Update: The HoH endurance competition is now over. Click here and head to the bottom of the post to see who won!
It’s the end of Week 3 in the Big Brother 10 house and we’ve arrived at the live eviction. Either Jessie or Angie will be evicted and I doubt we’ll have a surprise.
I’ll be updating this post here with the eviction and HoH competition results.
Live Eviction voting:
Angie had an awesome “last stand” speech. Very smart and impressive. Jessie bumbled he was through his and couldn’t complete a sentence that didn’t include “I”, “me”, or “myself”. He also used “respect” about a dozen times.
- Memphis: Evict Angie
- Michelle: Evict Angie
- Jerry: Evict Angie
- Renny: Evict Angie
- Libra: Evict Angie
- April: Evict Angie
- Ollie: Evict Angie
- Dan: Evict Angie
It’s official, Angie has been evicted.
By a vote of 8-0, Angie has been evicted from Big Brother 10. I would agree with Ollie’s earlier comment. This is the dumbest BB cast.
We just saw a glimpse out back and it definitely looks like an endurance competition! Jump on the live feeds and watch it all! Everyone was lined up on the second story of a building’s exterior. The stage behind it was moving. Perhaps it’s an earthquake theme where they have to hold on to the bar as it shakes…
America’s Player
America voted and the new AP is Dan! I was right! Dan is nervous that it will hurt his game, but says that if this is what America wants then he’ll do it! His first assignment will be to nominate who we tell him to.
HoH competition – “Living on the Edge” Endurance Competition:
Watch it live on the feeds right now with me. I’ll be updating progress here until we have a winner.
8:55PM ET: Everyone still hanging on. BB just turned on some heavy fans.
9:00PM ET: Waiting for the Big Brother Feed to turn on.
9:05PM ET: The feeds just went live! Everyone still hanging on…
9:15PM ET: The HGs keep singing and getting yelled at. Everyone still on and in high spirits. Dan talking the most.
9:23PM ET: Libra just bailed! She jumped off intentionally. 8 others remain!
9:24PM ET: I think it’s Dan, but one of the guys is doing lines from “The Karate Kid”. “Sweep the leg!” It’s funny, but of course BB cuts away to no doubt yell at them for it.
9:33PM ET: Jerry is down as well. Not sure when he dropped, probably during a break in the feeds. Only seven remain!
9:35PM ET: Dan just jumped after asking Memphis, “what happens when you get three strikes in baseball?” Only six remain!
9:41PM ET: BB turns the heavy fans on and blows a rotten egg smell at the remaining HGs. Jerry is whispering to the peanut gallery that he thinks Jessie is having trouble. Jessie doesn’t look top notch but I think he’s alright for now.
9:46PM ET: Ollie just dropped! Only 5 remain…
9:55PM ET: Nothing to report. 5 remain. The HGs still playing are staying quiet.
9:59PM ET: Jessie is down! Again, must have happened during the feed break. Damn, BB, come on! Four remain: Memphis, Michelle, April, and Renny. Who will win?!
10:04PM ET: Memphis dropped! Just the three ladies remain.
10:10PM ET: April just asked how her hair looked. She commented earlier that she wants to look good through this competition because it “might end up in Maxim”. You wish. April does look the most comfortable up there. Michelle seems to be permanently bent over, to which the men are shouting, “yeah, take it Michelle.” Classy bunch we’ve got here.
10:15PM ET: Cameras aren’t even showing Renny, but I assume she’s still up there. April looks very comfortable, like she’s just hanging out. Michelle is still bent over. Ah, cameras just zoomed out and there’s Renny. 3 remain…
10:20PM ET: No changes to report. This could go on for awhile as all 3 ladies are in different factions. April is part of KOAL (Keesha, Ollie, April, & Libra). Michelle is part of JAMM (Jessie, ex-HG Angie, Memphis, & Michelle). Renny is off in her own world, so she’ll stay to fight for herself. I don’t see any of these ladies giving it to the other and dropping.
10:25PM ET: Dan is having a great motivational speech for Renny. Telling her that no one wants her to give up. He’d do it for her but he’s “too old”. Now he’s shouting encouragements to Michelle about how she came from the smallest state in the country. This is pretty funny. You should be watching it too.
10:30PM ET: Keesha is kissing some major April ass. She must be thinking ol’ Bleachie is gonna win.
