Big Brother 14 Episode 4 Recap: Who Was Evicted?

BB14 Live eviction

The first live Big Brother 14 eviction show is already behind us and we’ve got our second Head of Household of the season. But before we get to who’s going to be moving upstairs along with their coach, let’s start at the beginning of the night.

Thursday’s live show opened with footage from right after the week’s veto ceremony. We’re reminded that Shane chose not to use the POV to save Kara or Frank. Shane says he decided to keep Willie’s nominations the same to prove to Willie that he’s serious about their alliance. Why anyone in the Big Brother house would want to be serious about anything with Willie at this point is beyond me. But that’s just me.

So Frank wants to know why he was put on the block even though he had a deal with Willie. We never really hear Willie’s explanation (or at least a cohesive one) but he assures Frank that he won’t be going home. Kara will be. For some reason Frank believes him. Willie just says don’t turn on me or you’re toast.

What’s Frank do? He turns on Willie. Why does he turn on Willie? Well, after Willie calls the no-coaches-allowed house meeting and tells everyone to not play the coaches game, Wil says he’s going to take a break from game talk. Wil doesn’t take a break and Willie sees Wil talking game. So Willie imitates Wil saying he’s not going to talk game. Even though we’ve all imitated people like this hundreds of times (and we always use a funny voice, am I right?), it rubs Frank the wrong way.

Frank tells Joe. Joe does what Joe does and tells Wil. At this point it’s basically a game of “Telephone,” and now it’s understood that Willie was being homophobic. Even though, technically, he wasn’t. And trust me, if Willie was being homophobic, I’d say it. I took on Jeff Schroeder fans when what he said last season actually was kind of homophobic. So I’d tell you.

So then Wil talks to Britney about it and Britney tells Willie he’s made a huge mistake and most of the house hates him. And Britney puts the blame on Frank. At this time, I’ll confess I’m a Britney fan. Have been since her season. But just like Season 12, she’s been duped by a guy in the house. Or as I’ve seen it called, she’s been “Lane’d.” Again.

So Willie confronts Frank and they have a blowup in the backyard and their deal is over. So Willie is gunning for Frank to go home. So it seems Frank will definitely be going home. Especially when you consider Kara is up and she’s on Dan’s team and Dan hasn’t given up on saving his last two players.

So Frank was sitting pretty and messed things up. Or did he? Actually, no. Willie has turned so many people against him that keeping Frank sounds more likely because everyone knows Willie will be Frank’s target. Unless Boogie, his coach, has other plans.

It’s time for the live talk with Julie. She chit-chats with JoJo, Ian, Janelle, Boogie and Willie. And then it’s time for the vote.

The votes

  • Danielle votes for Frank
  • Shane votes for Frank
  • Joe votes for Kara
  • Ian votes for Kara
  • JoJo votes for Frank
  • Jenn votes for Kara
  • Wil votes for Kara
  • Ashley votes Kara

Kara is the first house guest evicted by the other house guests. And Julie Chen let her know that she had a lot of support. “Even Hugh Hefner tweeted ‘Go Kara!'” Julie said.

This week’s HOH contest is a memory game. The night before, the HGs were kept awake by clues of what a burglar did while in the Big Brother house. Shane is the first out and then suddenly everyone but Wil and Frank are out. Gee, I wonder how many of them threw that HOH? Frank and Wil give the same answers a couple of times and then they turn up different answers. Frank’s got the right answer, so he’s the new HOH.

And just when we think the episode is over, Julie tells the coaches, the game is chaining a bit for them. This week, the coaches’ competition will give the winner two options. They can either choose to save one of their players or trader a player for another. The only person who cannot be traded is Frank, the now-current head of household.

The coaches who could benefit from this the most are Britney and Dan. If Britney were to win, she’d be crazy not to unload Willie. And Dan should really take the chance to swap Danielle for an actual player. Things are going to get even more interesting.

What did you think of the episode and the eviction and HOH results?



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  1. i call bs… people please… willie has ways to go in bb14… he may be put up on the block but rest assure he aint going no where…. willie and frank will this week lock in a deal but con the entire house that they are still against each other…. there’s no way willie is leaving this week… 

  2. I don’t think Dan should swap players.  If he does switch out Danielle for a tougher competitor, it will only be all the more reason to get out Dan’s last player.  Plus, Danielle’s safe for the next few weeks as long as she stays out of any fights between the stronger players.  She needs to let them weed each other out and just slip by, just like she said in her pre-game interview.

  3. I wonder who Frank will nominate!  Willie for sure, but who else?  I hope Britney wins the comp this week and switches Willie for Danielle, and I hope Frank wins the veto and everyone votes Willie out… It would be interesting if there was a twist where coaches could compete in HOH? 

