Big Brother 13 Episode 22: Week 7 Double Eviction and HoH Results

Tonight on Big Brother 13 episode 22, we’re going to be hit with a double eviction as part of the Fast Forward event. That means we’ll have a quick eviction, an HoH competition, noms, Veto comp, Veto ceremony, eviction, and then another HoH comp. Phew! While we wait, join us on Facebook and grab our free mobile apps!

I’ll be updating this post here with the live evictions and competition results as they’re revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds (not signed up yet? get the Free Trial) ready to go because as soon as the broadcast is over the Big Brother Feeds come back!

Update: Allison Grodner, Big Brother exec producer, tweeted “all hell breaking loose in the house. Shelly, Jeff and Adam fighting… Shelly has been outed.” Whoa! Tonight is going to be awesome. Anyone looking for a quick, easy nomination for Fast Forward will likely find it with Shelly tonight. You will NOT want to miss the Live Feeds tonight!

Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!

Big Brother 13 Week 7 Live Eviction voting:

  • Jordan: evict Daniele
  • Porsche: evict Kalia
  • Shelly: evict Kalia
  • Rachel: evict Daniele
  • Adam: evict Daniele

By a vote of 3-2, Daniele has been evicted from Big Brother 13!

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Big Brother 13 Week 7.5 HoH Competition – ‘Before or After’:

  • Round 1: Everyone is safe
  • Round 2: Adam eliminated
  • Round 3: Shelly, Rachel, Porsche eliminated
  • Round 4: Jordan eliminated
  • Kalia is the new HoH!

Adam and Jordan both went out on an easy question. Shame on those two. Congrats to Kalia. She’s about to pick 2 noms. Sounds like we might not get a Veto comp. Hmm…

Big Brother 13 Week 7.5 Nominations:

  • Jeff
  • Rachel

Definitely Veto comp coming up next.

Big Brother 13 Week 7.5 Veto Competition – ‘Clowning Around’:

  • Jordan is NOT playing tonight. She can’t save Jeff.
  • Jeff is way behind here…
  • Porsche won something!!

Update: Jeff made a huge, costly mistake during the comp. He threw his second clown shoe out of his pit and never saw it. Jeff could have easily won. It was another 30 secs before Porsche found her second shoe. Screenshot of the missing shoe.

Will Porsche try to rekindle her friendship with Rachel, or let her get voted out?

Big Brother 13 Week 7.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Porsche will NOT use the Veto. Noms remain.

Either Jeff or Rachel will be going home. I’m guessing Rachel. Jordan and Adam will vote to keep Jeff. Will we get a tie breaker??

Big Brother 13 Week 7.5 Live Eviction voting:

  • Jordan : evict Rachel
  • Porsche : evict Jeff
  • Adam : evict Rachel
  • Shelly : evict Jeff

Tie breaker time! Kalia evicts Jeff!

Jeff has been evicted from Big Brother 13 via Fast-Forward, just like BB11.

Big Brother 13 Week 8 HoH Competition:

  • Like last year, this comp will play out after the show. Grab your Live Feeds.
  • Update: Trivia started @ 8:42PM BBT. HoH comp underway. Spoilers soon.
  • Results are in. Find out who won HoH tonight!

Big Brother 13 fighting

The house is ON FIRE right now. Jordan SCREAMING at Shelly and Shelly is SCREAMING back at her!! Turn on your Live Feeds (Get the Free Trial) RIGHT NOW! If you missed the fight, then Flashback to 7:06PM BBT to watch it all over on Live Feeds.

Watch inside the Big Brother house – Live Feeds Free Trial

Big Brother 13 fighting

Make sure you’re ready to watch the house react to who is in power. The nominations are revealed Friday night, so stay close by!

Be sure to sign-up for the free Big Brother email updates, join us on Facebook, visit the Big Brother Forum, follow us on Twitter, and get our Mobile Apps.



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  1. this is always the best show of the season besides the finale. its going to be crazy right from the get go. HOPEFULLY rachel votes to keep dani. if she doesnt oh well it will suck, but she better watch her a** because she’ll be next.

    i will go out on a limb and say Dani stays, then obviously kaila is gone. then porsche wins HOH, and either jeff and or shelly are gone. i would like Jordan to go because she is such a annoying, worthless floater. YUCK! lol.

    15 minutes left. cant wait till west coast, will be watching from east coast feed.

    im nervous already

    • With this news about a big fight with Shelly being outed I think we’ll see her end up on the chopping block. It’s an easy out for all HGs as no one will want to align with someone under that much fire.

      • Eh…I think that would be boring though. I’m still hoping for some fireworks with Jeff or Rachel going home. Maybe Kalia will win the 2nd HOH.

  2. apparently joker’s update says there was a major fight between jeff, adam, and shelly. Shelly been called out on loyalty. Looks like Dani is leaving.

    • when was the fight?? watched all afternoon when the feeds were up and did not see it..

      • Apparently Gordner the producer tweeted it. It happened when the live feed were on trivia. i think we’ll see it on tonight’s show

      • They’ve blocked the feeds, as is per usual for Thursday, but Alison Grodner just tweeted it, like, twenty minutes ago.

        2 MINUTES TO GO!!!

    • I hate to see Dani leave .We all have Sept 14 or 16 to wait for survivor.Its a better game anyway.I swore after last year I wouldnt watch survivor this year but a year big brother makes me look forward to it.I hated how they did Matt on survivor and Boston Rob won.Survivor make BB look like a

  3. LOL YES! FINALLY! Shelly is going home as the 2nd evictee tonight. Goodbye, you played everyone and lied about everything. Time to go home.

    • someone please post asap who left. cbs put a football game on & BB won’t show till after 10 in SC.

  4. All I care about is stupid Dani leaving. Ever since shes been up on the block shes been acting like a total idiot!

    • Trying to save herself, no doubt. Can’t say I wouldn’t do anything different in her shoes.

  5. Ugh I don’t understand how they expect to get everything done if first eviction hasn’t happened 20 minutes

    • Haha spoke too soon. But woo-hoo now everyone will know about Shelly I guess, but she may find a way to lie out of it as well.

  6. Dani gets evicted. Rachel wins HOH. Rachel nominates Shelly and Kalia. POV not used. Kalia is evicted. Next HOH to come…

    • Is that what has happen ?Or is that just wushful thinking.I know Dani is gone but all that happened already.

  7. Baltimore Fb game on cbs. Missing show. Please post play by play. Really upset about missing it. Anyone know if cbs will air after ravens game?????

    • I know! I’m out of town and came back to my hotel room to find out this pre-season crap is on! I’m so irritated! Been looking forward to this espisode all week!

    • In some states the show airs on another channel during game but not sure how to find the channel. SOmeone asked about it above. They used to play the big brother episode here after the raiders games, when they were on cbs.

    • They eluded Rachel may flip. It came out that Shelly flipped (but they didn’y air the fall out). The votes began….Jordan-D. Porsha-K Shelly-Daniele Rachel-D (shocker) Adam-“sorry Dick”-D. With a vote of 3-2 goodbye Daniele

    • Go to Morty’s Big Brother site and click on the link to watch the show as it airs on the east coast.

  8. Have they told them yet of the second eviction? I cant wait to see their faces. West coast here

  9. Daniele played horridly in this season could’ve been in the f2 but now she’s in 8th place.

    • She is cute but her attitude is so bad. Besides the fact she is annoying with all her one liners “thats what she said” “awkward” etc. she truly is a “mean girl.” Nobody can deny it. You could just see the anger steaming off her when she was backdoored. Little baby.