10:35PM ET: Michelle is now making requests for SoCo (Southern Comfort) in her manliest voice. 3 remain: Renny, April, and Michelle.
10:38PM ET: Big Brother shook the ledge for about 30 seconds. I wonder if they’re trying to catch someone by surprise w/ that? It didn’t work this time. 3 remain…
10:40PM ET: Renny looks like she’s having a hard time. April continues to look cool and collected. No visual on Michelle at the moment, but she’s still there. I can sense it.
10:45PM ET: Renny is down! She almost fell off, but spun around and grabbed on facing the wall. April informed her she couldn’t be facing that way. The other HG’s told her she had violated the rules and had to drop. So she did without contesting it. Pretty good sport about it. Well done, Renny. 2 remain: April and Michelle.
10:50PM ET: Neither of these ladies look ready to go anywhere anytime soon. April just commented that her body is numb. Michelle agrees.
10:55PM ET: Big Brother just cranked up the big fans again. Might have added some mist this time too. Michelle is shouting back at it…
11:00PM ET: Both ladies are hanging strong.
11:05PM ET: Same state. Both April and Michelle are doubled over, hanging on to that bar for dear Big Brother life.
11:07PM ET: “My whole body hurts,” says April. Michelle mumbled something back, likely confirming a similar sensation.
11:10PM ET: Michelle keeps saying, “oww.” Is this a sign that she’s weakening??
11:14PM ET: April just called in her motivational speech from Dan. This is hilarious. I hope you’re getting all this too. Dan better get to stick around for a long time this season! “Triple overtime. 27-27. How bad do you want it??”
11:18PM ET: Michelle just said, “I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.” Then she started playing the “I gotta see pictures of my family.” To which April replied, “me too.”
11:19PM ET: Michelle is now asking if April will promise not to put her up. We could be nearing the end!
11:20PM ET: Hah. Michelle then asked if April had a lot left in her, to which April replied affirmatively. Michelle immediately changed her tune to saying she was still going strong as well. I think Michelle is lying and will drop in the next 30 minutes. Maybe, maybe not.
11:22PM ET: Michelle is shuddering as she tries to keep going. April told her to stop crying. April has also offered to share her bottle of HoH wine with her if she’ll drop. “F that,” said Michelle. She wants the whole bottle.
11:26PM ET: April just whispered to Michelle that she’d put up Jessie if she’d drop. I’m not sure that’s what Michelle wanted to hear!
11:28PM ET: Michelle just asked for confirmation that April wouldn’t put her up. Now April is saying she won’t nom Jessie because she understands that Michelle needs Jessie like she needs Ollie. April says she just needs the HoH room (implied it’s for unfettered sex with Ollie). Now they’re swearing that if they’re in this position next week that April will throw it to Michelle.
11:35PM ET: Michelle is still hanging on while crying and shuddering. April is still calm and smooth. April tells Michelle that she doesn’t know what else she can promise her. Michelle is asking for more swearing (promising) from April.
11:40PM ET: Michelle has dropped!! It’s over. April is the new HoH!
Congratulations to April, the new HoH! Now that she’ll have a private room you can expect non-stop sex with her and Ollie. Jump on the live feeds to watch it all, ya know, if you’re into that kinda thing…
Thanks to all you readers for dropping by and sticking with me through the endurance competition. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and will be back soon to keep up on the daily Big Brother 10 updates!
Watch the excitement live & uncensored right now!
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Why is everybody sticking with each other like they are in High School again? CAN ANYBODY THINK for themself????
Are we not watching the same thing that they are seeing?
I am very surprised that jesse is still in the game!! but i’m glad!!
This is a really dumb move…they should have got rid of Jesse when they had the chance…now hes probably gonna win HOH!
They are clearly all idiots…not just on this vote but in all of their discussions where they mention who they believe should be eliminated. They keep trying to eliminate the weaker players instead of going for the stronger players…that is beyond stupid. Jesse is the stronger one over Angie and he’s the biggest prick and self-serving ass in the house. Memphis is completely mental…going after a 75 year old man after he called you a womanizer? Are you kidding me…that was not offensive in the least and you just blew up like you were on crack. Michelle is the other pure idiot of the bunch…she goes after Jerry because she heard that Jerry mentioned here name…omg, someone said your name? Holy crap, Michelle you should kick their ass for even saying the word Michelle…geez, can we be an more self-absorbed. Ollie and April have to be the next biggest idiots of the bunch and totally disgusting. I mean, come on, you are freaking screwing each other on TV and then you are hoping that everyone watching respects you…skanky. Keesha, is just clueless, nothing else to say, completely clueless. Libra, a bitch but a smart bitch. Dan is pure genius…Go Dan. Renny and Jenny are just ok…nothing really bad to say.
