The PoV competition is over for the third week in the Big Brother 10 house. Yesterday we learned that the new HoH, Keesha, had nominated Angie and Jessie. Once again this week, neither of those nominated have won the PoV. That means we’ll get a ton more whining and begging from Jessie, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
The winner of the Power of Veto is… Keesha.
I’m guessing Keesha will leave her nominations alone at this point, but Jessie has been pleading to get Libra nominated in his place. I just don’t see Keesha rocking the boat that much to do it. What do you think?
Jump on the uncensored live feeds right now to get the discount before it expires.
She’ll probably keep the nominations the same. i have a feeling Angie will go this week, and Dan will go the next week, because the house wants to compleatly eliminate that alliance. Then it’ll the Ollie/April/Libra/Keesha alliance against the Memphis/Jesse/Michelle alliance, with Jerry and Renny floating
If Keesha has any brains she’ll take off Angie and put up i expect she won’t. I have watched every BB and so far this one is the most boring. And i’m furious the Vids have been shut down. I’m at the point i don’t even care if the show comes back or not.
@Joel: I totally agree on the noms remaining, but I’d love to see Jessie gone instead of Angie.
@tendr: I understand how folks are annoyed about RealNetworks cracking down on the free vid recaps, but it was killing their business as how can they sell what others are giving away? That could start to slide in the direction of RN making so little on the expensive process of making the feeds available that they just stop altogether. Then we’d all be screwed.
Every season I get the feeds and they’re totally worth it. They’re cheap (just $13/month now w/ the discount linked above) and fun. Plus, they give you $10 worth of mp3’s (full catalog) to pick from each month. So you’re pretty much getting the feeds for $3 if you have a use for mp3s (which I do).
Totally worth trying them out: