I’ve never seen such chaos in such a short period in Big Brother 11 much less the entire show’s history. If you’ve been away from the computer over the weekend then you may have missed some extremely shocking and drastically game changing events. I’ll catch you up with everything you need to know right here.
And Then There Were Seven:
For those out of the loop over the weekend CBS’ teasing close out line last night on Big Brother may have sent you dashing for the computer. Yes, one houseguest was removed from the house just after midnight Friday night. Would you believe me if I told you it was anyone other than Chima?
After throwing a Chima-fit, destroying production property, and continuing her threats against the game Chima was evicted from Big Brother and will definitely not be returning. You can read the full timeline and details here.
Using your live feeds Flashback feature you can watch Chima’s temper tantrum which began around 10PM on Friday and ended with her eviction just before 3AM on Saturday. There’s just no way to describe it fully, you’re going to have to watch it for yourself here on the uncensored feeds.
Queen For A Day:
With Michele’s nominations unbalanced when Chima quit I assumed Big Brother would have her name a replacement nominee. Instead, a new Head of Household competition was held, cutting Michele’s reign as Queen of the house to just over a day. Those HoH spoilers are here.
I found it humorous that Chima’s biggest complaint was having her stint as HoH nullified, so she throws a hissy-fit and ends up nullifying Michele’s HoH. Amazingly, Michele managed to not stomp her feet, hold her breath until she turned blue, and then quit the game…
Lydia Loses It & Captain Unitard Is Born:
Part of the HoH competition resulted in Lydia being stuck with the infamous red unitard from season 8. Continuing on Chima’s tantrums, Lydia broke lose, literally, leaving shattered glass in her wake. As part of Big Brother’s attempts to make sure they didn’t lose another HG Lydia suffered no consequences and was instead giving pink hair dye, aviator goggles, and a logo’d version of the unitard emblazoned with “Captain Unitard.” It’d be cute and funny if she was 5.
Now’s Our Backdoor Chance:
With Chima out of the game the numbers had finally shifted toward giving Jeff, Jordan, Michele, and Russell the power in the house. Feeling the pressure of pending doom, Natalie poured her slime into the ears of Jeff and has at least temporarily convinced him that Russell and Michele are teaming against him and Jordan. Jeff has taking the bait and as of last night he and Jordan are seriously considering their options to backdoor Russell and thereby losing their numbers advantage.
On Monday we should have Jordan’s HoH nomination announcements. That will leave Tuesday and Wednesday to resolve the Power of Veto competition and ceremony. It’s unknown whether Thursday’s eviction will be a double header as Julie originally teased considering the elimination of Chima
Wow, what a weekend in the Big Brother 11 house. If you missed any of it you can still see it all like it was live with the brand new “Flashback” feature which works just like a Tivo or DVR. Sign up now with the live feeds free trial and rewind to watch the events that lead up to Chima’s eviction right now. You won’t be sorry!
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Hey Big brother are you going to show us some pictures of Chima having a fit and rage i hope so this tuesday. Oh i think we have a new Chima did you see Nats hair whats up with that?
@June: You can see Chima’s actions which led up to her eviction using the Flashback feature on the live feeds. Here is the link:
Lydia did Gnat’s hair last night…..not a bad look for such a bad girl.
I swear, I have NEVER seen such a bunch of nose-pickers in my life. Natalie leading the parade. Doesn’t BB provide these people with Kleenex. They are constantly pick pick pickin..
Thanks Matt i will check it out ok sweetie your the BEST MOTERATOR YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT? LOL!!!
I am a new fan of Big Brother and recently have linked to the 24/7 feed. Am I wrong to believe that Jeff and Jordan are not really a couple as portrayed on the show? I watched the feed all day yesterday and you never see them interactive with each other until just about the time the BB After Dark show begins. It seems to me as a new comer that Jeff’s charm and flirting with Jordan is all for the story line/camera. Do you feel the same way?
Susan your funny and Nat is very pretty but nasty little stinker.
Carly if you have been watching those two sence the begening of the show well mAybe Jeff realy loves Jorden and he said if she wasnt in the big brother house he would be lost with out her. I guess you can say like Jesse and Nat she is lost with out him and yes Lydia too but Jesse likes Nat.
