Big Brother 11 HoH Endurance Competition Tonight?

Tonight on Big Brother 11 we may be facing our first endurance competition of the season. That means for the Head of Household competition the eligible HGs, everyone but Jessie, will be placed in a physically exhaustive race to see who can last the longest and emerge as the new HoH. This could go all night.

The great part of the HoH endurance competitions is that you can watch the whole thing play out in real time on the live feeds. If you haven’t yet signed up for the Live Feeds free trial then this is the time to get them and be ready for tonight in case it does happen.

BigBrotherUpdates is claiming the endurance comp is “confirmed” but gives no back up to “confirm” this “confirmation.” I’d like to take this opportunity to confirm that I am the sexiest stud evah. Confirmed.

If it does turn out to be an endurance comp then crank up your live feeds and join us here on Big Brother Network as we keep the coverage going until it’s all over.

Update: The HGs sure do seem to think it’ll be an endurance comp. They’re trying to decide what to wear and how to be ready for it. They’ve been on lockdown for a long time so BB could have the time it needs to prep. Jeff is thinking of stuffing his pockets with candy to keep him going.



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  1. This will be fun to watch if it, indeed, is an endurance comp. I’m sure if you ask Russell, he’ll tell you he has it locked. You know, him being a “Pro MMA” fighter that no one can seem to find anywhere on line. I do know that he has a wrestling background from UC Davis with a record of 25-1. Love him or hate him, he does know how to win. Not bad Russ,. It’s gonna really blow if someone like Michele takes you down. We will see.

  2. If it’s something hanging then Russell is going to have a lot of extra weight to keep up in the air. We will see indeed. Should be lots of fun as always.

  3. Yes Matt, the weight thing is a huge disadvantage. History has generally proved that the lean men and women usually wind up winning endurance comps. Get out the drinks and get ready for a looong night.

  4. I don’t see those over-sized golf clubs being involved in an endurance competition so maybe we are in for a double competition tonight.

  5. its not gonna be an endurance comp this week…Matt isnt a sexy stud…the golf clubs the house guests have been given is what the HoH competition is most likely about

  6. Maybe they will have to hold a golf club over their head until they can’t anymore. BB loves to make the HG’s think one thing, then do another. It’s funny to watch them practice golfing, only to see it have nothing to do with golfing. One can only speculate.

  7. @Ian: I’d like to think those two aren’t mutually exclusive!

    The HGs seem pretty convinced it’ll be an endurance comp. I wonder if the DR is toying with them.

    @MD: Agreed. They do a good job of distracting the HGs with a wave of the left hand while the right comes around for the slap.

  8. Twitter says – “Looks like it is endurance. The HGs were told not to dress up. Get ready.”

  9. To me, game starts NOW, if that is accurate. I believe EVERY HG should be thinking win at this point.
    I love when the in-competition “deals” are made and broke. This is usually the turning point in the game that turns “friends” into “foes”.There is enough parnoia/incentive to fuel anyone’s fire. Let the games, BEGIN! Should be good!

  10. LOL!! just read your update, Matt. “stuffing the pockets w/ candy”. Jeff, cracks me up. It’s not even a dumb idea, but coming from him, he probably made it sound dumb. Don’t kill me for saying that readers, I think he’s a stand up guy.

  11. PARTY TIME IN BB HOUSE, or MAKE OR BREAK FOR THE GOOD GUYS. In just a few minutes, you east coasters get the live eviction and HOH show. Enjoy and don`t give up watching BB cause things don`t go your way and good guys don`t always win. Remember, in reality life, good guys DON`T always win!.

  12. If it is a endurance comp. I hope like hell Jeff wins, or if by chance Casey stays in hope funny would it be if he won the HOH!!!!!!

  13. Now Jeff doesnt HAVE to win HOH because we know American is going to pick Jeff. But if Jeff is the HOH and America’s pick that is alot of power for one person.

    Vote for Jeff!

  14. I hope Natalie wins the HOH and then Jeff gets the Coup D’Etat and overrides her nominations and puts Jesse and Ronnie up on the block. Now that would stir the pot. Go Jeff and Jordan.

  15. I gotta say, BB watches these boards. Great double twist with the clique and COUP Dโ€™ETAT. I think we can all rest easy knowing the right thing will be done. As with the majority of people who want to it done right, 81818 2(jeff) is the only vote to cast. It WILL be done. Argue different…it really doesn’t matter.


  17. Big Brother should also shake up the house by letting America vote back in a houseguest. It has happened before. Brng Casey back, and go JEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. All you people jumping on Jeff’s band wagon. He chose the losing side like James did in season 9. I hope you people give the America’s choice to someone who is playing a smart game and not someone who’s own decision to turn on his team has him in the minority. Let’s go Russell or Chima aka NBK!!!

  19. I want RONNIE . JESSIE and Natilie out. JEFF needs Americas vote! Jeff is the person that’s the most honest and caring person. He needs the power. BRING BACK CASEY!!

  20. The show is not the same without casey. Why watch now? he was the best! If he doesnt come back I will not watch it again

  21. Just Jeff and Russell left they both say they won’t put the other one up if one will just drop. May be a long night. I’m watching it on BB After Hours on Showtime2.

  22. Chris – get a clue…. You are mad you picked a meat head who has no clue how to play the game….. Read this message and tell me it is not true….. Well – well – wellโ€ฆ.. Russell is the winnerโ€ฆ. It looks like you Jeff fans will only be able to see one of Jessieโ€™s team go home if Jeff is dumb enough to use the power and nominate two of thwemโ€ฆ He wonโ€™t because he will instantly have the rest of team Jessie targetingn him / Jordanโ€ฆ. News flash Jeff / Jordan fansโ€ฆโ€ฆ. Read Jessieโ€™s comments about the houseguestsโ€ฆ.. If Jeff uses the power to screw Jessie / Natalie or Chima, he will only be able to evict one personโ€ฆ That will leave thtwo of them and Russell and the rest of NBK gunning for himโ€ฆ He will try to get Ronnie out and I guarantee he wonโ€™t be dumb enough to go efter Natalie / Jessie / Russell / Chima next week because he would instsntly be the #1 target for whoever stays in the house the week afterโ€ฆ He isnโ€™t James / Chelsea / Josh and Sharon from seaon #9 who made that same fatal mistake when they evicted Matt in seaon #9 and pissed off Natalie / Adam / Ryan / Sheilaโ€ฆ. If Jeff want anyone chance of winning he wonโ€™t jump in the fireโ€ฆ Go Team Jessi / Natalie / Russell. P.S. Read Jessieโ€™s comments about the houseguests when he was HOHโ€ฆ. He said ROnnie is expendableโ€ฆ L~O~L!!!

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