Before I get into this Sunday’s recap of “Big Brother,” can I interest any psychotherapists out there (particularly those specializing in relationships) to volunteer their services to Brendon and Rachel? I don’t think they’d ever realize how horribly unhealthy their relationship is enough to seek counseling themselves, so I’m begging someone out there reading this to offer their services. At least give them a session or two for free.
OK, that’s all. Now on to the “Brendon and Rachel Show” recap.
The show picks up with a reminder that Rachel again won the HOH competition. Luckily they edited out her usual ass shot from Brendon picking her up and the sound of her peeing on live television. Then it cuts to Dominic and Adam panicking because they know they’re the only target since Kalia and Lawon are still flying way under the radar for some reason.
Then Jeff tells us he wants rid of Dominic. Why? Who knows. They should be targeting Kalia and Lawon. Either of those two making it to the jury house would be a ridiculous joke.
Next we’ve got a shot of Rachel’s “Who wants to see my HOH room!?!?!?!” Only this time the other HGs are hiding and planning to bomb her with pillows. Ah, if they could only use rusty knives and rotting meat.
And once again, we get to see Rachel’s HOH room. Yay! More photos of half-naked Rachel and a fridge full of Lean Cuisine!
Adam makes a trip to the HOH room to shoot for a deal. Brenchel tell him what he wants to hear and he goes off to bathe in bacon grease (I imagine). His visit is followed by Lawon. I guess Lawon finally remembered he’s playing a game on television worth $500,000. He mumbles some stuff and acts like Jackee Harry then goes off to polish his crocs (I imagine). Kalia doesn’t even bother talking to anyone about anything.
In case you were wondering, Dominic snores.
Next Rachel informs the HGs it’s time for a luxury competition. It goes something like this: Adam screams about Tori Spelling and probably bacon, bald guy bad at line reading comes out and gives some clues about an international superstar, Jordan figures from some bars of soap and some binoculars that the mystery guest is David Hasselhoff, Porsche forgets Michael Jackson is dead and guesses he’s the surprise guest, other HGs make horrible guesses, and Jordan wins. I love run-on sentences.
So David Hasselhoff is there to whore out his new show that premiered after “Big Brother.” I was about to be bored and annoyed until Jordan picked Jeff, Kalia and Shelly to share in her win and not Brendon and Rachel. So that led to some amazing pouting and arguing among Brenchel.
How dare Jordan not pick the current HOH, Rachel exclaims! She pouts in a corner, leaving herself vulnerable to more of Brendon’s emotional abuse. For a minute we even kind of believe Brenchel is mad enough to nominate Jeff and Jordan for eviction. But of course that would be way too good TV. All we get is more fake crying from Rachel and real crying from Brendon.
After Brenchel’s fight has paused ended, Dominic comes in and makes what sounds like a solid deal. So it seems like Brendon and Rachel want to work with Dom and Daniele and forget Jeff and Jordan. That sounds like good TV again.
Daniele tries to get Brendon and Rachel to put up Jeff and Jordan as well. Exciting, right? Yeah. It was. Until Rachel nominates Dominic and Adam. So who knows what the plan is. No one will know until Thursday after someone walks out the door.
If you don’t want to wait until Wednesday to find out who won the Power of Veto, we’ve to those spoilers right here.
Daniele, they’re on to you! She needs to step up her game and win the next HoH so she can boot out Brendan &/or Rachel …. as they have a long overdue appointment with a psychiatrist and a relationship counselor.
LoL I couldn’t agree more; Brenchel are whack jobs. I would love to see Rachel freak out if Brenden got evicted and, before making it to jury would be even sweeter.
Are we not all just so sick of these two. They’re good for a laugh …up to a point but way too much coverage of these two nut jobs. Hoping they’re back doored next week.
