The special, midnight Power of Veto Competition is over in the Big Brother 11 house. To find out who won click “continue reading” for the spoilers…
Michele is the winner in this week’s Big Brother 11 Veto competition!
Michele will undoubtedly use the Veto and save herself. Forced to make a replacement nominee Kevin will most likely nominate Jordan, pitting her against Jeff for votes. Looks like Jeff is heading to the Jury House!
Jeff is taking this turn of events better than I thought he might, but jump on the live feeds and see for yourself what happens.
What do you think? Should the Veto be used? Who should Kevin nominate as a replacement? Natalie or Jeff?
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Way to go Michelle!! What’s Jeff’s line going to be? Jordan is a tough competitor?!?! (Woops can’t really win anything) I’ll take you to the F2? (Woops already got that deal with Jordan, although if she went he’d need a new F2 partner) You can beat me in the finals? (woops maybe not)
I can not WAIT to see how the production staff plays up this week. This was GREAT news to wake up to.
I want Jeff to win… So I hope that who ever gets put up that they keep Jeff.
I agree with Brian. Go Michelle!!! Hope she keeps winning HOH and POVs.
Jeff played his hand one week two early and ended up getting played by Kevin and Natalie. Kevin will be leaving next week for sure.
I wanted Jeff to win. That sucks Kevinis a jerk. Didn’t even keep his word 1 week. Whatever.
Bummer that Jeff is leaving but, he ‘got got’!!
Now that most likely Jeff will be leaving, I would like to see Jordan and Michelle make it to the final two. I think they can take Kevin and Natalie out, especially seeing that Kevin can’t play for HOH.
At least Jeff kept his word and saved Russ like 2 or 3 times. That little jerk would be gone if it wasn’t for Jeff. What a snake. If he was smart he would get rid of Nat. All her friends are in the jury house. I can’t stand her. Showtime will suck now.
well jeff I only have this to say have fun kissing the floor after russel gets done with you, you had the chance to beff up and why the hell was everyone dumb enough not to take their training seriosly so stupid people that took diet pills for the cameras to catch them to be sexy not use it to their advantage, well jeff kiss the floor for me *ass* who is dumb?
what goes around comes around
You are forgetting Pandora’s Box. Jeff has the key.
I am SOOO glad Michelle won! She heard Jeff and Jordan talking total smack about her in the WC, and it hurt her feelings really bad. She has been beat down, stepped on and slammed against the wall. She did make some really bad mistakes but NO ONE deserves the treatment she has been getting, ESP after she would have supported Jeff and Jordan totally.. so NOW I HOPE, HOPE, HOPE she and KEv team up for F2 and get Nataliar out next. I cannot WAIT till Nat’s lies are outed. It can’t be long, she is still telling too many lies to too few people.
Jeff was being gracious after the POV, encouraging Jordan. And Russ said on the post interviews that he had nothing against Jeff that is was all gameplay, so there won’t be any fighting in the JH.
I realize that in the late stage of the game, you do what you gotta do. But Kevin could have kept his word to Jeff at least one week. Who know, maybe Jeff would have taken Kevin to the F2 with him if he couldn’t take Jordan. Let’s face it, Jeff against Kevin in the F2 would probably be an easy win for Kevin. However, if he thinks he can win the endgame against Natalie, he’s dumber than I thought he was. Like I always say, people’s true character comes out in this show and Kevin just told the whole world he is one big liar!! Hope they all get to read what we on the outside are saying. Oh, and I think Jeff making a deal with Kevin and Natalie was the stupidest move he’s made this whole time. He should have know he’d have a much better chance of getting to the end with Russell than with these two liars. I hope Michelle beats them all!!
LMAO…I’m so glad that Jeff will be leaving (hopefully the key to Pandora’s Box won’t keep him in the house) Not sure why they would keep the dumb blonde either but whatever works right? I hope Russell walks right up to Jeff when he gets in the JH and back hands him…lol
Ha! Ha! I love this game. Listen it’s going to be Kevin and Michele F2. Natalie & Jordan can’t win anything. I’ve watched this show since the very first Big Brother. It always gets slow towards the end but it’s o.k. Lying has always been part of the game. Heck Dr. Will won just by doing that. *that’s a little history* Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Go Kevin! I’ve been with you since the beginning. But if Michele wins it’s all good. She’s been a good competitor as well.
backdoor natalie. get her out of there!
Bye Jeff and Now Kevin won’t look bad because he had no choice
michelle has a split personality did you guys see her last night, scary.remember jeff found the key.
Was the key Jeff found only to open the door? I’m confused. Where’s the box?
Jeff is a very important piece in keeping ratings high , if Jeff is to get to the end then the ratings stay high ( will probably leave ), CBS tried to keep him but you can’t make up for the huge lack of a brain on his part , how stupid he was to trust Kevin.
The rest of the people left are boring , Natalie is a loser and keeps saying in diary room how she is 24 and everyone thinks she’s 18 , STOP IT NATALIE , Michelle is boring to death and can’t lie , if she starts to forget things again and people believe it i might think BB is staged , Jordan is very very stupid , probably the most stupid person in BB history , and we are left with Kevin.
Kevin i might see him win but i don’t like him , he didn’t stand out of the crowd for being smart at anything , competitions or strategy , he just got lucky , very very lucky to have some dumb ass like jeff to trick , it has a boring personality and for a gay man he should really learn how to shave his pits.
The only person who was interesting to see win was Jeff ( i know he is dumb but the ladies like him ).
So the end of BB ( the end of high ratings for CBS for this show :) ) will probably be when Jeff leaves the house.
I like that CBS didn’t give Jeff an advantage like they did in the past in previous BB’s , if they would’ve wanted they could’ve made an endurance POV or something for Jeff’s abilities , so good job CBS for a fair game.
Excuse my enligh , it’s not my native language.
The intelligence level, or lack thereof, on this board is staggering. Back door Natalie! Umm…there are 4 people left after Jeff leaves this week…
Well, I had been for Jeff and Jordo since the beginning. But when Jordan started being a hateful, spiteful witch it all changed for me. She got a little to haughty with Jeff’s wins. She seemed to think she controlled the gane and Jeff. And in the end what we have is a crushed little idiot lying in bed crying because her brains is about to be taken out. Go Michele and Good Luck. I hope you win. You’ve definitely earned it.
The only one in the house worth watching IS Jeff! Kevin is funny, Nat is DISGUSTING, Jordan worthless, Michelle…???? Showtime will suck now. Hopefully Kev and Michelle F2. Otherwise this season sucks!
richypoo i like your style and lets hope Michelle wins and Jeff kisses her A$$ all the way to the door and Jorden Kisses Her A$$ tO THE FINALE TWO AND Michelle gets all the votes except Jeffs.
Jeff is the best dude in that house. How can people be excited about this show without Jeff? Kevin is creepy, Michelle is a dog and annoying as s#!t, Natalie is a 14 year old boy and dumb as rocks, and Jordan cannot play the game. It may be time for me to stop watching (if Jeff is out the door).
Blah Jeff and Jordan are both idiots and god I have to turn the live feed off when I hear Nat’s annoying voice…I hope to high hell that turd doesn’t win…lol…I really don’t care who wins but boy would I love to be a fly on the wall when Jeff walks into the JH…now that will be a sight to see!!
Michelle Rocks!!!!!
Tara i would too but lets see whats in store for the rest in the BBhouse. :)
Any thoughts on what the key might mean for Jeff? Why is everyone dogging Jordan? She won 2 comp and has lied etc playing the game. Maybe they turned out to not be the best decisions but what has Nat done? Remember floater Jun won against Allison who had to save her butt over and over? Plus she won comp and vetos! While I didn’t like it -it was ThE Game!
I think that Jeff did fall for K/N lie, but Jeff would have gone up either way this week because had Russell stayed I believe he would have won HOH and put Jeff up. Jordan needed to win HOH this week to save them. Jeff might have felt that she had a better chance against Kevin than Russell in an endurance competition.
Well, goodbye to Jeff. He should have kept Russell for another week. I see Kevin and Nat. in the final 2. Like to see Kevin win it all. He has be calm, played smart.
After seeing Jordan chest push a man…she should have been evicted for doing that…Don’t forget she only won one of those comp. cuz Jeff let her…I just can’t stand idoits like her…lol…I do agree though that Nat is a Rat and has done nothing but keeps claiming that her and Kevin are a “we”…I would love to see Kevin backdoor her ass too…lol
I’m excited that Michele won! Booya! According to Jokers Jordan wants to be voted out! WTF!?! I knew she didn’t have game. Ugh, unbelievable! I hate it when people just give up like that, no matter if I like them or not.
To everyone who thinks that there is a real chance that Kevin will backdoor Nat – why in the world would he do that? If Jeff goes, then there goes the biggest threat in the house. Next week, Michelle is the favorite to win HOH (if Jeff goes), so he needs to side up with her this week and take out Nat or Jordan next week. I don’t know if he’s smart enough to do that, but who knows? I can’t imagine Jordan or Nat winning HOH next week, so with Jeff gone, the power in the house should shift to Michelle.
Jeff made a really stupid move and is now paying the price for it. I would love to see his face when he goes back and watches to footage and sees that he was played so completely by Nat and Kevin. Arrogance, paranoia, and, let’s be honest, stupidity got the better of Jeff.
And to everyone complaining about Kevin – why? He made a smart move (that was risky) and that seems to have worked out for now. Also, when Jeff went back on his word to Russ, Jeff apologists said that he did the smart thing and did what he had to do; well, can’t you see Kevin has done the same thing? it was a good move. Even Jeff would have to admit that.
Bottom line, with Jeff gone, Michelle or Kevin deserves this (based on their gameplay). They played strong physical and mental games; Nat and Jordan coasted on the coattails of others.
well michelle is no better bashing Jeff calling him names.
“Who should Kevin nominate as a replacement? Natalie or Jeff?”
This statement was written above, in the article entitled, “Week 8 PoV Competition Results – Spoilers” – Very well written may I add, but if Jeff is already nominated, how can Kevin name him as a replacement nominee, once Michelle uses her POV on herself, as we expect her to do?
Am I missing something? If I am, sorry!!
It’s funny some of the posts seem like campaigns to the network to keep Jeff, do they read this site, lol?
Jeff and Jordan did enough mean spirited bashing of Michelle that what we have here is a case of what goes around comes around.
Yes Kevin and Nat lied, uh, to STAY in the GAME. That is the point, no?
Jeff lied to Russell about F4 and then got rid of him, to STAY in the GAME, that is the point, no?
And now Michelle will probably get rid of Jeff, BECAUSE HE HATES HER ON A PERSONAL LEVEL. That is life, no?
She would have kept him. She had a BB crush on him, but he and Jordan did nothing to make her feel welcome. Besides, she is weird and smelly, etc.. right? Well then I am glad Jeff is probaby leaving. It’s one thing to have the “jock” and “popular” mentality when you are IN high school, but as an adult, there’s no excuse for the personal things they said knowing full well there are cameras. And Jorda, after seeing the venom fly out of your mouth with regard to a girl who hasn’t done anything to you, I highly doubt you were “friends with everyone, and, “like everyone equal”, in high school. Seriously, how can you have such a pity party for yourself over being called fat when you have gotten personal on Michelle. Night terrors mean something BAD happened to her, they are not there for your amusement.
How is Michelle going to feel when she watches back and sees that they think she’s a freak as a person?
And for the people who think Kevin hasn’t done much to be there, well he’s getting rid of the strongest person in the house by lying , back stabbing, and thinking about the numbers, can someone tell me how you play BB?
If it was all done by being cool and getting through because youre so awesome, it would be call popularity contest. And to all the people who won’t watch when Jeff is gone, uh, yeah you will, you like the show enough to post on message boards.
I agree with you Tara. Jordan’s chest push against Russ was definitely body contact and is Russ had done that to her he would have been called to the DR in nothing flat. Not only was it ugly to watch but it was against the rules and should have been dealt with.
@Dana…VERY well said. I totally agree!
I agree with you Dana and you couldn’t have said it better!!!!
jeff isnt going home. big twist coming!!!
Congrats, to Michelle. And I think Jeff is taking the loss as well as anyone would. I am hoping for the best backstabbing in backstabbing history. And that would be Kevin putting Nat up on the block and seeing her go out the door. Kevin needs to think for himself.
To Dana, You go girl!!!!!!
I’m an optomist. That key is something. I wouldn’t be surprised if that key will be put in play during the eviction. What if Jeff gets evicted and goes out one door and the other is locked. Then he finds both doors are locked. That key will open one door. The one going back into the house and all hell will break loose. Julie said that there was a twist to game that could impact everyone. Twists usually mean shaking up the house. So far all we’ve seen is a luxury comp. The theme of this was “greed” and I think that key will let him back in the house. Go Jeff
Yeah, I can’t help but believe that Jeff could be back and the “key” may have something to do with that. I don’t think “Jeff the Junior High Jerk” deserves to come back, but I kinda look for him to.
@ Annie, I totally think Keving will vote Nat out and align with Michelle. He wants to win, which he has shown this week. He cannot beat Nat in the F2 and since I think he’s one of the more intelligent people he probably already has this figured out. I think Nat is the only person who has a lock on Jury votes and if Kevin and Michelle are smart they will get rid of Nat next week.
Go Michelle. After all the hurtful personal thing everybody said about you, you show them you are better then them by winning and keeping yourself safe. Good job girl.
Couldn’t have said it any better myself, Dana.
Jeff cannot go home!!!!! The ratings will drastically drop… Jeff finding the key was CBS’S only chance to keep Jeff in the game and I believe they will defintely use it… Well I hope so. The show will just be tooooo boring without him there.
Those Jeff haters do not jump to too many conclusions………..HE HAS THE KEY and from what I hear is that it has almost as much power as the CDT!!!! Or I will say half as much!!!!
This show is too addicting. :P
Yeah that damn Key is going to be something big for the ratings!!! That would be brilliant thing for the network to do Mary (even though I can’t stand Jeff) but wow would their ratings ever go up!!! Good scenario Mary!!!
I can only hope Jeff doesn’t end up next to Jordan on the block.
I don’t want Jeff to go home.
Nat and Kevin flipping lied to gain J&J’s trust! They should be the ones sent packing!
Usually when Julie says there is a twist in the game that means the house is gonna get shaken up again. So this could save Jeff if he goes up!
hey shanza did you watch michelle bash jeff shes just more sneaky.shes weird if jeff goes im not watching anymore everyone else is not worth my time watching. seriously.and if I post its to keep everyone in
So glad that Michelle won. She’s emerging as a competitor at the right time. Hopefully, if she makes it that far, the jury will realize this and give her the votes. I doubt Nat would win but then again it could be a popularity contest in the F2.
Go Michelle! Win HOH next week!
I read somewhere that the key Jeff got unlocked the handcuffs on Kev when he was in the mystery room.
Mich told Jordan last night that if they had kept Russ Jeff would not be going to jh. Russ would have kept the final four deal. I bet Jeff feels like an idiot right now and Jordan saying she was going to campaign to leave so Jeff could stay, WTF??? There is half a million dollars on the line. Quit crying and play the game Jordan. Oh yeah, you can’t because that would mean you have to actually win something on your own. I know you have 1 pov but you are going to have to step it up. I am so happy for Michelle – Way to go girl!! Kevin would be smart to align with Mich for final 2 because he would probably win and Mich would go away with 50k. That would be a good ending for the season.
It will be nice to see JJ with a little more humility like they were in the beginning.
OMG if i was in this game I would totally lie-backstab-cheat and swindle everyone and anyone iif it helped me to get to the end (kevin and michelle are playing it right)…lmao…bashing it totally part of the game even though it hurts peoples feeling…you need thick skin to play…but een still I hate Jeff…lol…Trying to strong arm Kevin and saying that he made a promise to him but totally loving Kevin when he told him that he was not sticking to the plan…Jeff looked pissed….mmmuuuaahhhh lol
Oh yeah I would even sell my own mother out…lol
Jeff deserved it and I don’t know why everyone is mad about it. People seemed to forget what happened to Rus. It’s BB not the Jeff show although VH1 could work something out with him. lol
Lazeek, where do you get your info? I hope you’re right!!!!
Alright,alright,alright Michellle wins the POV keeping her in the
house. Now I wish she would grow a backbone and make some
pointed comments to Jeff ( gee I’m so popular) and Jarofdough
about their comments about her. Then do the same to Natzi as
is she is not only a ugly ass lier but thief as well.
The best possible result!!!!!
I agree with the others, if Jeff leaves the rating will also. Being Nat and Kevin think they have the final two in their pocket, I would LOVE it if somehow the key that Jeff has would allow him to put both Kevin and Natalie in the eviction seats. Now that wuld sky rocket the ratings for BB.
theres always hope for good guys to win. nat needs to go she selfish and greedy!!!
I disagree that Jeff being allowed to stay would make the ratings skyrocket. I think it may lead to a loss in viewers since it would give a pretty clear impression that the game is fixed/slanted toward J/J.
In an interview, Allison Grodner said that the mystery door and the key and that entire competition was not involve the granting of any sort of power, that it was simply an added responsibility to the HOH – and also that it was self-contained to the competition itself. We have already seen all that play out.
sounds like all the MEN writing in are dissing Jeff – are you boys feeling a little inadequate because Jeff is such a hottie???
you are so rigt about not watching if jeff leaves. im not going to watch the nat show. its cbs show they ill get rid of her so i wont complain. jeff needs to feel a little pain. about who he trusted.he still dont ya jeff and you michelle.
Well said Dana. What a great way to start my day, MICHELLE/POV. It wud really seem like CBS is rigging this show if for some godawful reason turncoat Jeff gets more WIZARD power w/the key. Why shud Kevin honor his committment to Jeff, he didn’t SWEAR on his family the way Jeff did. Dumb/Dumber are u FEELING THE PAIN??? Hope Kevin/Michelle team up. If by some chance Jeff stays, scumbag Nat gets the boot, I believe Kevin/Michelle can bet dumb/dumber. Always said DumboJordo will be Jeff’s WATERLOO.
What if the KEY is to the front door that Jeff has to go out as he is leaving..
You know he gets evicted and then as he closes the door, green lights go off and his key unlocks the door for him to return back inside.
So no one gets evicted this week and then double elimination next week…Boy would that be exciting or what???????????????
Expect the Unexpected..RATINGS count….
Hope Jeff has magic key to stay if he leaves I quit watching BB Nat,Kev and Michelle are Boring…
Now I will watch to see Michelle win POV. For those of u like me that no longer enjoy watching, since I tape the shows, I just fastward the parts that show scumbag Nat, and dumb/dumber, especially in bed, with DumboJordo playing w/her hair. Their true character came out, dishonest, arrogrant, disloyal, self-centered, and the list goes on.
Go MICHELLE, may God continue to watch over u.
If Jeff leaves I am done watching and so are my friends. I don’t care if anyone else wins. It will be boring. ow well at least he made it this far so I had some good tv to watch.
For all those who dislike Natalie and I am one of them, you will see her in the final 2 unless Michele can evict her. Jordan and Kevin think she is on their side. Jeff thought so also and look where it got him. As long as people keep believing Natalie’s lies, she will continue to avoid eviction. Michele is the only one who wants Natalie out. She needs to align with Kevin and win the game.
hey teresa Michelle bashed jeff only after she came to know what is going on with her. After Keving won HOH she even went to to JJ to discuss other options. But I don’t blame her for what she is saying now after jeff and jordon tried to throw her under the bus. Ok russell was a threat but what was Michelle she was in there group right. But they listened to their opponents and thought no one is more sincere then them and Jeff get what he deserve.
I was one of the biggest fan of Jeff but i really hate those people who talk about other people personal habits/ issues. He has lost all my respect.
I’m glad Michelle won POV (even though I was rooting for Jeff), but she deserves some *ss kissing to make up for what the other four are saying about her. However, I think it would be fun to see her use it and Kevin put up Natalie–he said it himself, he’s here to win money, not make friends–he just has to think about the jury house votes.
People keep bashing Michele both in and out of the house. She lost her brother a few months ago. Didn’t really have any friends in the house and been mostly on her own. She been under allot of pressure just to stay around. Yes, she has lied and changed her stories but that was under self preservation. Is she bashing Jeff and Jordan, absolutely because they treated her like s***. When it came to crunch time, she beat Jeff and won the POV. Keep it up Michele.
ooh Nonnie, I like the way you think!
Wtf is the key going to do? Please tell me it will keep Jeff. For all you Jeff haters just remember that he has made the biggest and quite frankly the ONLY moves in the house. I think he has played with integrity in this game with only minimal lying. You can still be a good guy and win. PLEASE let the key keep Jeff. I really don’t think I will even bother watching if Jeff leaves. The rest of the people in the house are total tools! And not to mention Jeff is the hottest freaking thing I have ever seen! I love him! I want to marry him and have 10,000 of his babies! Keep Jeff in the game please oh please oh please!!!!
i wanted jeff & michele for F2. since jeff was stupid enuf to listen to jordan & get Russ out, i hope he goes this week & then gnat/kevin or kevin/gnat. kevin has to go cuz he will win the $ if he goes to the F2. i think gnat will win over jordan…she only has jeffs vote. i think michele can triumph over jordan with the jh…i know she will have my vote if it comes down to it.
@ Mary,I haven’t been able to watch BBAD the last few nights,so I did not know that there was a key. I just found out this morning who Kevin put up for nomination,also who won the POV !!!I can not believe all that has happened in a few days !!! Jeff should not have listened to Kevin and Natalie when they told him that Russell wanted to get him out . I do think that Russell would have stuck to his word until the final 4.Than it would have been any one’s ball game. @ Mary I loved your thinking of the key letting Jeff back in the house !!!! I sure hope that you are right !!! If Jeff does not get back in, than I hope that Michele gets the big bucks. Natalie and Jordan really needs to go in the next couple of weeks..
ya know, at first I didnt root for JJ, now im super bummed
I HATE HATE Michelle, she is like….one of those people who as you saw on the feeds, sits there, whines to herself all upset woe is me…when she treated Ronnie FAR worse, or just as bad….she was with russ then left him the second he goes on the block….
It sucks, SUCKS….I wanted JJ to last to the final 4 because jeff made such a great move, no matter what people say taking out russ was huge for JJ…
from what I see, the money isnt their priority…and thats neat…
there has to be a twist that affects the game..
@Jenn-You said that Jeff made the only moves in the house. I think Michele nominating Chima which caused Chima’s meltdown was a major move.
I am so sad that Michelle won. Yes, I agree that they have said some cruel things about her. And yes, they haven’t always had her back. Yet, at the same time she has brought a lot of it on herself.
I dont get why people like michelle, shes a horrible person, she just is…
And yeah jeff played a great game, he really did, and no matter WHAT kevin did, it wouldnt matter with michelle winning POV since hes close to nat, it means one of JJ goes home, simple as that sadly.
I cant stand it if michelle wins hoh next week…I really hope its Jordan since she will be SO sad without Jeff.
people will see michelle plays by who she hates, its a bad strategy, she will take out jeff then nat cause she doesnt like them…
kevin is the biggest threat in the house and no one seems to care, he and Nat have done a great job preparing for stuff but in the end
Nat cant win a thing….why not keep around someone like that.
I am SOO glad Michele won, she deserves it after hours spent staring at the memory wall. Michele is the best player in this game, and if she makes it to the finale it doesn’t matter who she takes with her. If she takes Natalie or Kevin, Michele will get Jeff, Jordan, and Russell’s vote. If she takes Jordan and the jury house votes on how they played the game, Michele will get Jessie’s, possibly Lydia’s, Russell’s, Kevin’s, and Natalie’s vote.
I have not liked Kevin from day one, but I do have to admit that he is playing a good game.The GAME PLAY IS all about lying and back stabbing TO FUTHER YOUR OWN GAME. I do think that Kevin has been super good at that.I really wanted Jeff to win the number 1 spot.So if he does go out this week, than Michele is the only one left to be the BEST PLAYER.
@ Nonnie (post #68): That’s exactly what I was wondering (except I didn’t think about the double elim part). It would make sense, and be similar to tricks BB has done in the past.
Another similar possibility: Kevin puts up Jordan, and SHE gets evicted (hang on). But Jeff’s key opens the door and lets her back in.
Fantasy: JJ are back in, and Kevin is required to immediately nom two *different* people for instant eviction (kinda like the CDT scenario where there was no time to campaign). Of course, the only two other people are Michelle and Nat. Would be interesting to see the outcome.
While I’m not fond of Kevin, he is playing good game. A smart thing to do would be to either backdoor Nat now, or work hard at turning the house against her next week, since she can go running to M & J telling all, not only her scheming with Kevin, but tossing in a few lies as to what Kevin (supposedly) has planned next.
Expect the unexpected.
that key thing worries me!
Yes, they have been bashing Michelle, and I think because they have been doing it as a group it looks really bad. Yet, Michelle as bashed everyone just as bad, if not worse. But becuase she does it on her own, she doesn’t look as awful as the others. She is still just as rude as the others.
The best possible news. Congrats to Michelle. She has been treated very badly and mocked by everyone in the house except Kevin. Her best move is to get rid of Jeff. But the key opens the box to all the evils of the world….and Jeff has it. Beware, Michelle. Beware Kevin.
@jcat- Michelle had no way of knowing Chima was going to go psycho. I don’t think it was as big of a move as you would like to give her credit for. She knew everyone hated Chima and it would make her more popular to put up someone who no one liked. I don’t at all credit Michelle for Chima’s meltdown. And btw it is funny that everyone says Russell would have kept his word. Come on now people! He would have sooooo put Jeff up!
Wouldn’t it be great if the key Jeff has is a second POV. That way Kevin would have to put up Natalie and Jordan and then Jeff and Michele would vote. Just wonder at this point who Michele dislikes more, J or N. Jeff and Jordan would then have to kiss Michele for her vote because if it comes to Kevin deciding, Nat stays.
I think it would be hilarious if after Jeff gets booted, big brother tells him to use his key to open the door and there stands Russell, who is let back into the game while Jeff leaves. PMLMAO! Don’t forget that Big Brother in the past, at this point of the game has brought back house guests into the house or even animals. No way is that Key going to allow Jeff to stay. He let the power corrupt him and got “GOT”. It also shows that he really is a weak player, if you look at the moves he has made they were all stupid except for CDT which was a power that was given to him because we all thought he was a nice guy. I was on his side until he started showing his colors, I hate the way he speaks about women. He seems to think they are only good for one thing. I am hoping that either Kevin or Michelle wins this. They seem to be the only ones left who deserve to win.
I pray that the key is a second Pov. Can u tell I am in love with Jeff? Is it that Boston accent or those eyes? Don’t know. Whatever it is I have a feeling we will be seeing more of him after BB. Hopefully my husband is not reading these. Lmao. If u are sorry honey but you already know. Maybe we can have a 3 way. O.k. now I am dead!
Why do people assume Jeff has made the only moves in the house? He has only made three moves.
1) Using the Coup d’Etat on Jessie.
2) Turning on Russell and Michelle.
3) Evicting Russell.
Fine, he has made big moves, but 2/3 of those moves were completely stupid moves. You might as well give Chima credit for getting kicked out, THAT is a big move.
I still say that key represents something. Maybe since that did everything so quickly this week that there is something more coming. And I think it’s the key. Julie said that this was another twist to the game. How can getting money be a twist? That’s a luxury comp. A twist is something that shakes up the house. I would love to see Jeff walking right back in that door Thursday. If that happens J/J can only depend on themselves. No more alliances because no of them can be trusted. I’m sorry to say that if Jeff goes I will not watch BB anymore, because I totally despise everyone else in the house. Why waste my time?
Some of you guys need to read what you write sometimes. Please don’t say you hate someone just because of a show. Anyway…Natalie plays poker…
She is really good at poker.
She folds and folds and folds until soon she will play.
Natalie let Kevin win HOH so he can do all her dirty work. Natalie convinced Chima to flip out so the double eviction can result in Chima and Lydia going home not Natalie. Natalie pretends she sucks at everything and makes it to the final four.
And to the Jeff haters…he had no choice!
Russel was going to get rid of him regardless. He wasn’t going to make it to the F2 if he kept him or not. The game is laid out and the outcomes are set. Natalie obviously played a good game. I bet you she will win HOH this week. Either that or she waits for the following week which will cement her F2 slot. Keep folding honey!
Has anyone ever won big brother playing a perfect non lieing/non backstabbing/honest game and won? I think I would be a wonderful player in this game. I could stare right at u and lie to ur face for a 1/2 million. Come on girls, haven’t YOU ever “faked” something or lied about the price of a pair of shoes so u didn’t have to put up w/the BS? I don’t care who wins the end game. Its been a great ride this season no matter what. Tnx CBS/SHO
EWW at #94…so gross
I hope the key doesn’t put ANYONE back into the house and I also hope it isn’t another POV. I’m thinking it’ll just let Jeff decide who will be the 7th vote in the jury house.
The key HAS to be something. Why would they have made such a big deal of locking Kev up and having a key if it meant nothing.
Natalie will be kicking herself in the ass for being so sneaky and lying about it and not finding it herself!
If Michelle seems weird, maybe its becuz she had a lot of horrible things happen to her. Yes, she talks to herself, perhaps becuz the other HG’s shun her. No matter wat, winning money is one thing, talk trash about game plays, but not personal reasons. Wish Dumb/Dumber start to get NIGHT TERRORS, once they find out they got/got. Payback is a Bit..
If that key saves J/J, that wud really be obivious that this game is rigged, since BB never told anyone what the power wud be. If that is the case, then this game is truly fixed, and I no longer will support this station/show. America voted to gv Jeff the power, knowing the rules. No one knows what this key represent. BB producers pls do not insult the intellengence of ur loyal fans.
Russell never made a promise to Jeff that he will take him to the final 2. Jeff claims that he never made a final 2, but it was obvious that he had a final 2 with Jordan. At the beginning of the game he promised Jordan that he will take her to the end. Also Russell once swore on his father to Jeff that he wasn’t going to nominate him and kept his word. Yet when he swore again on his Father that he was going to keep the Final 4, Jeff choose not to believe him. Jeff got rid of Russell not because he thought that Russell was going to get rid of him before the Final 4 but because he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to beat Russell to get to the final 2. He thought he could control Kevin and Natalie, which just shows how weak a player he is. Russell told him that they were playing him, but he thought he knew it all. Also the comments Jeff made about women were not part of the “GAME” they were too personal. Also he keeps saying that he hopes something comes out of his time in the BBH, I think the only reason he came on this show was for publicity. He keeps saying how he wants to get into movies etc.
I am going to be really pissed off if production turns around and screws Michelle because of this Pandora Box thing… It’s not like the people in the house haven’t given her enough hell already but for bb to screw her over isn’t right…
Hope Jeff leaves this week. I bet Jordan doesnt campaign to leave If she does she will have a deal to just make Jeff thinks she wants him to stay and her go. I dont believe she is that stupid. This would totally prove how stupid she is. So we shall see
Go Michele. Michele had reason to be like shw was last night she knew it was her against everyone. Does anyone remember Michele saying F him I am positive she was talking about Jeff so hopefully she will vote to evict him
omg did michelle really win? omg what did jeff say?
Joanne ur rite. Dumb/Dumber deserve all the bad luck they get for backing out of their swore alliance. Re: the key, I hope its correct that the key unlocked the handcuffs on Kevin. BB producers if u are reading this, pls do not fix this show, w/this key. You wud truly insult the intelligence of ur loyal fans, and I for 1 will tell everyone who listens to me how unfair ur station/show is.
remember-don’t hate the player, hate the game. it was jeff, not kevin, that didn’t play a smart game. he deserves to be sent to the jury house where russel will be waiting for him. thank you kevin!!
Hey Jenn, Jeffs “accent” is NOT Boston hun, It’s 100% pure Chicagoan; i should know cuz I’m embarrased to say I came from there. Embarrased because Jeff is so stupid. Like did he really go to college! Congrats Kevin on making a great move. What you and Natalie did was the best move on BB11
Jeff played a good game. He said he got a little cocky but everyone does in that house. Especially when you are on the bottom then you get a little taste of power. He played the game well. He had to get rid of Russell. I hate hearing that he believed Nat and Kevins lie. The truth was he probably wouldn’t have believed it at all if Michele hadn’t been telling him the same thing. Don’t forget it was Michele that went to Jeff and said Russ is going to take you out, then when they didn’t backdoor him during Jordon’s HOH she went back and said, no he is down with the final four. The damage was done. He made a move and it came back and bit him. He is still one of my favorite houseguest ever!
I am soooooo sad.
THE ONLY THING THOUGH- that BETTER NOT happen is it Jeff is saved from the pandora’s box.
I swear fi they twist some b.s. to save him i will be pissed.
I’d like to see him put up Natalie, i KNOW It won’t happe,, thing’s like that only happened with Evil Dick
Watching the flashbacks from last night are making me sick. Michelle is being such a bitch. I can’t believe how quick she has flipped. Brutal.
Could it be possible that production had Chima hidden all the while and is Pandora’s Box? Is this possible?
Jeff is a punk and a back stabber. I’m so glad michele won now jeff can feel the pain along with his side kick. He worst than russell, he talks bad about everyone. the difference is that jeff talks behind your back, to where russell at least said it to your face. jeff has no balls. He got rid of russell cause he couldm’t beat him. Hell he can’t even beat michele. Now he can go around and act like a cry baby like he was last night. Jordon should of been gone along time ago. She is worthless as a player and a person. She talks alot shit too about others. Now the tables have turned and its so sweet. Go Michelle!!!!!!!!
Michele told Jeff deal was to f4 then R/M f2 and jeff believed K/N lie
I hope this key saves jeff. he’s been a true player of the game. nats a straight up liar. kevin is a follower who does what everybody (nat and lydia) wants. michele acts like shes innocent and we all know shes started a lot of crap. nat needs to go then michelle. im gonna be mad if jeff goes.. watching him and jordan together is funny.
Since Chima has not been heard from since he expulsion. there is the possibilty she has been kept in isolation. If that were true, then she has not been tainted by outside knowledge and could still be the 7th jury member.
Michelle and Nat hated each other, and now they are BFFs. Michelle is on a power trip right now.
Natilie, Should be removed, she has not won any competitions, HOH or POV. She has not proved herself to be worthy of being in Final 4. This would make for a wild show.
At the beginning of the game, I was rooting for Jeff all the way but CBS doesn’t show the “real” Jeff, BBAD does and I don’t like it. The way they all treat Michele is pathetic. I feel bad for the girl and I’m glad she won POV. Now that Jeff is on the block, I hope he goes! He deserves it. What goes around comes around!
If Jeff goes home, they are going to lose a lot of a ratings… including me
I don’t feel bad for Michelle. She has brought a lot of it on herself. When you watch the feeds you see all of the dumb things she does. Crawling in bed with Jeff and acting all crazy and saying incriminating things. She has caused a lot of her own problems. SHe isn’t as sweet and innocent as people think. OPEN YOUR EYES~
I was referring to the after dark show when he starts drinking and talks in a boston accent “hun.”
Btw last time I checked AMERICA voted for Jeff to win the power. Why all of the sudden is he the bad guy? Don’t get it.
@ Katie…. Get over it… natalie has done more than Jordumb aka Jordan to be in the game…. She created the LML which turned the game around for her and Kevin….. Jordan only won because Jeff let her and has been carried by Jeff….
David is jealous that Jeff is soooo hot and he is sooooo not!
J/J did let the power go to their heads. Having the power two weeks in a row seemed to have blinded them to Kevin and Nat’s true intentions. Jeff should have kept Russell to F4 – Russell has said he would have kept true to his word of F4 with J/J/M. So now (assuming this key does not save him – which I agree would be unfair on BB’s part), it looks like he’ll be going to the jury house. Hopefully Michelle wins HOH next week (which she deserves a whole week of since she got short-changed on because of the Chima incident)and gets rid of Nat or Jordan. Hopefully Nat (don’t like her and she’s floated throughout the entire game)first. Kevin and Michelle can get rid of Jordan in F3 (especially since there is always an endurance in F3.
Pandora’s Box and the Key:
Julie said the Surprise behind the special door would add
more responsibility for the HOH which would impact the HGs.
Kevin had the “responsibility” of choosing what was in the box
for himself OR for all of the HGs.
He chose for All of the HGs.
Jeff did find the key and unlocked Kevin.
Do I have this correct so far?
If so, the Key will likely not give Jeff any advantage in
the playing of the Game but will instead Reward him
with a Cash Prize ……… say, $10,000. Same for Kevin.