I hope they don’t back-door Russell. Next week maybe, but it’s too early for that. I hope they don’t fall for it. I would like to see Natalie gone this Thursday. Lydia will have a fit knowing that Natalie is alone with Jesse in the jury house. Can’t wait to see that.
I read that this season of Big Brother is pulling the highest ratings ever. At least one particular eviction episode did anyway.
WOW! I BELIVE SO and i wonder why??
Matt on one of the sites i pushed Block Notifaction so how do i take that off i put it on Chia has been evicted and when i try to get on it says erro this has been blocked i did it on accadent i cant spell.
Well i got to go cause my hubby wants breakfast before he leves for the day. He wants patatoes bacon and eggs he trying to make me fat! You go Jorden and Michelle and most of all Jeff.
So is it true that Russel is planning to back stab Jeff/Jordan or not? Other sites are reporting it like this, “The lie that wasn’t really a lie”. Other sites are saying that there will be a double eviction coming up though some posters here have suggested otherwise. I wish I knew the truth. There are so many darn variables in this game that it’a really impossible to predict outcomes at times.
“WOW! I BELIVE SO and i wonder why??”
Mayhem and the wizard power which allows the viewers to make real game changing decisions as opposed to just a decision over slop vs. steak.
I can’t believe Jeff is falling for Gnat’s lies. Does he not known they are down and will do anything (lie) to stay in the game! WAKE UP JEFF!!!
Anyone here have access to the live feeds? The competition is supposed to start early this morning. I was wondering if they’re preparing yet? If it’s endurance which the house guests seem to believe, I don’t see anyone else winning other than Jeff or Russel. Russel could actually regain Jeff’s trust if he forfeited the competition for Jeff is they were the last two left. The problem is that I don’t think Russel even knows that he has been thrown under the bus. Perhaps Jeff will confront Russel about what he was told? If so, Natalie & Lydia are going to gang up on Russel along with Kevin and say that Russel is a liar. Jeff and Jordan might not believe Russel even as he’s defending himself?
“I canโt believe Jeff is falling for Gnatโs lies. Does he not known they are down and will do anything (lie) to stay in the game! WAKE UP JEFF!!!”
The problem is that Kevin has been deceptively cozying up to Jeff for some time now most likely in anticipation of pulling some kind of chicanery. Jeff/Jordan believe that he’s only placating Lydia and Natalie. I do believe that Kevin would jump the N/L ship IF and ONLY IF the numbers worked against him. He didn’t seem too fond of Jessie for one and mocked the way N/L weeped over his departure.
@Wow: Yes, that’s correct about this season’s ratings. They are blowing the numbers out of the water and winning its timeslot which is great because it really helps the chances of us getting a Big Brother 12!
If jeff wants to win, they need to back door Russell because next competition is endurance and guess what Russell may win and if he does, he will used the angry that the two girls have against Jeff to get him out. because Russell Knows that Jeff is his biggest competition and if both of them are the finalist and the last vote is to America well Jeff will win.
If Russ gets the HOH next week then i belive he will put up lydia and Kevin thats if Nat id evected so i hope.
June Russell is smart and he wants Kevin out this week because he wants to kick Jeff out of he house next week. both of them are his biggest competitor in the house. Plus if he takes Jeff out he will win several votes from the Jury.
What comp are they suppose to have today? I thought it was just going to be the HOH ceremony with the pov Wednesday. I hope they leave Russ alone this week.
Well i dont know but Russ is HOT BUT HE NEEDS TO GO AS WELL I hope not untill they get rid of the Nat and Lydia those two are very sneeky.
@Ashley: There should be no competitions today, just the HoH nomination announcements. PoV will be Tuesday/Wednesday and Eviction on Thursday to put us back on track.
Kevin is listening to bothsides so i hope Jeff and Michelle and little Jorden watches out for him he is very smart and mischivese i cant spell.
@Matt, thanks! That is what I was thinking.
Why doesn’t Mich let Jeff and Jordan sleep in the HOH by themselves? Poor Jeff, he hinted a couple of times. I think Mich is secretly in love with him and doesn’t want to give them alone time.