Never mind, Dan is an idiot after all…why the hell do you jump!!?? I know you are trying to lie low but geez, take someone with you!!!
I agree with the last comment. I am now cheering for Dan. I can’t stand Libra though….and Michelle is beyond stupid…
Is “lemming” one of the qualities they had to put on their applications this season? They all deserve whatever Jesse throws at them!
I’m w/ you Olivier. I think Dan will end up being my favorite this season. He turned out to be a lot more likeable than they had us believe before the season started.
i take it back Dan…if it was the last competition I would hope he’d be smart enough to take someone down before jumping off himself, but in this case he has to be careful. But Ollie…way to go to help you team, loser! Why don’t you go get yourself warmed up for April the skank. Sheesh…now we have to hope that loser Jesse or Memphis don’t win, frack me.
You`re right Matt. Dan has been really wise so far. The only mistake he made was to trust Ollie at the very beginning. Tom is right too though….they deserve whatever Jesse Throws at them…
I agree with you Tom…they all deserve whatever jesse throws at them…its a game…they are all playing it…and he gets egged on as well
Lemming is perfect…they clearly can’t think. I just don’t want Steroid Jesse or Anger Management Memphis to win.
This is by far one of the worst BB cast so far….without a doubt!
“Anger Management Memphis”. Haha! That’s pretty good. I hope it sticks!
Yea…i seen a commercial tonight about the bb cast from last year and i miss them…it was much better…but, this game is just beginning!!!
I know Amanda….but when theres only 10 people left in the house and you are still looking for a favorite…it sux! :P
Sweet Jesse is down…good news. He must have been lonely for a mirror.
omg april and renny need to hand on for dear life! i think renny is gonna drop next though! i think april is doing good because she is so light!
Woaoaoaoa……JESSE IS DOWN!:) I want Renny to get this…..
Agreed. I think every season I complain “these HGs aren’t nearly as good as last season.” But by the end I’m usually pretty satisfied.
jesse is down…shit…he was my favorite
ha ha jessie is down sweet yay! lol he must have been craving a protein shake lol
Lol…worst case scenario is that Michelle wins this…
come on renny and april!
i hope michelle wins…i like their alliance
I dont…Jesse is wayyyy to cocky. Michelle is stupid. Angie was alright and Memphis, according to my friend theyareallidiots, needs some anger management work! haha….but I respect your choice Amanda! ;)
yes memphis is down
Come on April and Renny!!!! I hate Michelle
:O…..3 ladies left???? Thought the guys would dominate that competition….boy was I ever wrong!
michelle reminds me of amber from a previous big brother season
i think the advantage to this competition is being light weighted
yea i think so
Michelle = horse face.
Actually, a horse whose face has been beaten severly by a loser body builder with a tiny penis.
i thought it would have been funny if dan won with him being AP of the week!!
come on michelle DROP!!!!!!
“April….“might end up in Maxim”. You wish. ”
HAHA…Awesome “You Wish”…so true, hehe.. try “Minim” or “Skankum”
no michelle…hang on…lol…sorry kael
Michelle has to fall..Can’t stand her
I dont even find April attractive…something weird about her face….
She can’t hang on with out her “man” Jesse being there…
Go Renny Go!
agreed, Olivier….she is not pretty at all, much better than Michelle but not that pretty. Angie would have been my favorite if not for that cancer stick.
michelle is bent over cuz she’s sucking jessie lol
LOL, Kael. NICE!!
looks like these ladies could be up here all night! come on renny and april you can do it! do it for our alliance!
yeah dude.. I want renny to win dis so bad… im really proud of her.. and whoever is running dis site.. thanks for the play by play.. i dont have da feeds.. so ur hooking it up!!!
Go Renny Go!!!! April should take one for the team and jump on Michelle and pull her down.
Ugh!!! I hope April wins……or Renny…Michelle is such a bitch!!!
