Big Brother 13 Live Feeds: Week 3 Monday Highlights

What a difference a deception makes in the game. Monday was the most rowdy, aggressive day we’ve seen so far this season. Heated arguments were breaking out all day while backroom deals were exposed and betrayals uncovered. Big Brother 13 is finally starting to come alive and it could turn in to a real monster after all.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights – July 25, 2011:

10:15 AM BBT – Brendon throws a smoke storm at Lawon by telling him they have a deal with Kalia to use the Veto, keep her safe, and send Lawon home. Brendon is looking for Lawon to panic and start spewing secrets. Other than making Lawon despise his partner there isn’t much accomplished. Brenchel was hoping to get details about Daniele’s betrayal.

10:53 AM BBT – Daniele comes up to the HoH Room and battles it out with Brenchel. Daniele is furious that Dominic is going home. She continues to push for Brendon to use the Veto and renom Jeff and Jordan so Jeff can be sent home. Brendon insists that he still trusts Jeff. Daniele says she’s working to save Brenchel. Daniele becomes nearly irate with Brendon, shouting at him “are you stupid?!” This is a great argument to hear as it really defines the rift between Daniele and the rest of the Veterans. Daniele has ruined her chance with them.

1:00 PM BBTLive Feeds return from the PoV Ceremony. Brendon did not use the Veto. Dominic and Adam remain the nominees for eviction on Thursday.

1:07 PM BBT – Jeff and Dominic go to the Lounge Room for a private argument discussion. Jeff wants to know whose idea it was to try and backdoor him this week. Dominic isn’t going to throw Daniele under the bus. They argue and argue with their voices getting louder and louder. Dominic tries his best to patronize Jeff by calling him, “Big Jeff.” The two leave agreeing to hold a group meeting and find out who had the “evict Jeff” idea and spread it around.

1:30 PM BBT – Adam heads to the HoH Room to make a deal and save his tail this week. Adam understands that Brenchel is really targeting Dominic and he’ll be safe this week. Adam mentions Daniele was promising him yesterday that she’d work to get votes to protect him. He knew she was lying. Brenchel collect enough ammo from Adam’s mind to continue down the path of “eliminate Daniele.”

4:15 PM BBT – Dominic asking Lawon for help. He wants him to “testify” to Brenchel that it wasn’t his idea to backdoor Jeff. Lawon suggests this isn’t a very good idea (for Lawon!). Dominic is grasping at straws as he slides toward eviction.

4:50 PM BBT – Brendon and Jeff discussing their plans to hold a Veterans meeting that night and out Daniele on her alternate alliances.

5:45 PM BBT – Dominic, Daniele, Lawon, and Kalia have a discussion about relationships and sexuality topics. Lawon tells them it’s been a long time since he was with a woman. He’s now strictly in to guys, but he did come in to the house considering a showmance with a woman. So far none of the woman arouse him and he’s dreamed about one of the guys.

11:45 PM BBT – Ahh, the “house meeting.” This time it’s really just a Veterans meeting, but we’ll take it. Daniele whines again that she’s the odd man out and how unfair the world is and blah blah blah. She promises she is completely in support of the Veterans alliance. After a lot of back and forth Daniele continues to swear she supports the Veterans as a final five group.

12:35 PM BBT – The Veterans meeting lasts almost an hour. After Daniele leaves Brendon implies he still does not trust Daniele. I imagine Daniele no longer trusts any of them either. Splendid! The Veterans agree they need to eliminate Daniele the fist chance they get. Well done, Daniele. You completely ruined your game in an attempt to save PT. I hope it was worth it.

What a crazy nuts day in the Big Brother house. The Newbs continue to be picked apart week by week and now the Veterans are splitting as well. Thursday night’s eviction should feature Dominic’s eviction and then we’re expecting one heck of an endurance competition. The only way to see the endurance competition in full is on the Live Feeds so get yours ready now!

You can catch all of these Big Brother 13 events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!

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  1. When do the golden key players get to start playing? I’m getting bored of this season, and we need some action.

    • Everyone should be competing this Thursday night. It would have been next week, but with ED leaving early we’ll get to the Top 10 a week sooner than planned.

      We’re anticipating an endurance comp, so get ready!

  2. Is Rachel eligible to compete for HOH comp next week, Matt ?

    I think since it’s an individual comp, she should have rights to compete and to fight for herself.