They both chose to help or do something for others before
thinking of themselves.
it is big brother, but like the honnest players, evil dick was one and look when he ended up , go jeff, if not jeff go michelle
@ Midwest Fan….. I think you are right…. I think Jeff will get $10,000 for finding the key…. These Jeff Fans will have a reality check when Jeff is evicted and goes to the Jury House!!!
After all is said and done…I guess it will be one of the women winning…and the only woman winning is Michelle …Jordan got HOH given to her by Jeff. Gnat & Jordo are really useless in this game and haven’t even helped the guys they were with, they might be nice but the’re useless BUT I’m not sure Michelle would have the votes against either one of them in the jury!
Someone posted they love Jeff’s “Boston” accent…………???????
I have friends in Boston and Jeff’s accent is not a Boston accent.
If he lived there at one time in his life, he has lost most all of the
lovely and interesting speech pattern.
My son has lived there for over ten years and has more of a Boston
accent than Jeff.
Doesn’t Jeff come from Chicago?
I do and he sounds just like all of us. We believe we don’t have
an accent but boy, oh, boy, do we ever.
Hard sounding and nasal.
I like how everyone is saying that if Jeff gets to stay because of the key that BB set it all up. HELLO! Eberyone had the opportuniy to get the key, on ly Jeff chose to go and find it. It isn’t like Jeff was the only one given the opportunity to find it!
Not that you can trust anyone, but Michelle should move towards Kevin, because I really wouldn’t trust Jordan or Nat if I was her…and I think that is one of her problems now, she knows she has no one, but then again she really has had no one, Kevin had Lydia, Nat had Jessie, Jordan had Jeff, Michelle was always on her own, she tried to be with others but it just never worked, I think Russell could have worked with her but they were both too busy backstabbing and kissing up to J/J.
Yes, Jeff found the key, but what BB puts behind the door is unknown, so they could change it depending on who won.
its big brother, you cant trust anyone, that why when kevin told jeff he over heard michelle and russel talking, he should of broght them altogether and found out the truth!!!!He like the pink mohawk guy just aligned himself with someone who did not pull her fair share of weight, Kevin is a wessel but you know thats big brother, Michelle is still in the game cause when russel called her out on her lie, she played it perfect, wow she is a great liar, go to love her game, she desearves to win
But because it has to do with Pandora’s Box, I think that it has to follow some theme along those lines. They couldn’t just make something too random up. It wouldn’t make sense. The story saya that when the box was open evils were released (The money, the root of all evil) but the final thing to leave the box is hope (maybe the possibility of staying?).
Im totally disappointed in the results.michelle surely was focused on BB after dark.I’m wondering what Jordons chances are now.She has been sand bagging all this time.Watch her turn on the after burners and clean house on everyone.
I can’t believe Jordan was willing to get kicked out to let Jeff stay. Lucky Jeff is an honorable guy, cause if she had given that chance to Jessie, he would have been helping her pack her bags!! I hope that Jeff gets America’s Vote so that he gets something for his effort. He’s the reason that those last 4 are there!! If it hadn’t been for him, it could easily have been final 3: Jessie,Chima, Russell.
@ Nat sucks & everyone else…. the anouncement said behind the HOH door lies something that can effect the HOH and the houseguests…. Duh… It did…. Kevin chose to go in it and was locked in there while the other houseguest were able to collect money… Jeff found the key and will probably get #10,000…. this has nothing to do with bringing someone back into the house or savibg Jeff…. There is just over 2 weeks left in the game and wwill only be a week and a half left after Jeff is eveicted with 4 houseguests (Jeff in the JH)…. If you don’t want to watch anymore Jeff fans, I don’t care because BB was successful before Jeff and will continue to be successful after him… Your favorite Jeff is gone…. Deal with it…. P.S. This proves that BB will never be as good as Survivor because the players decide the outcome and Survivors worst season did just as gfood as BB’s best season…. Survivor has had people like Ozze, Etha, James, Rupert and other popular people who people liked / loved more than BB’s best players!!!
Go Team NBK…
P.S. Michelle said she will not take Jordan to the final 2 because Jordan would get America’s vote and have more votes from the Jury…. Too bad Team JJ fans!!! *** L~O~L ***
To “open a Pandora’s box” is to create an uncontrollable situation that will cause great grief.
The above is a Mythology Defination. Brings me to my original thought that somehow production has kept Chima in seclusion and she is Pandora.
Not happy ..Michelle is CRAZY don’t want to see her win, natalie has everyone do things for her, and kevin well I don’t know. Poor Jordan gets shit from everyone out their ..SHE HAS A BIG HEART and is a nice person so people don’t like her that is BULLSHIT! Jeff is the reason I watch especially the two of them together. If Jeff goes I will not watch anymore no reason to for me….
I’m wondering if the won who won the most money gets evicted. Noone knows how much money they got. That sounds odd. At least as far as I know everyone is still wondering how much money they got. Did anyone hear if they were all told yet?
I, also, think Jeff fans will tune in and watch BB even
after he is evicted.
A true fan will want to see Jeff enter the JH and see
how he and the others get along or not.
A true fan will want to see if Jordan joins him there or not.
A true fan will want to see if J/J win the Fan Favorite
at the game’s conclusion.
(I’m voting for Michele.)
No one can spend weeks watching this show and just
walk away because their favorite is gone.
We, all, have favorites and sometimes our picks change
over the show’s duration because we see different sides
to the HGs……good and bad.
I’m addicted and I don’t have the Live Feeds.
Live Feeds could bring total havoc to my life. HA!
I have spent more time online today with BB and all due to
last night’s POV.
Again, I can’t thank Leo and others enough for their updates
from the Live Feeds.
Anyway, I don’t believe those saying they will no longer
watch BB when Jeff leaves. While they may feel this way right now,
they are as hooked on the show as I am and will tune in.
Oh I don’t think Jordan can really win anything. She’s nice but rather simple. Jeff really should have kept with Russell and Michelle, they were his best hope to go to final 3, but he let his niceness get in the way and kept Jordan. He should have taken Natalie out instead of Lydia, because Lydia was just annoying but no real threat, Natalie is egging Kevin on and if she has an endurance she could win like she did on the first one.
@ Mary…. I don’t think whoever wins the most money will be evicted…. it won’t matter though because eff collected the most money….
@ Midwest Fan…. You are right…. I believe Kevin / Jeff will get money because they thought of others first unlike Natlie / Michelle / Jordan
I really wish they offered more viewing of the Jury House, that is a big missing puzzle for me, I think towards the end that the Jury House would be more interesting then BB House and because they make the decisions it would be fun to see who is able to convince or trick or play the others.
Is everybody watching the same show as me?First I loved Jeff all but he used bad lanuage .Jeff was a good player> Was so happy when he got Jess out of the house.Then he got stupid he started letting Jordan run his game.Jordan kept saying I can trust Kevin more than Russell.If Jeff would looked back he wouldnt won HOH if Russ havent stoped Kevin for a minute to let him catch up.If Russ was against him he would stoprd Jeff.Kevin tried to put two cans in to stop Jeff .Jeff it dont take a rocket scienceist to see who was really on his side .Jeff always yelled at Russ that he and Michele had a final 2 .He and Jordan also had a final 2 how stupid did that sound .Russell would took him to the final 4 than play it out to see who would win.Jeff got what he deserved . Let a person control you live instead of playing your own play. Sorry JEFF Jordan played you .For Jordan dont talk Michele smelling she didnt have a boyfriend to won HOH to let her take bubble baths everynight.Your very rude.Michele has had to take cold shower most of her time in the house.The time Michele did get it HOH was the week they had double eviction so she didnt get the HOH room for a week like Jeff did.Jordan we are from the south we should be use to smelly poeple.Are summer are hot and muggy.People sweat Im sure you have sweated yourdelf , You live in North Carolina and I live in South Carolina and its HOTTTTTTTTTTT.
I understand that Michele won the POV last nite and she will probably use the veto to remove hreself from the block during Monday’s veto meeting, forcing Kevin Campbell to put Jordan on the chopping block by backdooring her. According to my predictions, Jeff will be leaving the Big Brother House next Thursday nite.
Kevin Silvestris
Worcester, MA
@ Kevin your are right… When Jeff leaves every click will have a player still in the game… *** L~O~L ***
Natalie – Athletes
Jordan – Popular
Kevin – Off Beats
Michelle – Brains
I do not get live feed, but I do enjoy the spoils. I can’t see Jeff leaving the house. I bet the key to the box will keep him in the game. Natalie will have to go on the block with Jordan and Nat is FINALLY out of the game. The final 4 is as it should be and it’s anyone’s game. I would be comfortable with anyone but Nat winning, although I really want Jeff or Jordan(a southern girl like myself)to win.
I read somewhere that Chima had an interview in People Magazine.
She is not Pandora or at least, not BB’s Pandora; Greed was.
Chima is out and has never been a BB plant.
Love when people go on here and gloat and try and be insulting to those not on their side. But us Jeff fans know that if Jeff goes, it’s 100% his own fault for trusting the lying losers Gnat & Kevin, but we knew that all along. They wouldn’t stick to their word even 1 week, cause they are back stabbing liars. That’s ok though, I think we were prepared for it. Doesn’t mean in any way that Nat or Kevin will even be in final 2, or if either will win. That can very likely go to Jordan or Michele, and I can’t wait! I will laugh though if the key holds some kind of power. Doubt it, but it sure would be a burn!
Kevin did get a gold can in and instead of stopping Jeff like he should have, he stopped Russ.
I couldn’t care less who wins now, if Jeff leaves I’d rather not watch the show at all.
Lisa, don’t you think Jeff’s failure was, also, trusting Jordan’s
I’m not faulting him with having a relationship with her but he
totally stopped thinking about the game on his own.
Each time, he mentioned the possibility of keeping Russell or
Michele, Jordan was right there to tear those two down.
I think her hatred of them fueled his own doubts.
Actually to the point of Jeff becoming downright nasty
toward them.
He was ticked off last night that Michele chose to sleep in
the Pool Room.
Duh! Huh?
She went to sleep first. He and Jordan should have camped
elsewhere. He is beginning to sound like Jordan.
It looks like Russ is gonna get a present in the jury house next week. I love it, at this point, I don’t even care who wins. Jeff, karma is gonna is gonna bite u in the butt. Jeff’s words after he got put up- I could have walked to the final 4 if I didn’t pull kevin off the block. Oh well too little too late.
Jeff is reaping what he sowed over the last month.
The key was used to free Kevin, it isn’t a magical pov just for Jeff. You don’t think everyone in the house would play along with that do you? They’d all walk and tell BB to pay off Jeff.
And as for everyone who thinks they can threaten and bully CBS into keeping Jeff (I’ll never watch again peeps) you should have realized that tactic didn’t work for Jeff or chima. If you check the latest polls j&j are the least popular people in the house, it is not going to hurt ratikngs’ in fact I would guess that they’ll be better than ever as everyone who is watching because they love the GAME, not a player that is “cute”.
If Jeff hadn’t listened to princess cookie dough he would be enjoying a relaxing week ending with Kevin’s eviction. As somebody above said, Jeff had the game handed to him by BB, but he threw it all away.
I hope mich and Kevin reach the end, Jordan doesn’t deserve any money for her part in the game. I think mich will get the $25000 once they show what a pair of losers j&j are.
I’m glad they dont show the jury house, who cares what they are doing, the game is about who is left.To be put back in the the house with Russel that has no idea how to respect a lady, and Jessie, dang im sure jessie was happy being there with just himself
Thanks MidWest. Clears that up for me.
You got to love Big brother, the first year I have not had showtimes after dark, wow I’ll never make that mistake again, You ROCK big brother
how will they get the votes with even numbers,could there be a replacement for chima,i can see casey coming back,lol,if russel jumps all over jeff it will only prove how little class he has,do these people watch this show,its a GAME,lies and deceit are the name ,,,if natalie wins this i will never watch big brother again,she is not the best player,she gave kevin the lie and he used it ,she did nothin but reap the rewards,jeff is by far the best player ,he will be gone this week and then the riders are left to take the money,sad really,rusell and jef in the final would be the end to the perfect game,kevin ,michelle all played at some point,natalie did nothinggggggggg,,,,,bring back a player ,make it an upset and a real game ,,,and ong i hope they dont leave it at 3 players till the end,i hated it on survivor ,it will turn me off big brother,,,,
lol jessie did like it alone,hes his biggest fan,,,,,lol
What would be funny to see is if Jeff is able to stay for some crazy reason, is how quick Michelle will start kissing his ass again. She will totally jump right back on his boat again.
@ Lauren…… BB will survive if you stop watching when Jeff goes home…..
Laurie, Russel showed he had no class every time he spoke, until his final goodbye speech
Leo dont bet ur ranch that Jeff will go home, and if he does I’m sure he will get that 25,000 that america and big brother gives out, see thats why Big Brother is the best realality show on tv, cause they repect america point of view
I hope Jeff stays and get rid of Natalie!!!
I still say its Russell coming back into the house. Pandora’s box represents something which you want to know the answer to but then once revealed, wish that you never wanted to know. By taking the key, Jeff put himself in the position of opening it. I think that Kevin decision had to do with what will be in the box, had he choosen for himself, it might have been the money but because he choose for the HGs what is revealed will affect everyone. Also because of the way Chima left, there was no double eviction, so why is it so far fetched that BB would bring Russell back then have a double eviction night. Can’t wait for Thursday.
what go’s around come’s around.
@ Michael…..
Thanks for making my point….. America does decide the best player which is a concept Survivor started…
Remember james (the grave diggers) won America’s vote during both seasons he was on because he was loved by Survivor fans….
IE Survivor respects the game enough to let the players decide the winner and also allows America to reward the most deserving player….
It is also a fact that Survivor has way more viewers than BB does…. Evidence you ask… During the Writes strike CBS ran the Fall Survivor during the summer to fill in time slots and bumped BB to Wednesday”s becayse Survivor has consistantly had more viewers…
As far a Jeff…. he is a good as gone… I would love to bet the farm and end up owning it and anyone els’es who bet against me…
Last but not least, jeff will not win because Russell fans think Russell was hosed, so they will vote for him… Other HG’sfans will vote for Michelle because she has won the most… Even some of Jeff’s fans who voted for him to win the CDT may not vote for him because even Jeff said he was getting arrogant and will decide to either vote for Russell / Michelle…
Don’t bet your farm on Jeff winning America’s choice for the #25,000 because Russell / Michelle fans will have a say as well as some Jeff supporters who are disappointed Jeff was so easily tricked by the LML which destroyed Team Jeff!!!
Folks, Jeff knew his fate when he put Russell up. He had to back door him.So quickly you forgot how Russell acted the first few weeks. Jeff knew before Kevin won HOH that he had to win POV to stay in the game. Now he may still have a chance to stay with the key. Expect the unexpected. Come on guys….anything is possible with BB. That’s why we watch this show.!!!
At least when you watch the feeds from last night Jeff admits that he “Got Got.” He was even complimenting Kevin on his move. I hope he continues to stay positive and doesn’t do anything stupid. If anythin, I think that the power is going to go to Michelle’s head and she is going to say or do something foolish. She was already talking that way last night in the HOH after she won.
WUZ UP BB Fans / Bloggers?
@ Pam…. Wake up… Jeff is going home…. it clearly said behind the door is something that can effect the HOH and everyone else…..
It did…. Kevin chose to go in and was locked in while other HG’s were able to get money…. The rules stated unless someone finds the key and releases Kevin, the HG’s will not be able to keep the money…. Jeff unknowingly found the key that released kevin and now he thinks it will save him…. That is why natalie was trying to get Jeff to split his money with her, so she could find the key and released kevin because if no one released kevin, no one would have been able to keep their money…
Get over it… Life goes on…. Jeff is going to the Jury house…. I guess you need to pick a new favorite Jeff fans!!!
Michelle had every right to act the way she did in the HOH room last night. She has been alone, talked about, back stabbed, and betrayed. She thought she was going home and then won POV. She has every right to celebrate and go crazy if you she wants. I know all the Jeff fans are pissed but all us Russ fans warned yall what was going to happen this week when Jeff betrayed him. It should not be a shock to anyone that Jeff is going to JH.
**** Go Team natalie / Kevin aka team NBK ****
@ Marcus… WUZ UP Fam?
@ Team Jeff fans…. the announcement said behind the HOH door lies something that can effect the HOH and the houseguests…. Duh… It did…. Kevin chose to go in it and was locked in there while the other houseguest were able to collect money… Jeff found the key and will probably get #10,000…. this has nothing to do with bringing someone back into the house or savibg Jeff…. There is just over 2 weeks left in the game and wwill only be a week and a half left after Jeff is eveicted with 4 houseguests (Jeff in the JH)…. If you don’t want to watch anymore Jeff fans, I don’t care because BB was successful before Jeff and will continue to be successful after him… Your favorite Jeff is gone…. Deal with it…. P.S. This proves that BB will never be as good as Survivor because the players decide the outcome and Survivors worst season did just as gfood as BB’s best season…. Survivor has had people like Ozze, Etha, James, Rupert and other popular people who people liked / loved more than BB’s best players!!!
Go Team NBK…
P.S. Michelle said she will not take Jordan to the final 2 because Jordan would get America’s vote and have more votes from the Jury…. Too bad Team JJ fans!!! *** L~O~L ***
@ Ashley…. WUZ UP Girl? You are right…. I have also been saying that Michelle would throw J/J under the bus when someone else won the power…. It just happened after J/J backdoored Russell and threwnher under the bus first…. J/j deserve everything michelle does to them!!!
I think Michele can say what she wants
after what the others said about her
she can talk back all she wants
@ Leo
I am one of those Jeff fans turned into a Michele fan…haha
Sounds like there is a twist coming regarding Pandoras box. Could there be a free get off the block pass?
I know Leo and I agree. Michelle should make a deal with Kev and go to final 2 with him.
Just for the record….Jeff is from Chicago, not Boston! LOL He has said it a million times! My opinion…..the key/Pandora’s Box must mean something. They kept talking about it on BBAD, and Julie mentioned something. We shall see. Although I am a Jeff fan I do realize that he isnt the sharpest tool in the shed for believing Nat & Kevin. Duh! However, I would rather see Kevin & Michelle in the finals if Jeff has to leave. We will not know who has to leave until it is done…all of us are speculating unless we are in production for CBS/BB.
