Big Brother 13: Week 2 Friday Live Feed Highlights

It was a busy, busy day in the Big Brother house on Friday. First we had the fallout from Jordan’s win as the new Head of Household. Then the HGs competed to avoid becoming a Have-Not. Last, but not least the all-important Nomination Ceremony was held and two HGs were placed on the chopping block.

Read on to find out all the details and see who is making deals to stay safe and who looks ready to be evicted.

Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ July 15, 2011:

8:45 AM BBT – It’s time to make the bacon. Adam is up and cooking tray after tray of the bacon in anticipation of the Have/Have-Not competition. He doesn’t want to see the bacon supply go to waste if he’s not allowed to eat it next week.

11:30 AM BBT – Shelly has a sit down with Jeff and Jordan. Shelly is upset about the Golden Keys and how they take someone out of the game. Jeff and Jordan promise to send Cassi home over Shelly if it comes to that. Shelly promises to continue to support them as well.

12:00 PM BBTLive Feeds flip to Trivia for the Have/Have-Not competition.

2:00 PM BBTLive Feeds return from the competition. Adam, Dominic, Cassi, and Shelly are the Have-Nots this week. America voted to give them Jerky and Jellybeans. Wow, Big Brother is getting soft in its old age. Two edible items?? Lucky Have-Nots!

Lots of physical damage to our delicate HGs in the competition. Everyone seems to have bunged up knees. Kalia is crying, “medic!” Rachel is crying, “Bookie!” Brendon is just crying.

2:45 PM BBT – Jordan talks with Kalia in the HoH Room. Jordan lets Kalia know they are not going to target Cassi and Shelly this week. Kalia thinks it’d be better to get rid of Cassi know to weaken Dominic.

3:00 PM BBT – Jordan decides Cassi and Shelly will be the back up to her plans to nominate Dominic and Adam.

3:15 PM BBT – Jeff, Jordan, and Dominic are talking game. Jeff really seems to want to flip Dominic and send Adam home this week. Dominic continues to seem distant to the idea of joining the Vets. Jeff won’t agree to Rachel and Brendon being targets for Dominic if he agrees to join Jeff.

Jeff tells Dominic the deal would be to not target each other until the pairs split. He then drops the bomb on Dominic and tells him they’re about to be nominated. Dominic is surprised. Dominic tells Jeff that he believes it was Kalia and Adam who flipped votes (it was Kalia and Shelly).

3:30 PM BBT – The Vegas Girls (Rachel & Porsche) talking about their favorite hotels and clubs there. They’re right. The Cosmopolitan hotel is pretty slick and the Marquee club there isn’t bad at all.

4:00 PM BBT – Cassi takes her turn in the HoH Room with Jeff and Jordan. Cassi indicates she wants to target Rachel and Brendon, but understands why Jeff and Jordan are teamed up with them. Pretty much the same discussion as with Dominic: we’re cool with each other until the couples split.

5:00 PM BBT – Lots of flirting between Daniele and Dominic. Dominic seems to have shifted his attention from Cassi to Daniele. Daniele doesn’t seem to have learned how to get through this show without falling for someone. It’s very immature flirting between them. Dominic: “I’m mad at you.” Daniele: “Whhyyyy?” Ugh.

6:45 PM BBTLive Feeds are back from Trivia. Nomination ceremony is over. Jordan has nominated Dominic and Adam.

7:00 PM BBT – Jordan tells Daniele that she wants to target Dominic for eviction this week. She doesn’t trust him.

9:45 PM BBT – Cassi and Shelly compare notes. Cassi feels safe this week with the Vets. Shelly is masterfully playing both sides even after Jordan nearly gives her away to Cassi. Shelly tells Cassi it must have been Lawon who flipped to divert her attention. Don’t get too comfy, Cassi. They’re Plan B if Dominic and Adam get the Veto. Cassi would likely be the new target.

11:00 PM BBT – Jeff and Jordan want Adam to throw the Veto competition so things stay the same. They plan to ask Shelly the same in case her name is drawn from the competition. They want to keep Dominic on the path to eviction this week.