@Chris: No problem. I’m happy to run the updates here on the site. Glad you’re enjoying them!
If Renny holds out, the rest should be sooo embarassed
yep thanks a lot Matt….awesome job buddy!
Go Renny
michelle just drop with your portugese butt!
I love this site! I am reading your updates and then yelling them to my husband in the other room!! I am so glad I don’t have to stay up and wait for showtime to see who wins!! Thank you!!!!
i agree…thanks matt
If Renny wins, do you think she will put up Libra and Jesse?
yea jessie should be so embarrased lol
haha…I hateeeeeeeee Michelle….the fact that she went up the HOH room and lied about the banner was soooooo cheap towards Libra….even though I hate Libra too!
The best BB by far was Season 2. I want to see another Dr. Will in a future season. He made this show especially entertaining
I personnaly miss James….the POV king
i think renny would put up jessie and jerry!
come on ppl and fall so i can go to bed…ha ha
How many here think Michelle is a Man? Jesse probably checked already but I truly believe he wouldn’t care.
James was a good player and as for last years player i could not stand natalie!!!!
libra is my favorite!!!!!
i honestly don’t see where michelle is that bad lookin!!! is it just me??
haha….well being a man I gotta say it was nice to see Natalie around but she was so dependant of Matt and was stupid too… But I understand your point Amanda! hehe
michelle will definatly do whatever Jessie tells her too.
i hope April wins, so she can get rid of Jessie.
Amanda, yes just you. :)
Michelle looks good when she’s not in the room.
yea…matt was different!!!
natalie was very ignoring
Michelle is bad looking….Im sorry!
Bleachie…haha, that is a good one too.
michelle is sooooooo ugly
haha damn Im tired,…..still hoping for April and Michelle to give up so I can sleep like a baby….
I swear it looks like someone kicked in Michelle’s face…I’m being serious here, it just looks sunken in…maybe it is the mouth that makes her look bad or possibly her attitude too.
why do you think they all voted to evict angie?? i never seen that one coming the way they were talking?? did i miss something there??
I think Michelle use to be “Mitchell”
i think Jerry and Jesse should go up……thats the best thing to do at this point…and Libra should be put up in case of either one of them winning P.O.V
They made it seem that way Amanda…they kicked Angie out because they did not have the balls to get rid of Jesse…..BIG MISTAKE
You took the words right out of my mouth! hahaha
yea i’m not a fan of old jerry!! too cocky
Thanks again for the site!!!! We love being able to know what’s going on right now —-and I still have DIALUP! I KNOW —-but what’s a girl without access to do! Thanks alot!
michelle looks like amber really!
hope renny or even april wins….get rid of the stupid JAMM alliance….the only good person in that alliance was angie and she just got voted off.
Amanda, if you watch the showtime or other feeds you’d see it coming. CBS cut it for the show so it looked otherwise. They were purely stupid and listened to Keesha all the way…Keesha is clueless and could not see that Jesse is the biggest idiot and the biggest threat. For a second I thought the rest of them would have wised up but they were just completely doing what Keesha wanted. Quite sad, given that she has no power now so it made no sense to do what Keesha wanted. Poor game players all around.
Michelle and Jesse seems sooo close….and if they hook up, they would make such a good couple because Jesse Looks animated like Mr.Incredible from the movie (The Incredibles)LMAO!!! He’s not cute at all!!!
Michelle has got to go home!
oh i totally agree!!! totally!!!
I can’t believe Big Brother was so fast in creating that HOH competition stage so close to the Earthquake…either they lucked out completely, or had this planned for a later show and decided to bring it now or this was the weirdest coincidence ever.
I personally think Jesse looks like jimmy neutron
Keesha is always saying how she isn’t stupid and that she understands the game…uhh..obviously not! Jesse should be gone, not Angie
Ya damn right B! Damn right…Keesha took personal what happened to Steven….wake up idiot, you did not even vote for him to stay!
