Big Brother 12: Week 9 Eviction Predictions

The tenth eviction of the Big Brother 12 season is upon us so let’s get to our eviction prediction! Of course there are already rumors of who is the latest evictee, but check out our Big Brother predictions and share your thoughts.

Ashli Rae will be once again interviewing whichever HG is evicted tonight so let us know what questions you’d like him or her to answer. Post your questions below in the comments section and we might use it in the interview!

Big Brother 12 Week 9 Eviction Predictions:

Who do you want to be evicted tonight? Share your thoughts in the poll below!



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  1. is already reporting Brit got kicked out. Has anyone else heard anything like that?

  2. I think it will be Britney, but wouldnt it be great if Hayden got smart, and used the veto and saved Britney and then Enzo would go up and Britney would vote out Enzo. then it would be Brit, Lane and Hayden! would make great BB history!

    • Hayden won’t do it. The “live” show that was taped yesterday is coming on so got to go..Bye Britney, Although I do have mixed filling about that girl. I think she needs to grow up a bit and maybe she won’t be so horrible.. Goodluck Britney, Take A look at yourself and try to do better. The world owes you nothing because your cute..

  3. So who got HOH since the witch is gone, has anyone heard anything yet. Also is there anymore about the cops being called to the jh? Hope Rachel punched ragan and britt out. She owes them big time for how they trashed her. Hey Rachel just want you to know you deserve to win the money so hope you are on all stars

  4. I am gonna try this question again will we get to see the Jury House? I missed it when Matt arrived.Last year everytime someone was evicted they showed the CDs they took with them. I see this year has a lot of changes.There will be a Big Brother 13 I hope it is better than this one.At this point may the the best player win. Whoever it may be.

    • Did show jh last thurs…kathys arrival thenmatts arrival..then they did watch cd..still lame tho….he told them he lied about his wife bein sick tho

    • Well they say it is #1. I don’t see how according to these posts. A lot of people didnot care for the show but we did keep watching.

  5. So glad she’s gone, can’t stand that scank. I also think it stinks that LF was cut off for two days! I would like two days fees back seeing I did pay for the whole season! I will never buy LF again. this was my first time and it sucks! They tell you they have four cameras going, yeah, they do but most the time they are all on one room! Big freaking deal! Then for no apparent reason, it goes off for five minutes or so. WTF! LF suck!

    • goldenmisty, The same thing with SHOAD When they talking about something intresting then the camera goes to fish. I got shotime just for AD and it seemed scriped a lot. Do they think someone is going to sue them. Ifthat was the case then a lot of magizies news papers etc. would not be in business. CRAZY

  6. Bye Brit. One thing I can see about the three men is that they have remained loyal to each other which doesn’t always happen on BB when you near the end of the season. I’m curious as to who you think will win given the following scenarios:

    HOH – Hayden
    HOH – Enzo
    HOH – Laine

    Who would each of the houseguests choose to take with them to the finals?

    • If Hayden wins he takes Lane.
      If Enzo wins he takes Lane.
      If Lane wins he takes Enzo.

      Enzo and Hayden have been telling each other that if one of them wins that’s gonna be the final two but they both think Lane will be the easiest for them to beat so that’s who they would take if it comes down to it. And Lane has a very very slim chance of beating Hayden so he would take Enzo.

      If Hayden was smart he would say eff the brigade, use the veto on Brittny and then he is basically gaurunteed the $500,000 unless on some fluke they beat him in the final HoH.

      I think no matter how it turns out Lane is going to final two all of them would take him including Brittny.

  7. I am so disappointed in this season. A bunch of cry babies(Britney) and do nothings (Enzo). Enzo talks about how great he is, man he sucks! He couldn’t find his way out of a paper back. Oh well… what a waste .

  8. Once you let the brigade information soak in, did you realize how Lane, Enzo and Hayden used you to evict Matt? Did you also realize Matt was telling you the truth about who the next evictions would be without actually mentioning the brigade?