Yes I agree, the other day I watched most of BBAD in fast forward because it was amost all Rachel or Brendon. I cannot watch or listen to them.
enough of those 2. I lost interest in the program when the old ones returned and now Rachael and Brendan have finished it for me. I know quite a few people that are saying this is the swan song for this program.
bringing the old ones back was a very bad idea
See ya chappy. To me , this is best season in years.
That would suck if they win the veto again and then rachel back doors jeff and jordan. Still the other two new people are so under the radar that I had even forgot about them.
Poor dani! She looks like this girl I use to date but now just friends. I really hope she wins the first hoh she can compete in, or even rally the remaining noobs. I hope ED comes back even, it would change the game and Rachel will be going nuts.
Ah Daniele HAS to win the next HOH, or at least the first POV right after. Her game was working so well dang it
How quick people are to judge and ridicule Brenchel for the way they act an for things they say and do but yet they praise Dani for being a two-faced snake.
How about learning how to construct a sentence before leaving a commentโฆ. ‘AND for things'” (not “AN for things”) and, ‘but” OR “yet” ….not both. “But” and “yet” are essentially the same coordinating conjunction.ย They both indicate the joining of two contrasting statements.ย They should not be used together for the sake of avoiding redundancy. :0
Dude, are we watching the same BB show?? We’ve been watching Brenchel for three weeks now (some of u’s daily) so there’s been no “quick” judgements made. They are two basket-cases who are in a highly dysfunctional relationship. Daniele is no saint either but her drama is more interesting than annoying. Right now Brenchel are the most irritating duo left in the house. If (or “once” … soon we hope!) they go, then we’ll get around to dissecting Daniele’s character.
Honestly Dani is probably the only one keeping me interested at this point…without her and I guess Dom it’s just a bunch of other useless newbs just sucking up to BR&JJ. Casting is not that great this season from what I’ve seen so far. Lawon, Por, Kalia, Adam, Shelly – pretty boring contestants so far.
Kalia and Shelly pretty much weakened the already weak cast of newbs by flipping that first week in my opinion. Now we have a bunch of losers who will pretty much drink toilet water if Brenchel or JJ tell them too.
Hotnhere, get lost.
I didnt know I was in english class, I thought I was making a statement/comment just like everyone else is doing. Didn’t know I was being critqued! Have a wonderful night.
Your response is a case of the proverbial “pot calling the kettle black”. Your initial “statement/comment” started off with “How quick people are to judge…” You began the” critique” of those of us using this forum to share our views of Brenchel. If you disagree then fine, state your opinion but don’t criticize us and then act surprised when the tables get turned on you. If you’re going to ‘dish it out’, you have to be prepared to take it as well. You have a wonderful night as well.
I wasn’t criticizing anyone I was making a statment on how quick people are to judge others. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, not liking a person is one thing however some people are taking it to a whole other level, and making it personal. Also I am not acting surprised I was commenting back to you on what you stated to me.(How about learning how to construct a sentence before leaving a comment) It had nothing to do with anyones views.
Hotnhere, please, get lost.
That isnt true Brenchel was judged when they first walked in the BBH. As for there dysfunctional relationship, that is for them to work out.
This is the same Brenchel we saw last season and they haven’t changed a bit. Day 1 this season wasn’t Day 1 with Brenchel for most viewers.
Matt you are exactly right they haven’t changed from last season, and they wont change either, they are who they are.
It seems that houseguests of color are held to a different standard by those who write recaps and summaries on this site. Probably just a coincidence.
William, let me start with saying you’re now banned. I won’t tolerate race card baiting on this site.
Maybe you’d find it acceptable for us to write “Lawon said “wooo-wee” today so he should go to the jury house! Then Kalia made another sandwich so she should go to the jury house! What fantastic game play from those two.”
Your comment is one of the absolute most ignorant things I’ve read about this season. Find a new site to troll.
Good for you matt
I agree with Matt…Kalia and Lewon would be a sad addition to the jury house. The jury house is supposed to be a reward for a good game. Neither have done nothing.