  10. With the exception of Lawon, Adam is the worst gameplayer of Big Brother. He should’ve listened to Shelly’s reasoning about the final two. Not to mention he truly looks like a lovesick puppy following after Jeff and Jordan. The Goodyear blimp doesn’t float as much as Adam does, seriously. If he wins any money at the end of this, I’ll go crazy. And my God, Rachel’s goodbye speech to Danielle! What was that? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. If Rachel doesn’t win this competition, CBS truly needs to give her an award for being the biggest–you can fill in the blank–in Big Brother history.

    • Danielle and her puppets Kalia, Porsche and Shelly have been nasty towards Rachel. Also, Danielle is the nastiest and meanest house guest this season bar none! Good riddance to Danielle! If Jeff goes out in the 2nd eviction, this becomes a free for all! So, this is just getting interesting!

  11. Now all the J/J fans can stop saying it is fixed for Dani………they should feel like idiots right now. I’m done watching now…….too boring!!

    • boohoo. if this person wins then it is fixed for them. if that person wins then it is fixed for them. if this person is out then i am not watching. if that person is out then i am not watching. have you tried out for the show? they love sulking wah wah babies.

  12. Dani gets evicted. Rachel wins HOH. Rachel nominates Shelly and Kalia. POV not used. Kalia is evicted. Next HOH to come…

  13. Adam…possibly the worst BB player of all-time. Absolutely no redeeming qualities in this game and so afraid of “Big Jeff” it’s laughable.
    This season will be completely boring now that the only real player is gone. JeJo will go to the final two and Jordan will win it again. No need to watch.

  14. Kalia is an idiot if she doesn’t put Jeff and Jordan up. Shelly will be gunning for that for SURE.

    • Atleast, everyone’s cards are on the table and no longer can Shelly hide behind all her alliances. Now, she has to play as well as Porsche, Adam and Kalia. The two veterans who survive will go after the newbies next week. They would be stupid not too!

  15. The heavens smile down at us. Thank God Kalia won. Time to trim the fat, Kalia. Jeff, Jordan, Rachel. Send one of ’em to the jury house!

    • That is guaranteed at this point. The only question is who is going to get evicted! I am guessing if Jeff does not win POV then, he will get booted out! If Rachel or Jeff get off then, Jordan goes on the block as replacement. Score one for the newbies. Veterans will regroup and try to return the favor by winning HOH next week. If not, the veterans are done!

  16. kalia swore she will never ever put up jordan. she said it was her word and blah blah. lets see….

  17. Oh my god id love to see jeff go.

    Id love to see brendons face after seeing dani walk in, But Dani’s face after seeing jeff go into the jury house would be PRICELESS

  18. OMG if kalia is the one who gets jeff packing, she has a new fan!

    altho, rachel’s goodbye message was quite rude, at least jeff didn’t go that low..

  19. I’m sure Shelly and Porsche will keep Rachel with Jordan and Adam keeping Jeff. Kalia will have to tie break this one.

  20. how does nobody put up shelly! she switches sides whenever its convenient to her.. she goes with the allience in power.. en everbody always takes her back with open arms..

  21. dont forget Jeff and Jordan killed @ the game that will more than likely be used for POV.

  22. Alright well I guess there’s a veto comp. That means Jeff will probably not be on the block long. Just a guess.

  23. Uh oh….. Jeff and Rachel are nominated….. If Jeff or Rachel don’t win the HOH, then Jeff is gone!

  24. Wouldn’t it be something if Brendon, Danielle, and Jeff are the first three Jury members? IMO, they were the best three players this season and that would be crazy rounding 9th, 8th, and 7th.

    • They might keep R because they think they can win against her with jury votes. But they better think that through if they send out more vets.

  25. Veto find clown shoe in tub of Balls Rachel find first one…but Porsha wins the Veto!

  26. My hopes went up so much when Rachel found the first shoe.

    If Kalia keep Jeff over Rachel, I will consider her the stupidest player EVER, especially after the Lawon incident.

  27. 2 alliances of 3 people…

    Jordan, Rachel and Adam


    Kalia, Porsha and Shelly

    Rachel is the strongest player left!!!

      • AND Porshe only came in 2nd place in 3+competitions. AND Shelly has been the smartest player this season. FLOATERS? Hmmm? The way I see it right now, its 3 v. 1

  28. Shelly is making me so angry with all her congratulating and hugging with Kalia and Porsche. Seriously?! I don’t care who wins this game as long as it’s not Shelly.

  29. Now lets see if they are really in this game to win or not….If they are in it to win it…they use the veto to nominate Jordan and get rid of Jeff. If not they are doing exatcly what Daniele said and I cant stand the girl!

  30. Go Porshe, Does the jury get to see this stuff or do they have to wait to see who comes thru the doors?

  31. I guess Kalia figures she is the next target being on the block this week. So, she nominates Rachel and Jeff. Have to agree with the nominations as she is obviously trying to eliminate the strongest competitors in the game left and that is Jeff and Rachel. I will be rooting for Rachel as she does not have an ally in the house. Jeff, Jordan and Adam are probably allied as well as Kalia, Porsche and Shelly. Atleast, Shelly can hide no more and should have a target on her back next time out!

  32. wow and here i thought i’d see a week of floaters kissing @$$… this is incredible! lol

    • oh i forgot they nominate a second person off!! hmm if rachel stays she has a good chance winning HOH

    • can’t wait until after dark going to be alot pissed off people. Am glad Shelly stuck to her word and vote kalia out I think she;ll sticj to this side now,to bad Rachel can’t leave too

  33. now i’m second guessing myself, kalia in her goodbye speech said she going to get rachel…..

  34. You guys…I’m pretty sure Rachel is leaving! like I think Shelly will stick with them so she proves her loyalty and Porsche hates Rachel!

    • Shelly and Porsha promised to send Jeff out next…. So did Kalia…. Jordan and Adam will vote to evict Rachel..

      Porsha and Shelly will vote to evict Jeff… Kalia will break the tie and send Jeff to the jury!

    • Makes me sad as well. I hate to see her go. Hope her and Bookie gives Dani hell in the jury house.

  35. It would be perfect if Rachel got voted out and Dani had to spend a week with her and Brendon..muhaha..too bad we don’t get to see that part.

  36. Didn’s I say this would happen…. 3 of the 4 best players in the jury first….. Season of the floaters….

    I am a Team JJ and Team BR fans, but I admit this will make things very interesting… Will Shelly try to talk to Jordan or have those ties been severed for good… Adam is done with Shelly…. Kalia and Porsha have to rely on Shelly versus Rachel, Jordan and Adam.

    • Leo, oh my gosh my stomach is in knots. Anyway, did you see Shelly the snake try to talk to Jordon after I believe the veto and I believe she told Shelly to leave her alone

  37. If they go personal then Rachel if they use their brains then jeff if JJ make it out of this intact then they will be in F2

  38. oh man i hope they don’t evict rachel.. that would be a DUMB move.. break up team JJ!!!!!

  39. What the newbies should’ve done was to use the veto on rachel and put adam up… completely eliminating Jeff without the tie breaker decision. tsk tsk… porsche should’ve used rachel’s sudden speech as an alibi

  40. i feel really sorry for dani right if the vote racheal to the jury house dani is probably going to go insane good luckdani

  41. ****** Watch this *******

    Shelly and Porsha promised to send Jeff out next…. So did Kalia…. Jordan and Adam will vote to evict Rachel..

