Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Week 2 PoV Competition Results

Power of Veto

Big Brother 13 keeps the action going this weekend with the Power of Veto competition. Jordan made her nominations last night and today the nominees had their chance at safety. They weren’t alone though as another couple from the house was selected to play along for the Veto.

Read on to find out who won and what that means for the game this week.

Big Brother 13 Week 2 Power of Veto results:

  • Dominic & Adam has won the Veto Competition.

Jeff is furious on the live feeds. Brendon is lecturing Rachel. It’s a disaster zone for the Vets right now while the Newbs celebrate. This is definitely worth watching. Turns out Rachel took a punishment of slop for the next 2 weeks and Jeff is pissed because of the impact her bad mood will have on everyone during that time.

The players in this week’s PoV competition were Jordan as HoH with Jeff as her Dynamic Duo partner, Adam and Dominic as the nominees, and Brendon and Rachel were randomly selected. Daniele played host.

Well, now keep in mind that Adam has to agree with Dominic to use the Veto, from what I understand. If the Vets convince Adam he’s safe then he can refuse to use it, the Vets vote out Dominic, and Adam gets a Golden Key.

Jump on the live feeds right now to watch the house react. There’s still time to get the 3-month discount and save some bucks you can use on the Live Feed Mobile Access.

The Veto ceremony will be held in the next few days, probably Monday, so we’ll soon know whether or not the power will be used. Stay close by and we’ll let you know as soon as that happens.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? Who should be re-nominated?

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  1. NOOOOO! I like Dominic, but I want Adam OUT!! It’s a package deal I supose. I wonder who the replacement will be.

  2. Of course they will use it to save themselves. I just wish Jordon and Jeff would use this opportunity to backdoor Brenchel. If not I have a feeling we will be seeing her as HOH again soon, and they will be regretting not getting rid of them while they had the chance.

    • jeff n jordon need brenchel in the game right now cuz j&j and danielle cant play in HOH next week.

    • Backdooring Brenchel would be stupid because only Jeff can play HOH next week and it’s going to probably be a quiz and Jeff is not going to win a quiz comp.

      • I am sure Rachel will win the next HOH, she is great at them. She won 2 quiz comps last year and an endurance comp this year, the next HOH will be quiz for sure and she will most likely win.

  3. Yeah – so glad to hear that Dominic won Pov. Now hopefully Kalia will get put up & voted out. Go Dominic.

  4. They need to get rid of Adam since he betrayed them last week. But they won’t figure that out cause the numbers worked out.

  5. This is too awesome. Dom winning the POV and the vets are not so cocky and tight anymore. Now Dom, Dani and Kalia should form an alliance.

  6. I think what is going to happen is that Cassi will kiss enough ass to Jeff/Jordan. The southern accent will help her a lot as well as Shelly’s southern accent. Lawon and Kalia are going up.

    Unless Jeff/Jordan want to pull a fast one and put up Brendon/Rachel, they will get rid of one of those two noobs. I could care less which one leaves. Cassi/Dom will lick wounds, win next HOH and then send one of the Brendon/Rachel crew home.

  7. I can’t wait until they get rid of the whole partner thing. Anyone know when that will be? I’m ready to see some individual playing.

  8. Well the newbies finally got a Victory…..thanks to Rachel being so Loud that she made Jeff lose his Lead in the POV comp and have Dom win it….confirmed on the Feeds…..

    Newbies got a victory today but they are still losing the War….. =)

  9. I don’t thin Adam is that far up the vets but not to put up Brenchel. Please don’t pull a Matt (fromlast year, not our emcee). J/J will not defend both of them. DO IT!

    YEAH DOM! This saves the season!

  10. I love that Dom won the veto, but hate that this will send Cassie home. Kalia should be the target is she keeps laying low she will caus eproblems later on.

    • I definitely agree with this. Kalia needs to be “Walking out the front door” on Thursday. I can’t stand her.

  11. I also hate that cassi will probably get back doored. She seems like she would be a good player & end up shaking up the house & making things interesting!

    • Please. Cassi has no clue how to play this game. I hate people like her who just show up on a show without a fucking clue. I’ll be glad when here stupid ass is sent packing.

      Daniele, Kalia, Shelly, Jordan, Dominic FTW!

      • That would be awesome if they could split it. But if not, how would that work if one wanted to use it and the other one didn’t? It wouldn’t be fsir to leave someone on the block who actually has the power to save himself

  12. I would love to see how Brendon would act with the other HGs without stupid a$$ Rachel there. I really wish they would have taken this opportunity to send at least one of them out. I am so tired of watching the Rachel and Brendon soap opera. Like that dumb fight they were having on BBAD the other night, what a waste of camera use.

    • Brendon is a lot better when Rachel isn’t in the house. When Rachel was evicted last year, Brendon got along with everybody just fine. So I can’t wait till that bi$$$ is gone!!

  13. Dom needs to pull him n adam off an j/j need to put up freakin brenchel. I can’t stand listening to her voice or seeing her parrot face anymore!

    • Oh wonderful. She has slop for two weeks? That’s two weeks of her whining even more than she already does.

