Big Brother 10 Week 1 PoV Preview – Jerry’s New Target

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Tonight on Big Brother 10 we’re going to be treated to the first Power of Veto (PoV) competition of the season, unless, that is, it’s another “vote for who you want to win”. Lucky for us, we already know how this turned out, so if you don’t want BB10 spoilers: stop reading now.

Yesterday we found out that Jerry had won the PoV, which I’ll admit surprised me. This guy could turn into a real contender if he plays his cards right. However, his decision to target Brian, his first BB10 alliance member, might not be the most strategic move. Sure, Brian told us he’d stick around as long as the deal was good, but to strike this early at Brian just because he had another alliance is only going to make folks cold to the idea of aligning with Bitter Jerry in the future.

So Jerry won the PoV, and as rumored is using it to replace Jessie with Brian. The poll here yesterday showed a 2:1 prediction that Renny would be evicted over Brian. From watching the live feeds I think we’re going to see something different happen. It sounds like Jerry will have the votes to evict Brian over Renny instead which is disappointing because Renny is anything but pleasant to watch.

Speaking of the Big Brother 10 live feeds, if you haven’t gotten on them yet they’re already getting pretty fun. Last night the group got into a discussion over who would do a nude spread and how much it’d cost to get them to do it. Keesha said she’d do it before she got on the show, but no longer. She also said she’d have done Playboy over Hustler/Penthouse because it’s classier. A few of the guys said they would, while another was adamant that he wouldn’t. Hmm, possibly trying to hide a shortcoming??

Later, Libra pulled Steven into the storage room and talked with him about what she and the other HGs are perceiving as spying. I’m not sure what triggered this, but Libra was pretty strong on the fact that they feel like he’s already reporting back details around the house. Steven repeatedly denied this and claimed it was just his personality to float and talk. Could Steven be the next target?

The uncensored feeds are live and running. Sign up now to watch the houseguests’ every move!

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  1. Yeah, you tell me Celestial! What good is spoiler info if it’s not even true..sounds like GWB’s info into Iraq’s WMD info…totally wrong!

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