Big Brother 13: Week 1 Live Eviction Episode Tonight

Big Brother 13

Tonight on Big Brother 13 we’ll have our first live eviction of the BB13 season when either Keith or Porsche will be evicted. But will that HG really be sent home or instead go to sequester like last season for another twist?

The live eviction will be followed by a new HoH competition that looks like it will be a return to a mini-golf themed battle. I’ll be here posting all the results live during the East coast broadcast show so keep checking back for the latest BB13 updates.

While we wait for tonight’s big results, be sure to check out BB12’s Matt Hoffman’s recap of last night’s Big Brother episode 3. Then grab your BB Live Feed Free Trial!

Speaking of free, do you have our Big Brother app? Available for iOS and Android.

Share your thoughts and tell us why you want to see either Keith or Porsche go home. Be sure to vote in our Eviction poll too. Don’t forget to join us tonight in the Big Brother Chat Room during the live eviction show at 9PM ET!

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  1. I believe Keith should go home tonight. I cannot stand to listen to him. He thinks he has it all in his back pocket. Keith thinks he has the votes to stay but really hoping a few will turn from voting out porsche and end up having keith walk out the front door. As well he has no game but going around and blowing up at people!!!

    • Yeah he was psycho last night and shelly tried calming him down. I’m hoping for Jeff and Jordan. I can’t help it I love them.

      • Shelly was MORE than gracious with Keith last night on After Dark. She was also dead on with her view on what the heck is going on with him. His pride is going to send his butt out the door. Then he can sit home on his couch and preach about how ‘wrong’ those that are still in the house are playing the game LOL

  2. So long, Keith!!

    Note about last night: The scene in the HOH room when Jordan tells everyone there that Keith was smiling over the news of Evel leaving and whip’d boy’s (Brendon) reaction (ready to fight him, blah, blah, blah) was just a little too scripted for my taste. Like a scene from a bad “B” movie.

      • Yup, Keith is gone for sure….
        Jeanne, that scene was great cause it was blocked from the feeds so we didnt know it had happened…people complain that we get alot of fish but sometimes its worth it cause we see in the tv shows for the first time….

        scripted or not it was real good especially when Jeff came in and calmed everyone down, my eyes got real watery, lol….silly me… :-)

      • Ahhhhh, HoH8, not silly at all. I have the same reaction about seeing things for the first time. I like surprises!!!

        Kristina, how are you doing? So great to have so many of our Survivor gals around for BB!!

      • Hey Roxie (Jeanne) I’m doing quite well. HOH8 trying to introduce me to the chat room thing – I’m not very good at that I must admit. As for being teary-eyed – I kind of did when Dani was voting last night. The outcome was almost expected. Didn’t like the Brenchel scenes too much, but probably missed a lot of it. He was being stupid.

      • dont worry Kris…u can stay here on these threads and talk, the Forums could be hard if ur not used to them…u mentioned the chat room…thats another whole ball of wax, lol….

        im glad Dani made up her love for ED during her vote and i too was gagging watching the first 20 mins only with Brenchel scenes, ugh….:-)

      • Thanks my internet buddy HOH8 now I don’t feel as bad! about my lack of expertise in the forum – didn’t even have the name right (ha ha). I will endeavor to get better at it when I have a little more time though. I’m glad you’re all willing to keep in touch here for now though. This is fun! Totally agree with your statements, I am liking Rachel better than him though.

    • I think so, in Jeff’s season it was a similar concept with the groups. They were all safe if one won HOH.

  3. @matt
    Hey man I just down loaded the I phone app and when I comment it says I’m Anonymous I don’t use face book. I know I’m old school I just got tired of my wife asking questions about any girl that would leave a comment. How do I use Tommy Wood as my name I have used for almost 3 seasons on this site?

  4. Really hoping that Keith goes home tonight, even if its a tie vote he’s gone so hopefully Shelly or Kalia will vote him out.
    I do like Jeff/Jordan and Daniele but wouldn’t be too upset if Cassi or someone won HoH and got rid of Brendon or Rachel next week.

    If Porsche survives and gets a golden key hopefully she’ll screw her head on and play the game from now and when she’s in the final ten….

    • Somehow I just don’t see Porsche doing much more than becoming more of a train wreck than she already is…

      • Well we all know that the vets are stronger players but hey with BB anything can happen and i might be the only one feeling this way but im going for the underdogs and would love to see a newbie win HOH,@Shelley I agree about Porsche/train wreck and if she stays it wont be any better than if Keith stays,Keith is not playing the game well because of pride but Porsche is just plain kissing up and cant see that there is no benefits in it for her at all.

  5. @ Matt

    I know this sounds crazy but.. whoever wins the HOH
    should nominate someone on their side.
    i.e) if the newbies win and put somone on their team as a pawn up for eviction they have a better change to win the veto. They are guaranteed to have 4 of their players fighting to win the veto. Once they win it they get themselves off the block and the HOH is forced to nominate another duo from the other side.
    Just a thought…as for the last veto played brendon/rachel only won because Keith/porscha didn’t even try

    • I’ve actually thought about that. It’s a pretty solid plan, and the odds would be in your favor… Plus I think it’d make for good drama/tv if someone was willing to try it.

  6. Hope the next one out the door is dom,and it wouldnt hurt my feeling if cassie goes also.

  7. I hope the girl gets evicted, yeah Keith may be a bit off – but once again, the crazy person was pretty much correct on their “conspiracy theory”! I don’t like him but to send him home for his outburst would be lame, not only was he partially correct (don’t know where Kalia’s loyalty is) but at least he has a brain, his partner does not.

  8. Jig, you have forgotten onthing, this Keith was working with children and als took the Bible in the house. And he acted like a total idiot. He got what he deversed. As far has the girl Poerche she wont be there and she wont win. Iwould like to see walk away with it all.Jordan already has won, now its Jeff turn.

  9. Although it doesn’t seem that Rachel and Brendon are going to be nominated this week for eviction, I do not want them to win. The worst thing to me is a person who lacks sense thinking they are some kind of genius. Brendon wants to be a doctor?! NFW would I trust him as my Dr! He can’t even identify the herpes festering on Rachel’s face.
    I don’t think it’s unfair at all to put the vets up against the newbies, the newbies have the advantage because they know how poorly Brachel played last year, and Jeff and Jordan aren’t really strong players, they are known for their sickenly sweet all american showmance. I am gunning for Daniele, I like her for some reason, maybe her relation to Dick.

  10. @Celina, I don’t get your point? Keith’s personality sucked especially since he claims to be this godly person but it appears smug-blonde-boob-chaser is what he truly is, sorry him claiming to be “acting” just for the show doesn’t ring true to me. He appears to truly be one of those hypocritical Christians, *however* that aside, he had more potential than Porche ever would – which is the point of the game! If he had only been more calm and not so crazy with his “conspiracy theory”, “the regulators” could’ve saved him and twitty Porche would’ve been sent home. I’d much rather watch Keith’s “act” and smugness than Porche trying to convince herself that she’s smart and crying because she’s too dumb to realize she has nothing to cry about.

    • Jig: that was my point. He brings a Bible in the house(that I never saw him read), and also works with kids. I would never want someone like him to even work with my grandkids (oop’s just found out that we are now ggrandparent’s to a little boy). And all he wanted to do was try to make out. Its bad enough to watch Brandon and Rachel. That was my point. I also dont like Dom or poerche. Sorry if i was rude did not mean to hurt your feeling, was only trying to express my feelings on it.

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