Big Brother 10 Week 1 PoV Results – Spoilers

Jerry PoV Memory Wall

Update: Yes, obviously Jessie won the Power of Veto, not Jerry, as we learned on last night’s episode. PoV competitions are performed behind closed doors, requiring speculation when the feeds are turned back on. This time when the feeds came back, no one was wearing the PoV, as is typical of past seasons. Instead, the medallion was hanging beside Jerry’s picture on the Memory Wall. Obviously, this was a false conclusion which was shared by many and unfortunately propagated here on this site as well.

The end result was the same. Jessie was saved, as reported. Brian was nominated as his replacement, as reported. Who won the PoV was ultimately irrelevant to the ceremony outcome. My apologies for the confusion.

When the Big Brother 10 premiere wrapped last night I was confident that Renny was done for. Not so fast, it would appear. With the launch of the live feeds a lot of new information has come to light.

Big Brother 10 JerryFirst up, Jerry has learned of Brian’s other alliances and that didn’t make the leader of the “X-Factor” alliance too happy. Worse news for Brian is that the winner of this week’s Power of Veto (PoV) is… Jerry.

According to The Big Brother Blog, Jessie will likely be saved by Jerry and the PoV and then be replaced by Brian in retribution. This would pose Brian against Renny come Wednesday night’s eviction with ten people voting, which means we could get a tie. Given Jerry’s current mood I think we know how he’d vote.

Things can change quickly in Big Brother 10 and with other players, like Dan, working hard to save Brian he might just survive this one after all. If you don’t want to miss a spoiler sign up for the free Big Brother 10 email updates!

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  1. So it’s the first week of the season and you’re already publishing false info…watching BB10 right now and Jerry did NOT win POV, Jessie did!

  2. It’s the first week and you’re already bitching? Sorry for the pain and suffering the rumor speculation caused you. All competitions are performed behind closed doors, so speculation based on post event details is all we have available.

    The end result was still the same. But boy, you sure showed me.

  3. Hey, who said anything about pain a suffering (not me). I’m not looking to “show” anyone. Call me crazy, but I expect spoiler sites to publish, well, spoilers.

  4. Monster, you’re right. The news that Jessie was safe and Brian was going to be his surprise nomination replacement apparently weren’t spoilers…

    Stop getting hung up on the least important aspect of the entire PoV situation. I’ve already explained what happened, so get off it.

  5. Listen Matt, I apologize if I came off as rude, I was just trying to make the point that sites like these are pointless if the information they’re giving is not correct. That being said, your sarcastic responses were just as uncalled for as my rudeness. That’s the last I’m going to say about this. Bygones. Enjoy the eviction show.

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  1. Big Brother 10 Week 1 PoV Preview - Jerry’s New Target | Big Brother 10
  2. Sweet Things Are Made Of Sticky Big Brother 10 PoVs | Big Brother 10
  3. Big Brother 10 Episode Recap - Week 2 Power of Veto Results | Big Brother 10

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