    • NO….After this eviction, there is still one more to go, regaurdless of ED’s departure of the house. This will be Third golden key eviction, and with onemore to go. Whic means 5 people will have the golden key, and with another twist coming. The twist can’t be with people playing solo, well they already know that.

      • No 888 you are wrong. Julie clearly said that single competion starts when the house get down to 10. There are only gonna be 4 golden keys.

    • I agree with Dan. I don’t know what Brendon sees in her. It’s whatever though. I’ll stick to watching Jeff and Jordan. I like them. And since ED’s not in the house anymore, it’s not as entertaining as I hoped it would be. Does anyone know exactly what the emergency was?

    • BR is a codependent disfunctional relationship. They are perfect for each other. Brendon is a controller and Rachel is submissive. Match made in heaven!

      • JJ are also a disfunctional couple…Jeff a controller, and of course Jordan the submissive. So the the four are perfect friends.

      • Not true. Jeff and Jordan have a normal and healthy relationship. You must not listen to there conversations on live feeds or BB after dark.

  3. BR+JJ FINAL 4 … That would be awesome…. Since none of the newbies did not do anything, and dani just got caught…the best should win bb13….unlike last year with haden and enzo

  4. Thanks for another excellent recap, Matt…sounds like Dani has really shot any hopes for continued game play unless one of the newbs, by some miracle, wins the HOH. I really hope Jeff finally wins one. I don’t trust Adam, Shelley or Kahlia to not flip on a dime if the power shifts from the vets.

  5. Rachel is Rachel , she may have away of expressing herself that is somewhat indescreet, but she is in fact highly educated! Sometimes people of this personLity type r book smart and common sence not so smart. They speak before they think things through. She sure seems to win alot of competitions, she’s far more interesting than Cassie, gag me. If they were all as sweet as Jordan , the game wouldn’t have any kick to it.

  6. Do you know if they are still sequestering all the evicted hg’s? Maybe that means one will come back. I wonder if Dick(DAD) is yelling at Dani on the tv?

      • She has really messed things up for herself. ED was a much better game player as far as psyching everybody out, but she was a good competitor. They had a really good thing on their season.

  7. i feel it was smart for daniele to fight hard for Dom. i dont know where this PT stuff came from. Either way keep in mind this is exactly how Brenchel played last year. RECKLESS. doing that to lawon is completely unnecessary. to make him sweat when ur already going to get rid of daniele? and they wonder why they are such big targets ALL the time.

    and for as much as JJ and Brenchel say “we want to be fair” “we want to play straight up” and especially for Jeff to say in that vets meeting “if u wanna go, lets go say it to my face” and this and that and then to really turn on daniele the way they are doing is again highly unnecessary and hypocritical.

    its 4 on 1. brendon always talks up how he will win this and that and nobody can touch him and or rachel, yet he doesnt want daniele competing hard for HOH so he is going to act like she is still in the group? thats eff’d up. she’s not THAT tight.

    speaking of that meeting, daniele should have pressed rachel. she never says anything unless brendon okays it, always looks at brendon when she speaks, and actually eff’d up twice in the vets meeting and had to be saved by brendon.

    dont think anyone is whining, its a raw deal to get from people who are just trying to spend the summer together.

    • Dani was backstabbing..what do want them to do..Give her a hug..pat her on the back and say “good going ” or ” thanks”…Not likely to happen

      • I agree flyonthewall. Marcus she is the one that turned against them from the first week. She had a strong alliance and screwed herself by going against them. She thought she was such a good game player and look where her game play got her.

      • yea ofcourse she was planning on turning on them. if anyone else won HOH, she would go up first before the backdooring of JJ or BR. she is the 5th wheel. maybe she made it more obvious than covering it up, but i thought it was a good move. u break them early because now this week they are almost 50% of the house. so that brendon spheel of “we are probably not going to make it” is B.S.

        but dont be fooled by a mistake, she is the best player in the house. its a compliment to her, but its not saying much because everyone in that house kinda sucks.