Michele did “blow off steam” in the HOH room last night and
after Jeff’s treatment of her and her win, she deserved
to do it.
Did you catch Jordan complaining about Michele’s win
and again showing nothing but hatred for her?
Did you catch Jeff’s small mindedness complaining about
Michele choosing to sleep in the Pool Room? Like the
“King and Queen” should have a room to themselves………. HA!
Hopefully Michele is as tactful as possible. I expect her
to play her heart out and win. She may yet team up with Kevin.
Natalie has already told Jordan she would get rid of Kevin
to get to the F2.
Egos and plans are in full swing.
My hope: Kevin and Michel F2.
Hey to all you Jeff fans, how does it feel?? I love it! The All American boy is gone and now doesn’t have a cdt power to save him. He shouldn’t even made this far anyways. This was Jessies game to win and he was robbed by America. Oh well, here is hoping Natalie (The new Dr. Will) wins! Hopefully Jordan will be following Jeff next week to the Jury house where she can rekindle her love with Jeff. lol…I am loving this!!
@ Kevin…. You aren’t the only Jeff fan that will blame him and Jordan for Russell not getting to the final 4 instead of Natalie / Kevin…. There will be plenty of other people who voted for Jeff to win the CDT that support Russell / Michclle instead to win the $25,000… I don’t want Michelle to win, but she is playing a great game….
@ Sheila…. There will be just over a week and a half left after next thursday’s show… There won’t be any double evictions or any players brought back… Please refer to my last couple posts for why ok?
dont we have to consider how long this bb runs. if jeff comes back, then how many more weeks are left til the finale. Survivor starts on 9/17 which is a Thursday so BB would have to end by 9/13..a sunday nite finale. so that leaves us how many weeks…2 get down to the F2. i too liked from pgh & felt he was a regular dude..chicago..not from the sunbelt nor la/west coast BUT he screwed himself when he listened to jordan re: LML. i cant believe that he was that unsure of himself…hes in his 30s..she is a kid..he lost my vote with that one move..everyone is too hard on Michele. she is a real geek..probably no friends, social skills..she works with rats in a lab! I think bb11 blew her mind..she has never had to deal with all of this isnt part of her life normally. she also doesnt play head games nor does she give herself enuf credit for being smart. she knows she is, but cuz everyone all her life thought she was different she doesnt have the confidence in her social skills & she isnt street smart enuf to not give a rats @ss about pun, I hope she wins.
@ stlrgal 7 everyone….
BB will have a 2 hour finale on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 which is two days before Survivor Samoa begins…. It will not have time to have a double eviction or bring someone back… After next Thursday, there will only be 12 days until BB 11 is over!!!
What I am saying there is a possibly that there may be a pass that could get Jeff off the block and someone else may be put up. I am sure there is something about Pandoras box that noone is aware of yet. I am putting this out as a possiblity.
******* Go Natalie / Kevin aka Team NBK ******* Go Survivor Samoa which begins on Thursday, September 17, 2009 ******* Go new Survivor cast *******
@ stlrgal & everyone….
BB will have a 2 hour finale on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 which is two days before Survivor Samoa begins…. It will not have time to have a double eviction or bring someone back… After next Thursday, there will only be 12 days until BB 11 is over!!!
@ Shiela…. That is not a possibilty because the key jeff found was needed to free Kevin which was a reuqirement for the HG’s to be able to keep the money they grabbed…. if they didn;t free kevin, they wouldn’t be able to keep their money….
BBAD and watching Jeff has been the highlight of my summer. I hope that key allows him to STAY in the game! Love Jeff :)
After Thursday there will be only 4 players left. Now IF on Thursday they have a double eviction and at the same time bring someone back into the game. Wouldn’t it still be 4 players at the end of Thursday’s show.
Please, do you really think that BB would go to all that trouble just to free Kevin from a room. That “key” still hold some power which will not be revealed until the live show. IF it was only to free Kevin, it would have already been revealed.
How depressing???? The Jeff and Jordan couple will be split up. I’m very upset with Kevin’s doings as HOH this week.
Jeff was an idiot for tossing out Russell. He showed himself up as incapable of balancing the power with responsibility for the use of power. He is the best to go and Jordan next week. I want either Kevin or Michelle to win now.
That is exactly my point. No one knows what is in pandoras box. There is something more a twist which we may not know until eviction night.
@blackgirl, I am having a GREAT day and what a wonderful way to start. I hope cbs don’t pull some stunt to allow jeff to stay but I don’t really see how.they could at this point. Happy to know R is probably getting his bday wish. Hope you have a good afternoon! We are going to the county fair this evening. So I won’t be back on til later.
@ Joanne…. The instructions clearly said that the HOH (Kevin) will be able to do something that effects the house…. he went in the room which allowed all the players to get money… the only catch was you have to free Kevin by finding the key if you want to keep your money…. Jeff was lucky and found the key… I think he will be rewarded with $10,000 for finding it…. You are just hoping there is a way to save Jeff… get over it… jeff is going to the Jury House….
@ Blackgirl…. Wuz up? no more shout outs for me? ;) :D :) :P
@ Ashley… :(( :(
How is Kevin bad for keeping his only ally
******* Spoiler ~ Alert *******
Is Jeff going to pull a Chima? I hope not!!!
******* Missed this in the morning but around 8ish camera 1 and 2.. Jeff and Jordan where whispering and Jeff told her He wanted to go home now.. Jordan got upset and offered him all her prizes if she wins (Not the 500K but the other prizes won thought out the season) Jeff doesn’t want it. He tells her he doesn’t want to be around all these “F****in Douches” anymore. He was sounding very discouraged but finally told Jordan not to worry he’s going to spend the entire week with her and their going to have fun. *******
K,J@J,& M juar made a deal. M will take herself off and K will put up N and they will vote her out. Allright.
Hey, Leo, I suggest you re-read my posts, you will find that I too want Jeff out. I was speculating as is everyone one else, so unless you know for sure whats going to happen, I suggest you stop telling others what to think. I have watched BB since the first season and don’t think that I am so far off as yourself in my thinking. PS: look for my “I told you so” comment after Thursday’s show.
well mythical pandoras box released evil on mankind, BUT at the bottom of the box was HOPE. so if jeff still has this key..havent been on the live feeds for a few days..then he will have to make a choice at some point. did he win money the other nite..maybe its connected with that or unlock a door with the possibility of many a remove jordan?? or more money..etc
@ Nancym…. get a life ok? It is one thing to speculate… it is another to bold face lie…. Kevin has never said he will put Natalie up… he is going to ut Jordan up and Jeff will be leaving… Do not mislead people who don’t have the live feeds by lying ok?
If BB gives Jeff anything it will be a shame.
Its in the back of my mind, but if after Thursday Jeff is that house, because he wons omething to save him, it will be B.S.
We should NO DOUBT be seeing Jeff leave on Thursday. no comebacks, no exceptions.
The fact that u guys are SO desprite for Natalie to get out is quite amusing.
Do u honestly belive anyone would align with Michelle? Why would Kevin algin himself with a strong competitor, and a liar.
I knoe everyone lies, but she has made it were u literally cant trust NOTHING she says. she will cry to u one week, next week stabb u.
Kevin will always roll with Nat, because she oesnt win, and there too tight. Kevin would roll with Jordan becaus ehe knows thats more votes against him.
While Ntalie walked by that one room Michelle was in, and said some thing like “why u in here by ureslef?” Did anyone see that look Michelle gave?
It honestly fit the description of someone who isnt mentally stable i swear.
Michelle will plead to Kevin not to put me up and make a deal and EVERYTHING, a next week put him up and wont know why he is mad.
Kevin better hope Michelle doesnt win HOH.
Natalie HAS to win it. for herself and Kevin.
IF Natalie can finally put all the pieces together and win, Michelle is GONE.
@ blackgirl…. You have a good day too…
@ Joanna… What are you reffering to about last Thursday night?
SO glad J&J will finally be broken up and Jeff will be leaving this week. Go Michelle!!!
Jeff is nothing but a hypocrite. He gets mad when ppl get upset about being on the block, and getting screwed, and then he wants to quit the game.
I mean this coming Thursday not last. Watch and you will see.
@Marcus next week hoh has very little power
If Michelle removes herself and Kevin puts Jeff up,I think he will not be in the final 2.
@ Joanne…. I will call you the BB Queen if you are right ok? I do want you to give me props for the rest of the season if what i am saying is right ok? This is a friendly challenge to you and anyone else wants to join in ok? Let’s do this!!! *** S~M~I~L~E *** ;) :) :D :P
@ Joe P….. What show are you watching? Jeff is already on the block bro…. Michelle will take herself off and Jordan will be the replacement!!!
@ Jacob….. You are right… Best case scenario is either natalie / Jordan win the HOH and then kevin / Natalie / Jordan would be able to vote to evict Michelle (the best player left)
“So no one gets evicted this week and then double elimination next week…”
If that happened, I would quit watching BBUS. Fake evictions worked on BBUK, where it not only faked out the housemates but also the audience (since they vote to evict). But BS like that on BBUS just doesn’t help their audience.
Hey Leo, You are on, never could resist a challenge. I will also admit it if I am wrong and crown you the BB King if you are right. Good luck to you.
@ Razer… There will be an eviction this week… then the final 4 would compete… the next Thursday someone else goes home and the 3 part HOH begins with the next person being evicted on Sunday, September 13… Then the Jury will interview the final 2 and decide who wins on tuesday, September 15 ok?
@ Jenny…. Is it the worst season ever because jeff is going home? I never seen you saying that before…. What has changed? Oh yeah…. Jeff is going home… L~O~L!!!
Leo, You are right. I didn’t know Jeff was already up.
@ Joanne… Thanks for accepting my challenge… I am about to study for my Constituional Law class… have a good day Joanne… may the best King / Queen win!!! ;):D:):P
Maybe Pandora’s Box is the option to take a cash prize or stay in the house! That would be sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Joe P… have a good day ;):D:):P
I want Jeff to stay in the house. I really don’t care how it happens, he is the reason I have continued to watch this season.
I live in a hopeful world :)
@ Eileen… that won’t happen because Jeff would stay for the $500,000…. BB will only have 12 days too get 3 people evicted by the 15th… I think jeff will get $10,000 for finding the key and releasing Kevin…
Have a good day everyone… ;) :P :D :)
Good Day to you to Leo.
I look forward to chatting with you later Joanne aka BB Queen!!! ;) :D :P :)
@ Joanne… Just practicing, but I think I am going to win…. *** L~O~L *** Practice makes perfect right? ;) :D :) :P
I think it’s so funny the way this board is full of posters who think they just know it all. I could read the same board about 3 weeks agoa nd everyone is hating on Russell and loving Chima, then hating Chima and loving Jeff and Jordan, now hating Jeff and Jordan and loving Kevin.
A lil bit of heartbreaking news for some of you: CBS does not really care if a FEW of you whine pots stop watching the show because BB is a HIT all on its own. Also, they are not going to NOT fix the game because *OH MY GOSH!!!* you found them out! If they fix it, well, sorry to let the cat out of the bag, but it is their prerogative as the creators and REAL BRAINS behind the scenes. They did NOT sign an oath with you the VIEWER to adhere to your demands, wishes, and enjoyment. They DO want ratings, it’s their job… kinda like it must be the job of some of you to whine and complain like toddlers who want an extra cookie to hold in your other hand.
As far as the game goes, Natalie is full of herself. She has no strategy except to be a wide-eyed big talker who produces no results. If she was using her poker-playing skills- which may or ma NOT be true- she would be calmer, she’d play everything close to her chest, but her tendency to “fold” is not out of intelligence, but out of the inability to keep up. Her game IS to rat anyone else out that she can to keep herself in the game. She plays minute by minute. She CRIED like a freakin’ baby when Jesse left saying that he was her only friend, she looked out for her, blah blah blah- then the dust settles and she sold him out saying that he was HER puppet. She’s said HOW MANY TIMES? that she PLANS ON WINNING!!! Has she ever?
Kevin plays it close. Russell played hard, but Jeff played without fear. You all can knock his intelligence, but whatever- he’s there and you’re not.
Chima was insane… if you watched her face closely there are times you can see it. She and Russel let fear take them and then they fall.
Jordin is….sometimes, annoying, but she’s unassuming and sometimes the game is too big for her. She is not dumb and I don’t think she is manipulative by nature so she has had to take a lot in. Michele is smart and trying to do what she thinks she has to.
I think that you all are quite comfy in your puffy chairs getting all emotionally lost in your feelings for perfect strangers who are being presented to you as an altered persona. Maybe you should take it for what it is. It’s a GAME…. yes, dears. A game! Not to be taken so seriously. You can talk about Jeff being cocky all you want, but what does that make you when you judge someone you don’t know for doing things you’ve never done in a situation you’ve never been in. May God have mercy on your soul!
ok, so you are all sympathetic for michelle being talked about when ronnie got worse treatment for similar actions? And she took part in it, even LAUGHING at him…
people say nat is the bad person? please
michelle will get what she deserves, which is nothing, she talks to herself like a 14 year old and would take out nat over kevin showing her stupidity.
I will be devastated if Jeff leaves, i would hate to see Nat, Kevin, or Michelle win!!!!!! Gooooo Jeff!
There might be something to the key. I was checking the feeds and Natalie said she was trying to steal the key from Jeff while they were outside getting the money
its sad for JJ though, they are the only entertaining part of after dark
watching michelle go psycho and make crazy faces is hard to watch
hey Jeff fans… Are you watching the idiot Jeff right now?
This is what he is saying… Do you still think Jeff is a class act?
1:17pm BBT:
Jeff: “If I could play this game all over again, I’d come in acting like my legs & arms were broken, and drooling. That way I could skate by.”
Jeff complaining? Never…. Jeff knows it is just a game… He has said that plenty of times to Chima, Lydia, Natalie, Jessie and most recently Russell…
Jeff… Get over it… Kevin got you before you could get him….
After Jeff complaining about having to go to the Jury House, Jordan tells Jeff to ‘enjoy it while you’re here.’ Jeff is going throug emotions of pissed off and sad, but more so pissed.
I hope Jeff leaves
I’m guessin’ that you have alot of time on your hands, huh…LOL!! I must say, you are very right…Jordan is not Dumb, she’s Dumber…Jeff is dumb. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Leo, we’ll see, glad you are practicing, want you to get it just right. lol. Off for now. Will be back later.
Your so right dana!
1:26 PM Jeff tells Jordan “maybe if I crack my kneecaps, they’ll keep me”. He says it’s pointless, he looks at the positive, but it’s over. NT
1:23 PM Jeff talking to Jordan in pool. He says if he had it to do all over again he would pretend that his arms and legs were broken and he would skate by. Jordan is quiet and doesn’t answer, just plays with her hair. Earlier Jeff said that he doesn’t know what to do with himself. There was talk about watching movies in the JH and he said “just watch the f’n douchebags.” There is long silence between any comments, and it’s difficult to hear, especially Jordan, with the pool noises.
1:10 PM Last half hour (more) Less…
Jeff floating in pool. Mich goes to pool also. For a while both are enjoying the pool seperately. Jeff abruptly leaves pool without speaking to Mich. Goes inside. Jordon asks if Mich spoke to Jeff, a terse, “NO” is the answer.
Jord – She’s mad. (ed. comment…?!?!?!?!?!)
She tries to chat with Jeff.
Jeff – Congrats to everyone but I don’t want to talk. He walks off and leaves a puzzeled Jordon.
1:06 PM J/J in pool no talking and Mi is doing dishes. No sign of K/N NT
@ Jaonne… Have a good day my Queen!!! *** L~O~L *** The King shall prevail… ;) :D :P :)
@ Joanne… Have a good day my Queen!!! *** L~O~L *** The King shall prevail…
@ Cheri… Do you still think Jeff is a honorable man after these comments on the live feeds?
@ fed Up… You are right….
hey leo im still with jeff.
Kevin put it beautifully early this morning when he said “I’m so sick of Jeff getting the God edit”. So true.
@ Del…. I love your dedication… I was still with Team NBK even though Ronnie / jessie / Chima / Lydia were evicted in a row… Thanks goodness Natalie / Kevin were able to save themselves with the LML… I am glad to see people are loyal… You are a real team jeff fan and I like the fact you are not flip flopping on them even though Jeff is making himself look back now and has been since he used the CDT…
Okay what is this key every body is talking about and did they reveal who was behind the door?
******* Spoiler ~ Alert *******
Here are the POV Results & Times ok?
Michele – Blew the others away
Nat – 2nd place with 2 mins 55 secs
Jeff – 3rd place with 3 mins 01 sec
Kevin – 4th place with 3 mins 05 secs
Jordan – Last place and no idea what her time was
@ Gracie….
here are the details ok?
Afternoon in the BB House (+Mystery Door!!)
A 2:42pm BBT, the live feeds came back! The Mystery of the HOH Door is now solved! It was a luxury comp, that could have some consequences.
2:42pm BBT:
Kitchen Area
Natalie said “So it was $10,000 to split between the house, Kev?”
Jordan: (to Jeff) “How much do you think you grabbed?”
Jeff: “$1,000?”
Jordan: “Noo..”
Kevin: “I thought the money looked fake at first!”
Jordan: “I grabbed like 5 or 6 $100’s. The pool filter had, like..”
Kevin: “That was so much fun!! They said once you make the choice to go in that door…someone grabbed my arm and I screamed like a little bitch! Then they handcuffed me.”
It was the mystery door! Kevin said he heard something behind the door.
Kevin: “There’s a whole room behind that door!!”
Kevin said that BB gave him a “choice”.
Jeff is saying that Natalie was being greedy during the luxury comp. He also said something about “opening Pandora’s box”.
Natalie is out of the Diary Room.
Jeff: “What up, SNAKE?!”
Natalie: “That was $10 G’s in the backyard??? Didn’t look like it..”
They think something is still up & that Natalie knows something.
Jeff: “Something is still up.”
Kevin: “We unlocked Pandora’s box. We all picked Greed. We’re screwed. Once you open it…”
The house goes back on lockdown.
Jordan: “I think there’s more! KEVIN KNOWS!!!”
Kevin remains silent (but it does look like he knows. lol)
Natalie: “Jeff unlocked it, he should get the rath. I think we’re reading too much into it, I think we’re good.”
Kevin: “That was sooo much fun!”
2:01pm BBT:
Kevin said he was locked in the mystery room, which was set up with mirrors and was “gold”.