The Veto competition will be held either Saturday or Sunday, depending on this season’s schedule. Stay close by and we’ll keep you posted on how that all plays out.

You can catch all of these Big Brother 13 events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!

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  1. The only other person right now for me to go other than Dom. (he’s so full of himself) is Porcha. I cant stand her!

    • Well, you can dream all you want but Porsha isn’t going anywhere until the final 10.
      Personally, I’d like to see Adam go just because I find him too abrasive and considering he’s just polished off all the bacon, inconsiderate and greedy too.

  2. Last night jeff was yelling at Jordan and he sounded like brendon. I hope this isn’t the start of Jeff being a jerk .

    • I did notice that and she said yes ,they are not for real lol
      well neither is Rachael and Brandon but Rachel i cant stand but she plays good Shelly and Kaila want them out don’t trust them ,i still have hopes for Dom, and who else?????

  3. *SPOILER*

    Brendon and Rachel were picked to play veto.

    Cassi is really getting on my nerves. She knows she’s going up if Dominic and Adam win the veto, but she’s lying through her teeth and telling Dom to play hard and win the veto. She knows she’ll be going up.

    • Plus Rachel & Dani are both working hard to get Cassi out this week….Rachel already said if she wins POV she will take Dom down against J&J wishes so that Jordo will put up Cassi…BB is getting better every week.. =)

  4. the newbies are truly dumb. but its not because they’re newbies its because they are too enamored with being on BB13 along with some of them arent even fans of the show. why would u side with the 2 sets of couples? even when the couples “break-apart” they will still be together. ur never going to be with that core group so why especially with the advantage of numbers join them? like JJ/Brenchel arent going to put up each other, the liens are clearly drawn.

  5. and one last thing. WHY IN THE WORLD are the people who are on the block and who NEED to play POV even considering throwing it? for the second week now? do u not know what the POV is for?! AND ur taking advice to THROW the POV from the people who put up?!?!?! for the love of Chelsia! again a result of putting people on the show who arent sharp, focused, and people who have watched less than one season.

    • Its very simple Marcus…they are throwing it to get the Golden Key….anybody would do it, i know, i know this season is Driving everyone of us Crazy, LOL… =)

    • For sure maybe Keith could of won and now who are they asking Dom or Dumber lol sick is this a challenge, for who is dumber .,its getting sad it has to be (fixed.)

  6. Waiting for the Vito its three hour early in the west coast am in the east. I go to sleep every day at 3 am sick and at least bb12 was funny so many professors lol

  7. So, Brenchel and Dani are plotting behind Jeff and Jordan’s backs, that didn’t take long. I do not trust Dani one bit. I didn’t think Brendon and Rachel would turn on Jeff and Jordan so fast. If they win veto and take their noms off, Jeff will be pissed. That should be interesting to watch on the feeds.

  8. Rachel and Brandon got picked for the Vito ,Dani host.. looks bad for Dom ,Adam is good with puzzles

  9. If you google Rachael & Brendon break up you will see they did, he did what Weiner did, & she found out.

  10. If Brenchel does win POV they’ll probably take off Dom/Adam thinking JJ will put up Cassi/Shelly. If Brenchel does do that I feel JJ needs to make the move and backstab Brenchel so that atleast one of them is a guarantee leave. Later on in the game it’ll be much harder to get them out. JJ should then form an alliance with Dom, Dani, and Cassi

  11. I couldn’t agree more kirt. Cassi thinks her shit don’t stink, but guess what, IT DOES. And I’m sick of looking at the faces she makes in the mirror when she’s getting ready. Fowl. Model my ass.

  12. The veterans are too arrogant this season, I hope the newbe’s take control. Cassi is ok, she thinks for herself,something not alot of the guests do. Dani is a bore, she is always smurking. Rachel needs to act like an adult. Jordan is Jeff’s sheep. Branden is strange. I hope the vets get separated. Then it will be a better flow, I mean show.

  13. Looks like Cassie is going home now. I am for the vets… so it is good to break up Dom and Cassie one way or another.

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