    Porsha and Shelly will vote to evict Jeff… Kalia will break the tie and send Jeff to the jury!

  42. Man those people would be idiots to let Jeff stay in the house after this. Of course Jordan will vote to keep him, but Adam should take the chance now!

  43. For kalia jeff iz a bigger target then racheal….now itz time to break up jeff and jordan….if

  44. Rachel is going you guys! No one in this house is smart enough to plan a strategic move! This proves why no newbie from this season will ever be asked to return to the show!

    • LMAO…sorry bro wishful thinking won’t help. His Ass is gooooooneeeee. I guess I can keep watching the show now.

    • In the end, betraying your alliance so early in the game is a dumb move! Jeff is probably wishing he did not throw the POV to Adam. If Brendon was inside the house, that would be one extra strong player on their side but, Jeff let Danielle manipulate him to weaken his own alliance! Atleast, with Danielle out, Kalia is now making her own decisions!

    • Leooooooo please the feeds
      We are dying here
      And for whim are u rooting
      I am shocked now and forgot with whom you are lol
      I certainly didn’t want Jeff gone just so he gives it hard to Shelly boy

    • She probably has mixed emotions she thought she was gone….U could tell! She reaaly does like Jordan though and knows how it feels… that was a good move for Kalia though.

    • Why? Kaila won the competition and finally made a good game move. Shelly too. For them to have any chance at the money they need to get all the vets out. At first I thought keeping Rach would be a no brainer but it is obvious that she could pull more jury votes than any newbie, so she must go if that chance comes up.

  45. Real classy Jeff, you said you made a game move by taking out Daniele. Well Shelly made a game move too. Hypocrite.

  46. wooooooooooooooooow daniel is evicted , iam soooooo happy :) :) :)

    but Iam very saaaaad that jeff has been evicted :(

    • Sorry to say it but Shelly is playing the best game and at this point she deserves the win….she along has turned everything upside down…played both sides and been only true to herself. Just saying….watch and see.

      • Exactly, Annie. This is about money, not personal favorites. Shelly steps up and does what is right for her. It’s about time.

  47. In Danielle’s voice…”Shocker!!!” and that Jury house is gonna be “Awkward!!!” Lol. No matter what your thoughts are on Jeff and Danielle, everyone knows they helped MAKE this season.

    • Doesn’t she have to win a competition first? I don’t see how she’ll make it much further without winning HOH soon. Not likely.

    • her game is gone, she road coat tails to victory last time and this time she has about a week left and she will be GONE

    • I’m rooting for Rachel too because she is obviously the underdog with the Danielle puppets still very much united! I hope Rachel wins HOH and puts up Shelly and Kalia side by side then, let them campaign against each other when that happens and they do not win POV! Like Danielle, they will be singing like tweedy birds spilling our their lies to each other and that should make for some interesting viewing!

  48. Jordan is crying because she will actually have to start THINKING on her own. Get it together girl.

    • Jordan is crying because she thought Shelly was her friend. This is a big betrayal for her. Be nice. She has not hurt anyone in this game. Remember she gave Shelly the phone call home because she knew Shelly really wanted to talk to her family. With that being said….GO TEAM NEWBIE!!!

  49. And the power shifts back to the newbies.

    Well played kalia, Porsche, And Shelly(Shocker!)

    I do think its a little low of shelly to betray J/J ESPECIALLY after jordan gave up her phone call home for her. But, It needed to be done.

    Shelly is hands down the best player in the game. She doesnt play emotionally. EVERYONE else does. Jeff did, Dani did, Rachel definitely does.

    She plays both sides of the house, and even when she gets caught she still gets away with it.

      • Shelly does suck and has not won a darn thing if I’m not mistaken. Unfortunately liars typically win BB. Boy, she must be making her 8year-old daughter proud with her “honesty.”. Way to set an example, Shelly!

  50. Shelly the tranny will not win. Nor Porche. They both have some of Dani’s butt stuck to their nose.

    Next week they better hope Jordan or Rachel dont win.

    • Shelly, you’re a great example to your daughter! I hope you end up sad and lonely forever!

      • This is a game. She made a big move. This doesn’t even effect you in any way. Wishing something like that on someone shows a serious lack of maturity.

    • Shelly know exactly what she is doing…she would never get near the first or second prize with JJ so now was the time to make the MOVE and start looking to slip into the right position to win…frienships end this week…full on power play starts NOW.

    • Same goes for jordan and rachel
      Better hope Shelly or porshe doesn’t win. Basically who ever wins the next hoh will be the final 4 most likely. Porshe prob the most likely to win for that side

    • Did you expect anything else from him? I didn’t. His game this year consisted of raising his voice and trying to intimidate people. Happy the chump is gone.

    • Reminded me of Howie from All stars. At least Howie didn’t cuss on a live TV show. The FCC fines CBS something like $50,000 every time someone cusses. That’s just hearsay though.

  51. this is crazy.. ive never been this excited about a show in my whole life! AHHH! sad to see jeff go, but glad rachel is staying! now.. she needs to win that bloody HOH and bring back the fierce competitor we used to see!

    • I feel the exact same way. I wanted her to stay over jeff, now maybe jordan will step it up in competitions instead of letting jeff do everything

      • i totally agree.. jordans not the best competitor in the house, but she needs to step it up if she really wants to stay.. to be honest i dont really want jordan to win this year becuase of the simple fact that jeff carried her to where she is right now and she doesnt deserve to win it. If anything i want rachel to win because shes always the target and ses always the underdog. shelly NEEDS to go! ASAP! :)

    • Well it wasn’t a mistake. I mean if he had evicted Porsche, and Kalia had won HOH or Dani had won HOH, he’d still be going to the jury house.

      This week Jeff was meant to head to the jury house.

    • That was still the right move sending Danielle to the jury house. Jeff’s mistake is throwing the POV so that, Brendon got evicted! Had he stayed true to that alliance, Brendon would have been in the house to protect them even if Kalia won and they would have had an extra vote to boot!

  52. I am really glad Rachel stayed, now if she only plays well enough to win HOH. That’d be great

  53. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
    all of the floaters are sticking around…instead of getting everyone out the veterans should of been focusing on getting out the rookies/floaters because that’s what all of them are..

    and i like shelly but she is such a two faced witch…they need to evict her out next week..
    great all they have left is kalia who only sleeps..porshca who finally wins something..adam who doesn’t do anything…this is a serious joke

    • Thank Danille for that! Danielle drew first blood and went after her own alliance! How dumb is that? Now, she can analyze her actions see how stupid it really was! Shelly is laughing at all three of them to have done the dirty work of evicting each other out essentially with a little help from Kalia!

    • The only floaters in the house are Jordan, Adam and Rachel. Give Kahlia, Porsche and Shelly some credit, they stepped up when it was crucial. I’m so sick of Jordan and her I’m better than this game attitude. Hope they keep her for a bit longer so she can continue to be miserable.

  54. Matt (BBN Moderator) will Live Feed viewers get to see the entire comp tonight or will it be bllocked out like the 2nd HOH comp Dani won?

  55. See, a lot of pundits saying it will be boring have been proven wrong. Now, it becomes interesting as six house guests left with possibly three house guests on each side. Rachel, Jordan and Adam against Kalia, Porsche and Shelly. Now, it is a free for all because fortunes can switch and turn on a dime! Now, it gets better from here on in! Social skills will matter as much as competitions so, everyone has to hustle now that the strongest players have been booted off!

