Big Brother 13: Veterans Discover Daniele’s Deception

Big Brother 13 Daniele Donato

Daniele Donato is well regarded as a strong Big Brother player. She knows how to win competitions when she needs it most and she has a clever social game to keep her connected to the power. Unfortunately for Daniele, her master plan may have just come to a skidding stop for Big Brother 13 after the rest of her Veterans alliance uncovered her attempt to drive a wedge between them and set herself up to control the game.

If you’ve just been watching the CBS shows then you got a sample of the start of Daniele’s downfall last night, but the true action is on the Live Feeds, so go ahead, grab your Free Trial and join the rest of the fans watching the real game online.

After Friday’s Luxury Competition Daniele saw her chance to strike a blow at Jeff and Jordan. Rachel was upset that she hadn’t been invited by Jordan to the share in the luxury prizes (how dare Jordan!) and started throwing out threats that she’d nominate them as a punishment (a chance at sushi is totally worth throwing away $500K, right?). Dominic magically appeared and offered his loyalty in exchange for safety this week from Brenchel. What perfect timing. Flashback: 2:30PM BBT 7/22/11

Later that evening, after the nominations were revealed and Daniele’s partner Dominic was back on the block Daniele approached Brenchel and suggested it was time to break up Jeff & Jordan and send Jeff him. Daniele knows time is limited and needs to act quickly. When asked by Brendon about Jeff & Jordan’s loyalty, Daniele places them squarely under the bus by telling Brenchel that yes, Jeff & Jordan would backdoor Brenchel if they had the chance. Flashback: 8:45PM BBT 7/22/11

Fast forward to Saturday morning when Brenchel and Jeff & Jordan meet for a private discussion. After comparing notes the two pairs quickly realize there’s a snake in their alliance: Daniele. Brenchel reveal that Daniele has been pushing for Jeff to be sent home as a renom this week. They realize Daniele is fighting hard to keep Dominic because she’s grooming him to become her henchman. Both couples agree that they need to put on a game face when dealing with Daniele, but they no longer trust her. Flashback: 9:40AM BBT 7/23/11

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Later that morning Brendon confirms in private to Rachel that he does trust Jeff, but not Daniele. Anything we see or hear from now one will be fake when Brenchel deals with Daniele and Dominic. Flashback: 11:15AM BBT 7/23/11

Daniele discovers the other Vets are on to her when Kalia clues her in. Daniele is doing some serious sweating in the game that night as she knows now that her plans are busted. Of course, that doesn’t mean she’s going to give up, right? Flashback: 10:00PM BBT 7/23/11

That brings us up to Sunday. Daniele realizes she’s placed all her eggs in Dominic’s basket so she works to balance that out by promising Adam she’ll fight to keep him in the game. She’s now promised that to both players. Whoever stays could think it was really thanks to Daniele. Flashback: 2:04PM BBT 7/24/11

Daniele spends more time with Rachel trying to convince her that Jeff has to be the one to go this week. She is pressing very hard for Jeff’s elimination. Daniele knows that Jeff knows what’s she’s doing, so this is her chance to get rid of him. Too bad Daniele isn’t aware that Brenchel knows what Jeff knows. Flashback: 4:05PM BBT 7/24/11

Now comes the big argument between Daniele and Brenchel. She is stomping her feet and pounding her fists (figuratively), trying to convince the pair in power that the only option they have is to get rid of Jeff right now. Daniele is practically furious that they’re not listening to her. Brendon hoh-hums around the idea and says he doesn’t want to eliminate a good source of support like Jeff just yet. After Brendon leaves Daniele attempts to convince Rachel it was her idea for Daniele to get close to Dominic and that if Dominic leaves this week she’ll be pissed. Daniele threatens Rachel by questioning why she’s even working with them anymore. Flashback: 6:00PM BBT 7/24/11

Jeff, Jordan, Rachel, and Brendon all know what Daniele is trying to do: eliminate Jeff and keep her new pet, Dominic. They’re done trusting her and are planning to eliminate Dominic this week to keep Daniele isolated and without support. Daniele has been a great Big Brother player in the past, but she seems to have pressed too hard, too fast and could be walking out the door much sooner than expected.