Jordan: “ you were locked in there???”
Kevin: “Yeah!”
Jeff asked Natalie why she lied and said the HOH room was locked, she said she didn’t and that she “swears” she saw production locking it.
Jeff & Jordan KNOW that Kevin knows “something is up”.
Jeff: “HE KNOWS!! Somethin’s up!”
Jeff is still mad that Natalie told Jeff “The HOH room is locked, don’t go up there.” Natalie keeps saying she DIDN’T lie.
Kevin: “That was awesome! It was RAINING money!”
Kevin said BB gave him the choice between a prize for himself, a prize for the whole house (money), or negative stuff for the whole house.
BB: “Kevin, please go to the Diary Room.”
Everyone: “AHHH!!!!!!!!!” (They still think something is up.)
The Backyard opens up and….nothing. lol
Kevin goes up to his HOH room and sees nothing new.
He goes back downstairs.
3:44pm BBT:
Kitchen Counter
i’am so glad to see that michele won the pov!!!! :) now hopefully jeff will be gone this week!!!! i hope michele wins big brother!!!!!!
***** Live Feeds now *****
1:41 PM Michele leaves and Jeff says she goes inside and says “Oh Jeff is out there talking Sh**. Jeff says M has no reason to keep me, she Less…
plays for HOH next week. Jeff says Kev has more of a reason to keep me because he doesn’t play for HOH next week. Jordan says I never realized until Nat pointed it out to me how many times she goes to the bathroom. Jordan says you never know, start your campaigning. Jeff angrily says, “F’n what, if I campaign you’re going home.” Jeff leaves the pool.
(It is extremely difficult to hear because of pool and plane noises).
1:26 PM Jeff tells Jordan “maybe if I crack my kneecaps, they’ll keep me”. He says it’s pointless, he looks at the positive, but it’s over. NT
1:23 PM Jeff talking to Jordan in pool. He says if he had it to do
kevin PLease see whats going on you need to get rid of natlie now! you won’t win with her next to you when its comes to jury votes..
@ Susan…. Kevin is doing what is best for him by keeping Natalie… He won’t evict his only ally… If he didn’t have natalie or win the HOH, Kevin would have been sent home by jeff / Jordan and Michelle….
@ Jeff fans…
More class from Jeff…..
Peaceful Morning in the House, Jeff “I want to go Home now, F*** these Dbags”
@ Jenny….. Jeff was given the CDT and would have won if he would have kept Russelll
His actions from the beginning proved he is not that bright or a good BB players… He sided with Casey, Braden, Laura, Michelle and that almost cost him the game… The CDT saves him, and he has a solid final 4 with jordan, Russell, Michelle, but he allows Michelle’s lies, Jordan’s personal feelings and Kevin / Natalie’s LML to screw him… he back doored Russell, so he is now going to the Jury House!!! Karma is a b****
Okay…..Pandora’s Box. Basically a curiousity killed the cat.
Pandora carried a jar containing toil and sickness that brings death to men ,diseases and a plethera of other pains; Pandora scattered the contents of her jar, releasing the evil into the sea. , One item, however, did not escape the jar —hope
I know that everyone is bashing on Jeff. Okay, maybe getting Russell out this early wasn’t smart, but if Russell had HOH what was stopping him from putting up Jeff… even RUSSELL himself stated that Jeff getting him out now was a good game play move. Michelle has issues, and I do wonder now on the whole Multiple personality…..which would explain her “forgetfulness” and the talking to herself sniffing her shirts because she smells and not showering. She HAS stated that she takes meds, because she says she takes a pill every day. That doesn’t mean that people should pick on her, but the not showering and laying on others beds is kinda gross. This year has been good…..Jeff has stirred up the house instead of being a drone and just sticking to alliances. Natalie has been having everyone do her dirty work and she really needs to be called out on that. If ANYONE goes up against her, she could win just based on that. BUT, the people in the JH know that Jeff, eventhough he has made some people angry, he HAS PLAYED THE GAME as it was meant to be played. I think Kevin should rally with everyone knowing that if there is a intelligence competition or quiz…..Michelle is his biggest threat! I would like to see Jordon or Jeff win, but only because he has played the game WELL by rustlin up the “chicken coop”
natalie what is he thinking …..she is a snake…
@ Leo..THANK YOU VERY MUCH! It’s funny how Jeff is singing a different tune, when just last week, he told Russell…IT’S JUST A GAME, DUDE!
@Midwest Fan…I too am from Chicago and lived in the south for about two years…I did not realize we had accents until Jeff starts talking. Boy you can really hear it when he says words like house, game, etc…
I’m curious…Why should Jordan win BB? What justifies her winnng 500K?
your right about karma leo. but i really think kevin would win the $500.000 if he was there with jeff or jordan… lynda will vote for kevin but the rest will vote for nat.and if jeff would of won hoh he would of wanted michell out.
Michell Rocks !!! I am so happy she won the power of Veto I hope she wins and I have fate in her.Jeff and Jordan are so dumb and that is what they get for back dooring Russel anyways I have a gut feeling Jeff is going home lol Karma … Michelle could team up with Jordan and beat out Nat and Kevin on the comp and if Michelle was nominated she could wipe out Jordan and Nat … But I hope she wins HOH as well go Michelle !!!
No one has even realized that the biggest liar in all of this is Natalie…she displays her intelligence over and over again but nobody puts it together….maybe that’s why Nat and Mich don’t like each other…If Nat thinks she will win against Kevin..she is very confused…the only way she will win is if she and Michelle are in the finale 2 and that might not ever work. She came in being dishonest and her lies will catch up with her…Maybe Jeff or Michelle with catch her in her lies and get Kevin to turn on her…who knows…maybe Jordo isn’t really a dumb blonde either and all this is the game….geeze….have we gotten that synical…yes!
Erin –
Didn’t Michele or someone say she was taking Birth Control Pills?
And if she is taking some other kind of medication, so what?
Multiple Personalities?
Really, Doctor! How much does she owe you for your online diagnosis?
Try being locked up in a house with the nasty and hateful
J/J and K/N and having no one
to talk with especially during some of the BB’s most stressful
game times.
Good lord after being on Slop and enjoying her first meal, ALONE,
J/J sat on the couch and made fun of her eating.
Michele has probably had to take more COLD showers than
anyone else still in the house. Jordan should have tried it. Jeff too.
Maybe Cold showers would have awaken their brain cells to
better game play.
Aren’t you basically repeating insults spoken about Michele
which come from Jordan and Natalie?
Good Grief!
I hope that since Big Brother did not have its annual “fast forward” episode this year, due to chimas early and unexpected departure that they will play Big Brother Rewind!
Big Brother Rewind would erase all of this weeks events and have then play a full weeks worth of Big Brother on Thursday. Kevins HOH and Michelles POV would all have been for not. Starting fresh on Thursday would be such a thrill to watch, regardless of who your favorites are!
Jacob-Are you kidding? Next week HOH is automatically safe from eviction and moves to the final 3.
At the bottom of Pandora’s box… hope. Well.. I’m hoping. :-)
FOr someone bashing posters for thinking they know it all, you sure do act like you think you know it all. We might be getting “emotional lost” in these characters, but you, my dear, are getting emoitonally lost in us. If the game is “not to be taken so seriously” why did you feel compelled to write an 8 page post?
Take a look in the mirror.
I am a J&J fan, however, I think that those of you that are, need to buck up and face the music just like Jeff has. Jeff said it himself that he got “got” and totally knows that he made a mistake by taking Russ out. He said it himself. WE, as his fans, have to admit that K&N lied but they are FINALLY playing the game. Until this week, I was on board with saying both of them were just leaches, but this week Kev has proved his worth!
I have to laugh and say how funny would it be if the key did mean something and Jeff came back. Nat would totally flip out since she lied to Jeff in hopes that he wouldn’t find the key! Too funny, but doubt it will work that way.
I love the idea of the ReWind…what I thought might happen is…the POV gets to also decide who to put up for eviction instead of Kevin…hmmmmmmmm! And…btw…I don’t like the idea that each BB is played like in the past…let’s change it up folks!
Darn!!! I really want Michelle out of the house. There is something wrong with this girl, and I can’t understand how BB chose her to compete. She has real mental problems. If she makes it to the end, there is something wrong in the world. This woman is a lunatic!!!
I don’t believe for a minute that she is some kind of a scientist. That would require a brain and she doesn’t have a whole one.
Is anyone sick and tired of Jordan playing with her hair and it seems like she is always looking at herself to make sure her hair looks good. Would someone cut those bangs of hers off.
Could not have said it better myself….. :)
If the twist is in Jeff’s favor, I’m done. I no longer want to watch the show because it’s rigged. That’s a lot of bull! Kevin and Michele deserves F2! Why is it Jeff and not the others?!?! This is ridiculous!
okay you know what?? I’m not the ONLY person who said something about MPD… is JUST A GAME PEOPLE!!!! I said it makes you wonder if that is what is going on… many times this season have we heard HG’s “diagnosing” people in the house is BPD or other things????? I was giving an OPINION…..which living and breathing gives me a right to do!!
There is no need to hurtful words towards otheres OPINIONS here!! THIS IS A GAME!!!!!!!
Jordan and Michele talking about possible Jury House votes.
Michele: “No one likes me the best. You guys don’t
even like me anymore.”
Jordan: ” I’ve NEVER said anything to you, I was always nice.”
(OKAY. She didn’t say anything awful to Michele’s face but
she, also, only said hateful thing about her behind her back.)
Julie Chen said there was a twist ,hopefully the key Jeff found doesn’t keep him
I want him gone,then Nat than Jordan
That’s the fastest HoH ever. A Sunday HoH?
@ Everyone
******* Spolier ~ Alert *****
While we wait for the HG’s come alive…
Let’s talk about the ‘Mystery Door’. From the info I have…
*The Pandora’s Box was a “twist”, not a luxury comp.
*Kevin asked production (before he made his choice) if it was “game changing” and they said no.
@ Marcus / Jacob / Blackgirl / Ashley and Joanne….
******* Jeff is going Home *******
Also, Reality BBQ did an interview with AG about the ‘Mystery Door’, and here was her response:
“I’m gonna tease. There is a secret door that will weigh into the HOH. It’s something we’ve had planned for a while. I wouldn’t call it a power. It’s just something that’s been added to the HOH’s (responsibility).”
So it’s not a “power”, it’s not a “comp”, and it’s not “game changing”, and it’s a “twist”. The good news is that, according to JC, we’ll find out the details of the Mystery Door on tomorrow night’s episode of BB!
Jeff is a well deserved winner! He has not been perfect but hell who is……..He has at least been decent
@ Gracie….. You are right…
@ Jeff fans… he has shown his true colors and not Jordan is begining to do the same…
Begining at 2;25 PM BBT
Jordan appologized to Michele for not talking to her yesterday because she heard that Michele would put Jeff/Jordan up if she was HOH. Michele tells Jordan that next week, it all comes down to the POV again. They both say they heard they were throwing each other ‘under the bus’. Jordan tells Michele that if Kevin makes it Final 2, that she thinks he’ll win.
at 2:27 BBT
Jordan goes inside the house, gets an apple, and goes in the Red Room to wake up Natalie.
Jordan is whispering to Natalie about her convo with Michele in the pool.
(It’s hard to hear because there’s interference with Jordan’s mic.)
Jordan: “She thinks she’s gonna win everything!” (re: Michele)
Natalie: “Whoever wins POV next week, decides who goes home.”
Jordan: “She was like ‘I told you that you shouldn’t have got rid of Russell.”
Jordan is now telling Natalie that Jeff said he’s not gonna campaign.
Natalie: “Kevin and Michele will vote him out. He’s too strong of a player.”
Convo ends @ 2:32pm BBT. Jordan leaves the room, as Natalie reminds in bed slowly waking up.
I don’t know why people are saying they will not watch the show if Jeff leaves. I have been a Jeff and Jordon fan from the beginning, but if Jeff walks out the door it will be his own fault for trusting the wrong people. I don’t get the live feeds but I watch BBAD and I was routing for Michelle to win to steer up the house a little. After the crap they said about her, I was thinking if she won, there would be alot of sucking up to her…lol…that I would love to see.
bye bye Jeff you shouldn’t have trusted Natellie and Kevin
Jordan is going all the way because she is baggage. She’s such baggage that I hear there are talks of doing a new luggage line called Jordan. If Kevin doesn’t hurry up and realise that Nat is about as useful as Jordan only with a bigger mouth and a bigger JH following he’s gonna give Nat 500k.
K/J or M/J final two and a real participant wins.
WUZ UP BB Fans / Bloggers?
@ Dana…. If natalie / Kevin are smart, they will get rid of Michelle next week because Jordan will be easier to beat in the final 3… Hell even Natalie has done more in this game than Jordumb aka Jordan… She just destroyed Jordan in the POV even tough everyone claims Natalie is the biggest fkloater and is weaker at comps… That point was blastedout te water… Everyone knows Jordan will get America’s vote and will be favored to win, so they will not brng Jordan to the final 3…
@ Pam…. Wake up… Jeff is going home…. it clearly said behind the door is something that can effect the HOH and everyone else…..
It did…. Kevin chose to go in and was locked in while other HG’s were able to get money…. The rules stated unless someone finds the key and releases Kevin, the HG’s will not be able to keep the money…. Jeff unknowingly found the key that released kevin and now he thinks it will save him…. That is why natalie was trying to get Jeff to split his money with her, so she could find the key and released kevin because if no one released kevin, no one would have been able to keep their money…
Get over it… Life goes on…. Jeff is going to the Jury house…. I guess you need to pick a new favorite Jeff fans!!!
@ Kevin…. You aren’t the only Jeff fan that will blame him and Jordan for Russell not getting to the final 4 instead of Natalie / Kevin…. There will be plenty of other people who voted for Jeff to win the CDT that support Russell / Michclle instead to win the $25,000… I don’t want Michelle to win, but she is playing a great game….
@ Sheila…. There will be just over a week and a half left after next thursday’s show… There won’t be any double evictions or any players brought back… Please refer to my last couple posts for why ok?
hey Jeff fans… Are you watching the idiot Jeff right now?
This is what he is saying… Do you still think Jeff is a class act?
1:17pm BBT:
Jeff: “If I could play this game all over again, I’d come in acting like my legs & arms were broken, and drooling. That way I could skate by.”
Jeff complaining? Never…. Jeff knows it is just a game… He has said that plenty of times to Chima, Lydia, Natalie, Jessie and most recently Russell…
Jeff… Get over it… Kevin got you before you could get him….
After Jeff complaining about having to go to the Jury House, Jordan tells Jeff to ‘enjoy it while you’re here.’ Jeff is going throug emotions of pissed off and sad, but more so pissed.
@ Jenny….. Jeff was given the CDT and would have won if he would have kept Russelll
His actions from the beginning proved he is not that bright or a good BB players… He sided with Casey, Braden, Laura, Michelle and that almost cost him the game… The CDT saves him, and he has a solid final 4 with jordan, Russell, Michelle, but he allows Michelle’s lies, Jordan’s personal feelings and Kevin / Natalie’s LML to screw him… he back doored Russell, so he is now going to the Jury House!!! Karma is a b****
for those of you w/o LF’s…
here is what Nat sounds like, “yap yap yap, bad grammar, yap , I could beat her next week, yap, more bad grammar, yap yap, etc…”
i read Jordan made comments to Michele about her winning
a Fine Tele setup last night. Michele said her husband would
be able to set it all up.
Any info? Any other prizes?
Also, I read when Jordan went to talk to Natalie she distorted
what Michele had said by saying everything Michele said was “smug
& snooty.” Not true.
Oh, well.
Kevin and Natalie still seem to be on the same team and
blasting away at Michele.
I thought Kevin was smart enough to seriously consider
dumping Natalie but maybe not.
@ Dana… You need a life…. You are mad that weak little Natalie will last longer than your boy Jeff…. Suc it up and face it… natalie is a better BB players than the want to be golden Boy Jeff
******* Jeff is going home next Thursday *******
Save him now America!!! L~O~L !!!
To McKey!
Wow you just summed it up! I comletely agree with you! Espicially the part about Chima being a nut case and Natalie, doing NOTHING! Natalie does not deserve to be there at all, too bad Jeff couldn’t evict 2 people that night!! Jeff opened the door for everyone when he got rid of Jessie. I just think he “trusted” Kevin, too much! It’s too bad, I would have liked to see them fight it out int the finals!
Jeff needs to go especially after what he did to Russ, if he wouldn’t have listen to Kevin and Nat the final 4 would have stuck, and sorry Jordon is too stupid, she is done once Jeff goes, she has been riding on his coat tails, she will be the next to go!!!!!!!!! You rock Michell, you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Midwest Fan….
Kevin knows his best shot to win is against Natalie…
Jordan will have Jeff / America’s vote / Russell out of spite and Michelle
Michelle will have Jeff out of spite / Russell / American and Jordan
Against Natalie he would have a better chance and more likely America’s vote!!!
This is why he will stick with Natalie and Natalie knows she will have a better chance of getting to the Final 2 with Kevin and actually winning than against Jordan / Michelle for the same reasons stated above…
******* Jeff is going home next Thursday *******
Save him now America!!! L~O~L !!!
@ Midwest Fan….
Kevin knows his best shot to win is against Natalie…
Jordan will have Jeff / America’s vote / Russell out of spite and Michelle
Michelle will have Jeff out of spite / Russell / American and Jordan
Against Natalie he would have a better chance and more likely America’s vote!!!
This is why he will stick with Natalie and Natalie knows she will have a better chance of getting to the Final 2 with Kevin and actually winning than against Jordan / Michelle for the same reasons stated above…
@ Erin (276): When you post your opinion people are either going to agree or disagree with it. I think if you check you will find the majority of responses disagree with an opinion which is what makes this site so much fun to follow. So,please, don’t take anyone’s comments personally– after all it’s just THEIR OPINION.
@ Everyone… AG (BB Executive producer) comfirmed that Pandora’s box was just a gimmick for the house and has no power….
******* Live Feeds *******
Michelle will be going home if she doesn’t win the HOH or POV next week!!!
Natalie: “Jordan is trying get us to vote her out. She’s willing to give up the money to a guy she doesn’t even know.”
Kevin has no interest in saving Jeff to get rid of Jordan this week.
Kevin: “If she wins HOH next week, we’re gone.”
Natalie says she’s trying to be nice to Jordan just in case Jordan does win HOH next week.
