A lot rests on tonight’s competition with the numbers narrowing and the Vets coming to a face-off against the Newbies. Things should be getting real interesting real fast.
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I do not think anyone should have to apologize for calling Kalia fat. Nobody can argue that this girl is at her target weight for her height.Since when did calling something what it is become insulting. If we said Kalia was black, will there be people who take issue with that as well.I mean we really have turned in to a nation of whiney pussies.Back to sparta and throw her in the hole.
The fact that all everyone can say about Kalia is that she’s fat and eats too much shows how small minded and ignorant a lot of you are. Grow up and stop talking about people. You all have insecurities that you need to deal with since you seem to always talk about this woman’s weight and how much she eats.
Don’t mind these cruel minded people they will say anything to demean and dehumanize anyone who isn’t Jordan da Dumb one and Rachel the vegas whore. It’s a dame shame
Did you not just do the same thing that these people are doing? I mean really a vegas whore and dumb. Do you personally know these people are are you speculating? Geez, get a life.
@dudan really? we ignorant for calling kalia fat, mabye but your not for calling jordan dumb and rachel a whore. hm? interesting
@vikki and @bod LMAOโฆI deliberately used those words on J&R so you can know how stupid you all sound when you call kalia and porsha mean names.
You called me ignorant rite? but I did was respond to an insulting comment with insult, just so you all know how Ignorant you sound in the first place. I find it puzzling you find it puzzling you only think ppl are ignorant when they say mean things about J&R, but it all good when ppl say mean thing about K or P. Why did you call the original posters ignorant if I may askโฆyou are clearly both bias and need to zip it
Agreed, Kalia only has herself to blame. It’s not like she has a gland problem. Look at the way she is constantly shoveling food into that gaping maw of hers. then she proceeds to eat like a cow. Did anyone teach this girl how to eat when growing old and useless.
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Quick, someone chech Kalia’s stomach for a tapeworm.
I do not think anyone should have to apologize for calling Kalia fat. Nobody can argue that this girl is at her target weight for her height.Since when did calling something what it is become insulting. If we said Kalia was black, will there be people who take issue with that as well.I mean we really have turned in to a nation of whiney pussies.Back to sparta and throw her in the hole.
She shovels food into her mouth at an alarming rate!
I think Kalia is within the target weight range for her height. She may be at the higher end of the range, but she seems to be within the range to me. She does tend to wear some unflattering clothes, but she may have difficulty finding things that fit properly due to her body type.
You know I never thought of it that way. It’s true. She should shop in the paint dept. for tarps
I bet 90% of the people in this message board are fat. I myself can admit that I am not a prize. Leave the bitch alone bash shelly for a little while or something nobody makes fun of shelly I mean Kalia already has to worry about the america hates kalia booker website when she gets out. If you care about her weight so much be nice and buy her a mirror and a weightwatchers subscription that might be of use to her. All your insults on-line will not help her through her weight condition. She will sit at her computer and cry over a container of ben and jerrys chocolate ice cream(insert drool her).
I hope PETA makes a house call on Kalia
when she is back home.
If a PETA member stopped by Kalias house she would eat it “Yum I like PETA’s she would say”. Those vegetarians are quite tasty don’t ya know! I would suggest them not stopping bye.
Agreed, and where ever it is Kalia lives, people should keep their small children close, as Kalia will end up swooping down and eating them.
I think Kalia may have
We need to speak to the goverment to issue a Kalia warning No later than Big Brother Finale night the warning should read: Kalia Kong will be escaping as of sept 7 2011 cbs studios will no longer have her in custody. Woman and children under 150 lbs of weight should hide as they will be the main target of this animals food driven rage. Shelter will be provided at your nearest community centre however you may bring no provision’s for any food may attract kalia kong.
No one’s saying apologize for her weight, we’re just saying stop talking about it. How about this everyone that is on her talking about how see looks and eats, post a picture of yourself on here and let us all talk about you and see how good you feel after people talk $h*t about you for now reason – GROW UP. You all sound like stupid little kids in middle school “she’s fat, she eats all the time, she’s this, she’s that” – WHO CARES. You guys really have some underlining self esteem issues yourself because if you didn’t you won’t talk about the next person the way that you do.
Why is everything about Kalia? Have it ever accured that sometime people eat is because they are nervious, or have nothing else to do. I have seen all of them eating quite a bit, but it’s always Kalia, something is wrong with how you think about this one person. Living in a disfunction house like that you would be eating and s,,t,,g all over the place. With her weight she still can hang on, not like Adam first one always fall, and go lay down on a lawn chair and smoke, and talk shit, saying i should have won, crazy.
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Is there really a huge sign in Shelly’s hometown that says, Shelly the liar not welcome here? WOW, I guess everyone is sick of Shelly and her pathological lying. Hate that her little girls sees that every day but Shelly should of known better. She just told Kalia and Porsche that she is just telling Jordan and Rachel anything that she can to get them to let her stay. Gee, this woman swore on her daughter’s life and even though it does not mean anything will happen to her daughter what type of a mother does that. She really is sick in the head and needs mental help. So hope JORDAN AND RACHEL win HOH both two weeks and kick Porsche and Kalia out so at least we can watch something other than the Porsche and Kalia eating and sleeping. Also, hope they bring Adam along as final 3 because would actually be pretty happy with any of those three winning this season. Jordan, Rachel and Adam are all pretty deserving and just nice human beings unlike the other three. GO TEAM JORDAN, RACHEL and ADAM!!! Love all 3 of you!!!
Someone should throw Shelly into Kalias mouth , never to be lied from again!
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I would never deal with the company Shelly works for that is for sure. Shelly keeps saying it’s just a game, but isn’t life as well. And you can decide how you want to play the game.
On the phone call with Josie, that Jordan gave her. Shellys daughter asked her to stop lying, and of course after that call she told the mother of lies to Jeffs face.This woman is Pathelogical, I think the human resources dept. should do better screening for execs. Or then again Shelly could work for Golman sachs.
I think K would rather be fat, and S a liar than be a slut like Jordan
A slut like Jordan? You Know Jordan personally then? Grew up with her?I have seen nothing to indicate that Jordan is a slut. But i geuss it takes one to know one, Heh .
I think there are sluts in the house, but it’s definitly NOT Jordan! To whoever said that, have you watched the show at all???
Wow – lota gals jeolous of Jordo on this site. She has Jeff plus maybe half-a mil.Sucks to be U.
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Shelly IS the Human Centipede
Poor Shelly, it must be hard being the ugly Tranny
I’m sure you have a wall full of ribbons
@ nite bea you need. To grow up…so quick to caal jordan a slut when she won’t even kiss jeff on camera! Doesn’t say much for who you must be.
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@ vetfan, you can’t even spell,so that leaves you in the same boat as Jordan
@Vet fan, its not okay for Nita bea to call Jordan an ugly name, but it’s oaky for everyone else to call Kalia, Porsche and Shelly ugly names right?
