Big Brother 13 Episode 9: Week 3 Veto Show Tonight

Power of Veto

Tonight on Big Brother 13 we’ll get to watch the next PoV competition play out with the survival of Adam and Dominic on the line yet again. If you’ve got one of our free Big Brother mobile apps then you probably already read how the competition and ceremony turned out, but if not, then you can go ahead get all those Veto spoilers.

The past few days have been insane in the Big Brother house and it’s only going to get better. Starting over this past weekend the Veterans became aware of a snake in their alliance which turned out to be Daniele. Ever since then they’ve been exposing her betrayal and cleaning house. The fights have been breaking out all over the place and it’s only going to get worse as we march on to Thursday’s live eviction show. The game is finally starting to come alive!

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Check back in tomorrow morning for another episode review by BB12’s Matt Hoffman.

If you haven’t been watching the BB13 Live Feeds then you’ve been missing the real game and there’s no way CBS is going to be able to show most of what’s been done and said in the house. You can catch it all on Flashback which lets you jump to any day and any time in the season. Go ahead and grab the Free Trial right now.

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  1. Matt BBN, what happened to Matt Hoffman’s blog yesterday. I soo look forward to reading it.

  2. isnt this the 3rd pov comp not 2nd??? just asking….
    what a shame dani screwed up her game for someone else’s game, i was really rooting for her this year……..

    • She’s put herself in a bad spot by rushing her game and trying to be too slick. But, if she can win some competitions after Dom goes tomorrow she has time to recover. Personnally, I hope she goes home after Dom. I don’t respect players who turn on their original alliances until they have too. If she had stayerd loyal, she would be in fat city right now instead of being a target of the gang of four.(BRJJ).

  3. Excuse my smartphone….lol by the way the newbies mullaney amp up their game are they will be gone soon

  4. I hope a miracle happens and dom is saved. I am a team jj fan but jeff is being a real jerk this season. Dom is the only interesting guy in the house. I am thinking someone will return to the house and hope it is Dom and Cass, otherwise we are in for a boring summer. Racheal, Kalia and Shelly are so annoying. Thank god for the mute button.

    • Sorry Budman, but even a trip to Lourdes wouldn’t save him now. I never thought he had any game. He aligned himself with the weakest newbees in the house. Good ridance to him.

    • I agree a out Jeff I really hate the way he acts a mafia godfather! It really bugs me the support of JJ they have both been on the show and the amazing race Enough already an Brenchel omg are just two looney tunes!

  5. Please tell me why Evil Dick left! its driving me crazy! Thank you for any info!

    • There was a personal issue with someone close to Dick. Dick was informed of it by the producers and chose to leave and attend to it. It has never been made much clearer than that. Anyone else have more complete info? It happened on the 6th day, so he’s been gone awhile.

  6. Question anyone. It was mention yesterday that some people where able to watch past years of Big Brother.I would love to see them again. I checked with but they only had season 3&4 and where expensive.Any help?

  7. Dani’s plan was good. She tried to strike to early. If she would of held out until atleast after this eviction it would of worked. Her only hope now is to do what Dom did yesterday & come clean to the vets with Dom there. She could still save her & Dom. Game back on & Adam goes home. Unfortunately, I don’t see it happening.

    • I don’t even see how that would work. No way that BRJJ can embrace either Dani or Dom now. They just said that to have fun with Dom and see if Dani would actually admit that backdooring JJ was her idea. Her best move now is to join the vote against Dom and keep her mouth shut about the backdoor plot. Oh, and winn HOH on Thursday or the next veto.

      • I don’t think Dani can keep her mouth shut. that’s what got her in this mess. LOL she NEEDS to win the HOH this week or I’m afraid she’s gone. I like Dani to bad.

  8. Big fight between Brendon and Kalia. Brendon calling Kalia out for being a floater. Kalia is flipping out and lying telling Brendon just wait until you watch the feeds when you get out and you’ll see I was 100% with you. What a effing liar. She was just plotting again last night with Dani and Dom. Then Kalia tells Brendon to suck it. She is another one with her mouth getting her in trouble. Does she remember that HOH hasn’t been played yet. Duh!

  9. Now Kalia and Jeff going at it. Kalia calls Jeff a f***in @$$hole. Jeff telling Kalia to get out of here. Good luck playing by yourself.

    • Yikes she isn’t too bright good thing she can sing maybe she b on another show sing that song. Wish dani would have someone to play with JJ and Brenchel are too big for their breeches if they win will they come back season 14 !

  10. I’ve always said Daniele was an overrated player in the Big Brother house. She basically rode her dad’s coattail all the way to the end. And she was really lucky for that, because Dick had no choice. If he would’ve brought Zach with him, he was gonna lose the big prize. Daniele has always put her foot in her mouth when it comes to legit strategy in the game. We would have been better off with Will and Boogie in the house instead of Brenchel. That and they are the 2 best players the house has ever seen.

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