Big Brother 13 Episode 25: Week 8 Live Eviction and HoH Results

Tonight on Big Brother 13 episode 26, the results of the next live eviction will be revealed along with the results of tonight’s HoH competition. While we wait, join us on Facebook and grab our free iPhone and Android mobile apps!

I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results as they’re revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds (not signed up yet? get the Free Trial) ready to go because as soon as the broadcast is over the Big Brother Feeds come back!

Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!

Big Brother 13 Week 8 Live Eviction voting:

  • Kalia: evict Adam
  • Rachel: evict Shelly
  • Jordan: evict Shelly

By a vote of 2-1, Shelly has been evicted from Big Brother 13.

Did you catch the commercial for Survivor South Pacific? We’ll be covering the new season at Survivor Fandom! Join our Survivor Facebook page for more news.

Big Brother 13 Week 9 HoH competition

Big Brother 13 Week 9 HoH Competition – ‘Rollin’ In The Dough’:

  • HGs have 13 mins to bring back the most donuts after climbing through goo and candies. Commence the “stop eating the donuts” comments!
  • So far, very early, mind you, Rachel was leading with Adam in 2nd.
  • 7:05PM BBT: Still waiting on results. No winner yet…
  • 7:20PM BBT: Still waiting. NO winner yet…
  • 7:25PM BBT: Live Feeds are back! Waiting on confirmation…
  • 7:27PM BBT: Adam just told Rachel, “Good job!” Jordan confirmed. Rachel won.

Rachel is the new HoH!

So yes, this competition will outlast tonight’s show. So if you want to see who wins then get your Live Feeds now and watch the house react! Don’t have your feeds yet? Then check out the Free Trial to see what other fans are watching!

Get your Live Feed Free Trial & Watch Big Brother Live!

Julie Chen teased us that Pandora’s Box will return but this time with a celebrity surprise. Exec Producer Allison Grodner tweeted this would make 1 HG very happy. I’m placing all my chips on Tori Spelling.

Also, next Wednesday will be a special eviction show to get rid of that extra HG. Following that on Thursday will be another eviction plus part 1 of the 3-part final HoH competition. We’re almost to the end!

Make sure you’re ready to watch the house react to who is in power. The nominations are revealed Friday night, so stay close by!

Be sure to sign-up for the free Big Brother email updates, join us on Facebook, visit the Big Brother Forum, follow us on Twitter, and get our Mobile Apps.



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  1. I do hope that RACHEL or JORDON win this HOH..longshot Adam (hope he can remember where his loyalty lies) ..I simply cannot watch Porsche/Kalia/ Adam make up the final 3..I will not lie ..if that happens my watching BB is over for the season..I do not say that unless I mean it…With 3 in the end game there would be nothing to watch..

    • Adam is throwing the HOH. God I hope that loser goes right after Shelly. I don’t want him to get even 50 dollars! He sucks at BB! GO BIG RED! WIN IT FOR BOOKIE!

      • I agree with you… my BB watching will stop too if the remaining vets get sent home. I can’t stand these newbies… they’re not even likeable. Shelly def needs to go tonight. Didn’t like her from the beginning. Nice speech at the beginning of the game about setting a good example for her daughter by not lying her way through the game… that’s all she’s been doing! Ugh.

    • I really hope Rachel and Jordan don’t fall for Shelly’s crying and get her old ass out of the house!

      • yeah they showed Danielle walk in to the jury house and then jeff after. They also showed Jeff’s reaction when he figured out he had knocked the yellow clown shoe out by accident.

    • This HOH will be very crucial. If Rachel or
      Jordan win it, they could guarantee that either Kalia or Porsche goes home this week! Even if Kalia or Porsche win POV, that would put Adam as replacement nominee and only Jordan and Kalia or Porsche if one gets off the block and it would be a tie broken by the HOH whether that is Jordan or Rachel.

  2. After Shelly goes to jury, it should be pretty interesting when the guys and Judas see her. Of course, Judas will be glad to see a friendly face! GO BIG RED! WIN IT ALL FOR BOOKIE!

  3. There is a football game on and I can not watch BB.
    Can anyone tell me who is HoH and who got evicted?

      • I have had the live feed and BBAD fpr some time and I can see why people say they are going to stop getting them, I’m sorry but both are really boring the best part of the time, like right now three hours of the same questions, Also BBAD isn’t really live, the veto comp was over and rachel had won, but nobody could say anything on BBAD about it for three days, So all you got where people setting around or doing no-thing, then on the live feed rachel takes a shower and then leaves in a towel, but does BB follow her no, we get to watch shelly put her makeup on “boring”

      • Same here freaking football and I can’t watch BB!!! I don’t even know if I will EVER see this episode!!!

        I know they were going to show the HG’s in the Jury house….dang it

        UGHHH Football

        PS. I am on dial up, I can’t do live feeds. I pay for showtime so I can watch BBAD and if it was possible, I would have the LIVE FEEDS

    • Grrrr! PRE season football?? Really CBS? And on a really interesting night! Thank goodness for BBN!

    • debbie you must be in the tampa area……i am SOOO pissed! called the station, the girl said are you calling about BB, i said yes, them she said it would be aired tonight at 0130 and when i said WHAT? she said well you should be one of those with a dvr or vcr and hung up on me! yep……that’s channel 10 cbs in tampa! im here on business and can pray to god my dvr worked by the time i get home next week – Friday 9/9!

  4. WTF….. damn you CBS and your shitty football games. Man this has been a shitty BB seson for me. either CBS schedules something else or they are having technical problems when bb comes on.

    Thank god that BBnetwork exist, Now updates…. quickly.

    • Nothing much
      They have been showing us clips of the pandora box, veto, S & A campaigning and JR not knowing who to keep
      Now it’s commercials then once back they will show the JH and the confrontation and the evicted person

      • Ok they just showed us a bit from JH how B was spending his time studying and entertaing himself then D comes in and they talk a bit and watch the past week on the cd that D brought with her then they show us J coming in and commercials
        We have to wait to see the reaction

    • Ok they showed J in the JH
      Poor him he got more pissed when he saw that he throw the other clown’s shoe outside and that sealed his fate
      B laughed at the stupidity of K and P saying this is what D would’ve wanted us to do, then Julie spoke with P in the HOH and now commercials
      Sorry I’m not going into details now but just giving u a fast resume cos u asked

      • Thanks but most of all I just want to know if they do get shelly out, after that I can wait for the hoh

  5. Nothing much
    They have been showing us clips of the pandora box, veto, S & A campaigning and JR not knowing who to keep
    Now it’s commercials then once back they will show the JH and the confrontation and the evicted person

  6. Im pretty sure that its against the rules for me to post the east coast live stream, But you should google it if a game is playing right now, The east coast stream is working.

  7. I PRAY that Rachel and Jordan do not win Hoh!!!! Rachel is the most annoying girl I have ever seen. I wish Danielle was still on there. I don’t want Jordan to win AGAIN!! This season sucks!! No one that is left really competed except Rachel and even she didn’t really do much this season. Jordan just gets by cause she is so sweet. Can’t wait for next year!! Hopefully they bring back Dick!!! Love him!!

  8. Ok they just showed us a bit from JH how B was spending his time studying and entertaing himself then D comes in and they talk a bit and watch past week on the cd that D brought with her then they show us J coming in and commercials
    We have to wait to see the reaction

  9. Ok they just showed us a bit from JH how B was spending his time studying and entertaing himself then D comes in and they talk a bit and watch past week on the cd that D brought with her then they show us J coming in and commercials
    We have to wait to see the reaction

  10. Yeah, football over here too! Wait I thought that Jeff and Daniel got evicted the same night..wouldnt they arrive at the same time?

  11. Upon cking Sunday BB13 in central Illinois MDA Labor Day Telethon is on istead of Big Brother on CBS

  12. Well deserved, that is what she gets for lying and floating from one team to another constantly.

      • Yeah that is true. Actually everyone in the house to me is floating except for Rachel and partially Kalia.

  13. What kingd of competition is it and also is it one we are going to figure out who is HOH today or later tonight?

  14. Rachel is so dumb.

    Every goodbye message has been really mean from her.

    Does she not realize that those people still have to vote to give her the money?

    Rachel you are playing for 2nd place at this point.

    • Who cares what they think they will see that she played the game well, she won comps and she talked good game though she can be annoying at times

  15. I hope CBS makes a reallity show called ‘Shelly, the Psycho’ that follows Shelly around her home watching the season again. I want to see her reaction.

  16. Wellll the vote being 2 to 1 to keep ADAM TOLD HIM ALL HE NEEDED TO KNOW..Kalia is toast in Adam’s book…hmmm hmmmm let’s see how it plays out..

    • Yeah i wonder if they know Kalia voted Adam, they may think it was Rachel since she did go back and forth the past few days.

      • nooo Adam knows..OMG it’s a food comp Kalia could win if she don’t eat the donuts on the way back..

      • No they have to go through an obstacle course, Grab a donut, And go back and put it on their table. They have 13 minutes, and whoever gets the most donuts wins.

        They can only get 1 donut at a time.

        Rachel has a lead and adam is close behind.

  17. ugh I want Rachel or Jordan to win. This is terrible, is production making the comps easier so the newbies can actually win stuff

  18. The HOH is about donuts but not eating them lol poor Kalia
    Rachel should win it if everything goes fine

  19. ok all you live feed watchers…you have to let us know who wins! It’s gonna end after live tv show!

  20. Well we know Kalia wont win this one! She’ll eat her doughnuts before she gets them to the other side!!!!

    • Well we don’t know
      I don’t know if I saw right but I think she wasn’t bad before they cut the show
      As if she was close to R
      But it wad still the beginning
      We have to wait and see

  21. I thought Kalia would do well at this competition but she is s.u.c.k.i.n.g big time. Rachel’s got it in the bag.

  22. I’m surprised Kalia is so slow in this competiton, I mean it includes, crawling through a pond of glaze, being covered in sprinkles and putting donuts in your mouth.

  23. So as not to pick sides with this comment…I don’t care if it’s sticky, it’s a race, tired of watching people crawl slowly and not run when standing. Come on!

    • HG do talk about how difficult and sticky that stuff really is to get thru and how it weighs you down.

      • I can understand that, but I still think they could muscle it out if this game really means that much to them. Jeff or Brendon would be killing this. Kalia admittedly “took a break” because she was tired during one POV this year, Jordan fell off the last POV admitting she doesn’t do well with physical pain, and Adam said ‘I’m still too fat’ lol

  24. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the comp!!! FOOD…Kaliah is going to win!!!…then I see her moving so slow and her ass can’t fit under the board. GO RACHEL…WIN HOH!!!

  25. i hope they put the feeds on soon sometimes its 20 min before they put them on during a live hoh comp :(

  26. Pandora’s box back next week! “A celebrity will make an appearance” I have a feeling it will be something silly, not a real game changer (like Brittany’s last year)

  27. I want the final 4 to be Kalia Porsche Jordon and Rachel they need to battle it out and shoe america what they are made of and get Adam out

  28. Come on Rachel so Adam can go home I want Jordon Rachel Kalia and Porsche to baatle it out as the final 4

  29. I think Rachel or Adam should win! I just think it would be interesting to see Adam win HOH one time!! And see who’s side he is really on and let him feel the pressures for once.

  30. this is way too intense, lol, this past week with the veto that took forever and now this, im going to have a heart attack

  31. Yes the HOH comp is a donot race who can put the most donots on a pole looks like rachel is in the led.

  32. Btw, can’t say enough how satisfying it was to hear Shelly herself say she made a bad move, and how many times Julie pointed out it was too early. Nevermind hindsight being 20/20, I always felt it wasn’t a good move for her at that point. Now Julie and Shelly herself can agree with me.

  33. Can someone please explain to me why Dani is so happy about sitting in the jury house watching tv? Newsflash Dani – Just because Jeff has been evicted doesn’t mean you are going to get another shot at half a million dollars or anything like that. You are still in the jury ok hun?
    Brendon was so much more mature and acted classy when Dani came in but Dani was just like a five year old who couldn’t control their emotions when Jeff came in. Stay classy Dani!

    Even Shelly recognizes that her decision to evict jeff was a big stupid move. She would still be in the house right now if she had kept him instead.

    Kalia – “Shelly i had to evict you because i needed to think about protecting myself next week.” Huh? How does voting to evict Adam and making an enemy out of him protect you this coming week?

    • I don’t know that I’d blame Dani for that. She was just hours removed from having Jeff evict her, Brendon had had a full week to mellow.

    • Maybe—- it is because Dani is a class act. She lost it is over not going to blame other people like Jeff and Jordan.
      Brendan was acting pretty classy also.

      • Dani lost it because she is too egotistical and just like her first season she was to concerned about having a romance.

  34. Oh wow, a competition that Rachel has already done in BB12 and proved she’s good at…what a “coincidence”.

    Seriously though, Grodner’s rigging is just so blatant now that it’s impossible for anyone to deny it. Right when I saw the comp I knew either Kalia or Porsche was going home this week.

    • oh wow, the first endurance competition of the season was the “ski-board” competition, like last season. A competition that was designed for small people. What a “coincidence”.

      FYI, the competitions are predictable. Every year, it’s the same pattern with a different twist. Get with the program.

      • Uhh the first HoH comp hanging on a banana was the first endurance comp….you should really “get with the program” yourself

      • The first comp of any consequence. Does anyone really care about the first HoH? I mean seriously?

      • @nita bea, You are a disgusting person. Do you ever post anything worth reading or is it always negative and nothing to do with the game???? Why don’t you find another site to post on.

    • I totally agree! If it weren’t for the stupid “America’s Vote” twist, Brendon would have been gone Week 4, Rachel would’ve been gone Week 5, and Daniele could’ve had a chance to get rid of Jeff week 6 and stay in this house further! I bet next week’s Pandora’s Box will be much more mellow than Porsche’s and it’s totally unfair – I Hate Allison Grodner. But Big Brother is a crap show anyways

  35. last i saw rachel was winning.i hope the others get scared if rachel wins they will be kissing butt.if adam wins i can see adam putting up rachel and gordan.backstabing them as just glad shelly is gone.

  36. I agree – GO RACHEL!! You are the only site posting results, thank you SOOO much! My stupid CBS station is showing effing football… booo!! Love your site!!

    • omfg me too. everyone else saw the episode already and im still lookin at football. im in ny and its not gonna air till 1 30 am! cbs coulda at least made it the same for everyone sheesh lol

  37. They had a 13 minute time limit, the game is over, come on Big Brother turn the damn feeds on so Matt can confirm the winner

  38. Matt, do bb rules prohibit the producers from offering Porsche more money privately to open pandoras box than what was said she received ($5k). I don’t think she’s that dumb to take $5k knowing she was set for 50/50 odds (final 4) of at least $50k. I think she was privately offered more than $5k ($25k) to help boost the ratings by keeping Rachel and Jordan. It’s short money for CBS relative to the ratings drop if j/r were booted.

    • I doubt she would be offered more lol at the time porche would have no way of knowing about the twist all she knew it would be something bad and if she thought about previous seasons it didn’t really lead to that

      • Why would you risk it just for $5k when you had a lock on 50/50 odds on $50k and 25% chance at $500k ($125k)? It’s not the first half of the season where you take the cash.

  39. The Living Room Couch won!! Congrats Living Room Couch!!! You’re pretty much the only one worth rooting for at this point.

  40. Matt, do bb rules prohibit the producers from offering Porsche more money privately to open pandoras box than what was said she received ($5k). I don’t think she’s that dumb to take $5k knowing she was set for 50/50 odds (final 4) of at least $50k. I think she was privately offered more than $5k ($25k) to help boost the ratings by keeping Rachel and Jordan.

  41. Matt, do bb rules prohibit the producers from offering Porsche more money privately to open pandoras box than what was said she received ($5k)? I don’t think she’s that dumb to take $5k knowing she was set for 50/50 odds (final 4) of at least $50k.

      • NOW Rachel do not open Pandora’s box because you know it will be bad for you and Jordan, and could end up costing you $500,000!!!! Play it Smart and do not do a PORSCHE STUPID MOVE!!!!!!!!!

      • It could be good for Rachel and bad for the rest of the house instead of being bad for the hoh and good for the rest of the house.

        Can rachel resist opening it? Can anyone resist? If she doesn’t open it and she loses will everyone be saying what a stupid move she made when she didn’t open it?

  42. Can someone please explain to me why Dani is so happy about sitting in the jury house watching tv? Newsflash Dani – Just because Jeff has been evicted doesn’t mean you are going to get another shot at half a million dollars or anything like that. You are still in the jury ok hun?
    Brendon was so much more mature and acted classy when Dani came in but Dani was just like a five year old who couldn’t control their emotions when Jeff came in. Stay classy Dani!

    Even Shelly recognizes that her decision to evict jeff was a big stupid move. She would still be in the house right now if she had kept him instead.

    Kalia – “Shelly i had to evict you because i needed to think about protecting myself next week.” Huh? How does voting to evict Adam and making an enemy out of him protect you this coming week?

    • I laughed so hard at this. Could you imagine? She probably come out running get stuck again and evryone would just be like “um…”

  43. Rachel Won.

    She just said to Jordan, “Hey, I know you wanted to win” Jordan responded “No I’m happy you won, I’m just scared”.

    Figures, AG keeps tailoring this game, she already has the winner picked…

  44. And once again, the fans who claimed the show wasn’t fixed when Jeff left and Porsche won HOH are cursing up a storm and saying Alison’s got her winner picked all because Rachel won. So typical.

    • Really? This show has been fixed for a long time, it is quite mysterious that the FIRST pandora’s box of the entire game gave a HUGE advantage to the vets.

  45. The blog says Rachael Won, stop following the comments and scroll up to look at the results in the main blog, Rachael Won!!!!

  46. It was Rachel….just say her pick-up the HOH key as she was walking out the door to go to another room.

  47. Go tell Adam right now ‘I will not put you up as long as you vote my way’. Worst case scenario one of Porsche or Kalia wins Veto, Adam goes up, Rachel is tie-breaker when Jordan votes her way. Either way, Rachel’s target is gone if nobody pulls a Shelly. And hopefully Rachel doesn’t flip on herself and suddenly decide Adam’s her new target. And for the love of god Rachel no “tricks”, get them both on the block before Veto, because if one wins and pulls the other off, you’ve got Adam and Jordan next Thursday. Don’t F up!

  48. GREAT JOB RACHEL!!! Glad to see a website that allows Rachel fans… whoooo hooooooooooo!!!! I love Big Brother – Never give up hope :)

  49. Rachel definitely nominates Porsche.

    Her second nmination will be . . . either Kalia or Adam. Probably Adam.
    Whichever one she chooses if one comes down with the pov she can put the other one up

    Rachel hoh no vote. Porsche and adam on the block no vote. Jordan votes out Porsche. Kalia votes out Adam and rachel breaks the tie by evicting ???

  50. Oh my gosh ! This sucks…Rachel and Jordan need to go home ! Jordan already won the game once so I dont even know why she was allowed back in the game and Rachel also got the chance to play the game before and she sucked at it because all the does is complains !! Jordan is being the biggest floater in the game ! She has stood behind Jeff the whole game and now she is letting Rachel do everything for her !
    Hahaha Dani made my life when Jeff came through that door ! Best moment of my life !! Jeff deserved to get evicted…like how stupid can you be…it is a big shoe…how can you just throw it out of the box !! :p

    • @dinosaur,Are you kidding me! You would rather see them floating munching, little bed riddin pigs to win. You have to be having a nightmare!

      • Are you kidding me ?!
        Kalia and Porche are not floating !!
        And no my nightmares are about Rachels fake boobs and pimples nagging me to death !!! :)
        Its realy scary !

    • @dinosaur,Are you kidding me! You would rather see them floating munching, little bed riddin pigs to win. You having a nightmare?

  51. Rachel really contradicts herself big time! She always says she is so against floaters yet she is basically carrying two of them now.

    Rachel may actually win this game if Porsche or Kalia get sent packing next Thursday, otherwise if Porsche survives and wins HOH next week she’s going all the way, Kalia is nothing without Dani.

    • Kahlia has done more damage in the game than Porsche. Did you see how the jury reacted when Porsche said “it’s what Dani would have wanted?”

      I think if Rachel or Kahlia make it to the end, they will win whoever they are against. Now if they are the final two, I’m not too sure. Porsche doesn’t have a shot unless she’s against Adam.

      • Kalia did not do anything! She just followed what her master Danielle wanted to do.

        Porsche does have a shot because as though as it doesn’t seem it, she is a good competitor. I have noticed from day one that in all of her competitions she has been the closest to winning them all. In my eyes she is way more dangerous than Kalia!

      • No way rachel wins the game, The most she can hope for is 2nd because of all the hateful goodbye messages she leaves.

    • Jordan has had to talk and talk and talk to people including Rachel to keep them in the game helping her. Shes got the best social game and she has won something. So dont call her a floater. Because if it wasnt for her Rachel would be already gone along with others!

    • Jordan has had to talk and talk and talk to people including Rachel to keep them in the game helping her. Shes got the best social game and she has won something. So dont call her a floater. Because if it wasnt for her Rachel would be alrea.

    • Jordan has had to talk and talk and talk to people including Rachel to keep them in the game helping her. Shes got the best social game and she has won something. So dont call her a floater. Because if it wasnt for her Rachel would be gone

    • Jordan has had to talk and talk and talk to people including Rachel to keep them in the game helping her. Shes got the best social game and she has won something. So dont call her a floater.

    • Jordan has had to talk and talk and talk to people including Rachel to keep them in the game helping her. Shes got the best social game and she has won something.

    • Kalia that fat pig was just saying how pooped she is. I know it must be so tiring eating ,sleeping and whining all day, yeah

      • If by Kalia doing damage you mean to the food pantry, I agree with u 100%. But Buick is a close second.

    • Why is Buick trying to pour her fat ass into those sweat pants. It looks like an over stuffed sausage.

  52. yeahhhhh goo rachel. I am happy she won!! At least she went to compete unlike kpa. I hope Rachael wins big brother.

    • What is she going to do with jordan .? if she takes her to the end she will not win ,cause they would most likly vote jordan to win again ,that would really be the poops if you know what i mean .she needs to take kalia cause everybody has said that they would not vote to give her the money. if she is smart that s what she needs to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • It doesn’t matter who Rachel takes to the end. She’s by far the best competitor left in the house. People will vote for her to win based on her over come adversity attitude. She’s been a target from the beginning, and she’s fought her way every week. One thing’s for sure, Rachel does not throw away any competitions, and she works hard. She’s smart, she’s tough, and despite her sometimes obnoxious personality, she’s a good and loyal alliance member. She doesn’t lie much or backstab those she aligns herself with. She’s emotional, and sometimes petulant, but not as mean spirited as Dani, Porsche, Kalia and Shelley. The were downright brutal with their spiking shake powder, stealing and hiding stuff, threatening to cause bodily harm, etc. Team Rachel/Jordan all the way!

        Almost sure Adam will get to meet Tori Spelling this week unless Rachel decides not to open Pandora’s box, which is a possibility. It be tempting, but look what happened to greedy Porsche. Big risk to take, this late in the game. Specially when you’ve got it almost won.

  53. I’m glad Rachel won, but I’m pretty disappointed that Adam is going to make it to the final 3. He did NOTHING and doesn’t deserve to have made it this far.

    I’d hate to say it, but Rachel deserves it the most (out of whose left anyway). Then Kahlia. I’d love to see Jordan be the first ever to win twice, but I don’t think her odds are good.

    I wish they’d evict Adam this week, then have a real grudge match to the end. Rachel and Jordan vs Porcha and Kahlia.

    • I agree. Rachel does deserve it the most. She has fought the hardest and is a true competitor. Might not like her, but she has been on the block and still convinced people to keep her. She should win.

      • Are you kidding me I LOVE RACHEL this season. I think she deserves it even though I am a die hard Jordan fan so definitely am hoping it is Jordan and Rachel in final two but think Rachel deserves it. That woman is a beast in competitions, but would love for Jordan to be 2nd. Cannot stand Kalia since she said she threw her little Yorkie up against a wall and Porsche just needs to go after her cruel comments about Rachel. LOVING BB THIS SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Out of the remaining players I have to agree as well. Will the jury members that really don’t like her be able to look past it I don’t know. She isn’t very nice to them in her GB messages.

      • Really? For what floating by? Switching sides to whoever is in power? He won one POV, never made any game play moves for himself (except mooch off everyone else).

        Anyone left in the game SHOULD take Adam to the final 2. Nobody will lose to Adam…his game was the worst. No offense to him personally

      • Adam is a waste of space. I can’t stand to hear him speak. Such a worthless loser that can’t win anything. Let me kiss the A@@ of whoever is in power. I love 90210! LMFAO If Adam wins then I should be Queen. Oh wait, the US is a democracy.

  54. Bye Kalia or Porche…gee what will Dani say when all of her alliance comes walking in the door one by one!

  55. So are we having another double eviction one on Wednesday and one on Thursday to take us down to the final 3 for the 3 part HoH comp

    • come on now you the answer to that FATTY KALIA, AND BIG HIPS PORSH of course. GO Rachele!!! would be nice if either one of them would go,they can’t call themselves players at all they did nothing.

  56. Not many agree with me but I think Kalia should be the target. They just had an endurance comp for HoH which Kalia is useless at, the next is bound to be a question competition where she’s more a threat than Porsche. I’ll admit to some bias because I just badly want Kalia gone, but unbiasedly and strategically, I think she should go before Porsche.

    • I agree. She’s been really good at question competitions. And she has won more than Porsche and made bigger moves (in my opinion). I think it would be smart to get rid of her now, because if she does make it to the final 2, I think she might have the best game play out of everyone else.

      Who knows how the jury will vote though, but if they vote based on who played the game, Kahlia will win (unless it’s her and Rachel).

      • I think they should get rid of K as well. If RJ are in disagreement about it J should vote the way R wants because it is her HOH

    • @ mj…but the hoh doesn’t really matter so much next week..its the veto rachel and jordan need to win…

      • Yea next week they badly need the Veto for sure. But for this week, HoH really is all the power. Rachel’s target should by all means be out the door, only thing that can screw her up is any ONE of Jordan or Kalia/Porsche/Adam voting against her wishes. With only two votes, if even one is cast for her target, she breaks the tie and gets whoever she wants out.

  57. now…. Porsche should be the next to go…Porsche can get in Adams head ..Kalia can’t..And he knows Kalia voted for him…Porsche and Kalia were nice to Shelly in their GB messages…it’s all about the votes..

  58. Rachel, finish the job now. Send either Porsche or Kalia home by putting them on the block! One of them will be going home guaranteed 100% only question is who? I am rooting for Porsche to go home as she is good at competitions pretty much so, leave Kalia in with Adam and Jordan and Rachel for the final 4. Then, if Jordan wins HOH next week—-send Kalia home!

    • It’s only 100% if A doesn’t win the veto and use it. R would then have to put J up. If that happens J would go home otherwise A wouldn’t use it. Don’t think that will happen though.

      • I think Kalia and Porsche I equally matched as far as competitor is concerned. All depends on what exactly the competition consists of. I don’t think it really matters which one goes home first, as long as they both go home next week. Adam will be top 3, but can’t win against either Jordan or Rachel. Hope whoever wins the HOH in the double eviction round is not someone who would put Rachel up, although Rachel is likely to win the veto because she fights hard. Go Rachel! You’ve even won American over! Win it for your man and so you can have beautiful wedding! And you can help Brendon complete his education. How kool will that be. I hope Brendon and Rachel get to be on Amazing Race like Jeff and Jordan. They could definitely win it! And they’d be so entertaining to watch!

    • Jordan can’t win squat so I wouldn’t count on that. It’s up to Kalia or Porsche to win HOH(cause Adam Ant can’t) to get Jordan up on the block. Sry, but she won the first time floating by it would be ridiculous a second time, IMO. Basically, she plays with her constantly on the live feeds, complains how much pain she’s in for staying on that dummy for what 3 minutes. She even has the nerve to say ‘I can’t tolerate any pain at all’ . What did she think she would be doing in the game ??? And seriously her comments in the DR make no sense. So I guess it will be Rachel for sure in F2 cause none of these 3 can beat her in comps.

      • Jordon won the 2nd HOH
        Jordon won the lux comp
        Jordon won a couple of HOH’s in her 1st season.
        Jordon won 500 g’s in her 1st season
        BUT I guess u are right Jordon can’t win squat.
        Wonder what u have won?

      • Wow one comp in this whole show. Luxury comp was where they all got 2 pick something once they were eliminated from the comp.. I’m talking about this season and you keep referring to her 1st season. You asking me what I have won has nothing to do with this and you know it. She is there because of Rachel winning these comps.

  59. And that’s it…Pandora’s Box guaranteed to be a reward with zero impact on gameplay, Fortune Teller deal most likely awarded to Jordan for no reason except “she was there.” I’m excited for next year where the whole cast will be new :)

  60. Porche gone Wednesday; Kalia gone Thursday.


    Kalia gone Wednesday; Porche gone Thursday.

    Either way makes me happy.

    Adam will enjoy being third as a dedicated fan, that works fine. Rachel and Jordan win 1st and 2nd, respectively.

    Hell, Adam could be America’s player — or Jeff.

  61. if she wants to nail her HOH
    1- she should put both K and P on the block otherwise if either one of them wins veto they are both safe and then her alliance is on the block

    2- not open pandora’s box whatsoever is the reward

      • Right, Anonymous’ point was that Rachel needs to put both Kalia and Porsche on the block. If she puts just one of them up (with Adam), the other one could win the veto and take the one on the block down.

  62. Does anyone else see that Jordan is a SUPER floater? She never wins a comp in this season or her last one. Lets give a loser 1 million dollars. Great idea CBS. Rachel and Porsche are the only 2 left playing the game. Kalia is so lazy and out of shape she couldn’t beat my grandmother. Adam is just a joke. He should hide his head in the sand for the rest of his life. Hate to say it but Rachel deserves to win (and I don’t like her)! This game is so rigged by production it is crazy.

    • It doesn’t matter if she’s a floater; she’s nice and production likes her. If you wanna win Big Brother next year find out why production liked them so much and play the act.

      • I would not call Jordan a floater. Have we not defined a floater as a person who would switch sides to whatever group had hoh. Jordan has always been true to her alliance and never floated. I would agree that she has been useless as far the comps go.

      • I dunno what she is, I’ll go by whatever production says, since there’s really no reason to fight it :)

      • I’m in the dark apparently (and naive). How has production influenced or interfered with game play, HGs, etc. ? Please enlighten me.

    • I love Jordan the most of whose left, but yes she is a floater. Remember, she won her season because she was the least of the two floaters in the final 2.

      The only way Jordan can win is if she does the exact same scenario. Win the final HOH, backstab Rachel, and take Adam to the final 2. Adam was a worse floater than her and she could win again.

      But your right, I think Rachel (or Kahlia) deserve to win. But will they?

    • Just like BB11 Jordan will win when she has to and will be the first two time winner of BB. You go Jordan, you are playing the perfect game AGIAN!!

    • Floater doesn’t mean just not winning (Jordan won 2 HoH’s when she won Season 11, including the final 3 part HoH, the “big one”, and a Veto, this year won an HoH that contrary to popular belief was not handed to her). The truest act of a floater is going where the power is, being besties with the HoH of the week. Jordan never sucked up to Dani or Kalia or Porsche when they were HoH, she’s stuck with Jeff, and Rachel for the most part. Outside of Brendon, Rachel and Jeff, I don’t see who she’s sided with. She hasn’t floated. Adam has and for 50 days or so, Porsche did. Until Kalia was slapped in the face verbally by Brendon for being a floater, she was exactly that, then decided to win something and side with Dani, where she has been ever since even after Dani’s eviction because her and Porsche are latched onto her like baby piglets. Bottom line, Jordan isn’t a floater.

      • Thanks for the back-up Matt. By the way, do you know if there’s a real reason behind not giving the houseguests a real deck of playing cards? Someone mentioned copyright laws if the cards have a brand name, but I know I’ve seen Sprite, Monster and Jack Link’s visible on the show.

      • I beg to differ…The very reason some floats around is because they can’t win comps on their own so say latch on to others who can either help them win or protect them as is the case with Jordan da mighty floatress

      • Couldn’t agree more.
        How many players throw comps so they keep the target off there backs. Too many to count.

    • A floater is not a player who doesn’t win comps. A floater is a player that moves back and forth each week to the side that holds the power.

    • @sara, Jordan won 2 HOH comps her season and one of them was the last two part HOH and she won HOH and luxury comp this season. She has stayed with her alliance through the entire game. I wouldn’t call that floating. Also she is nice and has a great social game. She deserves to win. Go Jordan!!!

    • She won the 2nd HOH (say what you want about JB giving it to her but there were a bunch of newbies that she beat and no way to say JB would have scored better than 3)
      She also won the lux comp from the Huff comp.
      She has stayed true to her allience.
      I DON’T call that a floater.

    • Once again!!!! A floater is someone who floats from alliance to alliance. Not someone who hasnt won comps. Also you people who think its fixed are ignorant. Logically why would production have a preference for one against the other?? If that were the case Jeff would be in the house still. He is the most popular player. In Jordons last season ( which im sure u did not watch) she won her last three comps to win the game!!! She was in complete control of the game and obviously the other houseguests felt she deserved to win. Since she did!!!!

    • It doesn’t matter if she’s a floater — though she has won more competitions than Adam, and she’s won more social game than Porche and Kalia and Adam combined — I LIKE HER!

      So, she should be a winner, because she IS a winner!

      • @Dan,
        What Social Game? Being docile and fraudulently sweet is not a good social game. It is called play safe.

      • Jordan gave her phone call away how many people would’ve done that she’s no floated she stayed true to her alliance

    • Hello!! A floater is someone whom floats from alliance to aliance. Which jordon has never done! Obviosly u didnt watch jordons first season!! She won .3 comps to make it to the end. Then she picked whos in,the final with her. Then the other hgs gave her the money. Obviously they felt she deserved it!!!! Get off this fixed bullshit.

    • Totally agree with you Sara ! But you better watch out for RJ, he or she didn’t like my comment. Maybe it’s really Big Head Jeff…lol

      • Shelly deserved exactly what she got tonight. At least this time she actually admitted in the DR to lies she made to Rachel and Jordan’s face. Swore up and down she wouldn’t turn on Jeff, she did, and she would’ve turned on Jochel if they voted to keep her. Even Shelly admitted it wasn’t a good move, and Julie wouldn’t stop saying it was too early. Couldn’t agree more with them both.

      • SHELLY Did not deserve anything but maybe to go and crawl under a rock like the lying snake she is. GREAT JOB EVICTING HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • She won’t win America’s favorite but she did play a pretty good game. Too bad for her she had to go and spoil it by splitting up the golden couple at an inopportune time.

      • @Tommy…Thanks for sticking up for Shelly. The unnecessary hate being thrown @ her on here is ridiculous. She was simply playing the game like any other person and just becos she turn on ken and barbie (appropriately might I say) she became public enemy #1…SMDH

    • I think Jeff will actually wind up being pretty nice tp Shelly in the Jury House. He’s had time to cool and I believe both Brendon and Jeff will be trying to gain jury for votes Rachel and Jordan, respectively, hoping that they make it to the finals.

      • Tommy, Dr. Will would lie and then go to the Diary Room practically laughing about it, about pulling it off when it was working for him. Shelly (until tonight, finally) would go into the DR (where she’s alone, nobody to try to convince except America and her family) that she was telling the truth, when everyone including her family just saw her lie, and she would do it through tears. She seemed to actually believe her lies and would then justify it by using her family, which is what I didn’t respect. That’s the difference between hers and Will’s game of lies.

      • Mj i really like your pists!!! U seem to be one of few that can actually tell it like it is!! Just like

      • lol thanks smr, I appreciate that. I like your posts too, I agree with them. Also don’t mind being compared to Jeff lol he was my fave

      • Don’t be too sure about that. He seemed to get pissed again when he saw he tossed that shoe out of his box. Seems like a real hot head to me and sore loser just like he was last time he lost. I just don’t get why ppl adore him and Jordan ?? Actually, Brendan and Danielle seem to be handling way better and maturely.

      • Eimee…this isn’t bias (I swear lol) but Jeff’s reaction just seemed to be that of ‘Ohhh my god I can’t believe it’…not necessarily pissed, or that of a sore loser, he just couldn’t believe he threw the shoe out of his own pit, and that a clown shoe is what cost him his shot at $500,000. I don’t know how he can be faulted for that reaction. Also, gotta love Dani trying to make him feel bad by saying she would’ve kept him and Jordan safe…bull, as soon as Brendon was gone Jeff was her next target, she said it up and down.

      • @ eimee…are you kidding me!!!!!!! What is wrong with some of the people who come on here and act like. They’ve never. Gotten mad. Att anything…you tell. Me that if you were in that position you wouldn’t. Be pissed???? Jeff is HUMAN..every time jeff gets mad he’s a bully and its ok when everyone else does it though…russel. from jeffs origional season, that was a bully…jeff by no means is a bully, he tells it how. It is, only weak-minded people would see him as a bully.

  63. I’m done…I was suspicious when Brendon was brought back…but after last weeks POV and now this weeks HOH…this is too much!! Big brother is completely fixed toward Brendon/Rachel…two people that really should not be allow out of solitary confinement. See you next year…I’m done.

    • So sad, another newbie fan off to sulk since things aren’t going the way they were supposed to.

    • have a wonderful summer… OMG, I realllllly hope CBS doesn’t cancel BB because we lose you! :-O They won’t do that, will they? Argh! LOL :-P I’m so over people CONSTANTLY saying the thing is fixed and that goes for both sides. It’s NOT fixed. Allison Grodner runs a very tight ship and I have a distant friend that knows a lot in production and it makes them so damn angry when they read “rigged!” posts. Just get over it, y’all. Rachel is a huge competitor and she’s dominated the comps because she’s a fighter. How exactly was the Bakery HoH comp fixed for Rachel? Everyone had an equal chance. It is not the producers fault if Kalia is not in shape enough to move fast through that sticky stuff. I’m actually proud of Adam, seems he came in a close second! Again, just stop with the sour grapes. Rachel won HoH. End of discussion. Next week she could be gone so why even say you won’t watch anymore?

      • @BillMc I don’t know who came in 2nd, but it couldn’t have been that close as Adam said he was 5 doughnuts behind with less than a minute to go.

      • Hey Gail!

        I just read that Adam, Jordan, and Kalia tied for 2nd place with 15 doughnuts each. That was a…wait for it…SHOCKER! :-D

    • A lot of people voted multiple times for Brendon, including JJ fans, who seem to be very, well, fanatical in their support.

      As far as this week’s HOH, we are coming off a skill HOH and a question HOH. It only makes sense that this would be a physical one. The ski HOH clearly played into Dani’s skill set, but it made sense to have a physical HOH at that point. Production switches up the HOHs so one person doesn’t win them all.

  64. Surprise, surprise. Two physical comps. in a row, when Rachael and Jordan need to win. We know who BB wants. But, we’ve know since it started. Or at least the smart ones did. 13 days til Survivor.

    • Rachel wins back to back physical comps and people say she dont deserve to be there..Please people that dont deserbe to be there or who wins trival comps..Kalia fat ass…She was so smuge when Brenden and Jeff let the house..Shes cocky and smuge she hasnt won anything worthy of being in the finals

      • Then in your eyes the only one worthy of winning would be Rachael. Cause Jordan has riden Jeff’s, Brenden’s and now Rachael’s coat tails. She doesn’t have to lie cause everybody’s always a bigger threat and she just floats to the end. That’s how she won her last one. I don’t have an issue with her, but if your saying the others haven’t done anything, then include her.

    • If anything the producers wanted Dani to win. If anything these comps were put well in place for Dani just like when she made the final in her season.

    • @falcount

      You right da smart and fair ones can see through all the BS CBS production is pulling. Can’t wait for survivor and the Amazing race. In the main time I will watch to see if fate turns on production and somehow the favored ones screw up

  65. Way yo go Rachel,now it’s time to put Kalia and Porche on the block and Porche has to go.And if Jordan doesn’t want to go home,she better win the hoh next week.Hopefully Rachel or Jordan will get veto this week too.Keep up the good work Rachel,i hope you win the 1/2 mil.

    • I really don’t see Jordan going home next week even if she doesn’t win HOH. If she winds up on the block against R (after veto and HOH), I think A would vote to sendR home. If by some miracle A wins HOH and J winds up against R, I think P would send R home. Against P, I think R would send P home. (The only way J winds up against P on the block is if A wins HOH and through veto is forced to put up J, leaving R with the only vote.) If J winds up against A, I think R would vote to send A home. (Again, only way she winds up against A is with P as HOH.) If K stays instead of P, replace K with P in any above scenario and the scenario stays the same. Basically, I think J is sitting pretty for final 3.

  66. Rachel needs to grow a set and get rid of Jordan. she said she hates floaters, right….or adam….either one have done nothing in the house. if she goes up against kalia, porsche, or adam, she has 500k……CTC, cut the check baby!!

    • obviously you don’t read other posts. A floater has been defined time and time again and it does not define Jordan. Not saying that because I am a fan of Jordan, but saying it because you use the wrong definition of a floater when it comes to BB.

    • I think Rachel would beat Jordan, but not Kalia or Porsche in the final 2. Against K/P, she has votes from JJB only. Against J, she has votes from BDKP. Her best bet would be to go against Adam.

  67. It’s official Adam is a complete waste. It will be a good time for R to dump Jordan…she has ridden her long enuff. That will be her smartest and biggest move ever. Lets keep our fingers crossed and see it da show girl finally start thinkin like da chemistry student she says she is…LOL

    • Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking and biased hope, but hey crazier things have happened, can’t say anything in this game would surprise me anymore…

    • Why would Rachel dump the one person most likely to be faithful to her? If she dumps Jordan now, she will definitely need to win the second POV this week. She also has a great chance to win the final HOH and decide who to go against in the end if she sticks with JA.

      • Rachel will be loyal to Jordan, of that I a sure. It’s not her style to turn on people she’s got an alliance with. Besides, she knows Jordan already won, and she’s carried her since Jeff left. Even Jeff might vote for Rachel. Not!

    • I was wondering the same thing. Didn’t Porche get a three digit combination after she opened Pandora box? I thought I remember her telling Kalia something about it in the hoh room. I’m not sure.

      • It will activate when Jordan and Rachel enter the room and look at it. That’s all they need to do :)

  68. The best part tonight was watching Kalia’s reactions during Shelly’s speech. I thought she was going to jump up and start screaming. You could tell she was really pissed. If I was Rachel, I would target Porche, she is the bigger threat with the physical challenges. The final three will have an endurance challenge as well, which Kalia is not that good at.

    • I agree who needs the cook Porsche around Kalia will starve and noone to help her study Kalia u get her out next. Leave Adam until final 3 I think he’ll take Rachel to end because if he ever wins HoH Jordan has to many friends if he send Rachel packing

      • kalia’s outlasted Porsche in the endurance competitions. Porsche is better at pure athletic competition. Kalia’s better at question answering. Porsche’s better at puzzles and putting things together. Their pretty evenly matched. Fortunately, Rachel is pretty good at all of the above, so she’s got a very good chance of beating them. Only thing Adam can actually win, perhaps, is a brute force type competition where a male would have an advantage. Jordan’s got a quirky set of skills unique to herself. Hard to judge what she can win, based on past performance.

  69. OMG Go Rachel!!!!!!!!!!!!! You desevre to win Big Brother 13. Do you guys think Rachel will kalia and ms wide butt. Then send Kalia out. Then Nominate Adam and ms wide butt and send ms. wide butt out.

      • Actually Tommy Dr.Will would not be proud. He played the game keeping it real! He kept it lite hearted and laughed about his deceptions in the dr. He didnt bully people, get in their face,stab everyone in the back and then go in dr and cry ,swear to god that and swearhe didnt do any of it. He was actually likable, unlike Shelly.

      • Dr.Will would only be proud if she won, or even came close. He’s probably laughing at her for making just final six, saying “She’s no me!” and then rolling around on the couch with Boogie

  70. Because of the extra HG, Rachel has all the power this week, the Veto comp. will change little,

    Rachel puts up Kalia and porsche
    Kalia or porsche win the veto comp. and take themselfs off
    Adam goes up
    The only votes are Jordan and Kalia
    Kalia votes for Adam
    Jordan votes Porsche
    Rachell get to break the tie
    Rachel has all the power

    Next wensday will be a D/evic to get out the extra HG, Then it’s the Veto that has all the power

    Should be a great week

  71. i am so glad rachel won the only ones that should be left are rachel and jordon i love it GO RACHEL

  72. i am so glad rachel won the only ones that should be left are rachel and jordan i love it GO RACHEL

  73. i don’t know why i have a feeling that they will let JR smell the cash but not taste it
    they will be so close to it but then tables turn on them and they’re out
    it could be just production way to keep the ratings then pull the cover from under JR
    what do you think guys???

    • i agree with you. it is to good to be true for rachel and jordon still being in the house. I am routing for them for final two.

      • I like Adam too but not to win because he hasn’t done anything. So far the girls in the house are wearing the pants. Adam needs to change out of his dress and make a move to prove he deserves to be where he is.

    • I agree 100%. I think this special eviction on Wednesday will work against them. In a way, the producers have to do it to even the score for the duos twist.

  74. Rachel needs to break up the Adam & Porsche duo..She’s already messing with his head…trying to get his vote cause she knows shes going on the block..

    • adam and porshe duo? i think kalia and porsche duo needs to be broken up. she splits the 5k with kalia not adam. so you can see who she has the alliance with.

    • I hope she does send Porsche home this week but if she has the choice I think she would rather vote out Kalia. Kalia is good at question comps and that scares Rachel a bit. Also, she is friendlier with Porsche but I hope she will not keep her because of that since Porsche would not return the favor.

      • Rachel is loyal. She might keep Porsche if the votes are tied and the HOH has to cast the deciding vote. Porsche has a better chance of winning the veto. She seems to be more determined to win when its crunch time.

  75. Goodbye Shelly !!!!! I will NOT miss you at all ! I would like to see Rachell or Jordan win….the newbies have not shown me a thing !!!!!! Shelly was so 2 faced and back stabbing……the rest are just a bunch of hot air balloons float float !!!!! Go Vets !!!!!!!!

  76. FFFFFFF************CcccccCCcCCCCkkkKkKKKKkKKKKKK yyyyyyyeeeeeeesssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew my girl could do this! I want someone to have the nerve to tell me that HOH wasn’t fixed for kalia! I mean donuts and icing! She probably ate her donuts before she got em to her bin.

      • Correction. *pole. Buut anyhow I saw someone say earlier up..oh endurance HOH, shocker, should it be questions everytime for kalia to win? Its always questions! Is not rachels fault she’s a beast, that HOH was won fair and square! Just like everything else rachel has done…she deserves to win! One more comp and she is the winningest BB player in a single season…currently tied for first with “the beloved dani”(almost puked I’m my mouth) and janelle! With 5!