Kevin: “We need to send Michele home next week.”
Natalie agrees.
Poor Jeff..the good never do well and for the most part he has been good! Not surprised at all that the com was leaned towards Michelle..thats how the game is played. Think if Jessie was able to come should Jeff be listening BB??
@Leo When did AG confirm and on what website?
Hey BB Fans, Can someone give me the up,what going on in the house now.
What is the twist? A twist would change the direction of the show, they promised a twist , if not the key Then What?
What twist, what key?
jeff and jordon are both useless. bb will be here long after jeff. He a big cry baby and can’t handle things when it doesn’t go his way. He needs to get a life. He will never make it in the movies or whatever he thinks he going to do.
jeff and michelle were on the block but michelle won the pov last night and she will take herself off and then thunder thighs jordon will be put up with her loser boyfriend jeff.
Here’s speculation-The person who found the key and freed the HOH would they have the power to name a replacement if the POV is used. Michele uses the POV on herself. Jeff would then name her replacement which would be Natalie and then Michele and Jordan could vote to evict Natalie.
Erin – sorry to have upset you.
Saying “Good Grief” wasn’t meant to do so.
I was simply sticking up for my favorite, Michele.
Leo – I respect your viewpoint but do you really believe
Jordan would give her vote to Michele over Kevin?
Sure she will be ticked off at Kevin but her hatred
for Michele seems to run deeper than her dislike of him.
The only compitition Natzi could win is maybe a polygraph and
the only thing Jarofdough might win would be a cookie dough
eating contest.
the twist is coming. watch out nat-a-lie
If Jeff would of waited one more week with russ. and got rid of nasty natalie. he wouldn’t be in this postion. if he would of just stuck with the final 4 deal. Jordan and jeff i wanted them to win but winning H.O.H made them big headed. i wanted them to go to the final 4 but they treated michelle wrong
Poor ole Jeff or should ya say poor ole stupid Jeff this is what happens when you start listening to Kevin and Nasty. People in the bb house turn stupid real fast…
people are crazy kevin will stay next week because nat will win hoh over michele and jordan. she has been losing on purpose and this week she will win and jordan and michele will be up and kev and nat will make f2.
Please answer a question for me… I’ve only seen a couple of seasons of Big Brother. I’m confused by the Power of Veto. For instance, Jeff and Michelle are currently up for eviction. If for instance, Jordan was to have won the POV, used it to remove Jeff, is she safe from going up or just Jeff since she decided to use her power?
Jordan talking to Natalie and telling her how smug Michele is. I guess I am not seeing what is going on because Michele was talking nicely. Jordan is just so p****d because Michele won POV. Natalie reinforcing Jordan’s dislike of Michele. Jordan thinks she and Natalie should go to the final 2. Natalie might make it because she is playing both Kevin and Jordan. Michele will go after Natalie if she wins. Will someone please tell Natalie to pick up her feet when she walks. annoying.
As much as I dislike Nat-a-lie I think she may have a very good chance at getting to the f2. She may have hidden behind people the whole time on purpose. she may have puposely lost compitetions to appear weak so if she was put up she is always the pawn. I wouldnt be suprised if shes starts winning competions now that all the strong players are gone……. Or maybe she just the luckiest skank ever on BB
To allymooncow.
yes she would of been safe if she use it on jeff
I wonder, who is Evil Dick’s favorite? HA!
i dont think they would rob the HOH power again as with the CDT. once is enuf & it proved to eventually be the downfall of j/j as they got just as smug as J/N & N/K. it seems that Michelle was never smug. As far as her being snooty, lets look at the re-runs of Natalie with that smirk on her face as well as her on the block speech where she thanked everyone in advance for not voting for her. must be nice to feel so confident. Jeff this week, nat next, then kevin. jordough & michelle F2 & michelle takes it all.
Nat is a nasty, dirty person. Would not be surprised if she was a tranny.
Awful grammar, ugly inside and out, cottage cheese in her legs, can’t win a 2 person dumbass competition (unless the other person was a Nat fan), and generally useless in the house.
@ Jcat & Everyone…. I posted the link, but I am waiting for that one to be moderated… AG confirmed the Pandoras box was planned months ago and is not a luxury comp, power move or a game changer… It was just another responsibily for the HOH and a fun twist in the game…
@ Leo, how do I get access to the live feeds? What website do I need to go on?
What is Pandora’s box Whoever unlocked Kevin, Kevin can choose to save from the block. That’s my guess and I’m guessing he wouldn’t choose to use it if that is the case. It’s “twisty” enough in the BB
Moss. Thank you!!!
I just want to see Natlie gone I cant see her win
@ Jcat & everyone…. That interview was conducted by Reality BBQ with AG (BB Executive Producer)
I can not stand nasty nat. because she hasn’t done nothing in this game but run her so called closest alliance H.O.HES. I HATE HOW SHE PUT HE TWO SINCE INTO WHO GOES HOME. I SAY SHE NEEDS TO WIN FIRST.
@ everyone….. Email me, so I can send you the link for the AG interview that verifies what I sai about the key Jeff has being useless and that Pandora’s Box was a fun twist with no game changing influence ok?
@the article
“Who should Kevin nominate as a replacement? Natalie or Jeff?”
i thought jeff was already up?
@ Moss…. Natalie has done more to be in the game than Jordan…
Natalie has survived by breaking up Team Jeff with the LML
She co-won the first HOH to bring Jessie back
She over came losing Ronnie / Jessie / Chima in consecutive weeks
She is still not a target because she is able to manipulate Jeff / Kevin
Jordan only won because Jeff let her…. Jordan only made it this far because Jeff carried her…. Jordan has done the least out of anyone… Get you mind & facts right ok bro?
Has anyone thought about the “evil” being released from Pandora’s Box might be “Evil Dick? To be brought back into the house to replace Chima’s vote and to shake things up. Remember, Evil Dick called everyone out about their lies….and someone needs to definitely call out Nat Rat about all of her lies and schemes.
@ Jcat & Gracie
Go to
Type Big Brother 11 Blog in the search engine
Click on the “Big Brother because you are addicted” link to read to AG interview discussing the game & pandora’s box key ok?
not a twist in the game?… sounds hokey to me
From the beginning my husband myself have been J&J fans. We have not agreed with everything that has happened but that doesnt change the fact we chose to continue to support them…I couldn’t imagine the stress of living in that house…No one should be held accountable for all their actions because the house can bring out the good and the bad in everyone!!! I continue hoping that one of my “Js” will win but it is a game and people take things so personal!!!!
How junny ifs it that Lydia wants Jessi to want her so bad and he could careless about her….she’s a bugaboo
i think nattilie should be the replacement because i think tht jordan isent the strongest player in the game and shes not much to worry about later on . its just jeff , and they should no that as soon as jeff goes jordans like done . so shes not much of a threat , nattilie is a bigger threat i think kevin should go after NATILIE . and get her ass off this show!!!
This needs to be over soon so my wife will stop reading this site 24/7! Love you, Pumpkin.
Question? Nat acted like she wanted Jessi and was jealous of his relationship with Lydia but Nat does have a serious boyfriend,right?
please evict Natalie
Hey Jeff and Jordan fans, how are you feeling today? I love it! Go Natalie or Kevin. Hey Jeff, have fun at the jury house with Russell. lol
Some of ya’ll are so hateful! What happend to the Golden Rule
Hey guys! something funny I just realized… with Jeff leaving this week, the F4 is gonna come down to 1 person from each clique.
Nat (Athletes), Jordan (Populars), Kevin (Off-beats), and Michelle (Brains).
Kevin is talking to Natalie about the possibility of keeping Jeff.
Hmmm (4:00 PM BBT)
Natalie isn’t in favor of this. Kevin thinks Jeff may be the only one
to get Michele out of the game.
Michele joined Kevin and Natalie on the patio.
Natalie said Jordan told her Jeff’s not talking.
Michele said they are in the kitchen and he is talking to Jordan
but told Michele, she shouldn’t talk to him.
Whatever, Jeff!
Get rid of Natalie she’s a liar and a two faced donkey
Michelle has a KICK ASS job…WHY OH WHY would you want to give her MORE money????? Hello, some people out there really NEED money just to live…Cut Michelle loose and let someone win that needs the money!!
Nat doesn’t need the money. She already lives with her dad and it’s by her choice. See, you can apply your “logic” to any of the House guests.
Natalie should be evicted. From the planet Earth.
Jordan has done the same as nat. she broke up team jessie. and yes the hoh was given to her but who knows, jeff could of messed up. but she out lasted everyone in that golf game. jordan beat nat in the smores hoh comp this week to.
So long as that baby, Natalie, doesn’t make it to the final four, I really don’t have an issue with Kevin, Michelle, Jordan, or with a stroke of luck–Jeff winning the 500k. Natalie shows some of the worst sportsmanship I have ever seen in my lifetime! I know that the environment and circumstances can make you lose your cool, but come on–she is supposedly a trained Martial Arts fighter (Karate I assume, what a joke); I thought that this sport of focus, concentration, and skill would especially give someone a great sense of sportsmanship. She is a joke! Please–kick her a** off soon, BB household!
To just say no to michelle.
If you listen to michelle i think she is hurting for money bad. she might have a good job but who knows what she makes. my guess would be a little over 100k a year
TO Ryan.
nice blog. she is really lazy. i have not seen a person that lazy. to be in karate she has no sport skills what so ever
Natalie deserves to win this game. She has hardly won anything but yet she is in prime position for the 500K. Quit hating on her everyone and give her the credit she deserves. Everyone in here 2 weeks ago was bowing down to Jeff’s great game play but look where he is now. Natalie is still standing strong. Open your eyes and quit being so biased everyone. Nat is rocking it out this season.
Pandoras box twist. Jeff hold the key to get himself off the block plus Michelle has the Power of Veto to remove herself off the block. Natalie and Jorden both go on the block instead. One of them will go home. I am not a Jeff fan but I feel that Pandoras box has a twist. Now remember that at the bottome of Pandoras box was hope. That key is Jeffs hope. I may be wrong but thats what I think Leo and nothing you say will change my mind.
We need more scientists in American and the pay scale for
them is no where near what many may believe.
To, just say no to Michele,
What makes you so sure michele has a high paying job?
Research scientists with 1 to 4 years of work experience
median average income is $40,000.
With 10 to 19 years of experience $60,000 to $70,000.
To say nothing of the fact, Michele may owe hundreds of
thousands for her education.
@Shelia!!!!!!!!! Nice take.
Here was my thoughts and hopes to save JEFF.
Michele plays some head games.
Michele says to Natalie that she is voting for Jeff.
Nat thinks “NO WAY” but than second guess and becomes complex… what do I do?????????
So Nat votes for Jeff to stay because she thinks that Michele was playing her!!!!
Thinks that Michele is really voting for Jordan so she votes for Jeff and let Kevin break the “Tie”.
But alas….. Michele was telling the true.
WOW…. the truth can be a for the K/N team!!!!
Jeff should fight for his life instead of giving up…he has to win. Natalie is such a worm….but is playing the game so she most likely will win. But Jeff and Jordan are America’s sweethearts…i am so bummed..
I read Natalie’s father owns 2 health clubs.
Granted her dad’s money is not Natalie’s but if she
is involved in Marital Arts she may work for him or
have a job through her father’s connections.
All of these young people probably need the money;
no one is more deserving over the other based upon need.
@ Sheila…… Hope won’t change the fact that Jeff is going home… Tht is a fact and a reality by way of AG (BB Producer)…. It is one thing to hope but another to be in denial…. Wke up and execpt the fact that Jeff is going to be evicted next Thursday ok sweetie?
@ Moss…. Get a clue bro…. Jordan had nothing to do with Bbreaking up Team Jessie aka NBK….
Jeff is the one who orchastrated it with the CDT after Russell kept his promise n evicted Ronnie….
Natalie is the reason Team Jeff broke up because of the LML
Jordan has done nothing but ride Jeff’s coat tails… Natalie is in the game still because she came up with the LML and convinced Kevin to participate in it.
Jordan is here because Jeff used a deal with Russell to protect them both and then the CDT to break up NBK…. You can’t be naive enouh to credit Jordan with that…..
@ Leo……………….
Expect the unexpected! :)
Leo I can’t wait till Jeff stays due to some twist. Then all u will do is bitch about Big Brother, just shut up and stop messaging on this.
I would LOVE to see Jeff on the block with Jordan and BYE, BYE Jeff….He should NEVER put Russell on the Block…..What goes around, comes around…..
@Mike – Natalie sucks. She came up with one lie. One. Jeff destroyed almost their entire team single handed. Nat has done absolutely nothing in the game. Who knows what will happen. Michelle is a psychopath. She can start scheming with kevin and a whole wave of crap can happen. Who knows.
@Blaine… So concur with your words! :) :)
Mikey, Natalie is still in the game and if she gets to the final 2 will win this whole thing. You are dismissing how huge the lml was. That was the play of the game. Sorry Jeff is going home but open your eyes and look at it from an objective point of view.
Hey Mike – first off, PLEASE don’t ever compare Natalie to Dr. Will, that is so insulting to him!! He was and always will be the best player ever. Nat has to be in the top 5 worst players to get as far as she has in this game. Not only does she float, back stab and lie (which of course is the name of this game!), but she CAN’T win competitions. She’s not one of those who throw them, she’s just weak and really really can’t win! She’s not smart either. She’s just a sucky player who has been moved along because people feel others are bigger threats at the time. Mark my words, she will go SOON! Most likely next week. Jeff is not a done deal. And even if he goes, Kevin & Michele are obviously playing a better game. Even Jordan is playing better than Nat. She’s a goner. And as far as the CTD saving Jeff, it did no such thing. He used it to get rid of the bully Jesse, and it was the best power play in the game! Jeff was in no danger. But even Jesse admits he would probably vote for Jeff if he made final 2, because he is smart enough to realize what a great game Jeff played. Unlike some of the posters. Don’t count your chickens – just wait and see what happens!
I wonder what happened to Jeff’s positive attitude? It’s a little easier for the ones on top to be positive, isn’t it Jeff? What a hypocrite. Also, why did he just accept everything Kevin and Natalie said to him and disbelieve anything Michelle said. Let’s see, which ones would have told him anything he wanted to hear because they were desperate and which one had no reason to lie because she thought she already had a final four deal? I think Jeff and Jordan owe Michelle a huge apology after this is over, but if she doesn’t get it, I hope she laughs all the way to the bank. She has more substance and quality than any one else in the house. The others are all so shallow and ridiculous that they can barely carry on intelligent conversations. When she was left on her own, she found her inner strength while they were all doing stupid, boring things. Yeah, it was hard to watch her, but it was just as hard watching Jordan do stupid things to Jeff’s back and if it helped her, which it obviously did, that’s more than Jeff can saay
Kudos, Mary!
I wonder what happened to Jeff’s positive attitude. It’s a little easier to be upbeat when you’re running the show, isn’t it? What a hypocrite. And is he really so dumb that he believed everything Kevin and Natalie said and treated them like long lost buddies. They were desperate and would and did say anything.
Jeff and Jordan owe Michelle a big apology after this. A lot of what she does is acting, but she is loyal and took a lot of abuse from them. I doubt if she gets the apology, but letting the world see how stupid J/J are and winning the money should be comfort enough.
Yeah, it was hard to watch Michelle doing whatever she was doing last night, but it worked. It was just as hard watching J/J and the stupid back rubs, etc. and it didn’t help them at all.
Michelle at least has substance. Most of the others, especially J/J are so shallow they can barely hold intelligent conversations. Unless, their idea of intelligent conversations is about farts or douche bags.
Take it home Michelle.
Lisa I don’t know what game you are watching. Natalie has manipulated more people in this game than anyone else and that is what Big Brother is all about. Saying Jordan has played a better game than her is insulting and shows that you hold a biased point of view. Take off your blinders and open your eyes. To say the CDT didn’t make Jeff’s game is ridiculous. How far do you truly think he would have made it without being handed this gift? You see what happended when he finally got some power, he backdoored Russ and now Jeff will be going home right behind him. Natalie completely fooled Jeff so in my book that is true game. Game is not having blonde hair and blue eyes. Go Natalie!
@Mike – One lie, is still one lie, no matter how big it is. It’s still one thing. Compared to others in the house, even Jordan, who does better in comps than Nat. Nat is by far one of the worst players in BB history.
@Lisa – You’re right. To put Nat in the same league with Dr. Will(THE greatest ever in BB history)would be a downright autrocity.
Like someone mentioned earlier, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! What could come out of the Pandora’s Box Twist could really throw the game into chaos. If it happens to favor Jeff, don’t be crybabies and blame the producers or america for rigging the game. Everyone had a fair shake in that game.
@Mary, I agree with you. Michelle had no alliances throughout this game and is still in it. I was a fan of Jeff’s until he let the power go to his head and made the biggest bonehead move of the game by evicting Russell and trusting Rattie Nattie. Do the HGs honestly like Rattie or do they just think she’s weak and can be taken out at any time? Wish they would wake up and kick her out before she slimes her way into the final 2. I believe Jeff will go this week, Rattie Nattie next week, and dumb Jordan will lose in the final 3 comp. I hope to see Michelle and Kevin in the final.
Michele came outside to do laundry. Jeff was there.
No words are spoken.
Michele goes back inside, gets a beverage and returns.
Jeff gets up and goes back inside SLAMMING THE PATIO DOOR
He then goes to tell a sleepy Jordan, he is bored.
I don’t think he has congratulated Michele on her POV win.
Has he? Anyone?
He has refused to speak to her today.
Whatever, Mr. Nice Guy.
Let me tell all of you, Nat and Kevin to final 2!!!! yessss
Michelle is a liar and I like Jordan but she will not make it if she does not win.
Jeff messed up, so be it, he will be gone.
Natalie does not win, but she has been playing a smart game. Do not be suprised if she win the next HOH.
You don’t deserve to win BB if you don’t win competitions. Natalie has won nothing. She squeaked by while everyone else did the work. That may be her plan, but I don’t think so, since she would say it in the diary room if it were. Kevin has won one event, Jordon one, the other was handed to her by Jeff, and Michelle two. Jeff made a great move using the coupe de ta, but his biggest mistake was getting Russell out one week too early. And then he got got.
Hey Joe, if we use your logic then Dr. Will should not have won Big Brother then. I think it is ridiculous that you think you have to win comps to win this game. I think being able to lie and manipulate others is true game and Natalie has proven that it works. Don’t hate the player hate the game.