@TeamNewbies. You are oh so right, Sorry Jordan, dumb of me. Really Really Dumb. Perhaps TeamNewbies is the only one on this site with CLASS. We could ALL learn from you
@Nita Bea, watch what you say when referring to me. I was on your side when I made the comment to Vetfan so your sarcasim toward me is unnecessary. Everyone on here constantly make nasty comments about P, K & S, but get offended if someone talks about Jordan. Too many pots calling the kettles black.
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At least Jordan has class and doesnt pretend to be something she isn’t!!! So Rachel is outspoken and a little on the wild side!!! you saying you never slept with someone!!! yeah that is what I thought!!! Kalia and Porshe both did nothing through this whole game but eat and sleep!!!! Why they even have any TV time is a surprise to me because they both are boring and they both suck at the bb game!!!
GO Jordan and Rachel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Final 2 :)
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@vikki and @bod LMAO…I deliberately used those words on J&R so you can know how stupid you all sound when you call kalia and porsha mean names.
You called me ignorant rite? but I did was respond to an insulting comment with insult, just so you all know how Ignorant you sound in the first place. I find it puzzling you find it puzzling you only think ppl are ignorant when they say mean things about J&R, but it all good when ppl say mean thing about K or P. Why did you call the original posters ignorant if I may ask…you are clearly both bias and need to zip it
Differance is all comments about K&P&S are true! The ones aboit J&R are not! DA!
@Nancy…All statements about J&R are true also. Is J not Dumb and is R not a vegas show girl? please stop the bias
OMG does Kalia EVER SHUT UP! I have been dvring BBAD, and I can no longer watch it. I am soooooo sick of her voice and I can’t watch Shelley tell one more lie. BBAD is now being deleted on my “to Do List”. Last year Natalie really got under my skin, but Kalia outweighs her (pun intended) by far! Rachel used to bug me too, but I now find myself on team R/J!
Agree 100%!!!!
OMG!!!!I could’nt agree more. Kalia really needs to shut up. She will not let anyone else say a word…
and she never thinks before she speaks, she’s told us all about her Aunt being upset because she wasn’t a part of some wedding, (her Aunt’s going to love that), talking about her friends smoking weed, then some guy who does cocaine before working out, not to mention her throwing her dog againist the wall for nipping at her. I have a feeling she’s going to loose some of those friends, and if her Aunt was upset over a wedding can you imagne what she’s going to have to say now.
Can’t watch Big Brother after Dark because of Cowlia
Kalia can’t think before she speaks, because that would interfere with her eating.
I totally agree, Kalia drives me nuts. I couldnt stand Rachel but now Kalia and Shelly are so much worse. Can’t even watch BBAD anymore, it is sad they would have those two on the show. I wish Kalia would sleep thru BBAD like she does any other time!!!
I would love it if Adam wins HOH, so that he could grow a pair.
Maybe when Shellman leaves he can borrow hers
Thats funny :) Do u think he would even know what they are???
I would too blackgirl. I think would leave the game wide open and Adam will finally have to show everyone where he really stands. I think he knows it will be bad for him to win this next HOH and he won’t win it.
I completely agree. He would probably crap himself having to make an actual game-changing decision.
He doesn’t want a pair.
Let’s go rachel or jordan GOTTA WIN THIS HOH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sick of people taking up for the people who lucked up and got their postions. Jeff and Jordan kept most of these people from being evicted. Even Rachel and Brendon at times. Rachel also kept that crazy Porshe from being evicted. I seen Jordan plenty of times calming people down and telling Jeff and them how they should act. Jordan has a good social game. Thats because shes really a good person. So yes shes been through alot to get here.And she really did not sit on her ass and stuff her face with food. She played the game.The rest followed and luck up. All because of the vets!
I am so sick of seeing kalia and porsche up in that HOH room….let’s go team jorchal!
Jordan HOH this week- Rachel HOH next week
this may not be such a win win for rachel/jordan. if by some change of events adam goes home. and either kalia or shelly win HOH, they’re back in the exact same spot they were in before porsche did pandoras box. shelly better go home or things are gonna change on them real fast.
Adam won’t go home though. So yeah.
Agree vet fan
i hope rachel or jordon win hoh .if they dont one of them will be gone next week. i also hope they don’t keep shelly ,but then again i think adam is on porsha’s side. so i don’t think it really don’t think it matters who they keep.
i think they might want to send adam home the jury will must likely vote for adam to win if he makes it to final 2
I don’t think they will. The jury is made up of people who respect good game play, no matter what side they are on. They recognize that Adam hasn’t played the game at all.
Agreed with Paul. I actually Shelly has a much better chance in the final two against Rachel or Jordan than Adam does. I think JJB would vote for Rachel and DKPA would vote for Shelly (she could use the argument that she made a huge game play by switching her alliance; Dani respects the fact that she did so and many be able to look past the fact that she didn’t win any competitions). I think JBR would vote for Jordan and DPK would vote for Shelly. I think Adam is a real toss-up vote in a JA final two.
Against Adam, I believe BDPK (and maybe even JJA) would vote for Rachel. I also think Jordan would have a good chance to sweep against A.
Well if rachel or jordan don’t win HOH…it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re gone…adam. (I believe) is with jorchal for sure…he could win. And if Kalia wins, she says she’s putting up Adam and rachel. If jordan wins veto, takes rachel off the block, kalia would have no choice but to re-nom with porsche, then jordan and rachel again, decide who goes home…
I agree its better to win veto now than HOH you can stack the votes your way
Would be another really bad game move on K’s part if she did that.
I also believe that A would stick with RJ due to BJ jury votes. That is why I tend to lean toward A throwing the HOH comp won’t want to get his hands dirty.
@ rhonda. I think this week its important for them to win hoh. However, next week is all aboutwinning the veto. The good thing is that rachel realizes this. Kalia and porsche havent yet
Teamnewbies everyone was talking shit about shelly before jeff left and she did not get him out. Shelly clearly has mental issues. As far as ur question ro vetfan. About people saying mean things. Did vetfan say its ok to say mean things to the others?? U shoyld think before u speak.
Smr, the fact that vetfan and others say mean things about K, P, & S but get offended if someone says mean things about Jordan is saying exactly what I asked, so b4 u come @ me w/ur comment understand wht I’m saying before u open up ur big mouth to me. And as I stated b4 no one was talking shit ab Shelly until she turned on Jeff. Check yourself b4 u come @ me!
Check urself!!! Team newbie ur spewing bullshit!!!
everybody hates on shelly.. everyone in this game lies… she does what she has to, to get further in the… I hope she stays and adam goes home, at least she is playing, all he does is suck up oxygen.
I think the main problem that people are having with Shelly is the way she lies
She uses her family God
I agree the game involves lies and deceit but she has crossed the line
It’s not that she lies but she is just a REALLY bad liar. If your going to lie, you must remember the lie you told and WHO you told it to.
