Big Brother 14 Episode 11: Week 4 Nomination Show Tonight

Big Brother 14 with Julie Chen

Tonight on Big Brother 14 (8PM ET/PT) CBS will deliver the conclusion of the exciting endurance competition from Thursday that brought us our latest HoH winner. Following the replay of what many of us watched live on Thursday thanks to our Live Feeds we’ll get nomination ceremony to set up the rest of this week’s drama.

Of course you can always jump ahead and read our Big Brother 14 spoilers to get that news ahead of tonight’s show.

Most of what we’ll see on Big Brother 14 tonight happened days ago in the house and even more has happened since with the Veto competition results were revealed. Only the Live Feeds will let you see inside and keep you actively up to date on the game so before to check those out with the Free 3-Day Trial and see what everyone is watching.

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  1. This is why I love BBN :). I already know who the noms are and who won HoH/PoV. Looking forward to seeing if the Veto will be used or not :P.

  2. If the veto is not used Boogie, Janelle and Dan come after Danielle and Shane nest week.. I think there’s a secret alliance between Boogie Dan and Janelle!

  3. I really hope that Boogie pulls this off and can get them to backdoor Janelle. I hate that Dan is trying to downplay a backdoor of Jani is playing emotional. Its completely strategical. Shes a beast at all comps and a powerful manipulator. Shes all over the board. Plays cutthroat. Frank and Boogie CAN be trusted, for a little while at least. Frank and Boogie know that they cant go back on that alliance next week. If they get it down to 7, they can turn the tables. Frank and Boogie have to pull Dan into their game. Dan has to realize that Boogie/Frank is a stronger ally for him than Brit/Shane.

    • Danielle is playing personal because she believes that Janelle was flirting with Shane?

  4. Don’t you think Frank would be playing a totally different game if he had not paired up with Boogie?  Or if there wasn’t any veterans?  I’m thinking he got a rap right from the beginning, just because Boogie is (was his coach).

  5. Backdooring Janelle would be a super move.  She is good at competitions, but has a terrible social game.  Dan should side with Boogie and Frank, but I don’t think he will.  If Dan sticks by Danielle and Shane, he has no chance of winning.

    • I agree about backdooring Janelle.  But Dan is going to stick with Danielle.  I know he wants a coaches alliance, but I think that is just to help him and Danielle get farther in the game.

  6. Here is a twist .. do you think that maybe Dan is alright with it and is just being a stick in the mud to not think he is teaming with Boogie. If Danielle thought about him telling Boogie about Frank being evicted the week before. Dan is cunning but please do not get me wrong.. it is nice to see ‘Boogie Back!!!!’ I hated to see him not play.. thanks Dan for giving him his game back.

  7. Danielle is being STUPID! Frank has only 1 HOH, why is he such a big target? She should go after a coach. Britney and Janelle are soooo fake, I hope. Britney gets sent home soon, she sucked as a player, and was even worse as a coach. At least Janelle actually wins, Britney will use people again. If they send him home they will regret it later! BB players need to start thinking about how the coaches played their games.

  8. I have a lot to say about today’s episode:
    1) I am so SICK of Mike Boogie’s attitude! What the hell does he think he’s got that makes him feel like he’s the king of the world? Get over yourself you annoying freak! No one cares that you won before! NO ONE CARES.
    2) I hate that Danielle trusts Dan so much even though he’s actually only looking out for himself. I think he might screw her over in the long run.
    3) I think Frank is kind of cool and I really would’ve liked him if he wasn’t working with Boogie. But I’m team Danielle and Shane and I feel so bad for saying this, but he’s gotta go.
    4) Danielle needs to stop listening to Dan and go with her own guts. I think she should’ve nominated Boogie and Frank.
    5) Danielle, please do us all a favour and get over Shane. He’s only using you to advance in the game but he’s not really into you (no offence)

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