Don’t ya remember Jeff said she put the hoo doo on him last night when she was giving him a back rub… Can’t believe with him pouting today that he has brought it up to blame Jordon, wouldn’t that be funny
@Mike – all i can say is that bullies root for bullies. And that’s exactly what the HELL NBK was. Bullies. They threw their weight around like owned the joint and coerced people to do what they wanted, plain and simple. That’s why America voted for Jeff. He watched one by one as his friends were ruthlessly evicted from the house. he didn’t argue and didn’t say one cross word to anyone about it. Stand-up guys get respect from others. None of NBK got respect because they truly never, EVER gave respect. Veiled, and direct treats resulted in their downfall. No one of that alliance deserves any of the money given out by the show, period. Goons. Thugs. So many names for them.
The true power of manipulation is far beyond the grasps of Nat.
@ Midwest Fan
It was on Twitter earlier that Jeff did tell Michelle that she did a great Job and that there was no way that he could have won that pov…
Mike – the only reason Nat is still there is because people voted for someone else even more undeserving to go home. She was up so many times, and did NOTHING to save herself except that one lie she told. All that did was have Russell evicted over her, but she could have gone the week before over Lydia, they saved her for no reason at all. She’s hanging by a thread. Believe me, she has NO game. And as far as Jeff being given a power for free, what about Jesse’s first HOH????? And even being in the game at all?? That was handed to him free and clear, he did nothing at all and shouldn’t have even been there. He started his bullying and picking off from his free HOH. So he deserved to go the same way. You only like it when things go well or are handed to your side, but are biased when it’s the other way. Jeff won many HOH and POV’s, is a very strong player, and made the mistake of trusting one liar, who actually made some kind of move for the first time all season. Believe me, Jeff is 20x the player she is. But he got played like Jesse or Russell or anyone else in the jury house, that’s just the way the game goes. IF he goes this week, it doesn’t mean anything for Nat. She’ll just go next week.
Mikey – couldn’t have said it better myself. You’re totally right.
OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!! Jeff is finally getting his. There is justice after all. As someone else said, he “got got.” At least there’s no tears and recriminations. Bye bye asswipe. Enjoy the jury house. Lydia and Jesse should laugh their fool asses off when he gets out of the car and walks in!!! I just might have to watch on Thursday. Nah, I will just read about it here. BB11 is a huge waste of time now. I don’t care who wins, as long as it’s not Jeff.
@ LindaE & Blaine…… You two re either not that smart or you re stuck in denial….. AG (BB Executive Producer) said in interview that the Pandora Box ws a twist that ws planned months ago…. She clearly said it is not a luxury comp or a power move….. She thought it would give the HOH another repsonsibility…. If you want to read AG’s statement go to the Google search engine and type in “Big Brother 11 Blog” then click on the link saying “Big Brother because you’re addicted” and then you can see it for yourself…. Stop crying and living in denial…. Jeff will not be saved because he has the handcuff key… That is my opinion… That is a fact via AG (BB Executive Producer)…… Jeff is going home…..
@Mikey, You are so right about Natalie, she is incapable of manipulation. She gets other people to do her dirty work and then claims credit for it, that’s not good game play, that’s cowardice.
Thanks, Libby.
Lisa if Jeff is twenty times the player then why has he been running around listening to Jordan this whold game? If he was so great he would have ditched her early in the game and stood on his own. Anyone stupid enough to listen to her can’t be all that. Just because you are attracted to Jeff doesn’t make him a good player. He is average at best. And that one lie Natalie made was a huge play in this game. You also dismiss the fact that she has been on the block 4 times and is still in the game. Just because you don’t like someone’s personality shouldn’t blind you to the facts. Natalie got Jeff and that is why his butt is going out the door. As for Jessie, he is 10 times the player of Jeff. You shouldn’t even compare those two. I can’t wait for thursday when we get to see Jeff walk out the door and his beloved Jordan crying in agony. It will be quite a site to behold. lol
we only have 2 evictions left, and 5 people. Maybe the “key” allows him to take someone out with him. Just a thought….
@ LindaE / Blaine / Lisa….. Face it…. Natalie will get farther than Jeff….. You all sound like bitter cry babies…. Jeff said himself that he wouldn’t have got this far in the game without America’s gift (the CDT)…… Get over it and move on…. Jeff is joing Jessie / Lydia / Russell in the Jury house!!!
that would be amazing :)
Look at comment 351! This Babe is not CRYING just thinking chess movesDUDE!!!!!!!!!!
The live feeds showed earlier today that Natalie and Kevin were saying that America always votes for the beautiful blondes and will never vote for anyone like either of them to win. What does everybody think? Are they hoping we hear that and using it as strategy? If you go back, most of the winners are not beautiful or blonde. I think America likes smart players and we are not going to vote for you just because you are pretty any more than we give it to you because you are an underdog. I think you have to earn it in our eyes. We all have different views of what earns it, but I think we usually vote fairly.
I want Jeff to stay in the house :)
@ Mikey you sounds more ignorant the Jordumb….. Get a clue….. Jeff got rid of Russell because Russ made a final 2 deal with Michelle…. Jeff told Jordan that he was counting the money and bbeing arrogant…. Grow a brain and open your eyes…. Even Jeff said he was being an idiot and getting too comfortable… Maybe you Jeff fans will believe it when he gets in the Jury House since you are all in denial now….L-O-L!!! P.S. LindaE….. It is expected that the key won’t save Jeff because AG veified that!!! Get over it ok?
Mike & Leo – face it, Jeff got played like Russell and Jesse both. But he won MORE competitions and the difference is, he was loyal and nice to people unlike both of them. Attraction? What a dumb thing to say. Mike, are you attracted to Natalie and that’s why you’re rooting for her? Whatever. Anyway, back to the facts – Jeff is a much better player, and the best play of this WHOLE season was when he backdoored Jesse. Doesn’t matter if he had a power, it was a power he earned fair and square just like every other season when there were America’s Player or double evictions, there are always twists. This one went Jeff’s way because he was nice and America voted that way! If Nat or Jesse or any of those other people had an ounce of decency or charm, maybe America would have voted it to them, but sorry. Guess that’s just sour grapes? And as I said and you don’t address – Jesse was given HOH FOR FREE right at the beginning. That was the beginning of the end for most of Jeff’s team. Jesse didn’t deserve it, but it changed the game. And the difference is, Jeff didn’t whine or complain, he took it, turned the game around and earned his power week after week to get out Lydia & Russell & Chima…. Just because your side is finally getting a little power after about, what, 4 weeks of looking like weak losers? That’s ok, Jeff can go because of his stupidity of believing someone who promised final 4 (sound familiar? Russell anyone?) But I promise you, Nat won’t win! She will go SOOOOOON and I can’t wait!!
@ LindaE…. If you can stop being bitter you would realize that Jeff is not going to be abble to save himself….. I told you wee you can see AG’s interview…. You just have to accept the fact Jeff is screwed ok? Unless you think Jordan will be sacrificed for Jeff!!!
Amen to that thought! :)
Natalie has got to go. I have been waiting for weeks to see her go. I’m mad at Jeff for believing Kevin and Natalie, but how would he know? Jeff deserves to go, and I’ll hate to see that happen. If he gets voted off, I will quit watching BB. I’m praying Kevin puts up Natalie. Natalie has got to go. I’ve been waiting too long.
@ Mike
Nicely said only thing is that Jordan will be on Michelle back so bad… You can bet that ever time Michelle speaks Jordan is going to have something shi….. to say to her or about her
Not bitter just thinking of Options that could be played.
Personally I want a Kevin/Michele play off.
Jeff should have known. He and Natalie had gotten into it in one of the first episodes and he saw what she was like. He even said himself that she hardly spoke to him until all of a sudden she had no choice. That would have tipped me off. All of a sudden he couldn’t move in the house without Keven or Natalie or both right there all the time. What?! Stay away from me is what he should have said. I was for Jeff too, but I can’t make excuses for him any more. Bad enough that he listened to Jordan, but they at least had been together the whold show. To all of a sudden shaft Russell and Michelle and give all his trust to Natalie and Kevin? What sense does that make?
AND Jeff in the game as icing on the expect the un-expected game play for F3!!!!!!!
Pandora’s Box according to Wikipedia…
Pandora had been given a large jar and instruction by Zeus to keep it closed, but she had also been given the gift of curiosity, and ultimately opened it. When she opened it, all of the evils, ills, diseases, and burdensome labor that mankind had not known previously, escaped from the jar, but it is said, that at the very bottom of her box, there lay hope…..
The question is ‘WHAT HOPE’?????
@ Lisa….. Jeff said himself that he wwas being a jerk and was already counting the money…… He was taakenn out by Kevin before he could take Kevin out…. He did it to Russell and then ironically was taken out for the same reason…. Jeff not a jerk? Lisa…. Be real….. He was complete a** to Michelle yesterdy and won’t even talk to her today… What did Jeff say to Russell? It is a game…. Well he should take his own advice…. Did you see that jerks comments about acting handicapped so he could have got farther? He is handicapped in the brain and is dumb for listening to Jordumb aka Jordan…. He would have walked to the Final 4 if he didn’t screw Russ and get played by Nat / Kev’s LML strategy!!!
What if the Key Jeff has will let hem back in BB House. and what if he can bring somebody back with him and he brings back Russell and they take out everybody else. Because if Kevin, stinky Natalie, Mentally challanged Michelle are the only one’s left I want watch any more
@ LindaE….. There you go….. Michelle / Kevin can realistically happen…. Jeff is gone… Like it or not…. He is gone…. AG has no reason to lie during an interview about the Pndora Box not being a game changer……
Michelle <— best player, she wins $ 500,000
Jordan : 2nd place $ 25,000
Jeff : 3rd place : a year supply of slop
Okay, Here is a what if, The person who picked up the most money gets to keep it, but they have to give up there seat in bb… Then Jeff might would get to stay… because someone would still be going home…Then stupid Jeff might would get to stay…
Could it not be conceivable that the ‘HOPE’ in Pandora’s Box been given to the person holding the key, which could have been any one of these HG’s.
Hope is usually based on turning a negative into a positive, so there could be a slight chance that will give Jeff some semblance of Hope to stay in the game.
I did read AG’s comments and she clearly states it is a ‘twist’ but the BB crew told Kevin that it will not change the game, but a twist always changes the game, so let’s see what this big twist is tomorrow and then I am sure that this forum will really take on another spin!
ok I just read on jokers that the key that jeff found opens a diamond veto that even over powers michelles veto it said something it being a production leak, but when i refreshed it was gone so don’t know BUT I SURE HOPE
WOW, if this is true, then the Pandora’s HOPE is Jeff winning the Diamond Veto, therefore staying in this game!
Well, of course Michele will use the veto and remove herself. Jeff will no doubt be going to the jury house as he is the bigger threat. I think it is his own fault for trusting those liars, Natalie and Kevin. Up until now I have thought Jeff would win, he is very strong.
lol….the world according to Leo..a know it all… must be a friend of ronnie . pandoras box will unleash all kinds of evil and then hope
Me wonders about your statement…
“AG has no reason to lie during an interview about the Pndora Box not being a game changer”.
Since when does AG words overide the Game?
BB is pre-ordained and we the BB Fans are being by BB PRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
goooooooooooooooooooooooo J&J
Lisa if you think Jeff is such a great guy then I don’t know what show you are watching. I wastch BBAD and the live feeds and this guy is not what everyone thinks. Not judging him but to put him on some type of pedestal is ridiculous. Let’s be real, everone in here is in the game for selfish reasons and understandably so but to say Jeff and Jordan are “good people” is delusional at best. I watch the game from a purely objective point of view and don’t make judgements on who I feel the morally supersior person is. I judge who I want to win based off of game play. And frankly Jeff is not all that. When he needed to win this week he came up short. And for Jordan, she shouldn’t even had made this show. She is in my opinion the worst BB player of all time. I have never seen someone as clueless in this game as her. And your boy Jeff gets what he deserves for running around with her rather than playing the game on his own. That’s why he is going home this week and Natalie is advancing. Sorry Lisa but get ready to see Natalie take home the crown. And here is hoping Jesse gets the AC prize although I know that won’t happen. That’s the least he should get after being ripped off by the ignorant CDT.
Missed a key word..
Since when does AG words overide the Game?
BB is pre-ordained and we the BB Fans are being PLAYED by BB PRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kevin said, kevin said….kevin can only repeat or fabricate thoughts! he knows how much natalie has been lying in this game..she’s controlling his every move, yet he opted to keep her? he doesn’t deserve more than the colorful hoodie he has. there’s been no game changing so ar and allison said it was a twist (just getting money isn’t atwist) and julie stated it would have an impact on all players. the money had no impact on kevin as he was cuffed in a room and not participating in getting any cash. There are a few days left for more of the evils of pandora’s box. i have HOPE jeff gets to nail kevin or nat. BTW..did anyone notice the money in the plant in the by next to the couch? and if so, did anyone notice if someone found it? could be a ‘clue’ …
Just because you like somone doesnt mean you put them on a pedalstal..That just means we are loyal!
@LindaE, we are always being played by production, just like the houseguests are. It’s AG’s game..she plays it HER WAY!
Being loyal to someone you truly don’t know is being blind in my book.
What the he11 is a diamond veto?
blah blah blah …get a life …Its a tv show shows sell advertisement time … the show is geared to get as many people to watch it as they can to increase the price they get paid by advertisers. Production will do whatever it deems necessary to get the highest price they can. If they think that Jeff staying on the show will accomplish that then they will make sure he stays
Way to go Jeff ! You stupid move last week results in this. Russell was right when he said he(rus) would be waiting for Jeff in JH. You have to trust no one in this house. The tough against the tough, the strong against the strong and the weak hide behind and stab both in the back. That’s how BB works.
Jordan or Natalie will win this year. Can’t wait to see.
Than were all a bunch of blind bitches….cause we dont know any of them
OMG… Jeff just walked off the show!
Jeff should stay or the game will be boooorrrring.The key should give the holder the power to save themselves from eviction. Michelle is crazy and natalie just find a coattail to ride on. What have she won so far.
I am not blind because I am not the one on here saying who is a “good person”. I honestly don’t know how can make a judgement about someone’s character that I don’t know. That is why I root for people that are playing the game the best. It is not about who is the so called good person or bad person but about who has game and who is playing to win the money. I honestly could care less about their character, I wastch the game for the lying and manipulation. That is why I like Big Brother.
No. 421 Bobby Please tell me you wanted to get a ‘readers only’ reaction?
CORRECTION Bobby No. 426 Please tell me if u were serious.
@ sewjest29 – Jeff didn’t walk off the show. He is laying in bed with Jordan asleep.
Okay, that’s it. I’m not watching anymore. If Big Brother lets someone like Natalie win this game, then the show sucks. She’s a little witch, does absolutely nothing, and doesn’t deserve to win. I’m through with Big Brother.
Thanks Ashely. I got got! LOL
moss – you think Michele makes over $100K a year? Insane. I work with professors who’ve had tenure over 20 years and they don’t make that much.
So I read that in season 4 they had a diamond power of veto which allowed the winner to take off a nominee and then they were the sole vote to evict. But the houseguests knew about it and had to play for it. I hope this is not what they are doing with the key because that will definately be some BS!!
@ ashley
I hope it does do that and HOPEFULLY jeff would kick Gnat the he11 out I’d love it
I live with “hope” everyday.
Jeff stays in the house :)
I agree if it is true and not a rumor that the key Jeff has opens a box that hold the diamond power of veto you can sooo tell that Jeff is warrented to win by CBS. I would not even bother if I was the other house guest. That is just crazy kind of power at this time of the game and for him to be the one to get it… come on now. I feel like we are all lied to by CBS! I have barely watched the feeds and more…. they are boring and not to mention pointless.
ahh, i’m hella bummed, hopefully a huge roller coaster turns around, and natalie gets kicked out! i still have fait :(!!
@Lisa, can you confirm that you don’t have the live feeds? I can’t count the number of times you say Jeff has been “nice”. You can’t possibly have watched him the past two weeks. He is anythign but nice. FI you don’t have the feeds, you’re opinion is understandable because CBS doesn’t show much of his dark side. But if you have the feeds, you are making excuses for him. I loved J&J, too, until I saw what they are really like.
@ Leo thanks for the website. Now I will never go to bed. LOL!
Well, it looks like I’ll have some free time on Tues/Thurs/Sun nights now.
Once Jeff leaves, the remaining house guests are just b o r i n g, and none of them deserve to win. Done.
No Jeff is in the pool room with Jordan right now he is still there…
still tryin to get updates emailed
@ Whoever said they seen something about the Diamond Veto on Joker Updates…. I have updates sent to my phone and have multiple people who use that site…. I have links and evidence to support my claims…. I fin it amusing you see it and then moments later it is gone…. I call BS….. I have not had one person on any site say that… Either have someone copy & paste it here or give the story a break…. Also Jeff did not walk off the show…. People are trying to hard to get attention!!!
I love the turn of events. I don’t think Jeff is the one keeping the ratings high. I stopped watching BB because Jeff was stupid enough to back door Russell. There is nothing that is going to keep the game more interesting than if Jeff were to go home. I hope the key is to show a replacement nominee for Jury House and not to save Russell. Can’t wait to see what unfolds but in my opinion the best case scenario for CBS and the game is for Jeff to be in the Jury House! Go Michelle! I hope Michelle wins the money!! :)
If people want to stop watching bb after Jeff DO LEAVE why keep saying it and just do it. There would be another bb next year because the ratings were strong from the beginning of this season to now any way, so it’s not going to hurt the network or the true bb fans. I just would say to you haters BYE BYE and move on.
Michelle has been a flake through the whole game, she may be book smart, but her communication is lousy and she is indecisive. I don’t believe for a minute that she can win against Kevin or Natalie with the jury. She is going to have to take either Jeff or Jordon with her to the end, or she doesn’t have a chance. …I wonder if she will think of that??? Or continue to be indecisive.
@mizlenny, I saw the same post about the diamond veto…and yea, it’s gone now…makes you wonder if it’s true and BB took it off the site! Or, I wonder if it’s an additional veto? AG said there’s a twist, but is SHE the one who it isn’t a game changer? Would good is a twist if it’s not a game changer?
