Big Brother 14 Episode 4: Week 1 Live Eviction and HoH Results

Tonight on Big Brother 14 episode 4, the results of the first live eviction will be revealed along with the results of the second HoH competition. While we wait for the results be sure to Join us on Facebook and grab our free iPhone and Android mobile apps!

I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results as it’s revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds (not signed up yet? use the Free Trial) ready to go because as soon as the broadcast is over and the Feeds come back!

Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!

Big Brother 14 Week 1 Live Eviction voting:

  • Danielle: evict Frank
  • Shane: evict Frank
  • Joe: evict Kara
  • Ian: evict Kara
  • JoJo: evict Frank
  • Jenn: evict Kara
  • Wil: evict Kara
  • Ashley: evict Kara

By a vote of 5-3, Kara is evicted. Did I tell you or did I tell you?

Big Brother 14 - Kara Monaco evicted

Big Brother 14 Week 2 HoH Competition – ‘Big Brother Break-In’:

  • Round 1: Everyone gets it right.
  • Round 2: Everyone but Shane is right.
  • Round 3: Only Wil and Frank get it right.
  • Round 4: Wil & Frank both get it wrong.
  • Round 5: Wil & Frank both get it right.
  • Round 6: Wil gets it wrong. Frank wins!

Wow! Revenge is coming. Frank won HoH!

Big Brother 14 - Frank wins HoH

Julie has big news for the Coaches. Who ever wins this week’s Coach competition can either make one of their players safe OR trade for another HG (HoH is not an option).

Once the eviction show is over the Live Feeds turn back on and we’ll have a brand new HoH in the Big Brother house! Make sure you’re ready to watch the house react to who is in power. The nominations will be revealed soon, so stay close by!

Be sure to sign-up for the free Big Brother email updates, join us on Facebook, visit the Big Brother Forum, follow us on Twitter, and get our Mobile Apps.



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  1. Those on the block must jump through some hoops
    It’s tough when confined to those coops
    Can’t lose your head
    Can’t fart in the bed
    Lest you go home to eat your Fruit Loops!

    •  How can you say someone is useless Week 1? By that logic Wil, Joe, Danielle, Jenn, JoJo, Ian and Ashley are all useless too.

      Just because she’s a blonde girl doesn’t mean she’s stupid or useless *cough*Janelle*cough*. The truth is, we don’t know whether or not she was going to be a good player, so

      • Touché , I should restate what I said and say I just prefer Frank being in the house he was one of my early favs and I like Willie too

    • I wouldnt say she was ‘useless’. I’m sad that she left, and I wish we wouldve seen more of her, she couldve been a backstabber, and possibly cause a lot of entertainment for us to watch, but she was shy. However I cant wait for Willie to get what has been coming for him. Another week full of drama? Clearly. I wish the nominations werent who they were. I would’ve liked to see Joe or Jenn go home. They wont do anything, and it’s clear they’ll just take up space. But thats just my opinion…

  2. It’s storming at my house & my satellite just went out on my tv. I’m depending on y’all to keep me informed about what is going on tonight. Aaahhhh!!! LOL I’m going Crazy without my BB14

  3. the newbies are idiots, janelle is 100% right. you’d think they’d know that you should keep the floaters/bad competitors like the brigade did to brittany than keeping strong competitors.

    • You would think they had more sense right? On the plus side, I
      am sure Boogie is going to push to have his players, Ian, Frank
      and Jenn to vote out Willie. Since, he has the power, Frank should
      nominate two from Brittney’s team, increasing the chances that
      one of her players will go home this week. I am sure that Mike
      Boogie can get Dan to ask Danielle to vote out Willie. That would
      be 3 votes right off the bat since, Frank cannot cast a vote! Mike
      Boogie can make a deal with Janelle to have her players vote out
      Willie in exchange for safety of her players. Of course, Frank could
      also pit Team Janelle with Team Brittney by nominating a player from
      each side. Then, there would be pressure not to work with each
      other from both teams! On second thought, probably better for
      Frank to nominate one player from Team Janelle and Team Brittney
      with Willie making one of the nominees! There would be strong
      incentive on Janelle’s players to vote out Willie!

