well, but I tried my best to scroll down, past current events, but in mid-scroll I had to read about Dan winning part 1 of the HoH competition on the main page, without clicking anywhere. I thought spoilers were supposed to be available after clicking headlines only, most cases in which the headline indicates spoilers are afoot. If you then click that, then of course you’re going to get a spoiler, but it’s disappointing that the words “Dan wins Part 1” are right there on the main page.

    • Mine doesn’t tell who won in the headlines…it just says: Big Brother 14: Final HoH Round 1 Endurance Competition Results….you have to click Continue Reading to find out who won.

      • That’s what I was thinking would happen, that only if I clicked ‘continue reading’ would I be subjected to the spoiler, but trust me, it’s right there on the main page without clicking anything. Scroll down from where you mentioned, you’ll see it.

      • That’s funny. If you scroll fast enough you won’t have a clue what it says…..btw, welcome back. :-)

      • Thank you =)

        And yea, I guess I didn’t scroll fast enough…but I still don’t think that stuff should ever be visible on the main page without ever clicking anything.

      • I’ve never really noticed it being right there out in the open. I guess I just want to see what people are saying before I read all that. Did you have a nice vacation?

      • It had its ups and downs lol but overall I’m glad I went. Thanks for asking. How have you been? I just caught up on all the missed episodes. Dan’s blindside was good TV but I can’t help but feel bad for Shane. This site’s pic of him on the main page helped me feel bad…even though that pic is from Dan’s funeral and not from tonight’s episode…

      • Oh my gosh! I think you said you were gone 10 days? Honestly I can’t remember all that has happened in BB since then!! Everyday brings on new drama. In fact last week something happened and I can’t remember what the heck it was. Anyways it was so disappointing that Jacee decided she was no longer watching this season. She said her goodbye’s here and I haven’t seen her since. :-( Hopefully we will see her next season.

      • Yeah a lot definitely has happened. It was a whirlwind for me while catching up (watched like 5-6 episodes). Pretty entertaining, had a few eyebrow raises amongst other emotions lol.

        Why did Jacee throw in the towel?

      • Right now I can’t remember why she did that. It’s been a long day & I’m tired. Let me figure out what it was & get back to you on that one. It was something that happened last week. So much goes down I can’t keep it straight from day to day.
        Funny you mentioned that it was entertaining watching those episodes and had a few eyebrows raise due to emotions….why do you think Dumbielles are always raised?

      • Yeah she might be the one who’s gone through the most emotions this season lol.

        To recap all that I just caught up on today, and to put it in perspective, I left before Frank was even evicted…meaning today I saw Frank, Joe, Jenn and Shane all get evicted…so remind yourself all of what happened during all of those episodes and you’ll see how entertained I was today haha.

        This is a pretty good final three for me. I would’ve preferred Shane here over Ian but I can’t complain, I like all three and my favourite, Dan, is still alive. Joe and Jenn leaving made me happy. Only Frank’s exit sucked to watch.

        Dan, Shane and Frank would’ve been something, but I knew it would never happen.

      • You’ve been through a lot today! I went back to her last post to me and she was really upset about Frank going, disgusted by Dan in many ways, couldn’t stand the people left in the house, didn’t like the coaches entering the game, and preferred it would have been all new players and nobody returning. Cancelled the feeds & stopped recording the shows, first time ever since season 1. She actually followed through with what a lot of people threatened. I really enjoyed her comments and can only hope she gives BB one more chance next season.

      • That sucks. I liked her comments too and I hope she tries it again. Not many follow through on those threats, so there’s yet another eyebrow raiser for me lol. I didn’t like seeing Frank go but while I admit it’s dirty, Dan’s gameplay is just, well, badass. He rised from the dead all the way to the best position in the house, in the final three, and this is a game so you’ve gotta respect that as a player. And a player who has a reputation preceeding him as well and has still gotten this far.

      • I’m not a Dan fan at all, but I do give him props for playin’ everyone how he did. It’s late, I gotta be up and functioning like a “normal” person in 6 hours. Have a good night…probably catch ya tomorrow.

      • Yea I can understand not being a fan, but just gotta respect his ability in this game, which you do even as not a fan, so that’s cool.

        Have a good night too. =)

  49. This is a game. Personally I would not make a promise on the Bible or my husband intentionally lying. These players were too trusting overall. Dan played the best game but if the jury votes the 500,000 to Ian or Danielle we all know that they are bitter and not awarding it to the best player.
    Shane looked pretty pale tonight sitting next to Julie Chen. I hope he or the one of the last 3 not winning prize money gets the 25,000.

    • This is exactly why I’m waiting before I vote for the $25,000 winner, because now after this and how bad I feel for Shane, I’m considering giving him my votes. For me it’s either him or Frank, as I feel competitors should be rewarded. If Ian doesn’t make final 2 I’d consider voting for him, he’s competed well plus $25,000 would make him faint as a student.

      It’s sad that Dan will lose jury votes solely for having already won. I hate that reasoning, I always have and always will.

  50. Dan sets a bad example to the very kids he’s trying to coach. “But coach I swear I tried my best to catch the winning touchdown”…..if he testified in court a swore on the bible I would call a mistrial due his past failure to tell the truth and the whole truth. Damieele and share are weak minded. If shane had some stones he would have refused dumbielle to out him up as a replacement for Dan.

      • Dude he’s playing Big Brother, not coaching. Why would he take the same approach as a coach to the football field as he would in this game? Especially after the reset and no longer being a coach. This game is made for lying and back-stabbing.