OMG! After initially thinking this season was going to be horrible, I am enjoying the drama! Good riddence to CHIMA’s butt – couldn’t stand her! And as for Chima,Nat and Lydia crying lying Jessie had died – GET OVER YOURSELVES. geesh…. when you had the power, you were on top of the world. now that the power has switched, you act less mature than the high school cliques you were in! LOL Michelle nominating Nat and Chima was priceless! BB is back!
Ashley last night on Big Brother After Dark Michelle wanted to sleep down stairs but Jorden keeps stoping her and ask her why she didnt want to sleep with her and Michelle said that she wanted to listen to Jeff and Russule because she doesnt trust Russel with Jeff.
AJ you Rock and you noteset that too and they are like two cry babies with out Jessie in the house no power ether. And Nat hated Lydia and now they are buddies.
@June, oh ok. I don’t have after dark, just the feeds. I thought Jeff hinted that he couldn’t sleep with three people in the bed like he wanted Mich to go. I didn’t Jor asked her to stay.
sorry, I didn’t know is what I meant to say.
Oh and I forgot the kicker in the snotfest – “and he used to pray for us” WHAT? Jessie prayed for you? When? must have missed that in the live feed. LOL
I read a comment from another poster and it got me thinking (not a good thing!). He stated that he wished the show to be cancelled. First off..why are you posting if you want that? Most loyal BB fans would rather have a crappy season than no season at all. Second…If you are unhappy with the way things have gone so far, you must not be paying attention. This has been one of the most active, suspenseful, up and down seasons that BB has ever known. All this drama is what we hope for each year. Even if we’re pulling our hair out at some hg crossing lines we would never cross (or hope not to). Its a short but sweet look into how people handle decision making under stress and temptation. Not to mention the money thats on the line. I do hope we see a season 12 because personally, i have loved every minuite of it.
@AJ he always prayed for a long time before each meal. Maybe that is what Lydia was referring to.
Ashley – Really?? was that on the live feed? Wow. thanks for the info cause I never saw it.
Russ, Jeff and Michelle should be downstairs so they can try to find out what the others are up to.
@ Susan….your comment was too funny! I do notice that they are a bunch of nose pickers! Maybe it helps them think. I just wish that they would turn the mics down when they eat. Michelle & Natalie chew like cows! UGH! Also, when Jessie was there & someone gave him gum…oh, I had to use the mute button!
OK…..now down to business….I really hope that J/J dont fall for the stupid N/K/L plan. Whats up with that? I was screaming at the tv last night! nooooooooo! LOL I hope that they decide to get rid of Natalie this week and backdoor Russ next week…thats the smart move. Did anyone else notice how cocky Natalie was trying to act? She was talking directly to the mike stating how this was the best strategic move in BB or whatever she said. YUCK
@ Matt. Matt, do you know if there will be a double eviction? Or since Chima left they will let it stand? Also, are they going to just have a 5 member jury this year or will america have a vote?
@memy: As noted in the post above, it is still unknown if we’ll have a double eviction this week. My guess is ‘no’ unless production wants to shorten the season by a week to give Julie Chen a better chance of finishing it due to her October due date.
Hi Junie,Good morning all…..I cant wait till Tuesday!…No feeds,no BBAD….All I have is a burning desire to see Gnat,s butt heading out the door!Followed by a multi-colored Lyidiot…Gotta fly….Have a great day guys…..
Shows how smart Jeff is. Its not Natalie had to do much, nor should she because Russ has said he would lie to Jeff, and he will backstabb him and this and that.
Amazing how Michelle was so quick to make a deal with Russ, so soon after he clowned her in front of the house.
Russell and Jordan up for nominations is the best senario if ur a member of Camp Natalie.
If all it took was a day for Jeff to consider that strongly, and not even see on his own then imagine what a chaotic week will do.
Jeff cant do anything on his own, maybe if America gets the vote on what he should he can be continued to be dragged through the game.
If anyone of us were Chima i’d think we be mad because really, her HOH went for not. I mean i dislike her strongly, but I mean if you do all that work during the week, talking with everyone, finding out your best plan and then you get that taken away from you by somebody you didnt earn it, you’d be very upset.