    • Adam is kinda screwed unless he wins the next HoH. Porsche and Shelly are still annoyed with him and Kalia never liked him. But he sees Rachel as his biggest threat.

      Meanwhile, Rachel could also defect to the other side.

      But in terms of live feeds and after dark, once all of tonight’s drama settles, it will be pretty boring.

      • How is it boring when all six players have a chance at that $500,000. They have to want it badly enough to play hard to win! Whoever does that will be in the final 2! I could care less but, will root for Rachel because she is the underdog as Danielle’s puppets Kalia, Porsche and Shelly are united and Adam is allied to Jordan. Rachel is all by herself so, she should stick to Jordan and Adam and try to get Kalia, Shelly and Porsche out of the house. The sooner the better!

      • That makes the produced shows ok.

        It does nothing for the live feeds or showtime, when Porsche is only as funny as the person she’s talking to, Shelly is just weird, Adam thinks he’s entertaining but isn’t, Rachel is Rachel, and Jordan complains about floaters without noticing the irony.

  56. I feel kind of evil that I enjoyed watching Jordan cry right now. But when you act as entitled as she and Jeff did, I can just feel no remorse, particularly when you already have an unearned half million.

    Don’t care who wins anymore. As dumb as she is, I don’t even care if Rachel wins. Someone evict Jordan before final 2 and the season will be vindicated and a historic wrong righted.

      • Jordan winning a half million in a season where she acted just like Porsche has or worse, because a retarded america’s vote flipped the house was a historic wrong. It was the worst season and moment of big brother.

        If Jordan can win the show, whats the point in the show?

    • I’m with you on most of that. Though I do like Jordan, but she doesn’t deserve to win the money at all. She’s coasted with the vet power alliance the whole game. No risk, and no reason to see her as deserving this year.

      • Exactly. Its not even that I really dislike her. I dislike that she won because I didnt feel she earned it and hated that season.

        I still thought she was a sweetheart until this year when she started whining about floaters without noticing the irony. That got kinda annoying.

  57. At this point I want Shelly to win. I can’t stand anyone left in the house for many reasons. But Shelly made a big move in the house at least. Ughhh this season blows.

    • I like that Shelly stopped playing for other people. But strategically she didn’t do it all that well. She pushed too hard to save Dani and got outed, and now she’s third in one alliance with the other side hating her.

  58. this season is so scripted it’s ridiculous. no reason to even watch the rest of the season. who even likes any of the remaining players?

    • If it was scripted, Jeff and Dani would still be in the house.

      And the remaining players might have become more likeable if they hadn’t done the stupid returning couples twist. The vets ate up the spotlight, the most promising newbies got evicted, and the ones who stayed had to sit out competitions and haven’t been able to define themselves.

      Who knows what kind of player Adam or Shelly might have been in a house full of new players?

  59. Come on, Rachel – get that weasel Shelly out of there! I can’t believe Jordan didn’t win that HOH.

  60. Nooooooooo!!!! Jeff is gone. This game will suck now. smh. Kailia and Porsche are playing for Danielle….lmao…If Danielle won, do they really think that she would share her money with them…silly girls

    • Awwww. Turn about isn’t fairplay hm? Fine to laugh and point as Dani’s ship went down, but how dare her allies take revenge?! LMAO. Ah, I love it. Next is Rachel then hopefully Adam, since he deserves what he’s put into the game. Zip.

      • Allies should not take revenge at this point…they need to think about their own game play…everyone left needs to think about the end of the game…it is coming fast…clear heads, not warm cuddles are what’s needed now.

      • Sure as an ally you can take revenge but don’t at what point are you going to play you game. Oh wait, Shelly, Porsche and Kailia don’t have no game….smdh. Kaila and Porsche has dont nothing but listen to everything that Danielle has said and wanted them to do. If Jordan isn’t thinking for herself neither the heck is porsche or Kaila….and both of them owe Jeff and Jordan for keeping them safe all these ways…where’s the respect?????

  61. Time to rename the show to Big Floaters. As Jeff said, no one left has the stones to play. They just sit and eat as evident by porche’s wide load

    • Jeff and Jordan hating on Porsche was stupid.

      They decided to give her the golden key, and ask her to throw a veto her partner threw, too. Then they didn’t bring her into the alliance, just gave her orders.

      She couldn’t play for 4 weeks, and since then has done pretty well in all the competitions.

      It is JJRBD’s fault she didn’t play more. Their fault she didn’t campaign more. Their fault she wasn’t a have not for so long.

      The girl friggin cried when she found out she wouldn’t get to play and then they whine about her not playing.

  62. Why is Rachel crying? She gets to stay. OMG. What an idiot. Jeff really lost points with me tonight as a sore loser. I understand he is upset but really !!! If he had not been voted out he and Jordan would have won again.

    • The week actually worked out great for Rachel.

      But remember:

      1) Competitions get her amped up and she can’t handle losing.

      2) She’s a complete phony so is pretending to be upset Jeff left in front of Jordan.

  63. now its up to jordan and racheal they will take the newbies out one by one starting with kailia the porcha then shelly and take adam to the final three with them

  64. lol so unless jordan can step up her comp playing game, she’s gonna have to rely on rachel now since jeff is gone…. wow who would have thought the newbies would over take the vets 4 to 2 WOWOWOW

    • Actually, Adam is with Jordan and Rachael. So it’s going to be three against two on the HoH competition. Kalia can’t play.

      • and shelly sucks at everything so chances are she isn’t going to win no matter what her only game move is to backstab and piggyback with how ever is in power

  65. Did anybody see Big Jeff throw his second yellow clown shoe out of the bin?! He got so pumped up he screwed himself out of the veto!

    • What a shock the three worst players who have done nothing this entire game are still here. Kalia. Shelley and porsche

  66. I’m so mad Jeff went home! Stop hating on him! Shelly is such a liar and hypocrite! I now need jordan to win. I really NEED her too! Love you Jeff! You deserve to be in there<3 You lost beccause you couldnt find a shoe….wow how cbs stupid. MWAH!

    • Agree, I am finished with this season. Do not really mind the other houseguests but that lying scumbag Shelly makes me sick. Not tuning in anymore because of her and hope she goes home with ZERO!!!!!

      • Na, na, na, na. Na, na, na, na. Hey, hey, good-bye. So glad that Big Mouth, Big Jeff is gone. it is going to be interesting.

      • Agreed as well! Of course Jeff is a great choice to evict because of strength wise but Shelly literally switched sides like it was nothing. She is disloyal and a liar.

        As for Kalia and Porsche- they literally got lucky. It’s ridiculous how these two girls (SPECIALLY Porsche) have done next to nothing in the house and they won a couple competitions when it mattered. If either of them win BB, I probably won’t have any interest in the show. Jeff and Dani at least played the game.

    • Oh, I love it. How the tables turn. It was fine to smear and laugh as Dani went, but NOT JEFF!!! Ah, good riddance to him.

    • Came back to show the BIGGEST fight this season between Jordon, Adam, Shelly, and Rachel.

  67. WELL WELL WELL hahahaha! YES!

    do u smell that? CAN U SMELL IT? ahhhhh yes the sweat smell of revenge.

    how does it taste rachel? how does it taste jeff? u punk a** sore loser. put some clothes on. oh and before i forget, HOW DOES IT TASTE JORDAN?