Shelly is going to have to write a book when she gets home…”Every time we tell a lie in our home we have to write sentences”. She has told so many lies, she can’t even keep track of them, nor can I for that matter…lol. She truly believes she is telling the truth (how sad is that). However, she will soon find out during the finale when CBS shows her how much of an ass she is when it came to telling her view of the truth. As my daughter’s favorite show would say, “Liar, liar plants for hire”, Patrick Star!
do you recall when she got the phone call from home and BB interviewed her husband/daughter, her daghter actally said, she wished her mom would stop lying
You are correct!
She was not the Queen Biatch of BB a few weeks ago when she was feeding the vets with info about the newbies. She is now hated with a passion just because she went against the Great Jeff.
Nah-she is hated because of the way that she acts, period. The crying and feeling sorry for herself is disgusting. If you really want to be a gamechanger – then grow up and OWN your game play. That’s the difference between Shelly and liars that you can respect. Will lied – we still liked him. Danielle lied and even though I’m for Jeff/Jordan – I can respect what she did (this season). Evel Dick lied but he owned it, also -Shelly just lies AND then CRIES. Playing for charity – now it’s her family….giving Rachel the ring her mother gave her?? Hiding things like she’s two?
nc, i agree with you. if u’re gonna lie own it and that’s more respected than lying and then lying about lying. shelly started out ok but went downhill fast. i hope her daughter makes her write sentences when she gets home, lol
Actually black girl. Thats where your wrong. America started disliking her A LOT when she was going nust in the DR and to the house about rachel being. Such. A. Liar. And. She. Cannot. Handle all that lying she doesn’t condone it…when she was in fact the one lying..turning on jeff and jordan was just the icing on the cake of. Hatred.
In Response to vet fan. I am not wrong that all this rabid hatred for Shelley is due to the fact that she backstabbed Jeff. You said people were starting to DISLIKE her a lot, sure, but not enough to threaten to harm her family. All this revulsion started after she turned against sacred Jeff and if you would just take off the rosary glass for a second you would see that.
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@ Blackgirl, I agree with you 100%. If she had never turned on Jeff and he was still in the house, no one would be saying anything about her at all. Everyone is upset because the “Saint Big Jeff” is gone – oh well, he had to go sometime. Love or Hate it, he’s gone, it was a great move to get rid of him. Everyone needs to stop being so judgemental about Shelly and what she does – she’s playing the game, trying to win $500K regardless of whether or not see needs it.
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FAKE blackgirl…not me …MATT please see to this loooooser
My problem with S is 2 fold:
1 She isn’t honest in the DR (which leads me to believe she isn’t honest with herself)
2 Her so called big game move wasn’t in my opinion. Jeff had all the power that HOH he wasn’t on the block. Dani was the strongest player by far in her allience. No way S beats D in the end. So why burn your allience to keep her? The vote to evict Jeff was a big game move that she could have made without all the crap that proceeded it.
Funny to me is the possible outcome had she gotten what she was fighting for(Dani over K). Jeff could still be playing in the house because Jordon might have won the HOH instead of Dani.
S made the same mistake Dani did and it is costing her the game just as it did Dani
I couldn’t agree more faye…all these jorchal haters act like people dislike shelly soley based on the fact she voted. To evict. Jeff….not. me..I hate Shelly(as a BB player) because of the type of person she presents herself to be..I loved jeff, but to homest it was between. Him and rachel and. Want. Rachel. To win.
@ vet fan I would be have been rooting for S if it weren’t for her DR tapings. She is smart knows she can’t win comps so is playing the mental game.
Hey by the way you corrected my on the veto wins yesturday and it was driving me nuts because u were right but I just knew that Jordon had won twice my brain finally turned on she won the lux comp with the Huff.
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AGAIN not the real blackgirl…MATT please get rid of this loser
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I don’t think Shelly knows what her gameplay is. First it’s “I want to play this game w/honesty & integrity” & last nite it’s “I will do & say anything for my family”. Please, can you make up your mind!! For a grown adult she acts like a school teenager w/all her catty derogative remarks against Rachael & the hiding of her toy dog. You can expect it from the other girls including Rachael since there all in their 20’s although all act like bratty catty teenagers, but Shelly is in her 40’s. As far as I’m concerned she set herself up for all the nasty comments about her..just like all other girls deserve nasty comments. PPl. are going to judge you on your behavior & also what comes out of your mouth. Adam may be sucking up space & oxygen but at least he isn’t delusional into thinking he’s a good gamer. Shelly made her own bed…now she’s got to lie in. Go Rachael!!
Oh please! Shelly is reapng what she sowed…No Sympathy here…Go Rachael!
Team newbies ur an idiot. first of all vetfan hasnt made derogatory remarks about p,k,s based on their appearance vetvan made comments anout shelly that r true and its the same thing everyone else has been saying which started when psycho shelly went into the dr crying that rachel is an evil bitch and a liar when rachel busted her out to everyone. Which uf u were paying attention instead if running ur BIG FAT MOUTH!!! Was before Jeff got evicted. That is when people started commenting on Shellys psycho behaviour. Which with the psycho way u defend the newbies. Its not surprising that u do.
i want to see racheal win the hoh and put up kalia and porcha if one of them wins weto one is still bound to go home concidering the tie breaker vote of the hoh i think porcha will be leaving next week if not it will be kaila and the adam final 3 with racheal and jordan which i think that will definately put rachel and jordan final two i think racheal will be the final hoh of the season and keep jordan with her that might gaurentee her some jury votes since jordan has already won once
I think it would be better if Jordan wins HOH, that way she can put up K/P. Just because Kalia said she would never put up Jordan, doesn’t mean Jordan wouldn’t put her up. Besides, it was Kalia who voted Jeff out of the house. Then next week, Rachel could win HOH and take out Porcha. But, that’s in my perfect world. Will it happen? I for one hope so! Go Rachel, I’ve been a fan since last year!
Porsche not Porcha…lol
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Again this is the fake ass person..not the real BG
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Well if Shelly does get evicted she can find out what an avacado is, taste guaca-MOLE, and drink coconut water. I’ve never been to Louisiana, but she acts like it’s a third world country! How embarrassing…lol
hahahah OMG when she said guaca-MOLE i lost it laughing so hard, for real how dumb can she be, like she lives off of PB’Js an shes super super rich, how can she not no about any or half the foods in the BB house i would hate to see her fridge, full of jelly an peanut butter lmao
shelly does’nt act like Louisiana is a third world country, it’s that shelly is a third world person.