I’ve got to disagree with u TheyAreAllIdiots. Angie was a bigger threat really than Jesse. Jesse has no brains at all. Angie could of played a pretty good game. Did u see how she played with Michelle’s mind regarding Jerry’s talk with her. Jesse is just a tool…they told him what to do while he was HOH…remember how he wanted to put up Renny, he was almost crying about it like a baby. So, everyone shut him up and told him to put up real threats.
no updates yet?
i know…thats what i didn’t understand about keesha…cause she voted to evict him too…she’s fucked!!
yeah put Jimmy Neutron and Mr. Incredible together……Yep! Made a 22 year old baby Named Jesse lol
My pleasure! Glad everyone found their way to the site and is enjoying my new BB site. Keep coming back all season if you liked what you saw. Thanks!
comon Renny.. she’s gotto win this.. for everyone who counted her out… although i wouldn’t mind is smiley Mc’Bleachie wins it (for now)… just so long as pigs feet eating Jesse worshipping, Portuguese amber wana-be doesn’t get it..
I like the way you think Amanda! I think we should get in the BB house together! lol…
nino, you are correct…Angie has the bigger brains but is not as vengeful as Jesse. I believe he would use his steroids to help him win competitions because Angie seemed like a push over…though that’s probably her strategy and she got me.
Yup! I was counting on you Matt cause I check your site everday from work and saw ur guna post play by plays so i emailed myself your link…Thanks again dude
sounds good oliver!!! ha ha
Yeah, thanks Matt… Thank you for the updates for us cheapskates.
damn it…GO April
Did you see Jimmy Neurton drink his cha cha milky and spill down his face and neck??? He was too busy looking at himself in the mirror!
come on April gotta win this
1 to go
go april! if Michelle wins she’ll target Keesha and Libra. APRIL, YOU CAN DO IT!
These players play by emotions. They deserve whatever Jesse can throw at them.
Thats sad that Renny held on longer than all the guys….the guys are sooo fuckin weak!!
Michelle fall down come on….
For some reason I think the “Mitchell” in Michelle is going to allow her to win this competition…Come on April!
I want to go in the house with Oliver and Amanda too! haha
Not a fan of April but anything else than Michelle will do for tanite! :P
haha….KK, Amanda and Olivier….it sounds really good! :P
damN!!!!! she still put up a good time.. will give da other HG something to think about.. well.. here’s putting all ur eggs on April
my gut is tellin me that Michelle is gonna take it…………but….im like really wishin that April would just hold on
sounds good to me guys but i can’t get in…i’m from canada
nah.. if michelle wins.. she’ll go after Keesha for sure. I REALLY like keesha.. dont want to see that happen.. (even though she was stupid in not switching things off to jessie at the end today earlier)
SO AM I amanda! What province are u from?
this competitions sucks, i remember in the pressure cooker in BB6 they all stayed for 6 hours, and the competition was over in 9 hours. this season the competion will probably be done before 3 hours have passed.
GO APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish they had a show combining US and Canada…..that would be awesome!
Renny is out =(.. now it’s up to April. God I hate Michelle
Im from Qc…spent few years in NL though..
ahh cool…anyone else from canada
Qc too…it seems more canadians watch the show :)
where about in NS?
Damn Canadians…we need to invade Canada.
nino where about in Qc? Parle francais?
truro area
i’m from canada! montreal babyyyyyy
haha! I dont mind the americans! I think they`re great….specially theyareallidiots! ;)
ok…know any RCMP?
im fron Canada too!
Can you imagine Michelle’s hair after this? It looks nasty when she thinks it is fixed!
yep…why?? who??
where at in canada chris
just asking if you knew any of them working in NS? I know a few…
Yeah, you better like me…or my Texas ass will sit on you…thankfully it won’t be some ugly Portugeese Ass (I’m just talking about Michelle, all you people from Portugal…only Michelle, err I mean Mitchell)
Miami :)
J’habite a Mtl. Et comme tu vois je parle francais :)
wher at in ns do they work??
nice…mtl est cool…trop de traffic par contre!
nah im just messing wit u all.. when I go to epcot in disney world, I always chill in Canada though.. dunno if that helps..
April is a whiny bitch, I hope she gets evicted!!!!!!!
OMG…French Canadians…RUN!!!! Run Away!!
good question…some were in Halifax…some in something county…
oye gente.. back to BB!!!
haha…french canadians are good people man…we have got the HABS! :P
april really needs to win this because michelle will get rid of keesha and i like keesha. They already had there chance but decided not to when they could really beat angie . i want april to win HOH and have jesse go home!!
Le traffic on s’y habitue. Toi tu viens d’ou au Qc?
really i don’t know why french canadians have a bad reputation even in the US
Go April……Bhouuuuuuuuuuuuu Michelle
well ladies and gentlmen.. i gotto shower… lets hope april gets dis… good night all.. thanks again Matt!