Its going to be very interesting how they show the Chima getting evicted thing and how it went down, compared to how it actually went down. Big Brother has now started to edit to build steam towards Jeff, make Chima not look like a fool, but its almost close to impossible i would think to not make her look better than who she is.
russ did at one time talk about a final 2 with mich, but the jesse cult crew didn’t hear it. and the part about taking out jeff next week is a total lie. i don’t see the big deal about the final 2 anyway. euen tho they haven’t said the words, come on, jordan will save jeff, and vice versa, they have a final 2 understanding. russ was just securing himself to be in the final 4 with them. his one mistake and i hope not his downfall, was his vote for jesse. when he did that, i was like WHAT R U THINKING?!
@ Marcus….Chima should have used her noms in anticipation of the wizzard.She has nobody to blame but herself..Anyone in Gnats “camp” should keep a good supply of Lysol on hand…That chick is NASTY…..No amount of make up will hide the marks from all the ten foot poles people touch her with…..Ok I really have to go build computers for the masses now….SEEEE ya
@ Marcus: well Jessie didn’t earn HOH for the the first weeks either…i guess the two sides even out then right?
Did anyone see what happened on the overnight after Showtime went off. Natalie was asking Lydia how many times she had been with Jesse. She proceeded to tell her she knew how many but wanted to hear it from Lydia. She told her Jesse told her about the “ASU Sweatshirt”, but was wondering if Russell actaully told her after Jordan spilled the beans on it?? Anyways, just wondering. Showtime went off right in the midst of it…
I kinda feel like the guy that writes this is maybe biased? But I guess he can be what evs
@F Team JJ: Well of course I’m biased towards certain players in the game. I’m not a journalist or Chenbot. I’m a fan of the show just like everyone else here who happens to have their own preferences.
I wanted Jessie evicted, only because I’m a Russ fan and that was the only way to save him. Jessie played the best game of all and too bad he had to go. I also don’t want J/J in the final 2 cuz they haven’t really played the game, just a lot of snuggling to get America’s vote. I hope Russ is able to stay safe; even b/4 the lie plan was developed I was thinking he should hook up w Gnat, et al. I had to turn off the feeds when J/J starting backdoor Russ talk. I want Kev and Mich evicted. Michelle is strange and it makes me uncomfortable watching her. Go Russ!!!!
First off Jessie wasnt HOH first week, Natalie and Russell were. Jessie got to be in the hoh room, cause he team one.
Chima should not have bended her nominations, because thats dumb, and then you look like a fool. who should she have put up instead? yea real smart.
Thirdly calling the Jessie fans part of a cult just shows that you dont respect people playing the actualy game. You proably love Jeff right? The people who like Jessie are the people that say, yea he is annoying at times, but he played the ebst game he could of, the best game of the house, and basically was voted out by America. Jeff didnt do anything, he was given a gift.
Fourhtly If Natalie does stink, who cares? sucks for her i guess. It was played up more than it actually was like but its w/e.
Why would Natalie wear makeup? its the bb house. all the girls in the house who wear look disgusting. I dont think she should be hated or dislike because she doesnt wear makeup, excuse me.
so who is nominated?
It appears that Marcus does not read very well….Did anyone say anything about the girls not wearing make up?…No ,they did not….get over you infatuation with Gnat Marcus…Shes outta here….Jeff is playing the best game in the house and during the finale try not to hate Jordan when they hand her the moola….Possibly Marcus is Dada incognito
@Sami: The new nominations have not yet happened. I’m expecting those later this afternoon. Keep checking back!
if JRMj are successful at getting rid of nlk then only Jordan has a clear shot at #1
Russ should ditch jor
Jeff should ditch j/r
M. Jor/r
Jor russ
If they want #1
russell has calmed down and willstay that way. he has taken jeffs advice but needs confessup to jeff!!
about his vote for jessie.
Okay cool beans! Just checking^_^
doug i think your right about dada
Why wasn’t Chima’s tantrum and removal on BB After Dark Friday night? If it all happened around 10 or 11pm PT, it should have been on showtime.