    •  seriously… please look at all reality comp shows… in general… u want to take someone to the end that people will not.. and i repeat WILL NOT…. or should i say WILLIE NOT (lol) vote for… Y oh Y do u think that frank was so quick to talk bout i like u willie i can see us both going to the end… it’s becuz he knows willie (brother to the most notorious villian on tv) will be disliked by most everyone in the house… everyone will be gunning for willie. u need to have a shield when u go into war.. that shield for frank is willie…
      watch and see how boogie gonna run frank’s hoh and save willie under the quiet and still make the whole house oblivious to it… watch and see

    • I think he will put up Joe since no one cares about him and no one will vote him out since he does nothing at all.

      • He does do a few things well, like make an ass out of himself. Anyone notice he was wearing his Chef jacket tonight? Wil needs to give that loser some fashion advice.

      • One other thing he does well, not washing his hands after he goes to the bathroom. For him being a Chef, he’s a nasty SOB. I wouldn’t want him to cater any my events.

  4. Wonder if Willie will think it’s homophobic if he gets backdoored!!… Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

    •  what r u talking bout…. willie was not mocking wil when he repeated what wil said to the other hgs… omg… r u for real…

  5. have u guys watched hunger games… i mean the concept of that show is exactly how bb works… it’s a game being controlled by people who have a vested interest in having an exciting show on TV… there has to be drama and tension and peaks and lows… regardless if willie gets put up on the block up front, its way too early for him to be voted off or backdoored… there’s more that he brings to the show… like hunger games, these producers will or should i say watch out for willie and guide him further in the game… come on now people… get with it… 

    • Its been said by players after the fact that “Big Brother” coaches the houseguests on occasion to make outcomes that are good for tv, but they dont/can’t outright change what is going to happen by house guests. IE season 11 when Jeff was up against Jordan and Kevin was the tie breaker vote and everyone knew it he stated that Big Brother tried to convince him it was better to boot Jordan and keep Jeff (they may have been right concidering) but he still voted Jeff out.

      So while production may try to talk Willie back into the game if the rest want him out he will go.

      •  nonsense.. have u watched the season with evil D**k…. willie’s persona creates what is good tv, so he has a few more weeks in the house… it’s all about the peaks and the lows..the drama must go on… come on now… boogie may be a douche but he knows how to play the game…

      • took a minute to understand hunger games, but if u can get the movie watch it.. the concept is pretty clear and is exactly how most these reality comp shows work… yes the players are individuals, but they have to bring something to make great tv… people who want to win a game will most likely take someone to the end they know other people will not or should i say willie not vote for. the producers of the show, controls, and yes they do have control of how the game goes. they have influence so dont think they dont….

  6. I’m so glad Frank stayed. And for him to win HOH is icing on the cake. I’ surprised that Ian didn’t win that comp though, and the beginning of it, I thought for sure that was something he had in the bag. However he may have thrown it because he doesn’t want the issues. So far an excellent season. 

      • That’s true, but he seemed so excited about all the breaking news announcements, whereas everyone was groggy and half asleep, he was sitting there with a smile on his face. He’s going to have to win something at some point, his “social game” Isn’t going to take him too deep into the game. Perhaps he threw it so that people wouldn’t view him as a threat. But if it’s game play, he can’t get away with his awkward-ness for too long before he starts putting the target on his back again.

  7. I’m betting that after a coach looses all of their players, they’re in the game. Why else would the coaches have their own keyholes on the board?

    Well, regardless of whether coaches join or not, I’m always pulling for Chilltown!

    •  agree with ur theory bout the coaches entering the game…

      disagree with chilltown… boogie is not all that and is in fact an old annoying hag this time around… 42 and on a game show… OKAY!!!!!!

      • and how old is evel dick, I missed where he went back in time to his 30’s. at least boogie won the coach’s challenge, last year we would have seen evel dick collapse to his black lung

      • Please, we’ve seen several older players on Big Brother in seasons’ past. You can not like him, that’s your opinion, but you’ve gotta pick better ammunition than that.

        Also, I’m thinking they’ll let fans vote on one coach to enter the game. If they all enter, or two enter, etc, it’s an unfair advantage as they weren’t even eligible to be nominated early in the game, and will make it to around or past the halfway point by default. Production will do what they want for ratings, but they can “pass it off” by saying it was voted in by America, and at the same time getting what they want, a guarantee that a popular/favourite/alumni player is in the game in the latter stages.

    • That won’t work… maybe after the 1st 2 coaches exit than the 2 remaining enter the game.

      It won’t be fair to let them in the game, the other house-guests will be p*ssed but who says BB has to be fair?

