Big Brother 12: Week 2 PoV Ceremony Results – Spoilers

Power of Veto

The Power of Veto Ceremony is over in the Big Brother 12 house and the fights are inevitable at this point with the eviction just days away. Crank up your live feeds to watch the HGs scramble to save themselves and buy votes. Keep reading to reveal Big Brother Spoilers for what happened today at the Ceremony.

Britney, the winner of this week’s PoV, used the Veto to remove herself from the chopping block. Rachel was forced to name a replacement and selected Matt as the new nominee to sit beside Monet for Thursday’s eviction. Matt had campaigned to be nominated as Britney’s replacement because he had the backing of The Brigade and knew he’d be safe.

Never say never, but I think he’s probably right and we’ll see Monet get the boot on Thursday night’s live eviction. Oh the drama, oh the tears, oh the fun! Monet is whining in one breath that she wants to walk out and in the next she really wants to stay. She’s also warning that she’s ready to start going off at people if they talk to her. This is gonna be fun! Meltdown coming up on the live feeds

Get on the Big Brother live feeds right now to see what’s happening and catch any fights that are about to come up as Monet builds toward a breakdown.

What do you think? Which of these two should be evicted on Thursday’s live show: Monet or Matt? Now a different question: Which would you prefer to go?

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  1. if she knows lane enzo bri are after her and Bren then what makes monet more worthy of going home than any of those ppl?????

  2. I understand Britney used the POV on herself yesterday afternoon, forcing Rachel to put Matt on the block as the replacement nominee. Matt may very well be the next houseguest to leave the Big Brother House this Thursday night, According to my predictions.
    Kevin Silvestris
    Worcester, MA

  3. she had the numbers to get out any of them cuz she has 5 votes (excluding her and hay) so I don’t get

  4. I don’t blame Monet there is no way to change rays mind…unless money exposed team brigade or that hay is 2faced…but she doesn’t know any of that -_-

  5. dang!! ima be sad to see Monet go.

    that sucks. britney just lost her best friend in the house.

    monet and britney were my favs.

    but on a lighter side, its gunna be very interesting to see how the hg get out BRachel.

    if kristin wins HOH however, britney is going home.

    kristin said something very stupid in my opinion. she said to get brintey out because she once the “real players here and the ppl who are supposed to be here should be here”

    umm…..when did u win a competition? win did u win POV? when did u not come in last in like the last 3 competitions? and then why did ur city get rid of mcnabb? hahaha.

    maybe the last one was a little off-topic, but if i was at the hot tub last night when she said that, i would have said that to her.

    in the words of britney, she’s a doucher haha

  6. but i love how team money makes fun of kristin, rachel, and kathy. kathy deserves all of it AND more.

    its funny. what else are u going to do in that house? there are so many interesting characters. i say its harmless. but its funny.

    and when ever britney and lane go at it, i think its funny as hell. clearly their joking.

    its harmless jokes ppl. lightin up.

  7. eww kristin is soo anoying. I think its funny that she thinks shes a significant part to bb so far

    Hopefully britt and monet can persuade people to vote matt out, but that is very unlikely, those two were my favs. :/

    however, i think it would be histaricle if britt wins hoh and gets hayde, kristin, rach, or brendon out…big game changer.

  8. and i will say that it would be smart for britney to not win HOH. unless kristin is still in the game, and challenging for the win though.

    but EVERYONE AND THEY MAMMA will be gunning for rachel and brendon. so it would be in britney’s best interest to lay-low.

    thats that time proven strategy of not winning alot, surely not winning early, back to back POV then HOH.

    because if ur britney, u lay-low and keep and low profile this week. dont win. let these next 2 weeks be about getting out BRachel.

  9. Rachel is just an ugly greasy whore who needs to put on pants before everyone in the house catches her crabs… Britney and Monet were only put up cause Rachel is stupid and jealous and unattractive in every possible way.

  10. Can anyone tell me if I missed something or not? Who are the two people that know each other?

  11. I like Brit and all her s**t talking! But I also like Matt, he is one of my favs…. excited to see Monet go. Honestly Kristen too, is she even there?? LOL

  12. well she has made the biggest mistake of the game trying to get Monet out. I hope that BB bring back an evicted house guest and it is her. If you noticed there was suppose to be one other house guest that backed out after she got to the hotel and that only made for 12 people in the house. They also sequestered Annie and I think that they will do the same for Monet. Rachel will see how people will treat her now that her reign is over. I would laugh if on Thursday when Monet gets ready to leave the door does not open and they make all of the house guest go back and tell them that this was an non elimination week. Expect the Unexpected. I bet they would all be shit faced. If not I pray that Britney wins HOH what would they do then

  13. @tarheelblue..Yeah that sounds more logicial but unfortunately no one in the house is thinking that way!!