    • Hahhahahhahahahahahahah do you smell that? The sweet smell of dani not there anymore, so what does it matter to you? She’s gone too! At least jeff played it out.

    • Jeffy was cocky and arrogant to the end, he was trying to bully Shelly on live tv, what a guy. Glad he is gone, best episode.

    • Ya and the great part is now Dani is stuck with Jeff and…love it but I bet she wont! hahaha

    • okay dani left. sure did. atleast she left with some dam grace. wansnt a punk about it. still the best competitor. but she’s out. and guess who else is.

      BIG JEFF! big punk a** jeff. 3 STRIKES UR OUT!

      now jordan, america’s favorite is being a sore loser, a big brother bum, and pathetic. why dont some of yall HOP ON THAT. EAT THAT UP.

      now she’s going to have to play with out her man and its too many ppl left for her to slide by like last time.

      jordan is saying “if i woulda just won…” U DONT WIN ANYTHING ON UR OWN! hahaha

      revenge is sweet. the taste, the smell. YUMMY. haha

      big jeff thought he had all the cards. then his dumba** blew up shelly. stupid idiot. then following shelly like a lost dog;

      “can we start over, can we, can we…?” NO THE HELL WE CANT. hahaha

      out the door u go.

    • Sparky, didn’t I call this before Brendon was evicted? The 3 best players are in the jury wondering what the f*** happened? LMAO!

  68. Now I wish I was a fly on the wall to see Bren & Dani face when they see Jeff go come thru the door?

  69. I am a JJ fan however really Shelly. Who in their right mind would play anything with her. All she does is flip… has she won anything??? What does it feel like to alienate supposed good friends. I don’t know if it is good game play but definately not good friend play. Jordan stay away from her!!

    • well she said in her message she has to make a choice between him or her family cuz obviously he’s a stronger player and no way would she make F2 with him

  70. Agree, that Dani and Jeff made this season. Without them and Brendon and rachel it would of been a huge waste of time. I hope that lying piece of crap Shelly goes home next and that either Rachel or Adam wins. The other houseguest make my stomach sick, and Shelly really is the worst role model for her daughhter since time began and she is so stupid does she not realize that they if Rachel, Jordan and Adam end in jury she has not chance to win the money because they will not vote for that lying scum. Great role model for her daughter you are teaching her to lie and cheat as long as you get what you want. Poor Child!!!

  71. Big Brother just got boring. The only true game players are gone. Shelly is a complete waste of space who has done nothing but flip flop around the entire season.

  72. Shelly has a bigger target than Kalia and Porsha now…. Porsha should be gone next because she is better at comps than Kalia and Shelly

    • Well said
      Hope if team JRA wins hoh that they out her and not try to backdoor her cos they might end up putting someone from their side if they nominate KS
      Let’s cross our fingers and pray JRA win the next hoh

      • I’m praying they lose and Rachel or Jordan is the next of Big Jerk’s group to get kicked out.

  73. altho i did laugh when jeff said he liked porsche’s hair LOL i don’t think that was supposed to be a compliment, ppl were saying that it was greasy

  74. Wasn’t it a couple of weeks ago that Jeff said that the vets are going to bicker and take out each other, and a newbie was going to float to the end??? Jeff was an idiot putting up Dani and now there are 2 vets left with 4 newbies. If you saw it coming, and then aided it- then you must be insane.

    • It was still the correct decision to evict Danielle who would have destroyed the veterans given half the chance! Jeff’s mistake is his betrayal of his alliance by not winning POV because Danielle told him so! That was his dumbest move and hurt him big time! If Brendon was not evicted, the veterans would have one extra body to compete and also one extra vote when it comes to evict anyone for that matter! Yes, Jeff made a huge mistake but, not in evicting Danielle!
      Danielle would have gone after Jeff if she won HOH like Kalia did so, it did not matter in the end!

  75. I want a Kahlia/Rachael final two! I don’t want Adam or Jordan anywhere near the final two

  76. Holy guacamole! Not only does the wrath of Danielle survive in her alliance, this is a big game changer. Although dim light bulbs like Adam might not “get” it, he and everybody else now stand a better chance of winning money at the final two if they make it that far. No one would’ve won a dime with Jeff and Jordan. Can’t wait to see the fireworks. Thank you Kalia and Porsche. You made my night. I can’t even feel that sorry for Jordan. She’s already won money, and the quintessential bully that is Jeff can go join the other quintessential arrogant bully Brendon and moan and gripe together. Danielle is for sure having the last laugh. Allow me to join her. Muhahahahahaha :-D

      • Annabanana, I’m with you, best episode. Loved seeing that arrogant idiot walk out huffing and puffing to sit with Julie. HAHAHAHAHAHA, what a night.

      • Sore loser much? Go cry in your cereal, ’cause here it’s only making most of us laugh and smile.

    • I’m sooooooooo GLAD Jeff is gone!!! Yay Dani! You got your wish and probably laughing ur arse off right about now. Wohoooooo!

    • I’m with you. I bet Dani is smiling pretty wide right about now in that jury house. Jeff…you did it to yourself. LMAO.

    • Agree 100%, I’m so happy he’s gone. I dont understand how everyone wanted Jeff & Jordan to win. Jeff was such a bully and lazy. He played the game the same way he did his 1st time in the house, laid low until it wasnt that many ppl and then try to make a move. He talks about no one wanting to make a move, Hello you big dummy, that’s what Danielle did and you got mad. I’m so happy he’s gone, he and Jordan only came back into the house so that they can spend the summer together, how about this move into the same state and y’all can spend all of yourtime win each other. I don’t see how no one pointed this out – theyve been together for years now but still live in different states and was using BB as a way to spend the summer together-WTH! Bye Jeff, now it’s time to get rid of Rachel & then Jordan and then the newbies will have a fair chance to win.

    • I do not see how Danielle can be laughing because she did not win anything! Jeff won some monies, Danielle won what? Nothing! Brendon is out but, Rachel still has a chance as she is still in the house so, in the end—-it is Danielle who is the biggest loser! Now, she does not even get $50,000 for 2nd! The biggest icing on the cake is if Rachel is able to reach final 2 and then, win it all! LOL

  77. Leoooooooooo
    Please updates from the feeds
    OMG can u believe this Shelly, haha she is crying yeah you poor honest thing , booh

  78. I don’t want anyone to win…great. I started off tonight with my hopes riding on Jeff, and worst case scenario Dani…I wish they could have worked it out, I would have loved to see a bold player go farther, not these whiners who complain that they’re the only ones trying when they can’t get it together to actually win anything.

  79. All along Shelley has been saying that if she wins she is giving the money to her employer. When she voted to evict Jeff suddenly she said she had to do it so she could win for her family. What’s up with that?

    • yeah and that you must be a secretive kick @$$ comp player when it matters.. wow go porsche! she zoomed out of that box!

    • That is what makes this game frustrating. It turned from a strategic game to a luck game. It’s going to be uninteresting to watch Kalia, Porch, and Shelly compete. It would actually be pathetic since all three of them are extremely weak players.

      • Kalia won twice. That’s not too shabby. She just made a horrible strategy move on her first nominations. This time she got it right. Learning on the fly. Dani straightened her out.

  80. I know that BB is all about backstabbing, lying, etc, but for some reason the way Shelly has gone about it has really disgusted me, her attitude tonight in the house was sickening, walking around like a pompous ass. Jordan is in tears, not only because Jeff left, because Shelly broke her heart. What a skanky snake she is. Jordan has to get her self composed and get on with the game. I just felt so sorry for her tonight. She put so much time into make what she thought was a true friendship with Shelly.

    • I agree!! She honestly thought Shelly was their friend. I think that is why a lot of fans are pissed. It didn’t matter to me who went because I like all the vets for one reason or another, but Shelly is just absolutely horrible. Yes, I know this is a game, but when Jordan gave her that phone call to her daughter then that is when I was like wth are you doing Shelly.

  81. Jordan needs to stop crying… She already has an advantage over anyone since she has Jeff in the house who just carries her through. Time for her to actually fight to be there.
    Glad all the couples are broken up, so certain people don’t have advantages.

    • How would you feel if you were playing and your significant other got evicted within a 30 minute time span. I don’t blame her for crying

      • I would tell them I’d see them after the show. It was stupid how Jeff and Jordan said they came to the BB House to spend the summer together. If that was the case, go on vacation somewhere else, don’t join a tv show…

      • Boohoooo! My fiance is fighting a war and I haven’t seen him in 6 months. That’s what they get! Jeff is so cocky and arrogant. I don’t know what Jordan even sees in him. Ugh!

      • It’s a game, she can ask to go to the jury house and be with Jeff next. I hope no one lets Jordan sit there again this year and get to the end. She needs to stop floating, maybe with Jeffy gone she will actually stop being critical of floaters and start playing the game herself.

  82. I think this is the best situation for Rachel & Jordan, Kalia is easily the biggest competitor left on the opposing side and she cant play for week 8. If Jordan was smart, she could scold Shelly and force her into an emotional break down. Knowing Shelly, she would be a wreck for the competition leaving only Porsche and Adam which are both wild cards, in terms of winning comps.

  83. I am very upset that Daniele wasevicted because she was my absolute favorite but I’m very excited and happy that Kailia turned around and voted out Jeff I’m very happy about that! So I hope Posche will win HoH and get Adam or Rachel out :) or Jordan I could care less which one lol :)

  84. Dani is evicted. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
    Jeff is evicted. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!

  85. Wow…. I can accept Shelly voting Jeff out, but crying about it later just made me so mad! J&J gave her everything! She better be ready to get evicted next Thursday. Just Wow.

  86. This show is over. Rachael is out next and then one of these floaters is going to win the damn show. How the hell am I suppose to watch paint dry for the next 2 weeks? Kali The Hut is on her way to victory and Shelly is definitively a bitch. Jeff and Jordan would have taken her all the way. Hate Jeff but god at least he played. Him an Daniele gone CBS must have just punched a camera.

    • no no i think rachel will win next, as much as i hate to say it, but she’s good comp player..

  87. I am sooo over this show now. Jeff is gone, I’m sure their ratings will go down too. Hope so. This sucks now! Wish Jordan wins it all or decides to walk out. Show should be called Big Floater not Big Brother!!

  88. Sad to see Dani go home, but this night is totally awesome with classless Jeff leaving. I wonder whose azz Madam is gonna kiss now.

  89. Aw. Poor Jeffy Weffy got evicted. Now we won’t have to listen to his whining anymore. The jury house will probably be more intereting than the big brother house.

  90. Porscha looks a little Portly, she’s got to be up 15-20 lbs. Can’t WAIT till she gets the boot. And Shelly, watch your back in there. There is two woman that will craft your demise this week. Exciting times folks!!
    At least the good news is the nasty Dani is gone.

    • Yes, to Danielle getting booted out. Jeff getting booted out is part of his doing. See, if he did not deliberately lose that POV, there would an extra body there in Brendan and and extra vote for his alliance but, he betrayed his own alliance on Danielle’s say so! So, in the end, what comes around goes around! Shelly will get her comeuppance soon enough! Hopefully, Rachel can win HOH next and put Shelly and Kalia on the block. If one gets off, put in Porsche in as replacement!
      Same formula as this week is guaranteed to remove the opposing alliance’s player!

  91. That duck walking back stabbing bitch…. Hope she never gets to talk to her daughter again! Dumb dumb move

    • Give us an update, for those who don’t have live feed. Would love to know whts going on.

  92. I’m glad shelly’s daughter thought shelly should work with jeff and jordan, can’t wait for her to explain her actions to her.

    what a disgusting person.

    • J/J never understood that everyone is entitled to play their game. Not everyone is playing for her and Jeffy.

  93. Let’s be realistic. Jeff and Rachel are fun to watch. Its comedy hour.

    How is this going to be fun.
    Kalia eats and sleeps.
    Porche does nothing but let her arse expand
    Shelly pretends to not be a dude.

    Let’s up Rachel wins so she can provide some comedy otherwise be prepared to watch the Fat Albert show

  94. I’m just glad that I don’t have to hear little Jeff call himself “Big Jeff” anymore. It’s pretty sad that he has to talk about himself in the third person and promote himself as big. Nice try egomaniac

  95. Jordan says f*** Dani and her dad…. Jordan said, I gave you the phone call and you vote Jeff out….

    WW3 has started

    • I totally forgot about the phone call that Jordan gave shelly!! Omg that just pissed me off even more!

      • Yea that was not cool. Shelly def picked sides tonight. Jeff should have left Porshe on the block. Kalia would be gone and Jeff and Dani would still be in the house to fight some more…I am willing to be Shelli may have been out if either of them were still in the house. Looks like Shelli picked the right side this week. Lets see who wins HOH

  96. shelly u deserve your child taken away from u. ur a lier. i feel sorry for your child who has a bad mom.

  97. wooooooooooooooooow daniel is evicted , iam soooooo happy :) :) :)

    but Iam very saaaaad that jeff has been evicted :(

    I hate jordan she is stuiped and lazy girl why she did not go instead of jeff

    noooooooooo jeff :”””””””(

    I hope rachel win hoh and evict kalyia

    • Well all the Judas lovers said the house would be boring without her and they wouldn’t watch anymore. Now maybe not so much huh? GO RACHEL!

    • All of them make me want to gag. Hope they all get evicted except Adam, Rachel and Jordan. The others are just a waste of time and space especially Shelly who is worthless and is an insult to mothers everywhere!!! Please evict this waste of space Shelly very soon!!!!!!!!!

      • why because she’s

        playing a game? They all knew what she was doing but they kept her because they thought they could control her. Each and everyone has lied and plyed each other-she’s just doing it better. SO STOP THE NAME CALLING!!

      • I also feel the same. What a sweet, kind backstabbing friend. Especially after Jordan gave Shelly the phone call that’s how she repays her. I hope either Rachel or Jordan get HOH and puts Shelly and Kalia up.

    • If I were Jordan I would tell Shelly I wanted my phone call back, how soon we forget a good deed done by someone out of the kindness of their heart. Jordan is the only nice person in the house. At least she has some dignity.

      • Jordan is classy- she feels bad for losing the HOH. They were all basically just guessing at the “Before/After”- Kalia just happened to be the one who lucked out.

  98. Porsha, Kalia, and Shelley are stup and still doing what Danielle wants and she is gone. Grow some back bone and play for yourself. They make the game boring!

    • Um, they’re doing what is best for them. They put the two biggest threats in the game on the block, secured the nominations, and had the votes to evict who they wanted to. Since you seem to be such a BB genius what would you suggest they have done/do??

      • If there doing what’s best for them then why in her speech did Porche say I’m doing what Dani would want???

      • I would have to agree with Mike. The house is already divided by Team Dani and Team JJ, well what’s left of both teams now. They have to play who is already on their side.

      • Glad Jeffy is finally gone, now everyone can play their game without being told how he wants them to play.

  99. Shelly is a complete waste of space and a sorry excuse for a human being. She now has zero chance of winning.

      • She rode their coattails! She did not out-last them. I just want to make sure everyone has that clear.

      • I agree 100%. Shelly may not have won any comps but she is not afraid to actually play the game and realizes who stands in her way in getting to the end. Don’t be a sore loser, like Jeff, because presumably the game isn’t going how you had hoped. Give credit where it is due. Plus Shelly is no worse than anyone else in the house. Geez….!!!

      • i think shelly was very smart of voting out jeff. even though i cant stand her, she is a very smart player.

      • Never will anyone give her props. She’s so freaking annoying. She lies WAY too much. I understand it’s a part of the game, but sometimes she lies for no reason. She also flips flops way too much.

        She also can’t remember when she lies and blames others for lying. Is she freaking insane?

        There is no reason to lie in the diary room, we know she’s lying.

      • She only outlasted them because of Jeff and Jordan dragging her along. She hasn’t done anything except lie and take up space!!!

      • Hope Dani is happy with her decision to turn on her vet alliance early on in the game…Because of that one decision, she is now sitting in the jury house with her fellow vets, and it appears the other will follow until all vets have left the building!!! Go Jordan, Rachel, and Adam!!!

      • she was the one getting info for jj but that was ok as long jj was still in the game. NO JJ WAS USING HER LETS MAKE THAT CLEAR!!!

      • Karen. Y does shelly deserve props? Dick wasn’t voted out. She voted to oust brandon because JJ advised her to. She rode JJ coattails the whole way. She hurt the only decent soul in the house by betraying Jordan. Shame on shelly.

      • @bbfan, What are you talking about? I’m not giving Shelly props you need to read my comments again. I can’t stand that lying witch!!!

      • How was this a good move. She just made four and maybe even five enemies on the jury if Jordan, Rachel, and Adam become jurors with Brendan and Jeff. No way they vote for her. Even when Dr. Will or Dick turned on people the move made sense and they didn’t pretend and tell people how much they loved them.

  100. Why in the heck is that lying piece of crap Shelly crying? She needs to go dig a hole in the backyard and jump in and cover herself up. She is a piece of lying garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • it pissed me off how after porsche won the veto and she was celebrating with porsche she then went to hug jordan and jordan didnt even want her touching her, she needs to seriously go home!

    • I agree… No idea why she is crying now… She has no class… After being such good friends she was with JJ and especially after jordon giving away the phone call…I don’t believe she did this to them… I agree this had to be done, but this is very early. Just shows she was tagging along to save her butt and nothing ass… Such a butt kissing bitch

  101. AWESOME! Bye…bye Jeff! Hahahaha! Now get Adam out and let the girls fight it out for the money!

    • 4 bitches fighting it out, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…Watch out for Jordan, she will fight when her back is against the wall.

      • You must be dreaming that major floater (jordan) can’t win crap if her life depended on it.

      • Alyce, I hope your right about Jordan, because so far she has done nothing. She won an HOH that was given to her. Why Jeffy thought he could depend on her to win HOH is beyond me, he is a dellusional as her.

    • I am sooooo glad BIG JEFF is gone, that’s what he gets for leaving floaters in the house, he deserved what he got. GO KALIA AND PORSCHE. Adam acts like a BIG ASS DUMMY and Shelly has showed what the True definition of backstabber is. She has lost to friends she made in the house in Jeff and Jordan, and no tellling what the people at her company she works for is going to say or how they are going to treat her when she gets back home. She is a damn fool if she don’t think they are watching. As well, from what I read on another blog, Shelly’s company has taken her picture down from their website. Ooooh the tangled webs they weave when they pratice to deiceive. Too me tonites show was freakin AWWWWESOMMMMME.

  102. Come Rachel kick it up a notch get the loosers out of the game!!!! Your on your own so make the game about you start kicken Newbies out the door!!!

  103. Rachel had to jump in between and pull Jordan to the other room because Jordan looked like she was going to swing on Shelly

    • Yeah, Jordan told Shelly to her face to get away from her. Talk about flipping the house!
      I hope the Judas lovers don’t watch. This season just got great! GO RACHEL!

  104. When evil Dick left the game it was GAME OVER! Everyone lost their minds! If Rachel jordon don’t step their games up…it’s over! A floater or players whom just began to play after all the major decisions were made will win BB13! Worst season EVER!

    • I beg to differ…Shelly, Kalia and Porsha aint floaters. They where just slow to start playing the game. Now Adam and Jordan on the other hand perfectly fit as floaters. The sooner they are gone the better for BB13

      • do you not know the definition of a floater, Adam/shelly,straddled the fence,especially Shelly telling both sides what they wanted to hear, that is a floater,Jordan is not a floater,she had an alliance and stuck to it.

      • @ dudan
        Absolutely true! Both Jordan and Adam have only won one comp. each….both which were practically handed to them. Both have done ZERO game moves and rode Jeff’s coat tails. Boo Hoo “Big Jeff” is gone and hopefully one of the two of them are out the door next!!

      • Slow to start playing??? There’s only 3 weeks left, I’d call that floating. Especially Shelly that hasn’t won a thing except millions of haters and goes to all sides when they have power. She is the lowest odf lows!!!

      • @Mike, Jordan has won 2 comps and the first HOH she won she hit the ball knowone hit it for her!

    • This season is way better than the very boring brigade last season. That was the absolute worst season for me. I stopped watching that one after a while. This is season rocks because the twists and turns are way more and there is still like 6 house guests left and lots of game play remaining!

  105. I hope everyone saw how arrogant Jeff is? Says no one had a sack in the house…he did everything. All his dumbass did was win this last week and he thinks he the king of the game. I have never seen such horrific display of hubris on TV. Oh well bye “Big Jeff” hope your eyes fall out from crying see you so “fired up”…LMAO

    • Well said…well said! “Big Jeff” is so self-righteous and he is just as full of it as everybody else that plays. Glad he is gone. He didn’t have the sac to make a game changing move and make a deal with Dani, because he was scared of her.

      • Jeff and Dani, rachel and Jordan the people that actually won HOH’s put there self on the line, no one else wanted to get blood on their hands, especially Adam/shelly. That is why the brave ppl are gone and the others are left.

      • Jeff played the game since week one. He has been a target since week three when Dani tried to get him backdoored. He had to drag the lying piece of crap Shelly along or she would of been gone. Adam or Shelly never stepped up and played. And why would he make a deal with the devil after she tried to get him out week three??? His only mistake was not voting Shelly out and keeping Brendon.

      • You must be jealous because Jeff is better looking than you and all the girls think so, if they say they don’t, they are lying…lol

      • Danielle was the meanest and nastiest house guest and turned on everyone when it suited her! Hell, she threatened Porsche to join her alliance which Porsche did! For Danielle to lose all trust—-she did it to herself and deserved to be evicted! Jeff’s bad move is betraying his alliance by going along with Danielle’s plan to throw the POV competition to Adam. So, he loses a value ally that could have kept his ass safe and also been an extra vote on their side if they needed it! So, Jeff made a bad move helping evict Brendon but, made a super move evicting Danielle!

    • Jeff wasn’t arrogant- just cares a lot about the game and tried hard to win. Didn’t just sit around waiting to be told what to do – like some people.

