Before dropping, Michelle made April promise not to nominate her or Jessie, to which April agreed. Honestly, April could have said “screw you” to the request and Michelle wouldn’t have had an option. Michelle was crying and shuddering and just couldn’t hold out any longer while April likely could have stayed up there for several more hours. All the same, I think April will honor the agreement and keep those two safe.
With the number of HGs left quickly dropping and another two options off her list, April won’t have many choices tonight when she announces her nominations on the live feeds. April’s core alliance consists of: Keesha, Libra, and Ollie. So take those three off the list along with Michelle and Jessie (assuming April keeps her promise). That leaves: Renny, Jerry, Dan, and Memphis.
I don’t see April nominating Renny, so I’m taking her off the list too. Dan would be an easy target because he’s got no one to back up him and that means if he left there wouldn’t be any Keesha-like revenge seeking. However, I think the HGs are warming up to Dan and especially considering his hilarious motivational speeches last night (I really hope you got to hear him as “Mr. Inspiring Football Coach”). I don’t see Dan taking the heat, so he’s off the list too.
That leaves us with just two options: Jerry and Memphis. Memphis hasn’t done too much so far, besides winning the classic car, but he still has potential to do some damage. Jerry hasn’t been too popular of late and has been causing plenty of drama in the Big Brother 10 house, an often used excuse for someone’s nomination. Considering these conditions, I’m going with these two houseguests as my predictions for April’s nominations: Jerry & Memphis.
In a perfect and very entertaining world, April would throw caution to the wind and nominate Jessie and Michelle. It’d be hilarious and cause a fun-filled week of drama on the uncensored feeds. Is that likely to happen? Not at all, but I did stay up till midnight for April, so she owes me!
Update: Uh oh! While catching up on my overnight BB10 updates I’m seeing that it looks like April might be going back on her word afterall. Woohoo! From the sound of it I’m still half right on my prediction, but replace one “J” HG with the other. Hilarious. Poor little flesh-colored Michelin Man…
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I have been watching BB since year one. It seems every year these houseguests are losing their own minds and thoughts. This season they seem to be sharing ONE brain. I was so disappointed last night when Jerry, Renny and Libra did not vote out Jessie. There is no way in hell I would let someont talk and treate me the way Jessie has been treating these three. Do not get me wrong, he hasn’t done anything dramatic, but I would have given him the boot if I had the chance. BUT NOPE, the “one brain” focused on Angie…which by the way LOVED her speech, finally a brain thinking for itself.
I totally agree about Angie’s speech. It was awesome and probably one of the smartest and most well thought out talks given in the overall BB game. That probably also explains why it went over the heads of every single damn one of those fools who voted her out.
Great work though, Angie! I think you could have a career as Jack McCoy’s backup on Law & Order!
If April doesn’t put up Jesse she’s another fool! Get him out the house!!!
OMG I couldn’t agree more with Maggie. It was totally insane that NOBODY voted for Jessie. He proved himself to be crazy… the houseguests proved themselves to be lemmings…!
I agree that Angie rocks. Her speech proved her “awesomeness”.
The people in the house this season are flippin idiots. I definitely think Keesha lied, the reason she wanted Angie out is because the guys thought Angie was the prettiest. And she is. I say get Keesha out.
I could not believe what happened last night, are they crazy or what? I would have gotten rid of Jessie so fast, his head would have been spinning. He really gets on my nerves. I hope that decision to keep him there doesn’t come back to bite Keesha in her a– later. I think that she was a tad bit jealous of Angie,
and wanted her out of the house. I can’t get
over their voting …..UNREAL……
I think she was jealous too. It seemed more catty than strategic to nom Angie.