      • IF britney won the Coaches Comp. She should trade Willie for one of Boogies players. Then Boogie will either loose a player or have to make Frank and Willie work together.  Two loose cannons together that would be fun to watch

  4. I cannot believe Kara is out!!! Ashley made a mistake, what would of been better is tried to get Ian on their side?! He’s like just wondering around the house listening to conversations.

    • she’s fn drugged out for 1 thing……she lays around w a phony back prob all week then flips the house?????? 14 blows!

  5. yeah so since Frank just won HOH, can we be expecting another drama filled week?

  6. This season blows.  When you have a chance to get rid of strong player… you get them out. Speaking of out.  Does BB have to have a homo every season.  

    • How homophobic and jerkish of you. Wil is one of the best players! He’s got physical and mental strong points.

      • one L wil sucks, joe is also an ego maniac, but they will float and this season will be hard to watch. Hope dan gets in the game.

  7. yeah so glad Frank is still here
    but i’m afraid My fave player Ian is gonna get traded away

    • Nah, I think Jenn will get traded if Boogie wins the Coaches Competition. Boogie loves Ian because he listens in on everyones conversations. I think Boogie will trade Jenn for Shane, which would be possibly an amazing move, just make his team stronger.

      • Best trade would be Britney win and trade Willlie for Danielle.  They will all vote off Willie and Dan would be out of the game.

      • i hope it goes that way because i like Ian with Frank it’s a cool duo so yeah hopefully Mike win comp and trades Jen for Shane or Joe

  8. O_O. My reaction to what Julie just said. I cannot believe that the coaches will be able to switch out a player.

    • i fear that Ian will be traded and i do  not want that if boogie win coaches challenge i’d rather him trade Jen To Janelle’s team for Joe
      because i’d rather have frank and ian with joe 
       lol Dan right now is probably saying to julie in his mind How does That Twist help a guy with only one Person left

    •  human, you don’t know what your talking about !  your also not a very nice person to be making comments like that about someone you don’t even know and has only been in the BB house for a week !

    • so true, everyone was rooting for her cause she was hot..
      If Jenn or Ashley would’ve left no one would have given 2 sh*ts and they’re just as quiet.

  9. Somehow, I just knew that Frank was gonna win HOH.  It was kinda inevitable.

  10. If I’m Britney, I bust my rear to win that Coach’s comp and trade off Willie for Danielle.  Frank gets Willie out, and since he’s now Dan’s player, Britney has killed two birds with one stone.

    • Must say, that’s pretty brilliant.  Hopefully Brittany can connect those same dots. :/

      • Apparently she is, but she’s worried that Frank won’t take the hint and nominate Willie.  She believes if Willie becomes Dan’s player, Dan will ask Boogie to help him convince Frank to reconcile with Willie and reforge their alliance, which means that Willie will be coming after Britney and her players.  It’s a risk, but I think she should seriously consider it.

    • Yes, she should do that or switch Willie for one of Boogie’s players so Frank, Mike and Willie are on the same team.

  11. That was bananas!! I wanted Wil to win, but Frank will do! What a sore loser Willie is, it looked like he flung the key at Frank! Now he will know what it’s like to wonder. Payback is a b***h!!

    • Karma is a bitch and its name is Frank haha Willie has a lot of ass kissing to do and he better learn to humble himself and get back down to reality if he wants to survive this week

  12. Being a newbie to this show I would think the logical and most strategic move would be to evict Frank. But I guess these players want to lose? Frank now has a pack of followers who will take him to the end.

    • I agree. if i were in the house i would totally evict frank. Kara doesn’t (didn’t) seem too threatening. When Kara was evicted I knew that Frank was going to win the hoh because of Big Brother karma, if you believe in it

      • thats what I was thinking, for some reason almost every season when someone is put up on the block they come back harder/stronger and win HOH!

  13. Frank’s a PUNK!….he thinks he’s a nice guy he isn’t and honestly I think he’s closet gay……..Sean.

  14. If Mike wins Coaches comp – switch Ian out with Shane.
    If Janelle wins Coaches comp – switch out Ashley with Shane.
    If Brit wins Coaches comp – switch out Willie with Danielle. (or switch Jenn or Ian with Willie, that way Frank and Willie are on the same team).
    If Dan wins Coaches comp – keep Danielle safe.

    Whoever Willie’s team is on Frank is going to nominate him.