The Power of Veto ceremony will be held in just a few hours. We’re expecting some big ol’ fireworks when Brendon declines to use the Veto and pushes Dominic one step closer to eviction on Thursday. The game is finally starting to heat up, so grab your Live Feeds (Don’t have them yet? Get the Free Trial then.) and join us as we watch Daniele spiral out of control.

Update: Daniele is throwing a fit in the HoH Room right now (10:50 AM BBT). She’s threatening Brenchel again that she’ll be furious if they get rid of Dominic this week.



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      • i think its unfair to have 6 previous players from the past anyhow. if its not all stars i say what the hell are they doing there? especially having them as couples and gee what a coincidence that every POV ceremony has ended up magically pulling the other veteran couple to play….ok…also the luxury comp seemed a little catered to jeff and jordan i mean theyve talked about david hasselhoff a tad bit then voila idk seems a lil suspicious to me

    • I think they are gonna keep it to final four or at least final six. After this episode with Dani, the trust bond is growing very strong. Who else can either couple really trust. Hope JJ wakes up to Kalia and Shelly being fakes.

  1. Ooooh, this is gonna get good (:
    Can’t wait to see Daniele’s face when Dominic leaves the house Thursday!

    • Danielle is going to get ticked off but,
      what can she do anyway? Much more interesting
      is the HOH that follows the eviction. If
      Danielle does not win and other veterans do,
      she will be on the block. If he wins the veto
      then, she stays. If not, she is gone as the
      newbies, Shelley, Porsche, Lawon, Kahlia and Adam will vote her out! Newbies will have the
      numbers then, 5 vs 4 if they vote out Danielle. If the newbies win the next HOH then, the veterans could be backdoored! The
      veterans have to continue winning the HOH and veto so that, they remain in control. The early move of Danielle hurts the veterans more than the newbies! A very bad blunder which might have cost her a chance at $500,000. All she needed to do is stick with
      the veterans for a couple more weeks yet, she
      could not wait!

  2. This is too good! I thought Dani was a smart player, but she’s not. Hope she goes next. I know Dominic mentioned it on Sunday’s show, but after he goes home all three evictions will have been from the “Regulator” aliance, with Lawon being the only survivor! Lawon! lol… Worst aliance ever!

    • LOL yup, she will blow up in front of them agian on thursday show. Even tho the eviction is what like wensday?

    • Dani was riding daddy’s coattail last season and now that daddy is not there she cannot make judement decisions correctly that will benifit her ……bye Dani

  3. Hey Dani should not be too surprised she put her self in this situation. B/R Are very smart players and with J/J on board its a win win for them and a no winfor dani

    • Man Dani was in a good position to go far in this game it’s too bad she let the evil dick side of her take over. ED would just be Dick without Americas Player! Believe that!

      • I`ve been saying it allalong, Dick was history if that kid didn`t save him numerous times as America`s player, Dick really sucked at the game. The vote for the worst type people voted on America`s player and gave him the win. Danielle just rode his coat tails

  4. I don’t think Dani is out of the game just yet. As long as she know that JJ and Brenchel are against her. She will completely fight for HoH which should be an Endurance comp.

    In which the first one her father and her basically gave to Rachel. So she should be set for that.

    Also if dom is walking out of the house. In his goodbye speech. He needs to do one thing that no other newbie has done. And simply address newbs did they come her to win 500k or give it to the foursome. Because None of them stand a chance in the game if they keep voting withs vets.

    • I agree… it would be wise if they don’t count Dani out of this game yet. She’s come back from a lot worse and holds the record for most POV’s won in a season. Girl can compete! She needs to chill out a bit but I think she’ll find a way out of this mess as soon as the golden key thing is up and she wins HOH and then everyone will be kissing her butt again!

      • actually i think Jannelle holds the title for most POV, but i agree Dani not done yet. Brendan want a war. Dani will give it to him.

        what i truely can’t wait for is next week if Jeff wins, you watch he’ll put up Brenchel and prove Dani was right.

        i still say Brendan is worst player in BB history. he really needs to realize it’s not BB12 anymore, it’s BB13

      • Dani and Janelle are a tie for most POV’s won. They both won 5 their season and Dani also won 2 HOH.