  14. This is great news for the brigade. They will vote with Rachel while keeping the alliance in the dark for a while longer.

  15. On the after dark shows we have heard Kristen call Kathy Mom…and Hayden was in the room…It was alot on Saturday night and once on Sunday night when it was just Kathy and Kristen in the room together. (I think production told Kristen to stop calling her Mom cause last night she tried to say Kathy but one Mom slipped out)..So is Hayden her boyfriend or brother? Has anyone really seen them making out?

  16. I am not feeling Brenden and Rachel so I dont want to see Monet go home. I would rather it be Matt.

  17. @KayLow: Brit doesn’t have to be nicy nice now because Rachel won’t have power next week.

  18. I think Rachel deserves an eviction for her nominees this whole week. The only black person is leaving thursday :/ lol

  19. Kristen needs to go home. She is gonna make it far in this game because Hayden is gonna carry her nasty ass

  20. Brit is crying & Monet came in & was crying. Monet has a reason to cry. She pretty much knows she’s goin home, but instead of trying to make Monet feel better she is telling her that she ( Brit) is getting the worse end of the deal. How selfish!! & if Brit tried talking to people instead of making fun of everyone in the house maybe she would have more friends. I can’t believe how selfish Brit is being. Poor Monet.

  21. I do kinda feel sorry for brit, she won’t have anybody in the house after Monet leaves.

    • Feels like forever since I talked to you. I’ve been so busy. Look me up on my space, so we can keep in contact.

  22. I’ve been busy too. ( just enough time to jump on the net,get an update and jump off, LOL)

  23. I can’t even catch up on after dark, it is so boring I can’t make myself stay up to watch

  24. I can’t believe no one has figured out the brigade yet & that Enzo wasn’t even sure what a brigade was but came up with the name. Lol

  25. I think Hayden is playing to many sides and that will be the downfall of the brigade

  26. Yea bb realy needs to do something. Rattle the guests, get them paranoid. Really mess with their heads. That’s when the good sh*t happens. I haven’t watched bbad in 2 nights. Turned it off watched true blood last night.

  27. lame team mean money is ending….!!!!! I’m not happy I love the funny biznatches =(

  28. I can’t wait to see brendon and Rachel without any power. They suck!! I can’t even find one real likeable person out of this cast

  29. BB needs a new twist. They kinda dropped the ball on the whole sab thing.

  30. Lane is hitting on Brit right now… funny stuff! I mean, he’s sort of joking around about it (“wanna back rub?”, “wanna hold hands?”), but there is a streak of seriousness underneath…

  31. Hey all.. Missed a long time ago ..can anyone tell me why Kathy was sick and was all brused up?

    • She was hurt in first hoh & people are saying she’s recovering from cancer but why does she smoke then. So who knows

    • janelle has like all boys in her fam..something
      That LOL I loved BB6 that much I
      Remember that

  32. It’s early in the game. They have Annie sequestered, so I think after a few weeks they will bring some1 back, but until then they really need to do something before they start losing viewers.

  33. I like kristin..cant stand ( its all about me bre-im-a-bitch-ney (like the horse) But im a native Las Vegan..Kinda gotta root 4 the rach, even though in the real vegas u dont see 2 many of them big boobie girls of the streets here. I dont have them but we all still have a great time in the sin city..

  34. If they do anything with the sequestered hg’s it will happen in about two more weeks when they have four to work with. And it well probably be America’s vote.

  35. I can’t understand what Monet did to deserve to be evicted. Rachel & Brendan are stupid to keep Hayden who they know tried to evict them. What did Monet do??

  36. ya they really need to do something..these people are sooo boring..think they need more alcohol

  37. she should of tried to get out a big player like hayden, i think they would of had enough votes to get him out. but monet is annoying im glad she is leaving

  38. Ugh. The Brigade, Kristen and Andrew will all vote to evict Monet.The other votes don’t even matter, that’s 5 votes anyways. With a total of 9 possible votes, there’s pretty much no chance unless Andrew is convinced. HOWEVER, Kristen doesn’t know about the Brigade, and I don’t think she’s the type to just vote as Hayden tells her. I’m just hoping Matt goes home. He’s not my least favourite, but I like Monet better, for sure. Then hopefully Enzo can bounce next week, then Brendon and Rachel the following two.