That’s just plain mean!!! Why are you comparing Shelly with people from third world country??? They know what’s coconuts…duh…they have plenty and avocadoes too…. They sure are not liars…some maybe like everywhere else…but why insult these people.
ever hear her say Parmesan ? OMG
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Again to me…this has to stop…MATT
I still can’t get over how dumb porche is! when the competition is at it’s height she opens pandora’s box?! what an idiot! i want porche or kalia to win sooo much because they are the only people in the competition that weren’t playing jeff and jordan’s arrogant game, i hate jeff and jordan they think everyone should play for them and if they don’t they get really pissed. rachel would have for sure gone this week if it wasn’t for porche’s dumb move, it will cost her the competition when rachel wins hoh tonight, i will put my life on that. when porchlia go home i’m totally team rachel.. wish dani was still in the game! :(
I agree !!!!!
But Jordan will win tonight Production will make sure of that.
This is really sad!!!!! Jordan gets mad if anyone else wants to win.
It’s funny when Jordan keeps saying she sucks at comps and why she can’t win anything. Hell, she’ll even admit it when all the JeJo fans think she’s so great. She’s good socially, but when your a** is on the line and you the second one to drop during the POV comp because you “don’t like/deal with pain” WTF. I used to like JeJo last season, but I’m so over her now. I want ANYONE but Jordan & Adam to win
Porsche OPENED THE BOX. If she hadn’t, either Rachel or Jordan would have gone home. IF Porsche had watched any Big Brother before applying (she only watched a few seasons after), then she would have known not to open that box. Adam is a true fan and convinced her to do it…..Production DID NOT MAKE Porsche be greedy and stupid….
J was really hoorible @ the POV comp, I know R was really upset her(i mean she barely lasted 4-5mins b 4 she just jumped down) J has won b4, I dnt think she deserves 2 win again…
I agree with most of your post, Charlie, but I can’t fault Porche for opening Pandora’s box. I would have done the same thing.
did you notice how Kalia was all pissed in the DR for P taking the $5,000 and then changed her mind totally when P told her she got $5,000 also.
Yea I saw how happy K was when she found out she was getn $5000(i jst she dnt spend it all @ the grocery store)..lol
HO-HO and ding dongs here she comes.
If Porshe hadn’t opened Pandoras Box, then production would have used the fortune teller to add the same twist in some way. Someone would have messed with her Because the temptation would have been to greatt not to and the fortune would have revealed duos returned.
I agree. JJ are saints in so many people’s eyes so they can do no wrong and they are the best players to ever play the game according to their fans. I would love for either P or K to win because they are at least doing something. I too wish Dani was still in the game. She’s a great player and despite what a lot of people say, she PLAYED her game in Season 8 as well. She held her own.
@Team Newbies, Im soooo GLAaaaaad DAN I mean Dani is gone!!!!!!!
lol, I’m soooo GLAaaaaad you’re glad. It’s just a game for me.
U wanted Dani to win get over it she is out.
I would have liked to see Jeff win but he is out. I’m not even mad about S evicting him it was a good game move for her.
I only have one player still in the game that I can’t stand the thought of winning and that player is K because she made the dumbest move in this game with L’s eviction.
For all u D fans out there have you considered that move just might have cost D the game. BR would not have been in the house only B or R. If R were the one still in the house I bet that R wouldn’t have been the one walking out the door that week because the better move at that point would have been to get out Jeff and with L still in the house and 2 VETS on the block they would have had the votes to do it. So go ahead Dani fans keep rooting for K to win.
I agree with you on that one. The dumbest move made was evicting Lawon when they did.
I was really surprised that Dani wasn’t able to talk K out of that one. Dani’s people skills are usually pretty good but not that time.
Jordan would have went to jury and Jeff just gets upset when his alliance betrays him.Who wouldn’t …
I’m not sure if anyone else noticed this or not, but looking at programming for tonight, BB is going to be on at 2:37 a.m. on the East Coast due to NFL Pre-season. Anyone else notice this?
Ur right Allie. Sucks!!!
It depends on where on the East Coast you are. But, you’re right, it does suck for those who can’t watch live. :(
Im on the east coast and it comes on at 9 here. Football here comes on Fox network not CBS.
For the info of people who watch “Big Brother” on NYC Channel 2, the “Live” eviction/HOH show tonight will be pre-emptef by a pre-season football game. It will be broadcast @ 1:30AM Fri. In other words CBS will deprive a large sector of it’s Big Brother audience of the “Live” show
Just checked the schedule here, (VA), it will air at 9:00, the regular time, (unless the schedule is wrong). But for all you guys who have to wait, if it is indeed on, Iโll leave a post here with the outcome. It will suck if it doesnโt come on!
We always live post the results of Thurs night shows. Just check the front of the site during the show.
If you live in Georgia, Big Brother will be on at 2:35 am. I know it stinks!
It isn’t CBS’s fault if the show is pre-emted b/c of a football game. It’s the fault of the local CBS station in that market. I live in Dallas, and the Cowboys are on CBS tonight , so Big Brother has been moved to the alternate CBS channel (21), and will air LIVE. contact your local CBS provider if you’re upset about it. The national CBS people have nothing to do with it.
Maybe CBS should consider putting Big Brother on a litte earlier in the season so it doesn’t conflict with the begining of football season. CBS does the scheduling and can rememdy this problem in future seasons.
Thank you Dan! The guys in my family love football, but love big brother more. I dont have live feeds. I check in with you folks to get the spoilers,but my family watch on tv.
Hey Dudan! Those statements you chose to use are true about J&R are true but some statements are not.And they admit those are true.But the ones that were posted are true about K,P,S. All of them.
Thanks Dan! Big brother is a big hit with my family. They were going crazy thinking they were going to miss it.
Shelly is sooooooooo disgusting and I hope she reads all the terrible comments about her and cries. She deserves to leave, she’s done zero to stay except turn her back on people that got her as far as she did. I know it’s a game, but for her to say she had no chance going with Jeff and Jordan was her obviously not being blind that she sucks at competitions and needed to ride someone else’s back to the final. How about you win an HOH and secure yourself you gross smoking idiot. We can all see what a winner you are by losing the veto then going straight to smoke, so gross. Maybe you should cut back and become healthy and an overall smarter person.
It’s starting to feel like Shelly was cast in some type of Big Brother Vilian role. Really nobody could be that insane.
3rd world countries knw what shally claims she hasn’t eaten come oooon! who doesn’t knw. What coconut water and Avacado is ?..stop demeaning developing countries.
Don’t blame shelly personally. I had a stepdad from Louisiana who is the same way. He’s so set in his ways and all he eats is jumbalaya, gumbo, and other cajun dishes.hehasn’t heard of various fruits or vegetables
I agree, you can’t judge a person’s smarts by that! I didn’t know what quacamole was until a couple years ago. If you don’t eat it or no one else you know eats it around you why would you know what it is? I live in Canada and don’t have a clue what gumbo is. What is it?