    •  I just dont understand how there not thinking this senerio…in my thinking it would be one of the first things i would have thought the first thing leaving one of the coaches handicapped from day one….ill laugh if it does happen gunning to get dan out just to have it backfire.

    • I agree with MJ’s theory, there’s a high possibility that if a Coach gets to enter the game, it will be by America’s vote, similar to how Brenden was voted back in last season.

  8. Repeating myself:       This season is pretty boring.
    The majority of DR footage is of the played out coaches. We all know
    their game. Show more of the players no matter how dumb the are. But
    what is worse is having to see all the stupid shirts D-bag boogie made
    for the show..I mean really…we already have to see and hear his
    douchiness, but now he wants us see it in print to?

    •  i agree jess and look how he has aged and trying to act like he’s in his 20s… please he needs a chill pill…..

      •  I think he took a “chill” pill a long time ago, that is why he is back on the show…

    • Yeah the coaches are annoying from Boogie, Britney, Janelle. With the exception of Dan. I can’t believe I’m vomiting every time I see the other coaches in the DR. It just gets so old with old people.

  9. Matt, do you know if the player who is traded is safe as well or do they only have the option to trade or save? For example Britney wins and trades Willie for Ian, is Ian safe or still available for eviction? Sorry but I’m a little confused.

  10. u know what too.. have u guys thought that if willie gets put on the block with another player and his coach wins.. she may just decide to save him…. his coach is also playing a game to win 100,000, u think she doesn’t know that it’s wise and good game move to keep a person who people doesn’t really like in the house… 

  11. The Season of Dumb continues. So, the HGs who voted Kara out, with the exception of Team Boogie, feel safe for one more week. Break out the party favors!!! This may be the only chance they could get to get a strong player like Frank out. Team Janelle are flip flopping floaters. I never thought Janelle was a good game player and this solidifies that. Big picture gameplay, horrible move. I hope Brit wins the coaches comp and keeps Willie or Shane safe. Those are the only 2 that can compete with Frank. This season may get boring fast.

  12. if this wasnt proof that boogie is far and away the best coach this season I dont know what is. brit got her own played all jacked up and upset, a player she KNEW would do this, whereas boogie wouldnt have said a thing, knowing of the pending explosion.

    frank, major threat in the game, and to many
    kara, not a threat at all, could have been this year’s jordan at the BEST

    and they get rid of kara to “cripple” dan. I dont think EVERY coach will get to play. I think the FIRST coach who loses all his/her players gets to enter the game. the rest wont

    • I was thinking the same about Kara. Who would have thought a hot girl like that would be that shy and reserved? Now I don’t have any eye candy to look at the rest of the Summer.

    •  my point exactly…. willie has more ways to go in this show than frank, watch and see… frank is a threat to the other hgs on another level… he is more apt to win comps… u dont want a player like that in the house… u would rather take a more disliked player to the end than a player that does well at the comps…. frank and old a$$ boogie’s best bet is to lock up a deal a nice side deal with willie and knock out the poor players….

      •  Then, Boogie can actually do some creative trading, if he wins the coaches comp….I like Willie. I don’t believe he said anything maliciously. I can’t stand that old Booger though..

    • Did Joe make a pac with Frank? Also does anyone know if Frank spoke to Mike before telling joe about Willie’s supposed slur? I am wondering if Mike told Frank to start “spreading” the word. At first I wasn’t sure about Willie. But now I think he has a bad rap not only because of his brother, but now of what I will call a vicious lie Frank told. Now we have to put up with Frank for at least two weeks

      • I wanted to like Frank but he just seemed like a little high school girl going around telling everyone about what Willie did.  Now I can’t stand Frank.  And why does Joe scream when he’s in the DR?  Ugh!

    •  i can see them telling stupid joe.. oh u r on the block as a pawn next to willie but boogies team still knock joe out and he believes it…

      like i said puttin willie up now or even after the veto (should he lose) will not get him out this week….

      plus if frank wants willie out this week, he will think to go the other route of backdooring him, cuz putting him up now, guarantees he plays in the veto which he has a chance of winning and taking himself off the block…

      what we have to hope for is that shane doesn’t go up or get replaced should willie be safe this week…

  13. Imitating someone doesn’t make it a Homophobic act. If gays are so offended then they should stop acting like they’re a real girl or a boy.