      • So Dani didn’t care huh? Your overt display of bias toward that self-righteous punk (coz he scared of Dani) is pathetic…SMH

      • Jeff was arrogant, and he thought everyone should play the game for him. He looked like a spoiled boy when he was on the block, I was glad to see him acting like the idiot he is. Last time he was on he made the same dumb move, back doored russell and the next HOH he was gone. When will he learn?

      • Didn’t “Big Jeff” get evicted the same time his season?? Lmao thats what you get REVENGE IS BEST SERVED ON DOUBLE-EVICTION NIGHT!!

      • the best thing about jeff losing is people won’t be so gong ho to vote him america’s player, he does not deserve it

      • That God im a man…I can’t see or appreciate any sexiness in that punk. So Glad I don’t have to see him

    • I agree with you dudan, Jeff thinks he is the only one running the show. Kalia has won HOH twice and tried to get rid of Jeff. Jeff is a liar. He made a deal with Dani and then he shipped her out the back door. He acts so high and mighty. Booo hoooo on Jordan for crying. I don’t feel sorry for you. You already have 500,000. Jeff does all your dirty work for you.

      • If you will remember, Dani backdoored Brendon,but i guess that is ok huh! she is just a big a liar as any one in the house,kalia,shelly,porshe they are all liars, you can’t deny that.

    • i agree…..lost alot of respect for jeff. he want them to step and play the game then gets mad when they do….love jordan

    • I am so glad that the intimidator is gone…boo hoo..Why are people saying that Shelly is a floater. People play the game differently. Why do everyone want her and others to play the game their way? Shelly did the smart thing…straddle the fence, lay low and then pounce when the opportunity comes. There is no manual for game play. She played it her way…and please stop questioning her capability as a mother…Josie seems like a bright little girl. J/J/R all lied too. J/J had a deal with Daniele and went back on it. Look at how they were also bashing Adam..the moron..B/R tired to throw J/J under the bus to Daniele…people it is all game…don’t get it twisted because your favorite is gone. Dani is gone but I love how the game has changed. Good BB!!!

  106. who knew the biggest bitch in the house was back stabbing cow faced liar shelly. and she has the NERVE to cry after she voted for jeff. the only consolation is she will get hers causer now everyone should know she has no loyalty to anyone but her hypocritical LIAR. YOUR FAMILY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOU SHELLY.

    • SMH…Shelly is actually smart. She simply re-accessed her chance of winning and saw she was heading no where. So you expect her to rollover for “Big Jeff”…Come on she is there to play and win. Don’t hate and insult her for playing the game. (Hey Jeff is a backstabber to so why the bias?)

      • I really don’t understand how everyone feels as though all the players should play so that Jeff or Jordan would win. I would think that everyone wants to win the money. I guess Shelly saw an opportunity and seized it. Jeff didn’t trust her anyway so she was going to be the first to go in their “alliance”.

    • Why should she be ashamed? Was Jeff loyal to brendon? No, did he lie to rachel to cover up what he did yes!! Don’t get made at shelly for picking the best time to start playing the game

    • I can’t believe Shelly acted the way she did and then want her family to be proud she is a liar and backstabber. I feel sorry for her family having to watch all that on TV for the world to see. Sooooooooo saddddddddd!

    • O PLEASE they were using her and when they were done they would vote out. she’s playimg a game and her family will be proud of her when she brings the 500,000 home. EVERYONE HAS LIED so get over it.

      • She won’t bring home $500,000. She will never have the votes. Not after the way she’s played the game. Has not won anything and every word out of her mouth is a lie. She’s such a liar she doesn’t even know that she’s doing it. OMG her DR sessions saying I don’t lie and people need to be straight with me. I want to throw up in my mouth. I’m sure her daughter is proud of her. I also can’t wait until Shelly gets out and reads all the comments about her.

      • I do realize BB is all about the money.
        When you let money decide what kind of person your going to be, you don’t deserve any. When I watch this show, it shows me how, not, to act. Whether Jordan wins or not,she is by far over everyone else in the game, the best all around person,best personality, classy woman.

      • Ziggy, I agree she was going to go next if they won HOH, Jeff thought he was the only one making moves, but Shelly made a move on Jeffy.

    • Shelly has nothing to be ashamed of. J/J loved her when she was doing their dirty work, making an idiot of herself. Good for her for finally playing for herself. Poor Jordan stepping up to Shelly as if she wanted to fight her. Shelly should have punched her in her face.

  107. I’m done watching it and canceling my feeds it’s going to be boring an all they will do is sleep way to go CBS

  108. Shelley is a snake–hope she goes home soon. What a terrible thing to backstab the way she did. She should cry. How proud her daughter must be that her mother is such a snake and running back and forth telling tales on everyone.

    • again with the snake remark! She;s there to win no body had to believe her and YES they were using her just like she was using them. BOOHOO Jordon will now have to play without Jeff. not so much fun when your bye herself.

  109. That was, by far, the best episode that I’ve ever seen of BB!!! So exciting, so fun to watch the underdogs finally pull it out. I love Jeff and Jordan, but I agreed with Dani about them basically signing a check over to J/J. This season has sucked so far but it’s great to watch the drama unfold – mainly because of my girl Shelly. Say whatever you want guys, Shelly is rocking this game and I would say at this point has a chance to win (unless Rachel or Jordan… and maybe Adam win HOH). I think she will again be able to smooth everything over in a few days. It was amazing to see everyone be so emotional and intense instead of just blabbing out whatever they planned to say 3 days ago. Just… wow. Awesome. I don’t even care who wins now (not true, but whatever) because to see the house blow up like that was like nothing I’ve seen! FINALLY CBS!

    • SHELLY will never be able to smooth this over, and you have to be kidding me if you thank so. This was personal to Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and Adam. She is nothing but a liar and a backstabber whose daughter is I am sure totally ashamed of her right now. I mean her poor kid was ashamed of her mother the other day and now she must be mortified that that liar on the screen is her mom. There is nothing about Shelly’s game that she is rocking except that she is a liar and a backstabber and an embarrassment to the human race. At least with Dr. Will who was one of the best players ever on B and B openly admitted that he would lie to everyone and did but he was honest about it; Shelly does not have an honest bone I doubt in her entire body!!

      • Best episode yet, Jeffy had made the same dumb move twice in BB history. For him to depend on Jordan to win HOH goodness, I knew he was in trouble from the start.

    • Shelly does make it exciting. I thought that Dani made it exciting as well especially when she switched sides. It’s boring when everything goes in one direction and you watch as things go “according to plans”. I like it when it’s not so predictable.

      • I have to say i thought evil Dick was the best player ever,atleast with him you knew exactly where he stood,he would tell you to your face and laugh about it. Dani is an apple that falls about a mile from the tree. Such a trouble maker,no respect for her.

    • I agree she was right, but I think she played her hand 2 weeks too soon. If she had waited to it was herself, Jeff, Jordan, Rachel, and one other, they could have split J/J up without losing the jury votes. All she did was rip out Jordan’s heart and eat it in front of her. And for what to side with Kalia? That’s a joke.

    • agree this was like watching a tyson fight back in the day, my palms were sweaty but i screamed for joy when jeff got evicted, he wanted to punch shelly, big brother kudos for a great show

  110. ******* Guess ~ What *******


    Adam flipped again

    The newbies will be gunning for Rachel and Jordan

    Kalia made a final 2 deal with Adam and Adam accepted!!!