      • Team, if Jeff wins HOH I think he’s either gonna put up dani or back door her. JJ knows they need BR, they are bigger targets and they trust them.

    • This would’ve happened in BB8 too if it weren’t for her dad coaching her that entire season

    • Absolutely; the newbies have to get in the game. They really have been playing a lousy game. I’m hoping a newbie wins the next HoH and stirs things up. Unfortunately, I don’t know if anyone, other than Dom (whose days look numbered), has the guts to make such a bold move.

    • Yep…and she lying like a rug..and trying to cover her own ass…She still has not given a reason as to why she wants Jeff and Jordon shes saying she don’t want them out..Her conversation with Shelly on Sunday did her in when Shelly repeated what she said..

    • Keep us (non-Live Feed watchers) posted re: Dani & Nrendon’s argument. Thanks!

  5. I really think that Danielle needs to get all the golden key winners together in a secret alliance, because I don’t understand why no one is teaming up to fight against Brenchel and JJ. There is power in numbers, and Brenchel/JJ can’t win every single competition, can they?

  6. J&J have to make a move on B&R way before the final 6. Rachel wins too many HOH comps to leave her in the game much longer. If she’s not HOH, she has to go up. Brendon can’t win for her, he turns to mush under pressure when it’s him against everyone, especially when he has that in his mind. Kalia is the snake and Lawon is a shyster and speaks in double-talk. He is more confusing than effective. They should be kept because they are sway-able votes for whomever is in power. Dani is a smart player and may find a way around this current problem by connecting with Shelly after Dom is gone. Shelly is 6th or 7th in the alliance and could move to #2 by connecting with Dani.

    • Shelly is with Jordan and Jeff. Dani told Shelly things about Jeff and Jordan and Shelly was pretending to be on her side to get info. Then Shelly told Jordan everything. Love it!

  7. Matt, from BBN
    Is Rachel bound for the two weeks of slop or not? She doesn’t seem to be on it. Is she or isn’t she?

    • Sorry, but your answer doesn’t do it for me. She agreed to two weeks of slop. Shouldn’t matter if she won HOH, or at the very least, the slop penalty should be served later when she is not HOH. Matt, can you clarify?

      • Based on bbad she stated that she is allowed to eat whatever is in her hoh basket/fridge, but nothing out of the regular food. Otherwise she still has to eat slop.

    • So here’s the deal w/ Rachel and food this week. She is allowed to eat her HoH basket snacks but once that’s gone she’s back to just Slop.

  8. Kalia is a snake but the biggest one in the house is Shelley and I luv it.
    Shelley is not with JJ or Brenchel, she is with the current power at the moment and will do whatever is best for Shelley.
    So all this bullshirt about not wanting to split up the couple cuz it would be unfair, is exactly that Bullsh*t. PLEASE. Shelly knows exactly what she is doing.

    • I said the same thing about Shelley that’s the one they better watch. I scope her out in the beginning. I knows its the game but I cannot stand Kalia as well she is too sneaky. Rachel & Brendon would have been back door last week I would have stir that house up.

  9. Danielle and Dom need to go.

    Lawon needs to go hes annoying.

    Jeff Jordan Rachel Brendon Kalia Shelley
    one of them needs to win..

  10. im not going to count her out yet. she is smarter than all four of them combined, which in all honesty is a compliment to her, and a shame to the four.

    daniele, or even adamn have to win HOH this week.

    C’MON DANI. yee!

    • Marcus, he dosen’t have daddy to tell her how to play the strategic game. She better win a lot of comps starting immediately or she is toast. I predict she be gone next week.

    • Agree 100% Marcus! Finally another Daniele Donato fan!! She’s incredibly smart when it comes to this game and she’s a fierce competitor at all times. But she’s even harder to beat when her backs on the line.