  14. Willie irks my nerves. Homophobic or not (not, as I believe), dude’s dumb as rocks. Y’all, ya’ll, y’all, ya’ll…. Trust me, I’m from Louisiana–they way he talks wouldn’t be so bad if he, uh, made sense. That Fruit Loops comment, oh mah gah…

  15. I don’t know if this season is going well for me or not. It’s too early to tell, but I just mean so far. I liked Kara, but I’m glad Frank is still there (and HOH to boot). I thought it was the right move to send Jodi home too. On the negative side, Dan is my favourite coach and he’s down to one player and is in risk of being the first coach gone, and it’d be terrible if he’s gone before Janelle or Britney. People can call Mike cocky all they want, I’d rather him win before Janelle or Britney, and it’s not anything against blondes or against women. I’ve never liked Janelle and Britney just isn’t a great player. Mike and Dan are better players, easily. I don’t care if they’ve won before, I want the best to go the furthest, that goes for the newbies too.

  16. Week 1 Top 5 D. Bag Ratings.

    1, Joe (With a bullet. Perhaps the biggest one in BB history.)
    2. Mike Boogie (Born that way. Can’t help it, but solid #2.)
    3. Frank (Just for the hair alone.) LOL
    4. Wil (Maybe not a D. Bag. But certainly spineless.)
    5, Willie (50% D, Bag / 50 % clueless.)

    Share your thoughts.

    • I’m definitely one to be very aware of arrogance, and I often don’t like it in a player, but I do like Mike. He’s a good player whether his haters want to admit it or not, and I think many naysayers just choose to overlook his play. He’s awesome at the mental side and wins competitions sparingly, but when he needs to, and beat out Janelle in the first Coach Comp that she was definitely trying to win (unlike Dan).

      Can’t stand Joe. Wil annoys me half the time, but not as badly as Joe. I like Frank mostly because I side with good competitors. Willie is in between neutral and disliked.

  17. Everyone except Frank and Wil got the question WRONG only because Julie Chen switched the question from “right leg” when she first asked, to “left leg” when she repeated the question!  They were all just confused and Frank and Wil had it answered before she repeated……..THANKS CBS for putting the house liar in the penthouse!

    • I thought the guy was shaving his  ‘left ‘ leg….hmmmm if  a mistake was made when asking the question then Wil is supposed to be HOH….But if true will BB correct their blunder or let it slide like they always do????

    • I just watched the replay “On Demand” and Julie did NOT change the question.  She said “right leg” both times.

      • DITTO ON THAT…I just watched again and it was his right leg and Julie did say right leg both times….sooo no mistake was made there…

  18. Dan has nobody to blame but himself here. He originally picked a horribe team with no male players and two girlie girls who were never going to win the hard challanges and who at some point the other women were going to get sick of seeing sitting around looking hot and getting all the attention. 

  19. The only problem with Dan winning the coaches competition & getting rid of Danielle, is that the player he would select can be nominated for eviction. Therefore, if the coaches competition happens before the HOH or the Veto Dan has some pretty huge chances of getting his last player evicted… Whereas, if he chooses to keep Danielle & save her he can at least survive another week, & then well… then he’s kind of screwed…
    Unless people are so against Willie that they make week 2 the week to evict him…

  20. on bb after dark, janelle is now saying how they have to get frank out and so is joe, so why didnt you do it!! saying the willie team are dumb, i think it was dumb not to get frank out when they had the chance. Pulling for willie the underdog, he makes good tv. lets hope brit can pull a miracle and save him or willie wins pov.
    would love to see joe up on the block next

  21. I have really been hating on joe lately because he never shuts up but now that I have heard his awful goodbye message to Kara I don’t think he can be evicted from the house fast enough. How insensitive can one guy be?After frank won hoh did Willie pull a Rachel and go hide behind some trees and bushes in the corner? If so then its priceless!Boogie might have celebrated franks win a little too much. Just like he did when he won the coaches challenge.Who do you think will go on the block with Willie? Jojo, Danielle, or Shane?Will frank back door Willie? Or give him a fighting chance and let him play for veto? If janelles team had evicted frank wil would be hoh right now.

  22. Why has no one suggested that the coaches might join the game if they lose all of their players? Maybe if Danielle goes home we could see Dan in the game–that would p*ss a lot of people off!

    • lol that would piss people off. that probably won’t be the case though. Julie did state that once all of the coaches players leave the game so will the coach. 

    •  There would be an outcry. Coaches, didnt participated on HOH or POV comps. For them to join full time in the middle of the game wouldnt be fair for the other players. I can see them affecting the game play one way or another but I don’t think CBS would do such a stupid move.

  23. I hope Frank puts up Willie or backdoors Willi. Willi needs to go. It was not right for Willi to have a house meeting  and tell everyone not to listen to their coaches. It’s all about the coaches and they are playing a fair game. Willi is going to be a truble maker and will last a lot time, because it is all about the ratings. Sometimes I think the game is fixed.

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