Good going Doug. I agree Marcus is Dada. Same horrible grammar and spelling and hate
Michele always seems to forget when people confront her about things. And why won’t she leave jj alone? If project bosely is a success Nat is a genius!
@ Jen
Maybe they edited it out?
@F team
That’s what I thought at first, but isn’t after dark live?
I can’t believe JJ are falling for the ‘lie’! Especially who ‘all’ it is coming from! But then Michelle confirmed Russell wanted them gone sometime. Nat needs to go(risk) and then Russell. If not, Kevin then Russell. I don’t believe Kevin would switch at this time. They still need the numbers! Other than Nat and lydia I don’t care who wins. Of course I have a preference but it is a game! Can’t say it is boring!!
I think Jeff and Jordan have a true attraction, and care for one another. She is much younger than him. Maybe, just maybe, they want to take things slow,and see if anything happens after the show. Not just jump in bed and have to wipe their bodily fluids on others clothing. Restraint.. wow.. a novel idea.
I wish Jor would quit asking Mich advice on stuff. Doesn’t she know Mich lies all the time? She is so awkward and acts like she can’t remember conversations. Gets on my nerves.
not a fan that jeff has done nothing except complain about POWER, and jessie has the power, not that he has it, gosh golly the other people are the problem
regardless, if he does take out russ this week, I will change my jeff stance…since its his best move
lets face it, with or without natalie lying or whatnot, russ/jeff will go at it within a week or two, one will go home.
It’s funny how Jeff and Jordan talking about getting rid of Russell is being blamed on the Lie and not on Michelle. Michelle told the same Lie the day before Natalie came up with it. According to the live feeds transcripts there doesn’t seem to be an ounce of truth to it, and Michelle does have a habit of lying to EVERYBODY. Kevin got lucky in that the lie he was trying to tell was similar to a lie Michelle had already told in order to get Russell out. Remember, Michelle kept Russell because he was a bigger target than Jeff and Michelle, but now Jeff and Michelle are bigger targets than Russell which means there’s absolutely no reason for Michelle to keep Russell when she can buy off Kevin and every POSSIBLE reason for Russell to stick with the team. To be blunt, Michelle doesn’t want to have to deal with Russell in the Final Four so she’s going to try to backstab him as soon as she can even though she knows he has no choice but to stay until the Final Four. But the fact that she knows he won’t go after them until the end has merely made her more confident about backstabbing him early.
Jordan wants to take it slow for family reasons and not hooking up on TV…she has values, I respect that.
I will say that I feel bad for Jeff when Michelle keeps blocking him by sitting up in the HoH room leaving NO alone time for jeff/jordan.
100 percent agreed on michelle, she is the biggest liar in the houes, few people catch that she switches the words of EVERYONE, she did it to ronnie as well…
I do hope you all give credit where its due if this nat idea works…if she gets them to backdoor russell..she deserves respect for how shes playing the game
@Eamon, I agree 100%.
@alex, it will be a great move for Nat if they backdoor Russ. I hope it don’t work!
As much as I dislike N/L/K, the Big Lie was brilliant. It seems that J/J/M are thinking about getting Russell out this week by backdooring him. What is going to happen if Russell wins POV then Natalie goes. If someone else wins, Russell goes. If Russell stays, I think Kevin will tell Russell that his team was going to backdoor him so if he wins HOH, Jeff and Michele will go up. If Russell is backdoor, and either N/L/K win HOH, then J/J/M goes on the block anyhow. I can’t believe that J/J/M are taken in by this.
While I am relatively new to big brother (3 seasons), the problem with this season is very simple. Regardless of who the fans are cheering for, the point of the game is to place people in an isolated environment for money an watch the social dynamics play out. Once you allow outside forces (i.e., the producers, sponsors, fans, etc.) to impact the game, you defeat the purpose. Then it just becomes a popularity contest like american idol.
The america’s player crap where fans told one player who to vote out was bad enough, but this “wizard” nonsense was really bad. Survivor had it right all of the years by understanding that you let the players decide who goes or stays and any immunity is earned by a contest among the players, not public demand.
Lastly, the level of incivility on this cite is incredible. Unless these contestants are relatives of yours, calm down the name calling.