We have Indians here be we don’t gloat about it. :)
Im from Quebec city!
:) Amanda…we defenitly gotta hang out…..ill get us some tickets this winter :P
Come on Michelle just quit….we want to see jesse loosing it again this week and hopefully it will be his last
These players are the dumbest players I have seen on Big Brother. What is their motive? They are spineless and almost worth not watching! I am very disappointed it what I have seen so far!
As much as I loved the Memphis/Michelle/Jessie/Angie alliance, they are SO DUMB for voting out Angie who was clearly not a threat. I will laugh if Michelle wins and puts up Libra and April because that’s who I would evict! They are ANNOYING!!!!!!
remember hockeyville??
yep yep!
i agree with you nino jesse needs to go
hat…montreal and ottawa came to trur and played a game…
michelle is a fighter,
she’ll be hanging in there 4 a while.
i pray April has what it takes to beat her
Nice…did u go?
April is top heavy with those fake boobs, she’ll drop for sure
sorry..only half my story there….we won hockeyville…montreal and ottawa played in truro…and the stanley cup was here and so was don cherry and his side kick
Michelle, fall already! Some of us have to work in the morning!
i think if april wins she needs to put up jesse and michelle or someone else as a pawn so they know they are gonna get one of those 2 out of the house
soo much Jessehate…
it’s too bad, i think he’s hilarious.
he’s so blindly in love with himself he doesn’t even ever bother to hide it. his goodbye speech to stephen? unreallllll!
i think people just need to take him less seriously… and embrace him for the good TV that he is.
libra on the other hand.. bring on the hate!
LOL…Canadians Rule, Top Heavy yes…at least she’ll have padding when she falls down.
you can sense it…any minute now. Look Michelle, Jesse is waiting for you just fall to him.
LOL…..! I like you all people….we have 1 thing in common: we`re crazy enough to stay here all night to see who wins HOH!!!!
hehe, Yup Olivier…sad but true.
LOL ur right oliver and i think its gonna be soon i want michelle to drop because shes weak!!!!
how true is that oliver…ha ha
whose on facebook
in the picture it looks like april looks better than michelle
:)….Ill be here every show now…you guys better be back too….that will make this season more interesting! Not counting on Jerry anymore….lol
I’m on a couch…recliner actually, not on a facebook at the moment.
Sorry I soo cant stand Michelle and her wanna be gangsta mafia talk BS.. ughhh im soo over her and her throwing herself all over those guys. like a little puppy with fleas you cant get rid of.. ughhhh
u mean u were at one point???
no! ;)
i agree with you wildflower
boohooo michelle.. wahh cry me a river build a bridge and get over it. Shes prolly holding out so that jesse will let her give him a bj.. ahh i cant stand that dumb heffer
wildflower ur so right…this JAMM gang is annoying…u’ve got a guy who needs anger management, another one who is abusing steroids and finally an amber clone (seems she’s even worse coz she becomes paranoid when she hears her name in a conversation)
Michelle looks “very” uncomfortable in that picture….April looks like she’ll hold out longer ( Michelle !!!!!”DROP BITCH”!!!!!)
i don’t understand how anyone likes april.
she has smiled like twice the entire show. and done nothing interesting (yes i remember her letting the 70 year old man grab her boobs – not interesting, just a little greasy).
Wildflower, we all actually believe that Michelle is the man in that relationship…so she be getting the BJ instead. Plus Jesse likely has a tiny wiiiiii….steroids do that.
Michelle needs to drop My god …. I can stay here all night though if i need to … And Iam also from Canada
i love dan.
Nino, EXACTLY…she’s definitely an Amber Clone, I agree.
I love nikki…..euh, Dan! lol
hopefully they can stay on till big brother after dark :)
we don’t like aprils but u have got to pick the lesser of two evils
I just found this site and it’s awesome. Time for Michelle to drop!
come on april!