        I would trust him just fine in real life. I’m confident he doesn’t do the same things when he’s not playing a game for $500,000. Coaching football is almost nothing like playing Big Brother.

  51. The honest truth, all you people who don’t like how Dan played the game would never last in the final two. He did what he had to to make it were he is now. If anyone is actually playing the game it is Dan, everyone else must think they are on a vacation just waiting for Dan to get them evicted. To those who want to play a goody goody game, I am sure yal will like the jury house because you’d never last in the game.

    • I agree. I don’t like how he went about certain things, but damn, the mist is good. He did what he had to do & that’s why he’s in the final 3, so kudos to him. He won me over the funeral thing and I’ve been Team Dan ever since.

      • His book will most definitely help if you do make it on. Good luck to you, and um just for future reference I apologize now if I talk bad about your game play. :-)

    • Dan himself proved you don’t have to play the game like he did this season– when he won his previous season.

      • Does Russian roulette nomination ring the bell, I wonder why they called him judas. Oh yeah and he played weak all season long and then won the last two hohs. Dan was a beast this season and his last season. He was just more aggressive to get what he wanted that’s all.

      • My point stands. You don’t have to play like a liar and a backstabber to win. Besides Dan in season 10, there was also Rachel last season, Jun in season 4, Jordan in season 11, and others.

      • Jordan lied in her season and seriously are you saying rachel didn’t lie. That is all rachel did and I am a rachel fan but not going to sugar coat it. rachel was mean and horrible and lied, lied, lied and backstabbed.

      • He can’t play the same exact game this time around when people are wise to his gameplay from season 10. That’s why Dan is the best to ever play, he won once and he still isn’t using the exact same strategies this time around despite that, even though they were proven successful once.

        In Mike’s 2nd attempt after his win he didn’t make the jury, in Will’s 2nd attempt after his win he made final four. In Dan’s 2nd attempt after his win he’s final three and most likely going to be final two.

      • Thank you someone like rationale thinking!!!!!! Dan playing this way because ppl would not expect Dan to play this way after his first season. I don’t think anyone on the history of this show is able to adjust his gameplay that much its amazing

  52. The reason frank and boogie and everyone else isn’t in the house is because somebody stabbed them before they could do the stabbing. Some people just don’t know how to take big brother.

  53. I’m, at this moment, watching Showtime After Dark. Dan is a lying, cheating, dirty player. He more than once, sweared on the Bible and then backed out on his promises. He is a St. Mary’s Catholic School teacher. Is lying , cheating and backstabbing what he teaches his students. He should be fired.

    I wish Danielle would at this point in time, wise up to Lying Dan. I feel like smashing my tv in with a tire iron every time I look at Dan’s disgusting face.

    No worry – regardless of the final outcome, Karma will take care of Dirty Dan.

  54. I just want to say thank you for spoiler. Seriously,I do watch Bb after dark but do not partake in CBS live feed. Tho sometimes on after dark you see some spoilers I love it. My fav this season was wil’s bday. I was lmao. Anyway thank you for letting me know what’s up and if Ian falls for Danielle’s crap,I’m gonna be pissed

  55. In my opinion, Dan totally deserves to win. He has been ruthless and has totally manipulated all of Danielle’s, Shane’s and Ian’s moves. He is even convincing Danielle that he evicted Shane for her own good so she can have a chance to make final two (and she is dumb enough to believe it). My only concern is that he is a coach and I hate the message he is sending to his students (win at any cost). Dan is the devil. He is not a god fearing or god loving man. The bible was a ploy to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and they all fell for it. Love or hate him his word means nothing and if I were Chelsea I would be worried that if he ever cheated on her he would find a way to convince her that it was her own fault or he did it for her own good.

  56. Dan is a punk plain and simple! You don’t have to stab people in the back to win this game you just don’t make promises to everybody in the game,and if you do, you sure don’t swear on the bible or your wife to do it. Sure everybody lies in this game, but they don’t swear on the bible, and their wife! Yeah you Dan Fan’s want to give this scumbag a pass because he’s on a reality show never mind the fact that a good Catholic wouldn’t go on a show where he or she had to lie and backstab in the first place!

  57. Worst season Evvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  58. Danielle deserves an academy award for the biggest crying spell under the covers without messing up her make-up, no puffy eyes or swollen nose and the paper towel and/or pillow was practically dry…on BBAD. Anyone can sniffle to make it somewhat believable, but she left too much evidence to the contrary! Did anyone else notice this??

      • No sh*t!! I saw it too…it was after she put the towel in the neck of her shirt and washed her face off in the bathroom. With that said, I’ve never seen anyone put a towel in the neck of their shirt to do that….a napkin when they are eating yes, but not what she did. She’s such a fruitcake.

    • Yep! Also, she kept complaining about what Dan did to HER, not even mentioning the fact that he just screwed Shane out of $500k. But I’m glad he did it…can you imagine Shane and Danielle in the final 2? Gag!

      • But Dan DIDN’T do it! She’s so dumb she doesn’t realize she is the one who stood in front of everyone and took Dan off the block and replaced him with Shame! She is so stupid!!!

  59. I was relieved to see Britney was at the jury house, and I guess that makes me wrong about Danielle eating her for breakfast.

    • BAHAHAHA!!! Were you under the assumption that she just cut her up and put her in a frying pan or did she just go raw and dig right in?