  8. Up until yesterday’s heated arguments (Jeff & Dom and, Daniele & Veterans), things have been relatively boring. It’s far more exciting to watch things not go according to ONE group’s plan. The Vets (aka BULLIES ….. beating their chests and shouting ultimatums …. give me a break!) need to have the tables turned on them. I’m so hoping a newbie (or Daniel) wins HoH on Thursday and then actually has the guts to nominate Brendon & Rachel (or J&J with the plan to backdoor Brenchel). I will be so disappointed if the final four are J&J and Brenchel (these 2 in particular are nauseating to watch ….ugh!!!!!) and that things go exactly according to their plan. Can you say BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • I’m not preaching, just calling it as I see it. The show needs a newbie (or Daniel) to knock Brenchel off their (proverbial) pedistool. These two in particular have everyone (except J&J whom I like) cowering to their every whim and kissing their butts (secretly wanting them out though, as they see them for the annoying bullies they are). I know, I know, my frustration with these two is coming through here but, there’s nothing I hate more than a bully ….like “Evil Dick” (appropriately named) was. Remember when (season he won)! he poured a drink over Jen’s head? BB should have booted his bully butt out of the house. His own daughter even referred to him that season as a bully. There, I’ve said my peace …. for now. :-)

    • I actually liked Evil Dick. Even though he was a bully, he made things interesting and you never knew what he was gonna do next. That’s the exciting part. Once the show gets predictable, then it’s like “What’s the point in watching it anymore.” Everyone is too scared to switch things up and make big moves. I’ve gotta give Dani her props for trying to get them to make a big move, even though it’s against Jeff and Jordan. I love them both and Jordan is just so adorable I would hate to see one of them go.

  9. I never was a fan of dani she used her dad the first time and would have done it again if Dick had stayed she gets what she deserves the vets were not going after her till she wanted to back door j/j I hope Jeff wins hoh and Jordan pov and they get her out

  10. Seems to me that everybody is hating on Dani for looking out for herself (she’s the odd man out), and letting the real snakes (Shelly and Kalia) crawl right on by…they were the two that voted against the newbies the 1st vote…I didn’t care for Keith either but they should have gone voted with the group to show the vets that they were not afraid or sucking up to them. The person I really want to see gone is Shelly she is SLIME!!!

    • Dani made herself odd man out…She went behind the backs of the other 4 and tried to form her own alliance. Am not hating on Dani but she brought these problems on herself..She messed up..

  11. I don’t really see the Veteran’s alliance fracturing perse – they’re still running four deep with Dani being the odd man out. Although Brenchel and JJ have had their differences, they seem pretty united on this front. I honestly think the four of them could make it to the final four and duke it out from there. Just a thought from what I’ve seen thus far.

  12. In my opinion….There was no provaction for Dani to try and backdoor Jeff..Maybe in Dani’s mind she needed to get rid of Jeff who she cannot control to keep Dominic who she can make him her whipping boy. Maybe in Dani’s mind she would rather go up against Brendon and or Rachel who America hates(or so it would seem) in the final 3 thinking she would win: but if she goes up against Jeff.. who America loves (so it seems)that she would lose. Whatever she thought it was the wrong time to put that plan in motion. She screwed up..bigtime…

    • Her timing was definitely off but her game plan was actually gutsy & smart. She’s the odd one out of the veteran alliance and she wants to secure a strong partner (from newbies) for herself, in order to strengthen her position in the game. Unfortunately she played too aggressively and too soon. That was her mistake.

      • LoL. Maybe. (“Mutant: resulting from or showing the effect of mutation. Mutation: any event that changes genetic structure; any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid sequence of the genotype of an organism). Dani’s changing/adapting as she had to when her dad left and she had to alter her game plan. Again, smart & gutsy on her part but she acted too aggressively and too soon. Time will tell what her fate in the game is. Thursday should be interesting.

  13. Would have loved to see Dominic and Daniele compete with the Vets in competitions. This would give the game some excitement.

  14. dani is stupid all this running up and down carrying news from one place to the next she deserve whatever happens.and even though i like her she should of waited and see who the vets wanted out then go along with them until she can win a hoh comp then strike but this right here show poor game play on her she has feelings for dominic stupid little girl

  15. Dani and dom are my favorites this season. I like JJ too, but they aren’t some fantastic amazing players in any way and honestly I kind of liked them better in S11. The sad thing is, Dom might have stayed if Dani didn’t go overboard. I hope Dom gets voted back into the house especially over cassi and keith!

  16. Dani is so dum! Like I don’t understand why she thought she needed to backdoor Jeff like sure she the odd man out on the vets but she is definitely not the number one target for anyone the houseguests would for sure try brenchel and jj out before her she had the best possible spot for herself she could of just relaxed for basically the whole season .

  17. Sorry Cassie did not last long. Will the other house guests find out how successful a model she is on the final show? Would love to see the look on that truly ugly (inside) Rachel’s face.

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