Sundays are generally lazy relaxing days in the Big Brother house but today was an exception. All the HGs were talking game except Kalia who instead tells Dominic about all the weed she used to smoke lol. Dom of course has never tried it. There was a good bit of scrambling today as one alliance threatens to crumble and the two nominees try and secure votes to remain in the game.
Then there was Rachel who fell just short of the “adult moments” hat trick after getting caught in the shower and doing a little lovemaking late in the night. Since this is Brenchel’s second time around you’d think they’d remember all those cameras.
Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights – July 24, 2011:
10:10 AM BBT – Wake up time for the hg’s. Most stay in bed. Only Shelly, Brendon, Rach and Adam are up and getting ready for the day.
10:40 AM BBT – Brenchel talking to Adam about being on their side. Rach says picking a side makes you a player and not a “super floater” lol. Brendon says they need his word he won’t put them up. Adam tells them they will see by his actions it was a good choice to keep him. Adam says he will put up Lawon and Kalia because they have done nothing in the game. I don’t remember Adam doing much either but whatever.
11:20 AM BBT – Now Shelly talking with the dynamic duo and says she doesn’t want the couples to be split up before the jury. She said anyone who does that has no compassion. She tells them they are a great couple. Ok I think I’m going to vomit. Shut up Shelly geez!
12:30 PM BBT – Jordan is now talking with Rach and says she doesn’t trust Dani and doesn’t want her to win HOH. Rach says she thinks Dani will want to back door Brendon or Jeff.
1:30 PM BBT – Control freak Brendon is checking out the dishes washed by Rach and putting ones back he doesn’t think are cleaned properly. She wants to exercise by running up and down the stairs to the HOH and he shoots that down quick. She’s pouting now. I have to say that I could NOT live with someone who checked to make sure I washed dishes to their expectation. If Rach doesn’t do a good job though then I can see Brendon checking up on her. Who knows with those two.
1:50 PM BBT – Jordan reveals she spelled moisturizing “moorsterizing” lol. That’s so funny.
2:04 PM BBT – Dani is talking game to Adam and tells him Jeff was acting super sketchy yesterday and to let her see what she can do for him and to lay low. Adam would be very grateful to her if he stays in the house.
2:30 PM BBT – Brendon asks Jeff to limit the information he gives Jordan. Jeff surprisingly agrees with him and says Jordan plays the sympathy card saying she just wants in the jury with Jeff.
3:05 PM BBT – Dani is trying to convince Rachel to back door Jeff at the same time Brendon is telling Jeff how Dani wants him back doored lol. Jeff is pissed. Brendon is telling him they have to act normal around her and come up with a reason why he’s not going to use the pov and then send Dom home.
4:05 PM BBT – Conversation between Dani and Shelly. Shelly asks if she has the guts to turn on her four people and she was like ummm and tells her about season 8. Shelly wants to win the next HOH. She wants the letter from home.
4:25 PM BBT – Jeff is telling Jordan what Brendon told him about Dani wanting him gone. He tells Jordan to keep acting cool to her and talk about how they don’t trust Dom. Jeff wants her gone next week. Awesome I hope Jeff wins HOH and puts her up!
4:51 PM BBT – Rachel gets caught topless in the shower by a sneaky camera.
5:00 PM BBT – Lawon tells Dominic that Dani is a beast and he is not messing with her lol.
6:00 PM BBT – Dani is up telling Rach THEY were the ones who told her to get close with Dom so they could get Cassi out.
6:39 PM BBT – Dani and Rach still talking and Rach says I don’t know why you’re pushing for Jeff to go. Brendon doesn’t want him gone yet and Dani says ok I just thought it would be a good game move. She says that if they vote out Dominic she will be pissed!
7:33 PM BBT – OMG Dani just let it slip to Dom that Shelly was the second vote to evict Keith. He is shocked! He can’t believe it! I am soooo glad Dani did that! Now we can have some drame lol.
7:42 PM BBT – Jeff is going off about Dani. Calls her a f***ing jealous bia. LOL things are getting good on on the feeds!
8:45 PM BBT – Rach is going to make it seem like she is going to back door Lawon so he will tell them everything going on with the other side.
3:05 AM BBT – Brenchel are busy having another “adult moment” in the HoH room. Apparently they really don’t care about cameras and night vision.
Daniele is totally busted by her former alliance. They’ll play nice and give her lip service for the time being, but she’s now outside the “circle of trust” for turning on them.
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I think Dani is in trouble(good). Talk about some one doing “ping pong” Kalia is going to dig her own grave by talking and saying the same thing to to many people. Like Kalia would sy..”you know what I mean”? LOL
Well, I am hoping based on these updates big brother will start to pick up next week. It’s been pretty boring and predictable but maybe these revelations we will see some backstabbing, betrayals and drama!
You can never please everyone. Last season was FILLED with drama and a lot of the comments made on the forum were about how “when x goes home,finally people will get along in the house.” Strange people in this world.
Last season was just the brenchel show, it wasn’t interesting drama. This season has been predictable, vets winning everything. An interesting show would throw you for a loop every so often, and some of these revelations may shake up the game.