I understand that many people are quite passionate as to the HG’s they do or do not like but could you all please try to spell your words correctly? It’s like reading a foreign language.
Diamond Power of Veto (BB4 Only) The final Veto competition of Big Brother 4 resulted in another elevation in power. Called the ‘Diamond Veto,’ and presented with a clear Lucite medallion, the Veto Holder could not only remove a player from nomination, but also earned the sole vote to evict. Alison, who was nominated, won the Veto, used it, and ultimately evicted Erika from the house. The Diamond Veto was only offered on this one occasion.
do you really think america would vote jordan ? I think america is a lot smarter than that. she is the reason jeff is on the block this week. I wish jeff would have been smarter and teamed with russell these two guys would have been great to watch in the end. f3 should have been jeff, russell & michele. But that can’t happen now unless the key that jeff has brings russel back. If this was to happen I would hope that jeff would have enough sense to drop no good jordan and team of with russel and michele to the end. nat and jordan i do beleive are the worst players ever to be in the big brother house. They need to be thrown out. these two deserve nothing. america may vote for jeff but not jordan. she’s already making him lose 500,000 please don’t let this stupid a$$ innocent wanna be cause him to lose america’s favorite vote to. But I’m sure if he’s going to win any money she will love him till it’s gone. anyone that can’t see this must be blind.
It was on Jokers for a few minutes then deleted soon after. It was on there. I saw it. When everyone was sleeping. They said it might me a rumor and wasnt sure.
Jeff is not scared to go to the jury house, Russell’s a little punk!
Jeff been Pu**y whipped through the whole show,and can’t even get a kiss from big thighs, He deserve to go home
I hope that I’m not repeating…I didn’t read all of the posts. Pandora’s Box is probably a chance to let someone back into the game. Jeff would be gone if he hadn’t received the coup d’etat, so it would be completely unfair for him to get to save himself again. He had power, he played stupidly, and he should pay the price…like everyone else. As far as who’s left, Jeff and Michelle are the only “winners”, everyone else is a liar or a rider. So, go Michelle! Unfortunately, she’ll have to take Ellie May to the finals to win because of the “Jesse” jury. My least favorite in the house is Natalie. I hope that this isn’t the time when Kevin decides to grow a pair…I doubt it, though, because he didn’t even save his bestie. He really doesn’t deserve to win, either. Since Russell can’t win, Michelle is the only obvious person who DESERVES it.
So many of you are calling Kevin a liar. Um, ARE YOU WATCHING THE SHOW AT ALL?!!!! THEY ARE ALL LIARS!!!!
@karen #450: I think Michelle is more socially awkward than anything. That laugh and her body language totally suggests that. As well as her job and her intelligence. I think she did basically what a lot of people in this game have done. Try to be friendly at first and not really show many strengths (of course she had to admit she was smart the way the game started) and not really win anything in the beginning. Not a great player, but I don’t think she’s been lousy or indecisive. Floating maybe, but I think the show has also made her look that way
doesn’t anyone proofread what they are typing?
its so hard to understand what some people on here are meaning to say…
and @ whoever said something about a diamond veto.
i HOPE it’s true!
live feed update
Jodran is stuffing her face with cookie dough and talking crap about Michele, saying she ‘s been “nothing but nice” to Michele and that she never went against her. (Jordan, have you forgotten we have seen you plotting with Jeff in the HoH room for two weeks, making fun of Michele like 9 year olds and calling her cames like Smelly and DoucheBag?) She ‘s saying Michele was crying and not is “so cocky”. Right, Jordan, you didn’t appear cocky in the least lately, right?
Michelle will win it all
live feed update
They are talking about the wrap party. Jeff says he won’t go if it’s soon after the game’s end. Jordan or Nat says he has to go. Jeff responds, “WHY do I have to go?” (So you won’t look like a sore loser, Jeff?)
Four are on the outside couches, Michele, ostracized as usual, is by the hot tub.
What is this BS with the key and Jeff? This entire season has been everything BUT fair. Jeff got a BS gift that changed the game and cost a few people their chances at $500k. Chima, Lydia, and Nat should have ALL walked out right after Jessie got screwed over. Make up all the Jeff loving crap you want, but the whole point of this game is to lie, cheat, and steal to win. If this “key” somehow lets Jeff stay in the house, I hope CBS goes bankrupt, and I will never watch BB again. This happens, the fix is in, and they might as well just give the money to Jeff and thank everyone for coming out and taking part in their scam. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted Russell and Jeff to go to the final 2, but not like this. And you all need to get off your high horse, Jeff has played the game as dirty as anyone else. He screwed over Jessie, he lied to and screwed over Russell. What goes around comes around.
Jordan has said some hateful things about Michelle for the last two weeks, but like ever one else now she is trying to kiss butt, just yesterday know one would hardly speak to her… THERE ARE LOTS OF US WHO DON’T HANDLE SPEAKING TO OTHERS EASILY, SO WHY DON’T YOU CUT MICHELLE SOME SLACK…
Did everyone forget what Julie Chen said during eviction night; that there would be a twist and it was behind a door; with the Pandora’s Box I am guessing they will bring back another HG, hoping Casey, anyone but Chima. I would like to see Jeff stay and Jordan go. I like them both but the fact the Jordan is completing using him and has stated that she wouldn’t be interested in him outside of the house makes her appear shallow because it’s obvious he really likes her. Jeff come to New Orleans and I will gladly show you a real woman.
No matter what happens i would love to see jeff or jordan win. They have played the best game and 462 needs a spell check at the least.
live feed update
Kevin is asking Nat why Jeff doesn’t play by his own rules. “He was always telling everyone ‘it’s just a game’ and now he’s moping around like I killed his mom.”
They’ve been allowed back into the house after lockdown and expected to see Pandora’s box or learn how much money they each got, but nothing was different.
I have a gut feeling that Michelle is going to take this one to the bank… Lets face it.. JEFF’S GONE! Nobody will take Jordan to the end because she will most likely win against all of them.. Jordan gone Next week, I think Natalie may pull a win out In thursdays HOH. So she will nominate jordan. Jordan out only three left, then they will do a quick wrap up, right? Like a three person thing, where the person with the lowest is evicted, then its left with the final two.. Probably Michelle and Kevin. And then Its any ones game.. I like Kevin but I think he will lose. I call this one for Michelle.
@ bridget #467 hahahaha!!! it’ll take jeff awhile to get there ;) he’s stopping here in AZ for awhile and we’ll enjoy my pool. On a cloudy day we may drive to Gilbert and taunt that little rat, natalie. So don’t hold your breath! To use Jordim’s word “fursure” I am keeping him! ({*;*})
to those who want to voice a complaint (or praise), call cbs 13235752200 and leave your message!
How F-ing gay is this??? When did this show turn into “Will & Grace” ? So now either The Yapping Chihuahua or Mr. Squishy will probably win, and this show will officially SUCK!
All because Jeff shot his wad last week! CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPP!!!!! You should have not used that damn veto!
N&K have been saying for two days they’re after Michele now. Kevin doesn’t like that he can’t read her, but Natalie doesn’t like that Jordan is AMericas’s sweetheart. SO it’s probably up to which one has control.
Live feed update
Kev and Nat can’t get over Jeff saying he won’t go to wrap party, after he called Braden out on saying the same thing.
They agree that Jeff will get the Jury Prize because he was the one to win America’s votes for the CDT. THey don’t realize hthat he’s fallen from Grace for half the viewers.
@ shampton #468…
Really, J/J have played the best game? Please, do tell how. Jeff was given a gift wrapped power to screw someone over with. Up until that point he had done NOTHING. Jordan has done nothing this entire game except show America how truly uneducated she is. I have known very few people who are “really that stupid”.
To everyone who says, “I won’t watch anymore”, I totally agree. If Jeff is saved AGAIN by some mystery power, I will have to asume that the winner is the choice of CBS. It’s getting pretty apparent by who they portray as the villain, who they portray as Dudley Do-right. Why would anyone compete in, or watch, a rigged competition? I think that I was happy ONE time with the winner (Baller), but I still watched. Unless I find out that it’s completely rigged, I’ll still watch. If Jeff gets SECOND life with a mystery power, it’s not fair, and it’s pre-ordained by CBS who the winner will be.
I’m sorry…THIRD life.
live update
Did I hear right, did Kevin just say Michele is in love with Jeff?
Jeff is now talking with Michele about stratagy. Michele appears to be try8ing to convince Jeff they can skill scam to keep him here. Can’t yet figure out how. Oh, she’s saying she’s going to go to Kevin and strike a deal. Jeff thinks it would take a miracle, M says no, just stratagy and some acting. Ahh, it’s about getting rid of Jordan, and he’s fine with it.
Why the hell would Michele do this? There’s no reason to fake it, Jeff is gone ohterwise.
Jeff is saying he’d be good to keep around because “he’s loyal”. Gag me.
It’s easy to feel that way, but was Jeff handed the key? From what I understand the key could have been found by any of the four. If that’s true, you can’t blame CBS.
OK, Michele is going to try to convince Kevin to get to the F2 with her. She said he’s not stupid and must know Nat won’t take him there.
She tells Jeff he will only be saved for a week (honestly) and he, of course, wants to stay one more week.
It’s kind of sad, Michele has no idea how he’s been trshing her and calling her names. They’re laughing together like best friends.
I most definetly think he should put up natalie. she is worthless as player and has skated through the whole game achieving nothing. I would really like to see players who are competitive in the end.
For Michele Jeff is the best person in the house to take to jury. The rest of the house guests have friends in the jury. Jeff wont … only Jordon if she leaves this week. People in the jury are mad at Jeff. Michele has a chance of winning against him.
They have to get Jordan out now, she is a libility. Michelle is going to threaten Kevin with eviction next week when she wins HOH. Natalie will never win it!!
Not looking good for Jeff but remember, Julie spoke of a big twist this week…remember they showed a sunburst painting on the wall? Perhaps Jeff is not dead quit yet and maybe it’s the producers way of keeping Jeff in and the suspense levels high! Have to wait and see!
Michele should strike a deal with Nat. She hasnt won anything and she would be making a deal with the 2 biggest winners of the house. If M and Jeff make a deal with N than Jeff could stay … Jordon should go at this point she is most like in the house.
@Jay … next week HOH doesnt have any power, its the POV that makes the choices.
Why would Kevin take Nat to the F2 … she has friends in the jury. Kevin wouldnt have a chance against Nat. The Jury would be
Michele, Russel, Jordon, Jeff, Lydia, Jesse and America!
J&J are leaving because of Kevin .. their vote will not be with Kevin.
Jordan won 2 comp- nat 0
Hmmm, looks like Michelle finally came to the game. She is talking about how K wont win against Nat, that he has a better chance for winning against either J or M, and she is suggesting that she will talk to him about it… She agrees with Jeff that any of the other HG (except Jordan) can win against him. She is trying to make a new deal with Jeff –but what if he gets something special with the twist, and then uses it to kill his chances with Michelle… This will be a fun week…
No…Jordan won one competition (by a lucky guess) she was given HOH by Jeff.
Why is Jordan STILL THERE!!!!!! I’m really getting tired of seeing her glance and gaze at herself in every reflective surface then twirl and attempt to primp her lack luster hair!
Rene F…no one KNOWS what the “mystery” power is…it probably depends on who wins it…get what I’m saying? At least they announced the coup d’etat, and everyone voted for Jeff, because he was portrayed in the most favorable light, as was Jessica Simpson Jr. Is this Tuna or Chicken? What does “15” mean? At least a little bit of her nasty side was shown, but not Mr Coup D’etat…I’m still waiting for CBS to show Mr Perfect’s threat on Russell’s family. Like I said, it seems more and more likely that it doesn’t matter…CBS is picking the winner.
@ Tracy, that’s true, Michele might do better against Jeff with the jury, but if he pulls this off, maybe not.
Jeff is now trying to figure out how to get Kevin’s vote. Michele told him she wants him to stay. She said they have to keep up the fighting appearance to pull the scam. He doens’t get how to change Kevin’s vote – Mich says she’ll think of something.
Mich tells him how Nat and Kev said they are the final 3 with Mich, but she didn’t beleive them, she assumes (rightly) that she is next week’s target.
Mich says Jeff has her vote, Jordan has Natalie’s vote, so Kevin will break the tie. Mich thinks she can sway Kevin to vote to keep Jeff because all Kevin cares about is the money. I don’t quite get it.
I still don’t see WHY CBS would want Jeff to win. Everyone says it but gives no reason. (You can’t say he’s Mr. America because half the viewers have turned on him.)
I think CBS has a hit show no matter who wins, why would they care? The fact is that they get more viewer publicity when things don’t go
as the public wishes.
that makes sense only if she does actually vote for him. Wonder if she’s prepared to do that?
What I think is Jeff is having a hard to thinking how Jeff and Jordon can stay… and trying to get Kevin to vote Nat out and that is not going to happen and that is what Jeff is trying to figure out. DUH. Like Michele said Jordon is going to have to go home. The week is not going to end well for Jeff it is either himself go or Jordon.
It depends on how much of a fear factor into Kevins head. I’ve said it before, the HOH room is poison gassed and your paranoia level goes up as the week goes along. Kevin might fall for it if he really wants to stay.
It’s really too funny. After watching live feeds the past two hours I realize Jeff has done another 180. He appers to be back to being the “nice” guy we thought he was, now that his power is gone. I hope he never attains any power in his real life, we’ve seen what it doesn to him.
Put up Natalie as a replacement. If we are left any further to watch Natalie on the show, I am afraid it’s not worth watching anymore. Really sick of seeing her on the show. Send her to the Jury house especially for her lie trying to cover up for Chima “Opps it fell in the water” come on how many camera’s were on that one. That should put her out of the show.
Jeff has given up on him and Jordan staying together, in fact he said about an hour ago it’s what Jordan wants (i.e. not necessary what he wants). Jordan said she’d give up her space for him because she had no chance of winning anyway, although her mom would “kill her” for giving up. Talk about a bad player.
glad to see jeff go he was a lame player hell he didnt even get a kiss from jordan he should have gone after ronnie he might have gotton more action lol
Rene, I don’t have live feed. I get my information from those that do…HOWEVER! Jeff has no right to worry about who has a final two agreement, because he’s been hoping to get his man toy played with from day one! Another example of a man making a bad decision for the sake of the penis. He and his incompetant cohort have NOT been portrayed as they really are…and Jeff has a HUGE set of balls (as opposed to Kevin) when he complains about people having final 2 deals. What’s my point? My point is, that unless he can convince the other houseguests that they’re as stupid as him, and they keep him…If he goes home, but is saved, yet again, by CBS…I’ll be done watching.
LOL! My point wasn’t clear. If he gets voted out LEGITIMATELY, fine! If they’re stupid enough to keep him, fine. If CBS gives him another power, I say BS!
Finding the key is anybody choice what they so if Jeff gets to use the key to save him he will. There are twist in the game and they did not say what it is yet.
Everyone that keeps saying Big Brother has handed the CDT to Jeff has appearently forgotten that America voted and Jeff won. Now a few thinks Big Brother has handed this key over to Jeff, didn’t everyone get to search for this mystery key? and wasnt this little game held before pov game? The producers could not have known who would win the pov,so it makes absolutely no sense to say they just walked out there and gave him the key so he could save himself when he found it before the pov game. As far as some saying who they think could use the money the most, it seems to me it was appearent in Jordans letter from home that she could truely use the money. I also believe that the producers have stated that America will vote who goes into the Jury house since Chima is no longer there. I hope this is true, if so i’m voting for Casey.
The fact is people need to quit whining about that stupid CDT power like it made any difference in the past weeks, get over it already. It changed ONE week, just as the first week where Jesse got handed his free HOH changed that week. It’s where he began his bullying. Sorry, but that wasn’t fair either. So you get what you give. He didn’t play right, and he “got got”. Now as far as Jeff goes, yep, you all are right. He was stupid, believed a liar which is SO stupid at the place in the game he was in. He had all the power, he was the strongest player and the best player in competitions. He had this game in the bag. And those who didn’t think Russell & Jesse would have voted for him, think again. People talk a good game when they have sour grapes, but when it comes to the end, they usually vote fairly and for the person who played the best. And both Jesse & Russell felt Jeff played a good game. Unfortunately he let loser Nat play him. You guys can keep saying she will take home the crown, but I know she won’t!! And tell you what – it’s not 100% Jeff is leaving either. I will laugh if they turn it around and vote out Jordan. Still a bummer, but Jeff could at least turn it all around and get rid of Gnat next week!!
Jordan knows that she can’t win, I’m surprise she lasted this long.What is that key for?
How fast you all forget! First of all the athlete’s shund Jeff for mingling with the real people in the house ( Jordan,Casey,Laura etc) instead of their meatheads! So, that’s why it would be smart for Kevin to take Jeff to F2 cuz who’s in the jury house? Meatheads and the ho! Second of all Michele trying to help Jeff? Yea rite like she did her buddy Russell rite? Remember it was a 3-0 vote for Russ to go!
they can’t send anybody from the first four evictees to the jury house, since those people have had access to everything, and the others have not…
Define twist? I read the AG interview and it said no power and no game changer, but a twist could mean no evictions for the week. Has this happened before. It would mean no power and no game changing.
@augustus…they had something like that once before, when the siren sounded right when somebody was about to leave the house. It led to a lockdown, and that person wasn’t evicted at that time. The key has to be something different, as I think Julie mentioned “another twist”…
How fast you all forget! First of all the athlete’s shund Jeff for mingling with the real people in the house ( Jordan,Casey,Laura etc) instead of their meatheads! So, that’s why it would be smart for Kevin to take Jeff to F2 cuz who’s in the jury house? Meatheads and the ho! Second of all Michele trying to help Jeff? Yea rite like she did her buddy Russell rite? Remember it was a 3-0 vote for Russ to go! I hope J does get another super-power with his key! I voted for him to get the first power and will continue to vote and cheer him on! GO JEFF!
Who the hell likes Jordan? She’s a complete moron, and she basically screwed Jeff (although not the screwing that he wanted)…I would HOPE that if she’s in the finals against Michelle…the jury will realize that she did nothing, except make Jeff think below the belt. Was that the plan, or is she really just a stupid void…get the smart and fit girls out first, play stupid girl until the end. Like I said, we’ll see what that “magic” is…if it saves Jeff, I’m done.
Do you honestly believe CBS when they said America voted for Jeff.Come on people this show is RIGGED just like any other reality show