Everyone who liked the J/N/L/K group is upset about the wizard power, but BB started the unfair rules when they allowed Jessie to play again, in a once in a lifetime chance. That set the stage for unfair. Those poeple (I’m being nice calling them people)buddied to him fast cause he knew the “game”. giving the wizard power only balanced that out.
I love this post and check it often, I have live feeds but can’t check them when I’m at work, but I can check this. I did not start watching until season 8, but I am hooked. This is the best season yet!!! Go BB
@Donald, I could not have said it better. I totally agree with you
One other observation about this season, imagine how different this season might have played out if there wasn’t the team immunity nonsense.
I hope they do not get rid of Russ this week. Kevin and Nat are making this crap up and Jeff is falling for it. They need to get rid of Nat or Lydia before they get rid of Russ. This will be the worst move if they backdoor him this week.
jessie was the first hoh. just because nat and russ won it, he did the nominations cause he was hoh not nat or russ. and if jessie played the best game he would still be there and he is not. if he played a good game he would have made friends with jeff instead of siding against him and then maybe jeff would have sent someone else home instead.
Michelle isn’t lying (for once) about Russell telling her they should go final 2. He did say that, but he can play that off- say that since he knows J/J will try to go together, he can say he was just trying to have a “better half” as well. That’s probably true. He is just jumping the gun. He should have waited to bring that up.
Are nominations in?
@KP: Nope, not yet. Fear not, as soon as the noms are announced I’ll have it posted here on the site’s front page.
If J/J get rid of Russ then they deserve to be evicted. They still need him
I didnt think Jeff was this stupid. Maybe he is proving me wrong. I hope Russ wins pov
thanks matt! ill keep checking in! :)
I agree Cheri. I wish russ would find out what is going on.
Plan Bosley has no bearing on Jeff’s opinions of Russ. It’s nothing he doesn’t already know.
Regardless of Russel and Michelle’s conversation, I really feel Russel is loyal to Jeff.
i agree with u dude.
Did they a ton of editing, and even last night made it seem as if we dont already know Chima has left the house.
I thought they did that ebcause they would try to bring her back, but if she comes back we all knoe Chima is gonna use that as like a way to say “i won” and now “bow down to me”
Cant wait to see these nominations.
I am predicitng Jordan will nominate Lydia and Russell :)
thats what i hope for.
When’s veto?
“Jeff is playing the best game” ha! dont make me snicker. thats like saying Chima is great person who never put down anyone. Completely False.
There truly is no benefit for jjm to keep russ this wk, other than an ex vote. jjm think nlk is gunning for russ. But I think nlk is going after michelle for flipping and jeff for Cdt. Russ an after thought. and if russ did go, nlk would go after michelle. So really jj would be last targets for nlk. Just an opinion.
and if russ stayed and won hoh, who’d he go after? keV???that’s his big targett? If jjmr were smart they’d starting thinking about who they could beat in a final 2. Russ will loose against jor. Jeff/m will loose against russ.
@Matt Just curious…did the format of the postings change or just the last few posts??thanks!
I hope Jordan knows that if she were to send Russell packing this week that it would be disastrous. They won’t have enough votes next week if N/K/ or K/L we to win HOH. But Russell is always voting for the underdog and if he voted this week to go against Jordan than that proves he is against them and maybe if he gets final 2, he can plead the case that he did not vote them out when everyone else did. Maybe that’s his strategy.
@Ray Bee: Instead of covering just the events of yesterday in the house I wanted to provide a weekend catch-up for those who missed the events. This way we can avoid burying the hottest topic of the season.
Talking with other fans of the series this morning I was surprised by how many had missed Chima’s eviction.
Extraordinary events within the game call for changes in coverage. But no worries, once things return to their normal rhythm I’ll be able to go back to the daily feed highlights, etc.
I want J/J F2 but Russ needs to save J/J from themselves
Russ is only loyal to Russ. He gets really crazy when seeds are planted and thinks everyone is out to get him. He makes big mistakes when this happens. I wouldn’t be surprized to see him hook-up with the other side before long.
If Gnat doesnt go home now J/J/M really messed up they need Russ right now
do we know who Jordan put up yet?