  15. How much of a bind would it put Boogie in if Brittany won the coaches comp and traded Willie for Jen?

  16. Kara didn’t have game, but Frank is obnoxious! I hope he goes soon, Boogie too. Boogies played out, he’s too old and creepy to be hitting on young girls, Kara. He thinks they will hang out after the show, I doubt it. He wishes a playboy bunny would even want to be seen with him. Her life is just going to get better, and his is over. Go home Boogie, and quit acting like your too good for anyone in the house. You and Jannelle need to shut up, and quit calling everyone stupid. Janelle, is your face for real? It doesn’t move. Whatever you did to it makes you look older, not younger. And Put some pants on, your cellulite is showing! This week has been crazy, and Willie’s making it worse by running his mouth. Poor Brittney, looks like she wants to hit him every time they talk. She should win the coaches competition and trade him for Ian. That would be fun to watch!

  17. To be honest Im just not a fan of the coaching twist, I would rather see if Dan or Boogie could become the 1st second time winner of Big Brother…or better yet maybe watch as a new Big Brother legend is born instead of last year where everything was centered around returning players.

  18. Every year the guest become dumber. willie should have stuck with the plan . j and brit . had and kept his mouth shut.  Frank should have gone home. this is one mistake that they all are going to regret , the cook had better watch out , boogie dosent like him. 
     frank and willie are now both targets going forward. everyone is going to want to be safe . these idiots have not come to the reality that they are teams , no matter how much they want to play thier own game they cant.  J and B had the right moves but that damn willie screwed it up.  Boogie is the one who should go first.  He is the threat. those house guest are not thinking game. Always get the strongest team player out from the compt.  But frank used the he is picking on the gay man card.

  19. The more I think about it I’m glad Frank stayed.  Yes kara was nice eye candy but I like to see players playing and Frank will.  He should put up Willie and either jojo or danielle

  20. Not looking good for my boy willie rite now….Frank winning HOH tonite was a classic BB moment…I think JoJo is finna jump ship and try to wing her way to the other side..I think at this point britney team is dead..they gone need more than a miricle to saves willie. I hope shan hangs in there for willie because at this time i dont see willie having a lot of support.

  21. dan has to win coaches challenge,draft shane and hope its an endurance comp next thurs………gotta get frank out!!!! he’s such a dick!

  22. The house made a mistake getting rid of kara. Ashley,wil,joe,jenn and ian will get whats coming to them. I guess know i will have to pull for jojo. Go jojo

  23. Wonder if Willie will think it’s homophobic if he gets backdoored!!… Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

  24. Willie should have kept quiet when Brit said to him can you keep a secret and she told him about the wall with the keyholes by the coaches (or brit should have kept that to herself)….then Willie does the newbie meeting, pisses Janelle and the other coaches off, offends Frank who tells Joe who tells Wil, then fights with Frank in front of the entire house….not smart Willie…you could have been safe this week. Frank would have kept his word before all that crap and would not nominate Willie.  If Willie wins POV, then Shane or Jojo is going home no matter what team Willie is on…

  25. Frank is boss! out of the the noobs i like him the most….i hope he does a smart move and put two strong people on the block like Wille and Sean.

    • Yeah he does, he’s way too awkward but not in a cute adorkable way but in a pervy, irritating way.

  26. I have really been hating on joe lately because he never shuts up but now that I have heard his awful goodbye message to Kara I don’t think he can be evicted from the house fast enough. How insensitive can one guy be?

    After frank won hog did Willie pull a Rachel and go hide behind some trees and bushes in the corner? If so then its priceless!

    Boogie might have celebrated franks win a little too much. Just like he did when he won the coaches challenge.

    Who do you think will go on the block with Willie? Jojo, Danielle, or Shane?

    Will frank back door Willie? Or give him a fighting chance and let him play for veto? 

    If janelles team had evicted frank will would be how right now.

  27. Am I the only one who thinks the term “bully” is highly overused these days?  It seems that that word is tossed around so much that it is beginning to lose its real meaning.  It wont be long before many of are so desensitized to it, that we will pay less attention when REAL bullying occurs.
    Being aggressive and playing a game hard is NOT bullying.  Thoughts???

  28. I think that if all of Dan’s team is gone, they are going to make him a player in the game OR because all the coachs’ have key holes that they are going to make the coach’s a team eventually to compete against evenly divided teams of the newbies…just a thought…GO WILLIE

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