Big Brother 10 Week 3 Live Eviction and Endurance HoH Results
Update: The HoH endurance competition is now over. Click here and head to the bottom of the post to see who won! It’s the end of Week 3 in the Big Brother 10 house and […]
Update: The HoH endurance competition is now over. Click here and head to the bottom of the post to see who won! It’s the end of Week 3 in the Big Brother 10 house and […]
We’ve arrived at our new Big Brother 10 eviction night, Thursday. Woohoo! The live eviction and HoH competition will air tonight at 8/7c, so get ready. The big questions for tonight will be: HoH and […]
With tonight’s absence of a Big Brother 10 airing as usual the nominated HGs, Angie and Jessie, have been given a stay of eviction for one more night. Personally, I’m digging this shift in schedule […]
Allison Grodner said “no twists” this season. Seems Grodner thinks she must be running for election this season because that turned out to be a lie. America, meet your twist for Big Brother 10: BIG […]
Just a reminder that tonight at 9/8c CBS will be airing the Power of Veto episode for Big Brother 10. You and I already know who won it and what she did with it, but […]
Earlier this week Keesha, the current HoH, won the Power of Veto. At today’s PoV ceremony she had the option to save either Angie or Jessie, her original nominations. Keesha decided to not use the […]
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