Allison Grodner Talks Big Brother 10, Reveals Details

Allison Grodner

Big Brother 10 is less than two weeks away and the rumors are running wild. The latest and greatest was that we’d get the official cast reveal on July 2nd, which I’m chalking up to a confusion between Wednesdays as the planned press junket is the 9th. Thankfully we can skip rumors for the moment and go straight to facts from the woman in charge, Allison Grodner, executive producer of Big Brother. picked up a golden spoon and scooped the rest of us by getting an awesome interview with Grodner, who was gracious enough to give us more than our fair share of early reveals. The biggest highlights are that our 13 houseguests will be complete strangers and finally offer a wider range of ages and backgrounds:

“As far as the cast is concerned,” she said, “rest assured they are all strangers.”

“We have a wide range of ages this year,” she said. “There’s young, there’s old, there’s in between, there’s parents, there’s students, there’s people with white collar jobs, blue collar jobs. It’s all very different.”

I’m excited to hear that Grodner, Kass, and the rest of the BB crew has taken the fans requests for increased diversity. Big Brother has always offered more potential as a social experiment than an Abercrombie commercial and hopefully this change can support that.

Allison Grodner goes on to detail that the BB10 house is still being prepared and the houseguests haven’t even been flown out to the area yet, further disposing of the idea that we’ll get the cast details this far in advance. Hey, I’d love to be wrong though!

If you want to be notified as soon as the casting details are revealed then be sure to sign up for the free Big Brother updates you’ll get an email with the info as soon as it is released. Click here to sign-up for updates.

SirLinksaLot: Big Brother 10



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  1. Could you please get rid of the semi-nude Jen on this page? Ugghh, it’s getting annoying every time I visit this site. Don’t get me wrong,I love this site and I’m not a prude, but it’s been up there long enough. Thank You ahead of time.

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