Kind of like Big Brother slop in soup form
In my opinion none of them deserve to win the money except for Porsche a bit. Rachel if she didn’t have that attitude in the beginning and that scarcasm making me want to break the tv everytime she was on would deserve it for being competitive. For me the best players left to soon (Dominic Daniel Jeff ) and ruined the game.
are u kidding
porch sucks and dom wines
Cause Rachel is so exciting and hasn’t cried or whined at all right
porsha did win a bit of money 5,000.00 so she can go to the jury house, and rachel can win bb13
they all cry and whine.
The last time I recall, it was Jordan and Rachel who kept saying “lets just get evicted now” yea some players we have here. Giving up on the spot after dropping from the game. Rachel did it more frequently when She and Brendan didn’t win the HOH nor the Veto when they were both in the chopping block.
Porsche will find a way to screw it up
Comment deleted. User banned. – Admin
thundercats, ho
Have you seen the Thundercats trailer yet? Not sure if it’s a fake or not for an upcoming movie, but it looks like Vin Diesel is Panthro and a couple other big name actors are in it too.
Whats with all these Rachel and Jordan fanGrrrrrr.Im not a Shelly fan or none of the rest but you would think they was nobody else but Jordan and Rachel.Im at this point I really dont care who wins.But to hear you talk about everybody else makes me sick.Rachel and Jordan has not played no better then the rest of the last people standing.They whin lie backstabb complain all the time.I wanted Dani to win from the beginning she gone. So BB just put everybody name thats left in a hat pull one out.Because nonody needs to win this year.Hurry up survivor Sept 14.
Thank you Lori.
Can u believe they cast Coach on Survivor don’t think he will last very long
Ozzie my all-time favorite.
Yeh I like Ozzy too hope he goes far!!!
I really don’t care who wins at this point also except I don’t want Rachel to win. Everyone is talking about how great Rachel is but she was such a winer in the beginning because she did not win a competition. They have all lied. It is part of the game and when it comes down to it you do what you have to do to get to the end.
For me anyone but K
This season is more about who you hope doesn’t win it …
Agree with you there Lou
Well its obvious that Shelly is going home. On another note, this is how I feel about who should win this game. Jordan does not deserve to win again because she really hasn’t done anything in the game. Adam deserves to go home ASAP. Porsche exchanged her chance at winning for $5,000. Kalia has a chance at winning, but doesn’t really deserve it. Rachel is the number one target and will go home soon unless she wins HoH and POV like every week. No one in this house deserves to win. The newbies haven’t done anything great and the two vets still there coasted along with their alliance and boyfriend’s/fiance. The only people who deserved to win were Jeff and Danielle. These people left in the house do not deserve to win and shouldn’t. The rest of this season is a wash. Unless BB brings back Jeff or Danielle this season will end up like most others, pointless.
Jeff and Dani were my picks at the start of the season. Jeff, Dani, Rachel & Brendon were by far the biggest targets in the game from the start (ED too till he left). Which is exactly why I believe that Dani’s move to go after Jeff when she did was a really bad move. It was just way too early in the game to do it. At some point they all were going to be making that type of move (heck they were all talking about it). She jumped the gun and it cost her the game. Now the other HG get to benefit from the fall out.
Yes, she jumped the gun but I would too if I had the golden key and couldn’t do anything for weeks. Dani is and always has been a strong player and she wanted to compete, which is what the whole Jeff thing was. I just really wish that Jeff had worked with Dani because those two together would have almost have been as good of Dani and Evel Dick. Instead they ended up to be each other’s downfall.
@ Chris I really think the reason why Dani did it was because she want to partner with Dom (which I personaly think would have come back to bite her in the a**) and she knew that Dom was Jeff’s #1 target as the time.
@Chris, you made alot of good points, but Shelly made a HUGE move getting Jeff out of the house, and it worked, did it cause her to go too? Maybe, but atleast she got him out when it counted
S’s move to get Jeff out of the house did not work. Her big move was to keep Dani over K. It failed!! She just got the chance to vote him out anyway. Funny thing is she may not have gotten that chance had her BIG move been successful. K would not have been in the house to win HOH and Jordon may have beat Dani and Jeff would still be in the house. Her Big move wasn’t necessary to acheive her goal.
Right, @ Nita bea!Faye’s obsessive hatred for Kalia seems to have distorted reality.
Shelly is a real horrible person. She hurt Jordan after Jordan gave her that phone call, then she chose to have Jeff leave. She states she is playing for her family, I wonder how proud her family is of her now?? She tells her daughter not to lie, she is the biggest liar there is.
That woman needs to go to the Jury house tonight.
Yes, she made some bad moves in the game. However, you can’t blame her for trying to get herself further in the game.
@ Chris I agree. My problem with S has been her DR talk not her game play. Other than the big game move that was not (I am talking about trying to keep Dani not voting out Jeff) she has played a good game. Could have had a good shot to win but she made the same mistake as Dani by jumping the gun.
Go Rachel, Go Rachel go go go I hope she wins it all
She probably would be the best to win but she won’t, all it takes is for a newbie to win HoH and her not to win POV and she is gone.
agree she is KP #1 target
But k/p are not r/j/a’s #1 target??Could go either way besides Jordan tends to step up at the end of the game remember season 11 people jeez!
@im not fat Yes KP are JR #1 targets although I think they are split on who shoud go J wants P out and R wants K out. KP are united they both want R out
is there anywhere online i can watch the live show tonite? football is on in tampa and i don’t want to miss tonite’s show.
It’s on at 1:37 am…
Also wondering if next week’s eviction will not be shown. Believe saw something on news that Obama will be making a speech next Thursday. Anyone have other info
He has ruined 1 to many of my shows. Why doesnt he get to work and stop camoaining on my tv time.
O’s speech is being carried by NBC only as of right now.
Jeff is a good player, says it like it is, and NOT cocky anytime. He is not one to fuss around when someone’s lies or backstabs him or Jordan. Jeff made a deal/with Shelly but she got all full of herself, deciding she could win on her own, real bad move. Shelly burned her own bridges by being devious, lying and double-timing, when she had a chance of something with Jeff (R has done her share,too, but without B more tolerable than S), but she turns around and says she does not need the money, huh? I cannot stand when someone swears by or makes an oath against someone, especially their family. Oaths are serious and should not be taken lightly. You really do not care for someone when you offering/sacrificing them up in an oath, you are showing that you only care and are concerned about protecting yourself. I am tired of S saying she is doing it for her family, Shelly you are doing it only for you. Stop the two finger smoking action in DR, it IS NOT impressive. K farting,disgusting. And I do
not like K, P,S sudden cockiness on winning challenges (I did not like it when Dani, Bren/Rac acted like that either, I am glad Dani and Bren gone, too much more drama when their there and I did not like
their attitude; never liked Dick and glad
he is not in the game, his attitude and actions stink, too). Adam may be floating but I would rather have him with J/R than
the other choices. Hope R/J pull winning the rest of HOH/Veto’s. Despite the morality issue, this is a game with choices, skill and ramifications. I do not
think anyone REALLY can say they would not have opened Pandoras box for the money, remember YOU would have to be in P shoes, and remember P even said “it could be GOOD or BAD” if she did open it; here I say, give her a break. So, we ALL like talking game, but we are not the ones
actually playing it. Go J/R, Adam for final.