Donald – I get what you are saying about fan interference with the voting, but the problem with that in this show and comparing to Survivor and other shows is BB doesn’t offer actual individual immunity challenges. They did have the clique ones in the beginning, but not for long. I don’t think it’s a fun show to watch when one side of a house gets power unfairly (as with Jesse starting the whole thing off week 1), then they continue to bully and pick off the other side of the house. Without an immunity option, there really wasn’t a way to turn it because the other side just didn’t have the numbers for voting. I personally am glad then that the show shook things up by throwing in the power. Now the jerks on the other side can see how it feels to have their friends voted off out from under them, whether they feel they deserve it or not. You get what you give.
I like Jeff. My friend has live feeds and said Jeff threatened to burn all the beds down. This doesn’t sound like Jeff, any one know if it was said and who said it?
I believe that the Veto serves as an immunity providing you win it, just like in Survivor. Having said that, BB is not the same game as Survivor and they continually remind us to ‘EXPECT the UNEXPECTED’. If the rules were always the same, then as a contestant you could figure out what comes next and the bullies and powerhouses, would just rule and control the game. I think the way that BB’s rules are derived are fair and everyone should accept them, otherwise don’t go on the show!
The nomination ceremony is supposed to be sometime today. As of now, there has been no nomination!
I heard the same about Jeff threatening to burn the beds, but only after being provoked by the girls messing with his things
If BB is going to give a CDT, HG should have to COMPETE for it, like last time. I dont think a popularity contest is competing although 95% of the people on here think that it is. FYI the same people on here saying its not fair team jess, controlled the game so CDT balanced it out are hypocrites because now look whose being picked off. You think that’s okay now just coz team jeff is in control. America should butt out when it comes to power moves.
Chima is gone yay!!!!
Russ will eventually turn on j/j/m. BUT I say Kevin is the biggest threat to them ALL!!
I was watching the fight unfold saturday on the live feeds and I have to say…lydia only wants to be voted out because she wants to cuddle up to jessie alone in that jury house. By the way SHE WAS DRUNK!!!!!!!! LYING NAT WAS TYPSY HER DAMN SELF!
HG should be the only ones playing the game primarily and we should just watch.
Thanks Diana
F team JJ-
Look, personally I like to be able to participate in this somehow. I am part of America…and I like to have a say so in shows. I understand not everyone feels that way…. but you know, that is just too damn bad. But ask yourself this… if your fav player in the game had received the coup d etat without actually competing for it… would you still be bitching about it?
@F Team JJ: I whole heartedly believe that Big Brother introduced the Coup D’Etat as a means to manipulate the game in an attempt to “correct” the direction it had been treading in the first few weeks.
Like most any other show on television, “Big Brother” depends on ratings. When the second season of “Heroes” was poorly received by the audience Tim Kring came out and said he’d go back to what the viewers wanted. This situation is no different.
When 90%+ of the audience wants Jessie and Natalie nominated instead of Russell and Lydia it’s clear that in order to maximize their audience’s attention and please the masses something had to be done. Enter the Coup D’Etat.
Was it “cheating”? Likely so. Did it give the vast majority of the show’s audience what it wanted? Absolutely. There’s no conspiracy here, just good ol’ marketing and capitalism driving audience retention. Just my take on it, no insider details here.
Does anyone know what happens now with the Jury vote? Since Chima is gone they will only have 6 on the Jury..it could work but what happens if they have a tie…anyone know the rules???
Gnat is on the block
The live feeds are back and the noms are revealed:
nat and lyd r up
@MATT i completely agree. Somehow I thought BB would be different. -_- Kinda makes it lame how they edit/tape a supposed live show, not show chima leaving. Just let reality be just that.
I think it’s cool america gets a say in like what the hg get to eat and what evicted hg gets to comeback too! But when they give away a “gift” that changes up the dynamics of the game so dramatically, its like really? Come on let the game play out. Im sure thats how team jessie felt. He wanted a chance to COMPETE to stay
Maybe the sting of the CDT would be less painful if when Jeff nom Nat and Jess there would be a pov right after or something like that.
Matt thanks for saying that. i thought about while watching the situation go down, oh this bull.
It is bull but itsa for the ratings so i guess you gotta pay the bills right?