      • I read “Jeff is furious on the live feeds. Brendon is lecturing Rachel. It’s a disaster zone for the Vets right now while the Newbs celebrate. This is definitely worth watching. Turns out Rachel took a punishment of slop for the next 2 weeks and Jeff is pissed because of the impact her bad mood will have on everyone during that time”

  14. If they get rid of Kaila and Shelly it will be a great game purely strategy. love a good game non of that with Sheryl ass kissing and Kaila doing both annoying people Shirley cant play either she is just a head player.

    • Shirley for real Zee????????? are you sure your watching the same BB as the rest of us?….it’s Shelly

      • All i see Shell do is clean and wash cloth, and lie tell me what you see change my mind,will admit am wrong.

  15. I DONT UNDERSTAND why yu all are hating on Rachel.. honestly shes the strongest player in the game, and the most involves.. shes the only one playing the game propalllly… like i understand shes annoying but so, is half the house guests .. but why arent we hating on them ?

    • Her laugh, her jealously, her low cut blouses and her thinking everything is coming to her. She is talented, but unlikeable.

      • What does her low cut blouses and laugh have to do with “hating” her. Lisa already said she’s annoying, but why hate her? Cassi is grumpy and DOminic hypocritical… so why not them?

    • I don’t understand the level of hatred for Rachel when you have someone like Adam who has proven himself to be a liar, plus he is even more annoying than Rachel is! You need someone like Rachel to keep the drama going…

      • I agree. There is no reason to hate Racheal. If you remember last year, after she left the house was so boring! I like her and Brendon! They are so sweet. I’m hoping all the Vets makes it to final 5.

    • I agree. Rach makes the game more fun to watch.. I love how she gets under everyone’s skin.. good game for her..

    • I feel such a minority but I love Rachel. She is a very good player and entertainer. I’m very hopeful she will win, but the reality is slim. Delighted she and Brendon returned!
      Shelly has blown my mind. She is the smartest player and has a perfect game in motion. She is truly brilliant and might just be smart enough to pull the entire game off.

      • hmmm, but will add, I am not a Shelly fan. Just mentioning I think she is playing the best game so far.

  16. Yea I like Rachel as a player. And all of saying J/J should put Kalia up, what in the world? Why in the world would they do that? Kalia voted with them and backdooring Brenchel would leave them as the enxt targets. Just because you are rooting for the newbies doesn’t mean J/J are going to leave themselves in a pickle. Personally I don’t like Dominic- he kept complaining Prosche sold them out, but he made the “regulators” selling the other newbies out. The first HOH was Rachel so obviously one of the newbies was going home and since he made an alliance, the other newbies had to find a way to defend themselves! DUH! Oh and Cassi has sa chip on her shoulder. Pretty but grumpy.

    • Thank you anonymous. If J & J put up Brenchel then they might as well start packing their bags as well. They don’t have to like each other to play the game together. Only one person can win this game and it can’t be done alone.

  17. Sure Rachel is a good competitor but she has horrible strategy. She made everyone target her in BB12. A smart move for J&J is to put up Cassi and Shelly making Cassi evicted. It’s not a smart move to backdoor brenchel right now cause the veterans need the number. I predict Shelly is going to be the next kathy but much more intelligent.

  18. Rachel is a strong player, so that would be reason enough to get rid of her while they have the chance. I really doubt there would be a whole lot of people upset about her going. Except for Brendon, of course, and possibly porche. But I think the majority of the house would get over it. Also, why risk the chance of her making it to jury and possibly swaying votes in that house.

    • Eventually they will have to turn on one another. And if they are not careful Brenchel will be running this house. Rachel will probably win HOH next week and keep running sh**.

    • Agreed, I feel like this is the perfect chance to break up Brenchel since its a guarantee that one of them will go home. JJ could possibly form an alliance with some newbies if he tells them that if they side with them they’ll put Brenchel up for eviction

    • Guys! It’s only week two!! They will have plenty of time to get rid of Rachael and Brendon. They need them in the Jury House for votes!!! Use your brain!!

  19. Finally something entertaining regarding a competition! I wouldn’t count Cassi out just yet though… She could work on Jordan just enough to buy her some more time. I’d say that if the veto is used, then Lawon is in the danger zone as well.

  20. What did Rachel do to get slop as punishment? It was a punishment right?

    • me too i don’t like kalia or lawon, or shelly they don’t even do anything haha

      • as oppose to Cassi? she did nothing this entire game. she’s a moron who has no clue of what to do and she deserves to get out.

  21. i want dani to make it far . rachel really wont get any votes from the jury with this attitude

  22. that would be stupid for them to put up kalia she just voted with them the best thing for the vets put up cassie send her butt home let dominc team up shelly and dann

  23. Please tell me Brechell is not about to stab Jeff and Jordan in the back. Is that whats happening all you live feed people?

      • J/J are also counting the days until they can send Team Banchal out the door. So that seems to be going both ways.