  39. Annie, Matt, Enzo, Andrew, Brendon, Rachel, Lane, Ragan, Kathy, Monet, Hayden, Britney, Kristen. That is how I would like to see this all turn out. Britney and Kristen as the final 2 would make my season.

  40. I think everyone is playing the game too personally. It sucks to watch. In no way will getting Monet out of the house be better for Brachel. There will just be less gossip and people bashing. For the first time in 12 seasons, I don’t have a favorite houseguest. Lol. I really think Brachel will regret getting rid of Monet when the Brigade gets exposed. They are going to run the house.

  41. why doesn’t BB give more alcohol??? 2 bottles and a six pack?? Really BB step up…and stupid pool is all the entertainment??? LAME

  42. If monet wants to stay so bad why doesn’t she give her money away? She can give $2000 per person and buy their votes.
    Now Hayden and Kristen. Well I guess they’re not brother and sister. Unless, has anyone really seen them lock lips? Just saying.

  43. Well, it’s not a bad plan on Matt’s part. Granted, there’s always a bit of risk whenever you are on the block but he seems to have reduced it, considering that he needs five votes to stay safe.

    Assuming the Brigade votes to protect their fellow member (which is in their own self interest) he can count on votes from: Hayden, Enzo and Lane.

    Because of Kristen’s relationship with Hayden, there’s a good chance she can be swayed.
    That’s four. If even one more person votes to evict Monet he is safe and the Brigade knocks out someone who probably wasn’t going to help them.
    Overall, the chances of success are pretty reasonable. Unless Monet campaigns particularly well it’s entirely reasonable that at least one of the remaining fives votes will go to evict her.
    Of course, if Matt plays it wrong, it may become obvious to non-Brigade members that he went sure that he wouldn’t be going home.

  44. Monet is obviously going home. She came final three in the HOH competition, she is openly aligned with Britney, who was also final three in HOH competition and the POV winner, and she has not been subtle in regards to who she likes and doesn’t like in the house.

    Most people apparently think Matt is a floater. He has at least three guaranteed votes, plus Kristen is highly likely to keep him. Brendan will probably vote for Monet to keep Rachel happy. Andrew is pretty much a shoe-in to vote out Monet as well. Britney will vote to keep Monet, and Kathy and Ragan are up in the air, but irrelevant.

    I’m guessing an 8-1 vote. The undecided voters will catch wind of the likely result and vote with the group, further isolating Britney. She’s a sinking ship.

    Next week will be very interesting — as it stands, it is hard to predict who will go up (don’t be so sure it’s going to be Brendan and Rachel).

  45. Brits bitchy comments make me laugh and I don’t want to see the only semi-black person leave the house yet. Send Matt home so we can get rid of some guys. I bet there will be a twist where one of the evicted sequestered hg’s get voted by america in the house.

  46. I would rather keep monet and britney and get rid of rachel and kristen

  47. I’m sooo happy Monet is going home. Her and Britney are NASTEY!!! Go team rach and Brendon

  48. I swear this season…I mean come on one black person…bullsh*t….but dnt wanna see her go…I wish they wud put sum more color on these shows…& the same thing w/The Real World, its quite annoying….the whole world is not white, so show tht in the shows….let it relate to othr ppl…instead of one group of folks… tht too much to ask 4!!

  49. Ok, I have to admit that Rachel is a little annoying, and she is definitely dressing too provocative, but I definitely like her more than Britney and Monet. Britney and Monet remind me of those popular, air-headed, no personality girls from high school who would just talk about everyone else badly to make themselves feel better. Those types of people are not good people. To be honest, Annie was my favorite person in the house, I was sad to see her go first. Other than that…I guess I would say Brendon is my favorite guy in the house because he seems the most mature. The brigade makes me laugh because Enzo keeps talking about how “epic and great” they are, and it’s only the second week haha like come on.. there have been MUCH better alliances in BB history! Bottom line, as long as Monet and Britney go home immediately, and then the brigade one by one, I would be happy!