Remember how much everyone hated Evil Dick? Remember who won? Jesse sure is getting alot of attention…………
wildflower, that what I said before too…I can’t believe she went off just because her name was mentioned, that was so pathetic. ANd the idiot Anger Management Memphis goes crazy because someone calls him a Womanizer…omg, please don’t call me a Womanizer because that is so offensive…please.
michelles family? hahaha why doesnt she just borrow gizmos pic.. oh wait hes way cuter then her and her whole family prolly. My god shes like MR. Eds Sister.. and I swear if she starts that mafioso talking again i will strap her to cement blocks myself lol
michelle is begging april and i bet she doesnt need to see pictures she just wants to get libra out
Hurry up MITCHELL, I need to go do a number 2….drop it or I’ll drop it on you!!!
yes just drop michelle crap!
Olivier! come on.. you gotta give dan a little love… have you even SEEN his black bandana, black beater, gold chain ensemble?
you gotta give that shit respect.
uhmm hello he sat there and bragged on his intro video about how all these women gave him stuff.. durrrrr… can we say you reap what you sow.. god what a freakin moron. that would be like me getting mad because someone called me a bitch.. oh wait I am rofl
lie april lie!!!!! just to win hoh
ok, I’m going to stop typing now, I’m just going to read every post by Wildflower, they are perfect!!!
I think the drama is way overrated and maybe even scripted. memphis and michelle going off on Jerry is just too over the top. Also hard to believe they would be so disrespectful. I think they’re told to overreact
this would be so cool if they stayed up until shotime came on
kael thats the same thing i said
mitchell is making me mad….quit already…
hahaha.. i swear michelle needs to just die already.. Im soo tired and actually have a life that I have to return too in the morning.. TADA… some people have those michelle we cant follow people around and wipe their behinds for attention.. omggggggg
Dan is a strong player. His stragety is perfect cause when people start to catch on he will be all of a sudden this great player winning everything. He’s from michigan…what do you expect. GO STATE.. ha im from michigan if you couldnt tell :D
nooooo…that’s another 35 minutes!!
Jerry shouldn’t have called him a womanizer. that was off-side.. of course it’s offensive.
and, it would more be like you getting mad for someone calling you a slut.. just to clear that up. you’d probably get mad, it’d be weird if you didn’t.
april, april, april, april, april, bring it home babbbbyyyyyy!
I dont have the live feeds but this is the best update site I found.. and atleast you guys are more entertaining then the people on there.. ahh… and as for ED I loved him fromt he begining. He was such an AHOLE thats what made him so great.. haha
Jesse is just a reflection moron. the only intelligent thing hes done is well.. wait nothing lol
michelle don’t cry becuz your boi jessie is goin gon the block and he will want nthn to do with you after you drop lol
damn it April, why’d you whisper that…crap. Don’t give the bitch motivation
April isn’t smart, that’s probably why.
womanizer….oh god what an insult….god forbid!! really, it’s so stupid to get mad for that reason. It’s not even an insult. He should of shut up and not reply. He went out as a looser who couldn’t control himself. He showed us he was a weak player and that the game was already outplaying him
Man if I was Jesse’s family I woud be so embarassed! How tall is he anyway 5’3″?
i wish I was a slut.. haha atleast I would get some.. I obstain but thanks for asking.. lol.. Its just a word or an opinion… they are like ash holes everyone has one. so what if he thinks that.. dont act like one.. helloo he has a woman but he sits there in the middle of the girls with the bikinis on then gets on national tv and says girls give me cars and blah blah blah and then says I got a girl I love.. helloooooooo can we say bi polar?
Again its just a word, who cares what some old man says, does it really change his world or anyones opinion of him.. NOOOOO everyone will still have the same opinion they did before and now its worse cause he looked like a complete looney toon
Ya know some men would take the womanizer remark as a compliment!
Dang i wish April would just win it already! I’m ready for bed =)
why would April tell her that? im sure thats making Michelle hold on even stronger
I’m on the westcoast, and I’m watching the previous recorded show from today..Ollie told April and Libra that they would be the dumbest cast if they didn’t vote off Jessie. Grrr..Keesha is so stupid!
jesse only knows about how much muscle he has and also the only thing it seems he says is all about him!!!!!!!!
I agree with you wildflower, and if Memphis truly did blow up like that and it was all for real, I’d be scared of him!
Keesha is really stupid.
i think that was the manditory requirement for HGs this season – double digit iqs.
I don’t have the live feeds, has anyone won yet?
