Big Brother 10 Week 3 – Keesha’s HoH Nominations Confirmed

I was close. Keesha’s nominations are in and I’m half right and half pleased. Earlier I guessed that Angie would be a definite nom and the second would go to either Dan or Memphis, all the while hoping it was Jessie. I got my wish as Keesha has nominated Angie and that flesh colored Michelin Man, Jessie.

Big Brother 10 Week 3 Nominations: Angie and Jessie

The Power of Veto competition will take place Friday so watch it all live as Jessie continues to go ballistic in his search for respect and Angie does whatever it is that Angie does… Sign-up now and save with the discounted feeds!

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So who do you think will be sent packing on Wednesday? Vote below:



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  1. Jessie has won every competition he is in but I think it will change today at the POV ceremony. People might want the noms to stay the same because both are big targets, easy to say. But Dan has just made an alliance with Keesha and Dan is my new favorite. He’s playing the game really well, oppositing Dr. Will but playing a great game like him.

  2. i think for next bb13 the person who wins the pov and uese it to take someone or them selves off the block should be the one to nominate the person who replaces them and not the hoh.that would put a real twist to the game thank you

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