Sorry you feel that way William. I honestly don’t see/read race as being an issue anywhere in the comments provided so far. Unless someone is an ignorant dumb ass trapped in past where such moronic racial prejudices abundantly prevailed, it hopefully in the year 2011 is a thing of the past, like the holocaust, which we’ll never see again. This forum should be for people to agree
….agree (I hot “Piblish” in error) or disagree but not to get nasty. Again, sorry to hear you may have felt that someone wrote something that you interpretted as being racially discriminating. Seriously, I just don’t read that but then again, I’m Caucasian. Peace.
RIP William, we hardly knew ye and were glad of it.
I can believe what a traitor shelly is…what makes her even a bigger snake is that she’s an honest, straight up person with integrity. She betrayed the newb alliance the first chance she got.
*I can’t believe what a traitor shelly isโฆwhat makes her even a bigger snake is that she claims sheโs an honest, straight up person with integrity. She betrayed the newb alliance the first chance she got.
then she campaigns against cassi while at the same time acting like her mother comforting her and I was watching BBAD yesterday and she goes and tells Jordan everything Dani said even after she promised her she wouldn’t. And ther’s more but I can’t remember right now. Yes I know it’s all a part of the game and all, but what annoys me is how she thinks that she is such a great person above all the shady stuff that goes on when she’s a two faced snake herself.
agree , agree about Deep Throat (cassie)
tired of her preaching about being so honest and the most upfront yaddda yadda yadda and from the get go she turned on her partner and everyone on her side!!
Zzzzz oh so many perfect relationship experts. That said dani and Dom do have a point. Then again so does JJ. Get the targets in the house because it keeps the target off u. Aka decoy and diversion.
Brenchel is a couple with a lot of emotional problems and yes they do bully people but they need to to get further in the game. Everyone needs to stop judging you baffons!
Wow I didnt know that there were two Blue’s on here, hope our comments dont blend together, and people think that you and I are one in the same!
I don’t think you can play this game without telling lies. Impossible.
I agree 100%. It’s a game they’ve entered into and for half a million dollars. Lying is inevitable. Again, it’s game play and without it, you’re not playing the game and, you probably won’t be around for very long.
Yes lie but do it correctly ,see that is what i like about Jordan she lets you know its not personal
I totally agree Annie, Shelly irks me I know its a game but I hate how people play this game to stay for a certain period ( like just till jury ). Like she knows the veterans are making her their little puppet/dog and once it reaches final 5 she’ll just be another useless casualty. From day one she should of stuck true to the original alliance of newbs and then she would of got herself further. She’s probably in the worst position now playing both sides.. I smell another Ronnie confrontation, both sides are going to communicate and figure out what’s going on and shelly’s fake sweet mom act is DONE.
Beth that is true. But if you say you’re playing a flat out clean game and say you’re such a honest genuine person why would you do extra/unnecessary lieing. Shelly is now just being an instigator she was never in danger this week and like she didn’t have to just totally go from Dani and report it all to Jeff. Honestly she would be smarter if she just kept her mouth shut and when she needed to fight for her life use the information she had.
Oh I agree she is digging her own grave. I’m just saying everyone lies in this game and yes she shouldn’t act like mother Theresa! She is not
last night every time shell came on i had too change channel ‘she is getting so cocky that she is not even whispering, how could jj and Rb not see what shes doing .
Jeff hates gay people…jordon is slower in the head than a sloth… So brenchel are the best couple in the bb house
The show last night was a huge bore. I have always liked Brendon and Rachel but I would have expected them, especially Rachel, to have learned from their past mistakes. Rachel is letting her emotions hang out way too much and it is getting to be a tired old song even for a fan of theirs. Now, what about that sneaky Jordan? I think she is being super sneaky in a very underhanded way hiding behind that sweet Southern ditzy persona. I like Jeff but Jordan really does lead him around by the nose. I think if Jeff was in control they would play a better game The newbies have zero personality at this point. I think Lawon could add a lot to the show if he would get out there and show us his cool self. But, he just lays back thinking out of sight out of mind like the rest of the newbies.