People always pull thier family out of their ass when they need an excuse to do something that only benifits them.
Don’t forget about the fortune teller lady!! maybe someone will be saved tonight, or maybe Dick will come back!!
Watch what you say about Rachel- she could be my daughter because one time in Africa I screwed a parrot!
@SOB Brilliant, LMAO
Alot of people are calling Adam out and saying he doesent deserve to be there or to win because he hasnt done anything. Maybe, just maybe Adam is smarter than we are giving him credit for. He has seen people make big moves and look where it got them.
Brendan played hard and won comps…he was sent to JH.
Dani played hard, won comps and evicted a strong player…She is in JH.
Jeff won a couple of comps, was agressive and loud…Guess where he is..JH.
Shelly called her self making a good move.. she will be in JH with the above.
Adam is laying low. He hasnt won comps (not sure if he can) but he really hasnt had to. He has never been a target or really even a blip on the radar. Why do anything if you dont have to?
Adam playing the game by doing nothing may just earn him $500K. Heck, even $50K for a few weeks of doing nothing is a pretty good summer.
oops.. forgot to give Jeff credit for evicting a strong player.
No -he’s just pathetic and probably won’t win a dime.
@ becky I have to agree. I don’t think his game play has been as bad as everyone is saying either. He is older not physicaly fit so his isn’t playing the win comp angle. He has done something right cause he is still there and not the target.
Jeff is a good player, says it like it is, and NOT cocky anytime. He is not one to fuss around when someone’s lies or backstabs him or Jordan. Jeff made a deal/with Shelly but she got all full of herself, deciding she could win on her own, real bad move. Shelly burned her own bridges by being devious, lying and double-timing, when she had a chance of something with Jeff (R has done her share,too, but without B more tolerable than S), but she turns around and says she does not need the money, huh? I cannot stand when someone swears by or makes an oath against someone, especially their family. Oaths are serious and should not be taken lightly. You really do not care for someone when you offering/sacrificing them up in an oath, you are showing that you only care and are concerned about protecting yourself. I am tired of S saying she is doing it for her family, Shelly you are doing it only for you. Stop the two
finger smoking action in DR, it IS NOT impressive. K farting,disgusting. And I do
not like K, P,S sudden cockiness on winning challenges (I did not like it when Dani, Bren/Rac acted like that either, I am glad Dani and Bren gone, too much more drama when their there and I did not like
their attitude; never liked Dick and glad
he is not in the game, his attitude and actions stink, too). Adam may be floating but I would rather have him with J/R than
the other choices. Hope R/J pull winning the rest of HOH/Veto’s. Despite the morality issue, this is a game with choices, skill and ramifications. I do not
think anyone REALLY can say they would not have opened Pandoras box for the money, remember YOU would have to be in P shoes, and remember P even said “it could be GOOD or BAD” if she did open it; here I say, give her a break. So, we ALL like talking game, but we are not the ones
actually playing it. Go J/R, Adam for final.
Jeff’s such a good player that is why he is where he is LMAO
The chances of Jeff, BR or D winning the game from the moment they walked in the door was slim. Because they had all proven themselves to be good at comps in previous seasons. Made them a target from day one with a big disadvantage in the game. R has done real well for being the last target standing.
U all know as well as I do that in alot of seasons players who are really good at comps throw alot of them when they feel 100% safe just so they don’t put a target on their backs.
I beleive anyone in the house would have opened the box. Curiosity is the nature of humand beings.
Agree I think all of them would have done it except maybe Dani if she were still in the house.
I would have opened it for sure! I wouldn’t be able to stand never knowing what was in it!
So who does everyone think will win HOH?
I’m going out on a limb and picking J
I hope its Jordon, However I think Adam will finally pull a win.
I have a nauseating feeling it’s going to be Rachel. The rest of the HGs are weak quitters.
It all depends on what kind of challenge it is.
Adam will win HOH
Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.
Leave Kalia Alone Pleaseโฆ. !
Leave KALIA BOOKER alone!โฆright now!โฆ.I mean it.!
Anyone that has a problem with her you deal with me, because she is not well right now.
What exactly is Kalia going through, I mean besides all the food in the pantry room?
Yea, I’d also like to know exactly what you think/know she’s going through. Because if it’s another fake injury that subsides minutes later then I will continue to talk negatively about someone who is currently appearing to me like one of the biggest jokes to ever play this game. Thanks
I’d also like to know what exactly she’s supposedly going through, because if it’s another fake injury that subsides just minutes later then I’m not interested in cutting any slack for someone I currently view as one of the biggest jokes to ever play this game. Thanks.
“I’m Not Fat” was mocking the Britney Spears fan — Chris Cocker, I believe his name was –from several years ago who took to Youtube.com to post an overly-emotional plea to ‘Britney haters’: it was about Ms. Spears not being well (after her disasterous on air performance) and he stated that if anyone had an issue, to take it up with him.
Kind of amusing, it certainly got a lot of people’s attention at the time, but also sad at the same time…
Oh ok, gotcha…lol
Remember the Song by Weird Al Yankovic
Your butt is wide, well mine is too
Just watch your mouth or Iโll sit on you
The word is out, better treat me right
โcause Iโm the king of cellulite
Ham on, ham on, ham on whole wheat, all right
My zippers bust, my buckles break
Iโm too much man for you to take
The pavement cracks when I fall down
Iโve got more chins than chinatown
Well, Iโve never used a phone booth
And Iโve never seen my toes
When Iโm goinโ to the movies
I take up seven rows
Because Iโm fat, Iโm fat, come on
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, come on you know
(fat, fat, really really fat)
Donโtcha call me pudgy, portly or stout
Just now tell me once again whoโs fat
When I walk out to get my mail
It measures on the richter scale
Down at the beach Iโm a lucky man
Iโm the only one who gets a tan
If I have one more pie a la mode
Iโm gonna need my own zip code
When youโre only having seconds
Iโm having twenty-thirds
When I go to get my shoes shined
I gotta take their word
Because Iโm fat, Iโm fat, sha mone
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, you know it you know
(fat, fat, really really fat)
And my shadow weighs forty-two pounds
Lemme tell you once again whoโs fat
If you see me cominโ your way
Better give me plenty space
If I tell you that Iโm hungry
Then wonโt you feed my face
Because Iโm fat, Iโm fat, come on
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, you know it, you know
(fat, fat, really really fat)
Woo woo woo, when I sit around the house
I really sit around the house
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, come on
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, you know it, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know, you know, you know, come on
(fat, fat, really really fat)
And you know all by myself Iโm a crowd
Lemme tell you once again
You know Iโm huge, Iโm fat, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, you know, hoo
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Iโm fat, Iโm fat, you know it, you know
(fat, fat, really really fat)
And the whole world knows Iโm fat and Iโm proud
Just tell me once again whoโs fat
roflmao… excellent
best song yet
Acknowledging celebrity “fair game” status of Kalia;
Acknowledging your wit and the truth that she is overweight;
Acknowledging a part of me that wants to chuckle because of the wit, combined with her arrogance, wherein she never ceases to be quiet (except because she’s sleeping, likely to recover from all the energy expended by her mouth) as she criticizes others with a mouth full of food;
I must say this:
The contrast of portly Kalia relative to the other female house guests, and all the digs here made at her weight, remind me of a solitary fat child being bullied at school for his or her weight problem — and that I cannot condone.