Yeah it seems like Dani is in trouble now but don’t count her out just yet because she is amazing at comps. It seems like Dom will be leaving this week but you never know what will happen on Brenchel’s Big Brother.
Agree BG. Dani is being underestimated for her competition skills because they don’t remember just how good she is at them. It won’t be as easy as they think to get her out of the house. I watched After Dark last night and even Rachel told Jeff that Dani is a fierce competitor. They are going to have their work cut out for them to get rid of her this early on in the game. Don’t count her out yet!
I actually like Dani (don’t watch live feeds right now, so maybe I’m missing something about her), but it does seem that things are catching up to her. All I can say is that I hope things are picking up, and that more drama unfolds, because since Evel Dick left it’s been a dud.
Does anybody know when the POV ceremony will be?
I think it’s sometime today
Yep. Chrgergrl is correct. Today around 3-5PM ET.
I responded to your same question yesterday:
Yeah, I think it might take more than just a week to get Dani out (I hope so, because I love her and she’s the only one making the game interesting at this point). I love how Jeff is freaking out though. I mean, even Rachel admitted Daniele’s strategy was a good one.
Exactly! I don’t know why people don’t like Dani! She’s been my favorite since her season all those years ago. She’s grown up and she knows exactly how to play this game. Counting her out would be stupid by the rest of them and I can’t wait to watch their faces when she wins HOH and wipes the floor with all of them!!
I don’t know if that will happen..Dani needs to watch her mouth and what she is saying to Kalia. If she was so good then how com the “fab four” know what she’s trying to do??
Dani played a bit too strong too fast. But it probably wasn’t easy since she never expected to get that damn golden key so early on. I think she’ll come back from all of this as soon as she can compete again. She didn’t walk in there with just one strategy. She has come back from a lot worse in season 8.
I couldn’t be more pleased now that “The Fab 4” see Dani cat out of the bag.
Hope Dom will talk to Julie on Thursday and Jeff/orJordan/orBrendon will win the next HOH.
Can’t breathe till the POV ceremony over.
I hear ya! I mean it sounds like Brendon isn’t gonna use it to save Dominic or Adam, but I can’t stand that there is a chance to backdoor Jeff or Jordan. :(
Dani’s best hope to win HOH is for an endurance type challenge. She was never strong at quizzes.
If she doesn’t win, she could very well go home soon. Yes, she is one of the POV queens, but she can also be easily backdoored.
I hope Dani can stay in it for the long haul, though, she is by far my favorite houseguest.
dani just has to win HOH. as usual, Brenchel and JJ arent playing the game with any awareness. Dani is the best player in that house really.
but she got a real eff’d deal from her four. they told her to pair up with dom, to have a partner, which would also do the dirty work of helping cassi get out. then cassi gets out, and they want to break up her only alliance. thats eff’d.
Brenchel and JJ will sweat they’re balls if they dont win HOH. hope Dani wins. break them up.
What time was it when Kalia talked about weed with Dom?
Ughh am I the only one who likes Dom and Dani anymore? It seemed like a lot of people liked them till they wanted to go after the america’s precious jeff and jordan. I mean I like JJ but I almost like Dom and Dani more because i find them more interesting. I wish final 4 was JJ,Dom, and Dani but obviously that isn’t going to happen now.
JP, I like Dom and Dani also. I know she is in a tit spot right now, but she will work her way out of it and run it to the final 2. I think Adam may become her best ally.
HOH this week will most likely go to a vet because Kahlia and Luwan aren’t capable of winning. Kahlia can barely move off the sofa. Kahlia was crying crocodile tears about her “shoulder injury” until someone put a plate of food in front of and all her pain vanished mysteriously.
Dani made her move too soon which is a
huge surprise considering she is a veteran.
You would expect that from a newbie like
Keith and Cassi who showed the veterans that
they are against them! Stupid move by any
measures. The object of the game is last to
the end where you have a chance at $500,000.
Considering that Dani needs the veterans votes
and protection, why she would move this early
to burn her bridge is a huge mystery! Now, that the other veterans know about her plans as well as her possible alliance with Dominic,
I see Dominic being sent home! Granted that
Dani is good in competitions, what is she going to do when she wins HOH then, is not allowed to compete the next week? The most she can get rid of is one person. And the
newbies have all the incentive to vote out
the veterans because they have a good chance
at the $500,000 then!
Dont people see that honestly, dom is playing a good game, it kind of seems like dani is screwing him over, if dani can reach brendan and rachel maybe dom can stay because they can get kalia and lawon to vote with them, so hopefuly it all works out… rooting for dom!!!!
It is too early to make a move on the veterans
side so, if one or more of them get backdoored,
that gives the newbies an excellent opportunity
to gang up on them! They would be stupid not to!
After all, the veterans are good in the competitions which the newbies have failed to win so far! If the veterans stick for a couple more episodes then, the veterans will have the upper hand! Although, once the veterans peel off each
other then, the newbies have an outside chance
to take control over the game! It is all about
timing! Move to soon and you lose. Move at the right time and you win!