Lewon herd Shell talking to j last night hope he talks
Rachel is a very mixed up girl, i get the impression all she wants is a wedding,a dream wedding,not a marriage. They are so busy feeling hard done by, yet they make their own bed. I saw Rachel on a show trying on wedding dresses,for her dream wedding ! I hope to never see them on a show , having a child.
Oh lord! The thought of those two pro creating has made me extremely nausous. Its bad enough we have to endure watching them try. Im like a lot of others who but for the grace of dvr would be gouging their eyeballs out. I have used my ff button more in the last couple of weeks than I have in the entire time I have had a dvr. What would have been amazing would be to see Rachel get cut down by her hero Janelle. Imagine the mental breaks old Rachie poo would be having if Janelle got a hold of her!
The best part of the show was that Brendon was pissed at Rachel for telling Porsche his answer to the superstar clues. So Porsche goes to the DR and the incredible answer she got from Brendon is… Michael Jackson!! Wow, what a great choice, except he’s DEAD! Too funny.
That was hilarious! Was she expecting Michael Jackson to rise from the dead and make a special appearance on BB?! Think Porcha, think!
I think maybe Brendon believes the zombie version of MJ in thriller is real… The IQ level in this house is disturbing.
I agree. The ironic part is that it was Jordan, of all people, who came up with the correct answer and, on the first clue (bars of soap & binoculars). Go figure, though good for her. That one was totally out of left field.
You know not for nothing but I’m tired of just about everyone knocking Jordan. Stop giving her compliments and finish the sentence with a back slam. She won BB. She is doing well here . She is not a drama queen or just about anything else I read everyone complaining about the others are.
thank you
I agree with Blue they have been Judging B/R since they walked in the house. They both play hard mentally and Physically and Love hard. Love and relationships take work, commitment, and a willingness to adapt and change through life as a team. Some couples talk things out quietly, while others like B/R may raise their voices and passionately disagree. The key in a strong relationship, through, is not to be fearful of conflict. You need to be safe to express things that bother you without fear of retaliation, and be able to resolve conflict without humiliation. B/R are in it for the long Haul regardless to what others may think
There is a huge difference between passionate disagreements and condescending brain-washing. Brenden is guilty of the latter. They should get as far away from each other as possible, they will never work as a couple. The big problem is that now they are engaged in front of the world and once they realize they can’t stay together, they will feel like they have to go through with it because of the game. It is a shame really.
One word of hope for this couple: therapy! Without it I give them a year of marriage. If they are struggling as much as evidently are in what should be the blissful stage of their relationship, they haven’t got a chance of surviving the challenges of marriage and kids, which life brings.
I will never understand why CBS is putting their loyal BB fans through so much pain. The veterans(especially these mean and cut throat ones) should never have been placed to fight for the half million dollars with newbies(especially these dumb ones. I enjoy BB and love a fair competition-no matter who wins at the end. However, Allyson always gets her way by shoving Brenchel 24/7 on our faces-like it or not. From the very beginning they have been setting up the competitions to favor RB and JJ. It’s painful to watch. Unless they come up with some good twists to level off the field, this show is all done for me. I know I have the option to watch it or not-so no need to remind me that it’s my choice, I will be the first one to agree with you. But, for the records-my two cents!!!!!
No way jeff is 33 ,his much older than jordan,and eriene they are going to try i think they are bringing 4 newbies bk one will stay so lets see if this is true cross your fingers lol, Its gona be fun lala land lol
Brandon is playing against Rachel he is not in love a man that loves a woman would not allow things she does and i think she knows , she spend all her savings for him and this type of man lets you know after she gets on in years not that he has looks , but i think she will suffer very much no mater what shame.