I will add that Kalia is not being picked on because she is fat (as far as I can tell), she is being picked on because her demeanor is appalling and the fact that she is portly makes an easy mark of exploitation.
It’s her behavior that’s so appalling; not so her size.
It’s her constantly stuffed mouth, talking wide open, showing her food to the world as she accomplishes the amazing feet of shoving in more while still able to articulate her criticism of everyone else, and her undying love, devotion, admiration, and worship of her self.
It’s your behavior, Kalia — not your size.
she was fine till Dani got ahold of her…the mean girls
Totally true. That’s why some have called her “cowlia”..not particularly nice, but the point gets across.
Well you know what they say the camera puts ten pounds on you and look at how many cameras they have ….joking of course
I’ve always heard that too…10#’s. Good comment, worth a chuckle or two.
What has kalia done, that is bad? Judging from you senseless comments, your behavior isn’t any different from here. If I might please tell us how much you weigh also…Your behavior is appalling.
What has kalia done, that is bad? Judging from you senseless comments, your behavior isnโt any different from here. If I might please tell us how much you weigh alsoโฆYour behavior is appalling.
who are you talking about?
LMAO…You obviously have so much time to waste writing all these…Quit hating and wasting your time, coz not matter what you do kalia will be in the final two
I don’t think she’s fat, she’s just a loud mouth who never stops talking, even when she eats, and throws little dogs againist the wall and brags about it over and over again…hmmm, I guess you’re right, she’s not well!
Actually for as much as she appears to be eating, (this is based on tv edits) She holds her weight well, However I too am not nor ever have been a Kahlia fan. Especially when i heard she did that to a little puppy. Its not like it was a full grown pit bull.
what isn’t she well in the head because if she is well enough to fight and argue with everyone all the time thinking she is always right…
she is fine in body obviously because she does the comps and don’t seem to have much problems so it definately must be mental… thanks for the laugh at being a lover of floaters…
Does anyone know if the other house guest realize Kalia also won $5000 with Pandora’s box If not I hope Julie spills the beans tonight.
I don’t think KP told anyone but I don’t watch live feeds. But P did say she wasn’t telling anyone when the show aired last night.
If Adam wins HOH then he will have to pick a side
Thats why I think he will throw it Unless he is truly with JR and he is the last hope to win
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks for the laugh
Comment deleted. User banned. – Admin
As well as a let done to all the BONER’S she tends to as a COCKtail waitress.
Ok, I live in Wisconsin, home of the Green Bay Packers and they have taken over the channel tonight so episode isnt on till sat 1:30am
I live in Wisconsin too Jeni and my husband checked the listings in the paper and it said the game will be on ABC in our area. That mean CBS will not interfered with here.
–BB has some moal issues. How can BB get away with broadcasting nudity and almost porno like activity!– Anyway, Jeff is a good player, says it like it is, and NOT cocky anytime. He is not one to fuss around when someone’s lies or backstabs him or Jordan. Jeff made a deal/with Shelly but she got all full of herself, deciding she could win on her own, real bad move. Shelly burned her own bridges by being devious, lying and double-timing, when she had a chance of something with Jeff (R has done her share,too, but without B more tolerable than S), but she turns around and says she does not need the money, huh? I cannot stand when someone swears by or makes an oath against someone, especially their family. Oaths are serious and should not be taken lightly. You really do not care for someone when you offering/sacrificing them up in an oath, you are showing that you only care and are concerned about protecting yourself. I am tired of S saying she is doing it for her family, Shelly you are doing it only for you. Stop the two
finger smoking action in DR, it IS NOT impressive. K farting,disgusting. And I do
not like K, P,S sudden cockiness on winning challenges (I did not like it when Dani, Bren/Rac acted like that either, I am glad Dani and Bren gone, too much more drama when their there and I did not like
their attitude; never liked Dick and glad
he is not in the game, his attitude and actions stink, too). Adam may be floating but I would rather have him with J/R than
the other choices. Hope R/J pull winning the rest of HOH/Veto’s. Despite the morality issue, this is a game with choices, skill and ramifications. I do not
think anyone REALLY can say they would not have opened Pandoras box for the money, remember YOU would have to be in P shoes, and remember P even said “it could be GOOD or BAD” if she did open it; here I say, give her a break. So, we ALL like talking game, but we are not the ones
actually playing it. Go J/R, Adam for final.
Jeff was very cocky noone said anything about that.
like it or not porn is a billion dollar business -always brings in dollars and ratings -especially in US
So not happy…..tonights episode not seen here in Wisconsin, Packer game, and its preseason not important….ug!!
Check to see if it’s on around 1 am or so.
Why do everybidy think Jordan is so pure, if she was so nice she wouldn’t be sharing a room and bed with Jeff when he was there.she put on that little inicent face and look sad for people to love her. She probely worse than Rach. Rac. don’t hide anything.
Does anyone have live feeds to know what is going on in the house right now ??
@MATT BBN, PLEASE NOTE that there is a fake “blackgirl” in here. I do not respond to people negatively unless its directed at me.
I’ve banned the user. Please send me an email next time for the fast way to get my attention:
Will do. THANKS
I can not wait for tonight, I’m only afraid BB has another twist in store What about that evil eyed Fortune Teller, did she give Shelley something to keep her safe. Y’all know BB wants to keep their rating up and Shmelly the hermaphertite snake could do that, the rest of the players are boring I wish Jorden wouldn’t be so negative and help Rach and Adam would step up to the plate R/J/A to the end
I feel something will happen tonight that none of us expect! hope I will get to see it!
Why are people complaining about football. I keep reading that Big Brother was sooo boring and you weren’t goin to watch if your favorites got evicted. Go Rach/Jordo !
Wait til next week when Obama gives a speech.
I just checked my local listing too and they have Big Brother on at 2:30am since we also have a pregame on tonight. Good thing I read some post here or else I would’ve been pissed!!! GO RADAN!!! PEACE!!!
you are all a bunch of racists. Kalia is pretty much about the same size as Porsche, who been increasing in size every episode and Kalia has actually lost weight since being on the show. Porsche eats just as much too. In a society that is so into not eating too much and staying thin, it’s amazing how they stuff thinness down the throats of young girls. Leave the woman alone, so much damn negativity. I hate kalia websites, Kalia Kong….seriously people???