  9. Enzo should be the one leaving. He’s worthless and doesn’t deserve to be in the final 2, let alone win the whole thing.
    I watch because I look forward to BB all year and love the game, but this has been the worse cast ever and it seems like BB has interferred more this season because of this lousy cast.

  10. Ask Brit: Why didn’t you campaign harder? And why didn’t you take advantage of Lane’s feelings toward you? He could have taken you to the end if you would have played your cards right. Just sayin’.

      • Brendon played the game with all his heart and was willing to do anything, and go through anything to stay in the game. I think he was a great competitor who played the game against all odds.

  11. Men are always loyal to each other in a group situation, even if they hate each other. Women never are. Women could learn something from men about sticking together instead of wasting time trash talking each other. Only then will the female HG start winning Big Brother again.
    The nature of the species I’m afraid.

  12. I agree with most of you have said this has been the worst BB ever & I am a dedicated fan. Even applied to be stuck in that house myself and pretty sure I would have been more intertaining than half of them in this one! The person I wanted to win it all was kicked out already but for being a cop she disappointed me too! So even though I am a biker chick I am NOT for biker boy Lane. Or surfer dude Hayden & OMG if Enzo wis I am going to puke!!! So I won’t be cheering any of them on.

  13. From the live feed it was rumored that Britney was evicted. I guess I will stop watching now because I don’t like any of the three houseguests that are left. I definately don’t want Enzo to win because he is a snob. Maybe the next big brother will be better. I didn’t enjoy this season at all.

  14. I hope it is Enzo,he is lazy doesn’t try .He has to get up early to hook his jaw on to get it going non stop.

  15. If Britney is gone it just may be a little boring with the Brigade…I would like to see Hayden use the POV and take Britney off the block and put Enzo up and have Enzo go to the Jury. The final 3, Britney, Lane and Hayden. Then see who goes to the final 2. Might be more interesting…Just my humble opinion.

  16. Question to ask of Britney — Do you realize that people consider you indecent for the vile things you said about Rachel. Never before have such vulgar things been said on tv. Are you proud of yourself or do you really think it was okay to personally attack another human that way?

    • Gisgusted, Britney does not get it. She hasen’t had enough life lessons. When she is older and looks back on certain things then maybe she will understand. That is why BB should hire different personsonalities for this show so we would have a few to pull for..

      • Blondell — you are right. In addition to different personalities, I would like to see the average age raised a little. It shocked me to see many of the HGs acting the way they did and I attributed it to immaturity. To test my theory, they need to raise the ages. I can’t imagine anyone with life experiences under their belt acting the way these HGs did.

  17. I know Britney will be evicted BUT I wished somehow it would be ENZO. I can’t stand to hear or see him. He has the worst mouth on him of anyone I have ever heard speak. Foul mouth after foul mouth. I do not see how the Houseguest put up with his mouth and action. Worst player ever. What did he do to stay in this game? NOTHING!

    • Enzo stayed in the game because BB wanted him to. People liked him at first than he found out and he kept trying to be the person BB wanted him to be and he over did it. Didn’t think of the gross things he was doing so I hope he takes some lessons in table manners,passing gas in public and scratching his ball on tv. Wifey better take him in for a check up

  18. Sorry to say I think Britney will go, wish it was Lane but I don’t think Enzo likes Britney and he has the only vote.
    I wish BB would show us more of the Jury house – that’s where all the interesting people are. The ones left in the house are dull, dull, dull.

  19. I have read all the spoilers and am sad that Britney got evicted. I liked her, guess you could say I’m an itch bay too! It doesnt matter who wins BB to me EXCEPT for Enzo! He is a pathetic player!

  20. I have watched Big Brother since it started and I must say also, that this has been a slightly boring season. But I’m still hooked. I know they mentioned on showtime that BB told the cast that this was the best season yet. I know I find that hard to believe also. But good luck to the final three and we will look forward to the next season.

  21. what I would like to know is will Brittney persue a relationship with lane.
    It doesn’t seem like she has a solid relationship with Nick seeings how she
    has engadged in conversations that are not appropriatefor a BFF type relationship. The conversations are talk that should be between her and her spouse.


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