  50. People are saying that Brenden and Rachel are married?….Is this a hidden fact or speculation?….Just wondering….:)

  51. I forgot to add….I think the “life long friends” in the house are Kathy and Britney. As in I think they are Mother and Daughter! My friends and I all agreed that Britney looks like Kathy even BEFORE the saboteur announced that there were friends in the house. Something to think about ;-)

  52. Has anyone found out yet for sure if there are 2 real life friends in the house? Or was that just something said to get the house wired?

    How old is Brittney? She seriously acts 14 with busting on all the other females in the house

  53. Life long friends….I was thinking Hayden and Christin. I also think they look alike and to throw others off Hayden is acting like he is interested in her…

    Sorry, I am not up to date on ALL the names yet or the spelling of them…I did consider the Mother Daughter idea with Kathy & Britney…but after watching the “After Dark” the other night, I’ve changed my mind…But I could certainly be wrong

  54. Personally, I think Matt should go home simply because it’s bad game play, and a stupid idea to campaign to be put up on the block. What’s the Big Brother motto: Expect the unexpected? There are no sure-things in the house. Everyone remembers when Eval Dick was supposed to go home, right?

  55. one thing i CANT stand about the live feeds is how the 4 cameras arent 4 different views of houseguest’s. like its 2 views of 1 thing. get it?

    and like whenever somebody is in a good convo, like just now britney was telling the story of a guy on a train who was starring her down, and they wait for the story to get real good, and change cameras to kristin and hayden saying nothing.

    I HATE THAT. they do that all the time.

  56. I think Kristen and Kathy are mother and daughter, on after dark Kristen more than once has called Kathy mom. People are thinking Hayden and Kristen are brother and sister? First off I think that would be VERY weird since their flirting and under the covers even if it is all just an act. Second, their the same age so they would have to be twins and they don’t even look that much alike.

  57. I have said from day one that Haydon & Kriston were twins, but was told they were spooning under the covers, my sec. guess from day one was two a– holes are married. The camera’s are on those two all the time. Should now be called B.B,s sex ed. They, BB made a big mistake this year.BB is letting way to much sex & no pantie’s & boobs & a officer of the law wear a shirt that say,s “”” RUB FOR LUCK “” if anyone would reach-up & rub those girls of hers -she would have them arrested. Rachel want’s to make it to the jury house, hell she need’s a jury for showing her a–. on a tv show that younger children watch.

  58. Remove all of Haydens hair, they look alike !! They are both 24 y/o. But have different last names though, but her last name could be ” shes married ” & did not reveal it the the other H-G, the first night. I love reading everyones thought’s. Ya,all are good.

  59. Jonathan the young ones have mostly always call the eldest women in the house “mom”. It gives them comfort.

    Judy, where have I been? I haven’t seen Aร‘Y boobs, a**, or heavy PDA in CBS. Its all been on the live feeds or SHO2 After Dark? And if kids are watching those 2 then they have very very irresponsible parents. CBS keeps it very clean. As far as Kathy’s shirt, I think its funny. She could have wore one that says “Kiss me I’m Irish” what would be the difference really. I have a LOT of cops friends and they all have said if they weren’t cops they be prisoners. Its a fine line between those two lifestyles. Remember they have to think like a criminal to catch one. Y’all have a wonderful BB day. xoxo to my BB family.

  60. I also think Kathy is Britney’s mom. I like Rachel and Brendon people in the house are jealous because there smart and good looking.

  61. I was talking about when Rachel showed her A– when she jumped up & wrapped those ugly a– legs around Brandon . BB had to ” block her bottom out. No cbs has not kept it clean when a child see’s two grown ups under the blanket’s all the time. My husbands whole side of the family are police officers, one being the Chief of police. So she just puts herself in that place . But that’s the her, not me .

  62. if matt is not in your alliance then he’s in another one or he’s a floater, of course WE know he’s in the brigade, how lame a name… rachel needs to backdoor him (it would serve him right – “expect the unexpected” as they say), she’s trying to impress the others that she’s smart (not) and that would really help her & brendon in the game… but being the ding-bat she is i just don’t see her making that game changing move.

  63. Personally, I think Matt should go home.. then Brendon and Rachel should fake break up to get the target off their backs.. then Hayden should ditch the brigade and him and Kristen
    should go with Brendon and Rachel. They would win it.. there’s no other big threats in the house at all! anyone agree??

  64. Well Britney and Monet are just like those mean girls we can all remember from High School. I didn’t have respect then and I sure don’t now. Really dislike both. Want them out. They are very two faced. It’s a boring season.

