We’ve arrived at our new Big Brother 10 eviction night, Thursday. Woohoo! The live eviction and HoH competition will air tonight at 8/7c, so get ready. The big questions for tonight will be: HoH and America’s Player. Still no changes on the HGs plans to eliminate terribly dangerous game player Angie. Keesha should go to bed happy with this “huge threat” evicted. Sigh.
The other big heads up for tonight is that the Houseguests have been on a very extended lockdown inside the house. Very extended like 24 hours extended. That could mean a couple of things. Either BB10 is building a really complicated competition like with the Beetles in the first week or… Endurance Competition!!
If it’s an endurance competition I’ll be here all night recapping it for you live until the end. I’m just that dedicated to the cause. Either way, you’ll want to be sure to jump on the uncensored feeds and watch it all play out with me. The SuperPass 13% discount is back in effect for this week as well. Bonus!
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Dan would be a perfect America’s player. He kind of reminds me of Eric, but ten times better.
He is my favorite player in the house and I only think America’s help will get him farther.
I think you’re right. Out of the whole house, Dan seems the most similar to Eric.
He’s definitely likeable, but is in such a weakened position that I think he’ll have to work hard to gain some ground in the house.
Does anyone in this house have a mind of their own? Everyone kissess up to HOH. Break it up!!!!
I think it’s gonna be a Lady this year….Not Chima; Maybe Michelle, Lydia?? HUH…thoughts…