        J/J need to work harder to get Dani working with them. Right now she seems to be running back and forth. At some point she is going to have to choose unless she can get the Newbies Dom, Adam, Lawson and maybe Shelly to team with her and take out both JJ and Branchal…

  24. Its all about having the numbers to vote people out and increasing the odds of winning the HOH. remember Jeff and Brendon threw the last HOH comp., one of them will win the next HOH., the vets will pick off the newbies one by one before turning on themselves

  25. the only reason jordan is HOH is cause Jeff gives it to her if it was not for him she would not win anything last time when they was in the house he helped her win almost everything they played when she won….the girl has no brains at all jeff is all the smarts in that relationship.

    • And Jordan says they give her the game even Bren helped for her to get hoh, don’t want to say it but is she really that ignorant,taking a bath with someone she does not know that is oooooooooo just me.

    • Jordan is the one that hit the ball in the 3rd slot on the golf hoh challenge. Knowone gave her that!!! Jeff or Brendan may not of even been able to get it that close.

    • Jordan got it in 3rd and no one else could do that, if Jeff or Brendon really tried they could beat her but they didn’t need to, they knew they would be safe and this way they could compete next time.

      Winning HOH this early is useless if you know you’re going to be safe.

    • In their season Jordan & Jeff were the last two standing in the comp. Who is to say she couldn’t have beaten him? He might have missed. This season she was in the lead. The men chose to let her win. She may have won anyway.

  26. and they won’t backdoor rachel or brandon right now cause they need them on the votes if they backdoor them then how can anybody in the house trust them? think about it thats suppose to be their friends if they turn on them then the rest of the house will say what to stop them from turning on us?

  27. Please, please take out Kaila she is so yak talk talk nothing that makes sense she might be a writer but they make up lots of things , she was talking with L saying they where the only ones that went to college dah wow.

  28. i am sooo team regulators! i think they should use the veto, as we seen last week, adam didnt vote with the vets so im not sure if they shld trust him. even if they dont use it, jeff is the only one who will vote for adam to stay because last night on bbad dom and rachel were making deals, and he will continue with dani and jordan and brendon. he already has cassies vote and shelly abd kalia will vote with the majority of the house

  29. I say this i love BB some player are really floaters that gets me somewhat sad ,because the players that come to play even if they go behind each others bk is acceptable but they are playing for money why should some just hang out just to see if by some miracle they get to the end it a vacation for them.I like the vets even if i root for the new ones as long as they play the vets have proven themselves even if the never one all i could say for now but i will bitch lol.

  30. For all you Brenchel lovers, I haven’t been as dedicated a watcher for BB this season because of the two of them. The odd day I watch BBAD and all I ever see is the two of them whining at each other, fighting with each other and just being annoying. Seriously, if my husband and I treated each other the way the two of them treat each other we’d have never made it to the altar let alone been together for almost 20 years. It will truly be a miracle if they do make it to the altar… or make it to their first anniversary.

    • Yeah, it seems doubtful that they will last. According to a report I read, Porsche had shown an interest in Brendon.

  31. I hope Dom stays too but I thought I just read that he gets evicted so he must have used the veto. that would be silly, not to use the veto!

  32. Glad to hear Dom won the POV. Just hope he’s not a big “SUCKER” and uses it. Was originally going to say that these newbies are a bunch of idiots, but realized I might be too harsh. LOVE Danielle and hope she makes her dad proud, and gets far in the game (if not wins). SICK of Rachel and wish to see her go!

  33. Every day Kaila gets worst she makes people feel sorry for she really made believe she got hurt maybe so they wont put her on slop, my o please she has to go even if Lawon gets any better him than her.

  34. Rachel is awesome at playing the game. You don’t have to like her but give her a little credit. I hope Dom is evicted this week. I don’t like the house guests playing in couples but the show is entertaining.

  35. Rachel is theeeee most annoying, desperate, jealous, low self esteem joke of a “woman” that has EVER been on the telly.

    Brendan is a first class fool for stooping to her level and engaging her. I will PAY big American dollars to the first guest that destroys them on Showtime and then votes them out ASAP!!!!

    Brenchal….YUCK!!! Eeech….

  36. Maybe after 2 weeks on slop Rachels’s mood will turn SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, Brenden will turn against her & they’ll break up! She’s nothin’ but a studpid, scanchy, piece of white trash anyway. When Brenden’s callend her stupid, he’s just tellin’ her the truth! The DO have an unhealthy relationship & I would LOVE to see them split up!

  37. I watched tonight and I thought Jeff came off worse than Rachel she was upset and made one comment and it was not that bad then Jeff turned into a total bully… I think Jeff was pissed because dom won so he took it out on Rachel I am not a huge brenchl fan but in is case Jeff went went to far over one comment. And Rachel was right the only reason Jordon was HOH is because the guys threw it. It is possible that Brandon could have won hoh if they had not LET her win. Jeff and Jordon were the ones that did not stick to the alliance when they put dom/adam on the block instead of cassy/shelly….like the rest of their alliance wanted.. I am starting to think jeff is am ass……..

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  2. Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Week 2 PoV Ceremony Results | Big Brother 13

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