I didnt the shows ratings were down enough for that though. i mean season 10 was so boring, but still.
I hope this show doesnt dissapear, i love watching it, and i wanna try, im sure as do we all
Well Lyd and Nat have been nominated.
1:24 PM Jordan says after talking in the DR, they made her think maybe she shouldn’t put Russ on the block. Jeff said they did the same thing to him.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^what the hell?? Droom helps them decide?? this seems to be getting rigged as the game continues -.-
who is THEY???
When Casey got baack doored he didnt get a chance to compete. That was team Jesse that did that. Jesse got what he gave
@ Matt…thanks for all of the info! love this site! p.s…are they going to plan to backdoor Russ? Any talk of that? I cant wait until midnoght! LOL
midnight (lol)
i think jeff,jorden,russ and michele will stay kind of loyal until the final 4.i think might seperate in teams but,then i keep reading that j/j believe this lie.i hope not.trust always has been an issue in the games but,this season is really bad for not trusting.i think when it gets to the final 4 russ and michele are going after each other.if they do not team up to take out j/j.i hope nat leaves first then kevin and lydia can draw straws.
I don’t believe J/J believe anything that the other side says just yet. Why would they believe Kevin, when all he does is hang out with those two losers (Nat/Lydia). J/J needs to keep the numbers for two more weeks then the fun begins. I believe Mich has planted seeds of doubt with J/J. She also has a deal with Russ. Mich is playing to win the whole thing. Underdog
Glad for update on Chima getting the boot. I got home last nite turned on bbad & saw Jordan was new hoh. No sign of Chima or how hoh got changed. I think it was a great idea to let America choose the wizard power. With the way the game was going w/ team Jess, who would want watch? They were just picking off people because they had numbers.
Chima couldn’t help it thar she is so beautiful. Her real, both Jeff and Russell wanted her but she wanted Jesse
Is Julianna watching the same show we are?
What the heck are you talking about Juliana i am confused WHAT???? Man Jeff couldnt stand Chima but Russ did like her untill she went crazy and blamed him for thinking he was mad by talking to Rat Face Ronnie.
So does any body know who Jorden put up yet??????
alva thanks for the info on Russ wanting to get Jeff out and i hope Jeff understands that its a game and he will be targeted by Russ and even Michelle later in the game.
Beauty what beauty does and Chima had no beauty maybe in her own heat but not on Big Brother but she did make it big am i right? YA BIG BRO. ROCKS AND ROLLS!!!
WAIT LET ME RIGHT THAT AGAIN.. I meant Beauty is what beauty does and Chima had no beauty maby in her own heart thats what i was supposed to right.
big brother is a joke..the guys get on this show just to hook up with some ditzy girl..day one jeff went after jordan..hes not even playin the game..just layin around with her..he even threw the game for her..what a wuss..
these ppl are stupid..they play the game for other ppl instead of themselves…i hope this show gets cancelled..
To comment # 134, I agree with you. As people get voted out, you have to turn on each other, because there is no one left. Problem is that no one explained that to Jess,Gnat,Lydiot,Chima,& Kevin. What do you think?
Not sure if anyone will read this but here goes…………..
I was just watching the flashback 8/18 12 AM fast forward to around 12:15 AM and Natalie is giving drugs to Lydia. Why hasn’t BB production taken them away!!!!! Lydia states she needs some wonder drug and out comes the orange container from the drug drawer. Lydia says she is going to the client after the BB is completed and laughs. So sad what BB11 production/CBS will do for ratings.
linda e someone wrote awhile back when nat gave that girl pills.cant remember the name of them but is just like aleve but a higher dose.not that it makes it right b/c they are prescription drugs.in ny its illegal.i hope her dr. is watching.
does anyone on here read jokers update just curious.
im glad big lips is out of that house becuase all she does is start trouble and stick her nose were it doesnt belong and i bet her grand parents are mad at her for being so rude
iv never read that before bluezey60
Big Brother we miss Will and Boogie. It’s never been the same since they were on. Where on earth did you find the crazies?
hey cheri i just started,pretty cool.lets say good bye to nat. lydia will chill i think no one to help her push buttons.she is a follower.