    • Everyone will be gunning for Danielle. The
      newbies will rather she get evicted than,
      them! They also know that their best chance
      is in numbers. If Danielle goes, it is 5 vs 4
      in favor of newbies. And if a newbie wins the
      next HOH then, the veterans will be backdoored
      more likely than not! And the number will be
      5 vs 3 in favor of the newbies.

  11. I am sick of the newbies just going along with the veterans. A newbie needs to win HOH and change up the game. You cannot keep B&R in the games because they are strong competitors. I hope that a newbie wins puts up Jeff and Jordan or some other duo the back doors B&R. That is the best move to make. B&R are too strong. I really hope the newbies and Dani go against J&J, and B&R and vote for Dominic to stay. That’s 5 vs. 3 votes since HOH can’t vote. Don’t the newbies realize they’re going to be picked off one by one? I need something to shake up the game because it’s becoming predictable and boring.

  12. Well I hate to say I told you so but….I have been saying since week one after Dani received the golden key that she was not playing a good game. Everyone was saying she was playing such a good social game and I kept saying she is talking to way too many people and in everyones ear and it would catch up with her. Well there finally on to her. I hope Jeff wins HOH and puts up Dani and Kalia.

      • I know but I hope it goes our way. Everytime things are going the way I want them too there’s a twist that changes things and I get so bummed out. Boy this show is addicting. LOL

    • I did’t see what he wrote..must not have been good. ANYWAY… Dani cant win hoh! Also I’m looking forward when Brenchel finds out Kalia keeps telling EVERONE everything. I wouldn’t want any of them pissed at me. I don’t get why these people are doing all this so soon.

      • I think this has been very entertaining so far this season. I’m a devoted Jordan fan but do think it’s possible like others have said that some of the evictees may return to the game. So, maybe it isn’t totally over for anyone yet.

  13. Daniele rode her fathers coat tails, she is not even in his league as far as game play goes. They need to get rid of her as soon as possible.

  14. I liked Dani so much better when she was with her Dad. I guess we now know who was the master mind in getting her to the final two. She is just not as interesting this season. I still love Jeff and Jordan!!!

  15. Ugh stop saying she rode her father’s coat tails. She did more game play wise than he did. At least she won a lot of competitions. Dick was such an overrated big brother player it’s not even funny. He would have been gone several times had it not been for America’s Player.

    • Yay JP! I don’t know why everyone thinks Dani just rode her fathers coat tail all season. She won every comp she needed to and she played well IN SPITE of her dad. If not for Americas player she would have probably won and ED would have gotten 2ndplace.

    • I also agree, Dani is a player and did not ride ED’s coattails. She knew he would cast a huge shadow with his antics and she just stayed “out-of-sight” in that shadow. She won a ton of challenges along the way to protect herself too.

  16. I love Daniele! I think she’ll go far even though she has a big target on her back, she rocks at competitions!

  17. I love Danielle even this she is going after Jordan and Jeff. She was amazing her season, still is this season. I’m rooting for her but Jordan and Jeff, I’m rooting more. And don’t you think on Thursday, Julie will announce that they are gonna split the couples before eviction and no one goes home? Now that’ll be a game changer

  18. Jeff all the way this year down to shelly jeff and believe it or not Rachel everyone else gone eventually dumb dani never had a chance her im trying to help you shit is old she’s a catty girl just as much as rachel just sneakier.

  19. Danielle played this like a newbie. Why would
    you try to backdoor your allies which have your
    back and protects you? You should know that the
    newbies will go after the veterans given the
    chance and the fact that they have not won a
    single competition other than the veto competition
    won by Dominic! It is so early in the game with
    just two people evicted or three if you count Evil
    Dick. Danielle probably will get evicted if he
    does not win HOH and the newbies will vote her out!
    For this week, it probably will be Dominic evicted
    because of her ties to Danielle. The veterans will
    see that for what it is and vote him out!

  20. Im rootin for jeff and jordan all the way. This is a couples game and j&j are the most thoughtful and most trustworthy couple in this game. I think the people who play the fair game deserve the money, and although I’m a little bit sour at Rachel for turning others against Cassie (one of the most genuine players in the game) I would rather danielle out for her manipulation and betrayal to the alliance.

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