  65. This has probably been said before but I’ll say it anyway. I actually like Britney’s comments it seems to be the only drama in the house since this season is so BORING. And for Enzo to say that The Brigade is the “best alliance in BB history” he should just be voted off for saying that. He said it on like what…day 2??? They seem like the worst alliance in BB history at the rate this game is going…

    • LOL wow even k nows BB 6 and the chilltown alliance made BB worth watching kaysar mike boogie and dr will lol

  66. Wow! wouldn’t it be interesting if Rachel marshalled the votes & took out Matt…the house wiuld be in a tailspin, brit & Monet would be forced to change their allegiance since they would see the votes coming from the ‘Brigade’ Think about it, a lot of play changing.

  67. I can’t see the purpose of getting rid of Monet, just because her and brittany trash talk the rest of the houseguests? Um how does that affect your game play. I think Kristen and Rachel are jealous of them and thats the only reason. This show will be even more boring without the Dynamic Duo’s take on the other hg’s. Now we will have to watch more and more of the showmance’s. Thanks Rachel more camera time for you!

  68. I want Rachel out! Can’t stand that laugh, fake hair, fake boobs, and if I hear “my man” one more time – I’m screaming!!!


    The purpose of getting rid of Britney and Monet because they talk trash is self-explanatory! Obviously they can’t be trusted if ALL they do is talk trash!!! It’s so obvious.
    Also, it was apparent to Rachel that Brit and Monet didn’t like her, and she overheard them saying bitchy things about her, and then all of a sudden when Rachel is HOH they are up there putting o the FAKEST performance ever to save their butts. (Rachel, I seriously would not have thought of putting you or Brenden up)…etc. YA RIGHT! Rachel saw right through it, as she should have. It’s not just about Brit and Monet talking trash…it’s about them talking trash openly and then trying to pretend like they didn’t mean it or they weren’t serious or something. So lame. They are annoying to listen to, they sound like little brats. They need to go! And I agree Rachel is acting and dressing much too provocative…but I also admit she looks hot, and Kristen is hot too. Monet and Britney always look so tired and washed out, haha so they are obviously jealous!

    • I’m sorry but money and bitchney are 10x hotter with better bodies than kris/ray will ever be

  70. Enzo is just a way worse version of the Situation

    Monet sucks, cant stand her.
    Used to love Britney but she needs to go home.

  71. well put Alana.
    I like Rach, not really sure why
    Brit and Monet do talk to much crap

  72. The problem is, there is not one bone of dignity in that girls brain or respect for her body. { Big Red Bottle that is. Brit. & Monet @ least respect there’s & the other girls to. The shirt Kathy wears that ” Say’s rub these for Luck ” !!! I bet if one of the guy’s reached up & rubbed those girl’s she would have them arrested & she is suppose to be a roll model as the officer of the law. Yup, I married into a police family & no my husband is not one, but your supoose to be a leader with great respect.

  73. Monet and Brittney have serious self esteem issues! Allllll they do is bash the other girls and when girls do that it’s because they have no self esteem or maturity or morals!

  74. Well qhi i’m hoping will win is either Hayden or Kristen…BTW they are sooooo cute together. So kicking monet off is just one step closer. GO BRIGADE! :]

  75. does anyone else think that rachel is the actual Man in the relationship with brendan. when they kiss it makes me sick. she only nomineed monet because monet has 10 grand and rachel knows shes not going to make it far enough to win any money

  76. Love Love Rachael & Brandon…. I hate Brittany & Monet and there trash talking every one…

  77. the reason BB is not as interesting the last few seasons is because originally houseguests were voted out on the basis of there ability to win the various contests or fool the other guests. Now they are voted out according to race, looks, and other stupid stuff. Brendan & Rachel should be after the strong players, should be breaking strong alliances. Monet is not a threat. Brendan should have put Hayden & one of his alliance up first. Then Rachel should have put the next strongest guest up together. The game is boring cause these people don’t know how to play the game.

  78. I think that Rachel should be the next to go. She is so slow. Everyone is gunning for her now and she is to stupid to realize it. She should kept monet and not put brit up..That could’ve been two votes on their side. Now….it’s going down fast. she’s a goner next week and her man the week after. Oh Well :) can’t wait!!!!!

  79. i think lane and britney are engaged. she got very defensive when rachel said she was thinking of puttin lane up soooo maybe they the life long friends!!
    why havent we heard anything about that??

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