1st off..love the way R/J are not telling Kalia who they are voting for..2nd Should R/J be voted off that will more than likely be the end of the season..I don’t think that a final 3 of Adam Porsche and Kalia would fare very well with viewers..I just don’t see it..
Kalia might be the biggest female in the house but she’s not THAT fat. I bet a lot of the people commenting on that are bigger than she is. I think we should stick to discussing what is done and said in the house not attacks on looks. I am not a fan of hers but it has nothing to do with her weight – I think she is very pretty.
This is to much!!!I have watched this show for years and have never her such crap from BB fans before.Kalia looks fine,Jordon is not a slut,Yes Shelly is a snake,and well Porsche is …Nothing.But all of you get a life!!!This is a game,be nice….
michael donnellan from season 6 became a millionarie
He was on the millionaire matchmaker last week.
When it was mentioned that Adam could win HOH, I had to pause. I am not liking that because Adam it is not clear whose his royalies lies. It is possible if he does get HOH, he could put up Rachel, and Jordan?. Oh, NO.
I dont think Adam has the balls to put up anybody
If he wins he will lock himself in the HOH room for a week
A pathological liar is usually defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others. Pathological lying is often viewed as coping mechanism developed in early childhood and it is often associated with some other type of mental health disorder. A pathological liar is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused – it is done to get one’s way). Pathological liars often believe their own lies. Those who attach emotional responses to the lie have an even deeper rooted manifestation of the mental disorder. Remember Shelly on her knees to Jeff right before his eviction…”I’ve been with you 100%…its hurts that you question my loyalty”…Shelly was crying and lying…She truly believes her lies…this women really does need help…I have a masters degree in Psychology and i could give dozens of situations of how Shelly is mentally sick.
And yet she holds a great job.
Let me ask you this: after her display on this show is there anyone where she works that will ever trust her again? What about “friends”. What will they think.
I’d appreciate you insights.
i wish people could understand it like i do…this women is sick…as a professional i am sad…as a fan…i am disgusted with her… because part of me feels like she knows what she is doing and justifies it with her family…
And that is what bothers me the most
She even uses them when does it end?
I have a question for Tots did u recently just get out of University? Cause you right by the definition of pathological liar but anyone could look up that in the dictionary and everyone in the house are pathological liar so they all are needing help then by your degree and this is a GAME do you understand that people for 13 season have lied cheat promised back stabbed and swore on everything and anything they could find to get to the end. IT IS A GAME.
so what ur saying is those are fake tears …
Shelly is a former beauty queen, does’nt that just say it all. Don’t you have to b like that to compete in those things. Maybe Shelly has ptsd and thinks she is once again competing in an ugly pageant.
Now I understand why she is a great business person! I would be willing to bet she could sell some of that Louisiana land to a great deal of people in this world, leading them to believe that it is wonderful, waterfront property! HOWEVER, I agree with Tot, Shelly has some serious emotional problems.
Being in the BB House is “not” reality. Everyone resorts to lying and manipulating and extreme drama on these shows. I would think that a licensed Psychologist would not be posting on these boards giving an armchair opinion about someone such as Shelly’s behavior while she is playing a game to win $500,000.00. How can a licensed Psychologist evaluate someone based on edited segments showing a person, probably at their worse, playing a game to win a large amount of money?
Have to agree. She may just be a great actress.
live feeds, after dark…no edits…and i wouldn’t expect you to understand…as if i didn’t realize the variables in this experiment/game…ur funny
The truth generally comes out in the DR.
Shelly has been lying in the DR ALL season.
Forget if Tot is legit. Are you sayingt you think Shelly is “normal”? Game or not?
All that crying, swearing on her family.
Please. The woman is a nutcase.
I would say a pathological liar is someone who farts multiple times on television and then denies it in the diary room. :D
You must be referring to that Peach Kalia. A pig is as a pig does.
There was just today an article in huffington post that states 1 in 25 executives are psychopathic.
Adios and thanks for stopping by.
hmmmm hmmm Well just be that way then..take ur toys and go home ..see if we care..
We definitely DON’T care.
I hope he keeps his promise not to come back. No Pandora’s box, no twist for cardpoet.
why is my comment posted out of place
There seems to be an issue with the software. This has happened to me.
I think that shelly needs to be evicted from the house because she is a floater just
Like adam. nobody deserves to win in season of bb. I hope that rachael wonโt win.
Im a big fan of bb watch almost every season
Hey everyone! I live in Georgia and they have the falcons playing tonight! Does anyone know what the hells going on?
Yeah, it’s football preseason.
Check your local listing. BB will probably be delayed and on around 1 am or so.
football is on here on the east coast too, but our BB is showing on a sister station at the same time. check your local listings, should say somewhere what the sister station is. Good luck, hope you find it
its on at two thirty in the morning in geogia
Tonight on our cbs is not airing at all where. Can I go to find out min whats going on.Very upset with our cbs love big brother on thursday’s is the biggest night……., julie
Hi, Nancy and Julie — yes, there seems to be some interference with the regular TV schedule this evening but ‘Big Brother’ is still airing tonight in our area, it’s just airing an hour later (10:00 p.m. Pacific Time).
Hope you both get to catch it.
Thanks Jo!
K wow I replied directly to “I’M NOT FAT!!” for saying ‘Kalia’s not well’ with my last comment and it ended up on the bottom of the page…no idea why…sorry guys
I think this site is glitching up right now
There are crocodiles that take crying lessons from Shelley. The Shellinator won’t be back.Dumbest comment ever by Kalia about never passing gas. When global warming from methane is discussed cows point their hooves at Kalia.
I am really disappointed. I have been looking forward to seeing Shelly get voted out and all I see is a football game. Big brother does not come on until 1:30 am in Florida tonight. This really sucks!!
Isn’t there a way to watch sooner on the computer??? would have been nice to be informed of this before the show was due to come on.
I thought Big Brother was on tonight? Why is Preseason Football on in Omaha? Is it just Omaha not seeing Big Brother?
Jeff and Jordan kept most of these people from being evicted. Even Rachel and Brendon at times. Rachel also kept that crazy Porshe from being evicted. I seen Jordan plenty of times calming people down and telling Jeff and them how they should act. Jordan has a good social game. Thats because shes really a good person. So yes shes been through alot to get here.And she really did not sit on her ass and stuff her face with food. She played the game.The rest followed and luck up. All because of the vets!
will someone post after eviction and hoh, i am one of the lucky ones with football on tonight boooooooo lol
Please vote out the nastiest perso who ever played the game
Shelly shelly shelly
Yes yes yes
Yes yes yes she is gone
Go Rachel. You and jordan Great job