Memphis needs ridlin, and jesse needs roids omg he lost 6 pounds.. where in his brain??? aha
no kidding, very strange cast, season indeed.
i think April’s Got this in the bag
uhmm next week.. sure agree you dumb fool you wont compete rofl… next week isnt the week after.. durdurdurdur
for sure the 6 pounds came from his 7 pound brain
jesse cant lose anything in his brain because he probably doesnt have one!
ED at least could think for himself- unlike Jesse. He did “what the house wanted”, and then he wants to whine about it??? Grow a pair
Is april really dumb enough to agree not to put up manchelle or jesse? or is she playing the game?
i think shes just playing the game because shes sneaky
or at least till after dark!!!!! so we can see michelle cry like a baby and stay with jesse all night
True ED was as honest as you can get in this game and he is one I will always remember. Jesse he is just butt ugly with that little bitty head on that roid body, can’t even stand to look at him.
isn’t the whole Michelle/Jesse thing strange it itself?
April is stupid if she makes a deal with Michelle. If she keeps her word and Jesse and Michelle are off the table for nominations, she has to nominate one of her own.
how many of these hoh deals are really kept. that got Kaysar kicked out and how many others from alliances and the supposed deals.. if she keeps that deal shes dumber then I thought she was… and i dont have high hopes for either of them lol
come on april hang in there! michelle just drop i mean your crying unless thats part of your dumbass strategy!
yea dont they have an age difference and i think michelle just wants the safety
At first I thought Jessie was a “forehead builder”! That thing is 2/3 of his face!
You think Jesse looks scary on TV…go here: http://americanidolamericanidol.blogspot.com/2008/07/big-brother-10s-jessie-naked.html I’m officially blind because I had to dig my eyes out with a spoon..I will never be the same.
april should nom Dan and Memphis, if one comes off they should backdoor Jessie, but only do that as a last resort
if you’re going to call someone a dumbass… you should probably at least make the rest of your sentence grammatically correct..
michelle just needs to fall and talk about how she should have won she should just cry herself to sleep
Let’s take a poll:
Does anyone actually find Jesse attractive?
damn for Michelle to be a so-called BADD ASS!!, she sure does “cry” alot!!uh-oh Is this another “Amber from BB8”??
ugh! 20 more minutes for me Til “Showtime”
You think Jesse looks scary on TV…go here:
I’m officially blind because I had to dig my eyes out with a spoon..I will never be the same.
from another site i hear she is making her deal that she wont even put them up after a POV so another words no backdooring so shes covering all bases/// then I hear she asked who she would nom and april is like i cant say they are watching
The keesha alliance discussed the deal making during endurance comps, they all agreed not to do it, then said if they had to wouldnt honor the deal
don’t make any deals with her april! we have to get jessie OUT!
jessie doesnt have a forehead he has a fivehead!
Thank god it’s over. Woohoo!
Hell Yeah!! APril is the new HOH!
Is it just me, or does Michelle remind you of “crying Amber” from BB past?
Omg april is the HOH D:
here is the offending site in pieces so you can copy and paste it easier if you even care:
Im sooo fuckin happy!! Whoo-hoo!!
Jesse isn’t cute, but none of the house guests are super pretty.
go april!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
APRIL WONNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keesha libra ollie and april r safe this week,
if she keeps her word so r jesse and michelle
this leaves renny jerry dan and memphis
yay.. ok i can go to bed now.. ni ni all if you want to see some interesting photos of michelles face and her crying this site here is entertaining rofl
If you ask me this might be one of the dumbest casts! Do they not know it’s smarter to kick your strong players out?! As long as Jessie remains in the house everyone’s stay in the house is at jepordy because he might be the one to win the game!
@266: Ahahaha! No way can I top that.
Awesome! Thanks to everyone for hanging out for the past 3 hours and chatting along through the endurance competition. I hope you all keep coming back and checking out the daily updates!
They wont let her put renny up i dont think, i hope she puts michelle and jessi lol that would really cause some fireworks…..im sooo happy!
THanks for the info guys.. I have made you a favorite site.. YOU ROCK!
Thanks for the site, Im new to this and hitting my refresh button to keep checking was almost as exciting as watching it! I will be watching after dark in a few here but wanted to say thanks again, glad i found this site…marked in favs
I’m so glad I found this site. I live in an area where I have a dial-up internet connection and the live feed is hard to watch….it’s so slow. Thanks for this site. I love it and I’ll be back, got it in my favs.